Transcripts For MSNBCW NOW With Alex Wagner 20130802

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0 yesterday the budget process took a hit when the senate failed to advance a bill to increase spending for transportation and housing programs. a bill known as t.h.u.d., transportation housing and urban development, which died because after republican filibuster. after the vote democratic senator chuck schumer hammered his colleagues from the other side. >> at times working with the other side feels like the middle east peace process. there's no one to negotiate with. the hard right conservatives won the day on this bill. >> but the hard right conservatives aren't winning everywhere. before this week even started, there was a fight brewing within the republican party over whether to shut down the government in order to defund obama care. and this week the cracks within the gop have started to widen into chasms. on wednesday the intraparty meltdown worsened when a republican version of the t.h.u.d. had to be withdrawn from the house floor due to a lack of votes. reason -- the cuts were so devastating that even house it is almost an exercise at the end of the session for the recess, republicans in congress saying, look, we are all still together here. >> essentially the only things that binds them together is this hatred of barack obama. i have to read this quote which i think sums of the feelings of conservatives. "perhaps the most frustrating aspect of the current gop's refusal to do anything to propose to slash spending is that propose is all they really want to do. they can't actually stomach the actual cuts their abstract ideology demands. that's what's so interesting about the budget failing in the house, that this is the party who's ideology is supposed to be about cutting spending but now that they have the chance to really put specifics to cutting spending they don't want to do it, or at least a substantial portion of them don't want to do it. >> for years they've been talking about this ryan budget by that's a very abstract libertarian that wants to withdraw in terms of national security, wants to cut the defense budget even. then you have another faction that just wants to slash across the budget, cut social services, cut food stamps. what is the core belief system now that aen mates the party other than disliking obama? >> we're seeing cracks now but i think the core is still dislaking and wanting to stop obama and his agenda. the one thing to get at that poll, to amplify that poll of republican voters saying you should be more conservative, when you had nancy pelosi saying how will republicans go back and explain to the american people what didn't happen this year, well, the republicans are going back to districts that in almost every case voted for mitt romney last year. there are only nine republicans in the entire u.s. house who represent districts that did not vote for mitt romney. their constituents are very different read on what's playing out in washington, what congress failed to do this year than the constituents of the democratic members who accounted for are 5 million vote plurality for obama we had to sign all kinds of waivers, saying none of us had children, none of us were going to be pregnant because this is terrible for children. but a lot of people are forced into this kind of housing because they can't afford it. it has devastating impact on mental development, to crime, to poor school outcomes. talking a really small amount of money but than wasn't what was controversial inside the republican party. they blew up over a kind of minor sort of slush fund for mayors in cities but there is in fact a lot of unity on this idea that the government lass to do less to help the least fortunate. >> i think you've gotten to where my mind is on where the republican party is, jonathan. a lot of it is about liberals would define as cruelty. it is about punishing poor people. >> it is the meanness caucus. if you actually look at what they want to cut first, what are at the top of their list. food stamps. this is not a program that is going to people who are doing okay. it's a program going to people who are hurting or meeting a requirement. it is not like this is a bunch of bums who are getting -- these are people who need it and the connective tissue which the republican party -- bob dole, by the way, jesse helms support food stamps. the connection between the republican party of 25 years that understood there was a role for government in amealating poverty in lessening suffering, that tissue has been severed. but the big thing now that's going on that is the tactical difference between the extremely conservative pragmatists and the extremely conservative suicide caucus -- >> the meanness caucus. a group wants to shut down the government over the funding of obama care and the smarter conservatives understand that this is suicide. >> it is insane. >> we're used to it in the house and it's bled over into the senate, thank you ted cruz. we are also following developing news for you. the state department issued a caution to u.s. citizens abroad to potential for terrorist attacks specifically in the middle east and north africa. this travel alert extends from now to the end of august after news this morning that 23 u.s. embassies and consulates in the middle east and africa with be closed this sunday. the closing of those embassies is al qaeda linked. after the break, ed yard snowden has been sprung from the moscow airport. what washington worries that the nsa leaker's asylum will ground relations with russia. we'll discuss the latest chapter in the snowden saga and the russian ballet with the "new york times" david sanger joins us next on "now."

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