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Good morning. Im al sharpton. This is crunch time. The last full day of campaigning before the iowa caucus. The candidates are exhausted. Racing from one event to another. Looking for every vote they can get. The new Des Moines Register poll shows donald trump at 28 . Ted cruz at 23 . Followed by marco rubio and ben carson. Trump, taking shots at cruz right to the very end. Teds got a big problem. Other people have different problems. Me, i have no problems. You know, ted cruz may not be a u. S. Citizen. But but hes an anchor baby. No, hes an anchor baby. Ted cruz is an anchor baby in canada. I like donald. And hes welcome to say whatever he likes. I like and respect him. Thats all ive got to say. And right now its up to the voters to decide. This will be the first real test for trump. We know he can hog the microphone. But can he get people out to caucus for him on a cold, winter night . Turnout is the key on the democratic side, too. Bernie sanders can draw a crowd. But will they vote . The Des Moines Register poll shows clinton with a slim lead over sanders. As they draw differences on everything from wall street to guns to health care. We now have 90 coverage. I dont want it repealed. And i dont agree with senator sanders that we start all over again. I am disappointed by the tone of her campaign. It is not true to suggest that she will be the stronger candidate in november. Lets start with nbcs Kerry Sanders in council bluffs, iowa. Following the trump campaign. Kerry, that new poll shows trump leading in iowa. But will his supporters actually turn out to tomorrow night . Thats the question. Its a really good question. Of course we cant answer it until its actually time for folks to go caucus. It is interesting. The 5point percentage lead in the latest poll is really a dramatic turnaround from december, where donald trump was 15 points behind ted cruz. So, certainly something is happening in the electorate. If those people, as you point out, go out and vote. Now, one of the more important things on this sunday morning to remember is that the evangelical vote is just so important in iowa. In 2008, 60 of those who went to caucus were believed to be evangelicals. They had selfidentified as that. And in 2012, it was 57 evangelicals selfidentified. So its really an important vote here. One of the things i think thats perhaps most interesting is, when you ask the question, will people go out and caucus, forget about the weather, iowaunder stands cold weather. They understand even some snow, and the blizzard thats coming will likely be gone after the caucus. It will just be snowing initially. So im not sure weather will be such a huge factor. But whether the people will go out and caucus, because the one thing donald trump has done is hes energized people who have never participated in politics, have been somewhat apathetic. But now theyre showing up in very large numbers. We expect that likely will happen again here today. Interestingly, during the last caucus, four years ago, 40 of the people who went to caucus had never caucused before either. So, we keep talking about these new people participating. Thats really not a new occurrence here in iowa. That was, of course, for obama. This, of course, will be for, potentially, trump. Ted cruz, or marco rubio or chris, you know the whole list here. Theres a lot of people running who potentially could come out with at least they believe holding their hands high, saying we won in iowa and then move on to New Hampshire almost immediately. Kerry sanders, thank you for those details. Now, lets go to rick tyler, Communications Director for ted cruzs campaign. Rick, first of all, thanks for joining me. Good sunday morning to you, reverend. How can cruz catch up with trump . Well, you know, we think were even. And we have a superior ground game here. Weve got about 12,000 volunteers, weve got nearly all of our precincts covered. Over 1500 precinct captains covering some 1600 different precincts. We also have someone speaking at almost every caucus and were not knocking on about 2,000 doors a day. Yesterday from our headquarters we made over 27,000 phone calls to iowa voters. So the game is to turn them out. 27,000 calls. 12,000 people on the ground. I know the caucus the caucus process very well. But are you hearing anybody in your opposition having a significant ground game . Because, the question is, with trump ahead in the polls, does he have a ground game . By now you would be feeling it. You know, i think thats exactly right. Weve been very open about our ground game. We have press coming through our headquarters every day so see whats going on. They go out with us door knocking. We have over 100 People Living in a place we call camp cruz, which is an old College Dormitory thats just full of people, tripled up on air mattresses. They get up every morning and start working, they head toward the headquarters about 7 00 in the morning. They get their marching orders and we just dont see the same kind of activity in the other campaigns. Back in 2008, reverend, barack obama turned out a large number of new caucus voters. But you could feel it here on the ground, you could measure it in the voter registration. You could measure it in the data. We dont see that type of activity. Well probably get a record caucus still. But it wont be some of the projections that are driving some of these polls so im pretty comfortable about where we are. Are you concerned that some reports say that your campaign is about marco rubio . Well, look, marco rubio in the Des Moines Register poll placed about third. Thats where weve seen him. It doesnt look like hes really going to break out of that. Really the reason is because in the Republican Party he was a supporter, a chief sponsor of the gang of eight bill which was a proamnesty bill that gave illegal aliens a pathway to citizenship. Our party rejects that, and if our party is to nominate someone who is proamnesty, i really think we will lose to Hillary Clinton. Or now looks like Bernie Sanders. Bernie did very well in the poll yesterday, as well. A little dig in there but ill let it go. Trying to be kind. Let me ask you, what is the real significance of a victory in iowa to ted cruz . What will it mean if you can pull it off tomorrow night and what will it mean if you dont pull it off . We have two former caucus winners running against us. We have a lot of people in our lane, the evangelical lane, including at one time rick perry, bobby jindal. Ben carson is still running in that lane. Rick santorum, mike huckabee. We had the sitting governor call openly for our defeat. We had the secretary of state attack us yesterday. Weve had millions of dollars spent against us. But even after all that we really think we could win. It would be very significant, because about 11 states that go before march 15th have a 50 evangelical turnout or more. And on march 1st you have states like tennessee, texas is over 50 . Georgia is over 60 . Alabama is over 60 . So if we can show that we can turn out evangelical voters here, we should do very well in South Carolina. And we should do very well in the march 1st states. By the way, were also doing well in New Hampshire where weve been tied for second place. I wouldnt have predicted that. I dont think anyone else would, either. So we seem to have a very broad appeal. Rick tyler, thank you very much for your time this morning. Thank you, reverend. Lets turn now to the democratic nomination fight. Hillary clinton is leading in a new poll, but also dealing with new questions about her emails. Nbcs Kristen Welker is in des moines. Kristen, thanks for being here. Whats the mood in the Clinton Campaign one day before the voting starts . Well, i think theyre feeling confident to the extent that they do have a slim lead in this latest bloomberg Des Moines Register poll. Shes leading Bernie Sanders 45 to 42 . Its a slim lead, though, reverend al. So its still really anyones game here. She is not taking anything for granted. Bernie sanders all right letting up. They both campaigned late into the night here in iowa. Crisscrossing the state. Well see that again today. Secretary clinton got some other good news yesterday. She was endorsed by the New York Times, and also 28 africanamerican ministers. She met with them earlier in the week. At the same time shes still dealing with new questions about her emails. We learned on friday that the state department decided to withhold 22 of her emails from her private server when she was secretary of state. They say those emails were top secret. Secretary clinton insisting shes never sent or received emails that were marked classified at the time. Heres what she told our monica alba. Take a listen. This doesnt change anything about the fundamental facts. I never sent or received any email marked classified. Did you generate any of these email no, i did not. Are you concerned that this withholding of the emails makes it so that peoples imaginations can run wild . What can you do to alleviate that . Im really not concerned. Because its the same story that has been going on for months now. And it all comes down to turnout, reverend al. Both campaigns have built up armies, Ground Troops who are out trying to get people out to caucus on monday. If young voters turn out in force, Bernie Sanders could win. He has a wide lead in that age group. Al . Kristen welker, thanks. Theres a lot more ahead. So stay with us. Well look at what could be the difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Youre watching a special edition of politics nation, one day to iowa. Go to to the caucus monday night because if you stand up for me then, i will stand up and fight for you as hard as i can to make sure we go Forward Together in america. This is the fight that we cannot afford to lose. And together we will not lose. Hey pal . You ready . Can you pick me up at 6 30 . Ah. boy im here im here cop too late. I was gone for five minutes ugh move it. Youre killing me. You know what, dad . Im good. dad it may be quite a while before hes ready, but our Subaru Legacy will be waiting for him. vo the longestlasting midsize sedan in its class. The twentysixteen Subaru Legacy. Its not just a sedan. Its a subaru. 80 but up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day womens 50 complete multivitamin. With vitamin d and calcium to help support bone health. One a day. Is our partnership with habitat for humanity. Pg e is committed to clean energy and part of that commitment our mission is to build homes, community and hope. Our homeowners are lowincome families, so the ability for them to have Lower Energy Cost is wonderful. We have been able to provide about 600 families with solar on their homes. Thats over nine and a half Million Dollars of investment by pg e, and that allows us to provide clean energy for everyone here. Its been a great partnership. Together, were building a better california. Just one day out from iowa, the tone is sharpening on the democratic side. Throughout the campaign, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders mostly held their punches. But at this late date, that may be changing. Clinton went after sanders this weekend over wall street. Saying, hes not telling the whole story. I have a bigger set of concerns, because, when you listen to my friend senator sanders, his main argument is, we have to break up the big banks. But heres what youre not told, thats in the law that was already passed. That the president signed. The doddfrank law. The Clinton Campaign has also gone after sanders over gun control. And his comment last week that planned parenthood is part of the establishment, in quotes. But sanders is firing back. Dont tell me that im defending or protecting the gun lobby. Dont tell me im attacking planned parenthood. Those are inaccuracies. And we can do better than that. Secretary clinton and i have differences of opinions. Lets debate those differences of opinions. But lets not go around distorting a record that i am very proud of. Joining me now is congresswoman karen bass, whos campaigning for Hillary Clinton in iowa. Congresswoman, thanks for being here. Thanks for having me, reverend. Let me ask you, what are you hearing on the ground, and what are you feeling . You have run for office and you know the difference between polling and the actual ontheground feeling. What are you hearing . What are you feeling in terms of mrs. Clintons chances to really do what some of the polls are indicating . Well, i think shes going to do very well. And im certainly hearing a lot of excitement, and enthusiasm from her supporters whove been working for months, and i believe theres going to be a good, strong turnout. And were going to win tomorrow. What about this new email controversy that has come up. Are you hearing anything about that . Will that impact the caucuses . Well, you know, i really dont think it will. I mean, we have seen the clintons be hit over the years on everything under the sun, and i know certainly when you have done polling among democrats, 76 are not concerned about the emails. Theyre concerned about good jobs, theyre concerned about affordable education. Theyre concerned about the continuing health care, and expanding resources. And so i have a hard time believing that another email controversy is going to keep people away from caucusing tomorrow night for secretary clinton. Let me ask you, congresswoman, what would a loss in iowa, and in New Hampshire, and shes way down in the polls in New Hampshire, or considerably behind i should say considerably behind senator sanders, what would a loss in both mean to the campaign, and mean to secretary clinton . Well i think a loss would certainly be a setback. I also know right after New Hampshire, South Carolina, and a number of states where shes running really strong. But i actually think were going to win tomorrow. I know New Hampshire is going to be a more difficult hill to climb but i am very confident about how secretary clinton will do, especially in the south, and southern states. Polls indicate senator sanders is doing very well among young people. Are you finding that to be true on the ground . And explain why that is the case if you agree with it. Well, i think that senator sanders has certainly been strong with young people. Hes had a lot of turnout, especially on college campuses. But i also think that theres a lot of enthusiasm for secretary clinton, as well. So well see tomorrow. You know, i know young folks sometimes dont turn out. I certainly hope that they do turn out. And i hope that they turn out for secretary clinton. Congresswoman karen bass, always great to see you. Thank you for being with us this morning. Thanks for having me on. Now lets turn to the sanders campaign. And the fight for labor support. The National Steel Workers Union hasnt made an endorsement yet. But sanders got a strong reception when i spoke to the local chapter this week. Every person in this room, because the steelworkers are one of the great unions in our country. You understand the history of the trade union movement. And you are understand that change, real change, never comes from the top on down, it always comes from the bottom on up. John campbell is a member of the steelworkers local 310. He helped put that event together for sanders, and he joins me now. John, thank you for being here. Thank you, reverend. Let me ask you, what do you say to those who say that sanders cant win nationally . Id say theyre wrong. That president obama, people said that about him. They said that about the labor movement. You know. They said slaves would never be free. Yet i stand a free man. You know. So, change is inevitable. Its just which direction we want that change to go. Sanders is neck and neck with secretary clinton in the polls. Shes slightly ahead with the last poll this morning. How are you guys going to make a difference, and push the voters out, and push them to support senator sanders and put him over the top . Well, im going to work tomorrow in the factory and im going to talk to every guy i talk to, in my local, about caucusing. And caucusing about our issues. And that is, trade, good jobs, the right to organize. And, you know, heres the one thing that nobody is saying in this campaign when we talk about equality, and we appeal to minority communities, where in this country do women, blacks, and other people get the same wage . Thats under a union contract. And thats the uplifting factor. If you look at the decline of the middle class, it will correlate with the decline of organized labor in this country. So but they split between clinton and sanders. How do you make the argument that a vote for sanders is more to sustain unions than a vote for clinton . Well, i think its important to know that yes, we have that split, yes, we have people in the hierarchies, you know, our leaders, our National Organizations may have endorsed secretary clinton. But, the rank and file ultimately decide where we go. And in our union, weve had a pretty hand on this. Theyve said go where your herd is. Do the work. Come out in november, and do the right thing for the right reasons. And so, i think right now the enthusiasm amongst labor and my local is, that Bernie Sanders came to us. He addressed our issues. He addressed our concerns. And hes moving our movement forward. You know. All right. Bottom up. Thank you, john campbell. Thank you so much for your time this morning. Certainly. Thank you. Still ahead, the first real test for donald trump. Will his supporters turn out to caucus . Also, a special iowa edition of gotcha. To folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. Shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. To everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. Make sure your doctor hears you too i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. 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Turnout is going to be a big factor in iowa tomorrow night. But, theres a group who would be turned away if they tried to caucus. Exfelons. People who have sevrved their time, and paid their debt to society, but theyre still paying a price. Thanks to iowas republican governor, terry branstad. In 2014, thenattorney general eric holder spoke about it. In iowa, action by the governor in 2011, caused the state to move from automatic restoration of rights following the completion of a criminal sentence, to a very arduous process that requires direct intervention by the governor himself in every individual case. Thats moving backwards. Thats not moving forward. It is unwise. It is unjust. And it is not in keeping with our democratic values. Thats right. Exfelons now have to personally apply to iowas governor to regain the vote. Its one of the strictest policies in the country. And, in fact, has been severe. In the half decade before the move, roughly 115,000 people had Voting Rights restored. In the next three years, just 64 regained the franchise. Governor branstad has denied 9,000 the right to vote, even as he pays lip service to democratic ideals. We are very blessed to live in the United States of america, where we have a history of government of, for, and by the people. I think its a good system, and i certainly support the right of the people to choose their own elected officials. Yes. People should have the right to choose. And that means all people. Nice try. But did you really think wed forget about those who cant vote tomorrow . We got you. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. For over 75 years, investors have relied on our disciplined approach to find long term value. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call a t. Rowe price retirement specialist or your advisor. 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Back to the news. Whfight back fastts tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue and neutralizes stomach acid at the source tum, tum, tum, tum smoothies only from tums a big question tomorrow night, can ted cruz recover from the last debate . Without donald trump in the room, this one was cruzs to lose. And if you read the headlines, he did. Still, its a razor thin margin between cruz and trump. Less than 36 hours from the start of the caucuses, the Des Moines Register poll was taken both before and after thursday nights debate, and it shows cruz five points behind trump. But nearly half the voters say they could still change their mind before tomorrow night. Lets bring in our panel. Abby philip from the washington post, sabrina sadiqqi from the guardian and republican strategist rich gaylord. Sabrina, youve been covering rubio and cruz. Is all this talk of rubio momentum real or not . Well, i think that marco rubios campaign currently feels strong about, you know, at least finishing in third place and that would give him some momentum going into New Hampshire to emerge as the clear alternative to donald trump or ted cruz. I will say hes been drawing really large crowds here in iowa. He also earned the endorsement of the Des Moines Register as well as the sioux city journal. He had endorsements. Iowa senator appeared with him and she didnt endorse him because shes staying knew troll, she gave a strong show of support for his candidacy. At the end of the day it comes out to southernout but his campaign feels good about where they are. Abby, how much did the debate hurt the campaign of ted cruz, if at all . Well, ted cruz says it himself, everyone was attacking him. Everyone was going after him. And that has really played a toll. Here in iowa on the airwaves there are some really tough ads going against him. And i think that, you know, ted cruz is suffering from this competition with donald trump. Donald trump is, in some ways, dealing with it by not backing down, as he always has. And so, well see how this goes. I mean, the ads on the airwaves right now are attacking his evangelical credentials. That goes to the heart of his support here in iowa. And you know, well see how they respond to the barrage of negativity. Will the trump voters turn out . Weve seen the big crowd, weve heard a lot of the noise, are there real indications that these voters that support trump will actually turn out and caucus . Yeah, i think they probably will. I think they will also for Bernie Sanders, who is, remember, he had the first gigantic crowds. Trump came in later and started building those sorts of crowds, too. Going back to the cruz situation, john feinstein, Sports Writer formerly with the washington post, wrote a back about professional golf. And he said, on sunday, golfers know its not how many strokes youre behind the leader, its how many guys between you and the leader. So you can be five strokes behind, if there are four guys between you and that leader, theyre not all going to have a bad day. And i think what we saw at the debates is that everybody, theres no sense in attacking trump, because if you attack trump all it does is drag him back toward groups. You need to drag cruz back to the rest of the pack. I think thats what we were seeing on thursday night. Let me ask you this, this question sab inarea, how much do we how much do you think of the fact that ben carson is still polling pretty well . We thought that he kind of like, got knocked out of this. But hes still getting double din its. How much will that be a factor . Its certainly a factor in the sense that it draws support away from some of these candidates who are competing in a somewhat overlapping lane. Ben carson voters could deflect to donald trump, ted cruz, or marco rubio. So depending on what the margins look like at the end of the caucuses, it really could play a factor. If ben carson took away support from ted cruz, you know, who was obviously competing with donald trump and theres a lot of expectations in particular here riding on cruz to win iowa. I think he certainly, if he doesnt win, wants to be a very, very close second. Again, even with marco rubio he needs to be a strong third going into New Hampshire if he were to come in fourth or be just one or two points removed from ben carson. That would certainly put at odds the narrative you asked about earlier, whether he actually has momentum or not. So i think ben carson could help a spoiling effect but of course well wait and see what happens. Abby, does the people, the cruz people, seem worried about the rise or supposed momentum of rubio . And should they be . Well, i think that ted cruz believes that he and marco rubio are operating in different lanes. Marco rubio is in that establishment lane and ted cruz is in the outsider lane. He has a little bit of competition there with donald trump. And ben carson. But, theyre operating on separate but parallel channels. I think the rise of marco rubio is a concern for ted cruz only in so much as what it means down the road. I dont think here in iowa the cruz people feel particularly strongly that theyre competing for the same un variousal voters. Mark yo rubio has other competition, jeb bush, john kasich, and so on. And he needs to really consolidate the votes that are kind of Milling Around at the bottom of the electorate right now. In order to push himself higher up on that leader board. Rich, you know, if donald trump can win the debate without even showing up, is there really any stopping him . If he wins iowa tomorrow night, if he goes on and wins New Hampshire, is he unstoppable . Probably. I would say that he probably is. But going back to what we were just discussing about the division of the vote, im almost positive, im not there, but im almost positive that there have been chaps between representative kasich of bush, of fiorina, maybe even and paul, all the votes the establishment candidates to kind of work out some kind of deal, if this happens. If bush ends up with 2 of the vote, there is no good case for him going on and just keeping those. And what you do is you trade names. You say okay well give you our South Carolina support names. So i think a lot of that is going on right now, and weve the Biggest Surprise might be who decides to call it quits after we get the results tomorrow night. So if sabrina we see the field narrow down, does that then change the scenario of the inevitability of trump if they begin uniting behind one, quote, republican establishment candidate . I think a lot of that largely depends on New Hampshire. Obviously what happens in iowa will have some bearing in that primary coming up on february 9th. But you have this fiveway competition over in New Hampshire to be an alternative between marco rubio, john kasich, jeb bush, chris christie. We dont know how iowa will affect those results. But it could also be an entirely different situation where john kasich pulls off a surprise second or third or jeb bush, who has been gaining slowly in New Hampshire, actually gets a little bit of life or signs of life over there. And that could really change dramatically the shape of the race. I dont think youll see any drastic winnowing down of the field until we get past that competition. But again, you know, there could be this unstoppable fact if donald trump wins iowa and goes into New Hampshire where hes polling upward of 30 , and if hes able to turn out the vote there, too, this could be over a lot sooner than the republican establishment is hoping. Thats exactly what i was thinking. Just a minute. Stay with us. I have a lot more ahead. Ill be back with you. Ahead, who is the real heir to the obama legacy . How that key question could decide the democratic winner in iowa. The biggest challenge for Business Today is not competition, its protecting customer trust. Every day you read headlines about governments and businesses being hacked, emails compromised, and intellectual property being stolen. That is cybercrime, and it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to investigate and fight cyber crime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information, so we can track down the criminals. Using our advanced analytics tools, analysis that used to take days to run, we can now see in real time. And were building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. 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The democratic race in iowa is within the margin of error this morning. Both campaigns bringing out the big guns last night. Hillary clinton and her husband and daughter. And Bernie Sanders had the rock band vampire weekend. Back with me is our panel abby phillips, sabrina siddiqui, and rich galen. You wonder why im not in the demo. Abby, you were at the clinton event. It was a full family affair. Is that working for her . Because i saw New York Times story saying that bill clinton is losing his magic out there. Are you sensing that . Is the family and the presence of former president clinton working for her or is it underwhelming . Well, i think president clinton has a style that has really evolved over the time. Hes a little bit more subdued. But honestly this crowd last night really didnt seem to mind all that much. They were extremely enthusiastic. Cheering, chanting, screaming. It was one of her more energetic crowds, and i think as you go in to the final weekend, thats extremely important. Caucuses are, especially on the democratic side, are very much about bringing out your universe of supporters. Your most energized supporters. You have to get them to show up. You have to get them to stand up for you and to stick with you in that sort of back and forth that happens in the caucus room. And i think that were seeing now last night, the night before, and tonight again, president clinton is drawing a more energetic crowd, i think democrats in general are pretty happy to see the clinton family. There dont seem to be many worries about any political dynasties here in iowa, at least among democrats. Sabrina, we hear how strong, at least in the polling, that senator sanders is among young people. Will they show up . Is there any way of measuring whether that youthful fervor, if you agree that it exists, as the polls indicate, will actually deliver voters to the polls . Or to the caucus . Traditionally, Younger Voters are not overwhelmingly likely to caucus or to vote in a primary. But we remember that barack obama was successfully able to turn out a lot much first time caucusgoers in 2008. I think Bernie Sanders is looking at a similar strategy. We dont know ultimately what that number is going to look like until tomorrow itself. But i think that certainly it would be hard to imagine that the polling would just consistently show that a lot of these likely caucusgoers who are on the younger end of the spectrum, that they wouldnt be going out to turn out. That it wouldnt turn out for senator senders at the end of the day. But i do think that when the Des Moines Register bloomberg poll showed us yesterday which has accurately predicted the results of these caucuses really well in the past, Hillary Clinton has a slight up on Bernie Sanders here in iowa. I think New Hampshire will be a lot more difficult for her to defeat him, and again, the younger voter issue is something that might be a longerterm did im almost out of time sabrina. Sorry to cut in. But i want to ask rich, as the republican on the panel, what are you going to be looking for tomorrow night . Abbys colleague at the post wrote right after the midterms were about to find out if this is a new democratic coalition, or an Obama Coalition. Specifically what sabrina was just talking about, that will be partially answered tomorrow night by how many young people come out and what the mix is on both sides. But you know, well know the answer to that 40 hours. Always great to hear rich quoting sabrina. Thank you for your time this morning. You bet, thanks. No question theres a political Storm Brewing in iowa tomorrow night. But theres also a snowstorm in the forecast. How might that affect voter turnout . Lets get a closer check on the timing with msnbc meteorologist bonnie schneider. In our Weather Center bonnie schneider. How is it looking out there . Reverend, its interesting to note there is a blizzard watch that will go into effect as early as tomorrow night, for areas towards the western part of the state, and then much of iowa. So were looking at the snow coming in, mainly in the overnight hours. It looks like after the caucus, most likely its over. But people that are going to be traveling into the evening hours will be impacted by blowing and drifting snow throughout the day, especially on tuesday. Going back in history it could have been a lot worse. Back in 1972 temperatures dropped down from 25 in the morning to negative 4 at midnight. And that was in des moines. 60mileperhour winds, they called whiteout conditions in northern rural areas. This had a huge impact of the iowa caucus and that particular year. In fact, at least a quarter of the people that were voting actually had to postpone their voting because it was too treacherous out there and thats the way it was impacted. A quarter of iowas 99 counties postponed the voting. Thats not going to happen this time. Were not looking at the storm impacting right at the time of the caucus. But its going to be very, very close. Well watch it hour by hour. Thanks, bonnie. Well be right back. With new york mayor bill de blasio, live from iowa. Chantix, i was able to quit in three months. And that was amazing. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It absolutely reduced my urge to smoke. 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It had no arms, but it welcomed me. crow cawing it had no heart, but it was alive. train wheels on tracks it had no mouth, but it spoke to me. It said, rocky mountaineer all aboard amazing. Tomorrow, iowa will start to answer a big question in the democratic fight. Who can win the Obama Coalition . Early last week, some thought the president sounded like he was leaning toward clinton. But later in the week, he said hes not putting his finger on the scale. I think bernie came in with the luxury of being a complete long shot, right . And just letting loose. Right. I think hillary came in with the both privilege and burden of being perceived as the frontrunner. Everyones scouring my every word to find some deeper meaning to see if im trying to put my finger on the scales. So let me simplify things. Democrats will win in november and we will have a democratic president succeeding me. Joining me now is new york city mayor bill de blasio. Hes in iowa campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Mayor, thanks for being here. Youre welcome, rev. You waited awhile before endorsing clinton. What persuaded you . She put together a platform, rev, that really speaks to the question of income inequality. It speaks to how were going to save the middle class in this country and support working people. Look, this election more and more has been about economics. And when you think of whats happened over the course of the last year, more and more focus on the need to deal with the concentration of wealth and power in this country. More and more focus on the need to tax the wealthy in a progressive way, to raise wages, raise benefits, do things like paid sick leave, paid family leave. This is what this is election is becoming and she has put together a platform that will be the most aggressive going into the white house of any president in our memory. I think, for me, thats whats energizing. And i think its energizing to people here in iowa. Ive seen a real sense of urgency in the Clinton Campaign here. Ive been knocking on doors, making phone calls. Ive seen an urgency amongst her supporters could turn out this vote tomorrow night. But i think that urgency is derived by the situation in this country. By the fact that the middle class is stuck and people are frustrated and they need change now and for a lot of us, we believe hillarys the person who can best deliver that. Vice President Biden said she came to the issue of income inequality late. You waited to see whether the platform that you are now extolling would come into being. How important is it, and how are you being received. How significant is it for a progressive new york city mayor to stump for her . Do you have impact, you feel, with iowa caucusgoers . Well, i think i dont have any assumption about what kind of impact i have. Im out here to knock on doors and make phone calls, connect with people. Some of them know the work ive done. Some dont. But the most important thing is to have these peopletopeople conversations about why we need progressive change. Why we have to change at whats a very unfair economy, and why hillary is the person who can get it done and get it done now. Thats my message and i think people are listening for that message, some know who i am. Some dont. But the point is they want to talk about that. Because they feel the unfairness in this economy. The very same issues that Bernie Sanders has raised so eloquently, so powerfully, immediately beg the question, how are we going to get it done . If we need to tax the wealthy or paid sick leave, paid family leave. These changes we need, higher minimum wage, how are we going to get it done . I think thats where the discussion tips very favorably to hillary because of a whole history of actually knowing how to get something done for a progressive cause. I was surprised at biden honestly because i never questioned that she had a rich, progressive tradition. Im surprised he didnt remember what she did on Health Care Reform in 1993 and 94. This is the perfect lesson about who she. Remember at that time she was accused of being strident. But she stuck with it against the Health Insurance companies through thick and thin. Let me ask you quickly, i had breakfast this week with one of Michael Bloombergs top lieutenants. He proceeded you. What do you think about him flirting with coming in and running independent . I have a lot of respect for Michael Bloomberg and some of what he did as mayor was very good for new york city. Some other things as you and i know he really missed the ball on. But heres the bottom line. The people of this country are not going to turn to a billionaire to fix the problems created by billionaires. Its just not going to happen. Theres such frustration. You can feel it in iowa. You can feel it all over the country. Such frustration about the unfairness in our economy. Theyre not going to turn to a guy who symbolizes the status quo to fix it. Well, mayor bill de blasio, thank you for being on the show this morning. And stay warm out there. Thapgs, remp, be well. That does it for me. Thanks for watching. Tamron hall picks up coverage next. Ill see you back here next sunday. The orders were rushing in. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didnt need a loan. We needed shortterm funding fast. Building 18 homes in 4 ½ months . That was a leap. But i knew i could rely on American Express to help me buy those building materials. Amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself . Realize your buying power at open. Com to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain. Shoots and burns its way into your day, i hear you. To everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. 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Des moines registers front page highlighting close races in both parties this morning. On the republican side donald trump leads senator ted cruz by five points. But, theres a fourpoint margin of error that we are looking at. So it seems that this race

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