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Something like that, when you watch your big brother who you looked up to your whole entire life die, die begging for his mom. Im tired. Im tired of pain. Pain you feel when you watch Something Like that. I am here, we need to stop the pain. It is on you to make sure his death is not in vain. That was georges brother testifying at a hearing on policing, less than 24 hours after burying his brother at a houston cemetery. His plea for action underscores the pressure and urgency many leaders are feeling now just about everywhere, including the white house. Welcome to wednesday. It is mtp daily. I am in for chuck todd. It has been a busy, emotional day in america as the debate over policing reform continues to dominate the headlines. His brother delivered a raw, impassioned plea for lawmakers for action, for reform and for justice. And he spoke about burdens facing him and so many others because of the awful video of his brothers death which he told the committee will haunt him forever. The rest of my life, thats all i ever see, somebody looking at the video, kids had to watch the video, his kids have to watch the video. Just hurt. A lot of pain. My family. They just cry and cry every day, just ask why, why he pleaded for his life. He said he couldnt breathe. Nobody cared. Nobody. People pleaded for him, they still didnt care. Justice has to be served. Those officers, they have to be convicted. Anybody with a heart, they know thats wrong. You dont do that to a human being. You dont even do that to an animal. His life mattered. All our lives matter. Black lives matter. As floyds brother was testifying on capitol hill about the urgent need for reform, minneapoliss police chief announced he is withdrawing from negotiations the police union to better restructure the agency. Here was his message to the black community as local officials push to have the Police Department disbanded. Im not walking away from them. Theres much i will continue to learn from them. They also know that organizational reform, its a process. This is not a sprint. But we have to do it right. I have to do it right. Theyre also tired. Theyre tired of chiefs and politicians standing before them and giving them words, and hollow words, and rhetoric. They want action. And i have been listening to them. Theyre demanding action and it is needed. People are tired. They want action. On capitol hill theres cautious optimism from key republicans that theyll be able to craft a deal with democrats on the issue of policing reform, but apparent wildcard as it often is is president trump. A Senior Administration official tells nbc news he will publicly address the issue tomorrow when he meets with Law Enforcement officers and africanamerican faith leaders. In advance of the remarks we got an indication where the president s head is at, the day after tweeting a Conspiracy Theory about a buffalo protester. He will not consider renaming military bases named after confederate generals, even though his Army Secretary said he was open to the idea. Joining me now with the latest from the white house, nbcs carol lee. Kasie hunt is following developments on capitol hill. And Shaquille Brewster is on the ground in minneapolis. Shaq, i want to start with you. We just heard there from the police chief who said that people dont want any more hollow words, they want action. What does it mean to withdraw from negotiations the labor union and where are things going next . Reporter according to the mayor who spoke a few hours after the police chief, what the move does is it gives the city and the Police Department leverage in their negotiations. Theyre currently operating under a contract that was set to expire at the end of last year, so what this does as Police Officers and union fights for increased wages, better benefits, it now gives the city the opportunity to say hey, we want these changes, systemic changes to be enforced. Thats what you heard from the police chief earlier today. It was someone who is signaling he is hearing the calls of protesters, protesters that say they want to go beyond small measures, beyond charges of the officers, and want the systemic issues addressed. He is withdrawing from negotiations. He wants to push for a system that allows for more accountability, better disciplinary setup for officers. Also says he will use data better, look to see if there are ways to set up Early Warning systems for some officers based on the data they have there. I spoke to the Council Woman that represents the area where george floyd was killed, she said this is a big step. Shes one of the people, one of the Council Members calling for the Police Department to be disbanded. She said she has confidence in the police chief. Despite her calls, she believes this change, pressure shes putting on the police union, is a major step. Katie . I mentioned this earlier today, i will mention it again, youre standing outside a Police Department with cinder blocks and barbed wire. A remarkable image to see. Carol, i want to go to you at the white house. The president is the wildcard here. Were going to hear from him tomorrow. Then again, his head is all over the place. He is tweeting about confederate named bases, saying it is not going to happen, tweeting a Conspiracy Theory about a protester the other day. The white house keeps pushing that he is empathetic to whats happening out there and empathetic to the plight of black men and women. But thats not the message were getting at least from his tweets so what exactly is going to happen tomorrow and how 100 on it are white house officials . Reporter tomorrow, the president will travel to dallas, he will have a fundraiser, going to meet with africanamerican faith leaders according to white house officials, where he will discuss for the first time publicly some of the policing reforms that have been under discussion inside the white house and with lawmakers on capitol hill. He was in a meeting with africanamerican media and supporters, they went around the room, the president according to pool report and what we heard of the remarks playing out did not talk about policing reforms, rather walked through his record on policies for the africanamerican communities, things he said he has done in terms of funding for historical black colleges, he talked about economic initiatives that he has proposed. So he really focused on that. What were expected to hear tomorrow is more about his policing reform proposals that the white house officials have been talking to us about, the president could sign an executive order outlining things he could do on his own as early as tomorrow, or that could come later. He is also expected to roll out legislative proposals that he can get behind, things that have been under consideration here, like putting some limitations on apprehension measures for police, a database for Police Officers who had accusations of misconduct. Thats not expected until later. Tomorrow is the first time well hear from him publicly on this issue. One of the things the president said he would not, is a nonstarter, qualified immunity, something the House Democrats want to pass in their Police Reform bill. Where does that stand, what does it mean for what republicans may come up with. Are we likely to see a compromise between democrats and republicans that doesnt include the president potentially . Reporter if you listen to what tim scott has said, it seems as though negotiations are paying close attention to what the president has to say about it, and because the president has drawn this red line, there seems to be a conclusion they couldnt get a change to qualified immunity over the finish line. Perhaps thats also true for banning chokeholds and no knock warrants. I think the challenge here, there was skepticism from senators about the president trying to potentially do something by executive order or make these different proposals, i think theres a lot of fear among Senate Republicans that the president will take this in a direction that perhaps will make it more difficult for them, not easier for them. If in fact none of the proposals are included in the republican plan, i struggle to see how democrats could get on board with it. They would basically argue that whatever teeth were in the democratic bill have been essentially removed. In each of these cases, the republican proposal we reported would study the issue, so it would study no knock arrests, it would study chokehold use, and while collecting data on those things is certainly something that can ultimately have a real impact on the issue, and frankly, there are lobbies, the gun lobby that fight against collection of data on these lines, they fear later will lead to policy changes. At the same time, i think the appetite for democrats is to go farther than simply studying these problems, to actually try to do something about them. And no matter what happens, the president can come out for what they want, if they cant get it through the democratic house, thats that. The politics are tricky. Republicans do want to be seen pushing forward on this issue, and were democrats to say thats not good enough for us, republicans would likely essentially say that well, democrats are blocking the change we were willing to make, we really care about it. Thats how these fights typically play out. I struggle to see how we get to a bipartisan compromise if this is the direction things are going, katie. You reported that Mitch Mcconnell and the president spoke about senate races. Any indication they spoke about potential legislation . Reporter at this point, katie, we have not reported that, although the white house colleagues have been talking with the white house about that question. But keep in mind that the broad topic of senate races could potentially cover this. I would be surprised if this issue was not discussed in the context of those races. My colleague, Lee Ann Caldwell pointed out the proirepublicans working with tim scott are up for reelection. Theyre very worried about this in the context of the map. Our conversation whether republicans could lose control of the senate is much more advanced than i think anybody imagined it would be at this stage. It changed dramatically in the past year. Thank you very much. Dramatically more so in the past few weeks. Shaq and carol, thank you as well. Joining me from washington, a congressman thats a member of the house judiciary committee, participated in its hearing today. Congresswoman, thank you very much for joining us. There seemed to be bipartisan agreement in this hearing that something needed to be done, which was heartening for Many Americans to see. How much of that will translate into a bill that can actually get passed by the senate and signed by the president . Katie, it has to. The two things that struck me today were first of all the pain which you started the segment off with, just listening to George Floyds brother talk about is 20 the worth of a black mans life. That was so powerful. And his presence was so powerful, his pain was so palpable. I think the second is, and these two things are related, the second is that we are considering legislation that truly is sweeping and would make the kind of difference that he was calling for his brothers life to produce. If we were going to lose george floyd, it would have to be to help us to move forward. Lets be clear. The legislation had we already banned choke holds, george floyd would be alive. Had we banned no knock warrants, Breonna Taylor or would be alive. Had we had a federal database of misconduct where a Police Officer cant have misconduct against him and just leave and not have it follow him. So many people would still be alive today. Had we ended the 1033 program that militarizes local Police Departments, we would have a different set of Police Departments around the country, and i think that these kinds of sweeping changes are absolutely essential. What is going to be incumbent now on the republicans is to not allow their attention to be taken off this pain and this bipartisan support we heard today, saying this must end. We have to address this. And the senate needs to deliver a veto proof majority. Now is the time to get this onto the trump administration. Those are all measures that democrats say are necessary, that activists say are necessary, also getting rid of qualified immunity, but a number of those arent points that republicans agree with. If youre going to come up with a bipartisan bill, one that can get a majority, veto proof majority so the president cant veto it, what would democrats, what would you be willing to compromise, is it not banning cho chokeholds, getting rid of qualified immunity, not demilitarizing the police . I think that interestingly there is a lot of bipartisan support for many of these things. I understand qualified immunity is a problem for the president , but there are republicans that have spoken about the issue of qualified immunity. There are many republicans that talk about and frankly the american people, whether theyre democrat or independent that talk about the need to actually take movement forward. Of course, legislation is always has to be a negotiation in a divided congress. I guess what im saying, a study is not going to do it. Thats not going to be be sufficient. We cant dishonor George Floyds death with more studies. We already know what the problem is. At one point during the hearing warm one of the witnesses talked about how Law Enforcement was set up to do exactly the kinds of things it is doing now, coming from the south and the slave states where Law Enforcement was set up to actually prey on black lives. I think there was an important acknowledgment there. To enforce jim crow laws. To change culture, to dramatically change the way in which policing is done today. It is interesting. If you want a full education, not a full education but quick education on Law Enforcement in this country, john alburg did a great one last sunday. It is very informative. Looking on from that, do you envision being able to work with tim scott on legislation he is working on now, Mitch Mcconnell designated him the Republican Point person to come up with a legislative fix on the senate side. As you know, senator cambridge analytikamala harris and cory booker worked to put this together, justice in policing act. Im sure that theyre willing to hear what republicans have to say, what senator scott is working on. Let me just say again that we have tens of thousands of protesters, hundreds of thousands of protesters in the streets across this country because people saw 8 46 of a Police Officer who was sworn to protect the community putting his neonknee on a black mans n until the black man was no longer breathing. And we have to keep that at the center of our attention and demand that senator scott, republicans, all of us as democrats and the president understand that it is time for significant change. Justice in policing is our bill to do exactly that, transformational change. Thats what we need in the country. Were going to work towards that. On your lefthand side of the screen, seeing yet again more marching, more protesting in new york city. Over two weeks now of protesting across the country. Congresswoman, thank you very much for joining us today. We appreciate your time. Thank you, katie. And ahead, bracing for a coronavirus spike. Cases are rising in many states, and the White House Coronavirus task force is concerned its going to get worse. Later, georgias primary meltdown, what went wrong and what does it mean for november . What does it mean for november music what makes you, you . Your cells. Trillions of them. Thats why centrum contains 24 key nutrients to support your energy. So you can take care of what matters most. And try new centrum minis today. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Are irritated. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Welcome back. The total number of coronavirus cases in the u. S. Passed the 2 million mark. And a lot of people are still dying of the virus every day. 21 states are seeing increases in case numbers. Some at an alarming rate. Experts say current numbers are mostly tied to states reopenings, not ongoing protests. According to a Senior Administration official, a meeting with members of the White House Coronavirus task force, they say arent significantly alarmed by current numbers but are concerned about a spike in cases in 10 to 14 days from now because of the protests. And moments ago, the president announced he will be holding his First Campaign rally since the pandemic began, and it will be next week in tulsa, oklahoma, where cases are on the rise. Joining me now, nbcs Vaughn Hillyard in arizona which has one of the highest growth rates in the country. Vaughn, vithey predicted this would happen if states opened early, or too early. What are you seeing there in arizona . Reporter katie, exactly what were concerned was going to happen has happened in the state. In the last six days, there have been more than 7,000 reports new covid cases, the highest mark across the country, Fastest Growing rate. If i could, let me take us through a time line real fast. You recall, may 15th, you and i spoke on television. I was at a water park that just opened. That was the same day governors stay at home order ended. You saw hundreds come to the water park that day, retail, restaurants. When you go around town now, despite increase in cases, you see no masks or social distancing take place. Thats why the concern is so high among hospital administrators in the state. Banner health has the largest hospital system. Theres already been 11 hospitals that met icu bed capacity in the state. More than 500 individual patients had to be sent to other hospitals because there wasnt room in the hospital they originally went to. Banner health, katie, has more than quadrupled the number of ventilators. I got off the phone with the governors office, theyre not making changes. This is an office willing to concede increase in cases, increase in deaths, as long as it doesnt overwhelm the hospital system. Ill say were getting quite close. Vaughn hillyard in phoenix. I remember that day very well. Vaughn, thank you very much. Lets bring in dr. Ben gupta, pulmonologist, pandemic consultant, and nbc news medical contributor. Thank you very much for joining us. As vaughn was saying, people in these areas are not Wearing Masks. What would be the message that needs to be sent in order to make it so hospitals are not overwhelmed, if states are going to continue to reopen, and people are going to leave their house, despite the recommendations of health officials. You know, katie, i feel like we spent so much time talking about encouraging or recommending masks and social distancing. Vaughn said none of that is happening. So what point do we say it is mandatory, and if you dont do it, we have enforcement mechanism, like you can stop people smoking in a bar or restaurant. Youre going to get kicked out if you dont wear a mask. Were at that point. Were left with no other options here because obviously people are protesting. We know from data from germany that carnival goers recently, that went to a carnival saw a 2. 5 times increase in transmission of covid19. And thats despite best practices. So we have to give ourselves the best shot possible. People are not going to follow the rules, we have to compel them to follow the rules. Simple as that. Were still seeing protests happening. You can see this in a little box on the televisions. Theyre happening in new york city, they have been happening all around the country. More than two weeks now of protests. If there was going to be a spike, would we be seeing it now . So a few things. I think were about to start seeing it. So it is going to take 14 days to start seeing the signs, are we seeing increase in case load. A few things go into the benefit from protests. First of all, whatever estimates are out there are pretty raw, suggest maybe anywhere from a thousand to 3,000 new cases from the protests every day. The number of deaths from protests themselves are estimated to be 50 new deaths a day, just from the protests nationwide. And the reason being generally young people out there, and theyre outside. Were thinking transmission rates of covid19, if people are Wearing Masks and practicing good hand hygiene, hopefully less than indoor closed environment where more Vulnerable People could be exposed. There are risk mitigators built into those going out protesting. Which is good. There are a lot of uncertainties here. We expect cases to rise. Probably going to see a bump. What im concerned about is injury to peoples willingness to assent to contract tracing. You know this and i know this. If it is a human person knocking on the door to see where you have been for two weeks or an app, you need trust. We need the Publics Trust with respect to Contact Tracing and thats all weve got to fight this. Public trust in Public Institutions has been injured because of everything the past two weeks. Not just the Public Institutions, also the public trust in Technology Companies that are doing this. One other quick question before we go. I want to talk about the president is going to Start Holding rallies, not having the rnc in north carolina, the governor said he cant make sure it is safe. Cases are on the rise in north carolina. Said he was moving it to florida, to jacksonville. Cases are on the rise in florida. He will have a rally next week, first one back in oklahoma. Cases are on the rise in oklahoma. Adding political, that this is election year, what are political events going to mean for this . I think it should be banned. I think it is one thing to protest for social equality and social justice. It is another to just needlessly add fuel to the fire to meet the ends of a political campaign. Very different. Thats why so many of us in Public Health say social justice is one thing and social justice over social distancing, we understand that. But political rallies, i think thats where we have to draw the line. This is adding fuel to the fire. It serves no greater good. We should be banning it. Dr. Ben gupta, thank you for joining us. Coming up next, new jersey prepares for the next phase of reopening, but is the garden state ready as protests over Racial Injustice continue across that state. Also the country as we have been talking about. We have Governor Phil Murphy live next. Stay with us. Stay with us i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. Things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free to bare my skin yeah thats all me. Nothing and me go hand in hand nothing on my skin thats my new plan. Nothing is everything. Keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. Of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. And skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. I see nothing in a different way and its my moment so i just gotta say nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. 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New jersey Governor Phil Murphy joins me now. Lets talk about where the state is at. Youre reopening, starting phase 2 reopening. Youre going to lift a lot of restrictions. You also have protests in the state. Are you concerned about a spike in cases when you combine reopening and the protests . Katie, good to be back. I think you have to be. The alternative is not feasible. I dont see it. The overwhelming anger, frustration, mad as hell, im not going to take it any more moment in our state and country against the stain of racism, against the killing of george floyd. Theres no choice frankly. And by the way, we have been extraordinarily fortunate, folks in our state have done the right thing. We had over 300 protests, tens of thousands of people, 58 arrests. And please, god, it stays that way. As you mention, my wife and i, one of our children participated sunday. Heres what we said. We said listen, it is hard to social distance but try. Please wear a face covering. Wash your hands with soap. And by the way, get tested. I got tested, my wife and i this morning, came back negative. We have to be able to do both. This is one of the most important chapters in our countrys history, a reckoning long overdue, first year of the fifth century since slavery first came here. We have got to allow folks peacefully and with as much responsibility as possible to get out there and express frustration, anger, and call for action. I have a question on policing, but i want to focus on one more with coronavirus. What is the point where a spike gets so serious for you that you would potentially roll back some reopenings and reimpose if not a lock doun lockdown, at least go back to phase 1 . Good question. The data were looking at, by the way, putting aside the extraordinary loss of life, 12,400 fatalities in junew jers, second hardesthit state, the hard data is going dramatically in the right direction. Positivity rates each and every day, how many people are positive when they get tests, 3 or 4 . The rt, rate of transmission among the lowest in the country. New hospitalizations bounce around, but are way down. Those are things we would look at in the here and now. It would depend. We are testing per capita, higher than any other state. We announced a big Contact Tracing furthering program today, plan to isolate. I think, katie, the question is not will there be a spike, i hope it is a small one. When there is a spike, can you surround it, can you spot it quickly, surround it, isolate it, and protect the economy. If we had to pull the brakes, we would. Maybe in a given sector or given location, but so far at least the progress is pointing us to be able to responsively reopen. Lets talk about Police Reforms. I have a city in your state, camden, new jersey, that did what minneapolis is considering doing, disbanded its Police Department, then rebuilt it with a focus on community policing. Theres a lot of talk about defid defunding the police, and misconceptions what that can mean. Looking at what happened in camden and success that city had with crime rates falling, Violent Crime rates falling, would you recommend to other cities around the country to do the same . I think honestly, it depends on the particular situation. Camden was quite unique, they made enormous progress. I can also point you to a very successful civilian Oversight Board in newark, new jersey. Those are two different models, but theyre models that allow us to make enormous progress. I think it is a mosaic with lots of different pieces. I think doing what camden did, what newark has done, those are steps that should be on the table. I signed last year something i highly recommended, im glad we did it, an independent prosecutor bill. Whenever theres a fatality involving Law Enforcement or shooting involving Law Enforcement, even in the absence of fatality, theres an independent process that has to end up with a grand jury. Our attorney general just last week said were going to announce with my support, were going to review use of force guidelines that havent been reviewed in new jersey in 20 years. Were a state thats never licensed its Police Officers. Were now going to do that. We talk about investments in community. Since i got here a couple years ago, you know, the budget speaks to your priorities. Investments in education, health care, social services, et cetera, so i think it is a whole series of as i say pieces of a mosaic. And please, god, at long last, let us make progress were so long overdue in making. Governor phil murphy of new jersey, thank you very much for joining us. We appreciate your time. Good to be back with you, katie. And still ahead, we will breakdown what defunding the police really means and why some activists say it is necessary. Plus, what the primary voting disaster in georgia could tell us about whats to come in november. Well be right back. Come in november well be right back. Wasting time. Ke im jt thats why Td Ameritrade designed a firstofitskind, personalized education center. Their awardwinning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. And it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. So its like my streaming service. Well except now, youre binge learning. For a limited time, get up to 800 when you open and fund an account. Call 8663009417 or visit tdameritrade. Com learn. Introducing oreida potato pay. Where oreida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this. With this. When kids wont eat dinner, potato pay them to. Oreida. Win at mealtime. Potato pay them to. 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Georgia officials are pointing fingers, blaming one another after yesterdays primary election fell apart in some areas, with hours long lines, faulty Voting Machines, problems that seemed to mainly occur in predominantly africanamerican precincts. The georgia secretary of state is blaming local officials in counties with the most problems, and the same local officials are blaming the secretary of state. All of this underscored by georgias status as a potential battleground in the 2020 election. Blayne alexander has the latest from atlanta. Reporter katie, pretty much across the board, anybody you talk to, democrats, republicans, anybody paying attention to yesterdays primary will agree it did not go smoothly at all, it did not go well. Many call it an absolute debacle. As for what went wrong, who was to blame, that depends on who you ask. Lets look at the issues. We talked about the issues, certainly georgia rolling out new Voting Machines in the midst of a pandemic, but issues ran the spectrum everywhere from polls opening late, being understaffed, to the secretary of state saying some Voting Machines were delivered to the wrong places. What we have now is the georgia secretary of state republican that oversees the state elections saying the issues lay mostly in fulton and dekalb counties, those are the areas that encompass metro atlanta. He says the blame falls on county officials saying they didnt properly train employees how to handle the technology, saying they didnt get reports about the machine themselves, technology itself failing, but more so employees that didnt know how to use the machines. He said focused mostly on fulton and dekalb counties, metro atlanta. As you can expect, of course, county officials are firing back on that, specifically the head of Dekalb County who says look, this amounts to disenfranchisement. Michael thurmond went on to say the buck stops with the secretary of state, and thats the person that needs to answer for what happened yesterday, according to the county official. You now have back and forth over who exactly was to blame. The question remains, whats going to be done to prevent this happening in november. Far more are expected to cast ballots in november, and georgia is being looked at politically as an emerging battleground state. Two senate seats up for grabs. Democrats are looking at the red state as battleground territory come november. A lot of eyes on georgia and more questions as the secretary of state has launched an investigation to find out exactly what went wrong and fix it before november. Katie . Two senate seats and the possibility of turning blue in november makes it very interesting. Blayne alexander in atlanta. Thank you very much. Coming up next, what Public Safety and Emergency Response could look like if cities respond to calls to Defund Police. 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As we mentioned earlier in the show, many lawmakers are seemingly united on the idea that something needs to change with americas police. But a lot of them are divided on how to reform policing and how far is too far. While some Public Officials like the mayors of new york and los angeles have committed to slashing, at least, taking a little bit of money away from their police budgets, in response to calls to Defund Police, others like joe biden and congressman jim clyburn have distanced themselves from that side of the movement. The minneapolis mayor has found himself at odds with his city council after it committed to d dismantling the minneapolis police. Something he is opposed to when talking to reporters this morning. What i will say is that i am committed to that deep structural reform. If youre talking about having a full Culture Shift in the minneapolis Police Department, im on board. If youre talking about making sure that we arent criminalizing poverty or addiction, making sure that we have a different concept youll approach to how we handle it, i am fully on board. If youre talking about abolishing the Police Department, no, i am not. Ive made that clear. Joining me now, isaac brian, executive director at the black policy project at ucla at the center for africanamerican studies. Thank you for joining us. Lets talk about what this means. I think there are a lot of people out there who fear defund the police and think it means abolishing a Police Department. It doesnt. So can you explain to me, i know it is a wide spectrum, but explain what this term means. Thank you for having me. Its great to be with you. I disagreed with the premise initially and the fact that it doesnt not mean abolishing the police. What it means is as far as the political imagination and the political will of our leaders across the country willing to push the idea, thats as far as it belongs. Defunding police is not a new idea as far as reallocating resources that we put into Law Enforcement, human caging, mass incarceration, putting it into systems of healing. That movement has been going on for decades. People have been calling for this for much longer. The death of george floyd, Breonna Taylor and countless others have served as a catalyst to bring this to national dialogue. When you say abolishing the police, i understand you disagree with the premise of my question, does that mean getting rid of all Law Enforcement officers in an entire city . I think it means reimagining what Crisis Management looks like. Who our First Responders are to the many needs people have around the country. I can tell you here in los angeles, we have one of the largest Homeless Population and unhoused populations in the country. There are 30,000 in the city, 50,000 in the county. I can tell you in 2012, 12 of the lapds arrests were for those unhoused. In 2019, it was 23 . So at the same time were trying to figure out what to do to get folks housing and shelter, we are spending 1. 8 billion on our policing budget. We passed a measure, hhh, which allocated about a billion dollars over the course of some years to solve our homeless problem. Thats the same that were allocating to our Law Enforcement agencies every year. That was spread out over ten years. Were looking at Crisis Management thank you different lens. A lens of healing. Crisis management can mean many different things. I think of the bill in the california state legislature, the crisis act which looks at building out Community Based intervention resources to handle the needs of folks who suffer from substance abuse, from trauma, who suffer from poverty, all the things we are criminalizing and filling our jails with. So i see what youre saying. There are communities that have taken that measure and theyve redirected the Fire Department or redirected social workers to respond to calls like that. There are Police Chiefs around the country and leaders that say, hey, listen, Police Officers should not be a one size fits all response. You shouldnt be spending a guy with a gun to somebody who is threatening on commit suicide. This is not the best way to use Police Officers. But then they say at the same time, there will be scenarios where you will need a Police Officer because it is not as if Violent Crime, while it goes down, it is not as if it is sudsly going to disappear. So what happens . What happens . When you have a scenario where somebody is shot or there is a murder or there is a very serious need for a Police Officer, for somebody with a gun. Because there are insubstantials where that is necessary. Just not all instances. Right. I think there are many, many models for restorative justice, transformative justice, communities that have been implemented across the country. We do with it our young people who have redeeming qualities for the rest of their life and i believe we need to think that way about all people. I would like the see us lead bless the Willie Horton narrative and dig deep entire home and opportunity and think more critically about how we can use these dollars to build out a system that addresses the root causes that lead to this. Were talking about poverty, lower access to quality education. Were talking about lower health outcomes. That you can literally map a neighborhood by zip code. In los angeles some neighborhoods dont even have quality grocery stores. When you deal with the structural inequities that have been baked in with centuries of racism in this country, and race neutral policy thats have had desperate racial impacts, particularly on black communities in this country, when you deal with those, you will notice that crime is no longer the narrative but hope and opportunity is what people live by. Isaac brian, thank you. So for coming on and educating us on this. I appreciate your time and i home to have you back again soon. Thank you. Well be right back. You well be right back you should be mad they gave this guy a promotion. You should be mad at forced camaraderie. And you should be mad at tech that makes things worse. But youre not mad, because you have e trade, whos tech makes life easier by automatically adding technical patterns on charts and helping you understand what they mean. Dont get mad. Get e trades simplified technical analysis. So as you head back out on the road, well be doing what we do best. 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