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Serves two terms, and this is an issue. And Hillary Clintons spokesperson blasted the remarks and saying that she had recovered 100 from the blood clot and not just the clinton camp pushing back, but a well known Republican White House member did comment. This is not clever or insinuation, but this is karl rove running head long into a brick wall. Nothing drives decent people a waway from the public office, because why would i put my family into this, because it weakens the fabric of dem kocra. This is what i would say about cognitive capacity which is that dr. Rove might have been the last person in america on Election Night to recognize and acknowledge that the president had won the reelection, including the state of ohio, and so we will leave it at that. And joining me live now is the correspondent for the daily beast is Michael Tomasky and linda palmer from the clinton camp. And michael, lets start with the New York Post quoted rove of saying 30 days in the hospital, and wearing glasses that are only worn by people with traumatic brain injury, and we need to know what is up with th that. And then the clinton camp said it is first of all three days and then the ball rolled from there. And certainly, anybody who is running for president has to answer the Health Questions and more so for somebody who going to be 69 at the time she is going to take the oath of office if she were to, but however, this aint the way to bring it up. A lot of the sound clips that you played by carney and gingrich hit at the point. But 30 days in the hospital . Where is he coming from . Has he backed off of that and said, gee, i sorry about that one and misspoke there, and he didnt say brain damage. Well, he said if the New York Post quoted him accurately which could be a big if, but traumatic brain injury will not so different from the brain damage, and poisonous, poisonous, toxic way to introduce this. And Nicolle Wallace was on morning joe and talked about karl rove and how he is strategic, and as we all know, especially those of us from texas and the actions, and lets play her take on these words. Karl didnt just stumble into this line of questioning about Hillary Clintons health, okay. He is the most prepare and the deliberate speakers. I think that injecting questions about her Health Crisis from a few years ago is something that karl thinks is fair game. And we know that the health is fair game, anna, but the strategy of introducing it this way, obviously, clinton supporters are saying, see, benghazi they cant get that and boko haram and they cant get that and so it is brain damage. Well, this is the testament of how she is the frontrunner, and the republicans are trying to hit her over and over again and similar to what the democrats did, and if you look at the Obama Administration in the campaign in 2012 said that they felt they were successful against mitt romney is because they went after him early and aggressive in terms of the money and the temperatuin the terms o so this is political strategy to make it as quickly as possible to get into the american mindset that maybe she is too old and does have health problems. Well, anna, there is aggressive, but accurate. Yes, that is one of the issues and when i talked to some of the republican lobbyists and on ratives, they cringed a little bit in terms of the delivery here, and in terms of the fact that karl rove is maybe not the best messenger for them right now to have this discussion taking place. And especially given michael how easy for, how easy for jay carney to pivot back to the ohio moment heard around the world with karl rove on fox news there. But i have to ask you, does this again elevate Hillary Clinton th to this status of formidable and somebody heavily feared by the gop. Anna points out, this is all part of the strategy. Well, she is feared by the gop and she ought to be. Look at the polls. I dont see a poll let me back up. It is rare to see a poll where any of the republican challengers is within Single Digits of her, national poll. It is rare to see that. Every once in a while, you might see christie at nine points or Something Like that, but basically she is beating christie, rand paul, ted cruz and jeb bush, and jeb bush, and he is no establishment savior, and she is beating them all in most polls by 12 to 15 points, so they are going to throw everything, everything, everything they can possibly thi think of at her. And anna, let me ask you this, a clinton spokesperson says of rove, all he wants to do is to inject it into the echo chamber and it is thinly veiled, but did he succeed with it . Yes, because we are talking about it and on the cable programs for the last 12 to 24 ho hours and something that we will talk about in terms of the clinton factor and will she address it at the speech today and how do other lawmakers and delegates react in terms of the primary states, and certainly something that we are going to be talking about. And thankshgs, anna and michael. Thank you. Thank you. And now explosive allegation s that some patients may have died while waiting for care at the v. A. Hospital in phoenix. This happened last night this town hall that they are calling for the v. A. Secretary Eric Shinseki to resign after it is said that books were cooked to kocover this up. Patients shared some disturbing stories. Even my own Attorney Says that you cannot win against the government. I am not willing to lay down. My husband died because they didnt do what they were supposed to. Our veterans are not guinea pigs. I am medically trained myself and i have served as an emt in civilian life and i carry the serts and vets are not guinea pigs. And the doctor kept saying that you have to go home, because you can get the infection at home, and they sent him home with severe sepsis. Every one of you veterans have sacrificed so much and now you have to sacrifice your health care because you have idiots up there who dont give a damn who you are and what you are there for. And joining me is jacob gaap who served in the United States navy and also the chairman of vets. Org and iraq war veteran and thank you for joining us. Thank you. Jacob, we know that secretary shinseki is set to testify in the state department of the veteran affairs on the state of the issue here, in front of the Senate Veteran affairs committee, and what is the key thing that you need to hear from him when he testifies or youd like to hear from him . Well, the veterans across america are frustrated right now. They feel that there is multiple sites in that our country is focused on phoenix, but the American Legion has seen the widespread failures in several sites, so the secretary has to focus on how he is holding all of the different hospitals with access problems that have quality of care problems like we heard last night in phoenix accountable in what stops he is going to take to fix it. I mean, this past week, since the American Legion has called for the resignation is really the first time we have seen him come out front and address the media about these concerns. And as you mentioned the American Legion asked eight days ago for him to resign, but to your point, these issues, and my father served this country for 30 years, and i have been to a couple of v. A. Hospitals as well and disturbed by what i saw, and these issues that we are disc s discussing did not start on his watch. These have been longstanding concerns of deplorable conditions, and the list goes on and on and the wait times and the things that are just unjust in the way that our vets have been treated and so you are focusing in on shinseki and are we being distract bade longstanding issue here . Well, what changed us is that we came out and supported the secretary and the work he has done with the g. I. Bill and with the transitioning claims to paperless system is that all of the failure that have been happening over the years with the multiple sites. That is on his watch and that is something that, you know, concerned us. Pittsburgh, there was a legionnaire outbreak, and the facility had a press release ready, but it was not released and there were problems with the g. I. Consults in other places, and deaths there, and numerous i. G. Investigation nas have been pointing to the flaws, and the same executives e that are overseeing these hospital s as receiving bonuses while veterans are dying. And they are homeless and living on other aid, because they cannot make ends meet. And jonathan, jacob does e make a point, because these issue s are a concern for a long time and you and i know that, and some of the things that have happened in the last year, require answers from secretary shinseki, and he has requested an inspector generals investigation and audits of all of the american v. A. Centers and placed three executives at the centers on administrative leave, but that is not all as you listen to that general town hall yesterday. Well, i hope that he testifies honestly and he is a man of incredible integrity, and he has a lot to answer for as to what he knew when, and you are seeing him cracking down on the backlog and people with accusations that it is less, but if you look at what he has done and taken over and he has opened up the diagnosis of the agent orange which has led to more claims, and opened up the diagnosis for the gillf war syndrome which has caused more people to come under the system, and under the Affordable Health care act, before, they were not insured so many more were at the v. A. , and so he started with a very bad situation, and he is opening up the v. A. To so many people, and as he is cracking down to less en the backlog, it is important to figure out if it is the strong leadership here that is forcing people to do things that are inappropriate, but in regards to the American Legion, and they is supported a bill in Congress Just last month that would have given 21 billion more to the veteran administration, and senator mcconnell single handily blocked it so, there is a lot of Politics Around this, and they have not called for his resignation, but general shinseki is one of the better people of the v. A. I will give you a chance to respond to what was said there by john u shurts. John schultz. Well, this is not political, but it is about care for the veterans who come back from war to get timely care. We dont believe that the accountability and the leadership was. And what about senator mcconnell who singlehandedly blocked a 21 billion bill that the American Legion supported to give them the right to france fer if g. I. Bill to give the v. A. The number to pass the bill, and where is the legions calls to ask him to resign and hold him accountable in the election this year. Jacob, a chance to respond. We are here to talk about the hospitals today, john. Absolutely we are. And with the deaths of the veterans. Absolutely. And not a bill in congress, but about the veterans lives that were lost and the families. And it is a fair point and we can bring you back on to talk about that bill as well, but john, i want to point out that you named many of the things under general shinseki that are happy, but we know that if one life is lost and we have talked to the multiple families now who believe that their loved ones have died as a result of the secret wait list it does not matter what he has and let me finish, it does not matter what he has accomplished, but it is going to be mattering if someone is not held accountable for the veterans who put their lives on the line, like yourself, for us. If i find out or vote vets finds out that general shinseki knew what was going on at the v. A. And did nothing, we will call for that, but right now, nobody else is calling for it, and he has a tremendous amount of supporter and jeff miller the House Oversight committee has not called for it, but we need to give him a chance to testify. We will hear it. John and jacob, thank you for the service and the passions related to this, and there are many thing ths that we can diff on, and both of you want the best care for our veterans in this case, and thank you both. Thank you. Thank you for your fathers service, too. Thank you. And we are following information from turkey where there is a rescue mission to pull people out of a mine where 230 are believed dead and hundred hundreds more trapped. Crews were applauded as they brought out injured miners. It happened in to a shift change yesterday and the Authorities Say that almost 800 people were inside at the time more than a mile down. Joining me now is nbcs annabelle roberts, and we are hearing reports that maybe protests as the minutes and the hours pass, frustrations will grow, but what are we hearing of the latest on the ground there . Yes, there have been protests at the scene allegedly violent, but not very big. Desperate family members who are re really, really longing for the news of the loved ones and remember they have been waiting now 24 hours for news. As you say the prime minister, and he visited the scene earlier today. And he put the figure of those missing at 120 and said that 238 dead. As you pointed out earlier that the accident happened at a time of a shift change, so it was uncertain how many people were actually in the mine. But if they say that there is little hope now for those who are still trapped, they have little hope of bringing them out alive, this is going to make it turkeys worst mining accident by a long way and also really turkeys worst industrial accident. Now, of course, this fear probably from the prime m ministers behalf that there could be some political fallout following what has happened down at the mine outside of isna, tamro tamron. Yes, we will give you more information throughout the hour and getting more images. And right now, tsa is putting travelers on high alert as as many as 20 people in country are screened for mers, a deadly virus. We will talk about the expert about the risk for travelers and the tsa warning. And marco rubio reverses course, sort of. Take a look. Of course, the climate is changing, because the climate is always changing, and this is a measurable that you can see. There is Climate Change. Well, this comes after rubio argued that humans were not causing the Climate Change and what he say s s is the real iss and why some critics say that his remarks are proof that he is not ready to be president. Nbcs Political Editor mark murray will join us. And shoulder isch engines like google remove information that you dont like . That is in europe, and that is the gut check. What do you think . Join the conversation on twitter. You can find me at tamron hall and my team at newsnation. whispering yeah really good whispering yeah and for a family of 4 its a 160 a month. What get outta here whispering im sorry are we still doing the whisper thing . Or . whispering o sorry yes yes whispering well take it. When jake and i first set out on we ate anything. But in time you realize the better you eat, the better you feel. These days we both eat smarter. And i give jake purina cat chow naturals. Made with real chicken and salmon, its high in protein like a cats natural diet. And no added artificial flavors. Weve come a long way. And whatevers ahead, well be there for each other. Naturally. Purina cat chow naturals. Carstheyre why we innovate. Theyre who we protect. Theyre why we make life less complicated. Its about people. We are volvo of sweden. Man we know when parents and teachers work together. Woman our schools get stronger. Man as superintendent of public education, thats been Tom Torlaksons approach. Woman torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community. And not by sacramento politicians. And we need to keep that legislation on track. Man so tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for local control of School Funding decisions. A developing right now is at least 20 people in orlando are being tested for rare and deadly virus that is no specific treatment and no vaccine. It is called mers. Or middle east respiratory syndrome, and now there are two confirmed cases here in the states. Experts say that the risk to the general public is very low, bt t the tsa is putting the travelers on high alert to post warning signs at more than 20 airports. Let me bring in frank esper who is a infectious specialist from cleveland. Thank you for the time. Good to be here, tamron. And should we say that the average general person in the public low risk, but talking about the airports and just finishing the spring break and the summer break is soon, and people will see this and be concerned. What do we need to know . When you talk about what the warnings are, the travel warning issued is mainly to be aware of people who are traveling to the countries around the arabian peninsula, and to wash their hands and be in contact with sick individuals. There is not as much concern about catching this particular virus on the plane, because it requires such close and persistent proximity to an affected individual at this time. And when we say close proximity, what is closer than the airline seat next to you . Well, it is true, and we are talking about that person who would have to be symptomatic, and that person would have to have a substantial amount of disease before they even entered the plane. Those individuals can be identified, and when you actually look at what they did back in 2002 2003 when they were ak cha actually talking about screening individuals who were going on the planes with sars or the people that they were concerned about with sars, actual number of cases that were confirmed to be spread for sars back in 2002 2003 was only a handful and less than four occurrences. And just for the people who dont know, and let me say that there is one confirmed case in indiana, and one confirmed case in florida and the 20 people tested in orlando are Health Care Workers from two hospitals including two physician, but mers appeared in 2012 and jumped from the bats to the camels and now to humans. Right. And it is not spreading from human to human very well. In fact, very limited data to show that people have been passing the virus from the person to person. We still dont really understand exactly the way it is being transmitted. Most of the exposures have been associated with the camels and only the people who are family members or the Health Care Workers who get very close to the infected individual really seem to have any chance of being affected. And secretary, defense secretary chuck hagel was in saudi arabia and screened for mers, but with the travel to the region, that is a precaution taken there. Yes. And thank you, doctodoctor, your knowledge. We appreciate it. Thank you. And Magic Johnson is responding to the the latest rant from clippers owner Donald Sterling about race and hiv. He is living in the stone ages. He cant make those comments about africanamericans and latin latinos, and you just cant do it. And we will have much more of what magic had to say and why he says that he is going to pray for Donald Sterling. 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This is a man who we would think would be educated and a man who would is smart enough to build this type of wealth and own a team that have an incredible platform to change the world. But he is doing it in a negative way. The problem is hes living in the stone ages. He cant make those comments about africanamericans or latinos, and he just cant do it. And Magic Johnson responded to Donald Sterlings comments that drew the most outrageous, and the words about his battle with hiv and accusations that Magic Johnson does not support the africanamerican community. Well, what has he e done . Can you tell me . Big Magic Johnson, what has he done . Well, he is a business person and he he has aids. Did he do any business did he help anybody in south l. A. . Well, first of all, 22 years ago, i announced that i did have hiv. And i came out like a man. You know, i told the world. And we have given away over 15 million, my foundation and i joined the president s hiv aids council and so i have done a lot of work in the hiv and aids community, and if he wants to try to disrespect me of the work i have done in the minority community, and that is really makes me upset, and then my competitive spirit comes out, because i have done all of the great work, and all of the kids that we have sent to college and i have 150 kids on scholarship right now. And joining me right now usa today nba reporter jeff zilic, and i was watching the interview last night and i was so mad that Magic Johnson was in a position to outline the resume of things that he did, and i took a step back and i said, well, maybe people were not aware and it is a good way to promote the great things that he has done and who should be in the hot seat and we all ingagree is Donald Sterling. The nba players and the League Owners and everybody is sickened by this guy, and he not going to stop talking any time soon. Yeah, tamron, and the one thing that magic did a great job of doing was breaking down what hes done for urban communities and the minority community, and what he has done with the people who have hiv throughout the world. And i think that the one thing that, you know, is spotlighted here is that Donald Sterling to paraphrase spike lee is picking a fight with the wrong person. This is not Magic Johnsons battle. In is Donald Sterlings issue, and i thought that magic handled it with grace and dignity and class, and it seems to be be the opposite of what we are hearing from Donald Sterling these das. S and we kept hearing at the beginning of this that some people, especially those like you in the press were not greatly surprised and you were aware of his background and even the lawsuit that he settled with the housing discrimination and perhaps some other things here, but are you surprised at this level of how far he is willing to go . I am a little bit surprised, and when you talk about Public Relations di ssasters, i think that even since the audiotapes were released that one late friday and early saturday and since that happened, there has been a series of p. R. Missteps on Donald Sterlings part and the continued comments that the players love him and want to play for him. It is not helping to quell the situation among the nba whether it is owners or players or nba commissioner adam silver. And adam silver speaking of released a statement after the sterling interview and said while Magic Johnson does not need me to, i feel compelled to apologize on behalf of him that he is continuing to be dragged into the situation, and be degraded by such a perm and malicious attack. And you, also, jeff, you wrote a article on lebron james in usa today a boycott of some sort . Well, the players have mentioned this, and im not sure where it will go. This going to be a long drawn out process or at least people are anticipating it is, and for players to talk about the boycott is premature, because the one thing that the nba did and adam silver in particular was to come out, and he came out and he was on the players side from day one of this issue. And so to think that this is going to be resolved, the idea of prying a 1 billion enterprise from a person is going to be settled within a matter of weeks is a little unrealistic. So this is going to be a process that is going to the drag on and le h bron james has mentioned that he h understands the big picture, and that it is not going to happen overnight, and we will see how long it takes, but the talk of a boycott is a little premature right now, and there can be things that players do if this drags out to next season devoid of the displeasure and to talk about the boycott, i am not sure that the players are ready for that. And people real ize that it s going to take a lengthy period of time and you are talking about taking this team from this man and something that has not happened in the nba to this extent for reasons, but when you watch the interview and it is going to raise the hair on the back of your neck and you want it to happen overnight when you see how low and despicable this person is. And that is the great point right there. And it is the sooner the better scenario right now to remove him right now, and it is great to have people like lebron to have the big picture perspective when it comes to that issue. Thank you, jeff, and great reporting on this as well. Thank you. Thank you. And former senator marco rubio is trying to clarify the comments that he made about Climate Change after saying that humans are not to blame. Mark murray is next with that one. And new concerns about the safety of those popular bounce houses. After high winds sent one into the sky with children inside. Those children were injured, and the latest on it what happen ed and the condition of the children. Were a family. Were right where you need us. At the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. More hotels than anyone else in the world. So wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are were already there. Save up to 25 and earn bonus points when you book at wyndhamrewards. Com. Save up to 25 and earn bonus points that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. And yet, theres someone around the office who hasnt had a Performance Review in a while. Someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. Im looking at you phone company dsl. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Senator marco rubio is once again making headlines for remarks over Climate Change and this time while addressing the National Press club yesterday, rubio acknowledged that the climate is changing, but however, unlike the controversial interview sunday, this time, he did not say whether he thinks that human activity is responsible. Headlines notwithstanding, i of course sh, the climate is changing, because the climate is always changing, and that is immeasurable that you can see that there is Climate Change. And the issue is not whether the climate is changing as it is always changing, but the issue is whether there is legislative proposals before us to do anything about it. And the florida senator considered to be likely a president ial candidate in the gop primary, his points are unclear. It is reported that he gave a confusing explanation of why he opposes cap and trade legislation to curb carbon emission emissions. And mark murray is joining us. Mark, it is amazing how they stumble through, and Climate Change, and dont you have the answer ready on Climate Change or whatever it is at that level . Well, what struck me about marco rubios comments at the National Press club versus what he said at nbc is the matter of emphas emphasis. When he was asked a question directly to nbc, that is how he gave the response of how he disagrees with the scientists and doesnt believe that the humans have contributed to the Climate Change and manmade, but when he was asked a simpler question yesterday, he punted the talk about the scientist humans culpability on it, and focussed on the legislative aspects of it, and he said that he is against cap and trade legislation and any legislation, because it is going to hurt our economy, and it is a tact from the some democrats, but it is how he slid from one angle. And now Time Magazine criticizing rubio after those comment s th comments that he may have not only realize or know but by saying the things that he has said, he has made a strong case that he is not ready to run for president , and stronger case that he is not ready to hold the job. That is a portion of what Time Magazine wrote about this, and is this something that he is going to avoid or what will he do on this, because it is not going away . Well, it depends on the republican president ial primary, and if it is, this is smart tactic to what he said about the Climate Change, because pew poll said that 22 of republicans agree with the proposition that humans contribute to the Climate Change while 66 of the democrats do, so it is smart terrain in the republican primary, but you are in a bigger problem when you talk about the general election, and we are way ahead of ourselves because he may or may not run for president in 2016, but what he em phasize over the weekend and emphasize ed in the speech yesterday is very interesting. It is indeed. Thank you, mark. Great to have you on. Thank you, tamron. And now, Oscar Pistorius is forced to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Postponing his trial. 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Tom, i was stunned to learn that these incidents not to this degree, but a lot of the incidents related to bounce house take place. Yes, you will hear it in the story, but this last scene was totally wild as the children drop dropped from as high as 20 feet in the air, and as the parents looked on, one witness managed to snap some photos. Reporter a bounce house going airborne and picked up by the wind and carried away like a hot air balloon. I thought of my sister up there, because i saw arms and legs going. Reporter her sister suffered only cuts and bruises, but two boys ages 5 and 6 were not as lucky. The police say they were carried away with the bounce house. It went like this, and then dropped off the first little kid in the middle of the road and then came past my apartment and dropped the second one and he hit his head on the back of the car and fell to the ground. Reporter er the boys were serio seriously injured and had to be airlifted to the hospital, but witnesses say that one injured his head and the other had broken bones, and police say that the children were being supervised and the bounce house was staked to the house. We watched the fellow who put it up and he staked it correctly, and all tof the kids were having fun until they screamed for me to come down and i saw that. Reporter and the strong gusts have been blamed for serious accidents until the past including this one caught on the cell phone in 2011. Three bounce houses tossed in the wind at a soccer tournament in long island and 13 kids were hurt. And kids were knocked over and lying everywhere. Reporter a study in 2012 warned of the potential dangers of the bounce houses, and journals of pediatrics said that more than 30 children are taken to the e. R. S each day in the country with an injury associated with the inflatable bouncer and this morning, two more children hospitalized after a terrifying ride. Now, at the time of the report the association which represents the inflatable bouncers said that the products are safe if parents super vise the children at all times, and they say that the accident was just that an accident. But to your point, tamron, 30 kids going to e. R. Everyday because of these bounce houses, and that is a stat that we checked. And it is accurate. And 30 dkids a day, and you would think that the kids would weigh it down, but fit is not properly secured or some issue, that can happen. And yes, literally lifted the children off of the ground. So scary. Thank you, tom. And Oscar Pistoriuss murder trial is put on hold again. That is topping the stories of newsnation today. The judge ordered for pistorius to undergo a month of mental evaluation before the trial of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp can continue. The defense psychiatrist said that he suffered from a anxiety disorder, it raised questions about the mental health. And new trouble for pop star justin bieber. Police are investigating a claim that he took her cell phone at an amusement mark. Witnesses said that bieber and the entourage thought that the woman had taken a photo of him and he eventually gave it back. And published letters of Jackie Kennedy and the priest reveal rare insight into her life, and what she wrote about politicians and her husbands death. We will speak to the secret Service Agent who was in the motorcade on that infamous day. A complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. Age . Who cares. The numbers are impressive. Over 400,000 new private sector jobs. Making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation. With 10 Regional Development strategies to fit your business needs. And now its even better because theyve introduced startup new york. 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And she wrote the letter ss a family friend that she met in a trip to ireland and at the time she was 21 years old and she continued to write to father leonard in 1964, and the letters are to be sold at action last month, and in the last letter the most moving she wrote about the husbands assassination, i feel more cruelly everyday what i have lost, i always would have rather lost my life than lost jack. And joining us is the man who was in the motorcade on that day, and he wrote about the experience in the tell all the president and mrs. Kennedy and me and when you read these open thoughts to the priest, and you knew her personally, and does this reflect what you saw all these years in the letters . Yes, that is one of the things that she liked to do which is to communicate by writing to someone and she often did that. And i guess that the letters speak to the difficulty at the time, and yes, we dont have the paparazzi and the peering eyes that we have today and they did not exist then, but people watched her every move and how she would react of course to her h husbands death and the other things throughout the presidency, but clint, how she opens up, and this pain, was this the only way she could vent this out, do you believe . Well, it was probably the best way for her to do it, because she was so private. She, yet, it was one of the things that she required was privacy and trying to maintain that for her as much as possible during the period of time that i was with her. So she in turn did write letters like that to various people, and very limited, but a few. And this priest, were you familiar with him . No. Most of the letters to that priest apparently from what i have understood are letters that are dated prior to my being there in 1960. There were a few later, but most of them were between 19501960. And to your point, a few l e later, but it may be also maybe speaks to how she guarded that personal e relationship with him as well, and one as a priest, and surely as someone who touch ed her in that she could not open up to just anyone, and so there had to be that line of trust there. Oh, yes. She obviously trusted this individual a great deal, because she in reading what i have seen so far, she really opened up. Which was a little bit unusual from my experience, but although some of the letters that i know that she wrote after the assassination to Lady Bird Johnson and others, they give the indication that she opened up there as well. In 1963 she said, i am just picturing myself in a crown d dazzling and not just a sad housewife. The world can be glamorous from the outside, but if you are in it and lonely, it could be hell. What do you think that the parts of her life released like this are like . Is it something that you are comfortable with that we as the public should know . Well, it is intrusive in my opinion to have this personal like personal letters revealed, that they should do it,ique so there is nothing that you should do, but i feel it is intrusive. We know that you have written a book written documenting your time with the kennedys. We ap preepreciate it. Check out the gut check online whether or not you believe that information that is provided on the Search Engine if you put your name in right now, and if you dont like it, should you contact google or any other Search Engine and get it deleted . This is a core decision that you can go to msnbc. Com and cast your vote on that. That is going to do it for this edition of newsnation, and untill tomorrow, Andrea Mitchell reports. Fame, puts you there where things are hollow the evolution of luxury continues. The next generation 2015 escalade. 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Officials in this country said what happened is likely the deadliest mine accident in turkeys history. One month since the Nigerian School girls were kidnapped. They were divided into three groups. What is the u. S. Government doing . What i can guarantee you is that we will make every effort possible in order to help free those young women. We are committed to this effort. Together with, i think, decent civilized people all around the world, who think this is a barbaric, horrendous act against the conscience of people everywhere. The women of the senate today joining social media on a campaign to get them back. I will speak with one of the leading lawmakers about the international effort. Power couple, bill and hillary, back on stage today in separate appearances. Did karl roves name come up . Rove is under fire, even from some in his own party, for attacking Hillary Clintons health. I didnt say she had

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