Plus sorting out the confusion over collusion. I talk with the former Campaign Manager Cory Lewendowski irn. I dont know anything about russia. Okay . And how deep was russias reach . Social Media Companies are finally starting to come clean. Youre the front line of defense for it. This is mtp daily and it starts right now. Good evening. Welcome to mtp daily. Im chuck todd here in washington. Get right to the latest on the investigation of the most deadly terror attack in new york city since 9 11. We learned the suspect isnt the attack is expected to be charged this hour in federal court. Authorities say the driver ran down eight and gin you ared 12 others yesterday planned it for weeks. Law enforcement sources say the driver Sayfullo Saipov following the islamic playbook to a t. And found a manned written note pledging allegiance. Hes being call add lone would ever would ever and people who knew him thought he might have been susceptible. Bring in my colleague justice correspondent pete williams. Pete, i know were seems to me were describing him as a lone wolf and simultaneously appears the fbi is looking for harks a person of interest that theyre seeking. Tell us whats going on here. Reporter two thing things,. First of all, charges timed against saipov in federal court. They say a couple of things. One, when he wented the truck, used his own name and wrote on it, no god but god and mohammed is the prophet. The fbi says this is commonly used to refer to isis. Then they say he was inspired to carry out this attack bywatch watching isis videos on his cell phone saying about a year ago he began to plan the attack and two years ago decided to use a truck to inflict maximal damp and decided to do this after watching a video in when al baghdadi, the isis leader, questioned muslims in the u. S. About what they were doing to respond to the killing of muslims in iraq, and they say that one of his cell phones contains about 90 videos which appear to be isis propaganda. Now, thats the first thing. The second thing is, that authorities are now searching for another person in connection with this attack. Hes identified as mook maudeer khad. Iraf, 30 years ald also from uzbekistan and saipov are, saying theyre seeking the public the information about him in relation to the deadly attacks yesterday in new york and if anyone knowing anything about him, call the fbi, call thebassy if theyre overseas. Its clear they dont really know where he is right now but want him in connection with the attack. Why they want him, what the connection is, we dont yet know, chuck. We believe that the federal authorities will have a News Conference in about 45 minutes to go into more detail about what i just told you. I have to ask you something you said right at the top. Where did he write this . On the rental agreement at the home depot . Yes. They say when he wint to the home depot yesterday he used his own name to rent the truck. Right. And that on the on the document he he left this left this phrase on the contract. Thats my understanding of what they are saying about the document. And theres no reaction from home depot how the clerk handled that . Obviously . What we were told is i want to be double checking this. Im reading it in realtime as were talking here. Totally understand. This is they just say, the document. It comes right after a discussion of the rental contract. Lets see the imp mlication is let me look at Something Else here. Paragraph 5. Well, i think that thats the document theyre talking about. But i cant be sure about that. In any event, they have said they didnt think there was anything they didnt think they said they didnt think there was anything about the rental truck, the rental of the tlauk would have raised anyones suspicions. Perhaps this is some different document. Fair enough. I was going to say, if its on the rental agreement one would assume that could trigary suspension. All i was curious about that. Yes. I think theres something missing from what theyve released here. There seem to be some a paragraph missing that they referred to thats not actually they refer to a paragraph thats not actually in the document. Well have to find out what the deal is there. Hopefully theyll realize their error as you and i were speaking. Let me revise and extend my remarks and say its not necessarily in the rental agreement. Fair enough. You have more reporting to do. Ill let you know. Thank you very much. As pete mentioned, saipov came to the u. S. Through what the department of Homeland Security tells us was a vald diversity visa. Sometimes known as a diversity visa lottery, that is what the president and his allies are pouncing on, began the morning casting blame for the attack tweeting, the terrorist came into our country through the diversity visa lottery program. A Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based. And in response, i guess its not too soon to politicize a tragedy. Sought to end that program in the big Immigration Reform package of course that never passed. The president kept up pressure when speaking on camera later today. I am going to ask congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program. Diversity and diversity lottery. Diversity lottery. Sounds nice. Its not nice. Its not good. Its not good. It hasnt been good. Weve been against it. And schumer, criticized the president for politicizing the tragedy had no problem taking to both the senate floor in a News Conference podium to go right back at the president. All President Trump does is take advantage, horrible advantage, of a tragedy and try to politicize and divide. The president ought to stop tweeting and start leading. The American People long for leadership. Not divisiveness. Not fingerpointing. Not namecalling. White house today strongly denied the idea theyre politicizing the tragedy, but seems its taking less and less time these days, no matter the issue or circumstance for both sides to get into their corners. Here we are. Bring in tonights panel. David ignatius, syed kapoor and cnbc contributor and former political director for the bush white house. Welcome all. David, start with you. First, this diversity immigration, the diversity lottery. Im actually fairly familiar with it. One. Few ways cubans could legally make it into the country. Always a big deal in cuba to get the hit the lottery. It truly is a lottery for somebody. But this has been in the cross hair s before. Its been a program that the senate tried, in fact, with Chuck Schumer as part of that effort, to get rid of. That effort failed. So its its still im really struck, want too say disturbed, as you said. How quickly this has been politicized. This was a particularly horrifying action, and, you know, our vulnerability to terrorism is in part due to the fact our country is so divided. So thats the first reaction. The second thing id say, the fact that this man was an uzbek and that the other apparent person of interest in the investigation is also originally uzbek, is significant in terms of the isis story. Uzbeks had been among the most important committed foreign fighters on the battlefields in syria and iraq when i visited those battlefields. I was told what they monitor in terms of transmissions is often inoo inoo in uzbek. The fact he said isis forever may reflect in part the particular commitment that uzbeks made to this fight. Sarah, look, you worked for a president that did seem to be mindful of how explosive, if youre not careful with your words, your language and all this stuff, this president runs right to it. He runs right to it. This isnt new. He did it before. Did it as a candidate, san bernardino, the same thing. Waited seconds. And you know what . Politically hell get rewarded for it. Even though in washington and new york we find the way he handles it wrong and inappropriate, and insensitive, there are a lot of people in america who see what happened in new york, and see that theres this program that doesnt make any sense to them, which even were casting doubt on at this table, and they say, hes the only person standing up to, thank you donald trump. Thats what, in the heartland theyre saying now. Its a point. And a majtsch contrast betwen the way they reacted in san bernardino, the las vegas, dont politicize it. Too soon. Too soon. On the diversity green card lottery, around since 1990. Theres bipartisan support in congress for ending it. Democrats mostly. Republicans unanimously almost want to do it. The problem other things get caught up in it. Dims want Different Things for it than republicans do. Hard to see congress simply eliminating this. Democrats want other things attached to it. Well see where it goes. Almost seemed as if they wanted to lean in on this tragedy a little bit. Lean in and make this the talking point of the day, david. You cant but look at the substance of your column was russia. Look, its not like they, you know you cant help but wonder how much, hey, they want to be talking terrorism. This is an embattled white house. The president is a counterpuncher. This was an opportunity to strike back angrily. To fix blame on a democrat. If it hadnt been this terrible tragedy, we would have been hearing about Hillary Clinton and uranium sales. Theyre pushing back hard, because theyre really feeling theyre in a corner. Talk about what the political fallout from this will be. I mean, sohiel, you know this congress well. I think sarahs right about the politics. That thing is gone. Isnt it . That will have bipartisan support. Youll see the joe manson, connellys, i see all of them jumping on. And to begin investigating. Something to talk about rather than investigations into the president. The talk coming from the white house about President Trumps allies, steve bannon and oliver stone, we saw in the vanity fair piece is part to keep a really, really strong support for the president. 81 of republicans still support him even though the nbc poll shows his support is low. That will affect how republicans in Congress Deal with it. Does this come up daca or actually become wrapped up in daca . It should become wrapped up in it, because also theres increting bipartisan support on daca, even though its complicated. You a assume, normal, dysfunction washington should do Something Like this . Should bring republicans to helping solve the daca process. Interesting if it ends consensus. Sticking around. Up next, Cory Lewendowski. Youll want to hear this one. Keep it here. When i look in the mirror everyday. When i look in the mirror everyday. Everyday, i think how fortunate i am. I think is today going to be the day, that we find a cure . I think how much i can do to help change peoples lives. I may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but im sure going to. Im bringing forward a treatment for alzheimers disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. Of course, the president s orbit has been rocked this week by criminal charges filed on special counsel bob muellers investigation into russia election interference and possible collusion with americans. Possibly from the Trump Campaign. One pleaded guilty. Yesterday i spoke to corey lewandowski, trumps Campaign Manager during most of the campaign and almost through the convention and started reading a quote of something he said at George Washington university in september. The quote was this i think of anybody, and said this, Paul Manafort, roger stone, rick gates or anybody else attempted to influence the outcome of the u. S. Election through any means inprop through collusion, coordination or cooperation i hope they go to jail for the rest of their lives. I asked lewendowski after the indictments if he felt the same way. Heres the beginning of our conversation. Still holds for me, chuck, because im an american who believes in the american electoral process and i believe thats more sacred than almost anything. Next to family and god. We have to mike sure the american electoral process is sanktuous and sanctimony sow nobody interferes and if anybody tried to interfered they should be held account for the full extent of the law. That said, what weve seen with the indictments of Paul Manafort and rick gates were things that took place ten years prior to their shorten nuer during the Trump Campaign. The crime accused of starting in 2006. Ten youres before the Trump Campaign was up and running. Let me ask you this. Do you think the russians did try to interfere in this election . Do you feel thats a flat out known fact in your mind . Well, absolutely i think they did and tried to do so through the democratic party. Look at the dossier and what the Democratic National committee has paid for and what the Clinton Campaign attorney has paid for and what podesta is now accused of not knowing about, that this dossier was put together with the help of a former mi6 spy in charge of the russia desk and seems, chuck, may be wrong, seems the fbi was actually paying this former mi6 person for information. If thats the case im very concerned showing the russians tried to influence the election through Hillary Clinton. I know youre trying to twist this around there and focused there, but im talking about everything weve learned. John podestas emails, and the dnc act. Do you acknowledge that the russians were trying everything they could to defeat Hillary Clinton . Chuck, i dont think thats the case at all. If that was the case, why would the dnc and why would the podesta team be paying this mi6 agent millions of dollars, like 9 million to get russia information to provide a false dossier so they could go after donald trump and, look, granted, it came out after the election. But a direct payment. The only seen so far indirectly tied to russia. Cory no, no, chuck. Never has there been a payment. I understand. From the Trump Campaign or the rnc to anybody attempting to coordinate with russia to get information. Thats only come from the democrats. You never heard of a Campaign Getting Opposition Research and then deciding not to use it . I mean, you understand that of course. The conspiracy youre putting together, you have to make the assumption that this was all this grand conspiracy that Hillary Clinton did to get caught and somehow lose the election, it just that part of it is, is a head scratcher here. To your story as to what you and the president are trying to paint here. Chuck, im laying out the facts. That the Clinton Campaign and Democratic National committee paid multiples of millions of dollars to a former mi6 special agent wait. Thats not an established fact. Cory, that is not an established fact. Its a fact the lawyer, that the attorney and the law firm that represented the Clinton Campaign in the dnc paid some money, but youre creating a dollar figure here nap is not a provable fact yet. Well, look if youre going to speak in facts, at least speak in facts. Chuck, the facts. We know the head clinton attorney, the top guy, has now admitted that he had his own pot of money he was responsible for and paid this mi6 agent. That is a fact. Hes admitted this publicly, his own pot of mrn. That pot of money came from the campaign. A ive run a campaign. Never, ever, ever, has a candidate that i know of given an unsolicited pot of money to a campaign attorney to do with as you will with no accountability. Let me ask you this. You said Something Interesting today. You said, why didnt the, if the fbi was investigating Paul Manafort, why didnt they give the campaign a heads up . Did you guys not read press clips . I mean, Paul Manaforts controversial past was well documented. Why didnt team trump vet him . Look, chuck, i dont disagree with you and have said from day one, look, people will say sour grapes. Its not. Paul was the wrong guy to bring on to the campaign. His role was supposed to come in and be the delegate hunter, make sure the delegates. The delegates needed to secure the nomination tore trump were in place. He held that job 40 years ago when reagan and ford were fighting over delegates and hadnt been involved or relevant in the Republican Party politics since then but was brought in, recommended by a friend to the Trump Campaign to come in and help with the delegates. When he came in, he was the one who started the league for the campaign and was a terrible hire. Dont kid ourselves. He brought all of these problems with him when he came to the Trump Campaign. That doesnt mean are you convinced the only person convinced the only person with ties to rush on the Trump Campaign is Paul Manafort . Oh, no. I didnt say that. I think rick gates also has been indicted also was part of the Trump Campaign and those two came in together. They are are they the only two . Is that it . I dont know, chuck. I can tell you this, i dont know. Tell you this. I know as Campaign Manager to the best of my knowledge i never spoke to a russian, never contacted a russian, i never coordinated with a russian. I dont know anything about russia. Okay . I never spoke to them and was the Campaign Manager. If other people on the periphery of the campaign trying to communicate with russia, roger stone, no formal role or carter page, no formal role and are bad people i hope theyre accountable to the fulle esest extent of the law. In the Washington Post interview candidate trump did, first time he mentioned carter page as a Foreign Policy adviser, you were at that interview. George papadopoulos was also on this list of security advisors. How did he get on there . Look, what happened at the time, the press was clamoring to hear from the trump team who his advisers would be. On that list, it was hastily put together, one meeting of the Advisory Committee and that list included guys like admiral cubic and general matsuzaka and others, so these names were added. How they got put together i dont know exactly know for sure. Tell you this, exactly one meeting and best of my knowledge guys like carter page didnt show up for the volunteer meeting that took place one time and no formal structure, and no other role in the campaign. There seem to be George Papadopoulos thought he had a formal structure. He reported to sam clovis. Fair . I dont. See for sam clovis bii speak for corey lewandowski. Pop pock liss hapadopoulos had e campaign. It he wanted to insert with ideas and thoughts would have done it through the Foreign Policy team, mr. Clovis team but had no formal wheel so ever. How does a lowlevel guy end up on the same list at general kellogg . The question we have to look at. How did he end up in that initial lichte . We know about George Papadopoulos, originally hired by the Ben Carson Campaign and came highly recommended from a Nonprofit Organization in washington, d. C. Who vowed for his credibility to the Carson Campaign. When dr. Carson got out of the race he joined our team. How he got to our team from the Carson Campaign as you know, chuck, there were people who fro the Carson Campaign joined the Trump Campaign afterwards and perhaps they brought him. I dont know for sure but he was originally on the Carson Campaign. Let me ask you this. If you cant say for sure how this George Papadopoulos got in here, isnt it, is it that much of a leak to say, geez, russian koss have infiltrated this campaign, because you didnt know where George Papadopoulos came from and he snomehow got into this is campaign. Do you look back and say, geez, maybe the russians did infrill trait our campaign, easier to do than i realized . Chuck, when you say part of the campaign. To the bet of my knowledge, george fop dock liss ne papadop he made it on to a list. He was a volunteer a volunteer. Why did he make it . Vouched for by i think the hudson institute. I believe he worked for the hudson institute. Youre making my point here. You arent i understand that, but you guys are denying, well, theres no way any of these things can happen and you dont know how supposedly a lowlevel volunteer ended up on the same advisory list as general kellogg . The advisory list consisted of one meeting which took place for about 30 minutes and that was the end of the Advisory Committee and the People Experts in the field of National Security continued to give advice and counsel, and the admiral cubic and others and guys like George Papadopolos had no other role. He never had a donald trump email address, never paid by the campaign, came to probably never interact with any senior managements of the campaign. I no he started on the Carson Campaign. How does a billionaires campaign be so fast and loose with poor vetting . Whether Paul Manafort, now George Papadopolos . In fairness, theres a pattern that your best defense is, we were poor at doing this. Thats not a good defense. Chuck chuck, there wasnt this is not like when you work for the federal government. Right . You dont go through an fs86 form and fill out of government ethics form to apply to the campaign. What happens, literally, you know this. Especially on a startup campaign is, people walk in the door. Youre billionaire cory never seen a billionaire business chuck, we didnt run a billionaire the campaign. I know you didnt, but billionaire businessmen. Less money. They usually care about whos representing them and care more than the average person. Hillary clinton had 800 people in hur office in brooklyn and her top, her top attorney, a wellknown operative, was paying a russian, a former mi6 spy to provide information on russia, and her chairman of her committee had to step away from his firm today, because of his ties to this. Lets talk about that. Those are the youre conflating. Cory, you are conflating the podesta brothers, i think. Conflating tony and john. I understand, i see what youre doing there. Final question. Seems that a lot of people connected to the Trump Campaign were either trying to get Clinton Emails or offered the opportunity to get Clinton Emails. Let me ask you this did you ever pursue missing Clinton Emails on your own or ever offered clintons emails in some form by any sort of outside group . Look, i never pursued them on my own. I can speak that that unequivocally and if anybody brought in to my attention, we think we could get Clinton Emails i would have brought it directly to the Campaign Counsel saying this sounds like a legal issue i shouldnt be involved with. You make a legal determination. Best of my knowledge, i know this unequivocally. I never pursued them and nobody brought them to be i would have been aware of because i would have brought it right to legal counsel. Reminder, we conducted that interview yesterday, midafternoon. A lot more mtp daily ahead. Well be right back. 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Another uzbeki, former uzbeki citizen. Were expecting to hear from the u. S. Attorney about those new charges, and maybe hear more about the person theyre looking for. All of that, we expect in a few minutes and of course will bring you that live when it happens. Well be right back. Is made of. But right now, our bond is fraying. How do we get back to us . The y fills the gaps. And bridges our divides. Donate to your local y today. Because where theres a y, theres an us. Having moderate to seis not always easy. Is its a Long Distance run and you have the determination to keep going. Humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly ten years. Its the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists. More than 250,000 patients have chosen humira to fight their psoriasis. And theyre not backing down. For most patients clearer skin is the proof. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections including tuberculosis. 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One of 50 videos containing isis propaganda found on one of his phones. Saipov allegedly told investigators he began planning the attack in the United States approximately two months ago and rent add truck october 22nd making turns, practice this, before making the attack. Joined by colleague, our chief foreign correspondents and making a rare appearance right here in this nations capital. Good to see you. A lot of news going on here. A big foreign story these days, by the way. I can imagine. Would love to spend an hour with you talking about that. Lets talk about the state of isis. Theres two simultaneous things it appears going on. Right now isis, when can um tos the caliphate appear to be as weak as ever and all interrelateds what we see happening in Central Africa there is some strength in weakness, actually. And here we are, yet we see more vulnerable to an isis attack today than ever before. Walk us through the state of isis. Isis is very, very weak compared to where it used to be. Isis used to have a kind of rump state. Its own caliphate and would tell people, come live there, come train for terrorist attacks there. Paying people, trying fletchingly to create their own had a tax base. Had oil revenue. They had a little state. And that little state had the potential and did organize very devastating attacks because if you could go there and train and learn how to kill people and practice firing guns and doing ambush skills you can become very dangerous terrorists and thats what happened. We saw it at the istanbul airport, saw in commandos trained on the ground, deployed and carried out attack. Theyve lost that space to operate now and are changing their model. Theyre just now issues these these kind of random messages. Tweets, and messages over encrypted apps like telegram telling people to carry out the attacks, and the what i was saying is, theres a weakness in strength in that, theres a strength in weakness. Yes. If you have a state, okay. Its vulnerable to attack. You do attacks that take a lot of planning, youre building bombs, trying to meet together so you can plan things. Chances are youre going to get caught. But if youre telling people to do attacks on their own. Use their vehicles. Lowlevel stuff that you can do on yore own, its very hard to to stop that. So theyre changing their Business Model from a, a group that lived in a place, spent a lot of time thinking about attacks, to a group that now just sort of blasts out messages on your cell phone and says, go, you know, carry out an attack. I feel as a society were in a weird conundrum. Talking about as a society talking about the media, government. On the one hand were extraordinarily vulnerable to smallscale lone wolf oneman attacks. Almost impossible to snuff out. On the other hand, and that can be a panic mode. But is there a point that we end up, overreact . What is this seems to be a Public Policy change. That we havent figured out yet. Look what happened from isis as a success or a failure. I think it is a little of both. Its a success from their perspective, because they hit what is probably the hardest target in the world. New york city. Enormously a secure city. Nypd does a fabulous job. They hit that attack, hit that city. They got lucky. Very low got low rent, lowtech way. They got lucky. What isis is playing now, theyre playing the numbers. They are spamming the world. They are sending out mempg messy the thousands a day saying, go do an attack and here they got lucky because they found someone willing to do it in new york city. A really hard target. You could look at if from a success from their point of view. You can also look at it as a failure, because this is not a major attack. I think theres a danger of us overreacting to this. People are dead. Its hard to say its not a major attack. I mean, thats when i say were in a conundrum. Right . You could also say if they could only carry out an attack without a weapon, without a firearm, really, and eight people are dead and if thats the best they can do, thats not a great thats not the worlds worst terrorist organization. Not the this sort of, the caliphate as it was. Thats a very terrible thing, a terrible tragedy, but they got lucky this time, because they spread their messages all around the world and somebody picked it up and carried out this attack. So from their perspective, yeah, they hit the number this time, but its not isis as it wants to be. Isis the great terrorist organization with a state that can carry out complex attacks. Right. Considering how weve raeshgted, considering how the president s reacted and i say, we collectivecollec collective we, how much attention in hayes g attention, more or less of this . Meaning, theyll try to do more the these disruptions in major western cities around the world to see what they can get away with . Theres always a copycat attack. In some ways this is a copycat attack, absolutely. Doing if it in europe. The way isis has been doing this. The last few dozen attacks. Nice, a bigger deal with this, until they come up with a different kind of attack be a different model. This country, every country is uniquely vulnerable. This country, what i kept thinking about is, at least he didnt have a highpowered firearm. Right. Because thats the unique challenge in this country, is the easy accessibility to a highpowered firearm. The people i speak to in speenier National Security igss are very worried about that. Worried about somebody who takes this message, takes isis up and decides to be a lone wolf and also has access to vehicles, trucks, and combine that with highpowered weapons. One person can do a lot. One person can do a lot. Richard engel. Good to see you. Stay safe kwl ywhen you go over this one got lucky. Hit a hard target but show as pretty weak organization. Debate this more and more as we go. Richard, thank you. Well be right back. Accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president , then what has our government become . Im tom steyer, and like you, im a citizen who knows its up to us to do something. Its why im funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. Yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger whos mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. And they do nothing. Join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing whats political and start doing whats right. Our country depends on it. All right. We are still awaiting that News Conference to learn more about what this other person of interest is in the terror attack in new york city. Bring in the panel. David ignatius and sarah. David, you heard that conversation i had with Richard Engel here. I feel the big conundrum of the career attack we are simultaneously successfully at least forcing isis underground. You know, not destroying it, and at the same time these lowtech terror attacks are at effective as ever on our psyche. They are. And the copycat phenomena is obvious. I think Richard Engel made a really important point. Which is after three year, the caliphate isis create had been shattered. Isis is recruiting magazine called inspire. The idea, inspire people to to join the caliphate, to fight with us and theyve been crushed. And i think everything i hear from u. S. Government analysts says their ability to attract new recruits in any meaningful way, any real network, sending out twitter messages, has really been, been destroyed. So i think learning to live with the continuing threat that people will, you know, act as lone wolves, act on grievances is something well have to live with and only know about it if muslim communities in america feel comfortable telling Law Enforcement. Funny you say that. This is the societal debate. Im not sure were ready to have. Is the American Public its interesting. We sort of live with the mass shooting issue. Yeah. Yes. Culturally, whatever it is. Its like, everybodys accepted that were polarized in figuring out a solution. Are we that way with isis and this sort of lowgrade terrorism . I dont think were there yet. But i think its very likely we could get there. Weve seen more of these in europe than the United States, but theres you know, the caliphate may have been crushed but the ideology remains. Part of the reason caliphate was crushed they did a poor job managing affairs and people became disenchantsed. Couldnt do what they promised. Along with other terror organizations, in some cases. This is a very real threat. It remain as threat and the United States and donald trump, to his credit, who is focused on it, maybe doesnt always use the right language, in my view, but is properly focused on it. Thats what we need our president to be doing. Terror is an unusual psychological challenge combining nativism and fear with dying and spectacular and scary ways. We learned to live with car death and automotive deaths, gun deaths and this is a tough one. Sneak in a quick break. Awaiting that News Conference and will have it right after this break. Is that whole thing still dragging on . No, i took some pics with the app and. Filed a claim, but. You know how they send you money to cover repairs and. They took forever to pay you, right . No, i got paid right away, but. At the very end of it all, my agent. Wouldnt even call you back, right . No, she called to see if i was happy. But if i wasnt happy with my claim experience for any reason, theyd give me my money back, no questions asked. Can you believe that . No. The claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. Lets take a look at some. Numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. And 149 dollars is all it takes to get screened and help take control of your health. 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All of the sort of Muslim Populations that are that are close to russia, that sort of in between russia and the middle east, it is a reminder of sort of the uncomfortable aspect that russias dealing with this as well. With uzbekistan and the uzbekis and all, chechnya and all of this. I think russia has a real probl problem, chechnya in some ways, an open wound, neighboring former soviet republics like uzbekistan and kazakhstan. Just a lot of fermean ferment. Stuck in syria, the sense wed get caught again as in afghanistan would be very damping for russidamp ing damaging for russia. I think youre right. And a lot of muslim resentment maybe to American Power or whatever, but it feels as if russias probably got a bigger problem, perceptionwise, in the muslim world. Absolutely they do. Its a regional problem. We see it in europe. Its affecting social movements and political movements on both sides of the pond. We see a lot of nationalism and sentiments propping up in europe. The german far right party i think, won seats in the parliament, First Time Since the 1940s. And were seeing elements of that crop up here. It take as small thing to i smay incite that sort of sentiment. Again, we have been better about being more open and assimilating the populations. And there, their mismanagement of it is making us less safe. I think thats very fair. I think one of the things that i do disagree strongly with this president is the way he speaks about it. Other republicans, republicans and democrats alike have always been careful about their language and their tone. And that has had a calming effect on the United States and the population. And he at times really amps it up in a way that is unhelpful and will make these divisions, are them worse. You brought this up. The he importance of Law Enforcement relationships in this country is extraordinarily important. Does the president s rhetoric, obviously, it can impact that. I just hope that President Trump understands what in the end keeps america safe. The willingness of these communities to share their concerns. If somebody in the mosque is beginning to act out, and behaving in a strange way, talk to somebody about it. The reason weve had so many fewer of these lone wolf attacks in the European Countries is because our Muslim Population generally feels asimulated into the culture and talks to folks who can begin to reach out and disrupt attacks. If that changes and people feel alienated, separated because of our polarized politics, we have a much bigger problem. This is such an important point. You listen to the way they talk about this. You need to win allies in the Muslim Community if youre going to take this on and you cant give ammunition to the radicals to say the United States is waging a holy war. The guantanamo comment today. Theres always been concern that just guantanamo is a symbol. Period. Yes. For sure. It was a symbol in the bush years and president bush was right and dick cheney was right. It is difficult to close that down. Obama had challenges to close it down. Difficult for a host reasons. The other point i would make about europe and the United States, some of the challenges europe had was because their class system was so much stronger and it was harder for people who werent born in the upper class to we respect you no matter where youre from because you had an american eiththos and weve see people not get an economic pay raise in ten years. People feeling theyre part of a class system. Thats playing into the growing disenchantment. Good evening. Yesterday afternoon, a man consumed by hate and a twisted ideology ideology attacked our country and our city. Using a rented home depot truck as his weapon of terror, the man sped down west side highway and then intentionally plowed his truck into a pedestrian walkway and bicycle path, hitting and running over people who were simply trying to enjoy a Sunny Afternoon in new york city. He killed eight innocent human beings. And injured at least a dozen other people. That man has alleged in a complaint filed today was Sayfullo Saipov. Say, thanks to the incredible work of the fbi the nypd, the joint Terrorism Task force and law. In the city and around the country, just about 24 hours after saipovs attack, we now have him charged with federal crimes of terrorism. The complaint filed today charges saipov with two counts. First, Material Support of a terrorist organization. That being isis. And second, a federal charge of violence and destruction of a Motor Vehicle with willful disregard for the safety of human life that resulted in multiple deaths. As the complaint alleges, after speeding through the walkway, and bicycle paths running over and killing people, saipov crashed his truck into a school bus carrying children. Then he got out, yelled allah akhbar meaning god is great brandishing two weapons which turned out to be a paint ball gun and a pellet gun. He was ultimately stopped by a brave police officer, ryan nash, who confronted him and shot him in the an dment. In the short time since this attack as alleged in the complaint, we have developed evidence establishing that saipov committed this attack in support of isis. That evidence is laid out in the complaint but it includes the following. A note that was recovered just outside the truck that read in part, no god but god. And mohammed is his prophet. And islamic supplication, it will endure. A phrase commonly used to refer to isis. Also, a surge of cell phones found in a bag that he was carrying. A search conducted to court authorized wiretaps revealed thousands of isis related images. And 90 individuals, about 90 individuals depicting among other things, isis fighters killing prisoners by running over them with a tank. Beheading them and shooting them in the face. The mirandized interview statements with Law Enforcement last night and today, saipov allegedly admitted that he was inspired to commit the attack by the isis videos he watched and had been planning this attack for two months. He also admitted that he had rented a truck on october 22nd in practice, to practice the turns he would make on his halloween day attack. As i mentioned, it is incredible investigative work that has allowed us to bring these charges so soon after the attacks. I want to thank all those who assisted in the attack in the way Law Enforcement does. In ploor i want to thank ryan nash for his bravery. The fbi represented here today by bill sweeney, assistant director in charge of the new york field office. Their work in this case as in all terrorism matters that weve worked with him on has been extraordinary. I also want to thank the nypd represented here today by first Deputy Commissioner Benjamin Tucker and Deputy Commissioner john miller. Their leadership and that of commissioner oneill has helped keep our city safe. In the wake of yesterdays attacks, the nypd has kept our citizens reassured and continuing to live our lives. Finally, i want toa the terrorism prosecutors and investigators in my office who jumped on this immediately. And havent gotten any sleep since. Amanda, matthew, who are not here because theyre in court at the presentment. And investigators kevin song and george corey as well as the supervisors of our unit who are here with me. The folks in that unit working the fbi, the nypd, the jttf, have a long and unblemished track record of successfully investigating and prosecuting domestic and international terrorists. Whether it is the chelsea bomber just convicted a few weeks ago on all counts who will be serving mandatory life in prison. Or the other terrorists convicted in our courthouse just down street in the last few years alone. That list includes the recent convictions by this office after the trial of solomon, osama bin ladens soninlaw. The United Kingdom based radical cleric. Gamal, the hole grown isis supporter. And khaled al fawaz, one of al qaedas Embassy Bombing defenders. It is an amazing record of success. Of the eight innocent people, saipov allegedly killed yesterday, two were americans. The rest were foreigners visiting new york city. It has been reported that five of the victims were childhood friends celebrating a high school reunion. Those he arch arn men came here like the millions of other visitors to see the sights and spend some time in the greatest city on earth. For the same reasons that millions visit this city and find it so special, the alleged terrorists like second baseman view the city as a prime target for the

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