The political peril an extended shutdown would bring him. In about a week or so, defense secretary mattis will leave the building for the last time as defense secretary, and will be replaced, at least in the interim, by Patrick Shanahan. Mattis learned of his revised end date yesterday in a phone call from secretary of state mike pompeo, rather than from President Trump himself. I think the mattis resignation is a watershed moment for every republican in congress. Syria was the trigger, but this was jim mattis repudiating Donald Trumps entire world view. When the going gets tough, for whatever reason that no one can understand, suddenly a tweet comes out, the policy has changed. This is a dangerous time for the United States in foreign policy, because of this. The frantic search for survivors continues in indonesia after a tsunami hit without warning on saturday. The death toll rising again this morning. At least 373 people are feared dead, hundreds are injured. Its a race against the clock, because there is a worry about a potential second tsunami. This is now the second deadly tsunami to strike indonesia this year. 2,500 killed in september. Were going to stay on that story about the tsunami. But as 2018 comes to a close, the government reopening remains uncertain because President Trump is still fighting over his border wall. Democrats are offering 1. 3 billion. The president wants 5 billion. 1. 3 is the same amount offered last year, its not been spent. One side has to be willing to negotiate. Until that happens, 420,000 government workers are working without pay through the holidays. 380,000 are on unpaid leave. You know whose paychecks wont be affected . Members of congress. Because the 27th amendment States Congress cant stop itself from getting paid, and the salaries of those in the house or senate cant be altered until the start of a new term. This marks the third Government Shutdown this year alone. The last one was in february. It lasted nine hours. The first one was in january. It lasted 69 hours. The longest Government Shutdown was from january 199 december 1995 to january 1996. It lasted 21 days. The overall cost to this thing was estimated to be 1. 4 billion. How long this shutdown lasts remains to be seen. Joining me now is my guests. Garrett, lets start with you, because this is while its a congressional matter, its the White House Holding up things from getting done. Where do we stand . Thats right. We stand essentially in the same place we stood saturday afternoon. Both houses of congress is out. The president is largely talking to his supporters on twitter and talking to his secretary of Homeland Security later this afternoon, Kirstjen Nielsen will be coming to the white house for a closed door meeting here, no press, no cameras, and no democrats. This will be another meeting like the lunch meeting the president had with members of congress on saturday, where hes essentially talking to people who already feel the same way he does about this issue. More money for border security, the semantic discussion about what is a wall, what is a fence and where does it go . But theres no breakthrough in this negotiation. The magic number here will be somewhere between that 1. 3 billion or 1. 6 billion that democrats put on the table at different times over the last month. And the 5 billion that the white house originally asked for, which theyre not going to get after a senate vote friday. As we stand here monday, Christmas Eve, it looks like the government could remain partially shut down for at least the rest of this week. Mike, whats going on, on the hill . Everyone has gone home, right . Yeah, nobody is stirring, not even a mouse right here. Im haunted by the ghost of Christmas Present and past. This is not the first time weve been through this. To give you context, the congress did well this year compared to most years. They passed five of the 12 annual spending bills. Thats why this is a partial Government Shutdown. In the seven spending bills, theres 350 billion. Since you talked about it, one of the bills they did spend was the or pass was the one that approved the legislative branch. The senate gym is open today, and i saw former senator Jeff Sessions walking through the halls on his way to the gym. Its a stand still here. One of the reasons democrats feel so confident is we put up there 1. 3 billion was the democratic proposal. Thats not just the democratic proposal. Thats what passed the senate. It passed the senate by voice vote. It was so noncontroversial they didnt even bother to have a voice vote about it. So we can skascharacterize that the congressional proposal. Thats what paul ryan and Kevin Mccarthy went to talk to President Trump about, that friday after that meeting when the president pulled the rug out from under the plans of congress to pass that and get on with it. Thats what brought us to this point three days and counting into the shutdown, and it does appear like this is going to last at least until january 3rd when the new congress convenes and democrats take over the house. Thats the feeling now. Well see if it changes. Fundamentally, garrett, the nancy pelosi and paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell and schumer, they can call senators back and members of congress back on thursday, friday, they could be a vote this year. If the president wanted there to be, right . This is kind of more in the president s corner at the moment. When i talked to members yesterday before people were leaving up to, there was a sense of frustration that no one seems to know where the president stands on this issue. You have the house pass that 5 billion that went nowhere in the senate and you did have the senate pass a bill that would have kept the government functioning until february where they fought this out. Republicans had been led to believe by the Vice President that was a plan that the president was on board with. So until people know what the president is willing to support, theres not a lot congressional leaders can do. The president is whoa is me tweeting about this. He wrote, im all alone, poor me in the white house, waiting for democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed border security. At some point, the democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our country more than the border wall were all talking about. Crazy. Ali, you laid out the number, the longest shutdown in history cost 1. 6 billion. Democrats dont feel at this moment any pressure to come back and negotiate with the president on his terms. In part because of that Oval Office Meeting from almost a fuel week ago now which the president said he would own this. So members of congress are essentially free to enjoy their christmas until they get a better sense of what the president wants. That last tweet, this morning the president has been on a tear with his tweets. That one is interesting. Mike, kind of his all alone at congress except for people going to the gym. Well keep you company today. Garrett, michael, thank you. Steve mnuchin is working the phones over the weekend, holding calls with chiefs of the six biggest banks, looking to calm a roiling market. As you can see from todays stock market results, it didnt work. The stock market today closed for the day early for Christmas Eve, the dow down more than 650 points, almost 3 on the day. And we are seeing the same thing all across. Looking at a loss of more than 11 on the dow and the s p for the year. Well be right back. Hi. 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This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Okay. The markets just closed moments ago. Take a look at that. Almost 3 loss today. 3 in one day. Christmas day, this is what is going on in the markets. The dow lost more im sorry, Christmas Eve. Fortunately, there arent markets tomorrow to go down. The dow off more than 650 points, the s p 500 has been pushed to the cusp of a bear market, making this the worst Christmas Eve trading day ever amid growing worries among investors that treasury secretary mnuchin called the ceos of some of the largest banks in the u. S. To shore up confidence. But it remains unclear that mnuchin was unsuccessful. Joining me now is ron ensana. This is not the way Christmas Eve days typically go. Not ever. This is the worst performance in history. Most often theyre up in history. It takes a special kind of ineptitude to get the market to go down 650 points in less than half a trading day. Markets close at 4 00 on a regular trading day. The things that happened over the weekend, secretary mnuchin call the banks the president said he wanted to get rid of the fed chair, which is unorthodox. I dont know how you would do that. I guess mnuchin was reaching out to do something about that. My colleague was talking on cnbc earlier how they may have been calling the banks to see what would happen if they forced the fed chair out, what kind of Market Reaction would there be. This stuff, if its ever happened, and its happened before where president s have pushed federal chairs to lower Interest Rates to benefit reelection results. Thats not abnormal. As long as it doesnt come out. Hes tweeting about the fed schar. You dont threaten the independence of the chair. The best thing is an independent central bank that ensures the purchasing power of your currency. The fed has met its statutory goals. Maximum, sustainable, low unemployment. Nobody thought a lot of people didnt think that the last fed chair had to be replaced. But nobody had complaints about jerome powell. Hes doing very much the same janet yellen would have done. The president want an economy so strong he can brag about it, but not so strong the fed will raise rates. Weve been around this business long enough to see double digits, to see Interest Rates way up there. These are normal rates. These are still below normal. We both have the view that president s get too much credit and blame for the economy and stock market. But this president is unique. Listen to this. A lot of confidence in our economy right now, theres a great confidence level. Youve been seeing that in the stock market. The stock market i think is going to have a very big day based on the massive tax cuts that were very much in the process of getting approved. Its had an incredible impact on the stock market and the stock prices. Weve set 84 records since my election, record stock market prices meaning we hit new higs s 84 different times out of a oneyear period. The stock market has smashed one record after another, gaining 8 trillion or more in value in just this short period of time. He only seems to register stock market records in one direction. But first of ault, he tall, he t big days. There are big days and small days throughout market history. But he makes a real connection between confidence in the economy and the stock market. Thats true up to a point. Consumer confidence, household net worth, the value of ones 401 k do better when the market is going up. Right now we appear to be in the midst of a garden variety of a bear market, partly triggered by the fed normalizing rates, so you expect stock prices to come down. One of the other concerns is that if theyre panicking over a garden variety bear market, and the recession that hasnt even happened yet. We may slow down next year, but you dont call banks to see how theyre doing when theres nothing wrong with the banking system. This is not 2007 or 2008. This is a 20 pull back in stocks which weve seen in 2011, 2015. Weve had these corrections or bear markets before. They are not unusual. They register as blips. Lets take a look at the dow for the year. Its bad for your portfolio. Its more than 11 off for the year. But, again, the economy is otherwise strong. If you are an investor, the older you are, the more worrisome you are. If youre 30, 40, this doesnt mean a thing to you. If youre 50, 60, it means more. You should be paying attention to this stuff on a quarterly basis to make sure you readjust. Some stocks go up a lot. Its called rebalancing your portfolio so youre not overexposed. Except most of the blowout was in one quarter. In september, the market was looking great. Weve seen other quarters like this. That doesnt mean we havent had other months worse than this. So these things happen. It is a rough market to say the least. Yeah. And it may be portending weaker growth going forward. There are a lot of things happening, Slower Growth in china. Some of the administrations policies are at cross purposes with one another. And some of the credit markets are shaky. We need to watch that stuff. But this is not a time for panic. Quite frankly, on cnbc today, theyre doing bargain hunting for stocks. Its got a different feel to it. You sort of sense it when youre in it, that this feels different. It feels a little different. This is a low volume day, so moves get exaggerated. Still, you shouldnt see a 650 point loss on Christmas Eve, other than the president and the secretary making phone calls. And saying things publicly they shouldnt. Defense secretary james mattis surprise resignation wasnt set to go into effect until february, but a president ial tweet brought his service to an end after the new year. And now President Trump has agreed to meet with president erdogan from turkey next year. Youre watching msnbc. Y next ye. Youre watching msnbc. Maria ramirez . Hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. Is time you make for yourself. Aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion improves skin hydration in just 1 day. And for twice the moisture, try the body wash, too. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® on your wild west vacation. Guarantee youll find gold but we can guarantee the best price on that thar rental cabin or any hotel, home, boat, yurt, whatever. Just dont get carried away with the wild west thing. Hey guys. Get the best price on homes, hotels and so much more. Booking. Com, booking. Yeah served in a nomess bag, my new deli trio and turkey, bacon, and cheddar pannidos are almost too easy to eat on the go. So pannido eat one while you are in a car, but pannidont, while you are on a car. Order a pannido with doordash today. Only at jack in the box. Introdeli trio and turkey, bacon, and cheddar pannidos, both on toasted ciabatta bread. Served in a nomess bag, theyre the ultimate on the go subs. So pannido eat one while you are tackling errands. But pannidont. Huh . [buzzer]. While youre getting tackled by a guy named aaron. Order a pannido with doordash today. As we start the new year with the government funding in flux, so too is the president s defense department. And who is going to actually lead the largest Government Agency . Days of televised praise for mattis bravery caught up with him on sunday. The president pushed up the departure of the fourstar marine general two months earlier than mattis planned. Abruptly tweeting, Patrick Shanahan will assume the title of acting defense secretary starting january 1st, 2019. That gives shanahan a oneweek transition before mattis steps down from his post. Mattis had decided to stay so that there would be a smooth tran transition, which is what you want in the department of defense. Lets talk about who he is. Shanahan joined boeing in 1986. Thats the second largest defense contractor behind lockheed martin. He was an engineer. He led all u. S. Army aviation contracts. Shanahan has had no previous background in policy or legislative affairs. The wall street journal points out that hes the First Defense secretary in memory to enter the pentagon without government experience. During his Senate Confirmation hearing, he faced questioning from john mccain who had concerns about a defense contractor leading defense procurement. He said, i have to have confidence that the fox is not going to be put back into the hen house. Nevertheless, shanahan was confirmed 927 and served as Mattis Deputy since july of 2017. With me now to discuss this more are my guests. Thanks to all three of you. Kevin, what is the skinny about shanahan . Weve heard a lot about him in the next 24 hours. He came in to be the deputy secretary of defense. Its like the chief operating officer of the pentagon. Hes supposed to be in charge of the building. He signs personnel forms, often in charge of the weapons portfolio, the business side of the house, if you will. So frequently, hes supposed to pair off with whoever is the sec secdef. Ash carter had been the deputy secretary and people thought they have the same fears, hes from the industry, an engineer, not somebody that was going to be in policy. But ash carter made a real point while he was the number two to go to afghanistan, around the world, to build up that portfolio that helped make the case to get that job. Patrick shanahan hasnt done that. I dont think hes been down range to talk to the troops yet. So we dont know what were going to get yet. Well see. And we dont know how long hell keep the job. Malcolm nance, the moralee of the troops is point in this day when we discuss we should be places we continue to have troops deploying to places the president says we have no reason to be there. That has to be hard for troops. Mattis war a morale booster for him. He was a general, a war fighter, very experienced, and he went to the pentagon to bring to the pentagon policies which would help the troops which were in uniform. That plays all the way down the chain of command. That being said, the secretary of defense position is a civilian position. The armed forces will follow whatever orders that come out of there. But if you bring a guy from boeing who comes from the industry, then what you have is a living embodiment of the military industrial complex. He in trumps administration, he will most likely be more interested in the pro curement processes of the big ticket items and youll hear foul croixed by other people because he comes from boeing. Whether hes just a caretaker or has foresight about the policies in syria or afghanistan, or hes going to be the president s lap dog will become apparent quickly. But the troops will follow whatever orders unless theyre stupid. Whats your sense of Patrick Shanahan . Listen, its not to say he doesnt bring some value to the department when he was originally chosen as deputy. Its not really about that, though. As an acting defense secretary, this is a position that genuinely requires military back ground. Senator mccain said as much repeatedly. And the reason for that is that the chief the commander in chief doesnt always have military background. That is not a prerequisite to be president of the United States, and you do need a cabinet with a different range of experience to bring that to bear. And so theres that element. I dont know as acting how effective he can be any way. I dont think he can reassure allies. And during a Government Shutdown, hes not going to be as effective. What is interesting, malcolm, and i want to put up a couple of tweets from the president , mattis represented a world view that america has generally held for about 80 years or so. Liberal and conservative. To those few senators who think i dont like being allied with other countries, they are wrong, i do. What i dont like is when many of these same countries take advantage of their friendship with the United States, both in military protection and trade. We are substantially subsidizing the militaries of countries all over the world, while at the same time they take advantage of the United States. Its a common phrase the president uses. And our taxpayers on trade. General mattis did not see this as a problem, i do. And its being fixed. I feel like maybe the president misread mattis well crafted Resignation Letter which he was giving the president a lesson on alliances, allies, and adversaries. It was a master class, reduced down to the size of 1 1 2 pages on what the United States stands for, where we are positioned in the world, how we should be working with our allies. Donald trump believes none of that. I just wrote a whole book about it, my book about destroying democracy. He sides with the global autocracy view of the world that nato should be broken up. The Atlantic Alliance should be reduced to individual trades, and you have to remember, when he went to the nato summit earlier this year, he thought nato was a trading bloc. And the secretarygeneral of nato had to explain that no, it was a military alliance. They are not taking advantage of us. He, i believe, President Trump, really sees countries like saudi arabia, which gives us lots of money for defense and weapons, thats the way he wants to do it. He doesnt understand that there is value in collective defense. One thing we should probably mention here is that turkey is a member of that trading or military alliance, nato. One thing mattis said is our nato allies came to americas defense. He was trying to sort of emphasize to the president how important that is. But turkey has had a role in some of these decisions over the last few days. Absolutely. So first of all, turkey, the russians and iranians met two days before President Trump made the announcement to withdraw from syria. All of whom have interests in syria. And theyre all fighting for some kind of measured control over the territory. All three would like america out of syria. Absolutely. Theyve already kicked out efforts by the United Nations to troy and form a constitution and to push individuals who could help with the he forms in syria. This is a group of countries actively trying to take control and exert influence over the region. So turkey has an interest because of the kurdish militia. If the u. S. Gets out, the kurds turkey can it seems that erdogan said he would take care of them. Exactly. It would be nice to know what he meant by take care of them. Because hes conducted air strikes against them in the past. They lost thousands of individuals in that fight against isis and were critical in taking back certain areas and defeating isis. So to leave them in the hands of the turks, its leaving a group of pigs for the wolffs to come in. Its a message, because the kurds are not a nation, but theyve been our allies in this remarkable fight. Theyve been the best allies the special forces have seen in decades, and theyve been worried that this is exactly what would happen, that as soon as isis was defeated enough, the u. S. From the state department side, they thought it would be a diplomatic b iic baro go with turkey. But you have to look at the bigger picture. The u. S. Is abandoning a longterm strategic foothold at the crux of the middle east and turkey and russia. The only leverage the United States had in this country was u. S. Troops there. About a third or half of the country is protected and that assad and russian and iranian and or Turkish Forces dont go in there and slaughter the kurds is because americans are there, even a small amount. 2,000 troops is nothing. 2,000 troops is a small, tiny group. Ive been there, its a very large area. But that alone is enough to keep the turks at bay, to keep assad in his lane. What we dont know is if those troops come out, are the air strikes going to stop . This administration has launched over 150 air strikes in that country weekly in the last couple of months. Its been a sustained air campaign against isis targets. So we dont know whats going to happen on the ground, we just know trump has this shortsighted transactional view. As the tweets indicated, about subsidizing militaries. Im so glad to have the three of you here. Thank you all. Breaking news in the wrongful death lawsuit against north korea. A federal judge has ruled the north korea has to pay the family of Otto Warmbier 500 million. He died last year after being released from north korea in a coma. His parents were asking for 1 billion in damages. Not clear how one would claim on that, but there has been a ruling. Coming up next, an entire floor of a federal courthouse in d. C. Is sealed off, and a secret case moving at breakneck speed through the court. A mueller subpoena heading to the Supreme Court. Well bring you what we know. Youre watching velshi and ruhle on msnbc. 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Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. The Supreme Court is now involved in a mystery case that appears to be connected to the special counsels russia investigation. We dont know much about the case, but heres what we know. It involves a Corporation Owned by a foreign government. Over the weekend, that corporation asked the Supreme Court to block a grand jury subpoena that it may have received from the special counsels prosecutors. Yesterday, chief Justice John Roberts issued a temporary stay while the Court Decides whether to take the case. Joining me now to talk about this is my panel. Danny, lets start with you. Because i dont understand this case. Its complicated, but the basic point is this, there is a Foreign Corporation that a corporation opened primarily by a foreign government, and its fighting a subpoena. Most entities and humans that fight a subpoena usually lose when it comes to federal grand jury subpoenas. The argument, although its very opaque, because so much of this is concealed, is that the Corporation Says the district court, the u. S. District court simply doesnt have jurisdiction of us. Were immune under the foreign sovereign immunities act. The courts so far what weve been able to see says this is not the case. That jurisdiction under the applicable statute knows no boundaries. It extends to all offenses against the United States. Whether youre in cleveland or whether you are in saudi arabia or wherever you are on the planet. Josh, put some meat on that. Well, one 06 the questions here is because its a criminal case, its not a civil case. Usually when we talk about the foreign sovereign immunities act, were taking about litigation involving Otto Warmbiers family. But here its a criminal investigation, and one of the interesting questions here is what country is it . And what company is it . I tend to think based on reading the paperwork that its probably an automatic country, not a democratic country, not a country with a well established rule of law. In the Appeals Court opinion, which is sort of where we got the most information about this dispute, they say theyre not giving much credit to some filings that were essentially put in by the country at issue here. I dont think they would give a cold shoulder, if you will, to say a country like germany or england or japan or an ally. I think its more likely were talking about russia or perhaps a country in the middle east. Very interesting. Joyce, what does this tell you about we didnt even know these things are happening in this case. Thats indicative of how this Mueller Investigation is going on. We think we have the tip of the iceberg on this thing. There are things happening below the surface. What do you make of this . I think thats right. Theres a lot going on thats just opaque to all of us who have become mueller observers. From this case, were not going to learn a whole lot about the Mueller Investigation. It is, as josh and danny said, about a fairly narrow, technical legal issue rovli ivolving when United States can force a Foreign Company to appear and provide information in a United States court. Maybe the most interesting takeaway, if it becomes publicly known l be the identity of this company. They closed off an entire floor in the courthouse in washington, d. C. To hold the initial hearing. The result of which is now on appeal. And that tells us that someone, either the court or the prosecutors, maybe the company itself, thought it was important to conceal its identity from the public. So that will really be the biggest piece of information we can take away, should we learn it in the course of the Supreme Court proceedings. Joyce, i havent had a chance to talk to you since we learned of the fact that theres some reporting out there that the Mueller Investigation may be in a position to turn over its f d findings to the attorney general mid february, assuming everything goes on schedule. What is your sense of that . Its really hard to credit that as a former federal prosecutor. Public corruption cases, even simple ones involving a mayor, can take years to complete. Mueller has worked at light speed. Hes had great Resources Available to complete the work. But hes still looking at an issue that has international tentacles, and that takes a lot of time for prosecutors to access information. We see one aspect of this hearing, the Supreme Court case, where a subpoena that was issued back in august is still being enforced. The outcome wont be known likely until january of this year. So i suspect mueller has his work cut out for him. Although he may be able to issue an interim report of some kind, its hard to believe that hes ready to wrap up. Nonetheless, hes issued more than 30 indictments in the first 18 3407bmonths in operation. I wouldnt put anything past bob mueller in this case. Josh, what is your sense of how the whomever the next attorney general is going to be, whether its bob barr or at that point when mueller turns it in, its still Matt Whitaker, now does that affect what were going to know about the Mueller Investigation . It could be significant in terms of the property. If the attorney general tried to stop this report from making it to the public, that would cause a lot of consternation. But i dont think it would work now that we have a Democratic House coming in. Theres legal precedent in washington, d. C. , in the d. C. Circuit, that if either the house or the Senate Requests grand jury information as part of a potential impeachment proceeding, that they are to turn that over, that judges from the authority to turn that over. There may be a few wrinkles that come into the process along the way, but i think its going to be very hard for either confirmed attorney general or a temporary acting attorney general like Matt Whitaker to really stop up this report and prevent it from making it to congress. And theres zero chance if it makes it to congress it doesnt make it to the hands of the congress. Thanks to all three of you for joining me on this Christmas Eve. Coming up, a High School Wrestler in new jersey forced to cut off his dreadlocks on the spot or forfeit his match. It is a decision that has parents, administrators and even the state governor crying foul. , weve shown just how far love can go. grandma vo over one hundred National Parks protected. mom vo more than fifty thousand animals rescued. old man vo nearly two million meals delivered. mom vo over eighteen hundred wishes granted. vo thats one hundred and forty Million Dollars donated to charity by subaru and its retailers over eleven years. girl thank you. boy thank you. old man thank you. granddaughter thank you. Makeup now optional. New aveeno® maxglow™ infusion drops with kiwi to lock moisture. And soy to even skin tone. Unleash dewy, glowing skin from within. New aveeno® maxglow™. In them therr hills on your guarantevacation. Find gold but we can guarantee the best price on this rental cabin. Or any accomodation from hotels to yurts. Booking. Com, booking. Yeah hey. I heard youre moving into yeah, its pretty stressful. This music is supposed to relax me, though. 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When people see this, they think of their kids who, when theyre involved in sports at the mercy of authority around. This guy was told, and you can see the coach or somebody there encouraging him. Hes told you cut your hair or you play. Hes got to make that decision. Hes think about his future and competitive nature. Seems to be an unfair position to put him in. Absolutely. I would say my role as a mother, you cant separate that. I dont separate that from my identity as a muslim woman and a woman of color. I saw that video. It was incredibly jarring. I understand why friends of mine and members of the black community dont want to watch it because its incredibly upsetting. The way that he stands there and hes being propped up by teammates who are white and i think the thing is incredibly horrific. He shouldnt have been put in that position. My problem is with the lack of support he got or interference from parents or the coach. I do realize that his family issued a statement that came out today and said they put the responsibility of this on the official and not so much on the coaches. Thats their right and their experience. As a person who has coached, as a mother, as someone who mentors young woman in sports, i did not think this way that ruled out was okay in any way. I want to be clear. Youre saying the general support of the fact that he did that in the interest of competing and winning is the wrong construct. He shouldnt have been encouraged for saying i got to cut my hair. The environment should have been that shouldnt have had to be the case. He shouldnt have had to make that decision. Lets remember hes a high school kid. He shouldnt be put into position at all. I dont think he should have been in that position. The way this was framed was problematic. He was hailed as a hero and the situation was great. One of the biggest problems i had with sports media, that im a part of, saying this is a great team player. The team didnt do anything for him. Hes not created in a vacuum. He shouldnt have been put many this position. Upon further analysis, it doesnt look like the referees actions were justifiable or legal. Andrew johnson had wrestled before with no problems. With a cap and in one circumstance without a cap. That was unfair. Hen the referee has a history of being involved in racial altercations to begin with. He has a history of this. This was about a power struggle. It was unfortunate and terrible a youth was put in the middle of this. We know that white power structures in sport try to control the bodies of kids whether through not allowing them to play with head scarves. I know this. Im an expert on this issue. Look at the flak that serena gets for her hair. This is about controlling the bodies of athletes. Weari ining a head scarf, diu face any of this . Of course. My entire sports career was thwarted because i decided to wear a head scarf. The issue isnt as much about my choice. The issue is the lack of opportunity and understanding here. Its my choice to do what i want and wear what i want with my body. The regulations around it are created by privileged men. These are the people who sit at tables. Theres no issue of safety. I can undoubtedly tell you, ive spent over a decade researching this. The rules about safety are not rules. Theres no proouable data to va a head scarf has injured an opponent. What happened with andrew johnson, dread locks have never been on file to hurt anybody in a wrestling match. The olympic american wrestler corroborated that. Hes never seen that in 25 years of wrestling, seen this have to happen. It was terrible. Thank you for sharing your views with us. Time for monumental americans. He was a defender of civil rights. Nicknamed the silver tongued orator because of his bilingual speeches. 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There was no earthquake to alert residents and no one was looking out for a tsunami when the massive waves swept over on saturday taking at least 370 lives. All right. Good afternoon. Im ali velshi. I am alone. President trump touting off tweets. Lawmakers have deserted the capitol with no plans to return until thursday. Domestic crisis isnt the only problem on trumps to do list. The president is removing james m m mattis from his post two months early. Hes taking the offensive tweeting we are subsidizing the militaries of many very rich countries all over the world

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