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Report than Just One Team won and one team didnt win. This started based on russia influencing the election. We dont know the full scope of that. It may be super early to talk super tuesday, but not if youre Kamala Harris or bernie sanders. Senator harris is hitting up dallas. One of the nations biggest historically black colleges. Ive been on the road seven weeks. Im in denver today. The crowds are getting larger and people are responding with great enthusiasm about what im saying. And that is a twoparty system is broken. The more people hear our message, the more they seem to be responding. This country, more divided than i have ever seen it in my lifetime, confronts a set of challenges absolutely unprecedented in our history. My attitude is i wouldnt mind. Id love to have biden. Id love to have bernie, id love to have beto. All right. It is friday and that might only mean one thing. Its mueller time. As we await special counsel Robert Muellers report, expected to come at any time now, President Trumps own attorney might be giving a clue about the investigation. Rudy giuliani telling nbc news they are not expecting any more indictments from the special counsel. He also said he met with the president for about 20 minutes yesterday and that mr. Trump is prepared for whenever the report comes out. President trump has left washington, though, and plans on spending the weekend at his estate in florida. But before leaving, he had some choice words for the Mueller Investigation in an interview with fox business. Trump again called the probe a hoax. Said there was no collusion, and proclaimed this never should have happened and it would not happen to another president. What happened to me, they came up with an excuse for losing an election. This should happen to another president because most president s wouldnt be able to take it. I know the politicians, i know the president , i know what were dealing with. Most people wouldnt be able to take it. Let me tell you something, maria. What happened to me should never happen to another president of the United States because i depend on this right here, mind, not other people. And what theyve done is a fraud. Its a fake. Its a witchhunt. It should never happen to another president. A lot to unpack there, but its not a different message from what the president has been saying. The difference is the president has been a. Mplifying that in recent days. This is a report from some guy out of the blue. We know that thats not true. Joining us now, nbc intelligence and National Security reporter ken dilanian and barbara mcquade, former uss attorney for the Eastern District of michigan and currently law professor at the university of michigan. Ken, lets go to you first. The actual Mueller Report for a second. No one knows what it is. Help us understand the other department of justice cases connected to the Mueller Investigation, because i think that the novice eye thinks its all in the report and then its over. Thats a great question, stephanie, because these things often get conflight conflated. He investigated whether there were links between the Trump Campaign and the russia interference. That investigation is going to live on regard lgs of what Robert Mueller does. It is an investigation into the Trump Inaugural Committee and some members of the Trump Organization. And Michael Cohen is kotbing in that investigation as is rick gates who hasnt been sentenced yet. There are other investigations we know less about. Theres been reporting that a fundraiser named elliott is in the crosshairs of federal prosecutors over allegations he sold access to foreign governments. Erik prince of famous black water frame caught up in that investigation. Some people think he lied to congress. Hasnt been charged. There are other investigations in these Court Documents yet undisclosed. Sources told me political corruption and Counter Intelligence investigations have been spun out of the mueller probe. Barbara, we do know, for instance, prosecutors in the Southern District of new york, which dont have the same constraints as the Mueller Investigation does, even though they work for the department of justice, we know they are investigating those hush money payments that were made to the two different women. They are looking at the finances, as ken said, of trumps inaugural committee. The former Southern District of new york u. S. Attorney Preet Bharara told Time Magazine that donald trump should worry more about s. D. N. Y. Than he should about mueller. What do you make of that . Well, i guess its hard to say which one poses the most risk. Whenever you look at risk, you have to look at likelihood and magnitude. Those are the two different variables. The magnitude of charges from Robert Mueller might be more severe. If President Trump, for example, did work with russia to attack the election, that would be of such a magnitude that many people would agree it is at least a consideration for impeachment. But i think while the magnitude of charges out of the Southern District of new york might be lesser, i think the likelihood of charges coming out of there may be greater when you look at the fact we already have documents filed naming him as individual one, someone who won the 2016 president ial election, i think any of us can infer that refers to President Trump. And Michael Cohen, when he made these Campaign Finance violations did so at the direction and in coordination with individual one, i think that suggests quite a built of activity that could pose risk for President Trump. We know that 18 1 2 pages of the search warrant documents that were unsealed the other day were redacted relating to the Illegal Campaign contribution scheme and the judge said the reason for that is because that remains a subject currently under investigation. So i think there is some likelihood that someone will be charged, whether thats President Trump, donald trump, jr. , or others involved in that remains to be seen. So, barbara, we are hearing of those redacted pages i dont understand this technically that we could learn more about that in the next 60 days. Do you know what thats about and why that would be the case . Well, information wants to be free. The rules presume that information will be free and it will be transparency. There are some exceptions to that. Things like grand jury materials, or matters currently under investigation, and so the judge had the prosecution submit to him a proposed redaction order which he then approved. And he said, im going to permit you to withhold and redact these 18 1 2 pages for now. Ultimately it has to be disclosed to the world, but because these matters remain under investigation and disclosure of this information would jeopardize the investigation into individuals you are still investigating, im going to keep it under seal. But im only giving you 60 days. That would be based on a representation by prosecutors thats how much time they need to complete that investigation. Now, they can always go back and ask for more time, but the fact this they asked for 60 days that suggests thats the deadline they believe they can beat. Ken, the hush money payment, it takes you Michael Cohen to President Trump. Theres a lot of other people involved including the investigation into trumps inaugural committee. What do we know about that . Well, stephanie, on the hush money payments Michael Cohen was billing the Trump Organization for legal fees. That was fraudulent. Its been acknowledged he was not doing legal work for that money. The people who approved those payments are in the crosshairs. One of them is Allen Weisselberg who was given a grant of limited immunity to testify about the hush money payments. We dont know if hes cooperating with prosecutors. The inaugural committee is an investigation into both how the money was spent and who contributed to this multimillion dollar inaugural that spent far more than others have for essentially the same level of parties and celebrations. Theres a lot of questions there. Less scrutiny on this investigation, perhaps, less reporting about it, but it could end up being very dangerous for donald trump and the people around him. Ken dilanian, barbara mcquade, thank you both very much for your analysis this morning. All right. Robert muellers report, this thing could be coming any second now. As soon as the news breaks, youre going to see it here first. But before we go to break, we have to talk about some breaking news that matters a lot to the two of us. I can tell you that, the dow. Take a look at the dow on this friday. Wow, down almost 350 points. Although up a little bit since youve been on tv, so thats positive. Heres thefor the first time in were seeing whats called an inverted yield curve. Dont change the channel. I an interesting thing. Let me explain to you what an inverted yield curve is. The one youre looking at in the blue is the normal yield curve. It shows you how much money you can expect to get back on your investments over time. A yield curve in a healthy economy, the blue one, looks like that. The idea is the longer you commit to invest, the higher the rate of interest or yield that youll earn. Frchl for example, if youre willing to invest 10,000 in two years, youll expect 2 . Three years more money, say 3 . Say youre holding your money five years, 5 . These are random numbers. The more youre willing to lock it up the more youre rewarded. Inverted means there are fears of going down. The less money theyll actually give you. Today in the market, the yield on threemonth u. S. Treasuries is now greater than the yield on ten year treasuries. Imagine that, you would get a higher Interest Rate for locking your money up for three years than you would for ten years. Anybody whos taken a loan or put money into a bank for a long time knows thats not how it works. And this is the First Time Since 2007 that this is happening. Yes. And that can give investors the idea that a recession could be on the horizon. Its always important to remember, markets go up, markets go down. But investors are always looking at things like this, signs, looking for the canary in the coal mine. Could this be it . Joining us now to discuss, our friend Bill Griffeth of cnbc. Bill, when ali and i look at this, this is a wow. Those of you who are focused on this all day long, how concerned are you . Well, i wondered if you wanted to talk about an inverted yield curve. If you wanted to go there. Boy, did you. We do, we do. Dont tell our bosses. The other thing that we watch are watching today very closely is the ten year bund in germany which is actually yielding minus numbers right now. Wow. Theyre paying you to borrow money to lend money to the german government. The problem there is that the German Economy appears to be going into recession. So what wall street today is doing is connecting the dots. We know chinas economy has slowed down. We know japans economy is starting to slow down. Now were seeing germany, the largest economy in europe, may be in recession right now. They just skirted it last quarter, but now they may be in recession. And all of that means our economy has to slow down. And what happened this week . The Federal Reserve just kanl out and said, well, we think we are not going to be raising Interest Rates the rest of the year. The implication being that our economy is not Strong Enough to withstand another increase in Interest Rates. So wall street today is looking at all of that and saying, were getting out of town right now. And i will say the other thing, the bond market saw this coming a long time ago. The yields have been going down for a while where stocks were going higher. Now stocks are playing catch up today. The important part, bill this is my lifelong problem with what is in the bottom corner of the screen right under you i have a problem, weight loss a man of my age is a problem. We have the issue of the scoreboard. Maybe 15 years ago, 20 years ago, that was a good proxy of the economy. When you are looking at investing, the smart money pays some attention to the stock market and some attention to the bond market. When it tries to guess at recessions the bond market is an important place for people to be looking. I would argue the smart money watches the bond market more than the stock market. Any more the stock market to some degree is controlled by the computers, algorithms when they see certain headlines. I would suggest maybe this morning when they saw this inverted yield curve that you were describing there, thats when the computers kicked in and started this sell off. We were down 450 points a little while ago. We are coming off those right now. So the smart money i think is watching the debt market, the credit market, the treasury market more than theyre watching stocks. When are we going to get more people to look stat that . As excited as everyone is, look, stocks are doing so well. If you look at the amount of debt corporations have on their books right now, its ghastly. Financing the bond market, stock market. I think the average investor will not be watching the bond market very any time soon because, lets face it, were not getting anything for our money when we put it in a Money Market Fund or cd of some kind of we get some income when we put it in a stock that is paying a dividend of some kind. Thats why its understandable why individual investors want to watch stocks more than they watch bonds. Your opportunities are greater in the stock market than they are in the bond market. Bill griffeth, thank you for your analysis. Dont doubt it. I enjoyed that inverted yield curve description. That was great, ali. Dont tell the bosses. Bill griffeth at cnbc. Just in case the ratings drop and you call me tomorrow remember bill loved it. There you go. I hope you guys did, too. While we wait for the Mueller Report to drop, potential russian interference into u. S. Elections, what about the threat of cyberattacks against regular people and organizations in this country . This is so important. You need to Pay Attention to this. Heres what we need to know. What is being done and what isnt being done to safeguard our data. Youre watching velshi ruhle. It matters. S. [beep] you should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. And you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. But youre not mad, because you have e trade which isnt complicated. Their tools make trading quicker and simpler. So you can take on the markets with confidence. Dont get mad. Get e trade and start trading today. Now im wondering if yourool i loves still strong. Tayed too long. Ooo baby, here i am, signed, sealed, delivered, im yours applebees 3 course meal now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Welcome back to velshi ruhle. As washington waits for the special counsel to submit his report were following reaction from the president s team. Nbcs White House Correspondent Kristen Welker spoke with Rudy Giuliani. There is a lot of buzz this morning. Is he saying much today . Well, esshe is essentially saying this waiting game is like waiting for a baby to be born. She said it was like royal baby watch. Rudy, thanks for watching. There is a lot of watching and waiting, there is no doubt about that. And we know that, of course, President Trump has left. Hes in florida right now. So any developments that would happen, he would be monitoring from florida with his team there traveling with the press secretary, sarah sanders. I can tell you white house officials are here. They are also playing the waiting game, wondering if, in fact, it is going to happen imminently. In terms of my conversation with Rudy Giuliani, i think the big take away there is that he says his team is not expecting any more indictments. Of course, he cant know that. He doesnt know specifically whats in the report. He hasnt seen any of the report, for example. But that is their expectation. Thats their anticipation. They have been preparing a series of responses. They have also prepared a counter report should they need it, but they havent determined yet whether or not they are actually going to release it. Giuliani telling me he met with the president for about 20 minutes yesterday. His approach to all of this is whenever mueller releases it, he releases it. So pretty resigned about the fact that its going to happen and this waiting game does continue. President trump, though, fiery today before departing for florida. And taking new aim at the special counsel and really giving everyone, i think, a preview of things to come out on the campaign trail. Whatever is in this report, you can bet he is going to use it to try to energize his supporters, guys. Kristen, thank you very much. Kristen welker at the house. As we await the Mueller Report expected to come at any point, the Washington Post makes an important point. The Mueller Report wont fix the problem underlying it all. David ignatius writes this. The United States will still be left with the underlying problem that triggered the probe in the first place, the threat of malicious Cyber Attacks against political parties, corporations and anybody who uses the internet. This is important because there are far more Cyber Attacks on election systems and other Government Agencies happening in every single state in america. Its massive. We talk about it all the time. Washington post foreign columnist and associate editor David Ignatius joins us now along with malcolm nantz, director of terrorist asymmetrics. You write there is better election system security. What, in your opinion, is the biggest problem facing the United States right now as it relates to interference in our elections . The Elections Security is better, but its not ideal. There are many systems that are still vulnerable. I think what worries me the most is that even as our government, through Cyber Command, through other agencies of the government, have sought to protect critical infrastructure, to do more to secure elections systems, pretty much everybody else remains wide open to foreign attack. Corporations, big hedge funds, law firms with very sensitive data. Government really cant do much to protect them, and i think that should worry people. Remember, we began this whole story with evidence of conscious, deliberate, massive russian interference in our elections system. And it could go much wider than that. Malcolm, weigh in here for us. We know how serious this is, but havent which had an issue since the election because the president takes it so personally, in insult to him that there would have been interference that he doesnt want to put proper resources and effort behind it . Because we hear over and over and the president is still unwilling to stand with his own intelligence agencies on this front. Youre absolutely right. And he, in fact, has taken steps to disarm organizations like the state department and department of Homeland Security from Cyber Security defenses. He does not believe in any of this, but that doesnt mean that the principal intelligence agencies of the United States have not been taking active measures to carry out defensive operation so that it doesnt happen. But thats the United States government. When i wrote my book plot to hack america two years ago, i had proposed a joint Public Private partnership to strengthen all aspects of the United States private security. So that the department of Homeland Security and the National Security agency could give them the tools that they have. That has not happened because the government no longer believes in that, so what we have is we have a government thats strengthened, states that have taken good measures, but as david wrote in his great article, there are now sigh ber mercenaries carrying out acts for private states or foreign entities and it is up to these companies to have to carry out their own offensive operations in order to blunt any attack. That is the wrong way to go about it, which means youre only as good as your own personal defense. Right. But that doesnt mean they cant go to your moms email and get every access to yours. Thats why i stopped emailing my mom months ago. My mom doesnt use email. You wrote u. S. Cyber command, any companies talking to malcolms private Public Partnership idea, are hacking back as an offensive against the russians. But you dont actually think thats the best way to fight this problem. So, i think Cyber Command hacking back, which they did before the 2018 midterms, essentially shutting down briefly the Computer Systems that had been used to hack in 2016, i think thats good. Thats a good deterrent. The question is how to protect private companies with the sensitive data. Malcolm talks about Public Private partnerships. I think there is something to that idea. In my column, i go back in American History to when the u. S. Navy was too weak to defend american ships at sea, to fight off foreign attacks so they, in effect, gave letters of permission, letters of mark, they were called, to private sea captains who could go on the offensive against pirates, against foreign adversaries, so expanding the american force. Something like that, oddly enough, back to the 18th century, Something Like that might work in cyberspace. Thanks for the discussion. David ignatius and malcolm nantz. It is so important. Cyber security matters. All right, we are also following news that two american soldiers have been killed in after cann began. Stay with us. Were going to look into these reports next. No one should lose their life, especially not someone who is there defending our country. Youre watching velshi ruhle. So, youre open all day, thats what 24 7 means, sugar. Kind of like how you get 24 7 access to licensed agents with geico. Hmm . Yeah, you just go online, or give them a call anytime. You dont say. Yep. Now what will it take to get 24 7 access to that lemon meringue pie . Pie pies coming thats what it takes, baby. Geico®. Great service from licensed agents, 24 7. [woman] with sharks duo clean, i dont just clean, i deep clean carpets and floors, so i got this. Yep, this too, and this, please. Even long hair and pet hair are no problem, but the one thing i wont have to clean is this because the sharks selfcleaning brush roll removes the hair wrap while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans now cleans itself. Youre watching velshi ruhle. Two Service Members were killed during an operation in afghanistan earlier today. That is according to nato forces. The names branches and other names including next of kin were not notified. Todays deaths, 2,280 american personnel have been killed in afghanistan as america approaches its 18th year. This morning the Treasury Department announced new sanctions on iranian entities and individuals. The Department Says these new sanctions are on those who, quote, played a central role in the iranians regimes past weapons effort. President trump announced in may of 2018 the u. S. Would no longer certify irans compliance with the Iran Nuclear Deal effectively withdrawing from the agreement. That is despite reports from the Atomic Energy agency including one issued last month confirming iran remains in compliance with international agreement. Joining us now, Nbc News Tehran Bureau chief ali live in beruit. They cite the Previous Nuclear weapons efforts. Why are these individuals being sanctioned now . Hi, ali. Well, i dont think its all part of the Trump Administrations unrelenting Pressure Campaign on iran. Regardless of what iran may or may not have done, they are coming after iran and they want to put as much pressure on them as possible. I also dont think the timing is coincidental. While secretary pompeo is here in beruit where i am, he has been hitting iran and hezbollah hard. He just gave a press conference here a couple of hours ago and he was unrelenting on his pressure and his words on iran. It also, by sanctioning these individuals and entities, it allows the Trump Administration to say, look, were not putting pressure on the iranian people. These are sanctions on entities, individuals that are involved in the defense ministry, on the nuclear program, but that would be a misrepresentation as well because these sanctions are not going to affect these individuals. Its unlikely that they have any assets in the United States. I dont think theyre planning on taking a trip to vegas any time soon, but when you do put these sort of sanction on iran or any other sort of sanctions, the local currency takes a nose dive. And when that happens, prices in iran go through the roof on everyday sort of products and that does affect ordinary people. That starts to put pressure insofar as pressure from the public is meaningful to the iranian government. If thats a question it does put that pressure on. Thanks, ali arouzi for us in beruit. Trying to put sanction on iran until the United States got involved in knocked them off the Swiss Banking system it didnt have that meaning because iran, unlike north korea, is not a her met kingdom. They live in other parts of the world part time. Thats why sanctions are a big deal. When you choke them economically it has an impact. We are awaiting the release of the department of justice report on the russia investigation. Stay with us. When we come back weesh going to speak live to tennessees democratic congressman steve cone about how this report could influence his next steps on the House Judiciary Committee. You know what youre watching. This is velshi ruhle. Duncan just protected his family with a 500,000 Life Insurance policy. How much do you think it cost him . 100 a month . 75 . 50 . Actually, duncan got his 500,000 for under 28 a month. Less than a dollar a day. His secret . Selectquote. In just minutes, a selectquote agent will comparison shop nearly a dozen highlyrated Life Insurance companies, and give you a choice of your five best rates. Duncans wife cassie got a 750,000 policy for under 23 a month. Give your family the security it needs at a price you can afford. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Welcome back to velshi ruhle. The president s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, he channelled some velshi ruhle telling the Washington Post, its like waiting for a baby. You said it before Rudy Giuliani said it. I will say that. Copyright that. He was talking of course of the highly anticipated Mueller Report. And how waiting for it is like waiting for a baby. Much like waiting for a baby. Once that baby is born, then the work begins. Even after the report, heres what she means. Even after the report is submitted to attorney general bill barr, the president , by the way, still going to face investigation because the House Judiciary Committee has document requests out for 81 individuals and organizations linked to the president with russia. That is one of three, four different investigations going on. So much like a newborn baby, messy, messy, messy. Joining us congressman steve cone, a democrat represent being southwestern tennessee. Congressman, welcome. You sit on the judiciary committee, so walk us through what the next steps are going to be like for you and other members of the committee, even post report, because we want to stress this, because so many people think this report will come out and everything will be done. Well, first of all, southwestern tennessee is really memphis. We are memphis. Secondly, what well be doing is well have investigations and oversight, which has been missing from congress, one of our primary responsibilities during the two years when the republicans were acolytes to trump. In every way possible trying to discredit Robert Muellers investigation. One of the greatest individuals our country has ever known. We will have hearings on emoluments clauses, well have hearings on pardon powers, well have hearings on possibly obstruction of justice and other issues. Whatever the Mueller Report gives us is great. What it doesnt give us well seek. If we dont get it from seeking it and or having mueller testify before our committee, we will try to find it through our own investigations because thats what we were elected to do. Our charge is not limited to russian interference and collusion, conspiracy with trump. Its to look out for the violation of laws and how the emoluments clause is a serious violation. Youre supposed to come to government if youre getting money from foreign poet entates. The trump team, trump family, trump inlaws did not dispose of their business assets and continue to run their business entities. Kushner is looking for money to save 666, an appropriate number, on 5th avenue and other kushner properties. Trump is accepting, whether hes seeking, people in his hotel in washington and trump towers in new york. As a lawyer as well, let me ask you why this is maybe not registering with someone some people and why this is so important, that you have two different entities. You have donald trump and his soninlaw who do business together and they do business separately and they are both people who have been, for years, trying to raise money. Its kind of what Property Developers do, endlessly. And they both have been negotiating with people who they continue to have dealings with after donald trump had taken office, bringing people into the white house, messaging with people, hanging out with people, and taking meetings that seem to be about their personal enrichment and not dealing with their conflicts of interest. When Jared Kushner was in saudi arabia visiting m. B. S. , his brother, who is his coinvestment partner, happened to be in saudi arabia. Well, firstly, most people, developers do try to get money, but they normally get it from american banks and Financial Companies because they havent had such a bad track record to where they cannot do business in america. The trumps and the kushners have had such a bad track record, particularly trump, that they had to go to deutsche bank. And whatever schemes they had to launder money possibly from russian oligarchs and or the middle east. And if we had emoluments clause, the reason for it is twofold. Number one, to protect the American Public, but to give congress the notice of what the conflicts can be and we wouldnt worry about kushner using some type of app to communicate with people. Its partially a security risk, but its partially him getting around people of having notice who hes communicating in what way. We dont know what hes doing with saudi arabia. We dont know what the circumstances are in iran. Is the pressure were putting on iran to protect america . Is it to benefit trump and netanyahu and their political journeys together . They are both involved in questionable activities and that could be in courts. Netanyahu as well, and help him politically. Or is it because of their Financial Investments . We dont know. And its kind of like the russian eggs where you take off layers and layers and layers, you get deeper and deeper, we dont know where they are. The American Public needs to know. Its transparency should be the rule. Congressman, with these document requests youve asked for, youve gotten some back, what happens noekt . So next . Some say they havent provided them. There are tens of thousands of pages is what weve heard. What happens next . I think mr. Nadler has made clear some of the people said theyd be happy to provide them but they wanted to do it after a subpoena was issued just to kind of i dont know if its political cover or what kind of cover they needed. And others might need a subpoena to get them to respond. And i suspect that at some time or another those subpoenas will be sought and theyll be issued. On thursday, former fbi director jim comey wrote an oped in the new york times. He said this. I hope that mr. Trump is not impeached and removed from office before the end of his first term. He goes on to say, a significant portion of this country would see this as a coup and it would drive those people farther from the Common Center of american life. More deeply fracturing our country. If impeachment is warranted, how are you going to get republicans on board for this . Its going to be very difficult because trump has done a marvelous job, the media has allowed him to do it by putting him on constantly, his speeches and putting out his roy cohn like diatribes saying the investigation is a hoax and a witchhunt, et cetera. Most you see 50 of the public buys this now. They believe him more than mueller. That is absurd. It is astonishing to me hes been as successful. But hes been successful in Brain Washing the American Public. The American Public that he has done that to are the base of the Republican Party and for the republican senators, thats their hard core. They dont want to alienate. And so i think its going to be near impossible to get republicans in the senate on board to convict this man, even if he found the smoking gun, the tape recording that was nixon, i dont think it will happen. What weve got is you say giuliani said it was like awaiting the birth of a baby. It reminds me the birth of rosemarys baby. Wow. Okay. Let me ask you about a character we havent heard as much about how about rosemarys baby. That is a character we never hear about. Your committee is going to be talking to Michael Cohen associate felix sater in a closed session next week. How much can you tell us what youre going to get out of that . Im going to participate in the hearing. Ill be asking him some questions. But at the present time, im not aware of where mr. Nadler wants to go with that. He was involved in the Trump Campaign. He was also involved in the trump moscow tower planning. Yeah. Hes a character that could lead to more information about when trump was involved in trying to negotiate financing, what his offer to putin might have been, what the purpose of that was. And how long it went on. Congressman, good to see you. Thank you as always. Congressman steve cohen of tennessee. Youre welcome. Nice to be with yall. I like that. One scariest movie ever seen, that and gremlin the scariest ive seen. I dont like scary movies. Up next. Go ahead. You do it. You do. No, you. President trumps epa administrator is down playing Climate Change. Cant even laugh about that. It isnt an urgent threat to our environment. It is. C Climate Change is real and it is a wildly pressing threat. Well break down the ways the world is changing right now before our eyes because of human induced Climate Change. You know why kids care so much about Climate Change . It is their future. Theyre going to live in it. It is their future. Wake up, epa. Youre watching velshi ruhle. So in this commercial we see two travelers at a comfort inn with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. If your adventure keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips you may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. Ask your doctor about myrbetriq® mirabegron . It treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. Its the first and only oab treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions like swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or trouble breathing. If experienced, stop taking and tell your doctor right away. Myrbetriq may interact with other medicines. Tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. Common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold or flu symptoms, sinus irritation, dry mouth, urinary tract infection, bladder inflammation, back or joint pain, constipation, dizziness, and headache. Need some help managing your oab symptoms along the way . Ask your doctor if myrbetriq is right for you, and visit myrbetriq. Com to learn more. [zara larsson wow] make youre jaw drop drop say oh my drop drop drop make u say oh my god my drop drop make youre jaw drop make u say oh my god welcome back to velshi ruhle, the Trump Administration managed to down play the impact of Climate Change again. The new epa administrator insisted the effects of manmade Global Warming are not here yet. When you hear democrats running for nomination of 2020, what a catastrophic situation. Is there anything unreasonable about those impressions or rhetoric . Yes, i think it is unreasonable. On the Climate Change it is an important issue but we have to address it. We are addressing it. Most of the stress are 15 to 75 years out. Climate change is here, happening right now like the historic record breaking flooding that ripped through the midwest. You know when what happens . This week. Those combined with unusually high snow melt. Climate change shown in africa as well on a continent dealing with the devastating effect of the heat crisis. Three nations there faced a devastating cyclone last week bringing 120 Miles Per Hour winds, lasting rains and floodings and landslide. Nasa reports that the glaciers contributed to 4 of the worlds Climate Change. That cavity is ready for th this twothirds the side of manhattan. A new study published last week found oceans have taken more than 100 billion tons of co2. Oceans are soaking up carbon four times faster. Now, not 75 years from now. If the ocean slow their carbon in take, thatll leave Carbon Dioxide in the air which only speeds up Global Warming. Lets not forget another report. The 2018 was the fourth warmest year ever recorded on planet earth according to the national oceanic. The same year. Four catastrophic events in the United States alone. This added up to a total of 1 billion in damages. Lets talk about the economic effects of those effects including Hurricane Florence and michael and the devastated wildfires that took place out west. Joinings us now, gina mccarthy, thank you for being with us. It is sort of beyond frustrating that an epa administrator says issues 75 years out. He says Drinking Water is undoubtingly a major threat and a bigger threat on Climate Change. How do you interpret what he says . Wow. Ali and stephanie, thank you for having me on. First thing i am going to say is i was dumbfounded by his remark. I know this administration tends to be unin cucumbered by facts. This is the epa administrator. First they tried to deny Climate Science and deny Climate Change was happening and now they know people care about this issue. People want action on this. Now they act like theyre blind and all these things happening around them threatening our lives and Public Health that are destroying communities, and farmland that are killing and impacting millions of people across the world and they dont see it . They dont see it happening now . They have to start getting with the program and understanding that people in this country, we are worried and we are nervous and we know there are solutions that can prevent the worse catastrophic consequence Climate Change. We only have a little bit of time to take advantage of that. Is he talking to his own scientist . Does he read any of the reports from the ipcc, the International Panel on Climate Change . Why is he not listening to is his own sciences or reading the newspaper . Seeing social media about the devastation in nebraska and south dakota, thats what this president s base. They have not had near lives threatened. Some people have died. We have lost farms that were there since the 1800s. Communities that have been destroyed. Whats a sense of community . Whats our sense of security and safety if they are acting if none of this is happening. Oh, it is happening. We mentioned at the top of the segment, extreme weather disaster like the cyclone that hits northern africa. We know Climate Change has disaster economic impact. They impact our ecosystem. In your mind, whats the biggest threat on that front . Oh, lord, Drinking Water could be one of the biggest threats. We have seen the wildfires in california and the floods and the droughts. What Everybody Needs to understand is there is a direct action between Drinking Water and Climate Change. Because floods contaminate Drinking Water, droughts take away our Drinking Water. So there is no way in which an epa administrator can decide on i am going to think about Drinking Water and decide that i am not going to do whats right by the American People and actually address Climate Change which was exacerbating our challenges with Drinking Water. Stephanie, do you remember back five or so years ago when toledo, ohio, was shutdown came from the algae blooms because of the water and the farms run off that was going in. We know there are challenges today and half of the algae blooms are everywhere. Lets face our fear together and recognize we have solutions. Lets do what the American People expects the United States government to do which is to stand up and be counted. It is time we stop acting like this. Come on, lets do better than that. Lets get moving and get together and get some bipartisan ship here. There is zero reason. No way this should be a bipartisan issue. Gina mccarthy, thank you for all you do. Lets turn out to 2020, the election is nearly 600 days out. Democrat candidates are already making their rounds trying to make their way into a very, very crowded field. This morning, i had a chance to speak with Howie Schultz whos considering to join the race as an independent. The president thinks we live in the greatest economy ever, both you and i know thats not the case. Thats a falsehood when the president constantly used the stock market as a proxy for the economy. 40 of the people dont have 400 in case of an emergency. We need comprehensive tax reforms which wealthy are paying more. We need to do everything we can to reimagine k through 12 education, we need to lower the premiums of healthcare since the Affordable Care act, there are two times and so these are complex problems that need to be solved that will not be solved under the current administration. A lot of people have said, if hes going to run, why does he not run as a democrat. If you are a far left candidate verses donald trump, well, there is a whole lot of space. Now you got governor hickenlooper and biden and beto orourke. Last night i spoke with Elizabeth Warren who has input on in coming equality. We have a bifurcated economy. You have a proposal as to how to deal with that. The wealthy . They bite topnotch child care and topnotch early education. Prek and play groups for two years old. If we did that wealth tax, we can go forward to provide high quality child care for every single child in america, zero to five and prek and Early Childhood education so all of them and still have 2 trillion left over. All right, so that was Elizabeth Warren whos trying to shes dropping policies every week trying to get other candidates to respond to her. Affordable child care, thats something a lot of people can get behind. It is one of the few times both sets of people set up the clock. There you go. I would love affordable child care. Looking into it right now for new york city is not affordable. Here is what it is, at least it exists. Go to places outside of urban centers and it does not exist. It procludes some women to go back to work and forces them to stayathome because the paychecks they would get does not equal for them to pay for babysitters. There are jobs that coincide with school schedules. My children are on a twoweek spring break. Y yo, stepho, you want two weeks here . How about it . We have family leave as well. It is not fair that the mom stay home for a certain period of time and the dad stays home for only two weeks

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