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Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Former Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort is on trial. Charges predate the Trump Campaign but could have ramifications for the campaign if he is convicted and could face up to 10 years. Lets take a look at some evidence presented by the Special Counsel against Paul Manafort. Case stands on two basic legs. One that manafort Made Tens Of Millions working for ukrainian politicians and russian oligarchs that he never paid taxes on and two that he took out fraudulent loans from u. S. Banks. Manafort spent upward of there is 14 million to buy several properties in alexandria, virginia, landscaping, housekeeping and Home Improvements done to boost the value of the homes. Then allegedly inflated his worth on loan applications like this one, taking out even more money. As the Specialty Counsel put it, he created cash out of thin air. He spent more than 1. 4 million at Clothing Stores in new york and and beverly hills. This is a python jacket, 18,000 jacket. And, by the way, thats not all. Im going to swipe this over to the next one so you can see what a 15,000 ostrich jacket looks like. Heres the problem. Everybody can live whatever lifestyle they want but this one was nearly tax free. Joining knme now live outside t court. Ken, good to see you. Youve been out there. Outside there since the beginning of this trial. Whats the early take on how its going . Reporter well, you never now how a jury is processing this, but the evidence from where i Coverage of national and international news, including breaking stories. Column about this that the government in this case, wants a win badly. Thats why they charge crimes like tax perjury, lighter burden, easier to prove and even with all of this documentary evidence, this overwhelming avalanche of data against Paul Manafort in black and white, they still trot in the evidence of this lifestyle just to put the final cherry on the top. Ken, the judge had some issue with photographs of things that described Paul Manaforts lav vish lifestyle. There were photos of closets full of suits and expensive renovations. Judge is keeping them out because he says its unfair. Paul manaforts not on trial for being rich. Overnight, the mueller team filed a Brief Arguing that the judge is wrong about that and they do have more latitude to put in the evidence. Judge rejected that and said hes not going to allow it unless manafort argues something that requires a rebuttal. Then he might let some in. You looked a bit at the opening statement. Is there something in there that could be bad for the defense . Or Special Prosecutor . No. Quite the opposite. There could be something bad for the defense. Defense focused its opening statement, which is a preview of the defenses case, on the fact that rick gates is a lying liar. His pants are on fire. Thats the idea. And if the government can, as they intimated this week, if they can make their case without rick gates at all, then the defenses case goes out with a whimper because they focussed so much time on rick gates as an unreliable witness. The government takes a risk if it does not call rick gates, because gates is authenticate a lot of these documents, and also, hes coup the rating witness who can walk in and point the finger at manafort and say thats the guy i did the crimes with. Government also realizes that cooperating witnesses have major Credibility Problems because in most cases they are admitted criminals on the stand saying i lied in the past, but this i swear im telling the truth. Thanks for this analysis. Looks like were getting closer to a sitdown between President Trump and Robert Mueller. New reports say hes pushing for an interview and mueller could be narrowing the scope of the questions. Youre watching velshi ruhle on msnbc. Your society was led by a woman, who governed thousands. Commanded armies. Yielded to no one. When i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. My name is courtney mckinney, and this is my ancestrydna story. Now with 2 times more geographic detail than other dna tests. Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com. These are the specialists were proud to call our own. Experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. Expert medicine works here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi. . A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. President trump is reportedly pushing for an interview with Robert Mueller against the advice of his legal team. Believing he can convince the investigators the probe is a witch hunt. President s lawyer says Mueller Esteem is aefrg of offering to limit to two main topic areas, collusion and construction. Lets not forget the president s tweet on tuesday, collusion is not a crime. But that doesnt matter because there was no collusion, september by Crooked Hillary and the democrats. Lets take a look at what were dealing with when talking about collusion and obstruction. According to Miriam Webster collusion is a secret a i agreement or deceitful purpose. Word is being used as a sort of catchall term. Hes only technically right when he saying its not criminal. Legal experts say under u. S. Code collusion is federal crime only applicable under antitrust law. That is a collaborative agreement usually secret among roo rivals. Basically its price fixing and bid rigging. But what is a crime is conspiracy. Under the federal conspiracy statute a crime is committed when two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States or to defraud the United States or any agency thereof in in any manner or any purpose. Robert mueller has already use thd against Paul Manafort. Obstruction, one of the Topics Mueller wants to talk to trump about. According to part of title 18 of the u. S. Code, someone obstructs when they corruptly or by threats of Force Endeavor to influence intimidate or impede the due administration of justice. Accusations of obstruction came fast. After trump tweeted this is a terrible situation. Attorney general Jeff Sessions should stop this now before it continues to stain our countriny further. His lawyer, Rudy Giuliani denied this was evidence of obstruction. Its an continue. He used a medium that he uses for opinions. Twitter. One of the good things about using that is hes established a clear sort of practice now that he expresses his opinions on twitter. He used word should. He didnt used word must. And there was no president ial directive that followed it. He didnt direct to do it and hes not going to direct him to do it. Joining me former assistant watergate prosecutor. Theres so much to unpack. First of all, the white house said that the tweets are president ial opinions. This is a new category weve never heard of before yesterday. But they are not to be thought of as instruction or direction. Even though hes the head of the executive branch. I dont buy into that argument at all. His words matter, and his words, whether theyre expressed z on twitter or in a speech, carry consequences. And its silly to be arguing about did he carefully select a word, should do it, instead of must do it . When your boss says you should do something, you know that if you dont do it, youre going to lose your job. And so, to me, you used words in defining this as influence or intimidate, clearly this it is an attempt to influence and intimidate someone into doing something. All of president s words recently, have been to influence or intimidate the entire investigation to undermine the mueller investigation, and think we ought to stop calling it the mueller investigation. Weal ought to be calling it the russia investigation and we shouldnt allow the president to determine the words we use. He used the word collusion. Word is conspiracy. Conspiracy to commit a crime, and collusion is simply a s synonym for that. If the best argument he has is a semantic one, hes going to lose. What about Rudy Jewgiuliani comments . Walking it back, having the white house say its not really what he meant, having Rudy Giuliani going on and saying its no the what he meant. To some degree does that help the president that hes one big dust Ball Of Confusion . I dont think anyone wants a president whos just simply one big dust ball. Wed like a president who speaks clearly and says what he means. His history on twitter, by the way, of course includes him hiring and firing people by twitter. And giving orders by twitter. He abolished or tried to abolish dont ask, dont tell, and some of the other gender integration issues for the military on twitter. He certainly twittered about immigration in a way that were orders he intends to carry out. I dont think we should be arguing about whether he meant should or must. I think he intended clearly to disrupt this investigation. In the same way he sent messages to the jury in the Manafort Trial that his friend was a good man who had worked for Ronald Reagan and was a darling, i think he used the word darling. I think these are things that should not be allowed. There is a judge in new york, judge bu judge who has ruled the twitter account is a Public Domain and he cannot block people from it. Which speaks to the idea it is official and when he says things on it, its no the mere opinion. Now that mueller has apparently agreed to marrow the range of topics and offer trump the chance to give written answers, what do you think the strategy is . I dont know that the president will ever actually sit down. This may all be for show for his audience that oh, i really want to do this. And that he will ever actually agree to sit down. But i also dont really think the prosecutors need him, because he is obstructing in plain sight. He is communicating openly. Normally we have to either get wired conversations, recordings of them, or someone who will testify that the president said something. In this case, we are all witnessing in the same way that we witnessed what he said when he was with putin in that press conference. To me, that was a clear case of his cooperation with russia, and his sub serve yens to russia and i think we ought to take at face value the things we actually see and not listen to him when he says dont pay attention. 0 dont believe what you see and hear. Those were his words. I believe what i see and hear. Jill, always great to talk to you. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up next, President Trumps trade war is hurting americans but the president keeps saying its helping the country and now he could increase tariffs on china to 25 . What that means for the things you buy everyday. Take a look at the markets by the way. Dow is down about half a per cent, s p down less. Nz by the w nasdaq is up. Apple nearing a 1 trillion valuation. Youre watching velshi ruhle on msnbc. Im alex trebek here to tell you and looking to buy Life Insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. What are the three ps . The three ps of Life Insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. 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Precision machinery and highquality materials from around the world. Nobody else even comes close. Now starting at 7. 99. Gillette. The best a man can get. It was a low point for me as well. I feel very strongly about that, and i am very vehemently against family separation. And the separation of parents and children. According to the latest i. C. E. Report, as of july 26, 1820 of the 2551 children age 5 and above have been reunified with the parents or sponsors. That means 731 have not been. Government has said up to 463 parents might have been deported without the children. An employee at a facility is facing molestation and sexual abuse charges. Phoen Phoenix Police say the 32yearold admitted to the accusations of inappropriately touching a girl in our bedroom. Win of the roommates reported the allegations to police. Houston police named a suspect and possible motive in the murder of a well known doctor, mark hausknecht. Theyre searching for pappas. They said he had a grudge against the doctor. He is considered armed an dangerous. The epa says the wildfires are exposing the state to unhealthy air. 17 major wildfires are currently raging across california. President trump is escalating his efforts to bring china to the Negotiating Table on a new trade deal proposing to raise tariffs on chinese goods to 25 . They would target 200 billion. China retaliated with sweeping tariffs on a range of u. S. Good, soy beans, corn, tobacco and whiskey. It could force companies to cut costs. They could lead to as loss of more than 450 jobs. So what do americans think of these tariffs . A new nbc news Wall Street Journal poll shows only 26 believe that the tariffs will help the United States. Joining us now is a former u. S. Trade representative and former mayor of dallas. Ron kirk. Thank you for being with us. Always good to be with you. Thank you, sir. We just heard from the secretary of commerce, wilbur ross on fox business on this new potential hike. Excalation of this with china. Lets listen to what he said and we can discuss it on the other side. Well, the reason for the tariffs to begin with was to try to convince the chinese to modify their behavior. Instead, theyve been retaliating. So the president now feels that its potentially time to put more pressure on in order to modify their behavior. Secretary, is this a good way to do this . I think we can argue agree ther issues with the way china behaves on The World Stage as is relates to trade and protection of Intellectual Property and other matters. But we have ourselves in a trade war with mexico, canada and the United States. We do not, and as you corrected noted, chinas behavior under the rules of the World Trade Organization have been problematic for some time, but it shouldnt go unspoken that previous administrations have engaged china on this. When i was privilege to serve as u. S. Trade representative for President Obama, we sued china ten times and successfully, on a number of these matters, but one of the reasons we were successful is we were able to engage those allies that we are now in a separate trade spat with from mexico and anna da and the European Union to jointly come to the table and try to encourage china to improve their behavior. One reason we didnt just go to sort of the blunt tool of tariff threats is that the cost is ultimately borne by u. S. Consumers and businesses and workers. As weve seen in case after case, whether it was the tariffs on steel, or the threatened tariffs again the European Union, it was american businesses and farmers that have screamed the loudest. And what concerns us now is to get to the next level of tariffs that President Trump has threatened, the overwhelming negative impact of that will be on American Families and american consumers. The government is, i think coming up with 11 billion or 12 forfarmers. But if you take all the losses, looking agent 39 billion without the new excalation to china. How do you weigh that . Weve been out there talking to farmers. Our reporters have been out there and many are willing to stand by the president for a little while. They feel theres a lot of unfairness in trade and they are feel the presss talking tough on their behalf but a lot live on razor thin margins. They do. Again, one of the reasons we didnt just go to that because most countries, always respond against agriculture first. And look, i think any time we invite a tariff war, it ultimately is going to hurt us. But, your average farmer is frankly, not boeing or caterpillar. They cant sustain these ridiculous retaliatory tariffs and loss of market share beyond more than a few months, because then theyre out of business. So, i think its a very blunt tool that might give some short term affect, but nothings funny about this, i cant imagine President Obama having unilaterally said were going to throw 12 billion to the auto industry, without our republican friends and Congress Screaming Bloody Murder about what thats doing to the deficits. Fact is that interethis preside wants to be rewarded for putting out a fire he started. There are simply more thoughtful ways to try to engage with china, and correctly get them to address their behavior. That was one of the principal reasons we decided to become a part of the Transpacific Partnership because it would have extended the u. S. Rules, in particularly for intellectual Property Rights protection throughout Southeast Asia and sort of blocked china in. But as you know the president came in and took that off the table. As he subsequently did with the propose the Trade Greemtd with the European Union, and then now, he reaches the brilliant observation that perhaps we should have a tarifffree trade agreement with the European Union which we were well on our way to negotiating. Good to see you as always. Ron kirk. Thanks i sir. Thanks for having me with you. Four American Cities now suing President Trump. Coming up, well talk to one of the mayors claiming the president is violating the constitution. Its time for our monumental americans. Today, its the 55 unknown american troops who died in the korean war whose remains were turned over by north korea and were finally returned to american soil. 55 caskets draped in american flags were received in hawaii by Vice President mike pence and other dignitaries and by dozens of veterans. They will under Go Forensic Analysis by the department in effort to establish the identities of the heros. Meist i tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. They didnt work for me. 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Thats part of a promise to gut the law stretching back to the beginning of his campaign. In the filing the cities argue that the president is failing to execute the law by actively undercutting the Affordable Care act. Just yesterday the administration announced a plan for cheaper short term Insurance Plans. A move that critic say will drive up the prices. Joining me the mayor of baltimore, one of the plaintiffs in the case. Thanks for joining me. Whats the base ss on which you and your fellow mayors are launching the suit . When you pass a law, the president has the power to enforce the law, by not enforcing the law and changing the law and coming up with the Short Term Health care plan were going to find more people uncovered. Just for example last year in baltimore just through the efforts the Trump Administration has undergone thus far, our Fire Department had to respond to 17,000 individuals who did not have health care. Thats a problem for all the cities and all the states and this country. We cant continue to call ourselves the greatest country in the world when we dont even provide health care for the individuals who live in our country. You think about Reproductive Health care, you think about hiv and aids. This is unconscionable. Weve joined the lawsuit. We know other cities will join as well because as these costs st sky rocket, cities have to cover it. Have you to have standing in order to join a lawsuit and your standing is that your city is suffering as a result of these decisions to undercut obamacare. Absolutely. And just as i just pointed out, 17,000 individuals last year that our Fire Department at to respond to taking them he to Health Care Stilts and they dont have health care. As a result. Thats Uncompensated Care we have to take care of. We dont turn people away. We try to take care of them. This is a cost cities cannot afford to bear. What does success look like for you today . What does skrvictory look like terms of obamacare . What is looks like is what the initial protocol was for obamacare. I call it the aca, Affordable Care act. That was provide opportunities for people to get health care, to advertise those opportunities and promote them. What we saw in the states were robust rolls increasing with people applying for the Affordable Care opportunities that were made available to them. Now that weve sort of kind of slowed it down, not promoting it or advertising it, no the enforcing it, and now were driving up the cost. And people cannot afford the costs that are being driven up by the acts of the Trump Administration. Mayor thank you for joining me. Joining three other cities in a lawsuit against the Trump Administration. Next up, the Trump Administration going after Fuel Efficiency standards, proposing a freeze. The white house says it would keep drivers safer and cut the price of cars. Well excomplaplain what it wi really do. You go out and you want to buy grocery, you need a picture on a card. You need id. No, you dont. Unless youre buying your groceries at a strip club. Ill take a bag of the chicken wings. Trump has no idea how daily life work force the average american. I need an id to buy groceries and sometimes they dont fit in your helicopter. And your butler has to ride over in the second helicopter. You guys get it. I dont know why im telling you this. Wasnt my top priority. Until i held her. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. I take tresiba® once a day. Tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. woman wed been counting down to his retirement. It was our tresiba® reason. He needs insulin to control his High Blood Sugar and, at his age, hes at greater risk for low blood sugar. 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Joining me is nbc news chief Environmental Affairs Correspondent Ann Thompson who has just gotten off the fine with the Department Of Transportation and the epa to try to make sense of this. Talk to me about what the Real Life Impact of this is. The Real Life Impact, the Trump Administration is saying theyre going to save. That will save you about 2340 on the cost of the new car. Reality is you will also be buying cars that use more gas, and put more Greenhouse Gas emissions into the air. So, its it will cost you more at the pump and also put more of the emissions into the atmosphere that fuel climate change. So what degree are people like jane in our example, like everybody who buys a new car, even the same type as before. Generally getting one that has high efficiency fuel standard the. Some driven by technology or highish gas prices, people worried about the fact if they own a car for 10 years prices might go higher. To what government does the government, these obama standards have . Remember, these were enacted when gm and chrysler had filed for bankruptcy so the government had the Car Companies where they wanted them. And they enacted these and since theyve enacted these, fuel cars have become more fuel efficient. Would they have without Government Standards . Im no the so sure. Detroit is all about the bottom line. Thats the most important thing. So detroits more interested in selling cars at a lower price and letting the consumer worry about how much gas they put in the car. Yes. But the gas is in many cases a bigger variable than the price of the car. And because gas prices are now at historic lows people have chosen to buy bigger car, suvs, light trucks that are now more fuel efficient. Ford is a great example. They made an aluminum pickup truck. F150. Still the best selling vehicle. It has whats called an econoboost engine. Will people move toward lower Fuel Efficiency if not forced to buy higher . They will move to whatever they like best at that moment. And that is now because nobody gas prices are not top of mind as they once were, lets say five or six years ago. They have moved to more suvs, more light trucks as opposed to those compact car that is become all the rage when gas prices go absurdly high. The administrations making a very unusual Safety Argument here. What is that . They are. What they say is this will make the roads safer because new cars will be cheaper under these standards, therefore people will buy new cars more often and that will get the new cars on the road that have the best technology to protect you and to protect the environment. Thats their argument. Wild card in all of this . California. Because in doing this, the administration wants to rekrind the waiver that allows california to send its own Emission Standard the. Governor tweeted and says we will fight this stupid idea in every way possible. 19 Attorneys General around the country are promising to sue the Trump Administration over this. We are about to see an environmental civil war in this country over these rollbacks. Thanks very much for your reporting. Were 96 days away from the midterms leading up to the election. Well be talking with some of the underdogs. Ill speak with the tal la hassy mayor running to be floridas governor. President lobbying for a more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Breaking news from cnbc, apple has hit the 1 trillion mark in market value. Thats the first ever for a public american company. The stock of apple all put together now worth over 1 trillion. By the way, amazon is fast approaching the 1 trillion mark as well. This is the value of the two most valuable publicly traded companies in america. Were 96 days away from the midterm elections. We here at velshi ruhle want to highlight the underdogs. Today were looking at the race for floridas governor, specifically the democratic primary, just a month away. There are five candidates including a former congresswoman. Theyre all worth mega millions, except for one, tallahassee mayor andrew gillum. He comes in fourth in the latest round of polling but he just got a boost, an endorsement by former president ial hopeful Bernie Sanders, who tweeted if part yesterday, gillum will work for medicare for all, invest in sustainable energy, raise the minimum wage. Thanks for being with us. Thank you for having me, and thank you for reminding everybody that im the only candidate who is not a millionaire. One of the candidates, jeff greene, is worth modern 1 billion. Its true, ive told my wife she just has to tolerate that fact. The truth is im unafraid by that. Money doesnt vote, people do. And over the last day, with senator Bernie Sanders endorsement, the energy that were getting out on the street, the fact that the little resources that we do have are now hitting the street with Television Ads and canvassers on doorsteps. Were doing what we think is going to be necessary in order to pull this win out on august 28th. Lets talk about the issues in florida. According to a recent poll by usa today, the most important issue among floridians, the economy. School safety, understandably, is the second most important, and the environment coming in at 11. 8 . South florida in particular has a good understanding of rising water levels and things like that. The Unemployment Rate in florida is a little lower than the national average, 3. 8 . So how do you sell yourself here . Ill tell you, the Unemployment Rate doesnt tell the whole story. The fact is that in my state, under rick scott, 44 of the people, working people in my state say they cannot make ends meet at the end of the month. Many of them are working harder than ever and still cant pull down a wage where they can take care of themselves and their families. That unemployment number doesnt surprise me. What might surprise some is that many people are working two or three jobs in order to make ends meet. Thats not my vision of a good robust economy. In this state we have algae blooms flowing out of the east and west side of this state due to the dereliction of duty on behalf of our governor and the republican leadership. And weve also obviously got to tend to the real issues around School Safety and gun safety. I know a little bit about it, having been sued by the nra and the gun lobby twice all over a proposal that we refuse to repeal an ordinance that says you cant shoot guns in city parks, that you cant shoot guns in parks where kids play and families picnic. The good news is we beat them not once but twice. I would love to have taken it to the Supreme Court if they wanted to continue the suit. There are a lot of issues that confront the state after 20 years of republican control. But we have a chance this year to flip florida blue. I believe were going to do it by having a candidate who has the ability to inspire more of our voters to come out and vote. We lost the last two races for governor by less than a point. We can make up that difference this november. I believe im the best candidate to make that happen. Youre a radical, you dont want people shooting guns in public parks. Totally radical, man. Were also dealing with this arcane, ridiculous Stand Your Ground Law which youve highlighted on your network with marquise mclaughlin. It doesnt make sense. It encourages vigilanteism. We need to remove Stand Your Ground from the books in florida. Andrew gillum, thank you for being with us today. Thank you for having me, be we will. Andrew gillum is the mayor of tallahassee. Back to our breaking news, apple just hit 1 trillion in value. Cnbcs dominic chu joins me now. Hey, dom, this is a first. This is a first. Years from now, or months from now, when a jeopardy answer comes up, what is apple, the answer is a 1 trillion company. Its notable right now because it hit that mark and that was the high price so far today. From there it is now lower than that particular level. What this signals for apple is this is a company thats been reliant on selling smartphones like iphones for the bulk of the last decade. Its now moving more away from that although it still sells a lot of them. Its now growing its Services Businesses, thats itunes, the app store, things like that. Thats now a 9. 6 billion a Quarter Business for apple. A lot of investors are at least optimistic that that Services Business for apple can continue growing. That growth is whats propelling this valuation back up to the 1 trillion mark. The First Ever Company on the s p to get there, ali. Major markets often move in lockstep. For the last couple of days weve seen it do otherwise. Youre seeing the nasdaq higher, tech stocks are higher on this news, on this hopefulness that technology continues to grow. We havent topped out with these 1,000 phones. The dow continues to be lower on trade wars but tech stocks are doing a little bit better. Dom, thank you for joining us on this new news that apple is now a 1 trillion company. Amazon not too far behind. That brings it to an end for us. Thanks for watching this hour of velshi ruhle. Im back at 3 00 p. M. Eastern and 6 00 p. M. Eastern for the beat. Now its time to hand it over to Andrea Mitchell for Andrea Mitchell reports. Coming up, the president

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