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Negotiating session. Ill take the heat. I dont care. Ill take all the heat you want to give me. The president taking range of contradictory positions. You need to be clear. When we talk about just daca. We dont want to be back here two years later. You have to have security. I think my positions are going to be what the people in the room come up with. We dont need a 2,000 mile wall. You dont need rivers and mountains. You want 18 billion for a wall or else it will be no daca. Is that still your position . I can build it for less. Part of that was a push back against all the chatter from the book about his mental capacity to lead but even the story from the day before about the executive time. The very thing he was trying to prover, he disproves. Is trump actually messes up on this, hes done more damage to himself than anyone else can do to him. First impressions of that meeting yesterday is flat out betrayal for the voters that put him in office. I voted for him for immigration and only immigration. They say the United States has failed to learn its lessons from 2016. The mid terms, the next round of elections, the next opportunity for russians to med meddle, so close. Senator Diane Finestein defied republicans yesterday. I think people are entitled to know what was said. I see no problem with releasing it. Spokesman for chairman grassley said it totally confounding. Senator grassley said you jeopardized their ability to get certain witnesses like kushner. Your reaction . I dont think so. Thats been difficult in any event. I think she did the smart thing which is just throw the whole transcript out there and let people see it. All right. Welcome to velshi and ruhle. President trump assembling his cabinet for the first time in 2018. Will it be open like yesterday . Well bring it to you as soon as it happens. Lets start with a new legal defeat for the Trump Administration and a California Court ruling that the Administration Must maintain the daca program nationwide saying the order was improper. Daca which protects about 700,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children was scheduled to end by march 5th by attorney general jeff sessions. Tuesday ease night ruling found that ending the program before Legal Options were exhausted would cause harm to those enrolled. The president shows the ruling shows how broken and unfair our court system is when the Opposing Side in case always runs to the 9th scircuit and almost always wins. Tuesday afternoon the president seemed to be more in sync with democrats. What about a clean daca bill now . I have no problem i think thats what dick is saying. Were going to do daca and start immediately on the phase two which would be comprehensive. Would you be agreeable to that . I think we have to do daca first. You need to be clear. What senator finestein, we dont want to be back here two years later. You have to have security as the secretary would tell you. I think thats what she is saying. No. What do you think im saying . I think youre saying daca without security. All right. Smaller group of bipartisan congressional leaders will meet with Administration Officials today to continue discussions. You can see that jeff flake is going to be saying they are getting close to a deal. Joining me is jeff denim. Congressman good to see you. Thank you for being with us. Thank you. Thanks for having me. You said the government asked these young men and women to come out of shadows. They passed background check, opened bank account, gotten job, enrolled in our university, all positive contributions to our society. To target them now is wrong. Youre a republican and pretty conservative on most things. Why do you take this view on dreamers at odds with my of your fellow republicans . Theyve done what the government has asked them to do. Sthap e sthaped up and passed our background checks. Theyre part of our economy. Having these dreamers have jobs and a commitment to the only country they know and love is something we have to resolve and not through executive order, not through the courts but legislatively congress has to do its job. The senators are saying, the senators are saying they are prepared to move ahead with Something Like this in the senate. They are worried about the house not being able to. Whats your sense of opposition to daca legislation, doing it in right way in the house . Very positive. I think were going to get it done. I think this is something that will have a resolution in both houses. Were moving forward in the house as well. We want to see our Senate Counter parts do the same thing. Were doing bipartisan negotiations and making sure this has a large number of republicans as well. Ultimately this will be both parties working together. Just this morning, a group that i cochair, main street, we had over 80 members and we agreed to a set of principles there as well. We want a permanent fix. Right. I dont think youll get too much disagreement by those who want the dreamers to stay that a permanent fix makes more sense than a president ial order. Theres more than a quarter of dreamers are in california. About 10,000 in your district alone. You talked about how their economic contributors. That may be your strongest argument among fellow republicans. I think the strongest argument is just the right thing to do. We have never penalized kids for the deeds of their parents. This is something that just the right thing to do. These kids know of no other home. They have graduated from high school along side our kids. Its the right thing to do is the Biggest Issue that should bring republicans and democrats together but just on the economy, the Economic Impacts of this. If you look another the statistics, we have strong facts that show these dreamers are not only working but also going to school and contributing back to our local economies. Good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Good to see you. Were going to get it done. Jeff denim is a republican from californias 10th district. Another moment of note came in a comment the president made about bipartisan. Lets listen to one of candidate trumps favorite talking points. Its time to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. Its time to drain the swamp of corruption in washington, d. C. And were going to do it. Its time to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. That was pretty clear. Yesterday the president seemed to call for return of something that many viewers, many people view as one of the swampiest parts of congressional deals. In our system lends itself to not getting things done. I hear so much about earmarks. The old earmark system how there was a great friendliness when you had earmarks but they had other problems with earmarks. Maybe all of you should think about going back to a form of earmarks. This system no. You can see that got quite a reaction. Its a term youve likely hard or heard of this one, pork barrel spending. They are basically the same thing. Congress works on a bill usually an appropriations measure which means something that requires spending. A member of Congress Adds an earmark or pork to that bill. The earmark many times has nothing to do with the original legislation or maybe its related but it just funnels money to bloated pet projects usually in a Congress Members district. President trump says it was way to grease the wheels for compromise. Critics say it was ripe with construction and waste. For close votes on bill, opposing politicians could be given special earmarks that sent federal tlar tladollars to thei state or district. It could Fund Anything from defense contracts to bloated construction projects. Lets take a look at a few of them. Earmarks plopped into a defense apropuati appropriations bill. Another one started as a transportation treasury and hud appropriations bill that ended up including half a Million Dollars for the Sparta Teapot Museum in North Carolina which is just what it sounds like. Its a museum of teapots. Then talked into the american reinvestment and recovery act, some will know that as the stimulus act. More than 3 million to build a tunnel under a florida highway for turtles to use. In 2011 an unlikely pair moved to stamp out earmarks once and for all. President obama and the republican majority in the house pushed harry reid to end the practice. Earmarks largely seen a thing of the past. That is until President Trump brought it up yesterday and suggested it as way to find a deal on daca and the border wall. Joining me now live from capitol hill is msnbc garrett. Is there anything to this . Are members of congress likely to say, look, the one benefit of earmarks in the legislative process as distasteful as it seems to people is its way to get a deal done. Reporter yeah, absolutely. There are some discussions going on about this on capitol hill but there are discussions about a lot of issues that dont necessarily go anywhere. There is some interest among some of these old School Lawmakers who know this has been way to grease the skids. A way to bring people along on bills they may not otherwise want to support. That being said, you dont need earmarks to do that. Think of the special projects and special cut outs and set asides that we talked about when the tax bill was working its way through. You dont have to do this through earmarks. Im hearing a bit of a divide based on some part of when they got to this body about whether they would be willing to see this come back for perhaps the good of some old school deal making or whether this is just another way to add a bunch of money to the deficit and make the swamp that much swampier. Well see how this plays out. I dont sense any huge momentum for it. Whats going on with the bipartisan discussions to get a deal on immigration. I saw you say they could be nearing a deal. Reporter thats right. Let me play you some jeff flake sound. Lets hear from jeff flake then ill tell you what i know. We dont have it. Never mind. I talked to jeff flake a few minutes ago and he said they are very close to getting a deal. Very close could mean a lot of things. We werent able to hammer out the specifics in the short period of time i talked to him. Theres a lot of conversations going on at the Different Levels sort of the number two republican of the house and senate have been having some conversations. Theres this Core Working Group of people. On the republican side like flake and Lindsey Graham who really want to see this deal get done. The concern is its easier in this case unlike almost Everything Else we have talked about over the last year to get 60 votes in the senate for this than it will be to get the numbers in the house. The Senate Working very quickly to get something tone here. Then they hope they can find a way with the president s help to settle in the house. Daryl issa announcing his retirement from congress saying he wont run again. Reporter thats right. Southern California Republican has been here a long time. Won a very, very, very, very, very close reelection in 2016. I think his is one of the last races in the country to be decided the margin was so tight. Seeing the writing on the wall. We havent heard the specifics from his office but he would be the second southern California Republican to announce his retirement from Congress Just within this new year. The landscape in california is extraordinarily difficult for republicans. It was going to be any way. A state that Hillary Clinton carried with huge margins. The passing of this tax deal which is going to have some negative impacts for californians who cant deduct their state and local taxes in a very high tax state. Issa fought that. He lost. He was going to have a difficult time getting reelected. There are democrats lined up around the block to run for this seat and some other seats in a californ california. They see this as fertile grounds. Democrats will have to win some of these seats in Southern California. Coming up, russia meddled in the 2016 election but were still waiting for action to stop it from happening again. Thats accordtoloing to brand n report. Transcripts that show President Trump could be blackmailed. All that coming up. At ally, we offer lowcost trades and highyield savings. But if thats not enough, we offer innovative investing tools to prepare you for the future. Looks like you hooked it. And if thats not enough, well help your kid prepare for the future. Dont hook it kid. And if thats still not enough, well help your kids kid prepare for the future. Looks like he hooked it. Well do anything. Takes after his grandad. Seriously anything, to help you invest for the future. Ally. Do it right. Seriously anything, to help you invest for the future. Anyone ever have occasional y constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating . She does. She does. Help defend against those digestive issues. Take Phillips Colon Health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes . Wow try Phillips Colon Health. I realize that ah, that 100k is notwell, a 103fortune. Yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. 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All the talking about it we have a fundamental problem and that is the russians are involved in our elections and other peoples elections on an ongoing basis. I think thats well put. The law here is its a crime to interfere in the elections if it is a conspiracy or involves hacking or involves intrusions. Bloomberg reported there were over 20 some states with these intrusions. Theres a whole law enforcement, National Security and International Component to that. These reports do show the politics as well which is that thing i just said which in any other year wouldnt be political has become so tinged by the russia probe and the president s response that it takes democrats to say things that are really about National Security. I dont think the Democrat Party stands to benefit or not if theres an intrusion. It all depends on what the intrusion is and whos intruding. The president has tweeted a few times this morning. I want to talk about one in which he talks about a which hunt. Im going to bring ken into this as well. The president tweeted the single greatest witch hunt in American History continues. There was no collusion. Republicans should finally take control. Ken, at some point the problem with the president continuing down this line is that it ignores the fundamental matter that ari was just talking about that theres been efforts to intrudes into the election and as long as we continue to tie it to collusion and proof of collusion were not if i cfixin underlying problem of our attack on our democracy. Thats exactly right. If donald trump cant separate the two things. He can say i didnt collude but we know the Intelligence Community hold us russia has attacks not only us but elections across europe. This lays out a hybrid warfare by the russian Intelligence Community to destabilize democracies around the world. Its really sophisticated and were not doing anything to defend ourselves against it. Thats what this report lays out in stark detail. President trump is squandering an opportunity to be a leader on this. Theres many steps the government can take working with special media companies. The report recommends setting up a hybrid Government Agency like the National Counter Terrorism Center to attack this problem. None of that is happening. We know why its not happening. Donald trumps advisors are afraid to broach this subject with him. That goes to another important point in the tweet. Theres a bit of a revelation there. Donald trump is not saying we need to get this done or these investigations will exonerate me because the facts are on my side. Hes saying quote, today, republicans need to take control. Theres not a republican or democratic version of factual justice. Either theres a conspiracy or there wasnt. If there wasnt, bob mueller who is in control of the probe and a republican, if he doesnt find the evidence, he wont go further. Some of that goes to a lack after patience that donald trump has. I dont know if you listen to the rapper future. Im like a bad doctor. I aint got no patients. Sometimes theres a lack of patience here. If the white house believes as ive reported their lawyers say the facts will exonerate donald trump, let the investigations finish up. The problem is it continues to speak to or donald trump sesm this as an attack on his legitimacy. What ive been told is no votes were changed. The social media side this is very impactful. The idea that millions of americans, probably more americans saw lies than the truth if they were getting it off of facebook. Its more than a vote being changed in the ballot box. Its an influence campaign. The fbis view, now that we got some work, talk about evidence, testimony here. Simpson says the fbi believed the dossier could be true because it matched their quote, intelligence gathered from inside the trump organization. Again, the evidence being that the fbi wasnt just listening to whatever they heard but you see it there in yellow. From inside the trump board, thats what we learned from this leak that goes to the politics of Diane Finestein saying she wanted this out there with or without the other party. Ari will have been interview with ben smith from buzzfeed who First Published the dossier. A few minutes at the white house President Trump will meet with his full cabinet in their first meeting of the new year. The last was december 20th. Right now First Responders are racing to find survivors of the deadly mudslides in california. More than a dozen people were killed as massive rivers of mud wiped out homes and roads. Live on the scene. woman one year ago today mom started searching for her words. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. Welcome back. Here are the top stories youre watching now. President trump will meet with his cabinet any second now. Senior Administration Official told nbc news a key focus would be on infrastructure. Its the first Cabinet Meeting of the new year. Interior secretary says florida is off limits for offshore oil and gas drilling. This comes after the white house decision last week to open drilling to nearly all u. S. Coastal waters. The cdc says 46 states are reporting widespread flu hospitals nation wide are facing a shortage of iv bags because a major manufacturer is in hurricane ravaged puerto rico. Were following another major disaster in california. Flash floods and mudslides. Take a look at these pictures. Still struging to recover from last months record setting wildfires. Now they are being hit by this. This is a coast guard video of a family of five including a newborn baby being rescued. Other people are still trapped and awaiting rescue. Many more are missing. Gadi is a few miles the area. What are things looking like where you are . Reporter one of the things you notice is this unbelievable amount of mud that just almost seems like it doesnt end. A lot of them are up there where the thomas burn scar is. This is right behind the main drag. You can see the power of that mud just destroyed almost everything in its path. This car was completely mangled. I want to show you something that blew our minds really. We had to check the map a few times because when you see it, it almost looks like a lake. Its not. Its the 101. If we just pan over here, you can see that is whats supposed to be a highway. This is where a lot of that mud ended up. In fact, we are told that there was a little boy that was fountd down here. Swept about a quarter mile away upstream from where his house was. His house was knocked off its foundations. The little boy was found in this tip of debris. Theres debris littered all over the place. We still have not heard whats happened to that boys father. They were separated during the flood. This gives you an idea of the depth of the destruction. Theres car over there thats still floating. This is an area thats been swept through once by search and rescue crews. They will have to fo through a lot of these areas again and again because theres so much mud and this water is starting to recede. These are the stitypes of conditions that search and rescue are working on right now. Theres piles of debris that are much higher than this. We saw a rescue yesterday of a 14yearold girl. She was trapped inside a house that collapsed on her. Other homes have been thrown out of of their foundations and wrapped around trees. The devastation out here difficult to comprehend. Its also difficult to comprehend how more than a dozen people have died in california. What is it about the mudslides . Is it the speed they came, the velocity, the timing . How did so many people die . Reporter speed, velocity and the time of day. It was 3 45 in the morning. A lot of these people had been through evacuate, dont evacuate because of the fires. The fires never made it this far down. If nay did evacuate, they came back home and found everything okay. This time, they knew these floods were coming but no one expected it to be this bad. A lot of these people were at home when this happened sleeping while it happened. You can imagine if we just take a look up here, all of this mud, it starts coming around. It surrounds these peoples homes. It doesnt matter where they are, if this mud is surrounding their home, they will try to get out. I want sthoe you something pretty stark over here. Youve got people that have been prepared. This is pretty tragic. This is an Emergency Preparedness starter kit. A lot of people here in california have these things for mudslide, earthquakes. Those types of things. Aga again, with a wall of mud this strong, the entire home is gone. Wiped off of its foundation. Really the preparedness levels here people just couldnt anticipate what was about to happen. Let me ask you, did the mud come off of those mountains to your back at this point and is it connected to the fires . Reporter yeah. This is crazy. Its not just these mown tans over here. Im going to take you across the street over here. If you just bear with me. Obviously this mud over here and then if we two across the street over here, look at this. This is the Mountain Range. It stretches all the way down. Weve got the mountains in the background and we have the mountains all the way down here. Its hard to understand how big of a fire the thomas fire was but this what were seeing is not even the half of it. This entire Mountain Range was burning and all of that now is loose sediment. All of that is prone to flooding. Its not just this episodes of rain. They are anticipating more rain in the weeks possibly months to come and every single time theres a bad forecast this is a type of thing that is going to be at the forefront of peoples minds. Is this over now . Are there more mudslides anticipated or expected or as you said the water receding, is this the worst of it . Reporter the water is receding for now. Looks like the forecast is cooperating for now. Things are going to switch into recovery mode and clean up mode which is going to take a considerable amount of time given the amount of debris we see down here. But, its going to be a seasonal thing. The rains are going to come. Its not very often we see rain in Southern California but the level of rain that we saw yesterday was unprecedented. Four to five inches within matter of an hour or so. These are types of things theyll have a two week, three week heads up on. Whether or not theyre in the clear is still yet to be seen. Thanks very much for your great reporting from there. Any second now President Trump meets with his full cabinet at the white house. Were waiting to see if it will be like yesterdays open meeting. Theres much more ahead for President Trump. Hes got a full agenda. After the Cabinet Meeting, hell have lunch with Vice President mike pence and rex tillerson. Trump will be greeting norways Prime Minister at 3 30 p. M. They will hold a joint News Conference. At 4 00 p. M. , trump will meet with nikki haley and at 4 30 the president will meet with treasure secretary. I accept i dont conquer the mountain like i used to. 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And for eliquis ask your doctor about eliquis. Proud to welcome everyone to our First Official Cabinet Meeting. That was march 13th of last year. You heard the president as he convened his First Official Cabinet Meeting. He blamed Senate Democrats for leaving four empty seats. Right now were about to see inside the president s first Cabinet Meeting of this year. Well bring that to you as it happens. Joining me now kelly o donell at the white house. Kelly, lets start with you. What do we know about the Cabinet Meeting. Im hearing theres going to be focus on infrastructure. What to we know about it . Reporter senior officials have previewed that. The meeting he had was focused on immigration. Today infrastructure. Why that topic . Its long been one of the issues where the president thinks bipartisanship is possibly. That remain a question mark but in a broad way there are certainly interests in developing new projects and strengthening the infrastructure in the country that are popular across the political speck truck. How you pay for it becomes an issue. Who gets to make the decisions on where those projects take hold would also be an issue. The president has been trying to signal a willingness to work with democrats at a time when hes trying to move things on immigration and trying to come into the second year of his administration after a very republican only focus in many respects for the things that have been accomplished. Regulatory changes, the little bit of legislation that was completed. Its a tonal thing. The president has been asked why wait on infrastructure if its something that appeals to both parties. At the time he responded he said believes it was easier. It made more sense in his view to move an easier kind of promise package to a later point in his administration. That might suggest the timing for now. Ron, to kellys point about this being tonal, what do you make of yesterdays meeting that went on for almost an hour. It was the president with bipartisan members of congress. The house and the senate. Largely the topic was immigration and Border Security. The president seemed to be on both sides of the issue through the course of the meetings. Its not clear where the president is on daca and the wall. I think were seeing some reality tv but not real government. President trump in an effort of show that he wasnt like off his rocker show he has no idea what hes talking about. He agreed with democrats who opposed the wall. He agreed with republicans who support the wall. He said he was for a clean daca bill. Last night the white house erased that sentence from the transcript of the meeting. I think he approach todays infrastructure thing with a lot of same issues. He and the campaign he promised will be a trillion dollar infrastructure plan and Pass Congress in its first 100 days as president. Thats what he promised voters in 2016. He hasnt sent an infrastructure plan to congress. He disagreed with his own cabinet on the plan they gave him at camp david for infrastructure. I think hes a lot better at showmanship that governing. Well see what we get today. The white house has said that sentence was left out in error. What do you make of what kelly said about the president saying infrastructure is going to be easier . A lot of levels infrastructure should be bipartisan but it does involve spending government money which a lot of conservative republicans are not interested in doing. Thats right. The plan President Trump laid out in the campaign was plan that appealed to a lot of working glass democratic voters. Spend a trillion tlars dollars build needed projects. Almost immediately he pulled that back. Now theyre talking about Public Private partnerships that might be an effort to grease trump donors with lucrative private sector projects. We have to see the devils in the details. We have to see what they come forward with. Kelly, the president will meet with the Prime Minister of norway probably in the next hour or two and then they will hold a giant News Conference together. I guess on topic the issue will be nato and our alliances but the president is hopefully going to take a few questions from reporters, two questions we expect and i fweguess those questions will be about immigration and Border Security and this court ruling from the 9th District Court about daca. Reporter theres many things to question the president about. When theres another world leader here two members of the visiting press corp of norway will ask questions. Will it be something that reflects on the news of the day, that would be our expectation. Its an opportunity for the president to address the things he wants to talk about. We also have this Cabinet Meeting where there are times when the president is willing to engage with reporters. There are chances today for the president to drive the narrative to respond to questions to try to fill in some blanks on big issues especially with respect to daca just day after he was talk about intention to try to extend that Legal Protection for young immigrants brought here without documentation and the court intervening at a time when the white house is saying, their word is outrageous to say the court would try to prevent his rescinding of the obama era extension in order to inject politics is what the white house thinks when the president has indicated hes open to some kind of a compromise on immigration. He wants security, the wall, the fence, bulking up on the southern border in exchange for daca. Thats how hes laying the negotiating ground work at this point. Theres republicans on the hill, no ally of the president but someone who has long worked on immigration who says they are close to a package of something they can bring forward legislatively. Well see how it plays out. Given that daca is a hot button issue would seem the president might want to weigh in on that. All right. Well look forward to it. Thanks so both of you. A new federal Court Ruling Says the congressional districts in one battleground state are unconstitutional. Why North Carolinas case is so extreme. Why its called jerry mandsgeri in the first place. This is according to a review by usa today of all the Real Estate Sales these limited Liability Companies are made by buyers who can keep their name secret. Two years before only 4 of trumps buyers used the shell companies. The year after his nomination the number jumped to 70 . Stay with us. Thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . Ship the goods. Youre a go you got the green light. That means go oh, yeah. Start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Were gonna hit our launch date scream thank you goodbye we help all types of businesses with money, tools and knowhow to get business done. American express open. To get business done. People keep asking me if i miss the mayhem . Stuff, does waiting around trying to protect your house from a lighting strike give me the same rush as being golfballsized hail . Of course not. But if you can stick to your new years resolution, then i can stick to mine and be the best road flare i can. What . You couldnt even last two weeks . In that case, consider mayhem officially back. So get allstate. And be better protected in 2018 from mayhem. Like me. Think civil rights have been right vooi latd in the construction of these maps. This is why its a little bit of a wild, wild west. People utilize computers to be able to maximize partisan gains, and its why youve seen some states use independent commissions instead of their legislatures to decide these maps because it can become so politicized. I dont know if this has more impact than the number of republicans not running in 2017. The kind of place that people think is inherently conservative in san diego, but in fact Hillary Clinton won that district when last darrell isa was elected. Retirements are a really big story, ali, in places like california. According to nbcs news count right now, you end up having eight republicans that either represent districts that Hillary Clinton carried or who ended up that Hillary Clinton was very close in 2016 and those eight retirements are about a third of the way democrats need to pick up those 24 house seats to take back the house. Mark, good to talk to you, as always. Mark murray for us in washington. Right now President Trump and his cabinet are meeting inside the white house. Crews are inside waiting to get into the room to get video and more information which well bring you as soon as we have it. President trump is going to deliver his first state of the union speech on january 30. Now congresswoman Jackie Speier tells nbc news a group of female democrats will dress in all black in solidarity with the me too women and the women that did the same at the Golden Globes awards. It is time for honoring our american who may be deserving of more recognition than they had. Today its james baldwin. Baldwin was born in new york city in 1924. He began to write poems, plays and essays. As a young gay black man, he became disillusioned with paris and moved in 1955. His published notes of a native son reflect nuance of racial, prejudice national and class prejudice. Baldwin returned to the u. S. In 1957 to join the civil rights movement, becoming one of its most prominent leaders. He died in 1987 in france. If you have a monumental american, you know this is our favorite segment of the show, tweet us velshiruhle. Im going to be back here at 3 00 eastern where well be talking about what happened in the Cabinet Meeting and when the president will be holding a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of norway. He is expected to take two questions from reporters, and hopefully well be able to get some answers from him. Thank you for watching this hour of velshi ruhle. Im ali velshi. Stephanie is back with me tomorrow. Right now Andrea Mitchell reports. Made for tv. The president puts on a west wing show as he negotiates Immigration Reform in front of the cameras and signals a willingness to compromise. I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with. I am very much reliant on the people in this room. Going rogue. Diane feinstein becomes the latest Trump Twitter target after turning tables on the republican judiciary chairman and releasing the testimony of a man who commissioned that steele dossier to help him clear his name. Because people dont know what was said and the lawyers also wanted it released. I see no problem with releasing. And fired and fury. After dishing the dirt on the president and his family, Steve Bannons billionaire backers get him fired from breitbart news. The president at this moment in time was much stronger than steve bannon thought he would be. I think steve anticipated my book would appear and that would begin to precipitate his break with donald trump who, frankly, he thinks is an idiot

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