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Priority locations. One of my favorite quotes from dr. King was, now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. That is exactly what President Trump is calling on the congress to do. Could be up to as far as october, november. Our answers cover until the election. So any time during that period they could have talked about it. Just to clarify, talks of trump tower moscow went as late as october or november of 2016, even in a some form. Could be. Could be. Are you 100 confident that the president never once asked Michael Cohen to do anything but tell the truth to congress . 100 certain of that. Did President Trump or anyone on the trump team talk to Michael Cohen about his congressional testimony before he gave congressional testimony or after he gave congressional testimony . If he had any discussions with him, theyd be about the version of the events that Michael Cohen gave then we they all believe was true. I believed it was true. You just acknowledged that its possible that President Trump talked to Michael Cohen about his testimony. Which would be perfectly normal. On this dr. Martin luther king, jr. Day, dr. Kamala harris becomes the first africanamerican to enter the 2020 race. Harris is a freshman democratic from california. Before that she served as californias attorney general. She is also a former District Attorney for san francisco. Harris says she is running because she feels a sense of responsibility to stand up and fight. My entire career has been focused on keeping people safe. It is probably one of the things that motivates me more than anything else. And when i look at this moment in time, i know that the American People deserve to have somebody who is going to fight for them, who is going to see them, who will hear them, who will care about them, who will be concerned about their experience, and put them in front of selfinterest. Now, harris will speak and take questions later this hour at her Alma Mater Howard University in washington, d. C. Her Campaign Officially kicks off, though, next week in oakland, california, where she grew up. Now harris enters a democratic field thats quickly becoming crowded. Just last week new york senator Kristen Gillibrand announced her bid for the white house. Shes been in Congress Since 2006. A few days earlier, former hud secretary Julian Castro announced his decision to run. He also served as san antonios mayor. And congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made her announcement one day before castro. She was elected to the house back in 2012. She is also a combat veteran. Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren staked her claim on december 31st, before being elected to the senate in 2012. She was an advisor to president barack obama who helped launch the Consumer Protection bureau. Richard ojeda ran unis being sesfully in west virginia. He is a retired para trooper. There is former maryland congressman john delaney. He announced his president ial bid all the way back on july 28th of 2017. He was elected to the house in 2012 and as the founder of two companies, his estimated net worth is about 90 million. All right. Joining me now is nbc news political reporter ali batali and White House Correspondent yamiche alcindor. You are at the d. C. Event where the senator is expected to take some questions, talk more about her president ial bid. What are we expecting to hear from her this hour . Yeah, ayman, were here at Howard University waiting for Kamala Harris. She announced on gma and shell be here to take questions from the media. This has become the choreography for the higher caliber candidates in the race. You saw when Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand jumped in, they announced on kolbert or online. They took questions from the media. It is notable in all those scenarios theyve done so in places where theyre comfortable. For gillibrand it was a diner in troy, new york where her family has gone for years. For Kamala Harris its howard. A place shes talked about as transformative in her life, ayman. Yamiche, help us understand, the first africanamerican in the race, also cory booker. Also the announcement coming on Martin Luther king, jr. Day. I talk a lot to senator harris. Its not lost this is being announced on Martin Luther king day. Shes taking questions at a historically black university, her alma mater, seen as the black harvard. It is a prominent college, university. What shes doing here is trying to center her Campaign Around civil rights, around the idea of justice. When i interviewed her back in october for a one on one for about an hour, she told me that the Democratic Party needs someone who is going to be not afraid to speak truths and not afraid in some ways to push back against President Trump. So i think that what we are seeing is someone who is not just saying, i want to run for president , i want to also put my blackness and my ethnicity at the center of my campaign. So i think that thats notable here. So, ali, to that point, let me pickup what yamiche was saying. Civil rights was going to be one of her signature issues. I was a prosecutor. What can he expect her other issues to be . Well, ayman, you have to think about how she came on the scene here in d. C. She does have a spot on the Senate Judiciary committee. She captured the d. C. Psyche in her questions with hearings with several relevant Trump Administration officials. Back to the beginning of the administration, then attorney jeff sessions, Kamala Harris garnered attention for her back and forths with him. And the judge kavanaugh hearings, she was someone else kind of at the fore of the push back to justice kavanaugh, even before the allegations of Sexual Misconduct came to light. And so i think youre going to see her use that as kind of ammo to say, yeah, im here as someone who can push back against the Trump Administration agenda in addition to bringing my own thoughts and policy agenda to this 2020 field. And, yamiche, if youre surveying some of her vulnerabilities, you might think she is someone who might run into some problems with progressive voters because of her time as a prosecutor in california. Why would that be a sore issue for her, or something she would have to address . And what other vulnerabilities might she have as a candidate on policy issues or potential debates . I think the key issue that shes going to have to deal with is her time as a prosecutor in california. Theres already been some columns, high profile columns written about the idea people dont feel she was a progressive prosecutor. She was someone aggressively trying to put people in jail and not so much thinking about really educating the whole person. That is something shes going to have to run into. I should say that when i interviewed her back in october, she talked about her time as a prosecutor someone who prosecuted sex crimes and someone who understands the me too movement from a prosecutorial way of looking at things. I think shes also going to be looking at her time as a prosecutor to not just say i can fix the criminal justice system. I understand womens issues along with that. Yamiche, you brought up your interview with her. Does she think the Democratic Party or candidate needs in 2020 . I think what she really thinks people need is someone who is going what her party needs is someone who is going to be both blunt, someone who is going to go after President Trump in very plain language. But also someone who is going to be relatable. During our interview, one of the things i started my article with was her love for cardi b and the idea she loves listening to rap music, she likes listening to bob marlie. She is trying to explain to people, yes, shes a prosecutor, yes, shes a senator, but she is someone who is a stepmother and someone who has a family, who understands what people are going through across the country. All right. Ali, i want to get your thoughts on this quickly. As the democratic field becomes crowded, you have other 2020 contenders out there. They havent announced yet, but names have been floated. Cory booker, bernie sanders, even michael bloomberg. Do you think well hear from any of them soon . And is there kind of like an unofficial count down clock as to when everyone has to be in this race to have a good head start . Its a good point you make. I think the conventional thinking that ive been hearing in my conversations with strategists and donors is that the First Quarter seems to be when most campaigns feel they are going to make a decision by. All of these possible couldbe campaigns keep saying theyre looking at it until the end of the First Quarter because theyre going to need to figure out do they have the money to make it in the long haul. Money is a question when you have a crowded field like this. Youre going to need to be able to go the distance on the primary state map and continue to make your case even if you dont place first or second in iowa or new hampshire. You need to be able to make it to south carolina, california now has a higher place, an earlier place on the primary calendar. So youre going to need to really look at the money aspect and also by the end of the First Quarter youre going to see what the field looks like. Theres very few candidates, i think, that can afford to wait much longer than that. The only one who many people seem to agree could wait that long, although its not really clear if he would, would be former vicepresident joe biden. To that point you already have senator harriss campaign putting out she has raised money from all 50 states within the first couple of hours of announcing her campaign. Her announcement video has gotten more than a million views. Maybe that is an indication of early popularity. Ali vitali and yamiche alcindor, thank you very much. President trump has a new pitch. Well break down his deal for dreamers and what hes offering to get his billions for the border wall. But first today, we honor civil rights hero Martin Luther king, jr. President trump and mike pence visited the king memorial in washington, d. C. Earlier today. This was after pence evoked dr. Kings legacy to defend President Trumps border wall. One of my favorite coats from dr. King was, now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. You think of how he changed america and he inspired us to change through the legislative process, to become a more perfect union. Thats exactly what President Trump is calling on the congress to do. All right. As you can imagine, that didnt sit well. Civil rights activists immediately speaking out against pences comments. In fact, Martin Luther king, jr. Himself had something to say about walls. In 1964, he visited the berlin wall. Heres what he had to say about that experience. This is yourself First Experience at the wall. Yes, it is. This is my first glimpse of the wall. And do you find it depressing . Yes, i certainly do. It symbolizes the divisions of mankind. Have you ever seen anything so disastrous as this . Not really. Certainly there are the divisions that continue to exist, but when its symbolized with an actual wall, it becomes very depressing. But they can be welreally expensive. A puppy, so to save money i just found them a possum. Dad, i think hes dead. Probably just playin possum. There he is. Theres an easier way to save. Geico. 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They are going to bring an entrepreneurial spirit to making our world a better place. And the army taught me a lot about commitment. Which i apply to my life and my work. At comcast were commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. And if we are ever late, well give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. My name is antonio and im a technician at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. In an allout media blitz, Trump Administration officials have spent the last 48 hours selling the president s pitch for a deal to reopen the government. A deal democrats have flatly rejected. Heres what the deal demands. 5. 7 billion for border wall funding. That number has not changed from the president s initial ask. Though in exchange he is now offering three years of protection for socalled dreamers. That those are immigrants who were brought to the country illegally as children. The president is also offering three years of protection for refugees who fled certain regions, and are covered under a temporary protected status program. And hell sign off on an immediate end to the partial Government Shutdown which is now in day 31. This coming friday would mark another missed pay day. Excuse me. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called the offer a nonstarter. Democrats arguing it doesnt go far enough, and yet some conservatives say it goes too far, viewing those protections as amnesty. That leaves President Trump in the awkward position of defending himself on all sides. So yesterday he tweeted out, no, amnesty is not part of my offer. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal. Joining me now newly elected democratic congresswoman debbie from florida. Shes the first ecuadorian american in congress. Congresswoman, thank you very much for joining us. I want to begin actually with some of the president s own base and how they have been reacting to this. The head of the conservative d. C. Think tank, the heritage foundation, was uncharacteristically critical of the president s offer. In fact, they wrote, amnesty should not be part of any Border Security deal that proposed compromise is not the best way forward. President trump says it is not amnesty, as we showed in that twitter. Let me ask you first. How do you characterize what the president is offering in his deal on saturday . Well, ayman, thank you for having me this afternoon. I have to tell you that hes really not offering anything at this point. What he did is take away those protections from daca recipients. We had those in place. In the past two years there was a republicancontrolled house, Republicancontrolled Senate and he was unable to pass any sort of comprehensive Immigration Reform. He was unable to get any funding for this border wall. We are focused on opening this government. That has been my priority. I have been talking to people here in my community as an immigrant listening to their needs, but also all of our federal workers that right now are going without pay. So we cannot tie this issue, opening the government, to a very complex policy issue. We just cannot govern in that way. What i am asking the senate is for them to put bills forth that we have passed i have voted nine times, ayman, nine, to reopen the government on bipartisan bills that were passed unanimously in the senate. I dont understand why the senate is not bringing forth these bills. So, congresswoman, im curious to get your thoughts a little. Someone in the Democratic Party and some in the leadership have criticized the president saying this is not a genuine offer. Had he been genuine, he would not have made this offer on tv, but through negotiations that are kind of taking place if you will. Im curious to get your thoughts. Do the democrats run the risk of not returning to the negotiating table or countering the president s offer by simply just not responding to it other than saying, we wont accept this . Look, i have to i have to tell you, ayman, that weve been having a lot of conversations, the Democratic Caucus in the house. Our focus, like i said before, is to reopen the government. We cant negotiate with someone that has been changing his mind from one day to the next. He has controlled, you know, his seat in office, creating manufactured crisis after manufactured crisis. Hes not reliable. He changes his mind from one day to the next. And to tie dreamers to a conversation related to Border Security is truly insulting. Dreamers are americans like you and me. They have lived in this country most of their lives. They dont know any other country. They cant call any other country their home. So its insulting. We need to separate that conversation. And this is not about Border Security. What hes doing is playing political games, distracting from the fact that we were elected to deal with the issues that are facing the American People, which is to control Health Care Costs and expand access, to also deal with the crisis that affects us with Climate Change, especially down here in south florida. So id like to open the government. I would like for the senate to do what they were elected to do, which is to work for the American People, and open the government so we can really have conversations about Border Security, Immigration Reform in the next few months. Help us understand, help our viewers understand, where is the common ground, the middle ground that a normal person who does not necessarily follow the nuances of this, can say, here are where the democrats are willing to meet their counterparts halfway through, at least . Ayman, we passed by partisan bills. These bills that we opened that we passed on january 3rd when we were sworn in were the republican bills that were passed unanimously by the senate. So what i would like for the American Public to understand is that we have done what we were elected to do. We are working for the American People. We need to put pressure on mitch mcconnell, Senate Majority leader on the senate. I have asked senator rubio, senator scott to do what they need to do, which is to put forth these bills, open the government so that we can actually have serious conversations about our Border Security. We all agree we were need strong Border Security. But at the same time these are issues that are going to take a long time to resolve. We cant just accept anything that comes from this president that does not make sense. And we also have a constitutional duty of oversight. We cant allocate 5 billion to a wall that makes no sense. We need to enforce other ports of entry. We need to hire Border Patrol agents. Thats where we need to invest our resources, not on a wall that is completely ineffective. Let me play you this video nbc news has obtained from u. S. Customs and Border Patrol. It was taken last week showing 84 migrants rushing off a large tour bus. You see the families from Central America crossing the border into arizona. And then theyre seen crawling under a fence or barrier of some kind. Im curious to get your thoughts. Does that video help or hurt the case that you and democrats make about a barrier, or does it help or hurt the president s case that you actually need a wall to prevent that from happening . Mean, exactly, what we need is more Border Patrol agents. I did see that video. It doesnt help. I think that we are focusing on a crisis that does not exist at the border. We have other issues that we need to deal with right here at home. We have a gun violence epidemic were not talking about. We have serious issues. Right now we have several states that have brought to the courts to take away the protections for People Living with preexisting conditions. Thats a crisis were facing right here at home. A wall is not going to prevent people from crossing the border. We saw another video of someone climbing, i think it was a c couple of days ago, this young man climbed a wall, 15, 20foot wall in a matter of minutes. So what we need is stronger Border Security where we can invest on technology, where we can hire more Border Patrol agents. And at the same time, what i want to say again is, we cant have these conversations while the government is not functioning. We need to reopen the government. We have put forth several bills. Its up to the senate to take those bills, put a vote instead of just answering to this president. They are working for the American People. Congresswoman, before i let you go, i just want to get your thoughts on one Important Development over the weekend. I know you were just appointed to the house judiciary committee. I wanted to ask you about statements made by President Trumps lawyer Rudy Giuliani. He is now suggesting that, in fact, the president s moscow tower deal was still in play up until the elections of 2016. From where you sit, from your vantage point, how significant of a development is that in your mind . Well, look, what were going to be doing is protecting the Mueller Investigation. We need to get details. I havent seen anything in front of me yet that i can comment on. But what i can tell you is that thats part of the reason why this president is getting very nervous and he is trying to distract the public from the real issue that he is being investigated at this moment. And we need to look at what the Mueller Investigation finds. And im anxious, just like most of us are, to finally get a final report to understand what really happened in 2016. All right. Florida congresswoman debbie powell, thank you so much. Appreciate your time. Thank you, ayman. On this day we honor Martin Luther king, jr. Senator cory booker gave a passionate speech where he urged americans not to become complacent in this democracy and recommit ourselves to kings dream. Now, yall know im like you. I sometimes get a little discouraged and frustrated. Im sometimes sitting at home and get caught up in what i call a state of sedentary agitation. You all know what im talking about when youre sitting there watching rachel. Yeah. As you get me all upset and you feel like somebody should do something about this. But you forget that i am somebody. That i have the power. We cannot be a people that grows complacent in this democracy. We need to know the power of those ten twoletter words. If it is to be, it is up to me. King talked about the arc of the moral universe bending towards justice. But it does not bend with inevitability. We must be the arc benders. We must remember that king called us to understand that change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability. It must be carried in on people who stand and carry the burden of justice. God of our weary years, god of our silent tears, who has brought us thus far on the way. Look around this room. Look around this area. We are all our ancestors wildest dreams. We are the physical manifestations of their struggle and their sacrifice. But i tell you right now, my brothers and sisters, we are still in a nation we are still in a nation where too many do not experience greatness of the dream. I used to book my hotel room on those travel sites but there was always a catch. Like somehow you wind up getting less. But now that i book at hilton. Com, and i get all these great perks. I got to select my room from the floor plan. Very nice. I know, im good at picking stuff. Free wifi. Laptop by the pool is a bold choice. And the price match guarantee. How do you know all of this . 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With wells fargos 3 down payment on a fixedrate loan and a simpler online application, getting into my dream home was easier than ever. Get your human to visit wellsfargo. Com woof. What would she do without me . Welcome back, everyone. Right now californias democratic senator Kamala Harris is speaking at her Alma Mater Howard University in washington, d. C. She announced shes running for president in 2020. Take a listen. What does your party need to do differently in 2020 to ensure they show up . Well, for all voters we have to reach out to folks. Weve got to go where they are, understand who they are. We have to listen as much as we talk. And that is certainly what i intend to do as a candidate for the president of the United States. It is my full intention to travel this country and to sit in living rooms and to listen to families and let them express their concerns and their needs, and understand that when we take on these positions it is about representing all of the people of the country. And we must understand that based on where they are, be it geographic region, be it gender or race or ethnicity, there may be a diversity of issues and concerns and we should be in tune to those issues and concerns. And fundamentally, we also should understand that the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us. And so i say that to say what i know to be true, which is when people wake up in the middle of the night, be it a mom in compton or a mom in kentucky, shes waking up having the same concerns about how shes going to be able to raise those babies, how shes going to be able to pay the rent at the end of the month, how shes going to be able to retire with dignity. Youre also indian american. Indeed. How do you describe yourself . Did you read my book . How do i describe myself . I describe myself as a proud american, thats how i describe myself. Senator, joe biden has said the test should be who is best able to defeat donald trump. Thats the test. Right. Why are you the best capable, the strongest democrat to defeat donald trump . Well, andrea, lets start with this. I love my country. I love my country. And i feel a sense of responsibility to stand up and fight for the best of who we are, and im prepared to fight and i know how to fight. And in particular, when were talking about fighting for the values that we hold sacred and dear, when it comes to talking about how we fight for the American People and have leadership in this country that is focused on the needs of the people instead of selfinterest, im prepared to fight that way. And i believe it will be a winning fight. Other democrats say they love their country. Why you better than they . I think the voters will decide ultimately, ultimately. Hi, senator. Hi, hi. What do you think your path to victory as and what do you think separates you from other progressives in the race . Ill start by saying i think that there are already and will continue to be great candidates who are entering this race. And i think the process will have much more integrity the more people who want to run and feel a sense of responsibility for our country jump in. So i think that this is a robust signal of who we are as a democracy and i think everyone should run who is thinking about running. In terms of a path, the path is going to be through all of the states that are the 50 states of the United States. The path is going to be about talking to people who are right now aware that this economy is not working for working people. Its going to be about talking with people about the fact that right now we have an administration that has waged a fullon assault on American Values and american ideals. It is going to be a speaking truth, especially when there has been so much that is contrary to truth. It is going to be about working to regain the trust of americans and understanding that they have a right to have a government and to have leaders in this country who see them and care about them and have some curiosity about their circumstance in life and their needs, be it for their family, their neighborhood, or their community, or their country. Chris. A number of democrats believe that the president has already committed impeachable offenses. The facts as you see them now, would you support impeachment, and what would you need to see if not to get behind it . So, you may know you do know that im on the Senate Intelligence committee so i cant talk about the facts that i know. But i will say this. My highest priority and what i believe should be the highest priority is at least for the United States congress, is that bob mueller be able to finish his investigation. There are already 33 indictments that he has returned. Clearly he is following the facts where they lead him. And there should be no interference with that process because the American Public has a right to know what actually went on. And then well make a decision. And certainly that decision will be made in the courts, but it is also possible that decision will be made by the United States congress in terms of what consequence should occur. All right. So you are watching senator Kamala Harris announcing her president ial campaign. She was taking questions from reporters there addressing issues as to why she would be the best candidate to take on President Trump, what the Democratic Party needs. Also addressing questions raised by the Mueller Investigation, whether or not President Trump should be impeached. We will continue to monitor that for you. If any other news comes out of it, we will certainly bring it to you within the hour. But we do now want to talk about another very important impact of the Government Shutdown. It is threatening a critical effort to understanding the effects of Climate Change, not only in the country but around the world. That mission is called operation ice bridge. It has been mapping and measuring ice changes at both the north and south poles for the past decade. Its goal, to help the world understand how ice impacts people around the world from weather events, droughts, floods and hurricanes. Msnbcs Jacob Soboroff visited the Arctic Circle in greern land last april to get a firsthand look at the mission. Jacob joins me live. So, this is a pretty critical mission. We had the president tweet about Climate Change over the weekend almost sarcastically and flippantly. This is now being affected by the Government Shutdown and is in real danger. Yeah. First of all, its almost as cold here today in new york city as it was when i was in green land. Just looking at that picture, those pictures bring back extraordinary memories for me because this mission that they are on is so nerdy and technical, critical to the future of life on earth because what theyve been doing over the course of the last decade is measuring polar ice, land ice and sea ice to see how it affects the Global Climate in places like here in new york city, all across america and all across the world. It is a seamless measurement over the course of a decade of the levels of these ice. So there was a satellite isat. The bridge part of this, ice bridge is an aircraft that i got to fly on at 1500 feet, 750 miles forth of the Arctic Circle that provides isat 1 and isat 2. It will bridge the gap, calibrate the data. It will be critical to life on earth this, data. The shutdown has put those in jeopardy. What happens if in fact the mission for that flight is delayed . How does that set back the Scientific Understanding of this operation . It is much less data than they would normally have. It becomes a waste of billions of dollars. The whole point of the project is to not have any gaps, continuity in the data, not have gaps in any of the data. I talked to an official, Science Magazine first reported this. I talked to someone at nasa sitting home literally a month trying to figure out answers whether or not these folks are going to go up, get the sacrifice great portions of their life they do every year, go to the north pole, down to the south pole in order to make this happen. They dont know the answer. I know you spend a lot of time with scientists. You follow this story closely. Not necessarily with giving out any names, but what is the sense you get from scientists when their commander in chief, their president who heads some of these Government Agencies makes the kinds of Climate Change denial tweets that we saw over the weekend . When i was up there, i tried to get them on the record about that you. They were very careful at that point not to sort of offend President Trump. But theyre pissed now. They really are. If you look at Science Magazine, the chief navigator up there with me when i flew on that flight, didnt sort of mince any words. This could be a huge problem to a scientific experiment that is billions of dollars in investment from the American People that now very well may go to waste. At least this years portion of it. It could have catastrophic impacts on the experiments themselves. Its one of the most important stories we cover at the network. I appreciate jacob putting a spotlight on it. Thanks, ayman. Next, a huge twist in the russia investigation. President trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani now saying trump talked about his moscow trump tower project as late as november of 2016. Were going to break down the shifting time line and why that detail is so crucial. But first Martin Luther king, jr. s daughter bernice king spoke earlier at the annual king holiday observance at the Ebenezer Baptist church in atlanta. She warned the United States is on the verge of digressing into two americas and becoming what she called, quote the disUnited States of america. When people, including children, are seeking a better life are tear gassed and tased, this is a humanitarian crises and we are in a state of emergency. When chilling displays of hate, discrimination, racism and indifference are lauded and when black lives are endangered by calls to police for trivial, noncriminal matters, then this is a humanitarian crises and we are in a state of emergency. When prejudice and bigotry are emboldened by harmful rhetoric and policy spoken and supported by heads of nations and xenophobia and islam phobia rear their hateful heads, this is a humanitarian crises and we are in a state of emergency. Rate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis get clearer. And stay clearer. 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During an interview with the New York Times, giuliani quoted trump as saying, quote, the trump tower moscow discussions why going on from the day i announced to the day i won. Well, previously former trump fixer Michael Cohen testified to congress that team trump had conversations about the tower project only up until about january of 2016. Now, it is very important because at that time trump was publicly denying having anything to do with russia. So lets take a quick look at President Trumps relationship with the russian president Vladimir Putin as laid out in recent reporting. Were going to start on july 7, 2017, in hamburg, germany, the g20 summit, the site of the first facetoface meeting between president s trump and putin. That morning you may recall the New York Times reached out to the white house for comment on a story about donald trump, jr. , and Senior Campaign officials meeting with russians during the campaign in trump tower here in new york. Remember this timing as we look at how events unfolded in germany because around this same time in hamburg, in the afternoon President Trump and his then secretary of state met with Vladimir Putin and the Russian Foreign minister for more than two hours. Now, after that meeting the president confiscated his interpreters notes, giving an order not to reveal what was discussed in that private meeting. That is information that we now know, thanks to the Washington Post and its reporting. Later that evening, the president sought out putin, meeting privately with him and the russian government interpreter without any other americans present. Video of the event shows that president gesturing towards putin during the dinner, you see it there, waving his hand in an apparent me and you motion, pumping his fist weve seen when the president does rallies or when hes on tarmacs with his supporters. The very next day aboard air force one, the president reportedly dictated his sons misleading response to the times reporting. Don junior said at the meeting they, quote, primarily discussed a program about the adoption of russian children. All right. Days later, the times obtained emails between trump junior and british publicist setting up the meeting that offered dirt on Hillary Clinton to which don junior said, if its what you say, i love it. More than a week later, the New York Times interviewed the president himself and was asked about the mystery meeting between trump and putin back in germany. The president said, quote, it was not a long conversation, but it was, you know, could be 15 minutes, just talked about things. Actually, it was very interesting, we talked about adoption. So the president then even tried to brush aside concern about that trump tower meeting saying, quote, i think most politicians i was just with a lot of people. They said, who wouldnt have take not a meeting like ha . Joining me now is jill winebanks, former federal prosecutor. Thanks for joining me. Lets talk about the significance of this. Does it matter that Rudy Giuliani, the president s own lawyer, is now once again moving the goal posts when it comes to how long the president and Michael Cohen were talking supposedly about this trump tower project meeting . Earlier on we were saying it was january of 2016. We are now talking about almost 11 months later. Well, lets look at the basic fact, which is that from the beginning, there have been lies. Both don junior and candidate trump, and then President Trump denied that there was any business in moscow. They had no business there. They didnt care about it. They didnt want to do it there. So they lied from the very beginning about having any business at all. Now the time line is longer, so the lie goes even longer. And the importance of it is, number one, it explains why he has treated putin in the way he has. He is greedy. He had a deal that would have been the biggest of his lifetime. And he wanted the money. And now we have to question when up until the election is it going on still now . Is he still working to try to monetize his presidency . We know he is, in terms of violating the emoluments clause, which means hes profiting from being the president. These are all very important facts. Let me ask you about another interesting fact that seems to have emerged over the weekend, thanks to Rudy Giuliani making another admission on the sunday shows, that trump may have actually talked to Michael Cohen about his congressional testimony. That in and of itself is pretty significant in the wake of the buzzfeed report that claims President Trump was a little bit more forceful in directing cohen to lie to congress about the moscow project. Listen to this. Hes pleading guilty to get a reduced sentence which means hes saying what the prosecutor wants him to say. You just acknowledged President Trump might have talked to him about his testimony. And so what if he talked to him about it. Is it not so what if he talked to him about it. Help us understand that. Giuliani says as far as he knows, trump depth tell him to lie about it, but it may have been okay to talk about it. The thing that jumps out at me, i think of when the Big Conversation he had with jim comey saying, i hope you can let the Michael Flynn thing go. Its not a direct order, but it can be interpreted as a directive of sorts. Yes, of course. The detail of the conversation matters. Thedetails matter and the intent of the speaker and how the person listening heard it. When it is the president of the United States, you hear things differently. No defense lawyer would tell or allow a client under investigation to talk to a principle witness against him. It sure does not pass to smell test. Given the history on President Trump and his pressure on witnesses, it looks like to be witness intimidation which is adding to another crime to the potential for indictment or impeachment. Well learn more as cohen goes to capitol hill. Gill, always a great pleasure to get your input. Thank you. Unpaid members of families as they prepare to miss another paycheck this week. You are watching msnbc live. And shakin me up so applebees all you can eat is back. Now with shrimp. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Thisyeah. Ice. Yeah, this is nice. Mmmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy . Oh, its a philadelphia family recipe. Can i see it . No. New philadelphia dips. So good, youll take all the credit. Some Coast Guard Service members defending every single day are lining up at food pantries and asking for help as the partial Government Shutdown is now in day 31. Unlike other branches of the military which remains funded. The coast guard falls under the department of Homeland Security and its members have not seen a paycheck since december 31st. 42,000 servicemen and women and some deployed overseas were told to make ends meat, they can have a garage sale or babysit or walk dogs. A tip that was public by one support program. The numbers in need will grow if the shutdown does not end. On february 1st, 55,000 coast guard retirees will begin missing pension checks. Coast guards have provided 2. 6 million in aid and more than 3,000 Service Members suffering without income. Carrie thomas is joining me right now. What kind of financial burden are these men and women facing right now . Thank you for having me. It is not easy for them. They are tired and angry and hurt. Some employees who are at home feeling guilty that the men and women that are on active duty filling in for them. It is taken a financial toll. It breaks my heart that men and women having to lie a bit, food pantry and diaper pantry around the country. We are doing everything we can do to help provide to the men and women of their time in need. I want to play you this clip, it was shared with a lot of folks out there. It is a video of coast guard members saying goodbye to loved ones as it deploy on an over sea mission yesterday, watch this. Well be working for u. S. , the United States and endo commander and well be executing National Security operations throughout the pacific. Certain time of the Government Shutdown, i know it is hard for these crews to be leaving their spouses and dependen dependence. Everyone is wondering when their next paycheck is going to be and how they can support their family that they leave behind. I am watching they canc can Service Members deployed overseas without a paycheck. Are you surprise there is more outrage of this when it comes the coast guards . There is an out pouring support for us, usaa provided gifts to help us. We are only doing what we can do in order to provide paycheck assistance to them. I have been one of those ship captains who is having to deploy. It is not easy leaving your family behind. It is difficult for them having to leave their family behind and not been paid. Help us understand this admiral, i know we have been talking about the efforts to help the post guard. This month already received more than 400,000 in help for the coast guards and its members. Help us understand where those donations are coming from and how that money is being used in programs . So that 400,000 has come from our online donations. We had a number of corporate dp donations including fed pen and other nonprofits going forward. Those donations being used from mutual assistant to help provide this payday relief. We have suspended all other programs which include education and support for families and adoption grants and special need grants. All those programs are currently on hold until this crisis gets a along. Let me get your thought on something, President Trump says despite the sacrifice, more federal workers support his decision to hold that for a border wall. I know you spoke to other retirees and Service Members, what are you hearing from the workers about this issue . The men of the coast guards are proud to stand to watch. Their mission is to help people in time of need and keep the environment safe and keep the ocean clean. Thats what they are doing. We are doing everything we can to focus on helping the men and women, it is happening all over the place at the local level. We have loosely foreign coalition of people that are helping advocacy work, financial donation as well. Kari thomas, thank you, i want to thank you for all the work you have been doing. Thank you, for watching velshi and ruhle, right now katy tur picks up on our coverage. On the day americans celebrating the life and legacy of dr. Martin luther king, some of the center built in honor of the icon is closed due to the Government Shutdown. The shutdown is now 31st day. Why the man behind the art of the deal has far been unable to strike one to end the shutdown, reporters phil rucker and josh docey pointed to President Trump

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