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0 sponsor because of his outrageous statement. but they're still dealing with the bill and having congresswoman blackburn manage this bill on the floor. >> right. they've decided that they're going to put a woman's face on the bill. and congresswoman blackburn is no friend of women, reverend al. she recently really embarrassed herself by saying that equal pay is not an issue for most women. >> wait a minute, the lady congresswoman that is managing this bill. >> yes. >> they're debating it tomorrow, in fact. >> yes. >> she once said equal pay -- >> not a big deal for women. not a women's issue. >> really? >> yes. she said that. >> and it was recently? >> it was about two weeks ago, i think, governor, right? >> stunning, stunning. >> yeah, stunning. so they think this is going to trick women. they're putting in exceptions for rape and incest into a bill that will never become law, mind you. but the language in their platform is the same. they've always refused to put in an exception -- always since 1992. so their extremism is not diminished. they're moving on these all of for people to register to vote. cruz brings up voter id as his answer to the supreme court. >> right. and voter id i think could have -- you can make a case, rev, that it cost governor romney the election, because it fired up the democratic base in a way that president obama's reelection effort couldn't do. when you try to take people's vote away, and they're going to come out and vote with a vengeance. that's what happened in ohio and pennsylvania and michigan and pennsylvania, a lot of different places. >> i traveled a lot of those place, and that was real. people stood in line, governor, not only to support the president, as clearly many did, but they stayed seven, eight hours because they were offended that their right to vote was in question. >> absolutely. >> well, joan, when you look at the fact that on the right -- well, let's just look at the faith and freedom conference this weekend. >> yeah. >> let me give you a sample of leverage that minority power that they have to block the president's agenda, to block the democratic agenda, to block an agenda that would help people of all races, including white people, including a lot of white people who sadly vote for them. they've gotten very good at playing dog whistle racial politics. and now they're being left behind by a country that is transforming demographically, reverend al. you see this, but they're not changing. i mean, reince priebus had to go there and say i'm a christian in front of this crowd, when we don't have any religious test for government or for participating in the politics. >> this is a democracy, not a theocracy. i don't even know that they talked to whites about their interests. >> right. >> because their policies don't help anybody in this country when you really get down to it. >> perfect example of that, reverend, is the s.n.a.p. program, the food stamp program. in pennsylvania, the vast majority of the people in pennsylvania on food stamps, 1.2 million are white. and yet they try to position food stamps as an african-american and latino problem. it isn't. and they just don't get it. it's not the message. it's the values. and until they change the values, they're not going win. >> and 60% are women. so, again, that's a women's issue too. >> absolutely. >> they don't talk anyone's interest. that's how they should learn to talk to everybody, including white voters is people's interest. but they so far have not got that message. joan walsh, governor rendell, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> thank you. ahead, a dramatic day in the george zimmerman trial. we've got some news on that pivotal 911 tape. and what does dick cheney know about credibility? the answer, of course, is nothing. so wait until you hear what he is saying about president obama. and sarah palin isn't a punch line. she is a force in the gop and could actually have impact on president obama's agenda. and i love hearing from you. send me your e-mails. reply al is coming up. stay with us. 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