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Coming up this hour on velshi and ruhle, new moves on President Trumps preemt. Nancy pelosi announced next steps on the process. What she told colleagues to expect next week. Plus President Trump takes on iran and the after the killing of a top general. How his story doesnt line up with the official congressional briefing. And what hes planning next for iran. And today, we are honoring the 176 victims of that ukrainian plane crash that happened earlier this week. Well tell you more about some of the people who lost their lives in the tragedy. Today mike pompeo reaffirmed the United States believes the ukrainian passenger jet that crashed in iran was shot down by an iranian missile. Do you believe the iranians shot down the Ukrainian International airways plane, and if the iranians shot that plane down, will there be consequences . We do believe its likely that plane was shot down by an iranian missile. We are going to let the investigation play out before we make a final determination. Its important that we get to the bottom of it. Now, iran has denied accusations that one of its own missiles hit the iranian passenger plane that crashed outside of tehran. But new video appears to show the moment the passenger jet was struck. It flew on fire before crashing to the ground and all 176 people on board were killed. This morning secretary of state pompeo offered the u. S. Governments full assistance in the investigation to ukrainians president. Joining us now is tom costello. Officials from the United States and iran are disputing. There are different sides of what caused this plane to go down. But you can always figure out what generally speaking, you can figure out what happened in a plane crash. Where are we and whats the next step of getting to the bottom of whats true . I think the biggest headline right now at just after 1 00 on the east coast is that there is great concern that the iranians have moved significant portions of the wreckage field on the ground in tehran. Less than 48 hour, a little more, i guess 48 hours or so after this plane went down. Thats concerning. Because veteran investigators say listen, you want to preserve the wreckage and the debris as long as possible, document it all. You want gps, gps position every single piece of degree so you can map it all out on a grid. If its all been picked up and moved and there are multiple reports to that effect including from senior ntsb officials in the states, thats very concerning. Now, separately, ukraine does say they have their own people on the ground, and that as you probably heard from the iranians, theyre already starting to look at the black boxes but the question really is is there anybody who is actually looking at the black boxes with the iranians . And thats concerning because iran is insisting there were no missiles fired at the plane. U. S. And canadian intelligence, the dutch, the british all say missiles were fired that brought down the plane. And guys, i got this data about an hour ago from flight radar 24 of the flights that morning. I was surprised that, in fact, flight 752 was not the first flight of the morning. Keeping in mind this is a few hours after iran launched the missiles at the u. S. In iraq. There were flights earlier to frankfu frankfurt, istanbul, moscow, again, istanbul, hong kong. This was the 10th flight of the morning leaving at 6 12. It begs the question, first, why was that airport still open when the iranians were expecting a counterattack from the u. S. , and also, why did Ukrainian Airlines allow that flight to depart when a few hours earlier missiles were flying . Two separate questions. Why was the air space open and why were Airlines Flying . A lot to cover. Thank you, tom. Joining me now, emanuel who worked with the team that verified the video of the passenger plane. Its important to look at this. Theres all sorts of images. We get all sorts of images. You have a process to try to establish whats real, and whats in it. Talk to me about whats on the screen. Thats right. Here at nbc we have a robust Verification Team working own verifying the videos weve been seeing. This is a neighborhood west of the international airport. And what we know from flight radar, the data is this was the last point recorded where the flight flew. The first thick we doe do when we get a video we see is try to figure out where it was taken. We looked at this area. This is satellite imagery given to us taken the day after the crash. If we can go to the next image, well see how we analyze the video. I essentially took screen shots of every single frame of the video and tried to identify locations we could recognize in satellite imagery. You see here i used colored squares. If we go to the next one, i placed those markers on that satellite. On the satellite map. Things you had images of from the side, youve put on an air yell. We know the person was standing next to building a which we placed right here, and then building c was here. And its that rectangle one with the small windows. And then the range of buildings here, d, thats how we were able to know the person was standing right there when they took the video. Giving us if we can go to the next one, were now able to know that it was actually thats another structure that helped us analyze just the last slide. Lets go to one more. There we go. So this was put together by the New York Times who has been independently verifying. Theres a group that does this. We know the flight took off at 6 12. And this was thats the flight path . Thats right. This is the satellite imagery we had. The video was taken there. The video weve been seeing of what looks like a bright spot on the plane was taken from there. Thats the last reported spot we know where the plane was at. A lot of people have been asking why was the person taking a video at that time . The New York Times spoke to the person who took it. They explained they had seen Something Else and heard another noise and then recorded the video. So the theory right now, and this is unconfirmed is that this is, perhaps, a second what appears to be a second missile l hitting the plane. This is to be confirmed . Thank you. And youre going to keep doing this and its going to help us get to the bottom of whats going on. Thank you for working on this for us. Steph . This hour President Trump and secretary of state mike pompeo are meeting behind closed doors. Its after an announcement about new sanctions on iran. President trump is delivering on the prledge he made. The president has been very clear, we will continue to apply economic sanctions until iran stops its terrorist activities and commit it will never have nuclear weapons. This follows a statement from the state department that it will not be discussing the withdrawal of u. S. Troops from iraq despite a request from iraqs Prime Minister to gib the process. Now, in a statement the state Department Said any u. S. Delegation to iraq will not discuss withdrawing troops and instead, will be, quote, dedicated to discussing how to best recommit to our strategic partnership. Joining us now is former supreme allied commander of nato. Can i jump in first. If the United States says were not going anywhere, does it put those troops at risk that they will be in iraq, or in iraq while the government wants them out . Yes. It absolutely does. Because it will be utilized by those who are opposed to the u. S. Presence, stephanie, to kind of mobilize the militias. This will become a new opportunity for iran to do mischief. We really need to see the Iraqi Government and the u. S. Government get on the same sheet of music at least in terms of what theyre going to talk about. A good way to square it would be to say were aware we the United States, were aware of the resolution in the iraqi parliament. Were sending in a delegation to discuss that as well as the Strategic Direction we want to take together to confront the islamic state. Its the main reason those troops are there. Admiral, whenever we have you on, its interesting to talk about what developments there have been with nato. Most people wouldnt have thought there would have been one. Donald trump made a reference to nato and how it should be more involved with this particular situation and then yesterday in an unusual speech about a lot of things, he made some reference to a new thing he wants to create called nato me, which i think stands for middle east. I couldnt quite make out what he was talking about. Can you give us a sense what role if any nato should have here and what the president might be talking about . Well, first of all, i was frankly thrilled to hear the president actually kind of reach for the nato instrument which every one of his predecessors has done. Because this president has famously called nato obsolete and fat and useless and a number of other unattractive adjectives. Good news, hes considering it. What can nato do . They can do quite a bit. I would say maritime, sending our ships. Nato ships from the other nato countries into the arabian gulf. Cyber and defensive cyber activity. Special forces could be matched up with the 82nd airborne. Theres quite a bit of capability in the alliance that could be brought to bear here. The question is having denigrated the alliance so many times, whats the appetite in brussels going to be to respond to the president . Heres one bit of good news to close with. We have an exceptionally good u. S. Ambassador to nato. You know her former senator of texas. If anybody can move that nato team along, it will be her. Part of the issue is many of our nato allies are european. And the europeans have not been in lock step with america about this whole approach to iran for a while. The europeans didnt want america backing out of the iran deal when donald trump came into office within two years of the deal being signed wed said we were pulling out of it. How does that work when youre not politically in the same place, but hes looking for nato military support in action . Tell me how you square that, the politics on the military side . It will be more difficult. The way to approach it would be create intermittent stops on the road to full nato participation in confining iran. That would be increasing nato against the islamic state. Pretty much everybody agrees to that. Bringing nato into the arabian gulf to see the sea lanes of communication open. Pretty much everybody agrees with that. Getting nato involved in cyber defensive work. I think pretty much everybody can agree with that. Ill give you another one. Surveillance. Using nato global hawk, unmanned vehicles for surveillance. There are a numb of Missions Short of front line combat that i think the alliance could be pushed toward. Admiral, always a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you. Former supreme allied commander at nato. As we talk about policy and politics this week, we should not lose sight of the men, the women, and the children who died in that ukrainian plane crash in iran this week. A total of 176 people died. Families left without their loved ones. Moms without their sons. Dads without their daughters. Here are just some of their stories. Two were studying Computer Science at the university of alberta. Eight other students from that same university died but these two were married just one week before the crash. They were just two of the 63 canadians who died in the crash. Many of the canadians who died on the plane were students, scientists, doctors, engineers. This is just one of the six students at the university of toronto who lost his life. This family, the mother, father, both daughters, they all died in the plane crash. They leave behind a grandmother to those little girls back in iran. A mother and her two daughters also died in the crash. The mother was a doctor in iran, a close friend told news in canada she did her best to help take appointments with new immigrants who were overwhelmed and unable to find immediate medical help. She leaves behind her husband and her son who remain in iran. And this is evelyn and her baby girl kurdia. They were both on the plane with the babys father. All three died in the crash. And these are just a few, a hand full of the 176 innocent people who died. Please remember them today. Remember them this weekend when youre fortunate enough to hug your own family. We made usaa insurance for members like kate. 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Rules were laid out when they started the preemt process. They can do it in a short period of time on the floor. Looking ahead to the calendar, the house is back on monday night really tuesday morning. Theyll have their caucus meetings on tuesday morning. You could potentially see that vote to name managers and start the process of transmitting the articles as early as tuesday or wednesday. I expect well see somewhere between a half dozen and a dozen managers named. Then the ball goes to the senates court. At least now we have movement. Lets talk about how quickly after that happens. What are there mechanics about how quickly it starts or is it dictated by process . Its dictated by process, but there are logistics. They have to get the cameras working in the senate. They have to set up work spaces for the lawyers working in the office. Theres stuff theres only one mode modern precedence for. They have to turn the senate into a television courtroom with office space for the extra folks. Theres a matter of scheduling. The senate is going to be out on Martin Luther king day, the following monday. Theres speculation that given the fact that it will probably take a couple days to guess the process up and running, its not like the minute the House Presses go the senate can start the trial. You might look at a trial that starts the tuesday, the day after Martin Luther king day. Now, that gives everybody enough time to get ready, gives the managers time to get prepared. Logistics taken care of. The people probably in the worst shape because of that, the democrats still running for president who are members of the senate, because the trial starts after Martin Luther king day is almost certainly going to go through iowa, and thats even if you dont get witnesses called. If they extend the trial by deciding to hear from additional witnesses, go after additional documents, youre looking at something that goes well into potentially even february. Thats past iowa and past the state of the union. So depending on when this thing starts, we could be it in for a little bit. No candidate who is a senator can say that. Right . You cant state that complaint. Id like you to schedule around the fact that i have to campaign for the iowa caucuses. All the senators have said were going to do our constitutional duty. Cory booker acknowledged the obvious. This hurts. So did Elizabeth Warren yesterday. If youre not out there shaking hands, taking selfies, meeting and greeting in iowa, thats a disadvantage. Garrett, thank you. Well talk to you lots and lots and lots. Garrett haake on capitol hill. Ill be here. Lets bring in noah bookbinder, executive director of citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington. He as an op ed about the Senate Impeachment trials. You echo a concern a lot of democrats have about the Senate Impeachment trial of witnesses. You write this. The senate has heard testimony from witnesses at every trial it has completed in its 231 year history. If they take seriously the constitutional responsibility to conduct an impeachment trial of trump and the oath the members will take to do impartial justice, then it must not depart from this unambiguous body of precedent. Can you elaborate . Sure. I worked as a counsel in the senate for a number of years. I saw that a lot of times historic precedence in the senate is am big use and it can be pushed one way or another dependenting on politics. Thats not this. In this case the president is totally clear. The senate has completed 15 impeachment trials in more than the 200 year history. In that time in every one of those cases, witnesses came in and testified before the senate in the majority of those cases, witnesses who had not testified in front of the house or at least in a good number of the cases, and theres absolutely no reason that should not also be the case here where it should be in everybodys interest to hear as definitively as possible what the president did and to fully get to the bottom of the abuses that he has been accused of. Whats the justification . If after reading your op ed and studying history and understanding that every time the senate has a trial it has traditionally called witnesses, if Mitch Mcconnell decides not to go this way and gets more than 50 republicans to vote with him, what justification can he offer for it . Well, i think Mitch Mcconnell has been majority leader mcconnell has been very transparent about the fact that he is not looking to handle this objectively, and to create a thorough and fair trial. He is looking to work hand in hand with the president who is, of course, the defendant in this trial, to bring about a swift acquittal of the president , and thats never appropriate for a case where a senior official is impeached, but certainly in this case where the house reviewed and heard overwhelming evidence of deeply serious abuses by the president , its not appropriate. Its not okay for the senate to set up a trial to quickly acquit the president , but senator mcconnell has made it clear thats what he intends to do, and as best as i understand it, thats the justification even if its not a good one. But is it a legal one . At the end of the day, Mitch Mcconnell isnt looking for a popularity contest. Is he allowed to do it . Well, the constitution gives the senate the power to hold these trials. And i think there may be arguments about whether the whether committing this responsibility to hold a trial to the senate requires specific things. I think in practice, the senate has a lot of leeway in how they do this. But that if the senate disregards hundreds of years of absolutely consistent precedent and holds a trial with no witnesses in a way thats designed to acquit the president , its hard to imagine that that is going to have any credibility in front of the american people, and thats something that i think the senate and even the president should be concerned about. At least some senators in who are either up for election or in states where theres mixed opinion might be taking their constituents views into account in that case. Noah, thank you, we appreciate talking to you. Can executive director of citizens for responsibility and ethics. Coming up, my reporting on a major new Campaign Commitment from bloomberg. Well tell you the extraordinary offer hes making to get trump out of the white house even if mr. Bloomberg isnt the candidate. And next, well talk with a democratic congressman about impeachment and iran. Hes a member of the House Armed Services committee and was in the room during the iran briefing that was controversial. You are watching velshi and ruhle live on msnbc. Ruhle live on msnbc feeling sluggish or weighed down can be a sign your digestive system isnt working at its best. Taking metamucil every day can help. Its psyllium fiber forms a gel that traps and removes the waste that weighs you down. It also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption, promoting healthy blood sugar levels. So, start feeling lighter and more energetic by taking metamucil every day. Take the metamucil twoweek challenge, lighten up. Just take metamucil every day for two weeks. Available at your local retailer. Welcome back to velshi and ruhle. Today secretary of state pompeo asserted the killing of irans general soleimani was a response to an imminent threat to u. S. Embassies after Lawmakers Said they heard no such information in their briefing. This follows President Trump at his rally who declared that soleimani had been targeting u. S. Embassies prompting the strike. Soleimani was actively planning new attacks, and he was looking very seriously at our embassies and not just the embassy in baghdad, but we stopped him. Last night the president said it was a threat to embassies including to our baghdad embassy. Why can you say that here and the president can say it at a rally in toledo, but no one said it to lawmakers behind closed doors in a classified setting as multiple senators have since said . We did. You said to the senators . The senators are lying . We told them about the imminent threat. All the intelligence we briefed that youve heard today, i assure you we provide in the classified setting. This is tricky. He said we did. We told them in an unclassified setting, classified setting. This makes it easier for us. We dont have access to classified stuff. Joining us is a member of the Armed Services committee. Hes chairman of the Armed Services committee. You cant tell us things classified, but the secretary of state said you got it classified and unclassified manner. Im going to ask you what you can tell us without killing us. Did you know that the imminent threat was about embassies . No. Thats a contradiction to what secretary pompeo told our reporter . Getting into this is probably not going to be particularly useful, but i have no recollection in both classified and unclassified of hearing anything about embassies being targeted. Now, they certainly did discuss the fact that the embassy in baghdad was past tense, ta targeted. That happened. Theres film. Thats known. That wasnt classified, and well knew that. Its an interesting distinction in the law, because assassination as punishment for something is a different and murkier legal ground than assassination for an imminent danger to american life, limb, or property. Exactly right. And that is a very profound and fundamental legal issue. Imminent, the president does have the obligation, the right both constitutional and legal, to take action to protect american interests, personnel, citizens from an imminent attack by anybody, a terrorist or another country. The question of imminent has been discussed repeatedly for the last now eight days. And the answer is perfectly unclear as to imminent. The information ive heard, the information that others have heard, youve heard from republican senators, i did not hear imminent. Other republicans and democrats did not hear a description of imminent. And, in fact, the president didnt use the word imminent either. He said embassies, targeting embassies. Well, embassies have been targeted for at least two decades now. Is it imminent . Well, theres no information that has been given to me that would indicate imminent threat to embassies. Bipartisanship is something we rarely see in washington. But lets talk about the war powers resolution that you voted on yesterday. How significant is it that some republicans including one of the president s top allies from florida voted with you . Well, its very important. And this is not the first time that republicans and democrats have come together to assert the power of congress with the declaration of war. In fact, the National Defense authorization act that weve moved out of the house of representatives unfortunately without republican support in the final vote, but in the committee there was very, very strong republican support among the members of the Armed Services committee to limit the powers of the president to conduct war and, in fact, to end the 2002 authorization to use force in iraq. So theres been bipartisan support on this issue in legislation. It certainly applied in the issue of yemen where both houses, democrats and republicans, and overwhelming, i think it was 90 in the senate, voted to terminate the president s power to support and to wage war in yemen. The president vetoed that, of course. But nonetheless, there is bipartisan support to reassert the power of congress, and the reason is clear. Its easy, unfortunately, for a president to conduct an act of war which, in fact, he did when he took soleimani out. That was an act of war on a foreign land against an official in a foreign government. Now, Going Forward this president and other president s need to be constrained by the constitution. I want to give you one more example if you have a moment. Obama drew a red line with regard to chemical use by assad in syria. Many of us, democrat and republican, said no, you cannot bomb syria on that account, because a, its not an imminent threat to americans. Certainly was to syrians, but not to americans. You need a declaration of war. An authorization to use force. That went around and around here for about a week. They actually, obama actually presented to the congress a declaration or an authorization to use force. Congress did not act on it. Obama has been continually blamed for not holding the red line. Congressman, thank you for your insight into this. We appreciate it. Congressman of california. Coming up next, our exclusive new reporting on mayor Michael Bloombergs new commitment for 2020. Were going to tell you what hes offering to get trump out of the white house no matter who is on the democratic ticket. But first an army officer who was pardoned by President Trump last year will not have his special forces tab reinstated for now. An army general denied the request and is sending the final decision to an administrative panel. Army Major General matthew l goldstein was awaiting trial in the alleged murder of a suspected taliban murder. He claimed it happened during a lawful ambush. Youre watching velshi and ruhle live on msnbc. G velshi ruhle live on msnbc ive heard a lot of excuses to avoid screening for colon cancer. Im not worried. It doesnt run in my family. I can do it next year. No rush. Cologuard is the noninvasive option that finds 92 of colon cancers. You just get the kit in the mail, go to the bathroom, collect your sample, then ship it to the lab. Theres no excuse for waiting. Get screened. Ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. Covered by medicare and most major insurers. You always want to be able to for your patients. F get them out of pain, get them out of pain fast. We have a new product out there sensodyne rapid relief. If you use it on monday, by thursday, youll be enjoying that Chocolate Ice Cream again. They can start it, and 3 days later, i know that theyre going to have the results they were looking for. Welcome back to velshi and ruhle. With 24 days left until the iowa caucuses, one of the newest members of the democratic race for president is making waves with a new plan surrounding his campaign team. And the big dollars hes spending. Today we published an nbc news exclusive report that revealed mayor Mike Bloomberg will pay 500 staffers in six Battle Ground states through the november election even if he doesnt win the democratic nomination. The tech operation will be turned over giving a potential big boost to the eventual democratic nominee. Joining us is josh letterman. He worked on this exclusive reporting with me. Josh, lets start at the beginning. Bloomberg last august said every one in the democratic field would make a better president than donald trump. He then decided that he would make a better president than the rest of them. What hes saying now is if the democratic primary Voters Decide that mayor bloomberg isnt their choice, he is going to take that massive operation and shift it over to them. Correct . Correct. And we should make no mistake about this. Mike bloomberg thinks he has a pathway to becoming the nominee and then the president. You dont spend tens of millions of dollars if youre not seriously committed to trying to win it. But if he doesnt, Mike Bloomberg is making clear that this Massive Campaign apparatus hes built up will be deployed to try to help whoever the democratic nominee is and help defeat trump. That could be a game changer. Democrats on the National Level have been concerned about the operation that trump is building up in the Battle Ground states while democrats are focussed on the primary. This could give them an edge. Is this going to change the tune of other nominees who have been complaining we can pull the graph up, complaining about the huge amounts of money the mayor is spending . When you put the graph up, hes up here, and then it quickly goes lower and lower. But now that bloomberg is saying my money could end up being your money, any response were seeing from other candidates . We are starting to see some of the candidates are willing to embrace this help. Even candidates that have been critical about politicians trying to quote, unquote, buy their way into office. Amy klobuchar saying on msnbc today shed be glad to have the help and extra staff, and even Top Democrats like Donna Brazile who have been critical of candidates saying this shows that bloomberg is on Team Democrats and that this help is really going to be needed. What do we think the response could be or will this impact republicans . Bloombergs digital apparatus hawk fish is the one we have seen in the massive data collecting business. That was the magic that the president created in the 2016 campaign, and theres not really another candidate thats got an operation like bloomberg does. His is being led by former facebook executives. Youre right. And that organization hawk fish has been overseeing this 100 million Online Ad Campaign that bloomberg is running. Theyre going to have a lot of experience, a lot of datadriven approach that Mike Bloomberg has used throughout his career that can be deployed online to help whoever the democratic nominee is. Its going to be the tech operation and this small army of some 500 field staffers across the country that bloomberg says hes going to make available that could really give an edge to the democratic nominee. Josh, thank you for your reporting. Stephanie, thank you for your reporting on this. I wonder sometimes, i dont know if the question has been answered. Are there any Strings Attached to this deal . We dont know yet. Thats going to be interesting. And how does this effort get redeployed . Its interesting. What were asking people to do whenever theres a party trying to nominate a candidate is commit to whether or not they will support the ultimate nominee. This is a few steps beyond supporting the nominee. Heres my question. So many democratic accounts specifically progressive ones, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, are urging big money to get out of politics. Right. What if theyre the candidate . Do they take the support . What is effectively money that might be considered big money . Its stuff theyre avoiding . Interesting story. Or is it lets use everything we can to defeat the president and once were in power, then change the rules . Speaking of money and the 2020 election, lets break down the numbers on who is spending the most on campaign ad buys and whether or not its working. Well do it on the other side of the break. Plus a new record on the dow. Well look at the market and dig into the jobs numbers that came out today. Just this morning. And by the way, this is anybodys guess as to whether we have a new record at the end of the day, the market is mixed. Youre watching velshi and ruhle and msnbc. Im your mother in law. 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All day strong. Welcome back. Tom steyer is going to be appearing on next weeks debate stage. How did he do it . Apparently by spending a lot of money. Take a of money. Take a look at how much the candidates have spent on tv and radio ads so far. This fascinates me. Then look at what happens when you add tom steyer. You can see tom steyer has spent 67 million so far. And now look. We showed this before. When you look to include mayor Michael Bloomberg who has shelled out 142 million on tv and radio ads. With us now, nbc politics editor. Does it work to spend a lot of money . So, you know, money is the mothers milk of politics as we all know. Thats a tongue twister. We have a couple things going on in this campaign that prove the value of money. One is the small donor donations. The Small Donor Fund raising that Bernie Sanders has excelled in and bringing in donors spending 18, 20 bucks at a time. And hes basically accumulated the largest fortune of any democrats. Other than the two billionaires who are spending out of pocket. Theres advantages and disadvantages to both. The small donors are with bernie no matter what. When youre a billionaire, you dont have as much of a movement behind you. But you have the ability to buy these tv ads. And both candidates have seen a lot effect of the spending. Both bloomberg and steyer. He went to two states where democrats werent really advertising much. And flooded the airways. It worked. South carolina in particular. Lets look at the latest polling in south carolina. Take a look how tom steyer has done. Youll see theres actually been he spent the most money on campaign ads in the state. There we go. Look at that. Number two to biden. You know what that does . Biden is ahead with africanamerican voters in south carolina. So steyer got himself into the dotcom conversation. So when pollsters ask, his name got mentioned. Because the dnc has rules about how many polls you need to get on the stage. Thats why hes there. He spent money in south carolina, spent money in nevada. Got polls in those states that got him support to get him on the debate stage. Then why does he need to apologize for it. Its his money. Hes not taking it from anywhere else who donors who wanted to donate. I dont think he is apologizing. Hes getting drilled by the warrens and sanders of the world saying we shouldnt have somebody buying the election. Hes simply saying, look. I put my money where my mouth is for years now behind things like climate change. Behind his effort to impeach the president. Which he has done. He certainly has. He finally decided he was going to go for it himself and become a candidate. And the question is the issue of movement we were talking about before. If you dont have a big movement of voters behind you, its hard to get them to the polls to vote for you. And when youre mostly selffunding, you dont have that kind of movement. All right. And we should note, democratic candidate who we have not seen on the debate stage at least many the last couple of debates, Marianne Williamson has made the announcement to suspend her campaign. Beth, thank you very joining us. Speaking of 2020, check out what happened on the today show this morning. Here they are together. If you become president , youve got to be flying back and forth to play him on snl. Yes. Thats true. Its not going to be easy for me. Itll be great for the country. Terrible for me. Getting you a good job for four years and youre complaining. Theyre not related at all. That was outstanding. I dont know i actually walked by somebody in the halls today and their complaint was oh, my god i missed seeing larry david and Bernie Sanders. Thats all anybody in the building is talking about with all the news going on. Every time i see them, every time i see larry david do it doesnt that confuse you sometimes . I think its amazing. Its amazing. There is joy in politics. We got new jobs numbers. Were looking at one important measure and that is wage growth. Were going to tell you what that says about the economy. Youre watching velshi ruhle live on msnbc. Y. Youre watching velshi ruhle live on msnbc. I want nutrition made just for me. But i also want great taste. So i drink boost for women. New boost women a i thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of Crohns Disease after trying other medications. And the majority of people on humira saw significant symptom relief and many achieved remission in as little as 4 weeks. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Its first friday of the month which means we get the jobs report from the last month which is december. The jobs report from the Labor Department came out today. Heres the headlines. 145,000 net new jobs added. Thats all the jobs minus all the jobs lost. This is smaller than expected. Unemployment rate stayed the same. 3. 5 . I always say dont pay too much attention to this. This is where the rubber hits the road. This matters. Hourly wage increase. This matters. We havent seen anything below 3 in 18 months. And normally when youve got unemployment so low, wages hike up because its hard for employers to find people. But right now in an age of automation, go to mcdonalds, go to cvs. You see kiosks everywhere. Its not pushing wages up. The only place youre seeing low wages go up are in states, not decided by the federal government, where they have mandated the minimum wage to go up. Votes. Votes. People who have voted in referendums in many cases in red states to increase minimum wages, that happened. Or jobs where there are shortages. Places like amazon, places like target where theyre pushing wages up. Usually 3. 5 unemployment should mean bigger wage growth than weve got. Something else to note, again, unemployment is at historic low numbers. This is a huge positive. When people tell you theres been a turnaround, there hasnt been a turnaround if the last ten years. The last three years of the obama administration, the average monthly jobs number was 224,000. The first three years of the Trump Administration averaged monthly is in the 190s. So yes, this is a positive trend. Great for our economy. Is it a turnaround . Absolutely not. Its a continuation and a little weakening. We used to say that 150,000 a month is good. Were now at a place we think we need more than that. When you were on tv this morning, markets were up. They have since sold off a little bit in coming back. This is one of those indetermined days. All of this is a good place. Its a story well get to next week. There has been money the feds been putting into the market which is explaining some of the gains in the market. Thank you for watching kl. Katy tur picks up our coverage now. You know im here because ive started coughing. The coughing in the studio has begun, thats how you know im here. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. Im katy tur. Its 11 00 a. M. Out west and 2 00 p. M. In washington where were asking yet again if the white house has proof that Qassem Soleimani was planning an imminent attack on u. S. Forces. Why does their story keep changing . Well secretary mike pompeo still insists soleimani posed an immediate threat to u. S. Interests. He has also conceded that the state department did not know exactly when or where soleimani allegedly wanted to strike. Dont know exactly which minute or which day it would have been executed, but it was clear. Qass Qassem Soleimani himself was planning a broad scale attack against american interests and those attacks were imminent. Against an

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