Transcripts For MSNBCW PoliticsNation 20240702

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that's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪ politicsnation. tonight, crisis management. the war between israel and hamas is entering its fourth week. according to prime minister benjamin netanyahu a new stage, israeli forces are now inside of the gaza strip, following an intense bombardment from the air. nbc is reporting that some communications access has been returned in gaza after a blackout over the weekend. warnings about that civil order breaking down as conditions deteriorate in the region. and in washington congressional republicans are leaving to discuss their response to an angry quest for israel from the white house. the new house speaker is pushing for a stand-alone aid package that would not address the administrations call for additional funding to ukraine as well. i'm in tallahassee florida today as head of the national election network to preacher sunday morning sermon, meet with community leaders and explicitly call out the anti black policies of government rhonda sánchez. more of that later in the show. first let's start with a quick check on the situation in israel. joining me now from tel aviv is nbc news correspondent taylor gore. >> it's 11 pm there in tel aviv tell us please what we know about the call that we know happened between president joe biden and the israeli prime minister that just happened a few hours ago can you give us a sense of what was discussed. also the rocket set of pounded central israel all day today, including tel aviv sending 2 million people to the shelters. we also know some cellular internet communications that have been restored inside of gaza. tell us what's happening there. >> there were two conversations that i found both very significant. first one between president biden and president netanyahu. there is a divergence in the messaging between the two men. as you mentioned were entering the fourth week of this israel-hamas war president biden is making it clear to the premise of his country that there needs to be more effort made to get humanitarian aid through. i think there's a realization on the american side that these images of intense an immense palestinian suffering we could harm american interests abroad. certainly their image as it has stood over the last few weeks. it's been shoulder to shoulder with israel when it's also this call to the president of egypt also reiterating the call for a political solution at the end of this crisis. it's not just about how the hamas threat is dealt with now. but what is the postgame plan here. i don't mean to be flipped but i mean what is the post conflict plan. we let's going to the ground troops more and more. certainly it is scaling up as a military operation. what is the strategic plan in terms of what it intends to do. they're having a security with a large section of gaza. this is one senior paul laetitia told me in the west bank. so i think there is definitely diplomatic efforts on the american side that weren't there a couple of weeks ago with the realization that something needs to be done to alleviate the humanitarian suffering and a come up with a clear cut strategy for what happens after reverend. joining me now is senator ben cardin and chair of the foreign relations committee and the congress of course. senator thank you for joining us. as you mention israel's prime minister's entering its second stage. you recently returned from israel and saudi arabia. as part of a bipartisan senate delegation. can you describe what came out of that tour senator, what did you see in what did you bring out of? it. it's a very difficult tour with meetings in israel and saudi arabia. we saw the firsthand or that they least in israel it's not just in israel's national security but it's also in the palestinians interest in gaza to eliminate hamas when they have caused misery and the depravity under which they've operated is beyond description we but at the same time of palestinians trying to avoid the conflict in it's incumbent that we get humanitarian assistance that we're thankful for president biden's leadership. i know he's had conversations with international community and the israelis and egyptians in order to get additional humanitarian assistance to those who needed in gaza that are not part of hamas. but at the same time it's clear to me that in this bipartisan visit to the middle east that hamas needs to be taken out with. there are many concern that we just had a report from tel aviv and i'm hearing from her and other sources that the white house is concerned about getting humanitarian aid. the pitches of innocent palestinian civilians have raised concerns from some of us and we are as concerned is when israeli civilians were hurt. the house republicans are holding a conference call tonight to discuss ways for it real. the white house has put together at 106 billion dollar national security funding request we including a 14 billion dollar aid package for israel bundled with a 60 billion dollar request for aid to ukraine now mike johnson wants a stand-alone bill for israel aid, and think that that one can pass this week. how would that be received in the senate in your judgment? i think that would be a mistake not to pay both the aid for ukraine and the aid for israel. both are absolutely essential. ukraine is fighting the frontline of democracy and their need for funding is now. it's critically important that the united states provide the assistance. we are the leaders of the international coalition and israel needs the additional support. i think it's easier if we take them together and get them both on this week i don't know why there would be a delay and getting this aid. this week the pentagon announced 900 u.s. troops that will deployed to the middle east in response to this conflict this is in addition to the two aircraft carrier strike group that have been moved into the mediterranean sea. what is the purpose of this buildup as far as you can say our military assets being positioned where they are is to prevent an escalation. we want to make it clear that they shouldn't even think about getting involved in this conflict. this is a deterrent to iran and its proxy. and the u.s. is here to protect their assets it's not to be used as a land forced or direct conflict and u.s. personnel that are in that region. >> on that note, we are already seeing that conflicts spread beyond israel. when i asked that in light of the u.s. military airstrikes carried out this week in eastern syria with if the iranian-backed militant groups. it's believed by the u.s. to be behind a rocket in john attempt. they've injured at least 24 american service members in iraq over the last 12 days. according to the defense department. is this already a regional conflict in all but name, senator? >> i don't believe so. i think we have been able to contain the escalation. clearly what happened in syria on the attack on our personnel needed to be responded to we are spawned to it. it was an incident but it was not a mobilization of additional front in regards to tack on israel or the united states. we have not seen the mobilization of additional fronts right now. the battle is really between israel and hamas and gaza. yes there are scrimmage is in northern israel. we know about that we have also seen the houthis do some aggressiveness and will respond in time to all of that. but at this point are made objective is to prevent an escalation of the conflict and have more direct invasions into israel or into effect in the united states security. >> all right senator ben thank you for joining us tonight. just ahead louisiana's only black democratic congressman weighs in on his republican colleague from louisiana. mike johnson and his rise to speakership. we will be right back. we will be right back. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash. but this is a not flash. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ there's big news for women going through menopause. veozah - a prescription treatment for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms - the medical name for hot flashes and night sweats. with hormone-free veozah, you can have fewer hot flashes, and more not flashes. veozah is proven to reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors. increased liver blood test values may occur. your doctor will check them before and during treatment. most common side effects include stomach pain, diarrhea, difficulty sleeping, back pain, and hot flashes. ♪ i got a good feeling ♪ ask your doctor about hormone-free veozah and enjoy more not flashes. theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. the power goes out and we still have wifi a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. to do our homework. and that's a good thing? 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we mentioned the problems of gerrymandering in your state. and johnson played a role in overturning the election like crafting electoral college objections and having in conspiracy theories about voting machines linked to hugo chavez they were saying obviously is not gonna be putting forward voting rights and proposals on voting rights and you are likely to support that. but are you concerned about what trouble he could cause and are you concerned about what he could cause in the 2020 elections? i'm absolutely concerned and everybody should be. if a record is any indication on how someone sees life and how they view policy his record is not a good one it's a bad one from election denying to anti lgbtq rights to a woman's right to choose, we know that the speaker's views as they are today are absolutely -- we have to reach back to demonstrate that we are not going to just roll over and let these views stick. we are not going to allow the status quo because we've always done it we accepted. we will work with our leader and hakeem jeffries to make sure that we are ever-present and at the table. . i believe in my heart of hearts that he is the capacity. how much strength will he have to pull away from the zealous? to pull away from the donald trump's one thing is for certain, we will be there. we are going to keep our projects and our concerns on the forefront to make sure the speaker does not get a pass. that you have to and you must pivot to the center. we must talk about voting rights i understand what you've done in the past. but that is the past and if you are going to be speaker of the house not a speaker of the freedom caucus house but a speak of the people's house. i intend to play a pivotal role in bringing them there. . lasting the possible aid to israel. house republicans have a conference call tonight to discuss the issues. speaker johnson is pushing for a stand-alone bill for israeli aid which he supports but not including aid for ukraine which the white house requested. what is your reaction to this. i think it's a critical mistake it wasn't very long ago that republicans democrats and everyone in between that on the steps of the capital and pledged our full support for ukraine. we stood in unison in the most bipartisan way. and now there seems to be a shift from the willingness to provide these resources at a time that they are so critically important. we know the ukraine battle that is going on is a dangerous one, it's changes for our democracy is dangerous for the world's democracy and we have to continue to push back. that means the funding we've given we have to continue to provide it. we should not play games with the issues of fighting against the horrors of putin and fighting for democracy just like we have to fight to make sure that we are providing resources to israel and to make sure it resources and humanitarian aid for the people palestine. innocent people are dying on both sides of this equation and we must use every resource to stop hamas, support our partners in israel and support the stopping of the horrible loss of life that we are seeing in the middle east. . innocent lives in israel innocent lives in palestine and hostages many of whom we have not identified. let me go to this issue with the congressman. on wednesday the u.s. saw the deadliest sshooting this year in lewiston maine. 18 people were killed and 13 people were wounded. president biden called on congress to ban assault style rapids. do you see any signs of a breakthrough on this issue after all we did see democratic congressman jarrett goldman. we saw he changed his stance this week. coming up for a ban after the strategy. do you see any more changes here because we've seen mass shootings over 550 mass shootings this year. nothing is changed on the right about this. have you seen any movement since this occasion in maine? >> the question begs to be, answered how many lives have to be lost how many shootings how close does it have to come to your home. we saw jarred go to member of congress who his before now against banning assault rifles now sees a value on it because it's come so close to home. how many other innocent lives that we have to lose before the wright joins us in the middle to say let's do something about this. i'm always optimistic because i believe as long as we're at the table we can find solutions. i'm telling you they're members of the republican conference who so far have been immovable in an area that makes no sense. we're not talking about taking a constitutional right. we're not talking about taking away the ability for someone to go hunting. we're talking about reasonable gun measures that will save lives, synagogues churches shopping small concert halls. people just enjoying their everyday life who are now subject to these deranged shooters were out there with ar-15s and weapons of mass destruction the democratic party will continue to bring as many as we can, one by 12 by 23 by three. i want to work closely with members of the side of the aisle to demonstrate that that is not a partisan issue it's not a democratic or republican issue. it's american, lives and we are watching them die on the streets of america every single day. and the time to change and fix it is now. we have to make sure that people are no longer hiding behind the constitution. we will stand by and protect the constitution. we are not talk about taking away or denying their second amendment rights. we are talking about reasonable underscore and banning assault rifles. we are -- they've no purpose in the streets. there's no purpose for them. the purpose for them in the homes. >> i might add, when they talk about standing by the constitution, there's many of them that are distorting what the constitution really says. but i have to leave it there. representative troye of louisiana, thank you for your insight. thanks for being on with us tonight. after the break, our political counter weighs on whether former vice president pence's exit will shape up the republican race for president. stay tuned. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean? 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[music playing] here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> welcome back. i'm richard louis. stories we're watching this hour for, you president biden and benjamin netanyahu speaking on the phone today. they discuss the developments in gaza and underscored israel's right to defend itself, quote, and in a manner consistent with international humanitarian law. also in that conversation -- unaccounted for americans and the need to increase humanitarian aid for civilians and gaza. tampa police department saying today they made an arrest in connection with a shooting early this morning that left two dead and 18 others injured. 22 year retiree steven phillips was charged with second degree murder and that. and fans are mourning the death of friends star matthew perry. crowds gathered outside the grove street building in new york city that served as the exterior for the apartment in the hit show friends. perry died of an apparent drowning out his los angeles home. autopsy is pending. perry was 54 years old. let's get back now to politicsnation. >> thank you, richard. let's now bring in my political panel. two former congressman max rhodes, democrat of new york, and david jolly, who served as a republican congressman from florida. thank you both for joining me. let's start with this, max. there's a house republican meeting scheduled for this evening to discuss aid to israel. speaker johnson has already begun pushing forth a stand-alone aid package that would not include aid to ukraine. setting up his first fight with the white house, and the senate. max, how do you see this playing out? >> you know, if reagan could see this today, he would not recognize the republican party. it's very clear that speaker johnson, what he's doing is he's trying to gauge where his caucus is and move with the caucus, and those quickly extraordinary support for israel on the republican caucus, and diminishing support for ukraine by the day. and that's a scary thing, considering that if you are not on the side of supporting ukraine, then you are on the side of supporting russia. and that's where the republican base is, that's where donald trump is, and that's where the republican party is. and it's the reason why it's highly unlikely that the speaker is able to bring support for ukraine bundled with support for israel to the floor of the house. and the democratic party should hold them accountable for that. >> david, i really want to get your take on former vice president mike pence dropping out of the presidential race yesterday. pence was never able to overcome republican voter anger at him for refusing to aid trump and his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. what is pence's legacy, in your opinion? and how could his exit impact the race, if at all? will candidates be seeking his endorsement? >> certainly. they'll be seeking his endorsement. look, he only had about 3% of the vote, but there are republicans looking for someone strong and experienced on foreign policy. nikki haley may try to make a case to them. and mike pence has positioned himself as a natural fit for evangelicals looking to get past donald trump. but none of that was enough, which is very telling about the party. perhaps evangelicals are still okay with donald trump, and perhaps foreign policy hawks are okay with the former president as well. they'll seek his endorsement, will be curious what he does. as for his legacy, rev, that's a great question. it's a complicated one. he came of age politically and a traditional kind of bush era republicanism, cut deficits, spend less, privatized things as the governor of the state, become vice president. but it wasn't becoming vice president that is like us it got so complicated. sure, he's hard right ideologically, much like speaker mike johnson in many ways, but his embrace an elevation of donald trump will forever complicate his legacy. because he helped someone with autocratic, anti-democratic themes, and essentially enabled trump every step of the way. but something his legacy will bear a burden for. >> max, on friday, democratic congressman dean phillips of minnesota announced -- he announced his candidacy, challenging president biden for the democratic presidential nomination. philips says he applauds biden's accomplishments, but once seemed to step aside now for a younger generation. in 2019, you and philips were part of the same freshman class in congress. >> that's true. >> what do you make of his bid? >> well, rev, as you know, politics is deep in personal. dean and i came into congress together. he's a close personal friend. there's no circumstances under which i would say a negative thing about him. now, dean would certainly agree with me when i would say that his chances are difficult here. he's got the most uphill climb imaginable. but here is where do you think that the biden campaign is getting things a bit wrong. you know, between this no labels independent bid, and between what team is doing, it seems that at various times, the biden campaign is stepping away from competition, where if anybody is doubting, as a consequence of the presidents age, or whatever it might be, that he is not up for the fight, well, there's no better way to prove to the american people that he's up for the fight then winning a resounding primary victory, and also, beat the hell out of an independent bid. so i think competition can be a good thing. and what i do appreciate, though, about dean is that he has yet to say a negative word about the presidents record. and it is a transformative record, and it's a record that he has every right to vote on. i believe it's a record that will lead him to winning reelection. >> david, gop front runner donald trump was the main attraction at the republican jewish coalition's annual conference in las vegas yesterday. he got the most applause of any of the candidates who showed up. this, in spite of his comments two weeks ago criticizing e israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and describing hezbollah as, quote, very smart. in the aftermath of the attacks in israel. trump did mention those comments -- didn't mention those comments during his speech, but nikki haley did, claiming trump is confused about the threats to the u.s. and israel. what are your thoughts about what went down in vegas this week? >> remarkable snapshot of donald trump's control of the republican party, including the republican jewish coalition that was the host of the event. look, he gave nikki haley, ron desantis, and others and opening to go at him, but i believe it was the rnc jack executive director who said, nobody really cares what donald trump says. the cavity did. and in terms of what he did in office, and it is a little complicated, the republican jewish coalition and republicans writ large things that donald trump did many good things on behalf of the state of israel, but also the interests of jewish americans. so what we saw is donald trump's complete control of the republican party, once again. what does the right shape up as? it's still donald trump's race, but there's only really three players in this. it's trump, haley, and desantis. we'll see what kind of movie haley and desantis make, but it's not even close. it's still donald trump's party and his race. >> max rose and david jolly, thank you both for being with us this evening. coming up, as governor ron desantis -- 's presidential candidacy has founded. he's taken aim at -- florida's most vulnerable residents, including communities of color. i'll talk about that and what we talked about all day here today in tallahassee about what those communities are doing to fight back. that's next. ck that's next. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> welcome back to politicsnation. today, i am intel hasse, florida. i'm hearing my capacity as -- where i led a simon and service at the buffalo missionary baptist church. i came here specifically on the weekend of tens of thousands of people came for phantom use homecoming to call out florida governor ron desantis's relentless campaign to undermine civil rights for black residents of the state. joining me now is the pastor of battle baptist church, reverend are the homes and sidney aitchison. she's the president of -- millennial chapter, and chapter president of florida and i'm universities and aa c p. thank you both for coming on the show today. reverend homes, i want to hear the perspective of both of you. i want to start with you. you worked with us for years and action network. what have been the effects of governor desantis's culture war in the state? his rhetoric, his policies, first to you, reverend homes, and then to you, sydney. >> thank you, reverend sharpton. his policies are very dangerous and very devastating. this governor has the disease of being against. he's against voting, books, women's rights, gay rights, black history, so he has a policy of going down the wrong road. and we have been trying to tell the governor to wake up. your policies are very divisive, very mean-spirited, very hear hateful, and very hurtful. and what you said this morning, rob sharpton, you shed more light on why the country must stand up and let people know, you do not want florida -- you don't want the united states to look like florida. >> sydney? >> yes. so, i think it's been very devastating and horrific that he's banning books and just not allowing students at this level to learn about the history. he's been trying to erase history for the past year. and it's showing here, where i just graduated the summer. taking away lessons for african american students, things of that nature. as a college student -- fight against social injustices, because it'll only get waste from here. like you said earlier in the service, we can teach our children at home, but everyone deserves to know what's going on. everyone deserves to know black history. every student deserves to know. >> reverend homes, as sydney just mentioned, black churches and florida are now offering classes an african american history, given that state leaders have skewed and limited how the subject can be taught in schools. what are your thoughts on the organizing response to the states policies targeting black american history? and i say that in light of, even though we've had some on the show talking about it, it is still an obligation of the state to educate people. and you have black taxpayers in the state that, the history now is being eliminated from institutions their pain for. >> well as you know, our good friend ben -- legal system, what we're doing -- we've organized a tax force of bringing together scholars, historians, young people, to put together a menu to present to the department of education and this governor, to say, listen, black history does matter. black history -- significance, and the governor is an insult. -- we're gonna put together a curriculum that is factual, truthful, and straightforward. we're saying that enslaved folk did not derive any benefits from slavery. the only persons who benefited from slavery where the slave masters. >> sydney, what are students saying? i mean, for desantis to say that slaves benefited from slavery, what are students saying? >> students, especially at my university are devastated. they are very upset, -- march, february 15th, when we joined you, we had over 1200 people come out in support. the majority of those were students who were just trying to save their history. the students are not happy about what's been going on at florida state or across the world. florida's the capital, and here, we're trying to fight for change. we're coming together in the fight for social justice, because we're not happy, and we will not stand for it. the diversity, equity, and inclusion -- right now, it seems like desantis's presidential campaign is struggling, to put it nicely. which in some ways makes me more concerned for florida, as he looks for a new publicity stuns to get back into headlines. do you expect desantis's culture war tactics to escalate, reverend homes? >> i'd say he specializes in -- hopefully this will be a wake up call for him. florida is not going backwards. we're not gonna allow this governor without a fight to destroy diversity. inclusion. and equity. rev sharpton, it wasn't real -- it's amazing, remarkable that this governor, who finished from harvard and yale tries to act like the new jim crow, the new george wallace. his ticket to the white house will not be based on racism, bigotry, sexism. does not win the presidency, he will come back and be our governor, but i hope he'll be a changed man. >> all right. i'm gonna have to leave it there. we're out of time. reverend r b homes, sidney aitchison, we'll be hearing a lot from you, sydney, i'm sure, as your leadership is apparent. thank you both for being here. >> thank, you sir. >> my final thoughts. stay with us. ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. >> i am in tallahassee, as i said today, as head of -- as was stated, we did a large march with students here earlier this year, because florida has become ground zero for civil rights issues of this year and going into next year. because of governor desantis's decision. because of people like -- who resides in this area, who is the main -- fearless fund, and trying to stop black businesses from saying they want to fund black women. he was behind the supreme court decision on affirmative action. we must come as martin luther cake did in that generation, and those behind him, and confront those, and let them be exposed for trying to turn back the clock on gains that were one to correct what is happened in the past, not to act as though we've arrived at some place that we've not arrived that yet. and that is why i'll be coming to florida a lot. not because it's about republican or democrat. it's about righting wrongs. and we were on that path, and we cannot aboard it now. that does it for me. thank you for watching. i'll see you back here next weekend at five pm eastern. msnbc reports with lindsey reiser starts right after this short break at the top of the hour. so am i. because i'm at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. i'm asking about prevnar 20® because there's a chance pneumococcal pneumonia could put me in the hospital. if you're 19 or older, with certain chronic conditions like copd, asthma, diabetes, or heart disease or are 65 or older, you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia. prevnar 20® is approved in adults to help prevent infections from 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. in just one dose. don't get prevnar 20® if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. that's why i chose to get vaccinated with prevnar 20®. because just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated with prevnar 20® today. this is spring semester at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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Insult , Truthful , Slavery , Persons , Benefits , Slave Masters , Slaves , University , February 15th , 1200 , History , Change , Florida State , Diversity , Inclusion , Equity , Struggling , Social Justice , Headlines , Publicity , Culture War Tactics , Escalate , It Wasn T Real , Ticket , The New Jim Crow , Yale , Harvard , George Wallace , Presidency , Bigotry , Racism , Sexism , Oman , Sir , Reverend Rb Homes , Stay , Thank , Ma , Sore Throat Pain , Vapors , Throat , Sore Throat , Drop , Menthol , Vicks Vapocool , Vicks , Decision , Ground Zero , Zero , Businesses , Main , Fearless Fund , Supreme Court Decision , Affirmative Action , Cake , Gains , Clock , Martin Luther , Place , Wrongs , Path , Five , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Top , Lindsey Reiser , Msnbc , Chance Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Diabetes , Hospital , Copd , Asthma , Prevnar 20 , 20 , 65 , Dose , Ingredients , Strains , Immune Systems , Bacteria , Headache , Injection Site , Muscle Pain , Plans , Fatigue , Fairfield 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