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Who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval office. There were conservatives that came out yesterday that said the democrats overreacted. Al frankens resignation and the selective force of me too. Was al frankens punishment fair . But he was not the only lawmaker to suddenly resign on thursday. Also in trouble this morning, republican congressman trent franks of arizona. Announcing last night he plans to resign next month amid an Ethics Committee investigation into misconduct. The man who has repeatedly prayed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. Washington democrats drawing a line in the sand on bad behavior that could put more pressure on republicans. If roy moore who denied multiple accusations of Sexual Misconduct with teenagers wins the Alabama Senate race next tuesday. Moore was asked when the last time he thought america was great and he said this quote, we could put it on the screen. According to the l. A. Times, he said i think it was great at the time when families were united even though we had slavery, they cared for one another. Our families were strong, our country had a direction. Later today President Trump will head south for a campaignstyle rally in pensaco pensacola, florida. Thats just miles from the alabama border. And just days before alabamas special election. What direction was that . The direction was why men on top and the rest of you work for me. This morning, weve got a new jobs number report out giving us a better picture of job creation since President Trump took office. And it is some welcomed good news on the economic front for this administration. Let me take you through it before we have a little conversation about it. Heres the numbers that are important. 228,000 net new jobs were created in november. Thats higher than the 195,000 jobs that were predicted for the month. Unemployment stayed the same at 4. 1 . Thats in line with expectations. As you heard stephanie say on her earlier show saying historically we have considered any number below 5 to be full employment. Theres always some people who are unemployed by choice. Thats not exactly whats going on in america right now, but well talk about that in a minute. And average hourly wages. This is what matters to most people, right . If youve got a job that how many new jobs are created or lost is not as relevant to you but are you wages going up . Wages went up 0. 2 in september. The best performing sectors were professional and Business Services adding 46,000 jobs. Thats kind of the world were in. Were a service economy. We tend to see jobs like this grow. Health care was also up as well. And manufacturing jobs were up 31,000. Health care jobs were up 30,000. This is by the way a number weve seen nonstop for the last more than ten years. Health care jobs are growing. Thaifr not all good jobs. These are not all doctors and nurses. Construction jobs were up by 24,000. Thats a good sign in this economy. This report brings total job creation in the president s first ten months in office, were only starting in february because that was his first full month to 1. 7 million jobs in total. This includes the preliminary numbers for october and november. The reason we call these preliminary is these two numbers, the last two months generally get revised when new numbers come out. They could go higher or lower but were looking at 1. 7 million. Keep that number in mind. What im going to show you is in the last ten months of the Obama Administration, the number was 1. 86 million. And this is important because President Trump keeps on telling you he creates more jobs than everybody else. Actually, he has not even met the threshold of the last ten months of the Obama Administration. Starting in a 5 million job loss coming off the financial crisis, by the way, this is how the Obama Administration ended up. And finally, heres what were looki in looking. When Obama Took Office in 2009, we saw 5 million jobs lost in 2009 and slowly, this is not atypical after a big recession. You start to see job growth. This is the Obama Administration. 2009 to 2016. A bit of a dropoff here but fundamentally a Straight Line all the way up. Steady gains each year hitting almost 3 million in 2014. But never dipping below the growth that we saw in 2012. So its about on pace for the full year. Lets take a look again. The economy adding a little more than 1. 9 million jobs in total between obamas final month in office and President Trumps first ten. So basically were on pace with where we would have been. Thats the jobs situation right now. Slow and steady. But guess what. Its a very, very positive steady. Were moving in the right direction. The white house released a statement just a short time ago saying in part november was a great month for American Workers as President Trumps bold Economic Vision continues to pay off. With tax reform moving quickly through congress. Confidence in the strength of our economy remains high and families around the country are reaping the benefits. Joining us now for a closer look, our friend from cnbc don chu. Hey. Hey. If the economy is doing so well, why is it that corporations need a tax cut and chwhy is it were not seeing wages go up in a bigger way . First of all, a lot of the numbers ali just laid out there very much in terms of the overall picture paint what could be, you know, for some out there, a fairly decent picture of the u. S. Economy. What it comes down to right now is the reason why theyre looking for these types of tax cuts is President Trump like you said is trying to at least in his words try to create jobs, get the economy going. As you pointed out, the trend is slowing down now with regard to job growth. One of the big reasons why is because were perhaps already near that full employment mark that ali mentioned. In order to get even more jobs to put more americans to work to kind of move the needle in that direction back towards positive momentum, youve got to say whether or not there is any chance that corporations because of a tax cut or because of anything else will end up hiring more people. Now, thats a big if, right . We dont know if thats going to happen. Oftentimes Companies Use better profits then just return them to shareholders. Maybe dont hire more people. But thats one of the big ifs. Lets talk about when the president was running he kept on using the numbers of the number of people who were unemployed. But, you know, generally we accept the numbers that were given. We believe were at the unplamt rate were at. 4. 1 . However, 4. 1 doesnt mean that 95. 9 of people are employed. Thats not actually the case. We have various measures of this. If you consider underemployment, people in parttime jobs, jobs without benefits and things like that, you get to the u6 number and thats 8 . Im obsessed with this number because when you talk about corporate profitability, corporations today dont say regulation is their biggest problem. They say its labor costs. And Corporate America has figured out how do i pay my employee the least . How do i give them the lowest amount of numbers. If you talk to somebody working at whole foods or target, they might say i cant get enough hours. They limit the amount of hours i can work so i cant get all those benefits and i cant work enough hours to make ends meet. So to say these numbers looked so good, theyre not the numbers of high paying jobs or fulltime jobs. This is for people out there arent necessarily unemployed but are working multiple parttime jobs or not the jobs they think they could be working. And thats the reason why theyre considered underemployed. Its not translating to better jobs for a lot of folks out there. I would point this out. That trend has been moving lower. And for those out there, it doesnt matter what age demographic you are or what cultural background you have. If you look at the charts and i tweeted one out from the bureau of labor statistics just showing age demographic, race demographic, generally speaking its all been lower. While the trends are in place, its not to say were sliding all the millions of americans out there that cant find the work they want. But the economy is slowly proving. The problem eight years ago was there are too many people without work. Theyre in the wrong place geographically or from a training perspective. So its a different problem we have to address today than we did, say, eight years ago. I dont know if its going to be some different infrastructure or hypothetical infrastructure plan. Were talking about a time in the economic recovery when being that close to full employment means if we do see wages start to tick higher, that could be the sign people are feeling better about their financial situation. If we are at full employment is when we look at the portion of america that is left out of the economy and thats what we have to look at structural issues. Workforce participation is something we need to focus on. For example, the huge huge portions we talk about paternity and maternity care. Theres more than the 12 weeks after you have a baby. Many people mostly women are not going back to work because there isnt adequate and affordable child care programs in this country. There are scores of people you know in your own Community Even though you might have a great job who simply say in the industry that im in, in what my expertise is, i cannot afford to go back to work because in the United States there are not adequate programs that can care for your children so you can go to work. Yeah. And the other thing is when we talk about it being near full employment, we have to remember to somebody who is a coal miner out there theyre saying what do you mean full employment . My entire town a unemployed. And it is those full employment numbers that led to the rise of the trump voter that forgotten voter who said stop saying the economy is doing well. Its forgotten me. As we tout these numbers and the stock market, we must look at the portions of this economy that arent benefitting, figure out why, and address it. Thanks a million. Good to see you. Dominic chu. Stand by. A new development in the trump russia investigation. Nbc just learned the president himself received an email about the hacked email before the election. Well bring you the breaking details on that next. this time of year is all about family. And wed like you to be part of ours. So our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. This holiday season, you pay what we pay. And not a cent more. Were so happy to share this with you. Hey, mom and dad deserve some toys too. Its our way of saying happy holidays. And welcome to the family. The chevy family. Get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. Get the chevy employee discount eight hundred dollars when wet switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. Hey. Oh. Thats my robe. Is it . You could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. Liberty mutual insurance. New questions this morning about when the Trump Campaign got access to wikileaks hacked documents. Trump himself along with donald trump jr. And others in the Trump Organization received an email last september offering a dekripcryption key a link. Donald junior told investigators he didnt remember that email but would have come less than three weeks before wikileaks began direct messaging him on twitter. A lawyer for trump junior did not respond to request for comment. Joining us is former u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york. He was a Watergate Special prosecutor. Weve been talking about this since the first inklings of that meeting last june. This is interesting that one wouldnt remember getting that email. Because we dont generally get emails with an encryption key. There always seemed to be some that had a lead on information that was going to come out. Hed always have a hint he put out there that something was going to happen. Keep in mind we still just have bits and pieces of this whole story. What you have to do is put this into the entire context going back to at least april of 2016. But we know papadopoulos was told about these stolen documents from the dnc. And presumably told people in the Trump Campaign. Then youve got the june meeting who writes to don junior saying weve got all this highly incriminating material and were going to bring it to you on hillary clinton. Then you got the other email that came out yesterday about how he had read about the hacked emails about the dnc and how it was very interesting considering they just had this meeting at trump tower. Right. So you put all of this together and then then you see whats happening and being sent to wikileaks. Then among all the contacts of everybody in the campaign. What you really have developing here is a criminal conspiracy between the campaign and the russian government to violate the federal computer crime law. Youre dealing with documents that were hacked out and stolen from a computer in the United States and what were looking at in the broad picture is a criminal conspiracy which not only involves the campaign and people high up in the campaign, but various russian actors and people aiding and abetting the russians. Who would name themselves gussifer 2. 0 . Quickly, donald trump himself though. Theres a lot of talk because hes on this email. What about the defense that we could hear from the white house or from trumps own lawyers, hes not an email user. So donald trump may have received an email. But they need to paint a picture he never uses email. He didnt just not respond to that one. But in general the more we read about him and hear about him from guys like corey lewandowski, not an email guy. That may be, but hes definitely a telephone guy. And you could see there were lots of telephone calls we dont know about. With manafort and kushner. Lots of telephone calls. And it would have been an effort to keep this away from donald trump. I dont see how it could possibly be kept away. In fact, we do know that on june 7th, he promised that the fol w following week, he got on and said im going to lay out all the dirty stuff weve got about the clintons next week. This is just after receiving the goldstone email and all the calls that went in between. And the obvious explanation is because they realized that possessing these stolen emails is a crime in itself. Its a felony. The only way they could get these emails disseminated out there to use in the election was to have a third party do it. And youve got gussifer 2. 0 and wikileaks and robert stone who was involved with both ends of that equation. Boy, oh, boy. Thank you so much. Nick ackerman. Last week we were talking to eric prince who said there is absolutely no evidence of a single vote being changed in the election. There must have been no collusion. I think as nick reminds us, if you were involved in leaking emails from hillary clinton, thats a vote didnt have to be changed. Because if tens of thousands of people change their vote because of false information you shouldnt have had, thats got to be included in this conversation. He also tried to have the argument hes just having a beer with a Russian Hedge Fund manager. President trump headlines a big rally tonight where hes expected to stump for alabamas Republican Senate candidate roy moore. It is neck and neck even as moore faces multiple allegations of Sexual Assault and child molestation. Stay with us. Youre watching velshi ruhle live on msnbc. [ keyboard clacking ] [ click ] [ keyboard clacking ] [ clacking continues ] good questions lead to good answers. Our advisors can help you find both. Talk to one today and see why were bullish on the future. Yours. We are the driven. And see why were bullish on the future. The dedicated. The overachievers. We know our best investment is in ourselves. We dont take no for an answer. We fight for what we want. Even for the things that were once a given. Going to college. Buying a home. And not being in debt for it for the rest of our lives. But were only as strong as our community. Who inspires and pushes us to go further than we could ever go alone. Sofi. Get there sooner. Welcome back to velshi ruhle. Here are the top stories were watching right now. Breaking news in california. Firefighters facing brutal conditions as they continue battling at least half a dozen wildfires burning in southern california. The dry winds are fueling the fires which have already torched about 200,000 acres. Its deadline day for more than two dozen sanctuary cities. Gave until today to prove their complying with the Trump Administration has threatened to withhold federal grants if the cities do not cooperate. John lewis will not be at tomorrows opening of the Civil Rights Museum in mipz. The reason . President trump will be there. Lewis says it is an insult the president will be attending the ceremony based on his record on civil rights issues. The white house called lewiss decision unfortunate. Said a lot more than that about him too. The final countdown the on to Alabama Senate election. The special election is on tuesday. Once again, President Trump is going all in on endorsing roy moore tweeting, vote roy moore in a fairly lengthy tweet. And tonight moore accused of Sexual Misconduct with teenage girls could get one last big boost from President Trump. Trump will hold the rally in pensacola, florida, where hes expected to weigh in on the alabama race. Moore Campaign Officials said they are, quote, actively encouraging supporters. Why not hold the rally in alabama . Pundits say the location allows trump to reach alabama voters while keeping his distance from roy moore. I dont even know what that means. Pensacola is an easy drive. It shares a media market with the city of mobile, alabama. So basically youre not in alabama. You just are in the far furthest most western part of florida. Because you know what . The president normally goes to pensacola for a rally on a friday night two weeks before christmas. The gops handling of the moore scandal has one republican saying thats enough. In a usa today oped kirk bardella says roy moore is the last straw for him. Hes switching over to the Democratic Party. He joins us now from washington. What exactly about the roy moore situation makes u you want to switch parties . I think when you reach a point where the president of the United States, Republican National committee would rather help elect someone who is a known child sex predator preying on teenagers at the local mall, they would rather put that person in Office Rather than someone who is a prosecutor that went after the kkk doug jones who happens to be a democrat but they would rather put roy moore in office than that just out of blind partisanship, thats gone too far for me. But kurt, republicans in the senate, almost every one of them have distanced themselves from roy moore. They said if hes elected theyre going to be challenging him. Hell be investigated by the itices committee where he will unlike the situation now, he will have to testify or at least speak under oath in a way that if he were to lie would get him in trouble. Not all republicans are supporting roy moore. I think just the other day when Mitch Mcconnell got asked about moore, he hedged his answer on that. Its not so absolute. Republicans saying theyre not going to try to move to unseat him. And i dont see a lot of them going to alabama campaigning for doug jones. I dont see a lot of them trying to cut checks for jones or help him. Dont see any of them talking really about Donald Trumps relentless campaigning now on twitter and in person. A lot of what bothers me is the collective silence that after the initial stories broke and there was some outrage and reservations expressed, all of that kind of des pated as time went on. What does this mean for steve bannon . Steve bannon has become more powerful as sort of the renegade. But now youve got the rnc supporting roy moore. Where is steve bannon in all this . Does he want to stand with mcconnell . He hates his guts. He made it no secret. His plan is to make sure mcconnell is not the leader. Then why did mcconnell back roy moore . If roy moore is Steve Bannons guy and bannon has talked about him like hes the devil himself, why would Mitch Mcconnell go silent now and stand sort of with moore when he knows hes with steve banbannon . I think mcconnell knows hes going to win. This is one he cant enter without putting himself in jeopardy. Thanks for joining us. Kurt barr dell la who has left the Republican Party. Whats amazing to me wall street which is considered the sleaziest industry there is. They say your word is your bond. Shouldnt our political leaders think about that . This week three lawmakers have been brought down over Sexual Misconduct allegations. Well talk about this problem on capitol hill. What should be done about it in both parties. Youve watching velshi ruhle live on msnbc. Policewoman you cant predict the market. Policewoman but through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. What ifmy chest hurts. Cal emergeni cant breathe. E . What you need is mobile help. Americas premier mobile medical alert system. Most systems only work at home. But with mobile help, you get help outside the home, with coverage nationwide on one of the largest cellular networks, at the press of a button. Call the number on your screen for a free, full color brochure. Well send you everything you need including this base station, the patented mobile device, and the waterproof pendant and wrist button. You can also add the fall button that automatically detects falls and signals help. Call today and receive a riskfree 30day trial. There is no equipment to buy and no longterm contract. For a limited time, you will also receive a free emergency key box with your plan purchase. Remember, mobile help keeps you safe coast to coast. Call welcome back to velshi ruhle. Congress is reeling this morning now with three lawmakers announcing theyre stepping down in the face of Sexual Misconduct allegations. On tuesday, Democratic Rep john conyers announced his retirement. Yesterday al franken announced his plans to resign in a few weeks. I of all people am aware that there is some irony in the fact i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval office. And a man who repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate with the full support of his party. Okay. Just hours after that, republican congressman trent franks of texas announced that he was stepping down after learning the Ethics Committee was investigating conversations he had with two female subordinates about surrogacy when he and his wife wanted to have another baby. In a statement franks said i absolutely never physically intimidated, coerced, or had or attempted to have any sexual contact with my staff. Due with my familiarity of the experience to the process of surrogacy, i clearly became insensitive to how a personal topic might affect others. Joining us now Michelle Goldberg whose latest piece argues why this reckoning in congress appears to only be affecting democrats. To be frank, franks is out so its not only democrats here. Right. Although there is clearly a double standard in you have democrats and kind of liberal leaning institutions cleaning house. You know, the media, hollywood, silicon valley. You havent seen any of this sort of reckoning. Until now you have this one example in the Republican Party. Although its such a strange example that i dont know if it quite falls under the rubric of me too. I dont know if people would say me too about your boss trying to press you into surrogacy. Its such a weird hand maids tale kind of, its kind of not in keeping with the majority of these stories. What we see is one party thats committed to this set of norms that basically harassing women should be disqualifying. And one party really doesnt care. Committed now. We cannot say historically democrats have been committed to it. I said newly committed to the set of norms. The point is that because theres hypocrisy on the side, it creates leverage. Here are the norms we aspouse and values we say we hold if people arent living up to them you can call them out for it. The Republican Party by contrast, you know, doesnt even purport to hold women into isnt that disgusting then . That makes al franken a sacrificial lamb here. What this does is give democrats political leverage to say weve cleaned house, shouldnt you have . Margaret carlson wrote a piece in the daily beast today where she said democrats may have moved too quickly. They may have fallen into a roger stone trap. Roger stone gave a heads up on twitter about al frankens accuser 12 hours before it came out. The maneuver may have outmaneuvered themselves. What i meant was Abuse Victims have leverage for accountability. Ive gone back and forth on whether al franken should resign. I think that one of the difficult things one of the difficult things for democrats in this environment is that they are dealing with an Opposition Party of such bottomless bad faith and such eagerness to use political dirty tricks to undermine democrats. And so, you know, kind of saying that were going to, quote unquote, believe all women in a situation when you have a party that is, you know, kind of dedicated to thats completely willing to use underhanded tactics to take you down, it makes it very complicated. At the same time, i think that given their stated ideals, you know, given their stated values, keeping al franken as these accusations dripped and dripped and dripped had become politically untenable. You know, when you talk about where the republicans are on this, the new news that weve got now is an africanamerican gentlemen asked him when he thought when moore last thought america was great. Moore acknowledged the racial divisions but said i think it was great at a time when families were united. Everyone though we had slavery, they cared for one another. Our country had a direction. Generally speaking, that should be disqualifying. So the fact is if theyre still having discussions about slavery, were not at a place were having discussions about womens equality in the workplace. Right. Its alleged that roy moore molested girls. Its a fact that roy moore has said that the last time america was great was during slavery. Right . Its also a fact that he cowrote a textbook saying that giving the vote to women was a mistake. And this poses the difficult moment is theres no bottom with this Republican Party. Right . The depth of the immorality and depravity is so deep that its hard to invoke any by which all political players abide. Does it hurt the me too movement . The me too movement is about women who with have been victimized for years in the workplace finally getting the legs to stand up and speak for themselves. And making it so political and saying democrats stand for this and republicans are a bottomless pit. Should those Political Parties even get involved in this . All it takes is one turn for a person who say, really, democrats stand for that . Thats not what bill clinton stood for and the Democratic Party stood with him for decades. So why not leave the me too moment to the women who are the victims because this is about them and its not about democrats or republicans. Of course it is. Because the me too movement has now moved into congress. Its now, you know, were now going to see a wave of revelations in congress and also kind of a reexamination of past behavior in congress. And theres no way to just separate that from politics. And the other thing is that the me too movement, i think, has been political from the beginning in that a lot of women involved have said that it is a reaction to the incandescent rage they felt over the election of donald trump over this, you know, this kind of grotesque sexually assaulted chauvinist pig beats the first viable woman for candidate and they feel helpless and powerless and its led a lot of women to get into local politics. But it also led a lot of women to say where can i make change. You know, maybe theres nothing i can do at the federal level, but i can expose the abuse in my own industry. The problem is that the limit of that is that it only works where people are capable of being shamed. Correct. And there are a whole lot of place where is people arent shamed where this may go on amongst the most Vulnerable People in society. Factory workers, hotel workers, and thats not bubbling up. So far its mostly limited to you dont see it in Corporate America, wall street, hotel chains. Wheres me too in walmart . Michelle, thanks for your column. And were going to take a break. When we come back, israelis and palestinians are bracing for more violence in response to Donald Trumps announcement on jerusalem. This holiday, the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. Give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions and open up a world of possibilities. Save 30 for the holidays at ancestrydna. Com theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. 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Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. Welcome back to velshi ruhle. Thousands are taking part in protests throughout the muslim world in reaction to President Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital this week. Always considered a final piece of the mideast Peace Process, the move is being criticized by palestinians. Europe, nato, and pope francis weighed in on this. The United Nations Security Council is holding a meeting about this decision. It was a meeting requested by the secretary general and its all part of this international reaction. And a big part of e delicate balance is the religious significance. Especially one particular complex that were going to be talking about. At least the sites are that holiest to religions. Lets look at that right now. As tensions rise around the Trump Administrations recognition of jerusalem, this move threatens to destroy a balancing act in the old city around this site that holds significance for judaism, islam, and christianity. The old city is a relatively small area, but in the eastern side of the old city sits the temple mount haram alsharif complex. This is the whole area here. This holds some of the holiest places. Its got the dome of the rock, the temple mount, and the movk. Now the temple mount is where jewish tradition says the first temple built by solomon stood. This shrine was rebuilt as the Second Temple which stood until it was destroyed by titus. The dome of the rock is held in islamic tradition as the place from which the prophet mohamed ascended into heaven. The other site is the farthest mosque. The place where mohamed prayed before ascending to heaven. It also holds significance for christians. This is a place where a young jesus impressed the elders with his knowledge of scripture. The site of his crucifixion is believed to be nearby. Putting the area in delicate balance with district rules on where each where members of each faith can pray. Only muslims are allowed to pray in the main complex. Nonmuslims are allowed in at certain times but are forbidden from praying there. The security at the site is provided by the jordanian government. The nearby western wall is the holiest site in judaism. Its where jewish faith pray. It has been shut off to worshippers from time to time in recent years escalating tensions, feelings are only rising a the president s announcement. Thats why this whole area is as tense as it is. This here is the western wall which forms part of the base of the mosque. Joining us now is ambassador dennis ross who has worked on the middle east Peace Process for many years. He served as the middle east envoy for president clinton and was a Senior National security appointee under president reagan, h. W. Bush, and obama. He knows what hes talking about. Dennis, theres pretty much universal i would say okay. Saudi arabia, iran, across the board, were hearing from a lot of different forces agreeing this wasnt a good move. How does the administration proceed from here . Well, they have to proceed delicately. I think one of the things they have to do is emphasize part of President Trumps statement which was acknowledging that the final status of jerusalem has to be negotiated and that his statement doesnt prejudge that. It doesnt he said, for example, that the boundaries of israeli sovereignty in terms of geography needs to be determined by negotiations. A key point that i think the Administration Needs to emphasize is not just that, but that palestinian interests, palestinian claims will, in fact, be something that have to be addressed in the negotiations. There cant be a deal unless both sides needs are addressed. Now, id also say the administration ought to be reaching out in a very public way repeating this. It ought to go on every one of the arabic cable networks. It ought to be on al jazeera. It ought to be emphasizing we have not precluded the negotiations and we understand not only that there are palestinian claims and needs and rights but there are also arab claims and needs and rights. Let me ask you this. You wrote a massive book. It fantastic book. I read also arab claims and needs and rights. You wrote a book and its astonishing how steady its been since the beginning. America has always supported the division, but it has always at least tried to represent itself at times as a fair broker. The fact is, israelis, and weve spoken to israelis and palestinians in the last few days, the israelis say the palestinians wont come to the negotiating table. Theyre at an impasse. So when we talk about the negotiations, there are no negotiations, and you told me you dont see that happening under benjamin netanyahu. People ask me all the time, what about the Peace Process . If the Peace Process is defined by direct negotiations on the two sides, we havent had one since 2014. That said, you have the Trump Administration readying a plan. Jared kushner said last sunday it is going to present a plan for peace between the israelis and the pal stipulate yaestinial be on big issues, not small issues. So one thing they have to do is deal with the aftermath of this declaration. It has created an environment that makes it difficult for the palestinians and the arabs. If they were to present the plan in the last couple weeks, no one wants to look at they have somehow favorably looked at what the administration has done. They need to create a space for the palestinians and the arabs to be able to respond to what it presents. There are two implications. The first is make sure you have not preempted negotiations on the status of jerusalem and that the claims, rights and needs of the palestinians and arabs have been addressed. Its going to have to include jerusalem and it has to take account of both sides needs. If this is presented, say, a couple months from now and the plan is serious, then there will be an interest in responding to it if it crosses a threshold of being serious and credible. Thats going to be the measure. We hope theyre listening. Ambassador dennis ross, thank you for joining us. Ali, to you. Tom freedman put it out there. If this is a Christmas Gift and President Trump is the master negotiator, what did you get out of it . The house and senate want to pass the tax reform plan, but only 20 of americans approve of it. Its being pushed by the president. They dont like it much, either. Well talk about that when we come back. So thats the idea. What do you think . Hate to play devils advocate but. I kind of feel like its a game changer. I wouldnt go that far. Are you there . Hes probably on mute. Yeah. Gary wont like it. Why . Because hes gary. phone ringing what . Keep going yeah. laughs voice on phone its not millennial enough. There are a lot of ways to say no. Thank you so much. Thank you so were doing it. Yes we got a yes start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Let us help with money and knowhow, so you can get business done. American express open. Essential for vinyl, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Because there are options. Like an unjectionâ„¢. Xeljanz xr. A once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. 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The recent quinnipiac poll shows only 29 of americans approve of the plan, 24 disapprove, 64 saying it only benefits the wealthy, 24 that it benefits the middle class, only 9 believe it helps middle class americans, and the president s approval rate sinking to 38 . You know, this is less popular than prior tax cut plans. Its actually less popular than some tax increase plans, and my thesis here is that its unpopular because Everybody Knows its not true. Ali, its one of the more unpopular pieces of major legislation that any party has attempted for decades, and this just shows the towering challenge they have on this plan in messaging this. Americans believe the plan favors the rich over the middle class, and by a 21 margin they believe their taxes will go up rather than go down. Thats not quite true in the plan, at least in the early years. But it illustrates that republicans are losing the messaging on this bill as they try to get it across the finish line. What do they do about it, though . They dont need to do anything about messaging. It goi its going to pass. They believe in a tax reduction of 20 or 22 in the final outcome. They feel that will spur hiring and deficits and growth and all that stuff. Thats why theyre doing this. I dont think its quite a political play. The public is not clamoring for this. Studies have shown its not going to pay for ifrtself. Thats a little faithbased thinking even though it will spur economic growth. Theyre a party of tax cuts. Their donors want it, but not President Trumps base. Nobody ever went to a rally and said, Corporate Tax cuts now. President trump went after wall street, he went after Corporate America. Everybody said interest would be out of this thing, but alas, its in. I went to dozens of President Trumps rallies, spoke to his supporters. The issue of taxes barely came up. Theyre motivated by trade and globalization. The issue of tax cuts really didnt come up. This is not an issue that energizes the president s base. Maybe going after payroll reduction, that would help Companies Hiring here. National political reporter with bloomberg news, thank you. Thank you for watching this hour of velshi ruhle. Im stephanie ruhle. Are we done . You and me are never done. No, were not. In fact, you can watch us tomorrow at 12 30 p. M. On velshi ruhle, the weekend edition. For now were handing off to Andrea Mitchell for Andrea Mitchell reports. Now on Andrea Mitchell reports, sudden strategy. Donald Trump Campaigns on the sly for roy moore. While careers are derailed for two Political Congress members. And al frankens resignation. I think it was the right thing to do and difficult. This does establish a new standard for this body, and the standard is behavior before you were elected is fair game for determining whether you should be here. Global tension. Americas u. N. Ambassador getting an earful at this hour from world powers denouncing President Trumps decision on israels capital. While palestinian protestors crowded the streets of the holy city. Msnbcs Richard Engel is right in the thick of it. Reporter the forces are trying to prevent them from gatherin

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