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Will revise his travel ban executive order after the chaotic rollout of the first version. On tuesday, the president went to the Smithsonians National museum of africanamerican history, where he couldnt help himself from bragging about the margin of his election win in former slave states. Wednesday, trump repealed the transgender bathroom laws put in by the Obama Administration. Then on friday, he took a victory lap as he delivered a speech to his supporters at the annual conservative Political Action conference. And just last night, trump announces that he will not take part in this years white house Correspondents Dinner, a move that comes amid increasingly hostile relations between the media and the white house. And thats where we start this morning. Joining me now to make sense of all that, former chairman of the rnc and now an msnbc analyst, Michael Steele, and liz plank, Senior Correspondent for vox. Com. Thank you both for being here. Thank you. Good morning. Let me start with you, michael. The white house Correspondents Dinner, big event, people that fight and attack and take shots at each other all year kind of sit there yeah. And break bread together. The president is able to, whoever the sitting president is, to give his jokes off on the media. This is unprecedented for a president not to go. And the funds goes to scholarships. This benefits kids. It does, although president s dont necessarily go every year of their four years. I think they typically try to go that first year, though. But i think your opening set the tone for this. There is hostility between this white house and the press, largely pushed and measured by this white house. And so, it would make sense then for him not to go to the biggest, you know, correspondents event of the year and sort of take that opportunity to actually bring that temperature down, and thats unfortunate. I think the white house Correspondents Dinner is a real opportunity for the president to do that, but i think this has something to do as much with not just current tensions but what happened the last time he was there and was humiliated by president obama in that space. For me, i think it would be a chance to sort of come back and just kind of go at it, but thats not how trump looks at this. Its very personal for him in some respects. So, it will be interesting to see if the Vice President goes in his stead. Well wait and see how that plays out, but i think its a missed opportunity. Liz, i mean, this battle with the press. First of all, is it healthy for the country . Lets put aside President Trumps charges or the medias countercharges. Is it healthy for the country for the president of the United States to be selective on who hes going to talk to in terms of bringing in the White House Press secretarys office, and to just keep every opportunity, taking shots by name at members of the media, rather than deal with the issues that the people of this country need to deal with . Absolutely. And i think lets be clear, what should be worrying americans is that donald trump is not going after bad journalism, hes going after good journalism. He, on friday, his administration banned five outlets from a press briefing, and those five outlets happen to be the five outlets who have done investigative, original reporting on his ties to russia. So, hes not going after breitbart, who, you know, whose articles claim that women are made crazy and unattractive by birth control, or that, you know, some articles deny even the existence of climate change. Hes going after outlets who do source, have sources inside the white house, and who are finding things that donald trump want us to know about. And so, not going to the whft Correspondents Dinner comes to no surprise. A lot of journalists were already going to boycott the event anyways. Hes very sensitive. He doesnt do well when people dont applaud, when he doesnt have an audience that agrees with him, so im not surprised or shocked that hes not going to be going. Michael, when the president sends these kinds of signals, doesnt it reduce him to appear in pity i mean, you won, youre in the white house, youre the head of the free world. Why are you going through these backandforwards with reporters on stories . I mean, you and i have been in public life and have taken our shots. Yep. And i mean, its part of being in public life. Hes the president , the ultimate public life position. Yeah, no, rev, i have to agree with you. And i think it does go to the idea of that he doesnt like it unless theres applause, and thats unfortunate. Look, you are the president. You have an opportunity not only through the bully pulpit of the presidency, but to set the tone for your administration, for the country, and to be the bigger person in a lot of situations, and this is one of them with the Correspondents Dinner. I understand, correspondents are going to boycott, let them boycott. Just go and have a good time. Dont take it as a personal affront and avoid the opportunity to shame them a little bit, to let them appear to be the petty ones in this particular instance. But thats not how he looks at it, and i think its been an unfortunate tonesetting from the beginning of this administration to sort of pick these fights, and it sort of gets the policy down in the mud, it gets personalities and personnel certainly, cabinet officials are trying to clean up after some of these conversation and some of the tweets. So, it does rest at the president s desk, and i think they need to do more in the white house to help him control that better and to avoid some of the things that theyve gotten into unnecessarily. Now, when we deal with the principles of the country, i mean, the constitution, liz freedom of the press i think that some people have said, wait a minute, this borders on, if not crosses the line absolutely. On how youre going to censure the press and how youre going to find favor in how they cover you and youre going to isolate and even put off those that dont. I mean, this is deeper than just this last round of a Correspondents Dinner or the white house briefing. Absolutely. And as a person who covered his campaign for a year and a half, i can tell you im not surprised by any of this. Its a continuation of his relationship with the press. And he likes using the press when it works for him, but he doesnt like to be accountable to the press. And i think that this doesnt only bother democrats or people who oppose donald trump. I think it bothers conservatives. During his speech at cpac, he spent the first 15 minutes of his speech only talking about the media. Yeah. And going after this fake news. By name. I mean, naming certain outlets. Exactly. And naming certain newspapers. Absolutely. And it was interesting. People were cheering and some woman yelled fake news and everyone applauded. But there was this confused applause. I think a lot of people were waiting for him to talk about jobs, were waiting to talk about policy, what hes actually going to do for them. And while hes talking about the media, going at war with the media, hes not serving the american people. You know, michael, you mentioned that he didnt like that he had become the butt of president obamas jokes, but hes the president now. Right. Hed be the main speaker, the main attraction, if he were to go to the Correspondents Dinner. But aside from that, when you have a week as i just opened with, where youve done things like come with a new executive action on deportation, where youre dealing with things like going to the africanamerican History Museum and making his statements on race that many of us have real questions about, when you deal with his dealing with the whole question of transgender rights, why would you end the week getting in an argument over a Correspondents Dinner . Shouldnt he be addressing the substantive things . You have town Hall Meetings with people in your party where hundreds, if not thousands, of people are coming out worried about their health care. Yeah, i mean, that goes to the main point here. You know, i see the Correspondents Dinner as a distraction, but quite honestly, from a policy standpoint, for a lot of his base and for a lot of conservatives and republicans around the country, this was a week where he laid down again some markers, and they like that this administration is doing that, that we can have a big discussion on the degree to which you support or not support or think its good or bad policy, which is really the space we want to be occupying at this point after 18 months of, you know, just straightup campaigning. But to lizs point about this campaign mode, thats the mode hes most comfortable in. Thats the mode in which he does his best and most communication. And now they still seem to have a problem transitioning into a consistent, ongoing policy discussion, not just on the topic of health care or transgender bathrooms or whatever the issue happens to be, but even more broadly, into foreign policy, into the economy, into jobs and how thats all connected, because it is. And a lot of americans want to know, does he see those connections the way they do . And what is he going to do about them . All right, im going to have to leave it there. Thank you, Michael Steele and liz plank. Thanks, rev. Thanks. Coming up, now that the democrats have picked a new chairman, he has to deal with the elephant in the room. Thats next on politics nation. Aybe it was here, when you hit 300,000 miles. Or here, when you walked away without a scratch. Maybe it was the day your baby came home. Or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. Every subaru is built to earn your trust. Because we know what youre trusting us with. Subaru. 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That winner is tom perez, who was a secretary of labor under president obama. And now perez will have to define a vision of how to counter Donald Trumps administration while outlining the democrats agenda. One of the candidates, Jamie Harrison, chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party, dropped out of the race to endorse the eventual winner, tom perez. And Jamie Harrison joins me now. Thank you for joining me, jamie. Tell me, what are the challenges that tom perez faces . We have a president who has clearly set a different type of tone. We have a majority republican senate, a majority republican house, and statehouses all over the country. So, its an uphill battle for democrats, to say the least. How does tom perez put his arms around this to put a strategy together to deal with this landscape . Well, first and foremost, rev, thank you so much for having me on. Thank you also for coming down to South Carolina recently to say words for our dear, departed friend, representative joe neel. We really appreciated that. Thank you. It was comforting for the family, so thank you. As it relates to the challenges the Democratic Party faces, listen, theres a lot of optimism. Tom perez is a progressive, a strong progressive who is a fighter. And he is really going to galvanize our forces on the democratic side. The one thing that we have to do very early on is we have to build capacity in state parties. When we think about why were in the situation were in, part of that is because weve allowed state parties for the past decade or so to really, to fall apart. We havent poured the resources into those parties so that they can go out and do the grassroots operations that are so important to get voters educated, mobilized, and to the polls. And so, he invests into state parties, we will start to take that next step forward in order to rebuild the party. Isnt the challenge that were dealing with gerrymandered seats, and a lot of the congressional seats are going to be difficult unless the Democratic Party can really get a real, strong grassroots operation and talk to people that often have not heard the message of the Democratic Party . Isnt that the challenge . That is a great challenge, rev. Listen, political gerrymandering is probably one of the greatest threats to our democracy right now. You basically have drawn these districts into a way in which youre only talking to 20 or 30 of the population in that district. We have to change that. So, thats something long term that president obama and attorney general holder are going to work on to find some solutions. At the same time, the Democratic Party has to transform itself. We have to stop being this Political Organization that basically goes out and just begs for votes every two or four years and become a Community Organization that is working on a Grassroots Level in order to help people solve the issues that theyre dealing with on a daytoday basis. We have to start showing and stop telling. We tell people a lot about were fighting for them, but weve got to start showing them that thats what were doing. And if we can do those things, we will be well on the path for 2018 to make gains in the house, protect our seats in the senate, and hopefully, make some gains in statehouses and governorships. You ran and you withdrew and supported tom perez, who was the winner yesterday. Keith ellison, of course, was not successful. There are some in the media trying to say that there becomes a disheartening of some of the progressives that were supporting Keith Ellison. You were there. You were on the stage. Can the party be united, or is that just media blowing something out of proportion . How do we bring the progressives and the center and even those on the right in the Democratic Party into one tent and have a strategy that is durable, given this landscape . Again ill use that term, the landscape that we face. Rev, you know, the remarkable thing of last night, or yesterday, the very first thing that tom perez did as chair of the dnc, the very first thing, was to make a motion to make Keith Ellison the deputy chair of the dnc. You know, its not about the words that we have, its about the actions, and that was the actions of our new chair. And so, you know, people want to write the story about the Democratic Party being divided, but if tom perez did not care about uniting this party, he wouldnt have done what he did yesterday. If Keith Ellison didnt think about uniting this party, he wouldnt accept the role that he accepted yesterday. And so, those two gentlemen, who i know and i cherish and i consider both of them friends, know that the number one thing is not about tom, its not about keith, its about the Democratic Party and the people that we represent. And we have to all unify, because we can continue to fight this battle of this bernie versus hillary versus obama and all of that, but ultimately, we will all lose the war. Its about donald trump and this rubberstamped republican congress. We cant afford to let them get to 60 votes in the senate. We cant afford to let them get one more state, because then they could call a constitutional convention. Theres a lot at stake for the people that we care about, and its time for democrats to unite to make sure that we push back. Isnt that the real message that the constitutional convention, if they get one more state, that weve got to really see a counter kind of narrative put out by the democrats that would turn people on . You have to turn people on before you can turn them out. Oh, rev, that is so true. And you know, in this race, i was one of the first people to Start Talking about the urgency of now, where we are. Like, we are on the brink. Just take the senate and the power of the filibuster. You know, republicans are seven seats away. Donald trump in 2018, there will be 25 democratic u. S. Senate seats up, and 10 of the 25 are in states that donald trump won. The west virginias of the world, the north dakotas of the world, the missouris of the world. And i know some folks in the party are saying we need to primary. We need to primary. Folks, wake up. We need to save the seats we have and go after the republicans. We dont have the time to be fighting amongst ourselves, because too much is at stake i think about people like my grandparents who grew up in South Carolina, people who were struggling, who could have health care right now, but they dont. We need to think about how we make gains, how we make gains in the statehouses, in governorships, how we protect u. S. Senate seats and how we make sure that they cant change the constitution, because you know better than anybody else, if they get that opportunity, a lot of the people are going to suffer. Thank you, Jaime Harrison for being with me this morning. Thank you, reverend. I really appreciate it. Coming up, he loves the nra hes all for the Second Amendment. But now hes too afraid to hold a town hall for fear of gun violence . Yep. Thats next. Well be right back. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Managing my diabetes has been a struggle. 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This week there have been a lot of tense town Hall Meetings across the country, congressmen and women face their constituents and listen to their complaints, but one congressman, texas republican louie gohmert, seems to be too nervous to hold such a meeting. Gohmert, a wellknown nra supporter, is afraid of groups who are preying on public town halls to wreak havoc and threaten public safety. He specifically invoked the 2011 shooting of congresswoman gab aby gifford. Let me get this straight, a wellknown Second Amendment supporter is afraid to hold a town hall meeting in person because of potential gun violence . Isnt it ironic . Well, it is. And thats why congressman gohmert, we got you. Marianne gaspard. It was her french name. Then she came to louisiana as a slave. I became curious where in africa she was from. So i took the ancestry dna test to find out more about my african roots. The ancestry dna results were really specific. They told me all of these places in west africa. 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Joining me now is anthony gange, a corrections advocate and activist. He is host of tear talk. Anthony, first of all, the reason this was reversed by the Obama Administration in the first place, among other things stated at the time, was taking the profit out of those that not only want to incarcerate people for over longer periods of time, where then the crime may have fit, but in many cases setting up situations where its just making huge profit of arresting and incarcerating people that thin to little evidence is there at all. Actually, we agree on the fact that prison for profit is definitely something that should not be done. First of all, i want to thank the brave men and women who work behind the wall on the National Level because their job goes unrecognized, and i want to thank you for having me on the show. Thank you. I appreciate that. My concern is, part of the reason also why obama was doing away with privatized prisons was also because of safety and security concerns. When you owe total to shareholders and youre not worried about the responsibility of what it takes to maintain a safe and secure facility for not just the inmates who reside there, but also for the staff who work there because staff, correctional staff do set the canvas for rehabilitation to occur. Now, remember, i believe in the system, okay . I do believe the system works. Ive had inmates, mentoring inmates, tell me that the system works, parents tell me, thank god my childs in jail or in prison because if they were on the streets, god knows where this would be. So, the system does work, and if we base the system on the extremes that we hear on the news where we take the extremes and generalize it as this is what defines the system, youll find many people step up and say thats not true, because there are believe it or not, prisons can no longer be seen as just a dead end road. It can be seen as a place of hope if you do things correctly. But it also can be argued on the other side that prisons have clearly been used to overpenalize people, and in some cases penalize people that shouldnt be penalized. But where we agree and thats why i wanted to have you on, with you and i one on one dealing with this where we agree is whether youre on the side of those working in the prisons or those that have been incarcerated, the profit in it really takes away from both yes. The correction officers and those that are incarcerated. So, theres a midground here, or a Common Ground here for advocates on both sides. Youre 100 correct. This is actually the first time were together on Common Ground. Believe it or not, correctional staff and inmates do share one thing, and we share the fact that we want to go home, you know . And i believe right now unfortunately wait, lets just also unfortunately, with certain issues with the state facilities and privatized correctional facilities, its very hard now to say that one problems isolated from the other. Right now i believe that the correctional system does need a sense of revamping. It does. Dont get me wrong. I know it does. Its bleeding from the inside. And i believe we have to do what we can to make sure that we show the truth about what corrections is, because im telling you something, the system does work. It does. Having said that, its not geared for profit. Human life is not geared for profit. You know, if i may mention something, too human life is not geared for profit on either side. On either side, and thats where were on the same page. An inmates life is just as valuable to us as a correction officers life, trust me. But if you have privatized prisons i dont, i you have people who are stockholders, all theyre interested in is profit. Thats their only care. And i agree 100 . And if i can add something else, on politics i dont ooe usually stand on the extremes. I believe its a road in the middle where i give your opinions and you give mine and we constructionively build. Thats why i thank you for coming on the show. Youve seen me before on shows and now were having communications, saying were on the same page. Also, theres a Blue Lives Matter laws that are being passed that are affecting Law Enforcement. Corrections doesnt know if theyre involved in those protection laws. Corrections may not be involved we may not be involved in those laws because corrections is not recognized as Law Enforcement nationally. Some states are, some states arent. So, if trump wants to do the right thing here, hypothetically, weve got to start recognizing those brave men and women who risk their lives behind that wall, because the brave men if i may so, let me get this right. With all of this is pronouncements about standing by our Law Enforcement community, which all of us stand behind Law Enforcement. None of us are anti Law Enforcement. But with all those pronouncements, he has not made sure to include Corrections Officers . I agree. See, the problem is corrections isnt recognized as Law Enforcement across the country. Maybe that deals with consistency in training, because if you look at it, youll see some correctional agencies, they train for three weeks, some do 15, 16 weeks. Theres got to be more consistency with the training that youre providing these correctional officers. Having said that, the laws that are passed right now, you dont know, am i covered in that, you know, because some states that dont recognize corrections, well, guess what, if you dont recognize corrections as Law Enforcement, then that bill is fruitless to those who work corrections. So, they have run past the consideration of the humanity of the inmates, whether theyre there justifiably or not, theyve run past the humanity of correction officers, and just took care of those that are going to make a profit. I agree. And again, just mentioning this, i believe that there is motivation behind what he does, and i believe the motivation isnt pure. And again, i could be wrong, you know, and im just kind of giving my opinion, because my number one objective is taking care of those brave men and women behind that wall who are forgott forgotten. I think the truth comes out when you come to privatize. If we were to ever understand his motive, at least corrections will know, wait a second, this person we thought was helping us may not be. And if i can add one more thing, because i know weve got to get close to the segment here, is i would like to kind of start informing people about the truth, bring that middle road together. I do it on my show all the time. I think its about getting people with experience that can sit down with you and say i understand your perspective, rev, i do. So, if you could understand mine, we both value human life, correct . Thats what its all about, valuing human life. Lets move forward. All human life. Thats why i wanted to have this conversation. Well hear from the other side as the weeks go on. Thank you, anthony gangi. Up next, ahead of the Academy Awards tonight, we asked, is 2016 the best year ever for black people in film . Before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. I was active. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. For some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. Were not saying who must win, but if youve been locked out of the process, then you are dealing with a systemic problem of exclusion. You are out of time. We are not going to allow the oscars to continue. This will be the last night of an allwhite oscar. [ cheers and applause ] a year after i helped organize protests against the lack of diversity at the Academy Awards, hollywood may be finally getting the message. This years list of oscar nominees is one of the most diverse ever. For the first time, africanamerican actors are nominated in every acting category. Heres a clip from the movie, fences. How come you never liked me . Like you . Who the hell said i got to like you . What law is there say ive got to like you . I asked you a question. What law is there say ive got to like you . None. All right then. You eat every day . Yes, sir. Got a roof over your hess head . Yes, sir. Got close on your back . Yes, sir. Why do you think that is . Because of you. I know its because of me, but why do you think that is . Because you like me . Still there is room for improvement, especially when it comes to latino and asian representation. Joining me now is Gill Robertson from the africanamerican Film Critics Association and jackie reid, the host of wnbcs new york live. Let me go to you first, jacquie. A year ago, we were outside protesting and marching. We had april ryan had lit the country up with oscarsowhite. A year later, theres diversity among blacks. But clearly, its not just a concession to those of us that raised the issue. These are very good films, actors and actresses, that for whatever reason, they seemingly couldnt find them in the years preceding. Yeah, it is amazing. In 2016, last year, on the year that, you know, you were out there and so many others were protesting, oscarssowhite, is a perfect example. There might be those who say, well, how can africanamericans be nominated if theyre not in these films or if the roles arent there . But there were plenty of roles in 2016, for example beast of no nation was not recognized with idris elba who a lot of people say should have been nominated with best actor category. Creed, where we only saw Sylvester Stallone nominated, with a black director and black star, michael b. Jordan. And also straight outta compton, no nominations from that remarkable film. So yeah, a lot of people are excited because this could be the most africanamerican winners at the oscars ever with 18 nominations going into this awards ceremony this year, but well just see who ends up winning. But yeah, every acting category, as you said, for the first te also best director with Barry Jenkins from the movie moonlight. So, it will be an interesting night to see how things go, but not only what happens tonight but what happens years beyond that. People are also saying that there are predictions as to who could be nominated for 2018, and already there are not a lot of africanamerican names in the running for years beyond this. Gill, is this going to be a oneyear thing, or have we seen a turning of the corner there with additions in terms of members to the academy that gives more of a diverse voting base . But again, we still do not have any blacks or latinos that can greenlight movies at major studios. The problem is the pipeline and who controls the pipeline. Absolutely, al. The jury is still out as to whether or not, you know, 2016 is something that was an anomaly or something that well see more of in the years to come. I mean, this year, to jacques point, does look a little light in terms of color, but the years still young and movies are being added on to studio release schedules all the time. So im sure were going to see a number of films that will certainly qualify for an oscar or some of the other awards that are given out during awards season, including an afca award. But i think what the academy has done is shown great leadership, and now its up to the industry itself, its up to the studios and other content distributors to really put a real commitment behind populating their projects with performers of color, both in front and behind the camera. Heres a clip from the movie hidden figures. Watch this. Im not accepting reassignment unless i bring my ladies with me. Excuse me . Im going to need a lot of manpower to program that beast. I cant do it alone. My gals are ready. They can do the work. Ladies, weve been reassigned. So, were talking about artists of excellence, no matter what standard you use, but stories, jacque, that really are important, engaging, and needed for the American Public to see and appreciate. Yeah, and thats what its all about. You know, i cant tell you how many conversations i have with people who said they had no idea of the story that was told in the movie hidden figures, and there are countless stories from not just africanamericans but hispanics and asians that are just not being told, because as you said, their movies, their stories, are not being greenlit. The stories are there and there are people with the ability to tell them well, but if you dont have the funding to get your movies made, then those stories will never make it to the screen. And a lot of times, you know, people theres the debate as to whether or not oscars matter, and i and many would argue that they do matter because they can open doors to funding to get things made. Ava duvernay, whos a great director, has made many films. A lot of people never heard her name until the movie selma, at least because that film was nominated, her name is out there, but shes been making movies for a long time, and this year is finally nominated for an oscar for her documentary thirteenth, which is excellent. Gil, how do we put pressure on the studios in terms of lack of diversity with executives that have real power . We will see tonight probably a historic number of nominees that are black, but we still see were going from oscarssowhite to studiosstillwhite should be another hashtag. At the end of the day, the only thing institutions in this country really protect and understand is money. And so, if we want to effectively change how business is done in hollywood, weve got to exercise what we do with our wallets. I think for young filmmakers, they should also invest and put more of their energies into untraditional paths, like the internet and what streaming services can offer. Technology has really opened the door and sort of leveled it in some degrees that previous generations werent able to enjoy or take advantage of. So, there are some opportunities for us to but we also have to work with the system as well. I think that the industry has made a sincere attempt to address this issue, as demonstrated by the films that weve seen this year, and i think that we should continue to, not to wait, but to work with them to find the solution, you know, and find the way for pictures to represent all communities, you know, in a positive light. And jacque, i think that gil is right, that theyve made a great attempt, but i think if you hadnt had the oscarssowhite hashtag, if you hadnt had some protesters, even at the oscars, we kind of nudged them to help them help themselves, and i think that kind of pressure will have to be put on the studios. Yeah, it has to continue. Cheryl boone isaacs, the president of the academy, who is africanamerican, and she has been for the past two or three years, she definitely made a strong effort to change that voting membership. Its 6,000 members, predominantly white, predominantly men, predominantly older men. Those numbers are changing, but its still, you know, tips in the balance of older, white men. So, a lot of change still needs to happen. Yeah. So, the fight is not over. Ava duvernay said it in oscar brunch that they had for women saturday, that you know, our ancestors taught us to fight and we are in the fight of our lives. Im paraphrasing that we still have to continue the fight. And when it comes i think she was more talking about politics and President Trump, but i think that when it comes to every aspect of our life, its important to continue to push and continue to fight, particularly with this. All right. Im going to have to hold it there. And when you said the president of the academy has been black for the last two or three years, you meant she was president and shes been president the last two or three years. Shes been black all her life. Thank you, Gil Robertson and jacque reid. Thank you. Up next, my final thoughts on the fifth anniversary of the killing of trayvon martin. How far weve come on Race Relations in america and how far we need to go. Is isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Ezla is not an injection, or a cream. Introducing otezla, apremilast. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. 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Because five years later, whether youre profiled because youre black or latino or muslim or a woman or transgender, we still have a fight. I remember when i went to sanford, florida, five years ago to help lead the first big rallies and marches. I went there because i believed in what dr. King said, that a threat to justice anywhere is a threat everywhere, and we cannot allow people to just assume based on what they see and what preconceived notions they have, that they have the right to execute whatever their will is. When we went to sanford five years ago, the first big rally, they wouldnt even arrest the assailant. They would not even say theres probable cause here to go to trial. Ultimately, he was acquitted at trial, but he wouldnt have been arrested had there not been voices raised, and over and over a prolonged period of time a sustained fight. We have got to keep fighting, not just for our one particular group, but for all groups, because injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Five years later, it may be muslims, its still blacks, its still latinos, its gays and lesbians and transgender, its many. Its targeting jewish temples and community centers. Weve got to fight not on a time limit, weve got to fight until we stop this. That does it for me. Thanks for watching. And to keep the conversation going, like us at facebook. Com politicsnation. And follow us on twitt twitter politicsnation. Ill see you back here next sunday. Everyone deserves attention, whether youve saved a lot or just a little. At pnc investments, we believe youre more than just a number. So we provide personal Financial Advice for every retirement investor. Has been a struggle. I considered all my options with my doctor, who recommended oncedaily toujeo®. Now im on the path to better blood sugar control. 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President trump makes a decision to do something that hasnt been done in decades in washington, and it has to do with the media, but there are new poll numbers out this hour, some up, some down, and at least one that tells us whether the president is winning his battle with reporters. And then, wheres the bar . What are the expectations on capitol hill as President Trump prepares to speak before a joint session of congresn

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