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Whole lot more. Those words becoming the goto slogan for Elizabeth Warren, 2020 campaign. Now that includes healthcare. Warren out with a new plan detailing how she will Fund Medicare for all, promising quote not penny in middle class tax increases. Warrens opponents criticized the senator claiming she got no idea how shes going to pay her big healthcare as separations. Aspirations. At least bernie is being honest here and saying how hes going to pay for it. I am sorry elizabeth, you have not said that. Shes being vague both being vague on the issue of medicare for all. No plan has been laid out to explain how a multi trillion dollars plan that this senator is putting forward. How uncomfortable it is to be standing this close and blowing them. Alli vitali. Lets get to the details of her biggest vulnerability. Reporter for those people accusing her being vague. Thats not an accusation. This is a 60plus page plan we were reading through this morning. Before we dig into the plan, we are out here in de moines, she was rallying with supporters, Elizabeth Warren. She took questions with her supporters. She said yes, she owes it to everyone to do it. So without question, of course, medicare for all would cost in government spending. Warren can put a price tag on that. Taxing on the wealthy and preparation and not on the middle class. No surprise when you see billionaire and the top 1 that you put on this bill. Doubling her wealth tax. As oppose to 3 cents which was originally was. Thats going to generate some of the revenues there as well. Clearly this is the plan that was important for her to put out. I asked her and she talked to senator Bernie Sanders, she was clearly building on a lot of detail to get to her plan today. She called him and he has not called her back. What senator sanders are asking is on this overall. Someone like joe biden coming out against this plan already saying that shes being disengenerous and Elizabeth Warren was not having any of that. Shes putting forward the paper work and how they can pay for their medical plans if they dont agree with her on medicare for all. She writes it all so that people can take it and criticize it and thats the next step. Ali, those folks are really loud. I dont know how she can hear herself. I can harldly hear her. Ali vitali. Thank you. Joining us now, andy slavic. Good to see you, what do you make of this . This is a plan of medicare for all with a way of paying for it. Have you had the chance to look at it and get a sense of the price tag and minus the savings and equaling the net cost of 25 trillion. Thank you for having me on. I think the democrats have two types of plans out there. There are plans from sanders and warren and a set of plan from biden and Amy Klobachar and mayor buttigieg. First the American Public defines it. All of them do the same thing. All of them promise to cover single americans for their healthcare coverage. The big difference, the big difference between the klobachar type plan are that, the bigger plan there is only one choice. It submits medicare. It is administratively similar. It asks 150 million americans who are getting benefits to come off of that plan. The other choice is considerably less expensive and also those plans are paying forward. It still keeps Insurance Companies around. Not a big surprise that senator warren came out with plan today and in details. What i think is important, ali, each of these plans cover everybody. Democrats ought to be spending 10 of their times talking about those difference. They should start spending 90 of the time talking about the contract of President Trump trying to derail the entire court system and trying to get healthcare coverage, period. Thats an important for all of them to try to draw. Theyre not making it yet. For a short while, theyre going to be poking holes in her plan, her plan and her plan to pay for it. Do you think it works . Well, look. These numbers are big numbers and when you get to numbers that big. If you take my contrast which i allows everybody into the medicare program. She accomplishes that by essentially bringing back the obama era, tax aid and by negotiating for Prescription Drug prices. It is a lot simpler to understand. People keep their coverage. It is a matter of whether or not you think you need to go bold and big. In which case you will have a lot of whether you think you can get into the same place as klobachar. Across the board every american wants to have healthcare. The last few months of the hearing and it is those on the other side, and now Elizabeth Warren are saying people dont want to get rid of their healthcare. They dont want to tear up the script and start over. Who is the majority that Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders speaking for who are sayisa sayisa saying to wipe out what we have and start amed ca medicare for. Thats a great question. It depends on what you ask. If they have to take their kids to the doctor or god forbid their spouse having cancer that theyll be able to pay for it. If you ask them whether the government has a role to play or the Insurance Company has role to play, thats less important for them. They dont want anybody to be able to take it away from that. So in some perspectives as far as the publics concerns, a little bit of an argument of what they prefer sky blue or powder blue. To ma to make it happen where americans can get what they want. Andy slavitt, senior adviser, under president obama. All right, moving on. 94 days, the iowa caucus voters will cast their ballots in the primaries. Ahead of what could be this campaigns season biggest event yet. President obama super charged his campaign back in 2007. Tonight may be the last big chance of this years candidate to try to do the same. Joining us now, vaughan hilliard. Walk us through this huge event and what it can mean for these candidates. Reporter we are in third street in downtown des moines. Theyre 94 days away from the iowa caucus. If you looked at polling back in 2007, ahead of this. Hillary clinton had a lead here in iowa across the board. It was at that dinner where barack obama really demonstrated not only his grass roots of the the organization we are usually behind this yehere. We are still seven hours away from this event taking off. There is a new iowa poll released earlier this morning. It shows Elizabeth Warren at 22 . You will see three others. Sort of those four run away from the rest of this pack here ahead of the iowa caucus. I had a conversation of carol hill, she put in her vote at that iowa state fair for joe biden. I called her and said where are you at now. She saw the poll, she was impressed by buttigieg. Her question was to what ex tenth hell tent to be competitive. Shes looking at her vote closely as we are three months away from des moines. Thank you, vaughan. Things are feeling different. Things are looking closer to the 94 days. A long time for us but it is feeling more active. Four candidates which could be an alarming sign for one time front runner. Joining us now to explain all of this, the one and only National Political correspondent right here our steve cornacki. What can you tell us . Just looking at this poll here in iowa. This is an unsettled race right now. Joe biden is running in fourth and striking distance there. There are democratic race in the past in iowa and it is roughly like this, at this point. I think back to 2004, thats when democrats needed a nominee to take on a republican incumbent who drove the democratic based. That race looked as unsettled. In 2004, it was not until the final week of that Campaign Somebody was heard. It was john kerry back then. You would not have seen it. Second place in 2004 was jon edwards. All four candidates have a shot at it. There are Different Things for them to be concerned about and encouraged about. The history of the eiowa caucus i cant stress it enough. It is not out of the realm of the possibility that somebody is out of the top four. Klobachar or somebody else could emerge. We have seen that happens before. How big of a deal of losing if you expect to win and winning if you did not expect to win . It is huge. I was all about, they talk about the candidate who wins obviously gets momentum and money and gets media attention. The candidate who loses and fails to meet exatiopectations not get all those things. This is what the race looks like in eye wau noiowa. You got four candidates there in double digits. Sanders and warren and Pete Buttigieg and biden. Take any of these four. If they win iowa. Are they then position with that momentum to roll in the New Hampshire win. If you win iowa and New Hampshire. Modern history, you are undefeated. Steve cornacki. Our national correspondent. Coming up as the house authorizes rules for the impeachment inquiry. We are learning more of witness testimonies and who could appear in public hearing. President trump born and raised associated to manhattan, is moving his address more than 1,000 miles south. Andrew cuomo told him, good riddan riddance. Well speak to the governor live. You are watching velshi ruhle right here on msnbc. Ruhle right here on msnbc and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair. Com you should be mad at airports. Excuse me, where is gate 87 . You should be mad at nonseasoned travelers. And they took my toothpaste away. And you should be mad at people who take unnecessary risks. How dare you, hes my emotional support snake. But youre not mad, because you have e trade, whose tech helps you understand the risk and reward potential on an options trade its a paste. Its not liquid or a gel. And even explore whatif scenarios. Wheres gate 87 . Dont get mad. Get e trade and start trading today. But were also a company that controls hiv, fights cancer, repairs shattered bones, relieves depression, restores heart rhythms, helps you back from strokes, and keeps you healthy your whole life. From the day youre born we never stop taking care of you. Welcome back. An explosive new testimony. Tim morrison, senior director for europe testified that he was told bisy sondland that the package of ukraine would not be released until the country completes investigations into the bidens. While concerning he did not believe there was anything illegal about the call. The president tweeted his gratitude saying quote the crooked democrats dont want people to know this, thank you to tim morrison for your honesty. Adam schiff told msnbc that he could start releasing transcripts of previous depositions as early as monday. Joining us now, correspondent garret haake on the hill. Eight witnesses are scheduled to testify including former National Security john bolton. How likely is this . It is unlikely. You look at the calendar for next week and here is what you see. You can see a couple of people still white house lawyers on the National Security council. They may exert some kind of privilege. He could be waiting on a subpoena or the results of a Court Hearing that we are not expecting until december. Democrats will have a decision to make. D all right, so lets talk about moving into the public phase of the impeachment inquiry. Where are democrats on this . Theyre going to start. One of them was to start releasing the transcripts of some of these depositions. Democrats have been hesitant to do that. As the list of future witnesses get shorter and less likely to appear, the value of those depositions going public becomes greater, especially next week. Members are going to be home in their districts long. What they saw and heard in those closed door depositions. Democrats keep the pressure on, keep moving the story into the public arena until they get to open hearings which could be the week after next but maybe later after that. Garret haake, thank you so much. The heated and at times nasty debates on the floor on thursday set the tone on how the impeachment battle will play out. Democrats working towards bringing article of impeachment against President Trump. What we are seeing among democrats on the Intelligence Committee down the skip right now is like a colt. It is about betrayal. It is about corruption and National Security. It is about the undermining of our elections. They have absolutely no right to talk about threats to this nation. If they are diverting the attention of resources and focus of the house Intelligence Committee onto a sham or political process. I dont believe there is any process that we could propose that republicans should prefer to circle the wagon from the president. Democrats are trying to impeach the president because theyre scared and cant defeat it at the ballot box. I dont know why republicans are afraid of the truth. Every member should support allowing the American People to hear the facts for themselves. Joining us now, our political reporter, john allen. John, the president and the president s allies, trumps 2020 campaign with tshirts read the transcripts. The transcript is not an exact verbatim. It is a memo of the phone call. Even that summary omitting some keywords. If what is reported is correct and adam schiff moves forward for testimony and definitions heard quietly. What will republican positions be then in read those transcripts . Those are damming. We have a parallel of the missing error of the missing tapes during the recording of the white house. We have vindman testifying there will be missing pieces of that transcript and so the democrats are going to try to bring evidence of what was in the missing of what the president put forward. He argued that the transcript is full and down to the comma as what he said. You will hear republicans starting to hear a shift in the house and maybe you will hear less in the sfa it was just a vote on the rules that would govern the hearing. How difficult was it for democrats to make the case for impeachment if no republicans supported at all. If they can move the American Public and they already have to some degree. Right now what you saw yesterday we got nearly unified democratic caucus. Democrats are no longer afraid of the electoral consequences voting for impeachment. It was not true two or three months ago when nancy pelosi was getting pressure from her left flag to have a vote. There were a lot of swing district democrats didnt want to have it. Jonathan allen, thank you my friend. Good to see you as always. President trump, a new yorker, now a residence to florida. Well speak to andrew cuomo about the move. You are watching velshi ruhle right here on msnbc. Hing ruhle right here onsn mbc there are things we would change about work. And there are things we wouldnt. When work is worth it. Work is worth it. Work can be closer to home. Pay more. Make us proud. Careerbuilder. Work can work. Find your work at careerbuilder. Com Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. High protein. Low sugar. Tastes great high protein. Low sugar. So good high protein. Low sugar. Mmmm, birthday cake pure protein. The best combination for every fitness routine. But maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. 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My family and i will be making palm beach, florida, our permanent residence. Diets the fact that i have been millions of trillions of dollars in city state and local taxes each year, i have been treated very badly. Andrew cuomo who said good riddan riddance, it is not like you paid taxes here anyway. Governor cuomo is joining us here. Thats twieet. Wh what will this move mean for the state of new york . Good question and good to be with you stephanie and ali. Quite a tweet to quite a tweeter. I think your question is right. There is a legal proceeding against the District Attorneys Office where theyre trying to get me turn over the taxes. I am the former attorney general of new york before i was governor. He was advised by his lawyer that would help his case not to release his taxes to the Manhattan District Attorney if he could say he was no longer residence of the state of new york. I dont believe it is going to be the sponsor but i can see it is a legal tactic and the timing is quincoincidental. It is right in the middle of the District Attorney looking into his taxes. What would you say those arguing, you know a lot of people moving to florida because it had no income and inheritance taxes. This has nothing to do with Donald Trumps legal. Yeah, a lot of people from new york moved to florida. A lot of people from the northeast moved to florida when they retire. Maybe the president is planning to retired, i dont know. Under my governorship, tax rates for every new yorker have come down, state spending is at record lows. Donald trump alienated many people in the state of new york. He raised new york taxes hen he passed the reform with the socalled elimination of state and local tax deductibility. His policies alienated new yorkers. To be a real new yorker, you have to be inclusive. We dont tolerate divisiveness. They have no tolerance of President Trump. He has heard that. He come into the state to do fund raising and terrible protest. I think it was as legal tact, i think he knows that he alienated new yorkers and his philosophy is repugnant to yorkers. Those are the main driving factors. Taxes have gone down under me and the only one raises taxes in new york is donald trump. We know prosecutors have been fighting to get the president s taxes since he took office. Will that fight continue now that hes not a new yorker . Oh, the fight will continue. And i think it is desperate legal move where hes now going to argue well the state should have no right to my taxes. Thats besides the point. When you file your taxes, you were a new york residence. If you defrauded the state, you defrauded it when you are a new york state residence, just because you move out does not mean you are not liable for what you say in those taxes, when you file it in the state of new york. It is a desperate measure. It is desperate times for the president. Governor, this morning you were touring flood damages in upstate new york which is becoming quite serious. You witnessed and we are showing some video of it, a baby and family being rescued while you were assessing the damage. Can you give us an update . Ali, anyone who questions extreme weather and Climate Change is delusional at this point. We have seen in the state of new york and we have seen it is something we never had before. We didnt haves hurricanes or super storms or tornados. This is a storm that came up just over night and dropped about five inches of rain. It was literally a matter of life and death for people. I was at one of the sides this morning, the river over came its banks with five inches of water. The streets looked like rivers themselves. People were trapped in their homes. People were afraid the house itself was going to be swept away and luckily we train with rescue team and they literally took five people out of the home including an infant but it was a very dangerous and precarious situation. Thank god we have the best First Responders in the United States. Everyone recovered safely. Anyone still in denial is making a serious mistake. Governor cuomo, good to talk to you, thank you for joining us. Good to be with you. Governor cuomo of new york. We are going to california. A new wildfire that grew 4,000 acres. Nbcs kate snow brings us an empowering story of survival and turning a horrific experience into a mission to help others. You are watching velshi ruhle. You are watching velshi rue. Hl if you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. 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Hisamitsu. 25 cent boneless wings at applebees. Born to be wild. Born to be wild. Get em while theyre hot. I was on the fence about changing from a manual to an electric toothbrush. But my hygienist said going electric could lead to way cleaner teeth. She said, get the one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head. Go pro with oralb. Oralbs gentle rounded brush head removes more plaque along the gum line. For cleaner teeth and healthier gums. And unlike sonicare, oralb is the First Electric toothbrush brand accepted by the ada for its effectiveness and safety. What an amazing clean ill only use an oralb oralb. Brush like a pro. Welcome back to velshi ruhle. We are following the devastating California Wildfires and a brand new fire just north of los angeles in aveng angeles. Hundreds of firefighters are protecting the homes of thousands of families that had to leave everything behind. Joining us now gadi schwartz. Whats the situation where you are, the winds are down but the fires are still burning. You can see wind gusts just a little bit. We just checked there about 10 to 12 miles per hour. This is the worst it is going to be all day. I am going to show you what happens wind gusts of 10 to 12 miles per hour. It is still not extreme fire behavior. You got some punking is what they call it here. A little bit of a flare up. Mostly it is smoke up in the ridges. These are the types of fires that firefighters say are some what manageable when it comes to containme containment. They dont have the containment number yet. They have apparatus all around it and structure protection in most of these homes. You can see what burned over night. You can see below this black line, you got this green stuff, those are avocado trees and citrus trees, these homes are apart of this country club area. It is tso scary for all the people who lived down in the area looking up the ridges. Today things are looking pretty good. This type of burns scar ed scar this fire. All depends on the winds and the winds are supposed to stay down and everybody hopes that it stays that way. Gadi schwartz is with us. Thank you. An inspiring story of a sexually assault survivors new mission, nbcs kate snow will join us. Well have a look at the new jobs report and what it means for the economy. You are watching velshi ruhle on this friday here on msnbc. Chevys the only brand. To earn j. D. Power dependability awards. Across cars. Trucks. And suvs. Four years in a row. Since more than 32,000 real people. Just like me. And me. And me. Took the survey that decided these awards. It was only right that you hear the good news from real people. Like us. Im daniel. Im casey. Im julio. Only chevy has earned j. D. Power dependability awards across cars, trucks and suvs. Four years in a row. Super emma just about sleeps in her cape. But when we realized she was battling sensitive skin, we switched to tide pods free gentle. Its gentle on her skin, and dermatologist recommended. Tide free gentle. Safe for skin with psoriasis and eczema. Welcome back to velshi ruhle. Now to a powerful story, surviving something horrible and turning that thing into a Lifelong Mission to help others. Kate snow is here to preview a story that she will have tonight on her new show relentless with kate snow. The stories we tell on relentless is about a woman whos fighting for herself and so many others. Reporter the 24 years old is known for speaking out. I was raped in 2014. I reported to the minneapolis department, i experienced reporting was traumatizing. Reporter one of her Top Priorities helping Law Enforcement officers doing a better job handling cases involving sexual violence. We have not had indepth training for officers as it relates to trauma and enforced care. Reporter abbys fight began five years ago when she was a junior. On a big football saturday, abby met daniel at a preparty. He started talking about how he needed to get alcohol down across the the gym. He kept on pointing across the street. She never made to the Football Game that day, she fled the apartment and called 911. Reporter Police Arrived quickly but abby said she felt they did not take her seriously. They were not nice to me from the beginning. They were laughing at me at certain point. Laughing . It just did not make any sense. Reporter when the case against daniel was dropped. Days after her arrest, abby took matter into her own hand, she outed daniel out in the blog post. Reporter you wrote his name and published it in a public forum. I did. I wanted other girls to have some kind of preventive defense against him. Reporter what she did not expect was to get message frs other students who said daniel assaulted them, too. Reporter what did they say to you . Most of the time they would tell me what happened and some of them zridescribing to me goi home and taking care of their injuries themselves. They never told anybody and they were too ashamed. I knew if they were not fwoing going to report. I had to keep fighting. Reporter daniel was arrested after a second woman came forward. Daniel pleaded guilty to two counts of Sexual Misconduct of third degree. A crime equivalent to rape in the state of minnesota. I dont have to worry about people telling me i am a liar. That worth more to me than i can ever say. Abby made her life mission to speak out for all survivors of sexual violence. Together we can make a better campus of survivors. Thank you. I absolutely had a fire that kind of sort of burning in me that was not about daniel. It was about everybody that had to go through Something Like this. Reporter shes pushing a legislation on capitol hill called the abby honold act. I am hoping this will treat patients the care they deserve across the country. Abby recently was involved in some training though for the Saint Paul Police department rather. She feels strongly that officers need to know how to approach someone. O know how to approach someone. Has been through something so traumatic. Remarkable that the Police Officer said they dont typically do that. Andhe it is changing now as speak. There is aw lot of Movement Toward this what they call trauma informed care, which just means take take into account thu are talking to someone who has been through something terrible and you are asking them to recount everyng detail. And tonight we talk about a nurse who was able to get more details just because of the approach that she used. Amazing as always. Thank you for your coverage. Kate snow, our national correspondent. Coming up, day 39 of impeachment and were getting closer to public hearings. What we could learn. 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Their app makes trading quick and simple so you can strike when the time is right. Dont get mad, get e trade and start trading today. Whether youre or here on a wifi hotspot. Xfinity mobile has more coverage to keep you connected to what matters most. Thats because its the only Wireless Network that automatically connects you to millions of secure wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. Switch now and see how you could save up to 400 a year. And get 50 off when you buy any new lg phone. Xfinity mobile. Click, call or visit a store today. Welcome back. It is the first friday of the month, that means that it is jobs report day and it is one today that exceeded wall streets expectations. The u. S. Department of labor announced employment rose by 128,000 jobs in october, but the employment rate ticked up a bit, went up to 3. 6 . The data here showing what we call nonfarm payroll employment. This is what weve seen for the last couple of years. Last months numbers show a significant decrease in the gains that we saw from august in 2019. Here is how the markets are reacting this hour. We have seen actually, they have been in the green all day, but an uptick in the last hour or so since there is news of possibly progress in the trade talks with china. So were up about exactly 1 right now on the dow. Joining this to talk about it is diane swann. How do you evaluate the job numbers . They are weak in comparison to sort of our average, monthly average, but higher than we thought we were going to get. They are a good solid number. We have to take into account the gm strike which shaved over 48,000 jobs off the top and plus spillover effects to suppliers. The decline in the Motor Vehicle sector showed other producers picking unemployment and maybe trying to grab market share there gm. But it was a much better than expected number, a solid numb. The bad news is that the composition of some of the gains, upward revisions to the last couple of months were in retail and food services. These are areas where we had seen slowing and are now showing strong gains in the month of october, over 40,000 new jobs in food services. But we also know over the summer, that consumers were trading off a bit moving from more expensive restaurants to less expensive restaurants and fast food restaurants which may be why were seeing the volume pick up. Were also seeing in that sector wages had been accelerating, wages are not accelerating as rapidly, they have actually diesecelerated in the sectors w the up ward revisions. So you would think at this low rate of unemployment we would see wages acceleratinaccelerati. And how about before and after the job market growth, we saw the president move forward with extraordinary corespondeta. So give us the before and after. Were now at job gains the last two months a little hotter in the last couple month, but there are so many special factors. And i certainly take objection to the administration putting up their own numbers sort of making it a bit out of thin air that this was over a 300,000 month. The president tweeted that this morning. That was inaccurate and poorly constructed. And it really sets a bad precedent. So i dont speak about these things very often, but i know economists in other countries that are jailed because they have actually set out the right data and the administration of those countries tried to put out false day take and everybody loses from it. And it sends up costing date ratings and all kinds of stuff. Loses from it. And it sends up costing date ratings and all kinds of stuff. So i have a strong opinion on that and that is a bad number to look at this. This was a good number, just take it for what it is at. And we were talking about china says it has reached a deal with the United States on what they call core trade concerns. We always look at whether there is a strong Market Reaction to that sort of thing just to see if anybody he knows more than we do and there wasnt. Because folks dont really know what to make of a comment like that. Where do you think we are in the trade war . You know, it is really hard to tell. Really much depends on whether or not the president uses his unilateral authority to raise tariffs again or not. And it is the uncertainuncertai. Do we decide that weve gotten far enough which i highly doubt given chinas unwillingness to deal with the intellectual problems, have we got then enough to back off. But the only enforcement mechanism is in fact tariffs and it loses that pressure that we had of the rest of the world that agrees with us. China cheats and we dont like how we want them to play wouldby our rules. So still a lot of uncertainty. What we need to see in Business Investment to see that really come back, you need to see that veil of uncertainty that has rules to it that we all know that we will be following the same rules when it comes to trade. Diane, thanks for joining us. Thank you for watching. And i will see you next week. And katy tur is up next to pick up our coverage. Thank you very much. Good afternoon. It is 11 00 a. M. Out west and 2 00 p. M. In washington where new polling shows if you are with him, youre with him and if you are not, you are not. It is day 39 of the impeachment inquiry. And democrats are preparing to take the investigation public. Nancy pelosi told bloomberg those hearings could start this month. But she cautioned there was no deadline to finish the investigation and any case to impeach has to be ironclad. Next week democrats have eight new witnesses on their calendar. And on monday, they will hear from National Security council lawyer John Eisenburg who allegedly moved the call from trump and vels tozelensky to a se

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