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Mount, will be capacity. You fill all the downstate hospitals, and youre over capacity on all the downstate hospitals, you then have Javits Center as a relief valve, you have that ship, the comfort as a relief valve. But they only take nonCovid Patients. You try to transfer to long island, if long island is at capacity, then you move upstate. Its a pure capacity issue. Pure systems management issue. There are several new yorkers who are watching the ship come into new york, what more can the city do to make sure that people are staying inside . Is closing playgrounds enough when you have people marveling at the ship, standing in close proximity to each other and nypd not necessarily doing anything about it right away. Yeah, look, we had this conversation with the city. Its part of the closing the playgrounds. The nypd has to get more aggressive, period. Period. Well, its not a Law Enforcement issue. It is. And by the way, if youre going to force me into a position where i have to mandate it and make it a law, a social distancing law that which i think absurd, but it has to be enforced first. How reckless and irresponsible and selfish for people not to do it on their own . I mean, what else do you have to know what else do you have to hear, who else has to die for you to understand you have a responsibility in this, right . I mean, its just really so incredible, especially new yorkers who live in a dense environment and know how interdependent they are on one another, right. And this is a situation where one person sneezes and i get infected. So the individual responsibility, civic duty, but beyond that, yeah, we are going to need Law Enforcement to get more aggressive. A significant percentage of the nypd and fdny is calling out sick. Are there any plans to shore up the work forces of First Responders . Look, we will do whatever we have to do. If nypd people are getting sick, they will get sick, fdny people, firefighters, will get sick, they will get sick. The backfill will come from state police, were working on that. State police already have total jurisdiction within new york city. Second, we could deputize Police Officers from upstate communities to serve in new york city. If we get to that point. Now, the nypd is so large, i dont know that we get to that point. But if we believe we dont have the minimum personnel to Police New York city, we could then go to the state police, worst comes to worst, we could deputize other officers. Same thing same thing with firefighters. How many volunteers and medical workers have been assigned to new York Hospitals already . And which ones . How many volunteer medical first, the hospitals, we have a pool of about 78,000 its 82,000 right now. We have a pool of 82,000 people who say they want to help. We then root them to the hospital route them to the hospitals. The hospitals basically would employ them, so they have to fit the needs of the hospital and the hospital has to vet them because theyre going to be in that hospital and performing services. So its really now at this point as quickly as those hospitals can make those decisions is as quickly as people are going hired. We dont have a census yet, i dont know if we have anything anecdotal. Weve made the population available to the hospitals. And they know the regions, the geographic locations, they know the specialties, but they want to be careful that theyre actually picking a person whos qualified to perform the duties. Do we know let me just do you have a number at all . There are three hospitals that have contacted the portal. Theyre looking at about 1,500 personnel, and hopefully those connections by talking to the hospitals will be at least hired by thursday. When yetheyre in the hospital its unknown. It has to be worked out between the hospital and employee. Well let them work it through and put some out after we get arrangements for their own privacy. Any upstate staff yet come down to new york city . You said that would be sort of a first line to have already employed hospital staff upstate come down. Anecdotally yes, they have, we dont have numbers yet on exactly how many. And what about statewide, why only in new york city . We dont have the same density issue in the brplaygrous that we have upstate that we have downstate. If we do, i would. What are more temporary hospitals in new york and the suburbs coming on line . When we need them. The temporary hospitals are the ultimate overflow valve and are not without difficulties in and of themselves, right. They are really the last of the last resort. You still need staff, you still need equipment. They are really available if you max out your bed capacity. My fear is on the hospital capacity, there are three components beds, which literally mean beds, staff, and equipment. You will run out of staff before you will run out of beds. And you may run out of equipment before you run out of staff. Thats the situation were in. Governor, what do you make of religious charities like samaritans purse running temporary hospitals in new york city . Anybody who can help, god bless. On the federal stockpile of medical equipment, im not sure if you saw the story in politico about usaid having issues sending supplies to other countries while we it was ostensibly sending people to go to other countries to look for supplies and the confusion there. The mayor of chicago said that she is skeptical of the federal government being completely honest with her about the stockpile. Do you think when we speak with President Trump and other folks at the white house and federal government, do you think theyre being completely honest and truthful with you about the stockpile . I dont know what they have in the stockpile. I only know what i read. And look, i was in the federal government. I dont even know is there one stockpile, are there multiple stockpiles . I dont know. Do i think the federal government has enough in the collective stockpiles, enough in their possession to meet the need . I dont know. But i pray that they do because that is the only option. I cannot buy a ventilator for a Million Dollars maybe for a Million Dollars, i could buy a ventilator. But you cannot buy ventilators. Remarkably in a real cruel twist of fate, china is the main manufacturer for all these things. It all comes back to china. Where do we get the masks . China. Where do we get the gowns . China. Where do we get the gloves . China. Where do we get the ventilators . China. I mean, its i dont know how we got into this position. And then china is selling to the world literally. So a state and every governor will tell you this, theyre trying to buy im trying to buy, im calling everyone i know, but it all comes back to china. And then you have the federal government that is also buying, so really the only hope for a state at this point is the federal governments capacity to deliver. Thats why the defense production act came up weeks ago, right. The defense production act gives the president of the United States power to say to a company you make this, the whole discussion box office ventilators. You have a shortfall on gowns. American companies can make gowns. Theyre not like wedding gowns. Theyre like paper gowns. Make the gowns. Make the gloves. Make the masks. You know, why are we running out of these basic supplies . We need to rethink some systems, does this make you more of an advocate for universal basic income or maybe a single payer managed Health Care System which is what youre doing now . I dont know, jimmy. I think its even more basic than that. How do you keep the economy running . See, no system will work if the entire economy is closed down. Universal basic income, whos supposed to pay, you know, if nothing is working . The federal government just increased unemployment to yeah, they are just printing money. You know, theres only so long you can print money. You can keep the Printing Press running, but ultimately there has to be some revenue being generated somewhere. How do you have a resilient economy. How do people really work from home if you could plan it and design it and you had anticipated this moment . What would we have done differently . Thats my point. I dont have i dont have the answers. Im just saying today we have to pose the questions. Right now were in the middle of the crisis, and were treating this Hospital Management problem. Thats what were all doing, right. Were all trying to manage hospitals. Thats what this has come down to. And enforcing social distancing. Thats it. But we have to start to think about this is going to be over at one point, and what did we learn, and what should we learn, and how does it change us, and how does it transform us, and what do we want to take from this thats positive. I have not thought through any of that pause ibecause im stil preparing for the Critical Engagement for the battle. Lets take one more question. Who hasnt asked a question, sir . Thank you. I have a question regarding the model that you showed us. The number good afternoon, im chris jansing. We are continuing to listen to the governor of new york, andrew cuomo, as the number of coronavirus cases in his state has risen to over 83,000 with the death toll topping 1,900. Hearing him say who else has to die, his frustration with people who are not social distancing. Its for that reason hes decided to close new york city parks. Playgrounds, actually, new york city playgrounds. This comes as americans are facing even more dramatic changes in the coming days and weeks with the brutal reality that if we dont change, the consequences are beyond dire. 100,000, 200,000 americans dying is the best Case Scenario. Millions infected. Even with social distancing measures in place. Absolutely staggering. The u. N. Secretary general calls it the greatest test the world has faced since the formation of the u. N. 75 years ago. Complicating the effort is this number. The cdc now says as many as 25 of people infected with coronavirus may not show symptoms. Thats an alarmingly high number because these could be the people who have been ignoring the social distancing warnings because they feel fine, but theyre spreading the disease. And its why this morning the Surgeon General confirmed that the cdc has been asked to review whether Wearing Masks could help prevent transmission, but he added this wearing a Face Covering does not mean that you dont have to practice social distancing. The most important thing you can do is stay at home right now. So thats where we are now. And whats coming, the experts say, is even worse. Take italy, for example, which is now plateauing, thats some good news. But still, after being on lockdown for weeks, reporting 837 new deaths tuesday for a total of well over 12,000 lives lost. Spain, 864 new deaths, thats its worst 24hour period yet. In london, a report that a 13yearold boy has died of coronavirus. And even before the president presented that grim news yesterday, americans were growing increasingly concerned about the lack of a firm coordinated federal response, and perhaps his statements just weeks ago that this was all a hoax. That it was going to disappear. A new Politico Morning Consult poll shows 47 of voters feel the administration is not doing enough. Greater than the 40 who think trump is. Well the epicenter does remain new york. Joining me is nbc news correspondent rehema ellis live from the Billie Jean King Tennis Center in queens. One of the things that Governor Cuomo talks about is the emotional part of this. Youre at a place where you and i have gone year after year after year to watch tennis. Just the way people go to central park because they want to lay out in the sun or see a concert. All of these places, new york harbor which is a Tourist Destination among other things, all these places that are now being turned into temporary hospitals. Tell me whats going on where you are. Reporter if you needed it, here it is, chris, just one more example of what you never expected would happen. This, the home of the u. S. Open, is now going to be home of a temporary field hospital. Behind me, you see the dome, and that is the famous arthur ashe stadium. On this side, this is the Indoor Training Center here at the Billie Jean King center, Tennis Center. It has about 100,000, maybe 200,000 square feet of space here in this complex. They are now going to devote that to some 350 hospital beds. These will be for Covid Patients who are not intensive care unit patients. Thats a big distinction they want to make because they want to make certain that the hospitals have the space and the facility where they can treat those patients who are severely ill and on icu units. This will be for covid but not icu. But as you point out, just another indication of how many things have changed in the city. And having spoken to the ceo, theyre making plans for the u. S. Open, but they dont know. And today they Just Announced that wimbledon will not be held. Rehema ellis, thank you so much for that report. Joining me to talk about all of this is nonresident fellow at the Brookings Institution and practicing internist dr. Cavita patel. Formerly a White House Health policy director in the Obama Administration and is an msnbc medical contributor. And Infectious Disease sdk at the Providence Medical Group north everett clinic dr. George diaz. He treated the first u. S. Patient with coronavirus. Thank you both for being with us. So dr. Patel, the white house sobered up a lot of people yesterday saying the next two weeks are going to be very, very painful. What does that look like . What is it going to be here for the average american over the next couple of weeks . And then the next few months . Yeah, absolutely. Chris, its its sobering in that we honestly, were going to probably have to go beyond april. I know were doing kind of a 30day stayathome, social distancing, but i fully expect given those sobering statistics that we will have to extend this beyond april 30th, and, in fact, i actually think the conversation about masks, while its an important one, is somewhat distracting from the essential advice that the Surgeon General and dr. Fauci have been giving, which is stay at home. I also think your point about the what were calling asymptomatic carriers is a crucial one. However, that just reflects the need to do more widespread testing. We kind coming back to basic elements, chris. We need more testing. Its just not happening fast enough in order to give us the data we need. Yeah, dr. Diaz, based on what you know and you have treated coronavirus patients, talk about testing. So we hear from Governor Cuomo just now, you know, the apex could be seven days, it could be six weeks. We heard some wideranging estimates yesterday at that white house briefing. How close are we to having done enough testing to know how good these projections are . I think thats really hard to know. Testing has even in our area in the puget sound not been totally widespread. Weve been very grateful to washington thats been able to ramp up testing in our area and weve gotten tests on patients back within 24 hours. Recently our hospital was able to get inhouse testing. Which makes a huge difference. Sending samples to washington takes about 24 hours to get results back. Thats 24 hours of having to put people in isolation and consume value ppe. Having these tests in house now reduces that to about a twohour turnaround time, which will dramatically help us conservative ppe. We dont really know yet the community penetration of the disease. What we are tracking, however, is hospitalizations in our area. And at my hospital, weve seen a flattening of the number of admissions and the hospital. This has been reiterated by the King County Public Health minister who indicated the same for king county. These measures are working. People need to continue to stay home and socially distance. And thats really the only way well prevent the Health System from being overwhelmed. Well, doctor, different areas are going to peak at different times. Theyre going to start coming down at different times. Does that mean that everyone largely stays hunkered down until were all relatively in the clear . How do you see this in the months ahead . Yeah. That will need to be determined by each state governor. Each state is very different. And while theres a lot of travel between states, i think the individual governor will really be able to make an assessment about their own community. Within our area i would imagine that were going to continue to do social distancing until we see a sharp decline in cases. Hopefully that will be coincident with increasing testing so that we can really do better identification of of early infections in our community. Dr. Patel, as you know, there are some people frustrated by the fact that a lot of the social distancing came at different times, that theres a sort of patchwork of ways that people are handling this. And bill gates has an oped in the washington post, i dont know if you saw it. He says, look, youve got to have vaccine, youve got to have testing. He is also arguing for a nationwide approach this is somebody who i think has foundation has invested like 10 billion in health care. He writes in part, quote, despite urging from Public Health experts, some states and counties havent closed down complete. Restaurants still serve sitdown meals. This is a recipe for disaster because people can travel freely across state lines. So can the virus. The countrys leaders need to be clear, shut down anywhere means shut down everywhere. Do you believe, dr. Patel, we can get to where we need to be with a patchwork approach . No, chris. Of course, i completely echo the sentiments of not just bill gates but in essence every Public Health expert has said that a patchwork approach and leaving it up to municipalities, its very, very dangerous. And i think thats why, you know, a lot of people have asking why do we see such variation on these estimates. Its because of a number of factors including the fact that we still have today, you know, states that have not put in kind of a uniform stayathome or essential businesses only type of precautions. And you know, dr. Diaz is right that these are left because of the United States, left to our governors. However, our governors have said were looking to the feds for guidance. So clearly we want that national leadership. And im very concerned about the fact that we are sending pieces, not a uniform approach. Dr. Patel, dr. Diaz, thanks so much to both of you. Thank you for the work that youre doing. Also today, you heard a little bit of this in the frustration of Governor Cuomo. Governors and hospital staff around the country continuing to sound the alarm that in spite of the president s denials, much of the u. S. Does not have the tests or the supplies they need to deal with this growing crisis. Louisianas governor said that the hardhit new orleans region is on track to run out of breathing machines by the weekend, and hospital beds a week later. The Trump Administration has committed sending 150 ventilators from the National Stockpile which are supposed to arrive this week. That comes as the state reports its largest number of new coronavirus cases in a 24hour period. With officials pleading with the public to adhere to social distancing guidelines. Joining me now, dr. Rebecca gui who ran the department of health for louisiana. Shes ceo of lsu Health Systems. Thank you so much for joining us. I checked out the headline in the new orleans newspaper this morning, and it had a sobering statistic that coronavirus cases in louisiana are up by 30 , deaths up by 29 . Give us an idea of what its like on the front lines in your state. Our hospitals are becoming inundated, and in addition, they seem to be sicker than in other places. So if you look, for example, there was the new england journal of medicine article about the seattle hospitals and the percentage of patients in the icu that needed vents. In their case it was about 75 . Were seeing an 86 need in one of our largest hospital systems, lcmc is having a very high number of vents compared to other states. We not only have very, very high numbers, we had the largest yesterday, not only in cases but deaths. But were also seeing very sick people. In fact, sicker than in other states. Whether thats because of our burden of chronic disease or other factors, were not yet sure, although one can imagine that because age and the number of comorbidities or chronic illnesses like kidney and Heart Disease are poor prediction terse for people to get predicters for people to get this. These are concerning, and certainly the measures that have been in for two weeks, we were hoping to see a flattening, we thought we were going to see that this week when we saw a dip, but they came right back up. Were nowhere near in the clear. The governor this is happening against the backdrop of what i mentioned, the governor saying that breathing machines could be gone by the weekend. Hospital beds by next week. What can you tell us, is enough being done to stop that from happening . How concerned are you about whats going to be facing the hospitals seven days, 14 days from now . Very concerned. Listen, were setting up 2,000 beds in our Convention Center because of this spike and the concern of running out. Those are not icu beds. And the number of ventilators in this country is one of the biggest problems we have. We need to do better federal asset allocation. North dakota, nebraska may not need them now. We need them now. We need better so we can move those that we have to areas that do need them. There simply will not be enough worldwide i think at this point given that weve been trying to source these from everywhere to meet our need. Elon musk yesterday offered some breathe vents, were excited about that. Were trying. So is every other state. We need the federal government to step in as they are with fema and certainly the president s 150 vents are helpful that were offered and were glad that more are coming, but thats nowhere near the thousands the governor has asked for or the ones that we anticipate we will need. So its very frustrating to try to source these things. We really wish we could focus more on the health of our frontline workers, making sure they have what they need, that our patients are surviving rather than having this scramble and feeding frenzy as state pits against state pits against federal government for what are limited resources. Certainly as this matures, my hope is that there will be better planning and less scrambling going on. Yeah. As Governor Cuomo put it, its like ebay out there. An untenable situation for all of you folks. Doctor, thanks to you for coming on, and thanks to all of the frontline workers who are dealing with terrible situations in extraordinary ways. Thank you so much. And coming up, one group being personally affected by the pandemic, of course, children. We got a sweet message from sesame street thats guaranteed to put a smile on all of your faces. First, as the coronavirus pandemic rages on, those on the front lines are risking their lives every day to try to save others with limited access as we just heard to protective supplies. More on the real battle medical professionals are up against next. Needles. Essential for the sea urchin, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjection™. Xeljanz xr, a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections like tb; dont start xeljanz if you have an infection. Taking a higher than recommended dose of xeljanz for ra can increase risk of death. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, cancers including lymphoma, and blood clots have happened. As have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, and changes in lab results. 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Kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. Are you seeing this . The kohler walkin bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. Everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohlercertified installer. And its made by kohler americas leading plumbing brand. We need this bath. Yes. Yes you do. A kohler walkin bath provides independence with peace of mind. [female vo] restaurants are our family. The cornerstone of our communities. And our family needs help. Right now theyre facing a crisis. And theyre counting on your takeout and delivery orders to help them through. Because if we dont treat restaurants like family today. They might not be around to treat us like family tomorrow. Grubhub. Together, we can help save the restaurants we love. Welcome back. Breaking news. Governor disantis in florida has issued a statewide shelterinplace order. There had been increasing presser for him to do that yesterday. President trump during his Daily Briefing had declined to say that he would push him to do it, but again, i did san tdisantis statewide shelterinplace order in effect. Well have details as we get them. A 30day stay at home, which echoes what a lot of other states have been doing. Again, we will keep you posted on any other details. Meantime, the comparisons are increasingly apt. Our Health Care Workers are soldiers on the front lines of the war, and their lives every single day are at stake. The examples are everywhere. From new York Magazine a head nurse who says the patients are just so sick, quote, ive been a murs for a really long time, and ive never seen so many people so sick in one space in my entire career. The New York Times reported that a doctor from one major new york City Hospital described the situation as, quote, a petri dish where more than 200 workers had fallen sick. The story being repeated across the country. Job me now is president of the National Commission on certification of physician assistance. Thank you so much for joining us. Im sure youre hearing all the time from your members. Give us a sense of what your physician assistants are facing day in and day out. Physician aassistants are practicing all over the country, 139,000. Theyre frontline providers. One of the first challenges is theyre not listed in many states as essential personnel even though they are frontline providers staffing all of the Emergency Rooms in the United States, many of the icus and other Critical Care units in all of the hospitals. And so they are facing unbelievable challenges, not only to care for a critically ill population of new patients but also the regular patients, the patients who are sustaining trauma, who are just generally sick and who are in the hospital, in the icus and other, you know, units throughout the hospitals. Theyre still there to be cared for. P. A. S are frontline providers taking care of millions of patients. Many more than theyve expected and many more than theyve seen previously. So the demand is tremendous. Yeah. And i have to say from personal experience, ive had extraordinarily positive experiences with p. A. S, thank god theyre all out there for us, especially now. But we are seeing what a toll this has taken on the human side of medical care, right. The chief nursing officer at mt. Sinai hospital in brooklyn said in that Magazine Article i was quoting earlier, nurses are generally a very warm group. Now you cant even give somebody a hug if theyre afraid. Youve got to keep six feet away. Were losing the human side because were trying to save a life. And for whether youre a doctor or physician assistant, a nurse, talk talk about what that has been like. I mean, especially since in many places patients are alone, they arent allowed to even have visitors. Absolutely. In so many cases p. A. S are the providers that not only take care of the medical problems but also help explain things to patients. They are able to translate whats going on into laymans terms. So theyre providing care but also being able to educate patients. And the patients families. What p. A. S are seeing is that their patients are alone. The nurses are doing the best that they can to fill that gap. P. A. S are trying to fill that gap. But theres so many patients who are so critically ill that it is taking a toll on everyones emotional stability and wellbeing. The other challenge is that when p. A. S come off duty, theyre not only putting in long hours and taking care of extra shifts, but when they come home, theyre worried about keeping their family members safe. And so theyre their isolation continues. Their isolation in the units, in the hospitals, as well as their isolation at home. Its very palpable. Thats different. Thats not something that p. A. S have had to experience in many other cases previous to this. If i can say, your husband is also a physician assistant. He is practicing here where i am in new york city. Hows your family doing . Whats it like to have a partner on the front lines . You know, ive been ape p. A. For a long time, and hes always been a frontline provider, taking care of patients every single day for all of the years that weve been together. It is challenging for him. He is isolated at home, and hes isolated at work. The emotional toll is tremendous in that hes not able to really take the same kind of care of patients as he would ordinarily. Theyre not recovering. Theyre theyre critically ill, and theyre not getting better. And its very sad and demoralizing to see people who you really cant help, and youre struggling as best you can to improve their condition, to improve their situation. But the demand continues to rise. Dawn, thank you so much, and thanks to all of the p. A. S and all of the medical providers out there. And thank you for taking the time to talk to us. We want to go back to the breaking news out of florida. Nbcs Kerry Sanders longtime resident there. Governor disantis had a change of heart, kerry. Reporter he has had a change of heart, announcing that there is going to be a statewide stay at home. Until now the state has been taking a fair amount of criticism, specifically the governor here, because he has left it up to local officials in counties and in cities to decide what they would do. Thats left to a patchwork in the state where in some cases you have beaches like on miami, here in ft. Lauderdale, beaches are closed. If you go up the east coast, for instance, say daytona, new smyrna, the beaches have been open, up along the panhandle, the beaches have been open. Its been a symbol to many people that this state across the country anyway, that many people in this state are not taking this covid19 threat seriously. So the state now from the governor announcing that there will be a stayathome place, an order put in place. This comes about about an hour and a half before there was supposed to be a hearing in tallahassee. Daniel yufelder, an attorney who had filed to order, to get a judge to order the governor to do a statewide shutdown. Its unclear if this is a response to that lawsuit, but the Governors Office completely aware that a judge was about to begin looking at and scheduling an emergency hearing on whether the courts should order the governor to do a shutdown. Effectively what this means is this state, and im going to have to rely on you for the numbers, but i think its about 6,000 coronavirus cases right now in the state, this state 6,741. Reporter Health Officials say okay. This state, the Health Officials are saying sometime in about two to four weeks, we will begin to see that severe climb. And so if that severe climb is about to happen, this stayathome order should cause it if it follows as it should, should cause it to drop but not completely, but drop somewhat. So politically, governor ron disantis, republican, has basically stuck with his philosophy until now which is Less Government is the better government, the government of letting locals decide. Its interesting, its a complete other aside, but this is the same governor who would not let local governments here decide things like whether they could ban plastic bags and plastic straws. In this case, up until now, he has decided that this is going to be a local issue. Now its a state issue and one thats going into effect. Kerry sanders, thank you so much. And coming up, were going to be talking about parents and grandparents and the growing concerns about those living in Nursing Homes as the coronavirus Pandemic Forces facilities to bar visitors. 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Now more than 400 longterm care facilities across the country have residents infected with coronavirus, and that number in reality is probably much higher. Of course the elderly and sick are the most vulnerable to infection, but theres also another significant challenge. Most Nursing Homes have been on lockdown, flow guests, adding to no guests, adding to feelings of isolation. Many family members say its been a struggle to ggz information on whats happening where their loved ones live. Joining us, marjorie fox, one of those worried family members. She joins us via skype. Marjorie, thanks for being with us. You typically visited your mom as i understand who is 98 and who has dementia almost every day at her nursing home. When did you last see her, and since then, how difficult has it been to get information about how shes doing . Well, i last saw her i think it was march march 11th, march 12th, and they closed the facilities that day. And that was the last time i saw her in person. I did get a facetime call from one of the rec aides who was there with my mother, and she let my she let me talk to my mother. My mother doesnt communicate anymore, but she did let me talk to my mother so that i could see her. And i could talk to her. So it was a long time ago actually. Even before so even before coronavirus obviously patient advocate groups said that most homes are understaffed. We all know that families who do visit like you can essentially be unpaid caregivers. Youre the familiar face. Youre the one who has that deep abiding love. What are you most worried your mom want . G your mom isnt getting that you provided her with daily visits . Im kind of worried that shes just stuck in her bed all the time. If shes stuck in her bed, shes going to produce more and more bedsores. She has to be moved around. She has to go from her chair to the bed, and that kind of movement takes two Staff Members in order to do it. So yeah, im kind of worried that shes just sitting in her bed all day long or just sitting in her chair all day long which is not good for her at all. We mentioned the understaffing problem. Weve also heard a lot about how many of the Nursing Homes have been having illness among their staff, as well. How much are you able to learn about what actually is going on inside the nursing home where your mom is, about what the staffing is like, what kind of information do you get and on how regular a basis . Im not getting very much information at all. Others than the facetime, i havent heard from anybody. I did get a phone call from the social worker saying the regular flu was was interacting with the patients, and could i do i give permission for her to have the tamiflu, and i said yes to that. When i call or my sister calls up, the phone rings, rings, and rings. Or its a busy signal. So i know theyre busy. And i know theyre understaffed because they were understaffed beforehand. So because im not hearing from anybody, im just kind of stressing that maybe theyre with the patients rather than on the phone with me, which for me would be a better situation. But i dont know how shes doing. Well, i cant even imagine, but i thank you for shining a light, helping us to shine a light on this problem. I wish you and your mother all the best in this very difficult time. Marjorie, thank you. Youre very welcome. Thank you. Coming up, there is a bright spot in all of this. Sesame street. With kids around the world now as they have been for decades, weve got a special message directly from abby cadabby. The first fdaapproved medication of its kind, tremfya® can help adults with moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis uncover clearer skin that can last. Most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. In another study, the majority of tremfya® patients saw 90 clearer skin at 3 years. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya®. Uncover clearer skin that can last. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. 450degree oven, to box, to you, know that from our its our policy that your pizza is never touched once it comes out of the oven. And were taking extra steps, like no contact delivery, to ensure it. Navigators of the turf and keepers of the green. To the mowers of green acres, rural ramblers and back to the landers. Whether you saddle up or buckle down. Run with us for all the head turners, stripe earners and time crunchers to the kid carolers, grill masters and all those who ride faster and run with us on a john deere mower. Because this is more than just grass. Its home. Nothing runs like a deer search. John deere mowers for more. Welcome back. If you needed a smile today and dont we all, well, you wont guess who sent us a video. The its sesame street. Hi, chris. Hi, everyone watching. Its me, abby here. Im staying home on sesame street, but my mommy set up this really cool video chat. Cool, right . Thats so i can still be in touch with all my friends like cookie monster and elmo and rosita and you, too. Well i know things are different right now, but were still having fun. Were telling story, doing so i think a longs and even doing a little dance party. Well, any way, i got to go because its time for my lunch but i just wanted to check in and say that im thinking of you all. I got to go, chris. Bye. Twinkle out im coming bye joining us now is rosemarie trulio, Vice President president of research at sesame workshop. Ssesame street for decades ha been a place where kids could go to for guidance, good time and bad and now even the muppets are social distancing. I just wonder what are you hearing from moms and dads as theyre trying to help their kids cope with these scary and unprecedented times . These are tough times. Were all struggling to find out what is the new for now normal and theres a lot of pressure on families. Theyre juggling a lot. From the point of view, children, i think the more we can give them structure and most importantly empower them. Have them be our helpers. I think we need to start flipping the script around and focus on the positives. As were spending more time together and so sesame street has always been there for parents to comfort and support and thats what this initiative is all about. Help them a little because we are here for each other. Weve been in touch with you for weeks and weeks and weeks and youve been on top of this from the early days, working on something you call caring for each other. There are four psas and they have had huge number of views. Let me start with elmos wishy wash song. Lets take a little listen. Washy wash washy wash your hands scrub them while you sing this song washy wash washy wash using soap and water wash your hands five four three two one you cant get that song out of your head, which is the point and is so great. It was an atdaptation of brushy brush. Talk about other parts of your initiative beyond these psas . So another portion were doing is to explain to parents that children learn best through play, right . We know that parents are not going to turn into educators overnight and we dont want to add more pressure and stress on parents so there are these play and learns to guide parents about how they could incorporate lessons in every day moments so as youre doing your daily routines, making meals, liter y literacy, math and science right there. Were getting ready for bed and also bath time, talki ining abo how you could incorporate these times. I see snap chat. Snack chat with cookie monster and its a great example of how were talking about foodses and a range of Healthy Foods and sometimes foods. Those are health lessons, but most importantly, wash your hands before you eat. All good advice and i just want to mention one more thing. One of my highlights every night is when my great niece does bedtime story frs me. Youve got a lot of books available for kids, too, right . For free. Absolutely. Lots of free books. Ebooks and story time is really important for a couple of rea n reasons. One is first of all, its bonding time. Youre bonding with your child as youre reading the story, but you could also use that story to talk about the characters feelings and how those feelings might be occur iring in your ow childs life. You have to truly listen to whats happening. Read along with them and also lean into their play time and listen to what theyre saying because youre going to get glimpse into what is on their mind and most importantly, just answer their specific questions. Sometimes, we give way too much more information that they may not be ready for and thats going to increase stress and anxiety. Thanks to you, thanks to all the folks at the workshop to sesame street and thank you, abby, we really wreeappreciate bringing sunshine into our day and thanks for watching this hour of msnbc live. Katy tur will pick up our coverage after this very short break. Up our coverage after this very short break. My doctor recommended eliquis. Eliquis is proven to treat and help prevent another dvt or pe blood clot. Almost 98 of patients on eliquis didnt experience another. And eliquis has significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. Dont stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. 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Together we can help save the restaurants we love. Good afternoon. Its 11 a. M. Out west and 2 p. M. First, it was just the old and immmuno compromised at risk. Now were seeing people in their 20s hospitalized. Then we were told you could only get it through close contact. Now the cdc is considering telling everyone to wear a mask in public. First the president said it was no worse than flu. Now his administration is saying the best Case Scenario is that only 200,000 americans will die by august. As of now, more than 200,000 people in the entire country have tested positive for covid19. And well over 4,000 people have

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