That it is safe not to do so. The actions of some governors to prematurely reopen their states is reckless disregard for the health and life of all their residents. But particularly black americans, who have become demographic ground zero for this virus. For these reasons, i as head of National Action network encourage all black churches and businesses to remain closed during this critical period because ill say this until i dont need to we have a pandemic in and within a pandemic, one that has ravaged black communities in both urban and rural areas. With the centers for Disease Control reporting black people constitute 22 of all coronavirus deaths, despite being only 12 of the u. S. Population. And surreal as it is, those stats are likely to climb if we actually listen to our president. From his suspicious medical advice, the comical denials that follow almost every one of his statements and of course his childish fights with everyone from governors to the media to his own task force. But if you need any proof that words can kill, look no further than the last 48 hours of proclamation from this president s mouth because no amount of breach can cleanse this stain on the oval office. All this and more on politics nation today so lets get started. Joining me now democratic senator Kirsten Gillibrand of new york. Shes a member of the Senate Armed Services committee and a former 2020 president ial candidate. Let me get right into it, senator. Your reaction to the president and how he has conducted this whole situation that we face of a pandemic and his backandforward propositions on how to handle it, whos at fault and what should and should not happen. Hes been a failure and a disgrace since the beginning. He has given misinformation about health, alluding to that people should be injecting sanitizer gel or some other kind of chemicals. He is harming people misleading them. He has not led in the way we would have expected of a president. He should have been using the defensive act to create masks and gowns and other ppe. He should be doing it now for testing. So congress is working to get money so we can get test kits around this country and we can open up again. Let me pause you right there. Congress just passed and the president and the senate signed yesterday another stimulus business, but states and cities were not in that bill. In fact, Mitch Mcconnell, the Senate Majority leader even said at one point that he was in favor of he suggested hed prefer really that struggling states file for bankruptcy rather than receive money from the federal government to help them cope with the economic fallout from the pandemic. Listen to the response by new york governor andrew cuomo, where you serve as senator. Senator Mitch Mcconnell goes out and he says maybe the states should declare bankruptcy. Okay . This is one of the really dumb ideas of all time. New york puts in more money to the federal pot that it takes out. His state takes out more than it puts in. Senator mcconnell, whos getting bailed out here . Your response to senator mcconnell and your governors statement . I think senator mcconnell made an outrageous statement. It is disgraceful that he believes a state should go bankrupt than meet the needs of their state and that the federal government shouldnt be helping states in a time of crisis. Unfortunately Mitch Mcconnell has become so overtly partisan in this. Public servants are expected to take serve everyone. Its outrageous our majority leader cant see fit to do his job for all parts of the country. Ive been deeply concerned by the Trump Administration as well. Unfortunately the president is playing politics with relief money, with personal protect of equipment. We sent a letter, i and other senators, to ask the administration why we are hearing that fema is not delivers the ppe and the equipment that states need and that theyre actually taking it and distributing as they see fit. Again, this is not acceptable and we need oversight and accountability over this administration now more than ever and unfortunately Mitch Mcconnell is just adding to the fear and anxiety and frustration of americans b s because hes n seeing his responsibility as someone who should serve all americans. You want to go even further. You want to investigate, i understand, why and what happened in the initial response to this pandemic as it was unfolding and was even told by people in the administration that this was going to be a big problem. You want to investigate on what happened here. We knew about this pandemic as early as january. And the fact that President Trump didnt take it seriously didnt begin to have the Health Care Supply system get up and running. He delayed in using the defense production act when it could have been more effective. Hes still delaying using it now for testing. We cant reopen america until we have testing readily available. Every school kid should be able to be tested before they go back to school, and we should be able to have rapid tests on every School Ground as well as every pediatricians office, as well as every hospital and Health Center and we dont because President Trump hasnt taken this pandemic seriously. Hes not led and hes not done when we would expect of an administration during a global pandemic. You have other legislative initial tif initiatives. Tell us what else youre trying to legislate in the midst of all of this were facing in the nati nation. In the next bill were hoping to vitalize the country. We want postal banking so everybody person can have access to cash payments, checking accounts and saving accounts and National Paid leave so every worker can get up to three months paid leave to state home with a sick child and two weeks of sick days no matter who you are or where you work. We will only bible to cover 25 of the workforce so far. We need 100 covered. We also need more money for food stamps and food relief. I got to tell you, families are struggling now more than ever to just put food on their tables and in a country as rich as ours, that is a sin. All right. New york senator kirstjen gillibra gillibrand, thank you for being with us. My next guest has been appointed to lead the Coronavirus Task force on racial dispariti disparities. Lieutenant governor gil crest, i had your governor on last weekend. She talked about this. Why is it important to have a task force on Racial Disparities in michigan . Were seeing the numbers go up all over detroit and michigan. Why a task force on racial dispariti disparities . Why is that important . Thank you for having me. This is critical because black people make up 14 of our state, yet weve accounted for 40 of the people who have died from covid19. The only reason we know that in michigan is because we were one of the first and still sadly remain one of the few states to collect and report our coronavirus test results and deaths based upon race. You need to observe a problem so you can respond to it and this is something that we have no choice but to respond to because of how people are dying and the disparate impacts it is having on people of color and black people specifically in the state of michigan. What about the backlash of some . Youve had protests in front of the statehouse in lancing, some using racial signs and racial symbols. And theres even a Michigan State senator that wore what appears to be a Confederate Flag cloth mask on the senate floor yesterday. What do you make of that . Well, i mean, reverend sharpton, as someone who has fought for civil rights for his entire life, i know you certainly get sick of this every time you see it. And as a plaqblack man, the fir Lieutenant Governor in michigan, it was appalling and disgusting to see a Confederate Flag chosen as the face mask of a sitting state senator. Youre going to see those Confederate Flags show you what this was about. It was not about protesting orders to stay home and stay safe. This was about politics. This was about partisanship. That was a trump rally. People were there brandishing automatic weapons, haning canba candy to children who can take the virus back to their communities in michigan. That has been made space for by the recklessness of the president. Should the state senate of michigan censor or denounce the senator that would go on the senate floor with a confederate face mask . Im disappointed the Senate Republican leadership has not done that yet. I hope they will step up. To openly choose to wear a symbol of bigotry, racism, oppression in this moment when people need to come together in the state of mish given and across the country is reprehensible. This is a time for unity. We need all hands on deck and to choose to do Something Like that sends the absolute wrong messa message. Particularly as youve laid out the facts that there are more blacks suffering from the virus and anyone and hes wearing a symbol of those that wanted blacks enslaved and lynched and other things. Let me ask you this, what do you hope the task force can do to flatten the curve of Racial Disparities in terms of health care and general and particularly the coronavirus . Well, first of all, we have to act quickly because people are losing their lives every single day. One of the things thats been so dangerous about this virus is that some of the people who are doing those jobs that are critical to protecting and sustaining life, people working at Grocery Stores and people who are bus drivers, these are people who have an increased risk of exposure to the virus. We need to make sure theyre getting exposed less and put protocols in place to prevent the exposure. If somebody needs to go to the Grocery Store and fighting with persistent poverty, you cant afford to buy hundreds of dollars of grocery and not go back for a month. So you have to go back every two or three days, exposing the drivers and we need to make sure that a safety net will protect us from the virus. Are you concerned about november elections about whether or not we may have a situation that we have the First National general lek that has to be done a large part by mailin voting . Do you think michigan is prepared for that . Are preparations being made now . Provision is being made now. We have much more voting by mail since 2018 and were better positioned. We need federal support to be able to put in place the systems so that we can handle a more and more voter ballots. No one should have to choose between their life and democracy. You shouldnt have to choose between exercising your right to vote and dying. You thought against that when people were threatening to lynch people. Now theres a death threat called coronavirus and we have to not put people in its way by forcing them to go out. As you move around the state, are you seeing people with hope . Reverend williams and others tell me youre the guy who keeps your boot on the ground. Tell me what youre feeling from the citizens of michigan. I tell you this, reverend, i have been inspired by the people of michigan. The irony of social distancing is that it reminds us how connected we truly are. Im talking to people who are calling their grandparents more often, checking up on friends and family members and making sure theyre okay. Theyre delivering food in a safe way to make sure they have what they need. Its inspiring because on the other side of this, reverend sharpton, were going to check in on one another more often. Were going to say i love you a little harder, hug each other a little tighter as soon as its safe to do so and that is going to be the bright sunshine that is the morning after this stormy night. That inspires me and motivates me to make sure we have everything we need to put this in place right now because we need to break through and do everything we can. We have to break through it. We have to get through and rebuild and restructure it. It will not be easy to rebuild after the damage of this p pandem pandemic. But im with you. I have faith we can do it. Michigan Lieutenant Governor garland gilcrest, thank you for joining us tonight. Good to be with you. Joining us now, daniel moody, host of woke af daily. Let me go to you first, john. You cover race. You spent a lot of time in detroit. You just heard the Lieutenant Governor. The racial aspect of this coronavirus in terms of the actual hard data and a lot of people are saying why bring race up. Well, how do you not bring it up if youre going to deal with the facts as we see them laid out even by the cdc. Have you found to be the underlying reasons as the response, whether it meets the need in terms of having a proper response or whether it is more talk and really no action to try to deal with the disparities as we see them . The underlying reasons are we can go all the way back to red lining and what that has essentially created a system in which a lot of brown and black folks are living in communities, they dont have nutritional food options, they dont have insurance. You have all these factors piled on top of each other. Even before the pandemic, there was this issue of poor health in black and brown communities. To that point about what do you do once you have the data and see those disparities, its not just an academic exercise. Its actually doing something about it now. I think were finally starting to see different places, whether that be milwaukee, ive heard about efforts in richmond, virginia, efforts in south florida where theyre going out into the black communities where they have these poor heath outcomes and theyre handing out masks and doing mobile testing sites in charlotte. Theyre not just testing for coronavirus, but theyre reaching out with other social issues, talking about other Health Outcomes they might have and how they can help them. Its about taking that data and what do you do with that data to prevent the continued spread of the virus in these communities. Noah, we heard the president say when he was asked as a briefing about the racial d disparities and hes says its wrong, i dont like it. But have we seen a plan or even the rhetoric of a plan from this administration to deal with this issue . No, and i think the extent to which they are thinking of the issue at all is in a socioeconomic framework. Heath outcomes are worse for those on the lower end of the Social Security your economic ladder. When the recession begins, its going to affect the farthest end of the economic ladder. This has been a shutdown experience by Service Professionals and thats who it will hit the most. It will migrate up the ladder, but thats only going to make this problem worse. To the extent that i think its a valid point, its nevertheless the case that to address negative Health Outcomes for individuals down the economic ladder, it is to address conditions that are ensuring that you cant open up your business, you cant make money and the paltry means by which the federal government has provided for them to try to get through a fourmonth shutdown were looking at with what is effectively the weekly income for most americans, 12 hu,200 about 300 more than what an average makes a week is not going to cut it. It is part of the problem. Opening up the economy, danielle, we have georgia and other states opening up little by little. As i opened the show, many of the civil rights leadership as well as the heads of the historical black religious denominations all came together and encouraged and called on people to dont participate in violating the stayhome ordinances that were in effect in their states and even when you have the governor of georgia removing it, saying to stay home. How do you feel about that and how does it impact especially black women . Im generally very concerned about what this reopening means, especially in georgia because what happens is that when you open up these businesses and you allow for people to go back to work or you are say they can go back to work, that means theyre no longer allowed to get unemployment. That means they are forced into a situation where if in fact they feel unsafe that they no longer have the benefits that are in place for them to go and be able to get unemployment. Thats a problem. And thats one of the reasons why i think that many of these republican governors are looking to push to a reopening because they dont want to pay unemployment because the unemployment numbers are incredibly high. We have to really look at the fact that economic vulnerability is one that we dont talk about. Weep talk about the Health Vulnerability but the health and economic vulnerabilities are in lock step with one another. Impoverished areas are less likely to have access to healthy food and medical care we dont look at those things. Thats what the coronavirus has exasperated for all of us, the grasp that have existed for quite some time. John, you said that this is something that danielle just said has existed for some time. I said the coronavirus just put clegg lielghts on what was alrey there. Theres going to have to obstruct earli structural chao make Health Care Even in this country. What can be done . Is it testing like you referred to in charlotte . Is it making Health Care Facilities more accessible to areas of color . What do we need to immediately see done . I think exactly some of those things you said. I think the first thing a lot people see is testing. We need to know who has the december is to treat it properly. The second thing is access to health care. Part of the reason weve seen poor outcomes for africanamericans over the years is a general mistrust and mistreatment from the health care system. Thats going to be hard to address right now. You hear all these stories of black people long before the coronavirus came going to the hospital and having their pain downplayed by physicians. You hear stories during the coronavirus black people and other people who are not black going home to wait it out and coming back and dying shortly after they get to the hospital. Quick fixes are thanksgivi ees testing and making sure theres access. In detroit they have a way for everyone to get screened by phone for a doctor. The longterm goals are harder things to face up to when it comes to racism and structural inequality in the health care system. Danielle, will this have impact on the election in 2020 . Youre one that deals with the politics of the president ial race and other races. Will this impact the election . If so, how. I think it has to do with whether or not were able to get people en masse to the polls and also the way were going to be campaigning, what the convention will look like and how this president has failed the American People since the beginning of this outbreak. Its going to play a part. Is the president in trouble, noah . I know weve all had to really make some drastic changes in the middle of the pandemic. You cant even shave. I almost didnt recognize you. Is the president in trouble . He is, as is my face. This is a physical manifestation of my willingness to lock down in perpetuity. I wouldnt be caught dead with this outside. The president is going to have to make some really tough decisions. Those will seriously impact the extent to which his base will be able to go to the polls with enthusiastically vote for him. To the extent theically is go e going to take a terrible hit, an incumbent president looking at those numbers is unlikely to survive. If he manages to pull it out, it will be unprecedented. All right, john, danielle and noah, thank you all for being with us. Coming up, as Small Businesses across the country try to rebound from the impact of coronavirus, minorityowned businesses are having a tougher time securing funds from lenders. Sounds familiar, right . Well talk about that next. But first, my colleague richard lui with todays top news stories. Richard . Thanks, reverend. Its a day of governors making decisions. In Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp gave the order to reopen some businesses. Residents there are allowed to go to hair salons, athletic gyms and bowling alleys. However, atlantas democratic mayor is pushing back telling her constituents to ignore the governors order and continue social distancing. In new york, andrew cuomo is expected to sign an executive order that will expand the criteria of who can get tested in the state to include essential workers and First Responders beaches are open again in parts of flacorida. Activities and hours are restricted and social distancing is required. The governor said numbers there are improving, which justifies his decision. Cases of coronavirus across the country now stand at more than 900,000 and more than 52,000 people have died in the u. S. So far. Im richard lui in new york. Politics nation continues right after the break. Stick around. Right after the break. Stick around i wanted more from my copd medicine thats why ive got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved oncedaily 3in1 copd treatment. 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Like a Good Neighbor, state farm is there. We have much more on the way, including how blackowned businesses in particular are fighting to get more funding from lenders after coronavirus decimated their bottom lines. Plus, join us tomorrow at 5 p. M. Eastern. Ill speak with a pair of u. S. Senators about coronavirus recovery in their states and the greater nation. Also tomorrow, tune in for my colleague joy reids oneonone interview with the u. S. Congress speaker, House Speaker nancy pelosi. You wont want to miss it. Thats tomorrow morning, a. M. Joy. Well be right back. Joy. Well be right back. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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Weve seen how the coronavirus pandemic has hit black and brown communities by exacerbating existing inequalities, but those outcomes arent just limited to infection and mortality rates. Congress has given billions of dollars in relief for Small Businesses, but many minorityowned businesses are getting left behind. This is not a new problem caused by the coronavirus, but more of the same whiteowned businesses have historically been approved for loans at higher rates. Joining me is charles phillips, cochair of the black economic alliance. Charles, we see that this is a real problem with the first stimulus bill, even the New York Times did a front page story of how many of the large banks were taking care of their largest depositors, Large Businesses and by the time some of the smaller businesses applications were even considered, the money was gone. Now we have the second one coming and you and others have aggressively been fighting to make sure theres a formula that guarantees Small Businesses and particularly businesses in the black and brown communities have access to some of these funds. Explain to us the problem and explain to us where you are in this fight. Good to see you again, rev. I would say there are three main issues in the program. Keep in mind this program was put together quickly and they probably will do it differently Going Forward if they could. The large banks were already part of the sba lending programs so they didnt have to sign up. The small banks that underserved communities. The larger customers knew how to sign up already and whoever got their first got the money. And by law you dont have to do first come first serve, the banks. We didnt use technology. A lot of private lenders can do twohour loans because they tap into your existing systems, your accounting systems, your h. R. Systems. This all happens in a digital footprint and it gets the money right away. We didnt do this. And the third issue is some of the Smaller Banks called Community Development Financial Institutions or cdfis, they werent a part of the program, they were confused, should i part part of this . Where do i go . Theyve since joined but only 78 of the nearly 1,000 cdfis participated. There was a lack of data, language issues and many were left out. There was a call for congress to prioritize nutritionnd black Financial Firms and black Small Businesses. What does that support look like . A lot of Small Businesses did get loans. Of the 1. 6 million that were written, 1. 2 million were below 150,000. This just didnt happen in communities of color. What we want to happen is take 10 of the funds in this next round and dedicate it to companies with employees of color. And help the cdfis sell those loans for larger banks or back to the treasury, group it together the way we do mortgages and get it off their Balance Sheet and it allows them to go lend again. And the third thing is give them some time. Getting their employees back is going to take some time. Some employees are getting benefits from unemployment insuran insurance, theyre getting the stimulus package, making more than they were before so theyre not coming back until june or so. Let me say one of the bright lights ive seen in this darkness is seeing people like you and robert smith and Corporate Leaders really fight for this. Weve been on the phone every day and ive been jump on you guys and you guys have been who can deal republican and democrat have tried to deliver. This has been good to see the Community Come together. Were nonpartisan. Were trying to help the outcome. This is a lot of people at stake. These Small Businesses that we talk about, thats almost 47 of the employees in the country. This is important for everyone. Its good that yall are nonpano nonpartisan. As you know im very opinionated, as you have found out in the last several weeks. Chuck phillips, thanks for being on. Coming up, a message from rapper diggy. Well be right back. Diggy. Well be right back. You need the 1 selling subcompact tractor in the u. S. The versatile kubota bx series. The coronavirus continues to affect us all, and we are here, actively supporting you and your community. Every day, were providing trusted information from top health experts. Sharing tools to help protect families from fraud. And creating resources to support family caregivers everywhere. As always, you can count on aarp to advocate for you and your family. Join us and stay connected at aarp. Org coronavirus its time to slow down, get into a period of deep resto restorative breaths. Over the next 20 minutes, ill be guiding you over a medication that will help you slow down and drift off into the peaceful, restorative sleep that you deserve. Sweet dreams, everyone. God bless. Music mogul diddy is back in the studio this year, but not to make records. Instead he along with other celebrities have teamed up with the Audio Content company audible and aryania huffingtons thrive global to create free content, from bedtime stories to guided meditations that will help americans rest, relax and restore themselves during this chaotic coronavirus period. Joining me now is the one and only arianna huffington, ceo of thrive global. Thank you for coming on. When diddy called me, and he and i have our own special relationship, and say you got to talk to arianna about this campaign. I said why are we talking about sleep . He said one of the things that is an outcome of the trauma were going through and this happened in 1918 when we went through that flu pandemic is Mental Health. He said sleep helps you, he calls me pops, to deal with your Mental Health in an unstable time. When i talked to you, you converted me like you were the preacher and i was the parishioner. Tell us why this is important right now. Well, first of all, thank you so much for spreading the word. Its been absolutely amazing to be able to show to people that according to the latest science, sleep is foundational, both for our Mental Health and for our physical immunity as we are fighting this virus. And diddys meditation has had an unprecedented impact in the last week since we launched it. Its been number one on audible, has gotten only rave reviews and the reason is because right now people are having a harder time than ever to get recharging sleep, as stress, anxiety, fear, the uncertainty of the times we are living in are making it very hard for people to surrender to sleep. And diddys meditation is really effective, and i personally listen to it every night and i have not been able to listen to it until the end except in the recording studio. And we need that strength right now because especially in underserved communities and the africanamerican community, this virus, as you know, is having a disproportionate effect and you know that our personal choices around sleep, food, movement, thoughts we hold in our minds are having a big impact on our health. Now, sleep being that important, and im not that i confess sleep is not one of my habits. Im up working out at 4 30 in the morning. What does sleep do to help new a stressful time . What is the physical and Health Aspects that sleep does that people watching need to really have in mind while theyre going through this stressful period . Right. As you may know, ive written a whole book on sleep and the science of sleep shows us its not actually a time of inactivi inactivity, but its the time when all the toxins that accumulate in our brains can be cleaned up, so that we can start refreshed and recharged in the morning. And right now if you go to google, the searches for insomnia have skyrocketed. So people wake up more stressed with cortisol in their bodies and stress is dramatically affecting immune systems as well as our Mental Health and depression, anxiety. Its absolutely critical. And if you dont need a lot of sleep, let me explain that there is about 1 to 1. 5 of the population who have a genetic mutation and they dont need a lot of sleep. You may be one of them because you never needed a lot of sleep in their life, but the majority of people need seven to nine hours. Look at athletes. When they get enough sleep, the right food, et cetera, theyre better in the better in the are. Had re the i run out of time. Your companys collaborating with audible thats based in newark, new jersey. Both companies have been doing a lot of charity work there in newark and around the country to help front line workers and the larger community. Tell us about that. So audible, first of all, released everything for free, as you mentioned, and is also donating a lot of money and resources to newark working kitchens to feed those in need. And a nonprofit that thrive club and my company founded, together with harvard and caa, is donating money to the same newark kitchens to feed First Responders. So we believe the combination of giving, helping underserved communities while also helping all of us take what we call microsteps, small incremental steps around sleep, nutrition, movement, and the thoughts we hold in our minds, all that together can make us stronger, in fighting this virus and coming out of this incredibly stressful time stronger and more resilient. All right. Arianna huffington, thank you for being with us. Stay with us. Up next, my final thoughts. Up next, my final thoughts when you shop with wayfair, you spend less and get way more. So you can bring your vision to life and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair. Com motor . Nope. Not motor . Its pronounced motaur. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. For those who were born to ride, at t knows you have a lot of things on your mind. Staying connected shouldnt be one of them. Thats why were offering contactless delivery and setup on all devices. And for those experiencing Financial Hardship due to this crisis, well work with you to keep your service up and running. Hi because at at t, were always committed to keeping you connected. Yoat natures way, that startsn with quality ingredients. Like our sambucus made from elderberries grown and picked at their prime. Choose the way to quality immune support, choose natures way sambucus. That family doesnt have to take out of their house. It relieves stress off of me to let me know im doing something good for the community, not just papa johns. Im doing something good for the community, soon, people will be walking back through your door. Soon, life will move forward. Well welcome back old colleagues, get to know new ones some things may change, but well still be here, right here, so you can work on the business of getting your business back. At paycom, our focus will always be you and well see you soon. We are in the midst of a pandemic, and were in the midst of a president ial election year. Theres been a lot of talk about how former Vice President joe biden must choose a running mate. And he will have to make that decision based on the advice of the task force hes announced. And many of us will announce our preferences to him or the task force. Ive said openly that there are black women that can be on that ticket that can help governor and that could help win, and i do not make any bones about it. Im excited about stacey abrams, who i think brings a lot to this country. Im excited about kamala harris, val demings. There are qualified black women. There are qualified people that im sure others will raise. What we do not do is make the mistake of 16, where we raise it as ultimatums. Already you have rightwingers saying oh, al sharptons going to pick the nominee for biden. No. Were not picking anything. We are only giving whatever counsel we choose if we choose because if countrys in trouble. And we are not immature enough to play the game of trying to in any way make people not understand that there are people that are qualified to help bring this country where it needs to be. I worked for eight years with Barack Obamas administration, and ive worked with joe biden. I believe that joe biden will listen to everyone and make his choice and it will be a good choice. And then the nation will see whether this president could bring us out of the pandemic or not and choose which one we want to see sit in that white house. Let me say, i rarely quote peggy noonan of the wall street journal, but i think she was right when she said that were all in different boats but were in the same storm. Some of us in yachts, some of us on rafts. But were in the same storm. Were going to have to come out of this. And were going to have to think our way out that does it for. Thanks for watching. Ill see you back here tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. Up next my colleague Peter Alexander picks up our coverage with more on todays news. E with more on todays news. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. 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