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President trump, an airing of grievances in georgia. Joe biden continues to build his government. The trump administration, trying to kill as many people as possible, what we will talk to the writer of the book dead man walking. New restrikes in parts of the state. And later this hour, i will show you an interactive tool to let you know where you fall in line to get a covid vaccine. First, a team of correspondents across the country, covering the big stories, the latest from the white house. Environment peter baker calls moody and depressed. Writing in the new york times. The president barely shows up to work. Desperate bid to rewrite the election result, purging the disloyal, and punishing a growing list of perceived enemies, republican governors, his owner attorney general and even fox news. From the white house on that. Talk about hostile Work Environment to say the least. In the story in the the new york times. The president attacked the governor of the state of georgia. The governor not giving him what he wants. Reporter new fallout after the president used that rally, not to focus on the intended purpose of his visit to georgia, which is to rally support for the two republicans, david perdue and kelly lefler, in january. Instead, focused most of the hour and a half that he spoke airing his grievances. Continuing to claim that he won the elec. Of course, he did not. As well as to demand that states republican governor somehow called the legislature in to special session, and overturn will the wilof voters in that state. Some of the same officials that president was chastising are sticking firm, and speaking on the Television Shows this morning, saying there is no need for a special session. There was not massive fraud. The election was not stolen as President Trump contends as it was. That is created muddled messages, republicans are trying to get the voters out to the polls for the runoff. The president continues to argue that elecs are rig and not fair. What we heard from the press secretary was an argument, given that elections in their view are rigged, they should overwhelm the election, flood the zone. Make it hard for democrats to upon quote unquote steal the election. What matters to people is covid relief. We have seen numbers, what could be in the covid relief bill. Where are we on this . Last week, i would have said no where. Bipartisan negotiators, working through the weekend, in hopes of being able to present something tomorrow. Shaping up to be a 900 million measure. Now, president elect joe biden coming into office, they can pass something faller now, and get something after the president elect is inaugurated. Take a listen to how they were involved in the negotiations, talked about the state of those talks today. The 908 billion investment we make into the citizens of this country, trying to keep this country from collapsing, it could be more important than 2 trillion if we do nothing. We were told we couldnt get anything through the republicans, except the 908 billion level. If there is more available, certainly, i would like to see more to the families of america. Front and center for congress right now. Government funding is set to run out on friday. Lawmakers will have to pass a spending bill, give themselves more time to negotiate so the government doesnt run out of money. Always at the 11th hour with these things. I want you to weigh in on the latest story, i am hearing from twitter, there was a story coming out, that President Trump as a civilian could be banned from twitter . What do you know . Twitter has World Leaders policy. In other circumstances, when people tweeted some of the things President Trump tweets, they would be banned. The tweets would be removed. Twitter decided, it is important to know what the public leaders are saying. They will append a noekz, a warning, but not take them down completely. Twitter is confirms, once President Trump leaves office, it wont apply to him. The policy framework is for those who run for offense. Not private citizens. Good to see you this afternoon. Any change of course, the transition team, the Washington Post said, nsa, this is becoming trump loyalist cash pale has been blocking pentagon officials from helping bidens team. It seems, when you have trump loyalists trying to block the transition, it is happening, you have biden, making more appointments as we speak. Talk us through what we have so far. We know that there are more picks coming. They are coming in the early part of next week. As soon as tomorrow. If you look at how the past rolled out. The names of the people they are looking to put up. On tuesday, a more formal rol out. We do know that the micks will be related to help roles, one of those roles, dr. Murphy, in the roll of surgeon general. Briefing biden on the coronavirus for months. He is a cochair of the task nors. Connecting with he has been in touch with what they can do with short term mitigation, when we see biden urging them the public to wear a mask for 100 days, they have been elevated, trying to trach sure, the announcement. Process has begun. The thing that has changed is the reception that they have been getting, and the conversation around the picks. Initially, the response gender vidersity, and racial diversity, as it relates to the top four positions in the manager, at department of defense, attorney general, and state treasury. Some of it looks like what karen bass did on the sunday show. Do you think he needs to nominate a black american for at least one of those roles . Yes. For defense second, there are two that congress at black kaus kus would like to put forward. Austin and johnson, those two positions, and others as well. When you talk about the conversation happening around the top four, whoever runs Homeland Security, in this case, the first latino nominated into that post. Health and human services, top six in the administration. We know that health and human services, dealing with the pandemic is the top priority. All eyes will elevate into that role. A lot of issues, hitting them harder than any other Democratic Group across the country. Good to see you. A lot of numbers to update on you. Yesterday, the numbers. If the numbers are hard to grasp. On this very show. More than 15,000 people have died in this country. 15,135 people. To be exact. No longer on this earth in the last seven days. Laboratory directors in six states are sayings laboratories are close to being overwhelmed. It is not just labs overwhelmed, suppliers of the tests in four states are manufacturing as much as facilities will allow, even after ungrades made earlier this year to handle the surge, the backup is still happening. To california. 33 million are bracing for stayathome orders today. I spoke to you yesterday, waiting on orders from the governor, as if there is going to be a stayathome order, give us an idea of what is happening there today . The numbers are changes as we speak. The short answer is the stayathome order will happen in much of the state. New figures on icu capacity. They are getting worse in some parts of the state. The valley, down to 6 pacasity. 10 capacity. In northern california, and the bay area, things are improves, a bit. But they are not taking any chances. Six bay area counties say they are going to go ahead with the expanded stayathome order, beginning at 10 00 tonight. All sitdoor dining is done. Indoor or outdoor. Nonessential travel is limited. Hotels are limited to essential travellers. All of that going into effect for all of the states of california. Beginning at early as 10 00. Good to see you. We are coming over to the east coast. Where i am. The situation is no less desire than in california and massachusetts, the number of sick. Field hospital. Good to see you. Field hospitals, popping up throughout the east coast, because of the overrun hospitals and icus, what do you see there is mas mass . In massachusetts . Hospitalizations, increasing 2 to 3 daily. 1 in 5 are testing positive for the virus, that is a snap shot. The crisis is worseepping in this community and beyond. As you can imagine, it is putting the strain on the hospitals, and frontline workers. Triggered the Field Hospital behind me. It opened up back in the spring. At that time, 160. Those beds will fill up as a brace for the postthrpg surge. We had the opportunity to go inside, and speak with the ceo of umass memorial. Who said, this inform facility is now a hot zone. Take a listen 12k3w4r6789 one of the great strains on the system now, we have a testing site that takes up 40 people, just to run, for coronavirus testing. Then, a Field Hospital, and standup vaccination as well. The resources are pulled. We dependent have the vaccination to prepare for. We had more people. It will be tougher this time. They learned a lot of lessons since they first opened in the spring. March until may. They have the extra ppe, and they have the ventilators and the treatments ready to go, to keep the they now have space for covid 19 patients, to interact with one another. When we speak with the ceo, worsens the recovery progress. After talking to the pashlts, how to improve their experience. The goal is to shorten the there is a poit is the staff, the front line workers pushed to capacity. They dont have enough to administer the vax. Good to see you. A doctors attempt, when a picture of him went viral. Deadm dead man walking. Look at me. I will be there. Yes, maam. That was actress susan sarandon, playing the 1995 film dead man walking. The hmp prosecuting as many federal inmates as they can before he leaves office. Imagine the places well go. Together. Expedia youre choosing whento get connected to xfinity mobile, to the most Reliable Network nationwide, now with 5g included. Discover how to save up to 400 a year with shared data starting at 15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. Come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. You can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. Thats simple, easy, awesome. Visit your local xfinity store today to ask, shop, discover the latest on xfinity mobile. [announcer] meet the make familysized meals fast. And because its a ninja foodi, it can do things no other oven can, like flip away. The ninja foodi air fry oven, the oven that crisps and flips away. 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Ask your doctor about to use your vision benefits before the years up. This is us making sure you dont. Use em before you lose em, backed by our 100day guarantee visionworks. See the difference. Gubut force factors test x180 are tough. Can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. Build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. Get test x180 from force factor, the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Welcome back, everybody, sorry we were having technical difficulty, my mike was not tracking, we got it fixed. We are back. Following breaking news, the president s lead attorney, in his efforts to overturn the current u. S. Election, the president tweeting out moments ago, i will read his tweet. Rud Rudy Giuliani, he goes on to say, has tested positive for the coronavirus. Nbc news news has not confirmed. As of now, it seems the president , tweeting out that former new york city mayor, and his lead attorney has tested positive for the coronavirus. We dont know where he is at the moment. Where he is, if he is hospitalized, if he is symptomatic. Assim t we will bring you details as we get them. The Justice Department scheduled multiple federal executions, leading up to the inaugust rag. Barr announced two federal executions were scheduled. After biden was elected scheduled three more. Biden who opposes capital punishment, takes office. Twice the total number carried out in the past 30 years. Joining me now, the antiDeath Penalty activist. Sister, thank you for joining us on this, we go have technical difficulties earlier, you did have to wait longer than expected. We appreciate your patience in this. I want to read directly from your oped. Part of it stuck out to me. You wrote this. Admittedly, those awaiting execution next month found guilty of unspeakable crimes. The life and death decisions, prosecutors and juries mitigating circumstances that may are we ready for the government to kill the people in our name. You talk about this idea of mercy and time. Talk to me about what you mean. Mercy, simply means you look at the full story of a person. Admittedly, all human beings are worth more than the worst thing they have done in their life. Even as thousands a day are dying of covid, he is using his power, his executive power, with his attorney general to, kill people. So atrocious. After 17 years, no excougs, what it brings out to me is the huge flaw from the beginning, when the Supreme Court put the Death Penalty back, they made a huge mistake. It has been flawed from the Gwinnett County here is why. Because they said supposedly, it should be reverveed for the worst and the worst. There is no such thing as an ordinary murder. They coupled with discretion by the prosecution to seek it or not. That is what we are seeing in the trump administration. They decided, they are going to kill all of these people, there is nothing to stop them from dp doing that. If the Death Penalty, from the decision in 19 sfoo, how arbitrary can you get . In the last sentence, we cannot entrust to frail, human, bias human beings, this discretion, you i will kill, you i will pardon. There is a statistic that is staggering to me. Every 10 executed human beings, one has been set free. Among every 10, one has been set free. What does that is a about our Justice System . What it says, and it is one of the things that is driving down the Death Penalty, that people do not support it anymore. Is we realize what a frail and faulty system we have. We make so many mistakes, 172 human beings, some of them on death row for 30 years, where a mistake was made. A truth wasnt told or hidden, and then, the truth comes out. They can be exonerated. Who in the world would think of booking an Airline Ticket with a 1 in 10 chance you may not make it on this flight. It is so ridsled with mistakes. And flaws, in the system. That is partly why most people in states now are turning it down as a contrast, with the federal government killing all the people they can. What do you want the Biden Administration to do . As soon as they can to stop the deaths, as soon as they k again, here is the choice of an idea. Look at lisa montgomery. Tortured her whole life. Did an exspeakable crime, abused and tortured out of her life, acted out of that in eight days away from living. If she can live eight days longer until biden comes into office, she will live. If she doesnt, she will be killed. Now capricious can it get . Sister, thank you for lending your voice to this issue, and sharing your story today. I appreciate it. I want to get back to the breaking story out of the white house, and the tweet with regard to Rudy Giuliani, that he is covidpositive. What more do we know on this . The white house is referring any questions about this to trumps campaign. Who will take over the helm of President Trumps legal team as he continues to wage the campaign, to change the election results. There have not been many running that legal effort. Many left the effort or got covid themselves. David bossy, leading the legal team, that is one of the reasons, it is not terribly surprising that Rudy Giuliani, if President Trumps tweet is correct, did contract coronavirus. He has been working closely with so many others who did contract coronavirus. Back when President Trump was preparing for his president ial debate against joe biden. He was in the debate session preps. With chris christy, and mcdaniel, and conway, all tested positive. Not wearing a mask, in close contact with other individuals, a lot of the practices, that doctors tell us cretes opportunity for covid infections, we have seen Rudy Giuliani in several states, appears at hearings, some are not hearings of the state legislature, but groups of lawmakers, meeting in hotel bawl rooms, we have seen Rudy Giuliani, in michigan, arizona, georgia, not exactly sure where he contracted it, when he was positive. It goes to show how much of a problem it is. Rudy giuliani, becoming the 53rd person in and around trumps orbit that tested positive for coronavirus. 53rd. Those who are coming into contact with the president are going to be in close quarters are tested each morning before they are ha lowed to be in contact with the president. We know that those rapid tests, they are not fool proof. In fact, the people who went to the rose garden event, expected to be in close contact with the president , they were all tested. Still, we have seen outbreaks, multiple different outbreaks at the white house, despite the fact that they are doing testing. You cant test your way out of this. People as we know from medical experts, because you contracted coronavirus, does not mean you are yet testing positive. The virus has to incan you bait in the body for days before a positive result. We dont believe that we have seen Rudy Giuliani at the white house in the last few day, he has been out and about, at different events and hearings, it is possible that his case here did not expose people in the white house in this particular instance. We need to figure out where he is, how he is, and the details if any that we know of anything surrounding Rudy Giuliani. Anybody else who tested positive, or those who travelled with him as he pursued the misleading, fraudulent claim of trying to overturn the election. We will come back to you. Stay close to your camera, please. Now, to dr. Peter hotes, standing by for us. Thank you for joining us. Obviously, we are in the midst of a pandemic. This is i guess, the third wave as this point. Thousands dying every day. We are seeing the task force saying, it could be any day now. Tenth or 11th. Touching on the Rudy Giuliani. I believe he is 76, he is overweight himself, he has had prostate cancer, recovered from prostate cancer, where does that put him in getting a severe form of this virus. He probably is in a high risk group. Moderate obesity. Who knows if he has hypertension, risk factors, cancer survivor. This is someone you want to watch closely. We dont have details about his condition. A decision would have to be made soon, whether or not to give him antibody therapy. We know, to the spike protein, and from regeneron, was giving him plas mafrom an idea, it works only in the early stages. That would be the most important decision to make right now. Very much like what was given to the president. That is the problem with this health cares s we talked about over and over again. When the president got covid, he got all of the treatments that he needed. Somewhere emergency authorized treatments, like the emergency antibody therapy. This is something that Rudy Giuliani, many americans, 2000 plus, that died as of yesterday, did not obviously get. No question, we have one of the most expensive, uneven Health Care Systems in the world. We will see what his physician makes a decision to do. The plas maserum is one way to go. That is available to many more americans because of we have been scaling up. And the evidence for the effectiveness, and later stages of the illness does not look good. Same with the antibody. None work fuwait too long. You have to make the decision quickly. I wish the mayor well. He is an important figure in american history. He is having a lot of risk factors at this point. We will have to have an ethical discussion in this country, regarding equitable access of antibodies, of vaccines, these are we have now, the review by the cdc, the antibodies are tough, there is not a lot available. You bring up a good point. I want to stress here, chris christie, he had that treatment as well. He was in the icu for seven day, just because you are getting this treatment doesnt mean you are out of the woods. Christie had a hard time recovering from covid. This is a consistent issue coming up over and over again. Being able to distribute to communities, the most vulnerable. Are you worried about that . Absolutely. That is the problem with the vaccine, it is a brand new technology. There will be some fits and starts, in the ability to scale up productions, we are hearing about supply chains for producing the vaccine. It requires for pfizer, freezer technology. It will be one of the more difficult ones to roll out. The acip made the decision to give it to nursing and assisted living residents, and because they account for 39 of the deaths. The they only account for 6 of the population. There is another important piece to this. We have to stabilize our health system. We have had more than a thousand Health Care Workers lose their liv lives. Nurses, Health Care Heroes are exhausted. This is when the mortality rate shoots up, when you start to overwhelm the system, even though president elect biden called for 100 face masks, we have to we are getting to two, 3,000 deaths, per day. Half a million americans that has to be the other big piece to this. Governor newsome, a good decision to implement. Aggressive social distancing measures, at times, when surges are imminent that is how we have much to save lives. This will be the hard part, keeps everybody alive, when we know vaccines are on the other side. 4re69 hang on for a few more weeks, we can get them vaccinate and live their normal life. So many doctors said, they were worried about delivering, when the hospitals are overwhelmed. There a didnt sign up for this job to do that because they dont have the resources to give up. P it sd, they dont have enough people, people keep so many hospitals. Go ahead. It is not just the beds, it is the Trained Health care staff we need. And kathy park said, we dont have enough staff to treat patients, deliver vaccines and do the besting, it seems like where we are headed. I want to be very frank to the american people. The vaccine is critical. It is not going to save us from this current surge. Only we can save us from this current surge. Dr. Birx, on meet the press. As the race to get that approved, how it is carried, fubake a cake or sent a text message, you are familiar with the vile. Extreme temperatures for a complicated delivery. Good to see you. What makes the viles special. Reporter this is the glass vile, created here by the corning company. Seven days a week, since operation work feed decided it would be one of two companies to create the viles, worth 200 million. First of all, it has a low friction exterior coating, and a chemical, get your periodic table out, there is no poron, which prevents breaking during shipping. Glass particle. The glass and the liquid, there is no interaction. No shards of glass in your arm. And important for pfizer, the ability to withstand freezing or hot condition, it does not matter. Corning has a system of deals with this, in they dealt with the polo vaccine. This is just another challenge for them. Gary, thank you, good to see you. Good to see you. How long will it be before you get the shot . The graphics director for the the new york times. I was working with this tool all morning, coming up with different ways of how quickly one could get the shot if you put in a different age, a whether or not are you an essential worker. So, first, talking to me about how you came up with this tool. They looked at public data, there is a rank that exists for the vaccine. Look at each group, and add those up. If you ask an average person, what are your health risks, what do you fit . There is proposals out there, fit yourself into one of those slots. People in my position, journalists are essential workers, who is deeming what an additional worker is. The department of Homeland Security has one. It is a society would stop fucking if you didnt have the people working. The group of essential workers is large. Fuinclude everyone. That could be someone working in i it. Maybe, woing from home. The proposal from national sciences, a second group, defined it, frontline workers, exposed to other people in person, and then, others, who can work from home. I can work from home. Essential worker from someones devition n but i will be far back in the line there. I am pretty far back as well. Some of the information, i did it as an essential worker, if i was not. If i am not, it is way at the back of the line. I am 125. 5 Million People behind them across the u. S. In the state of new york, h. Behind 7. 9. I look in brooklyn, i am behind 9,016 others. Those number its, 16 million in new york. Two million in brooklyn or kings county. There are millions of people. New york, there is a lot of Health Care Workers. Compared to other states. There are a lot of people to get through. At the same time, not everybody ahead of you in line is not going to get the vaccine. Chose to get it. Children, none will be approved for children, take a chunk out of there. It has to do with how many doses are there. The phases proposed dont apply, you can dose everybody. For a good portion of next year, you can expect that. If there are enough. Good to see you stewart. The focus for many right now, as paying the rent as benefit will iffing breaking news from the white house. President trump tweeth out that his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani tested positive for covi covid. Welcome back. I am yosmin vossoughian. The president , tweeting out it that his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has coronavirus. Doctor cortes is back with us. Josh, last check, we were getting the information, what more do you know . We are trying to reconstruct was Rudy Giuliani has been doing the last few days. We have not independently confirmed he has coronavirus, President Trump tweeted that we dont know how he got coronavirus. As you can see in the tweet, President Trump saying that he is the greatest may are on, tested positive for the china virus, get better soon, rudy, we will carry on. That raises the question of how they are going to carry on with the legal strategy. Who will be in charge. This is not the first time the he head if you want to get a sense of what Rudy Giuliani was up to. He was on television as recently as this morning. He aead

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