Transcripts For MSNBCW NewsNation 20140818

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Times for the family. Thats why we were called. I must say, when we were called, they were trying to get the fbi or the federal government involved without successes at that time. Thats why they wanted me to come in. Channel 5, im sorry. After we started the autopsy, then it was announced they were going to do another autopsy, which is fine. Becau it shows the interest and the concern the federal government has in this kind of debt, and youre here because many black men die of accident, of homicide every day in this country. Never, as far as recall, the president has gotten involved. The only other time was Charles Manson and not when you were around. One thing i want to add here, the chief medical examiner in st. Louis county, shes an excellent forensic pathologist. Im sure her work will turn out to be excellent its released. Again, it hasnt been released yet. And the family wants to know southeaste certain simple questions. Sean parcels has been as the result t instrument tal in th autopsy evaluation. I dont know if you want to point out anything on the drawing. Im professor sean parcels. I would like to thank everyone for bringing me into this case. Were here for the family to answer questions about what happened to Michael Brown. I want you to understand when an autopsy is done we look at the body in an anatomical position. This is the anatomical position. This is not how we stand, how we walk. But milliedically speaking, we to describe wounds this way. As you all know, dr. Baden and i concluded he was shot six times. One to the top of the head. The apex. We have one that entered just above the right eye brow. Weve got one that entered the top part of the right arm. Weve got a graze wound, a superficial graze wound to the middle part of the right arm, weve got a wound that entered the medial aspect of the right arm, and weve got a deep graze wound that produced a laceration to the palm of the right hand. These two, where the xs are, represent what dr. Baden and feel are possible reentry wounds. The wound that hit the forehead right above the eye brow actually came out right around the right eye and went back in. Then it exited again right here at the jaw line and came out and went back into the right shoulder. Thats from one bullet. We have to conifer that with the first autopsy. This wound right here to the side of the chest is a possible reentry wound. Which wound on the arm that correlates to were not sure. We have to correlate all of this with the first autopsy. And the ore critical point i want everyone to be clear on is that this wound to the medial aspect of the right arm just generally speaking, happened right about here. Okay. So what dr. Baden and i feel occurred, by the way, the red mark is showing the same wound. Its not a separate wound. Its showing the same wound in the same location in that arm that youre looking at it from the back. And as the attorneys were saying, there was a witness statement that said that he was walking away and the gun goes off and he kind of jerks. The question asked to us was could that wound occur from him walking away and then he turns around . Its consistent with that. However, understand, too, that while the shot could have come from the back, because if im standing here walking along and get shot in the direction. My arm is in the same general area. Its a mobile part of your body. It could have occurred when he was putting his hands up. I put my hand up and you see where the wound is at. It could have happened if he put his arms across in a defensive manner. We dont know. We have to look at other aspects before we can start piecing things together. The attorneys behind me thought it might be a question among you. Were here to are any of the wounds inconsistent with the witness accounts that Michael Brown was shot while rushing the Police Officer . It could be consistent with his Going Forward or back ward, but theyre from the front. If he was shot Going Forward, he would collapse right away. The problem yeah. Its possible. There a number of different possibilities to that. [ inaudible ] the question is how far away yes. We can tell certain distance. We can tell the distance from the muzzle of the gun to the body and the clothing. If theres closer to the weapon is to the body, the more powder residue there will be on the body and the skin and the clothing. In this instance, its no gunshot residue on the skins surface. So that the muzzle of the gun was at least one to two feet away. The muzzle at the time of dangedange discharge. In order to be firm about that, we have to look at the clothing, which we havent had the opportunity to look at because sometimes the clothing can filter out gunshot residues. Reporter doctor, can you state how many times the actual shot . Six bullets struck him. Six bullets struck and two may have reentered. Three bullets were recovered at the first autopsy. According to our report. There were the two head wounds and the bullet of the chest stayed in the body and removed at the first autopsy from our examination of the body. One of the things that is going to be important for us to see is the xraies. The all black and white xraies that will show were the bullets were before the autopsy was started. That is documented in xraies taken before an autopsy in a gunshot wound case. I spoke with dr. Case and they did all the proper xraies, photographs, and they should be available at some time. Whether today or three or four months from now often depend on what the prosecutor ought to do. Mary case could have told you everything im telling you on day, but often in an investigation like this, its not uncommon for prosecutors not to warrant information released. I think in my experience, when it happens, it only gets the community more upset. Madam, are you with the media . Im not. Only the media. Two things. Access. I think at some point the defense should have access to the clothing. That depends largely the clothing is now from dr. Cases advi advice, in the los angeles st. Louis county police agency. Theyre going to be looking at it. Its up to them when the defense not the defense the families will have access to it. At some time there will be access to it and the results as far as the other important question was any signs of a struggle. In talking about a struggle. One of the things the attorney also asked for is the medical examination of the officer who was in a struggle. So signs of injury to the officer to Michael Brown are both needed. One thing is there are abrasions around the right side of mr. Browns face. Runni i rubbing against the ground, c happened, as best as we can tell, happened after he was shot and fell to the ground. No evidence of a struggle. It would be important in evaluation of the case, for the medical examiner and the fbi for the defense the family to see what happened to the officer. Over here for a second. [ inaudible question ] the first autopsy at the county medical examiner, second one at the arthur lane funeral home where the body was delivered for burial. We did that in the office. It was about three or four hour autopsy re autopsy. We cant answer that. My impression we have another 50 years or so theyre going to be very similar. I think theyre available now. The autopsy records are available now. When its going to be released is probably up to the prosecutor. Right here. Excuse me. Right here. [ inaudible question ] the autopsy itself is consistent with police or witnesses there are many different witness testimonies. Many of them seem to line up in one direction. Some in another direction. Right now until we get more information until we hear from a Forensic Science point of view can make a definite judgment. The lawyers who interviewed witnesses, we dont interview witnesses, may be impressed with some witnesses who seem more trust worthy than others, and as the police are doing, too, this is what are jurors are supposed to do juries are supposed to look at who is telling the truth and who is. Lawyers do it all the time. They have more information than we have. Right now from the science point of view, we cant determine which witness and there are all kinds of observations made is most consistent with all of the forensic findings. You mentioned transparency and information and you mentioned [ inaudible ] was there any investigative reason any scientific reason why this information could not have been released from day one . This. This is judgment based on this was one of the things the family was concerned about. Even though when an autopsy is done 95 of the information is available right away. Stab wounds, gunshot wounds, things like microscopic slides and toxicology may be a value but dont determine the cause of death. Whether or not the decedent has cocaine on board might be value whether or not to see why the incident happened but has nothing to do with the cause of death. I think that my impression is that the like in most medical examiners offices, they can release it immediately or most of it pending the prosecutors wishes. If the prosecutor said thats going to interfere with our information, then medical examiners hold up and the families may not know for weeks and months the kind of questions were talking about. [ inaudible question ] . We continue speculate the exact order of gunshot wounds. Forensically thats possible. However, dr. Baden i feel because the two gunshot wounds to the head indicating that mr. Brown was bending over as they were coming down. The two shots were more than likely the last two to occur. Thats about as far as we can go. Tax koloxicology results hap be done by the first autopsy. Second autopsy no more blood and theres been embalming fluids and et. Cetera. We have to wait for the medical examiner. It depends how quickly theyre rushed. The toxicology should be able to done be done in a week or two. Oftentimes, it gets on the end of the line of all the other cases that theyre dealing with and may take months. But that should be available especially with your concern and the president s concern, it should be available very soon. We got a feeling that the toxicology report, like other things, will be released to you sooner than later. There was one question from a 9 press person. Yes, maam . [ inaudible ] thats good. I should have mentioned something. All the gunshot wounds were survivable except for the one to the top of the head through the brain. Reporter all of us know [ inaudible ] [ applause ] who gets arrested is a political District Attorney decision and not a Forensic Science decision. Thank you, all. Thank you. [ inaudible ] the family would rather theyve stated all along that the whole process be done independent of local Law Enforcement authorities. Theyre going to stay our concern that the killer of their child wont held accountable and they wont get equal justice. Thank you. . No. Thats correct. That position because the gun can also be moved in many directions. We can only tell that the direction is going in. But the direction can be up or down. It depend on other factors, which the laws know more than we do. Were watching the tail end of this News Conference from the attorneys representing the family of Michael Brown. Theyve hired, as you know, as youve been watching this a chief medical examiner to perform an independent autopsy. Some of the details that have come out of that certainly raise more questions and concerns. You heard even in the News Conference some people shouting why the officer involved in the shooting hasnt been arrested given the details of the independent autopsy. Good morning, everyone. Im tamron hall. This is newsnation. We have new breaking news details. New reactions from Michael Browns family after the release of the autopsy they commissioned showing the unarmed teenager was shot at least six times, twice in the head, the medical examiner saying at this point two of those shots that hit his head were fatal. The others he could have survived. Another federal autopsy is also being performed moments ago, as you heard, the browns attorney said the results corroborate the account multiple witnesses have given of what happened that afternoon. The eye witness accounts, which is so very important into bringing the full story together, and what does the preliminary autopsy tell us . It f verifies that the witness akocos were true that he was shot multiple times, and its going to be one of those things that we have to get all the witness statements out. And look at the autopsies and all the evidence that put the picture together that his family knows that the witnesses what they were telling them about him being shot multiple times in broad daylight was accurate. Now today on abc good morning america, Michael Browns mother said she said the key to restoring peace is for the officer who shot her son to be held responsible. Being fair, arresting this man and making him conditional for his actions. All of this comes amid the intense night of clashes between police and protesters. Jay nixon is ordering the National Guard to restore paets and order in the community. Overnight police fired tear gas and rubber bullets and hundreds of protesters after aurss say they were being fired at and molotov cocktails were thrown at them. A number of local businesses were booted along with what officials describe was an attempt to overrun the Police Command center. Tremaine is on the ground. Let me start with the new information that Police Arrived after the crowd was growing. This near the quick trip in ferguson. They were told they were allowed to walk but could not gather in a static group. I can tell you, as you know the quick trip has been ground zero for folks rallying here using it as a platform to rally. Moments ago, a group of Police Officers came by and said they could not stand static. They would upanddown the street but no longer gather here. It set off a little bit of anger. The protest is seated here. Its rubbing folks the wrong way and proceeding the National Guard deployment to the community. Were getting a sense people are feeling theyre being pushed out. Their right to assemble and free speech are being violated. Its a quote from a number of people. Let me ask you about the timing of the latest flair up. Some and the attorneys for the brown family talked about this a second ago. Regarding the release of this autopsy information. This independent autopsy. The family commission, and the latest round of clashes between police and protesters. They say it was two hours after the release of the autopsy this incident happened overnight. Yeah. I think at this point its hard to connect the dots. Were already dealing with a volatile situation with so many pieces and so many layers. I think it would be hard to pin one to the other. Just because of the nature what weve seen going on here. Youre there, again, youve been there for a week. I think when people watch it at home. You see, for example, the Church Service yesterday with a crowd of people, thousands fitting into the church. Many standing outside. A force of unity and then overnight you see as reported looting and other confrontation. Youve had now a number of people say, yes, you have a right to demonstrate. You have a right to have this anger. You dont have a right to some of the behavior. I think you reported yesterday, you said there are almost two factions here. Two groups of people. All who want justice but who have chosen a different route here. The vast majority of protesters here, again, are coming out in mass in the name of Michael Brown and against what they feel is an Ongoing Police brutality. They want to voice themselves. A Smaller Group seem to be one wanting confrontation. These are people who are clearly not afraid of the violence and theyre coming out and theyve been determined to hunker down. Again, only night will tell what goes on tonight. How will they enforce the cur w curfew. What role will the National Guard play in this. The autopsy results that will play out. If the last few nights have been any indication its been kindles. Thank you very much. Well check in with you. Youve done an excellent job. Among the many people offering firsthand accounts behalf is happening on the ground is antonio french. He received National Attention for documenting the Police Action on social media. He was arrested last wednesday he went to the car to escape tear gas and dragged out by an officer. As he continues to document what happened. He issued a plea on twitter writing this has the potential to further escalate black leadership in st. Louis has a chance to avoid that. We must reach out to these men today. He joins me now. Thank you for your time. We saw a number of people yesterday at that incredible ceremony at the church reach out to those who are still ready to face off with potentially even the National Guard once they arrive. What can be said at this point . What can be done at this point to assure them that justice will be served and the process is moving . Well, thats what has to be done. The work has to be done to get them to be patient. The wheels of justice are slow. They are upset. There hasnt been an arrest or indictment. They know that if it was one of them, with the witness testimony that has been given they would have been arrested and indicted by now. I worry about our community right now. The violence last night and the situation today saying police cant gather here. Setting up the perfect storm. Im hope weg can spend the next few hours to try to avoid violence tonight. Its particularly when youre hearing the report now that people are told you cant stand in one place. You cant be static. So you to keep it moving. It continues to change with protesters who are there. Many with their hands up. Most of them not a lotting and some of the other behavior that is deplorable, but youre being told now you have to keep it moving. Yeah. Thats not going over well. We only have a few people out here right now. Theyre letting police know very loudly they dont like this. And, again, this isnt even prime time for the event. Usually people start coming much later. When theyre told they cant gather at the qt and other places they have been gathering over the last week is not going to duoov go over well. What have you been told upon the arrival of the National Guard. City officials havent said too much. I know, the National Guard is on the scene. I know, their presence can ebb collate the situation further. If the confrontation occurs with the protesters, demonstrators, and the other groups that are here with the officers here in West Florence pace ebased upon the new rules the National Guard will have to come in. Youre saying you see their presence now. Can you describe to me we have a tight shot of you. I see people walking baseball and forth behind you. Describe to me what youre seeing around you. The National Guard isnt here physically yet. Theyre in st. Louis. I believe theyre charged with protecting the Police Command center. The presence here is a heavy police presence. You have members of the missouri highway patrol, st. Louis county plfd, and theyre very visible. One thing you didnt see before was police cars lined up here in the middle of the street near qt. It was not here before. I think theyre here trying to stop any large groups from assembling before it get to big. As i mentioned, youve been documenting this via twitter and social media. We appreciate you stopping and joining us now. I have to bring in reverend al ha sharpton. Like so many others yesterday afternoon, watching you at this, you know, incredible show of unity, you even talked about disciples for justice. What is your reaction . Well, i mean, i think that clearly we were not surprised that everyone in a matter of hours was going to change. Some are just outraged. Some are taking advantage of the situation. What were seeing is the overwhelming majority of the people are nonviolent and are seeking justice. And i think weve got to project it. I think you cant underestimate decades of things that have led to this kind of outrage. I think people are expecting in a week or two some of us to come in at the request of the family undo people have felt abused for a long time. The thing im most disturbed about, tamron, i tried to raise it in the message yesterday in ferguson. The definition of a police sting is dont question me. Whether its Staten Island, whether its l. A. , whether its ferguson. We are close to where police are saying whatever we do dont raise any questions. And thats dangerous in a democracy and i think thats the outrage that a lot of people say is, wait a minute, you have two dead bodies between Staten Island and ferguson. You have people dead and you dont want us to have you how. The incident earlier today if the reporting is accurate, you have people there being told keep it moving. You cant stop. You cant demonstrate. And what can you do . I go out at the request of the family and speak at the church and im an instigator. Ve state no matter what you do, youre wrong to question us. Even if you do anything to protest, youre a troublemaker. That is sickening. If you question and are black and brown. As senator rand paul said if as a young man if he were told bay Police Officer to get off the street he would have smarted off but would not have expected to be shot. We have qualifiers here, i think some would say. To your point the numbers here. Thousands of people there seven people arrested. Just seven out of thousands who are there. But with a National Guard moving in, we know if there are seven or so dozen soing people willing to confront them, things can escalate where others who have been peaceful are dragged into it. It could be explosivive. The National Guard raises concern. I might turn around and going right back. Its a concern. We dont want to see any others harmed. The thing that the mother and father said to me over and over again is we dont want anyone hurt. We want justice for our son. We dont want anyone else hurt. And part of their quest to get justice is the independent autopsy which the results are in. According to the medical examiner, Michael Brown was shot six times. At least six times. Theyre looking at a wound to his arm, trying to figure out if it was hands up, hands across his body. It was a ricochet of some sort. But more than six times. What is disturbing to me is the amount of shooting, which means even if we buy the story thats the police has given, why were there shots after the first shot . And they were not shot at close range. If he was away from the policeman, thats extremely disturbing. And the one on top of his head. Im told by his mother was 64. He had to be done in order to be shot in the top of his head. This preliminary autopsy is extremelily disturbing to me. What is the next point here . I think the next point get the autopsy out of the Law Enforcement is going to have to make a choice on whether theres probable cause to move to make an arrest. You have a dead body, you have an autopsy that clearly indicated something wrong. You dont try a cause before you make an arrest. You just say theres probable cause and let it go in front of a judge then confront with that. We know theres a third autopsy planned. This one being oversaw by the federal government. Attorney general eric holder is expected to meet with the president today discussing more of this. I think you said yesterday you want to hear more from people who want to run for office. You cant get to the white house without going through the people who were in that house. And im amazed that were not hearing from leading candidates Chris Christie or rand paul has spoken but jeb bush or hillary clinton. And ive heard over and over again and rightfully so, what is president obama going to do . Hes the president and he has spoke on it twice throughout vacati vacation. The attorney general, but all the candidates i landed in new york this morning. I saw Chris Christie dancing with jamie fox. Why arent we asking since theyre in stays where we have cases. What would you do . Its a National Central issue. Anyone running for president needs to come up with a formula or, in my opinion, they fort their right to be taken seriously. You were there at the request of the brown family. That was their desire to have you there. Let me say quickly about that. They wanted it so clear they introduced me yesterday to speak. I never ive always been brought in by family. They said we want to present him. That wont stop the right wing for asking why. Like they should be able to tell parents who they want to come and lead things on their behalf. I think we know the most important part is justice for the family and the answer that any family would want and any family deserve. Thank you so much. You can, of course, much more of the coverage throughout today. Especially on the show politics nation weeknights at 6 00 p. M. On msnbc. Thank you, rev. Coming up iraq where there are is conflicting reports who is in control of the mosul dam. The u. S. Launches new air strikes again today. We have a live report next. You can join our conversation. So many have let us know what you think. Were read your comments and we value your comments. You can find my team nudes nati newsnatio newsnation. You can find me on facebook, twitter, and instagram under tamron hall. In a small hawaiian town. Making bread so good, that people bought two loaves one to take home, and one to eat on the way. So good, they grew from here. To here. To here. But to grow again, to the east coast they needed a new factory, but where . Fortunately, they get financing from ge capital. We not only have teams dedicated to the food industry, were also part of ge, a company thats built hundreds of factories. So we could bring in experts to help kings hawaiian make sense of transportation routes, supply chains, labor pools, and zoning to help them make the right decision. And, id like to think, to make their founder proud. If you just need a loan, just call a bank. At ge capital, were builders. And what we know, can help you grow. Developing news from iraq the u. S. Launched 15 more air strikes just today near the mosul dam. This as there are now conflicting claims about who is in control of the dam, which is in northern iraq. If breached, it could unlaesh deadly floods that could reach baghdad. An Iraqi Military spokesperson said iraqi forces have retaken the dam from isis militants. But isis insists the fighters are in control. All of this follows 25 air strikes over the weekend. Meantime back at the white house president obama met with the National Security team this morning on iraq. Ian williams join us. What do we know regarding who is truly in control of the dam and the latest strikes just recorded . Well, tamron, its a pretty confused picture. Claim and counter claim today. Officials in baghdad say they they had retaken the dam then isis militants denying it saying theyre in charge and inflicting heavy casualties on kurdish and iraqi forces. A u. S. Official said its not over yesterday. That would seem to be confirmed by journalists who have gotten close to the front line. And report firing along a very are ujd front line. What i think we can say is that there have been significanted a chances around the dam by kurdish and iraqi forces. Theyre not yet in full control. One mill fair official in ere bell said they counted encountered bobby traps and roadside bombs. That slowed them down. In some cases, forced them to retreat a little way. Now over the weekend, there were heavy u. S. Air attacks. 30 vehicles in total destroyed. A check point and more air attacks today saying they were acting in defense of a critical piece of infrastructure. Of course, it couldnt come more critical than the dam that provides so much power and water to a large wave of north iraq and a potential disaster if the dam is breached. The big fear is that is what isis will do. Certainly there have been significant but its too early to tell. Thank you so much. We appreciate that. Coming up much more on what is happening on the ground right now in ferguson, missoouri. President obama takes a break from his vacation and meeting with attorney general eric holder who ordered a federal autopsy on Michael Brown. Mark murray is up next. Ction is. [ male announcer ] during the cadillac summers best event, lease this allnew 2014 cts for around 459 a month or purchase with 0 apr. Hurry in this exceptional offer ends soon. Or purchase with 0 apr. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. Cs. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, prescription celebrex can sthelp relieve arthritis painlt. So your body can stay in motion. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. Plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Celebrex can be taken with or without food. And its not a narcotic. You and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. 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Many black men die of accident of homicide every day in this country, and rarely and never as far as recall has the president of the United States gotten involved. The only time the president got involved was when Charles Manson did his thing. You were born in those times and he was upset but not in a civil righ rights way. That was the medical examiner who conducted the independent autopsy on Michael Brown for his family. President obama is in washington. Were at 1 15 eastern president obama will meet with eric holder. Hes taking short break from his vacation to hold high level meetings on furgson and the u. S. Military campaign on iraq. Hes scheduled to return to the venue tomorrow. G joining now is mark murray. Many wouldnt be surprised if he extended his time in washington, d. C. And the National Guard headed to ferguson, missouri. You probably could assume that. The president has been dealing with so many of the situations whether domestically and internationally from marthas vineya vineyard. The white house likes to say they can do their work on the road. While it is possible he could decide to stay in d. C. An extra day or two, i think the most likely outcome hell go back to Marthas Vineyard after today. Lets talk about the task at hand. The 1 15 meeting with attorney general eric holder who requested the federal autopsy be handled today, i believe, is the timing on the body of Michael Brown. And you saw this from the president when he made his Statement Last week. I think his meeting today. Its about diffusing the situation. And the protest has to do with people thinking that justice hasnt been served. There hasnt been transparency from the Police Department and so the federal government and president obama mentioned this. They need to get to the bottom. There needs to be justice served and immediately. One of the complaints that a lot of protesters have, tamron, if the shoe were on the other foot. An 18yearold shot the Police Officer, that 18yearold would have been released immediately. There would be proceedings against the person. It would have been done expeditiously. The wheels of justice have been moving very slowly the protesters say. Let me play what Valerie Jared said. She previewed on the meeting that take would be taking place. Make sure that all residents of ferguson are safe. Particularly the young people. Its paramount on the president s mind. He looks his concern was thinking about it as a perspective of a parent and you want to know the when you send your kids to school, when you leave your home, that theyre going to be safe. What more are we getting about the meetings and conversation about what is happening in iraq. Thats the other thing hes been dealing with. The air strikes have been able to making a impact bucking up the Kurdish Forces and reclaiming areas that isis have been able to take over. Were talking about the two situations. Theres still the one in Eastern Ukraine that keeps on playing. This has been an incredibly busy summer full of crises domestic and international. Thank you for joining us, mark. As the unrest in ferguson enters the second week within some are pointing to the fact that many of the protesters feel d disaffected and have a long history of the Law Enforcement. Well talk to a nonprofit helping former inmates like himself return to civilian life and keep them from losing hope in the system. Oh the name your price tool you tell them how much you want to pay, and they help you find a policy that fits your budget. I told you to wear something comfortable this is a polyester blend whoa uh. Little help . I got you unh its so beautiful man should we Call Security . No, this is just getting good. 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As we ton follow developments in ferguson, missouri, after the shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown we look at some of the issues that continue to fuel the unrest. High unemployment for africanamericans. Lower than average incomes and high crime rates in some communeities. Im joined by damon moore, copounder of cmo networks. Cmo standing for Community Minded organization. He seeks to help people who serve time in prison reclaim their lives and reclaim their communities. Thank you for joining me and talking about young men and women, but many of them men who are out there and who see the system as their enemy and see this as just a buildup. Started with Michael Brown but its something more. You talk to kids like this every day. I do talk to individuals like this every day. And anger comes from not being understood and being looked at as just a piece of something, not a piece of a human life but just a piece of something. People coming into your community and they are handling you. They are handling you with a system of authority that tells you you are not a person. I can tell you to keep it moving without consequences. You dont have the right to challenge me. One of the biggest issues is accountability. Accountability within the community, but they are all black people killing black people at alarming rates. And destroying businesses. Blackowned businesses. But theres a deep seeded anger coming from someone not telling you you are a person. It starts with your own mother. A black mother is not allowed to avoid the reality. The reality that i have to tell my child, even though you can pay your taxes and work your whole life, these individuals that are supposed to work for you are not working for you. They will not deal with you with compassion or understanding. In your case, you served time behind bars for armed robbery. In the case soef many other africanamerican men who get out of prison, you cant start your life over. You cant vote. You come out with more cants than can. Yes. It is difficult at times, but its not we cant put yourself in a situation where it cannot happen. What do you tell them . Those individuals coming out, i look them straight in the face and say most of the things, the social ills going on in our community we have control of, we have contributed to. We are the solution. So when you come out, i need you to play a part. Not just come out and take anger management and deal with Substance Abuse issues you took care of 20 years ago when you went to prison. Dont fall back down. I need you to come out and be a resource for your community. Be that resource, thad individual they see black male images in your community. Can you do that without going back to prison. You are a shining example of what you can do, even when you make a decision, youve owned it and reinvented yourself and helping other people. Congratulations. Cmo network. Community minded organization. Look up damons organization. We certainly appreciate it. That does it for this edition of news nation. Im tamron hall. Earlier today, i unveiled part of my shine a light series. Its connected with the today show. I am focusing on Domestic Violence survivors. We didnt have time to air the piece because of the breaking news but many of you have asked. News nation. Msnbc. Com. Well direct you to the entire story. An essay ive written as well. And seven women who have changed my life. I hope you have time to go by and look at it and help if you can. Up next, Andrea Mitchell reports. The latest an the forensic pathologist who assisted in Michael Browns autopsy. Hell join andrea after a short break. And burning. Id lift my arm and the pain back here was excruciating. 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Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. All of these gunshot wounds were survivable, except for the one in the top of the head. The one through the brain. Why hasnt mr. Officer wilson been arrested . Right now on Andrea Mitchell reports, demanding justice. A private autopsy commissioned by Michael Browns family reveals the unarmed teen was shot by police at least six times. The medical investigator who assisted in the autopsy will be joining us next. But a week later, still no information on how Michael Brown died. Last night in ferguson, again, intense clashes between police and protesters. Many say looters also exploiting this crisis. Were going to take back whats ours. Destiny is coming soon. Jay nixon has announced today he will deploy the National Guard. And next hour, attorney general eric holder will be updating president obama on the fbis investigation into the shooting. As the family still asks, why no one will t

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