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First a little about me. As a 30year branding and marketing veteran to fortune 50 companies, a consultant, president ial and dnc campaigns and former former business associate and friend of potus for 20 years im here to shed strategic light during the next 542 days. I will bring in thought leaders and influencers from outside politics in addition to some of your favorite political faces to break down the key strategic questions and challenges as we head into 2020. We have an amazing group. Speaking of familiar faces, i will take extra time with introductions. To my left is the great nicolle wallace, host of deadline white house, former coms director of the bush white house. I think she has become one of the most political voices of our time. People stop me on the street. They dont say, hey, donnie. They say, i love nicole, is she as nice as she seems . I say yes. She is so smart. Every man, oh, who are you talking with . I got off the phone with w. , i got off the phone with the attorney general. You break it down in a real way and you are the most beloved host on the network. And the reason you are here is because you are a friend and you wanted to come on and help me out and i love you and appreciate you. It is my twoyear anniversary this week. Is it really . I never would have had a first show if you werent a friend and champion so it is cool to be here. Thats not true, but thank you. As nice as she seems, she is even nicer as opposed to rick stengel. The reason he is here, you have what i call the buttigieg resume. Road scholar, princeton graduate. Obvious manager editor, former state Department Official and you worked with mandela on his autobiography. Thats kind of thats buttigieg type stuff. Talk about the real reason you have me here. What is that . Im older than you. Don galloway, founder of the National Voter protection fund. I saw you on matthews show. I said this guy is sharp. I love you come from missouri politics. You are an attorney. We have a lot of legal stuff to talk about tonight so i appreciate you taking the time. Thank you for having me. Im a kid from matthew dickeys boy club sitting here with nicole dallas and a roads scholar. What a time. As a tip of my hat to former friend donald trump, we have built a wall. The political wall. We will go through the Building Blocks of the wall throughout the show as a roadmap to wrap up the weeks top stories. First topic, hey, don, its the economy stupid. Trump usually cant stay on message. Remember a thriving economy is an incumbents best friend. If he stays on message, will the dems have the right counter punch . Every time a foreign leader, a president , a prime minister, a king, a queen, a dictator we have some of them, too. Every time they come into the office they say, congratulations on what you have done for this economy. It is the hottest on earth. Nicole, let me start with you. The dems are, i feel from theyre nervous. He will get on message at some point, but i have a theory that the dems have a good punch back, that there are two economies. The way to do it is you say thats your economy, yes, with 3. 6 unemployment, lowest in 50 years, gdp at 3 . Our economy, a handful of facts, three in ten americans dont think theyre financially healthy, the tax cuts obviously helped the rich, real wage growth is flat and same as 50 years ago, half of the workers in the country earn understand 31,000 a year. The minimum wage is still 7. 50. There are 500,000 health care bankruptcies a year. The farmers, nobody is participating in the stock market. How do the dems frame that to really, really say, no, no, not our economy . So, joe bidens first rally was in pittsburgh and i think he got this part of it right, and obviously it is a message any one of them could probably deliver, but he did it the most effectively as far as ive seen on the trail. So he said to this loud, raucous rally, he said, the stock market is booming. They didnt cheer, but they had to absorb that because obviously thats thats, i guess to Donald Trumps credit. He said, do you feel it . The room exploded. Right. As far as a former political messenger, the best, most salient messenger are the ones that are true, and thats the truest thing you can say about this economy. Is the stock market booming . You betcha. Do you feel it . Most people dont. So, rick, thats one framing. Is there one of those issues i mentioned that to you is more of a hot button than others . You know the one to me thats a hot button is social mobility. America was once the land of social mobility. People could move up in classes. They aspired to be someone like donald trump. Social mobility is at a 50year low in america. Even if the stock market is booming, the stock market is not the economy. This discrepancy between the haves and the have notes is getting wider. When biden says that and the people in the audience go the stock market is booming and they cheer, it is because it doesnt affect them, doesnt impinge on them and people are not able to move up the ladder, which is the thing that truly made America Great and it is not happening now. You can tell which one of us wrote political speeches and which one of us is the rhodes scholar. Has the advanced degree. Don, it is interesting. I think going back to 18, looking to 20, it is not the economy, stupid. It is health care stupid. I dont think you can separate health care and the economy. They are one and the same to a big chunk of the country. You absolutely cant. You see the president with these continuously duplicitously statement. He goes out and says we will be the party of health care, we will protect preexisting con conditions, believe me. When he says that we should be on alert. Last week they filed bills in the senate to gut the remainder of obamacare which is primarily preexisting condition coverage. As to ricks point, the average household in boston is worth 8. I have to point out there is a dramatic disparity between families of color, particularly in highpriced urban areas in terms of net worth and how were experiencing the economy and what the president says is booming. But even if you want to take it again to the corporate macro level, lets be very clear. This president has thrown the economy into dramatic uncertainty with these tariffs that have just absolutely no connection with market realities and is pushing them again 18 months after a series of the last tariffs. We import a lot of goods from china, and this is not the way to make an economic statement to push us forward. Tariffs, what people need to understand is all of a sudden when you walk into walmart it is an extra hundred bucks and it could cost 300,000 jobs. You know, rick, trump, to him it is just lets do this. Yes. If people just realized tariff means a tax on you, theyre putting increased costs on the manufacturer. We buy billions and billions and billions of dollars more of products from china than china buys from us. A tariff on their products means you are paying more for everything. And im going to take the job of dumbing down everything rick says. No, no, dont steal my credential. In terms of having it i mean it disproportionately affects the middle class and low income people. When stuff is more expensive at walmart, to be fair it doesnt affect us. It disproportionately affects middle class and low income families. I want to get back, we have to go to the wall. I like saying my wall announcements. Trumps tax troubles. He was americas loser to the tune of a billion bucks over a decade. The new york ags new subpoena for state returns might reveal more recent and damaging tax news for trump. How do the dems make the tax stuff stick . As far as the state, if you get the state, rick, you see what is going on. They mirror each other. But theres a lot to pick at there. Is it that hes a fraud . Is it that he pays no taxes . Is it that theres 50 million of Interest Income that nobody knows where it came from . Once again so much of what i always want to do on the show is how do we twist it back to the voter . How does that matter to a voter . Well, it matters im trying to be for general. No, no, we have rules here. Midwest attorney, rohdes scholar, really smart, dumbed down. He is trying to sell himself as this fantastic entrepreneurially businessman. The New York Times has been exceptional in the reporting they have done. Not only did he lose a billion dollars over the ten years, the story they did where he inherited the equivalent of 400 million from his father, if he put it in an index fund in the stock market he would be wealthier than he is now. His whole persona is a lie in the way he sells himself to his voters. How about his voters go, yeah, he beats the system, hes smart. Theres a weird dynamic with him with some very, very economically challenged people that the very people he is exploiting somehow celebrate him. It is a bizarre psychological twist. There is a fine line in this country between tax avoidance and tax evasion, and to some degree all of us try to participate in some degree of tax avoidance. We try to lessen our tax burden every year and we pay accountants to do that. But the fundamental thing about the story is that it flies in the face of him being a business success. However, that doesnt matter to the midwestern voter, to the rust belt voter. What matters to them is that he will protect against the other ism of american, the browning, the women taking power. As long as he bashes ilhan omar and aoc on twitter once a month or however much they need, they dont care he has been a dramatic business failure. You all knew this, we talked about it. For a long time. It is not a secret or Rocket Science to see this guy has been a dramatic business failure, but as long as he is willing to oppress certain folks these people in the midwest think are encroaching on their territory, they will be okay. Nicole, obviously day in and day out we are following mueller and russia, i think the real dirty gem is the russian money that is going to come out. The question is other than Deutsche Bank where is he getting his money from. Donald trump is a man obsessed with the size of his hands. Turns out if one thing is fake let me be the girl in the bar. If your hair is fake and your hand size is something that gets under your skin and your well it turns out to be fake, you are taking up residence inside Donald Trumps head in a way that could be devastating that has nothing to do whether or not you give to charity, nothing to do with whethre the money came from. It is the time and energy he spend on his hairdo, the time and energy he spends defending the size and performance of his hands as he did in the debate with marco rubio. This stuff is uncomfortable but matters to him. If im a democratic strategist i want to understand what matters to him. The size of things matters to him. You understand pelosi, she really gets it. Speaking of which, trump pelosi, im supposed to read it differently. Pelosis winning trump card. Theres one firm, calm democratic voice that seems to rise above others and one for which the president has no answer. Could that voice be the dems quest for the white house in 2020. One, the republicans have one voice. It is a vial voice but consistent. Now you have 20 voices. I see for the first time in a president ial election i can remember there is an over arching voice to use. She is so Pitch Perfect in her calm, in her strength. Trump does not punch back at her. Her message about impeachment is right. She is right on, and to me as much as she can be front and center as the antitrump, thats a real, real great kind of running mate to whoever is running. I would say she has been surfing the trump zeitgeist better than anybody. She has been Pitch Perfect and it helps the Democratic Candidates because she takes a lot of flack and she can absorb it while they have more of a free rein which is a good thing. Don, what is interesting is you never see trump crisply lose, because he comes from the school of even when i luose, i won. Thats what he was taught. She nailed it, made it his shut down, he lost big l. I think it was a real turn in the American People to say, hey, she has got the kind of bobbing and weaving we might need. She does, and i would like to juxtapose her with the counterpart in the senate. Who is the minority leader of the house right now . You dont know. The average american doesnt know it is kevin mccarthy. The parallel here is that Chuck Schumer is not as powerful a voice as mitch mcconnell. Mitch mcconnell is completely dominating the narrative in the senate in a way that Chuck Schumer has been really relegated to not being a stronger voice. Nancy pelosi is the unifying voice of the democratic party. When she stepped out and put the shades on and that beautiful orange coat, a new boss arrived in town. She has dominated. Nicole, here is what she also gets. The 40 districts the dems won were down the middle district, not aocs district. She says it. She is not afraid of it. She reminds the party, hey, kids kids, literally and figuratively thats not the answer, winning a district in the bronx. The answer is the suburban districts we took back last year. I think thats right. I think mommy, if you look around the corner, i agree with everything thats been said about her. I think she has been remarkable. I think her challenge as 2020 heats up is that she has the Progressive Side of the Democratic Base would like to see the president impeached. Well, once again, i will say it for the last time. Step away from impeachment. Thats what he wants. Do not give it to him. Still ahead, don jr. s subpoena surprise. The Republicancontrolled Senate subpoenaed its first trump Family Member, setting off a standoff with the president s son. Later, i will talk to my main man jim cramer from mad money about the escalating trade war with china and how top ceos feel about the president and the economy. You are watching saturday night politics. E job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. That we just hit the motherlode of softserve ice cream . I got cones, anybody wants one oh, yeah get ya some no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Ed ed we struck sprinkles [cheers] believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Welcome back to saturday night politics. Im Donny Deutsche. Lets get back to the wall. Vote conservative, elect a democrat. Tom freeman, brilliant New York Times column this week calls out a single strategy for the dems to reclaim the white house. Find the last great conservative standing. Nicole, i have to start with you. Im going to read just two sentences. We need a republican that will do the most highminded patriotic thing i can imagine today, fall on the trump grenade. Run against trump from the right in the national election, i say a libertarian to oppose trump for the tariffs, piling up the debt, his immorality. You come from the world of compassionate conservatism. What is stunning that we talk about all the time is every conservative tenet whether it is free trade, whether it is being tough on geopolitical enemies, whether it is a fiscal responsibility, he just flaunts that. Freeman points out if somebody can stand up brave on the right side and get 2 or 3 of the vote, thats it, game over. Is there if you could right now call the playbook and say, wow, if that person ever stood up and as freeman said, took a grenade for trump, i would say be a hero for the country, who would that ideal person be . Friedman is brilliant columnist, brilliant writer, brilliant reporter. This is fiction. Not only is there not a republican that would fall why . Theres not a republican that could stand a mean tweet. The republicans i mean they are the party of cowards. The idea there will be one that will land on a grenade, theres not one that can stomach a tweet. Let me just say that this is a fantasy. If they think republicans dont sit around bars in realtime and talk about what wusses republicans are, the idea someone would fall on a grenade when they cant stomach a mean tweet from trump. Im not talking about someone running from office. Im not talking about that either. Theres not a republican, man or woman in the country, that can handle a mean tweet from donald trump. Don rumsfeld set it and im tom friedman criticized, you go to war with the army you have got. As it is right now, theres not one republican that can stomach a mean tweet from donald trump. Wow. Boy, i tell you, republicans nicole just called you out. Don. It is trumps party. You know, i know that there are classy and Country Club Republicans that still stand for the right things, but it is trumps party. There are ten of them. There are ten. First of all as a practical matter it has to be someone with a platform. You have marco rubio or ben sasse sound sensible, but they know they would sacrifice themselves in their next primary. Rick, in 30 seconds, i understand the cowardice of people in office or running for office. Isnt there a statesman im not thinking about who 10, 12 years ago would come forward and make that it is such an obvious, heroic path with no down side if youre not running for office. I agree. But trump will become the end of the republican party. It has absolutely no values or nothing it stands for. After him, what does being a republican mean . Thats the problem. Don trump jr. s surprise subpoena. He is the first trump Family Member to be subpoenaed. Will this be the president s emotional red line . Rick, we know the family as you get closer to him, it is a hot button, particularly if you get near his daughter. This is one more example of lawlessness. We will talk about overall lawlessness in the next segment. What i am so frustrated as i come on this Network Everyday and i watch the news and now one more trumpian, no, i wont do anything, i will take the fifth or i wont show up, or not only will i not show up i will thumb my nose at you. Logistically at this point is there any playbook . Well, to go back to the last question, senator burr is a standup guy by saying, hey, im the republican chairman of the intelligence committee. Im subpoenaing this guy. The thing that we may see in a positive way and i have talked about it a lot on your show is that people in washington are sbu institutionalists. Theyre protective of the institution. You might have republican senators who go, he is encroaching on the power of the senate, the legislative branch, we need to do something about that and protect it. Theres where you might see wiggle room where people will go against trump like senator burr. Nicole, i had a thesis on the show last week that beyond trump as we know is somewhat bullet proof, he is surrounded by such an unsavory i call them swamp things, whether it is stephen miller, sarah sanders, don trump jr. , whether it is rudy giuliani. Does the voting populace start to move where it is not trump now, it is others above the law, theres not the executive privilege, the grand poobah in chief, just like us magazine, he is like you and i. Is that fantasy . Well, were going to test you know, trump is super teflon to all of the normal attacks, the normal politician couldnt say the things he says about women, the racist things he says, couldnt be above the law. Normal politician would have been thrown out like 37 scandals ago. We will test now with the subpoena for his son whether it transfers to his family. I think we dont know. Rick . I think the people see i dont know. You know, the line about the best people. He has literally the worst people around him. He has nobody that will actually go in the administration and i think at some point i am hoping that the American People will go, gee, he surrounds himself with people that are so low rent, you know, hes low rent, too. Obviously the two issues that they want to call him back on is obviously the trump tower meeting and also him saying he pretty much had nothing to do with the building of the moscow tower, which Michael Cohen said to me and in front of congress, he spoke to him at least ten times about. I guess my question, as a lawyer if at the end of the day it is a he said she said, they still wont get him on perjury even if he was going to come forward, which he is not. You wont get him on perjury. As with most of the stuff, this is about managing democrats expectations. Lets not get too excited. At best if he appears before the Senate Intelligence committee, it will potentially be in a closed session and he will take the fifth throughout. At the end of the day, his dad is still the head of the department of justice. Congress has no mechanism to did you hear what he said . His dad is the head of the department of justice. His dad is head of the department. And congress has no mechanism to enforce the law. It is a good transition into what i call donald the lawless. Like katherine the great, donald the lawless. How many constitutional norms can be destroyed before it becomes a pivotal issue for voters in 2020. Nicole, im a believer i will talk about it a little in my editorial that the danger for the democrats is getting caught up in the weeds of these versus wrapping it all together and tying it to health care and tying it to taxes and say there are two systems of laws here. It is not about obstruction. It is not about barr. Cumulatively to the American Public theres a gut thing in here that says, no, we kind of need laws here . Well, i think the message or what you want to communicate around the laws is it is there for everybody but him. So in the time of trump, i have to follow the law. You have to follow the law. His voters have to follow the law. His voters have to pay their taxes. Not only pay them, they have to pay them on time. He doesnt do any of those things. I agree it is cumulative, but i think we overcomplicated this. Robert mueller found he broke the law, the law saying you cant obstruct an investigation ten times. He didnt say he was innocent, he didnt commit a crime. I think voters are smart. They know at the end of the Mueller Investigation there were 140 contacts with russians and ten crimes committed around obstruction of justice. Now, he had an ally. He doesnt need a dad to run the justice department, he has uncle barr doing it. But i think that we have to treat voters like theyre smart. We always did. I think when he stands for reelection, if the democrats and people say, why do they put it on the democrats. Because it is all we have left. I just told you what i think of the republicans. Democrats are all we have left. If they cant find a way to articulate lawlessness in a way theres only one family and it is what jim comey described. He talked about them as a mob family. They run this country as though they are a mob family. Nicole, you know i said many times on this show i think it ends up with trump and the family being ricod in the southern district. Speaking of mueller, the difference that mueller can do at this point, the country has not read the mueller report. If at the end of the day theres a 12 second sound bite of a real american, of a hero, of an fbi guy, a vietnam vet saying, yes, he broke the law, hes asked by congress, that takes it to a place that none of the paperwork has, that none of the bar has, that none of the obstruction has. We are a visual society. We are a television society. Thats the 30second produced moment that donald trump fears. And mueller should testify. I worry that he will not be able to have the tensecond sound bite. Why . Look, im im on a committee and i say, we know you could not charge we know the doj guidelines. As a lawyer, did donald trump break the law . What he could say is essentially what he said in the report, saying if he had not been president of the United States we would have indicted him for obstruction of justice which he committed. But to your point, what mueller will communicate, people will see him and see recollect tuesdarecollect rectitude, honorableness, contrast it with donald trump who represents the opposite of all of that. Mueller being up there himself, a war hero, a person who has just always toed the line in the most honorable way, people will get it immediately. I think were in the weeds, yall. If i could take it back to miss your issy a missouri and alabama, theres a held belief that criticism of donald trump is a conspiracy between democrats, mainstream republicans and mainstream media. Thats what so many think and why his Approval Rating is 46 right now. To your point, the way dictators come aboard, they find enough people unhappy with their lot in life, it is not your fault, it is the brown guys, the muslims fault, you have to look in the mirror and say, my life sucks, no pun intended. After the break, mad moneys jim cramer tells us what ceos think of the president. I have known the president for decades. You have to watch a younger Donny Deutsch on the second episode of the apprentice, season one, me and the president. Hello, folks. How are we doing. Are we set . There he is. Good to see you. Good to see you. This is Donny Deutsch of the deutsch agency. Best there is. You guys ready to, would and learn about advertising . Come on. Lets go. Lets go, donny. Okay. Oh, man. 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So its a daunting task. Oh i love it. Its a great razor. It has that fence in the middle. It gives a nice smooth shave. Just stopping that irritation. That burn that i get is really life changing. Roxana when i got into teaching, it was this idea of really transforming our schools. Marisa one of my biggest responsibilities as a teacher is to serve as an advocate for my kids. Newscaster hundreds of teachers are hitting the picket lines. Newscaster thousands gathered here. Rosanne we need smaller class sizes. Angelia more counselors and more nurses. Roxana we have to be able to invest in our young people. Angelia every student has a right to quality education. Ever no matter what neighborhood you live in. Roxana our students dont have parttime needs, so they cant have parttime solutions. Rodney because we know quality public schools. Roxana make a better california. Marisa for all of us. Welcome back to saturday night politics. I am truly thrilled to have the great jim cramer, host of cnbcs longrunning hit mad money joining us. So it is truly a privilege for myself and my viewers to have him coming off a week that started with robust jobs and Growth Numbers followed by obviously a roller coaster stock market, reflecting the president s escalating trade war with china. Thank you, my friend. Oh, my. One more on the introduction, one of the best guys around. We go way back. We do. When you have a show larry cudlow, of course, i subd in for him and we got to be good friends. Thank you for being here. And i asked you to be my sub because you are a person that has so many dimensions. Thank you. Bru tut the biggest dimensio the size of your heart. Youre a good man. I love having you here because so much Going Forward is about main street, wall street. Two economies. You are talking to main street, trying to help make money but you are listening to wall street. The first question about that, i ran into our old friend jack, former chairman of ge. He is a trumper. He knows im an antitrumper. First thing he says to me, how about those numbers. I knew he was talking about the economic numbers, and i said, yes, but about trump. He said, how about those numbers. You talk to ceos and there are the Jamie Dimon Ceos that see things. Do you get a guy like welsh looking at the numbers or shareholder value or theres another thing going on as they see trump and some of the, to say the least, less trump i find it is the following donny. I know hate him or love him, the numbers are good. So in other words they dont know where you are coming from. It is always hate him or love him. They want a caveat they dont say i hate him or say i love him, but they do say the numbers are really good. When you get a 3. 6 gdp growth, you get 6 unemployment, unbelievable. You start to, well, when was it like it . In 1969, guns and butter, terrible inflation. I think that people dont want anymore to say, it is luck or it is obama. They will say, hey, listen, i dont know, you may think he is the worst guy in the world, you may love him, but, wow, the numbers. Lets talk about the numbers. In one of the early segments i talked about a strategy for the dems is let him own his economy and paint the other. The tax cut did not help the little guy. It only helped the corporations. Talk to me about that economy. There are two economies. Right. I think that the way that i would run and put it another way is that theres the the met gala economy which feels like the winter palace. Yes. It feels very much like very late czarist russia, and then theres everybody else. I think that the ceos make a huge amount of money. Elizabeth warren knows how to tell the story. Are disliked tremendously. You have to go with the, we want everyone to make money but not that much money as opposed to trump who says we want everyone to make money. You have to put that caveat. Donny, if you dont slam that 200 million a year executive, i think people think you are heartless. Yes. All right. Obviously a big week. Obviously trump takes it up yesterday to 25 . A lot of people seem to think that he truly has, like with so many other issues, does not have his hands on the wheel. Talk to us about what that does to our economy. Okay. Well, the good news is that we are only able to export about 150 billion to them, theyre sending 550 billion. So we can slap higher tariffs on them and it does hurt them more than us, but theres ideological split in a way. There are people, my old friend larry kudlow, they want to do more trade. Thats what conservatives and republicans normally do. Theres another group that just says, this is 1947, you know, theyre the soviet union, we must contain them. By the way, if you look at a speech that was given at the beginning of october of last year by Vice President pence, it was it could have been about stalin. Yes. Versus truman. Where we are right now is this one very hardline group in the white house is saying these guys in 2025, they want to beat us militarily, they want to beat us economically, and they want us to be a second rate country and we have to stop them now. Jim, if im a guy, i am living outside of pittsburgh, i am working for a living, i am at the rallies and going, yeah, we got to get that, you go get china, how is that affecting my life . Right now they just see numbers on tv, 10 , 25 . Take me to the next six months his life with tariffs. It is not that bad because the retailers have to eat typically have to eat that so to speak. You really believe that . Yes, im frepdly with the guy i will give you an example. The dollar tree has thousands of stores. He is not going to call it the dollar ten tree. You are telling me the guy running macys theyre going to try. Next week they will try. They will say were cutting deals, sourcing different places. A lot of the people are frantically trying to source away from china. There will be other places where restoration hardware, higher end, they will say we have to take the china stuff, they make it terrifically. But many of the executives in america trying to make deals with the chinese to move some of it outside of china, but also for the chinese to eat some of it and our companies to do it. Look, when you have walmart versus amazon, donny, they cant afford to raise prices. Yes. Because if one raises prices the other will take share. Thats why were in a deflation. Trump is very lucky, very lucky. But you are also walmart and if you are taking prices down and all of a sudden your business hurts and you have to layoff workers. Finally before we go, we predicated on theres a roaring economy, still 20 months away from election. You dont have a crystal ball, nobody does. There are really some kind of starting to see some frayed edges that you could see. Predict as best as you can as the great one, as the mad money king, where is our economy in 2020 . I think this economy is still going to be pretty strong. Even 11, 12 years into this . And it is because we dont have a lot of inflation, so the Federal Reserve is not going to raise rates. The Federal Reserve is the one that can destroy the economy, not the president. Hate him or love him. Jim, you are the best. All right. You probably have the gun smoke or the longest running show on can you believe it . Do you know i have done 3,000 shows, donny . By the way, if you are c i mean an msnbc viewer, you are always watching politics, phil griffin is going to get it, once in a while switch over. This guy even if you are not into wall street, it frames things in such a way. You can see him frame it on cnbc at 6 00 p. M. Eastern. Thank you for being here. Im honored to be your early shows. We will go through the week in politics, saturday night politics continues after the break. E safely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . music throughout noso lets promote ourke Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this surfs up. Earn a fiftydollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or. Badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com my copd medicine. Thats why ive got the power of 1 2 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123. Trelegy 123 trelegy. With trelegy and the power of 1 2 3, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. Open airways,. Keep them open. And reduce inflammation. 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He said if donald trump was no longer president he could be indicted for the crimes. Rick stengel. The wisdom of crowds who said that the White House Press office called them the red sox, rrchl red socks. The sloppiest white house in american history. The hero . People on the internet that spotted this. I love that. Got it. Time magazine cover. Don. Kendrick castillo, just a few days away from graduation out of suburban Denver High School who jumped in front of a gunman and saved lives in the process. We have to stop putting our kids in the way of doing this. My hero is richard burr who was doing his job on oversight. Nicole . Rob rosenstein left his job this week as Deputy Attorney general of the United States. He started out two years ago, the same time period, offering to wear a wire for the 25th amendment based on what he saw with donald trump. In his last public appearance as Deputy Attorney general he quoted donald trump on the rule of law and was the decisive vote with attorney general barr with doing what mueller wouldnt do, exxon ratting donald trump in the russia investigation. Stengel. The u. S. Trade rep, robert hicer that knows that tariffs are an obstructionist practice that will hurt the American Voter but he mouths the same wrong stuff his president does. Don, zero. Less theyre zero, state senator bryan hughes of texas which will take more than three people to vote in texas. It will have a Voter Suppression effect throughout the state of texas. I tell you, democrats, it wont matter who we nominate if we do not fix Voter Suppression in states that matter. It has been rampant in this year. My hero was burr, my zero is barr. Nothing new with him, but the scariest development in all of the lawlessness that happened with inhouse attorney general. Guys, nicole, rick, don, appreciate you guys coming out. It means a lot for you guys to be here. Fun stuff. Up next, my take on the message the democrats need to win in 2020. Dont go anywhere. What is that . Uh mine, why . Its just that its. Lavender. Yes it is, its for men but i like the smell of it laughs its toughcold turkey. King so chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. 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There is one and only one objective before the democrats. That is beat trump. Let me say it again. Beat trump. Thats it. Period. Biden seems to be the first candidate to understand and articulate this and is clearly the frontrunner. Thats the what. We all got it. Now the how. The strategy. As democrat hopefuls take their places around what president obama called the circular firing squad ill remind all participants they have the one shared goal beat trump so whether its hard bernie left or biden center none of the issues or policy you care about will matter if they dont beat trump. Its incumbent upon the democrats particularly during a time of ongoing investigations, a president operating above the law partnered with an in house attorney general committing obvious acts of obstructions and lawlessness that such constitutionally Critical Issues are dealt with but in concert with the Overall Mission of beating trump. Problem for the next year, republicans have one loud unified voice. Its vile but unified. The democrats of course, 20 voices, 20 varying policy platforms, 20 varying voter blocs. How do the dems bring together a voice that talks Kitchen Table issues but keeps an eye on a pending constitutional crisis yet allows each candidate to do their thing. Heres what you do. You find one emotional motivational truth that transcends all messages. My inspiration for finding that truth . Aunt becky. Thats right. Aunt becky from full house. Lori loughlin, the lovely aunt becky will show the democrats the way. Heres why. The College Cheating scandal caught americas attention in a deep emotional way like few stories i can remember. Why is that . Because it was a simple human, relatable truth about how the system is rigged. Youve heard that before. Is rigged for the entitled powerful and rich against the average, hard working american. The system is rigged for them not you hard working americans even when it comes to college. This is the way the democrats should lens every issue Going Forward. A megablue ribbon to wrap every policy and issue in a human, emotional winning bow. Lets see how wide it can take us. Take mueller, barr, the a. G. Held in contempt of congress and obvious case of obstruction of justice by the president. In the heat of the moment now but as frightening as it is voters will not vote based on mueller or barr or russia or obstruction. Theyre just not going to. So the conundrum do democrats walk away from a constitutional crisis and shake their heads at a lawless white house . Heck no. It must be wrapped in a blue ribbon that matters to the average, hard working american that even the legal system is rigged for the rich and powerful. They dont operate under the same laws as you. This president , his in house attorney general and others of wealth and power seem to operate under different laws than the average, hard working american. Mueller reports and barr dont matter in wisconsin. Two systems of laws do. The tax system is rigged for the rich and powerful. Trump and his cronies screw the average citizen in stunning fashion. Twothirds of the tax benefits went to rich and large corporations. 60 large corporations paid zero tax. Even got tax cuts. The average american didnt see a change in the tax refunds. Think about a rigged system of wealth. This is stunning. Three individual americans, three single humans, have more wealth than 50 of the bottom half of americans combined. Three people. More than half of the bottom of this country. One of those is bezos. Guess what . Amazons tax bill . Zero. The message the system is rigged for them not you. The Healthcare System is rigged. Trumps budget looks to rip a hundred billion in medicare benefits over the next decade. Trump and his rich cronies want to abolish obamacare with nothing to replace it and leave 20 million americans without insurance. The system is rigged so the rich and powerful stay wealthy. Average american not so much. Trump got elected by a false narrative saying they or them. He said they. Nonwhites, mexicans, muslims, are going to hurt you. The real they that threatens americans is the rich and powerful who rig the system against them. The dems message must be america cannot be great again until america is yours again. Make america fair again. And thats the way to beat trump. So, democrats, whether youre bernie pitching single pay universal health care, warren running on a health tax or mayor pete running on service wrap all the messages with one bigger voice. The blue ribbon of a rigged system. Thats the way for the dems to beat trump and that does it for us tonight. Our sunday night politics. Ill be back next week 8 00 p. M. Eastern. Follow the show on twitter at snp msnbc. And sure to visit our show page. See you next week. Have a great one. grunti g ill take that. cheering 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar ensure. For strength and energy. 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