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My colleague is he could host of the cycle and nbcs chief legal correspondent. I say that chief justice writes again. Wrote the decision in 2012. He takes the lead here again. Break down what the decision means and what it says for the American People that need the subsidies. Thats exactly right. Chief Justice Roberts was the key fifth vote last time. This morning, he was the sixth vote. What it means is that the law obama care is here to stay and the subsidies are going to over six million americans throughout the country. That money keeps flowing more over. It is law of the land. So it not only stays as a practical matter but the uncertainty that some policymakers, doctors, hospitals, and regular citizens had will this change this will court or another do Something Different with this money . That ended this morning emphatically as the chief justice said this law clearly was designed to fund and advance health care, thats what it intended to do the the court let that stand. Whatever peoples personal opinions are of it. Does that mean this is the last time anything to do with the acaal pear alwill appear before the Supreme Court . Thats a good question. The court has so much power in our lives. I would say it is clear we can say this. This Roberts Court is not interested in challenge thats are going to drastically change or roll back obama care. They had door number one. The constitutional challenge. Do you have the power to do it and said yes. This morning, door number two, what does the statute itself say and kit be limited . Again, yes. This statute says what it says. Advances and fundS Health Care. End of it game over. That is significant. As you know thomas from covering this stuff just like i do, the court doesnt always speak that clearly. It doesnt always say, hey this is done. This was an emphatic obamacare in domestic law. I dont think youll see a change any time soon from this court. That is something that defenders of the law can celebrate today. All right. While i have you there, there are still decisions yet to come from the Supreme Court. Do you know what to anticipate tomorrow or monday . We have two decision days left. Five decisions left to come out. Anyones guess which day theyll come out. All eyes of course on whether Marriage Equality will come out friday or monday and will court leave the status quo, take another incremental step forward or as many people are wondering go all the way in establishing national Marriage Equality Standard National right to same sex marriage, to gay marriage. That could come friday or monday or Something Different. The last thing ill tell that you is very interesting, thomas people love to talk politics. We do it a lot. What were seeing from chief Justice Roberts today and Justice Kennedy is a desire to go beyond politics for unity. All right. Thank you for reporting in front of the Supreme Court. Be sure to catch him on the cycle on msnbc. President obamas speech was quae parts victory lap as well as a record as how this law helped americans so far. This is not a set of political talking points. This is reality. We can see how it is working. This law is working exactly as it is supposed to. In many ways this law is working better than xbekted edxpected it. To for all the misinformation campaigns, all the doomsday predictions, all the talk of death panels and Job Disruption for all the repeal attempts this law is helping tens of millions of americans. And theyve told me that it has changed their lives for the better. Ive had moms come up and say my son was able to see a doctor and get diagnosed and catch a tumor early and hes alive today because of this law. This law is working. And its going to keep doing just that. Five years in this is no longer about a law. This is not about the Affordable Care act, as legislation or obamacare as a political football. This iS Health Care in america. All right. So there we have the president s reaction. The 2016 president ial candidates are weighing in on todays Supreme Court decision. We have Hillary Clinton tweeting, yes scotus afirms what we know is fair and available to all. We have reaction from the republicans that are running for the white house. Lets go through the gop reaction. Lets hear what marco rubio had to say. Is obamacare here to stay . I hope not. I disagree with the decision. I believe obamacare is bad for americans, bad for the country. And then we get reaction from other candidates jeb bush says this decision is not the end of the fight against obamacare. Scott walker says republicans must redouble efforts to repeal and replace this destructive and costly law. Rand paul adds this decision turns the rule of law and common sense on its head. Mike huckabee was the most apocalyptic about it. He called the decision an out of control act of judicial tyranny. Were hearing that analysts are saying that the Congressional Republicans should also breathe a sigh of relief. We have a new report from the cbo that was out just last friday talking about what it would mean if the repeal went through and how many would be sent out into the uninsured masses as to what it means if this law stays. Thats right. A lot of republicans were at least somewhat happy with the result here politically which is that republicans and congress would have had to find some way to deal with a fallout of over six Million People having the premiums spike. The main obstacle to addressing this is that there was no consensus within the Republican Party as to how to handle this. Now some republicans suggested, look, we cant get attacked for taking Health Care Away from all the people. We have to come up with a temporary fix that pushes things over to 2017 when a republican president can come up with a more permanent solution. But that idea was dead in the water for a lot of conservatives. Some am whom are becoming very vocal in the last few days like the president of the heritage and saying congress should let the subsidies die, period. Live with the consequences. Now this goes into a broader problem. Not a temporary fix, republicans have no consensus on what they would do to replace obama care or whether they would need to replace it at all. That means they would have to deal with the tradeoffs you mention there. For example if, they try to repeal it they would be on the hook for as many as 19 Million People according to the cbo, losing Health Insurance in the very first year alone. By contrast now they can focus on criticizing lawsuit when there is a lot of unanimity among republicans rather than having to address the consequences if they struck a mortal blow to it through the courts or repealed it entirely. Im the only one that really talks about repeal and using the word replace was scott walker. The rest were more abstract about what their plan would be. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. This brings us to our question to you today, we want to know what you think about. This will opponents try to undo obamacare. Let us know what you think. Well have results throughout the show. My colleague is going to be here shortly to give us a peek at how all of you are voting. We move down to South Carolina and we just received a new statement from the familiar live dylann roof, the selfconfessed shooter in the Charleston Church shooting. Now the family says in this statement, we would like to take this time to reflect object victims and give their families time to grieve. We feel it will be inappropriate to say anything at this time other than that. Were truly sorry for their loss. That is the end of the quote. There friends and family of the mother emanuel nine are beginning the painful process of saying final goodbyes. This morning Funeral Services were held for 70yearold ethel lance. She a strong woman. The custodian at emanuel ame. Several dig any tears including the mayor and congressman mark sanford attended. Coming up in an hour the family of reverend Coleman Singleton will pay their last respects. Youre looking at pictures of her viewing right now. Colemansingleton was a track coach and speech pathologist at goose creek high school. Hundreds are paying respects at a wake for reverend and senator klem men clemente pinckney. As we talk about tomorrow this is the large funeral that everyone is going to be coming out for to pay respects to the reverend and also to the state senator. We have the president and Vice President coming to town. A lot of preparation in advance of this funeral for tomorrow. Yeah that is correct. Thomas. With the huge crowds officials are planning accordingly not only for the thousands of members of the public expected to appear but also for the president , the first lady and the Vice President. Theyre going to begin closing roads here in downtown charleston around 6 00 in the morning. Shuttle buses will deliver people to and from the services. We have already begun to see some of the security measures that are being put into place at todays funeral. Police officers standing guard and searching the bags of those entering the churches. There has been a nonstop flow of mourners at the viewing for the reverend. Her funeral gets underway in a little less than an hour. And earlier today, just a very emotional goodbye to ethel lance. Her family thanking the community for their support saying lance was always strong in times of difficulty. And now it is their turn to do so in her memory thomas. Msnbc sarah danlof reporting in charleston. Developing right now, we have a large force of police still out there hunting for the two escaped convicts. Apparently theyre closing in in an area of Mountain View new york. Now we dont know yet what the clues that may have led them to this specific area are. But there is an Intense Police presence right now. The search intensified this week after dna from david sweat and richard matt was found in a remote cabin. Were also learning more about how a prison guard may have helped the two escape at a statement obtained by nbc news gene palmer who was arrested last night told authorities he allowed david sweat access to areas behind his cell and provided tools whether intentionally or by accident. The District Attorney has gone on record by saying he had no knowledge that they were plan ong escaping. He passed a polygraph test. He is devastated. Hes embarrassed. Hes sorry for the attention that hes getting right now. He wants the focus to be on prison security and capturing these two individuals. So Big Development there about this prison worker. Adam reese joins me from owls head new york from this. Explain what we know about the prison guard, his help in this and what he was able to give these two guys and what is a successful escape from the clinton correctional facilty. Yeah. Thomas, now we know Joyce Mitchell wasnt the only one who helped them escape. 57yearold gene palmer 28 years at the clinton correctional facilty as a guard. He worked on the honor block. That is where sweat and matt lived. This was a plum job for him. In a statement, a stunning statement that he gave to new York State Police he says, he provided sweat access to cat walk behind the cell. That is the area they use to make their escape. He passed tools through meat, we knew about the Joyce Mitchell plot to bring tools into the jail in frozen meat. He then took that meat and gave it to richard matt. He gave them paint. Paintbrushes paintbrushes. He gave them access to the electrical box. He traded screw drivers and pliers for the paintings. He was known in the jail to be an accomplished artist. Now in a statement, palmer said i did not realize at the time that the assistance provided to matt or sweat made their escape hesier. The altering of the electrical boxes was to enhance their ability to cook in their cells. And now when police asked him after he gave that statement did you know that they were planning an escape . Strangely, he said no. He didnt know. Hes got a 4 00 hearing today. He has made bail. He plead not guilty. He says hes sorey. Hes upset. Hes devastated. He just hopes they get caught really quick, thomas. Quickly, before we let goushgs the art work he traded for those things. He burned all that and buried it correct . He d according to police he burned so it there would be no evidence that there was that trade tools for art work. Thomas . Fascinating new development turning up there. Adam, nice to see you, thank you. Quet today about the Supreme Court, the victory for the aca, what does it mean for the average american . Were going to take a look at that next. Plus, the defense begins in the dark knight Movie Theater murder trial. Can attorneys convince a jury that james holmes is not guilty by reason of insanity . Well be right back. Behold, these are two wind turbines. Can you spot the difference . The wind farm on the right was created using digital models and real world locationbased specs that taught it how to follow the wind. So while the ones on the left are waiting the ones on the right are pulling power out of thin air. Pretty impressive, huh . Now, two things that are exactly the same have have never been more different. Ge software. Get connected. Get insights. Get optimized. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me. And youre talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. 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It is a victory lap for the president after hiS Health Care lawer is vifd what may be the last major challenge in the Supreme Court. Yet, the gop leaders of both houses promised more obamacare fighting on the way. Its just fundamentally broken. And were going to continue our efforts to do everything we can to put the American People back in charge of their own health care. The politicians have a choice, they can crow about the latest victory towards the edge or work twous address the on going negative impact of a 2,000 page law that continues to make life literally miserable. Joining us now, the former Obama Administration official in charge of implementing the president S Health Care law and professor at lsu Health Sciences center in louisiana. Gentlemen, great to have you here. I want to start with you. You heard the sound bites there of what we heard from john boehner, Mitch Mcconnell. Do you think thats just rhetoric or do you anticipate that these legal fights and the momentum from the republicans is going to continue. I think the supporters are relieved. The opponents of the law that are really really relieved. Because they will no they had no alternative. The republicans in congress were in disarray. Republican governors certainly didnt want to have benefits taken away from the people in their states. So this really is a victory for everyone. Its a victory for the people who now have insurance and get to keep their insurance. But its also i think, despite what they said despite what we just heard, its really what the republicans and Mitch Mcconnell and john boehner and all their friends wanted. They can now use this rhetoric but they dont actually have to come up with an alternative which they dont have. The only person that talked in response to this about having the phrase of repeal and replace is scott walker. Doctor, a lot of reaction bobby jindal that is a candidate add as of yesterday says the debate will continue because they failed to main taint objective, containing health care costs. Do you think if it had gone the opposite way what it would mean for a state like yours which does not have a state exchange . Lets talk about the facts. First of all, what did the Supreme Court accomplish today . 6. 4 Million People will keep their health care in 34 states. That subsidy now that is available is about 270 a month for the average person. And 287 increase in their premium if the subsidy wasnt okd today. That is something that has made a way for people to get health care in not only just louisiana but in america. I have to say, our governor who is running for president who is at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to running has no idea what hes talking about. It is over of billions of dollars that will aid in the health care of our stast louisiana. Governor john kasich of ohio he was a real republican trailblazer and really showed exemplary status in reaching across the aisle to accept the Medicaid Expansion in his state and doing much better for it. One thing Mitch Mcconnell said this was pushed through by politicians. Actually, the president did run on this in 2012 reelected to the white house by running on the aca. Jay, just last week we had the cbo coming out with the latest numbers on what would happen if the aca were stripped or repealed. It would cost 353 billion over ten years adding that the federal deficit. Do you think Congressional Republicans really want to deal with those ramifications . If they talk about the numbers that they put out, dont you think that the they wouldnt have much teeth to the rhetoric . That is all bravado. Now they can speak out of both sides of their mouth, its more of bravado. Had the decision gone the other way, people would have lost coverage. It would have cost the country a lot more money. And now that has been upheld the uncertainty has been eliminated. So what i think were going to find is more people signing up for insurance. So not only are people going to be able to who got insurance now going to be able to keep it i believe more people are going to sign up. Its good for the people. It also happens to be good for insurance industry, for the hospitals and business in general. So it really is very good decision. Gentlemen, thank you for your insights. Great to see you. Programming note at 4 00 p. M. Eastern on now with alex wagner, Kathleen Sebelius will join alex to react to todays Supreme Court ruling on the aca. Well be right back. Kraft Barbecue Sauces new recipe is made with sweet molasses, cane sugar and no high fructose corn syrup. Thats not how most leading Barbecue Sauces do it. But thats how its done at kraft. Vo todays the day. More and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about longacting levemir®. 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This happened last night. A Spokesman Says an iraqi pilot was flying the f16. He had been training in the u. S. Now for four years and the crash caused a gas line to rupture sparking a fire. Now here is how one witness described it. They came around with the second loop to the left. And first one went and fine and the second one behind it when it did the bank to the left everything just fell out. It seemed like something just grabbed it and it went straight down. So the pilot was the only person onboard. It isnt know what caused that crash. Pope francis is bucking the system once again making comments you may never expect to hear from the catholic church. The pope addressed a crowd where he tackled the topic of marriage. He said there may be cases where its morally necessarily for some families to separate. The pope stopped short of using the word divorce. He said there are cases in which separation is inevitable. Sometimes it can even be morally necessary, when its about shielding the weaker spouse or Young Children from the more serious wounds caused by intimidation and violence. Coming up next were going to take a look at the other big store yifz the day and the other big decision handed down by the Supreme Court. Its been called the sleeper case of the term. It could lead to more lawsuits over housing discrimination. Also ahead, a second prison employee arrested in connection with the escape two of inmates. So how is he involved snt latest on the details of that prison guard and the whereabouts of these two men, the escaped killers now 20 days on the run. Then were going to take you back to South Carolina. The question remaining there today, will the Confederate Flag come down from outside that state house and when . Female announcer time is running out to get the hottest deal on a new mattress. 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We have president obama celebrating his Big Health Care win at the Supreme Court. However, the court and a different conservative justice handed down another major win for the white house today. Justice Anthony Kennedy surprised Court Watchers and sided with the liberal justices in a case about fair housing and whether the Administration May pursue cases where policies may be legal but have a negative impact on minorities. A civil rights attorney at the advancement project joins us now. Let me read you something from kennedys majority opinion on this saying recognition of disparate impact liability plays a role in uncovering intent. It permits them to counteract unconscious prejudices and escape easy classification as dispratt treatment. In the real context of when we get down to the nittygritty here, what does that mean for fair housing . Sure. So the Fair Housing Act is one of the strongest civil rights laws that we have on the books. And when we think about the unique ways that housing discrimination sort of manifests itself, its often the subtle forms of discrimination. Its the steering away from an apartment complex. Its the difference in conditions in terms on a mortgage. These are the kind of ways in which africanamericans and other classes have been shut out of housing markets and opportunities for decades. And so todays ruling is an important way of really demonstrating that we are about furthering actively and affirmatively enacting fair housing and making sure that americans have a opportunity to live wherever they choose. That also means there is a major weapon now for the doj when pursuing discriminatory housing cases and just look at. This we have a list from several years back before the legal challenge arose. So do you expect to see a lot of changes in banking practices, local Law Enforcement as a result of this specific decision . Well, i think it puts everyone on notice that they have an obligation whether it ab lending institution, an apartment complex, everyone has an obligation to affirm fair housing. Make sure were providing opportunities for everyone. You know i got my start doing fair housing work in new orleans, louisiana post katrina new orleans. The discrimination we saw there is off the charts. Doj has a powerful tool under its belt. We have to do what we can to preserve this. Thank you very much for joining me. I appreciate it. I want to bring in my colleague who has a deep dive into the Supreme Court decision that was issued today. Had everybody scrambling to get their hot hands on what the Supreme Court said. The test of this landmark consideration and what they consider achievement. Lets break down the votes and who voted and what they chose. Those who upheld obama care john roberts, anthony m. Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Breyer and there is opposing the decisions were Scalia Clarence Thomas and samuel aledo jr. Okay. So now lets take a look at back a couple years ago here in 2012 if we can take a look at that and see whore, chief Justice Roberts was the key vote to uphold the law back then in 2012. But if you can see here Justice Kennedy was the dissenter in that. If you consider that completely an aboutface from 2012 and the decision to day, all other votes remain the same. Congress passed at fordable care act to improve Health Insurance markets not to destroy them. If at all possible we must interpret the nakt a way that is consistent with the former and avoids the latter. And then Justice Scalia said this, this Court Concludes that this limitation would prevent the rest of the act from working as well as hoped so it rewrites the law to make tax credits available everywhere. We should start calling this law scotuscare with the argument that obamacare is not for the Supreme Court. He used words like pure applesauce in his opinion and also interpreted jiggery, pokery in his dissent getting a lot of attention on social medias you can imagine there. Maybe he was hungry. Maybe he was. The republican reaction to the Supreme Courts decision here. So this is what we asked you. Will opponents still try to undo obamacare . Heres how youre resulting. Heres the scoreboard. Those of you that say yes, theyll still try to undo obamacare, 57 . 43 say no. That is kind of close. Well see if that changes at all in the next hour and afterwards. Thomas . Thank you so much. And developing right now, police in u. S. Marshals are descending on an area in upstate new york called Mountain View. This has they try to find those two escaped convicts assumed to be armed and dangerous at this point. David sweat and richard matt left behind clues for police not far from the area half eaten food, a boot and dna. This was found in a remote cabin. Nbc news learned more about the second prison worker arrested for possibly helping the convicts escape. Gene palmer told authorities he allowed david sweat access to areas behind his cell on a cat walk. Joining me on the phone is brian mann the bureau chief for North Country public radio. Before the escape, as i understand it brian, gene palmer, the prison guard, led you on a tour a while back of the facility. What was he like . Yeah. Many years ago. He was at that time known as a guy that was clearly disgruntled about working. There he talked very grimly and negatively about what was like to be a corrections officer in that facility. Was he only honor block then . You know its interesting. I dont know what his assignment was back then. I dont know how he drew the assignment of giving me this tour. He showed me through the facility and talked about how working there had changed him and hardened him. He talked about the violence behind bars. So really you know he painted a very very grim portrait of what his professional career had been like. And for everybody, we have a quick clip of the radio interview you did with gene palmer. Take a listen. With the money that they pay you, youll go bald and have high Blood Pressure and divorce and end up killing yourself. Its a negative environment. And long term exposure to a negative environment, you become hard on issues as in whether you see someone get cut in the face and bleeding and stuff. Wow. And that was ten years ago, brian, roughly, right . Yeah. More than ten years ago. He stayed with the career. Some of his colleagues say he was a good prison guard. But it looks very much like he entered into a very complicated relationship with these inmates. May have really crossed some lines. And the best leads so far Mountain View correct . Thats where authorities are now searching, combing through. Yeah. And that is big country up. There great north woods of the adirondak mountains. They got them they think corningered. They have them cornered in a vast area of wilderness. It could still take them days to pin them down. Brian mann thank you so much. We want to take everybody back to South Carolina where the first funerals of the mother emanuel nine are taking place. Reverend Coleman Singletons funeral started at the top of the hour. Her viewing was held this morning. As these families we see there paying final respects to someone who is so loved in the community. And in the background of it is the Ripple Effect caused by South Carolina leaders calling to remove the Confederate Flag from state capital grounds. This morning, the sons of confederate veterans voiced their opposition to it. To remove this flag to remove this monument it will dishonor not only white confederate soldiers but it will dishonor black confederate soldiers. Its a different story in alabama. Thats where the Governor Robert Bentley ordered their Confederate Flags to be removed from a confederate memorial site. Joining me now democratic congresswoman from alabama terry suleg to have you here. Your governor, what he had to say, after he gave the order to take that flag down. I think that what i did today was symbolic. I think what i did today, i became the first governor to remove the Confederate Flag. Other governors have called for it in virginia and in South Carolina. They didnt do it. I did it. So we know in South Carolina they are in the process of doing it because it was so baked in when they got the flag removed from the capitol dome and to where it is now, so many obstacles were baked in to get it off the grounds that they have more hurdles to go through. For your own state and governor what is your reaction to knowing that he moved swiftly and decisively . Listen, i obviously applaud my governor for swiftly and quickly removing the flag from the Capitol Grounds much its a Long Time Coming actually. These relics of the past belong in the past and they should remain in the past. And i was happy to see that he did. That you know, for me its one has to do more than just remove a symbol. If youre really trying to change the racial attitude in our nation we should be starting with changing our policy. So i applaud my governor for doing that but ski my governor respectfully expand medicaid. That would help. So expand okay. That will be interesting especially coming to day after we get the decision from the Supreme Court. Exactly. Heres what al. Com wrote, removing the flag or any other bit of our history, war history or civil rights history will not stop hateful white people from hating black people. It will not stop hateful black people from hating white people. When you hear that basic black and white tenor of that statement and its not so much about the symbolism but more about how were treating each other, what do you think . Where do we go from here . I think that we should use the pressure that a lot of my republican colleagues are feeling right now to really call for not only symbolic gestures but as that columnist said we have to call for real change and real policies that will change behavior. I know that today is the second anniversary of the shelby decision which went to gut the Voting Rights act of 1965. You know i represent the city of selma and from the city of selma. I think if my colleagues really want to do something that is not only symbolic but meaningful then they will support restoring the Voting Rights act. I drafted a bill yesterday with senator leahy, the Voting Rights advancement act that will do that. It is a modern day form l. A. The Supreme Court told us that Congress Needed to issue a modern day formula to get preclearance protections back. And thats exactly what we should be doing. I plan on being in South Carolina tomorrow to pay my respects along with other members of congress. But i hope that what we what well come away from this incident this tragedy is a renewed commitment to doing action that will actually change behaviors and policies that will actually change this nations tenor. Democratic congresswoman in alabamas seventh district. Safe travels to South Carolina tomorrow. Thank you for your time today. Developments in colorado. The dark knight Movie Theater trial. The defense beginning their case. Will the jury believe that james hole am was actually insane at the time of that mass shooting . What is the evidence displaying . Well have that story next. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. 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Witnesses are taking the stand in the first full day of his defense. It follows two long months of prosecution testimony. Among those called were two psychiatrists who said that holmes was sane when he opened fire killing 12 people at a packed movie premier three years ago. But the defense is calling witnesses to stand now to the stand now who are expected to say that holmes was not legally sane at the time of the shooting. Joining me now is our msnbc contributor contributor, host of the docket on shift and she is a former criminal defense attorney and civil rights attorney. So this has been a fascinating trial to watch as we know there have been some jurors replaced. Theyve definitely gone into the bench backups. Bringing people out. But the insanity defense is successful in about 25 of felony trials nationally. That is correct. The odds are worse in high profile killings. Is this a hail mary for holmes at this point . No. I dont think so. People are not talking about this factor enough. The defense experts, two of them saw holmes closer to the time of the crime. And that is the key to all of this. Whether he was insane at the time of the crime. Not a year later, not two years before but during that. And proximity to the action is what the jurors need to hear about. All right. Because all of the doctors, thomas all 20 doctors who have examined him since he was arrested they all agree that holmes suffers from some type of mental illness. So were all agreeing on. That now its just what happened during the incident . All right. So the defense is likely to call a psychiatrist who saw holmes five times before the shooting. So that is a lot of exposure. That is. For someone to come and give compelling testimony to these jurors. But then we have the fact that this jury has been a rotating door of people coming in and out. Andout. And im calling you out. Because this is remember you were an alternate. So you know how it is. You sat there, you paid attention. Everybodys paying attention to all the evidence. Its not as if theyre bringing people who havent heard it all. I have to say, my case though we did get a little spacey at times. You zoned out . There were long days. This would be very compelling and fascinating because of the severity of the situation, and the families that are impacted and that are all hoping for justice in this. Of course. I think also noteworthy is that some of the same witnesses we may see again. Great to see you. Be sure to watch the docket tuesdays at 11 00 a. M. Eastern. I love when you bring up my jury duty. Were back after this. When you travel, we help you make all kinds of connections. Connections you almost miss. And ones you never thought youd make. We help connect where you are. To places you never thought youd go. This, is why we travel. And why we continue to create new technology to connect you to the people and places that matter. 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So as a general rule i am just fine with a few hecklers. But not when im up in the house. You know what i mean . You know my my attitude is if if youre eating the food you know what im saying . True. If youre going up to the bar and getting the food you know . Dont go touching it if youre going to do Something Like that. Have to be removed from the white house reception. Said maybe some champagne was consumed. Main that was the champagne giving him courage. Were going to have much more on the breaking news coming out of the Supreme Court. And when we return well get reaction from capitol hill. Also the 2016 candidates. Plus the man hunt in new york a second prison worker faces charges in court a few hours from now. And the latest on the searching for those escaped killers and is a serial killer operating in the rust belt. Well have the details coming up on that investigation. You are looking at two airplane fuel gauges. Can you spot the difference . No . You cant see that . 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President obama scored a major win at the Supreme Court this morning. Again, thanks in part to the conservative chief justice. This time john roberts helped save the affordable part of the Affordable Care act. Today, after more than 50 votes in congress to appeal or weaken this law, after a president ial election based in part on preserving or repealing this law, after multiple challenges to this law before the Supreme Court, the Affordable Care act is here to stay. The court voted 63, chief Justice John Roberts once again writing the majority opinion saying, quote, Congress Passed the Affordable Care act to improve Health Insurance markets, not to destroy them. We must interpret it in a way that is consistent with the former and not the latter. Ari, in the decision itself explain how its all broken down. Do you really think this might be the last time we see a aca fight at the Supreme Court . This is probably the last aca fight at the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Roberts making it clear today that he doesnt view these types of challenges as being legally significant. That is to say, chief justice reports says this law says what it says. Whether you like it or not thats what it says. Game over. Supreme Court Decisions are not always crisp and simple. This one was. His reasoning really if you want to go into how they look at these cases was, yes, there were words in the law that was confusing, but overall, the intent was to clearly provide health care not to discriminate on geography, well, unlucky for you if your governor didnt set up an exchange you dont get health care. He says that wasnt the intent period. A little bit left on the clock here with decision days tomorrow and monday. When do you think Marriage Equality, the decision is going to come down for that . I have no idea. Thats the honest truth. They added these two days thursday and friday. That would suggest they have some reason. Or if you want to play the game and speculate, did they add friday because they might think they may finish all their work tomorrow. All eyes on the court here for the next big decision. You cant read between cases, but you cant say that chief Justice Roberts this term rising above politics and expectations. That has some core watchers thinks he might also be a vote for national Marriage Equality. You can never guess with these folks. Some of them you can guess. Theres some that keep us guessing. Great to see you. Thank you. Reaction to todayS Health Care decision, that came swift and quickly from 2016 gop candidates. Listen to ted cruz moments ago on the senate floor talking about it. You the teenage immigrant washing dishes are paying illegal taxes right now today because of president obamas deception and because of the Supreme Courts judicial activism violating their oaths of office. Mr. President , i remain fully committed to repealing every single word of obamacare. Elsewhere in the gop field, jeb bush says this decision is not the end of the fight against obamacare. Scott walker says republicans must redouble their efforts to repeal and replace this destructive and costly law. Rand paul adds, this decision turns both the rule of law and common sense on its head. Mike huckabee called the decision an out of control act of judicial tear teairany. Marco rubio was on the campaign trail. Is obamacare here to stay . I hope not. I disagree with their decision. I believe obamacare is bad for americans, bad for the country. We have reaction from the republicans on the campaign trail and from capitol hill. A lot of people think the Supreme Court just saved the gops congressional leaders a really big headache. Break that apart and kpran that for us. When it comes to republican politicians and president ial candidates youre going to hear pretty much the same thing over and over again. We cant wait to appeal and replace obamacare later. Among strategists, youre hearing a very different tune today. This is some that were raising before, but its really coming to the forefront today. There was not a lot of consensus on the republican side what they would do exactly if the Supreme Court had gone the other direction and knocked out subsidies for 6 million americans in 34 states. They would be under this very High Pressure situation where 6 Million People would be asking right offer the bat, whats going to happen to me am i going to lose my health care. And theres already a debate whether they should do any kind of fix even if its just temporary. Some conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation were actively warning republicans, look, if you turn those subsidies back on were going after you. While others like house and senate gop leaders were saying we need to have something at least temporary to get us out of these immediate attacks. They dont have a consensus on a replacement to obamacare either. So you add it all up together, there was a lot of uncertainty how they would respond to this. Benji, thank you so much. Im joined by a practicing physician at Johns Hopkins and a fellow at the brookings institution. She also served in the Obama Administration. Good to have you with us. I want to show everybody this result from the latest nbc news wall street journal poll. Voters are split on whether they would support a candidate that wants to appeal and replace obamacare. So the American People had a chance to vote him out of office they september him back to the white house. Do you think this law is something that most of the American Public at this point fully understands . Thanks for having me. Youre pointing out something that i think needs to be the next phase of work for democrats in general and thats explaining the law to the American Public. I had a lot of folks i spoke with that didnt even really understand what it was about. So i think the poll results kind of hit on that that theres still such a lack of information. But that just honestly, in my opinion, that just means theres a lot more opportunity. That translates to millions more americans getting health care. One thing the president talked about today as he spoke from the rose garden is the fact that this is not abstract, this is a working law, its actually working better than expected. They paint and the cbo, these new numbers from them as well. They paint this positive picture of obamacare. The cbc says that the number of uninsured dropped in 2014 by about 16 million. This is an interesting part from the cbo. They said repealing the law would increase the deficit by up to 353 billion over the next ten years. What do you say to the republicans out there that are saying today that this law is going to cost americans much more in the long run as ee posed to listening to the cbo facts . Well, i will say the same thing ive been saying that id love to see their facts to support the statements. Because simply put, its not true. And those of us who are on the front lines who are delivering health care are seeing the effects of having people who have told us ive seen it personally, have told me that theyre now getting access to care and finding things that they had never had a chance to before. I think that what we should do as a country is find places where we can improve the Affordable Care act, but i really think this conversation about repealing it or taking it away, i think its exactly that. Its just creating a falsehood and creating more divide amongst americans. Still a lot to learn. Dr. Patel, thank you for your time. Thank you. Want to check in with my colleague francis rivera. Update now from the bing pulse. That divide she was just talking about is exactly what were talking about. Since we ask you and our viewers to vote will opponents still try to undo obamacare. Lets see how this has changed. Take a look at the yeses and those that believe they will undo obamacare. This has jumped up about ten points. 73 of you believe that that is the case. Yes, 27 of our viewers who voted think no opponents will not try to undo obamacare. Interesting to see how youve been voting in the past minutes. As we take your pulse, as we like to put it. Kind of overwhelming in the past minute or two. Take a look at whos been voting. Now just in the last minute weve gotten some republicans in red voting. Independents democrats, mostly independents spiking up to the yes there. But overall in the past hour that weve been watching respecting say, you know they were kind of split. Were seeing more independents and more democrats. Now those republicans are starting to vote in. If you want to weigh in you can do that right now. Thomas . Well talk again later and see how everybody at home feels about this. Police have intensified their search for daift sweat and richard matt. The man hunt now in its 20th day. Meanwhile, gene palmer was arrested last night, due in court in less than two hours. Hes expected to enter a plea of not guilty. They say he delivered the tools sweat and matt used to cut their way out of the prison. Theres a sworn statement from palmer in which he confesses to providing painting materials to matt. Also in the statement, palmer says he helped sweat get through inmate investigations and allowed him access to the catwalk behind his cell to do Electrical Work. Palmers neighbor defended those actions just moments ago. The work behind the catwalk, they could work back there. They could do plumbing. They could do electrical. If they needed a screwdriver, then he gave him a screwdriver. The state should have fixed the electrical. They had hot plates, whatever they cooked on them. It blew the circuit breaker. So theyd have to go behind and fix it. So the same one used in the daring escape. Now palmer is not accused of knowingly helping in the escape. When asked about whether he knew the plan by state police, he said no. He also pass add polygraph test according to his lawyer. Joining me now is chris in owls head new york. Bring us up to speed about the search and the flurry of activity in a specific area. Reporter this remains an intense search here in the owls head new york area. Not very far from canada. Got a couple Police Officers here state troopers manning a check point behind me. Everywhere you drive in this area you cannot go very far without seeing state troopers are park rangers. Some in cars, some walking up and down the streets. Theyre searching the woods in this area. Its a very thick area of woods here. Theres a lot of farmland hills, mountains, streams. So its very very tough terrain. This area became the epicenter of the search after a report saturday from a person who owned a hunting camp in this area. He reported seeing a person running from his camp. Inside the place had clearly been broken into it. Police say they took food items and tested them and dna came up positive for these escaped inmates. They also say they found some underwear that came from the clinton correctional facility. So that brought all of the authorities to this area where they believe these two inmates are somewhere in this thick wooded area hiding out and at least 300 officers remain in this area going in and out of the woods and checking cars as they go by. Really fascinating. Seems like they are hot on their trail. Well continue to fall this story. Chris, thank you. Joining me now is pat brown. Pat, nice to see you again. Here we go talking about this case and the new player in all of it gene palmer saying that he gave sweat allowed him anyway to walk in the area of the catwalk behind the cell to do Electrical Work basically so he could get a better current coming to his cell for cooking. But that is what led to their escape. The access route right there. Why do you think that the prison guard would allow for this . I mean go so soft on these guys . Well, you know again we dont exactly know what palmer really did. I mean hes saying what he did. His lawyer is saying what he did. He took a polygraph, it came back true. Thats what were hearing from the lawyer and palmer. We dont really know exactly how much he was in ka hoots with these guys. Is it possible he didnt think they were really going to break out and just liked getting gifts from them . Now that theres been a jailbreak, he should get good money from those things on ebay. He burned them he did burn them. He didnt want the cops to catch onto him. I forgot he did that. There goes his money. Youre right. They probably would have gone for good money. Probably didnt think they were going to catch onto him for any of these things. People start getting into these relationships and theyre getting something back. Its not like a oneway street. He knew who he was dealing with but he liked what he was getting in return. The same way as Joyce Mitchell. We can say, oh, it was because they couldnt help themselves. They were getting something in return that they werent supposed to get in their jobs. You know so how guilty is he of knowing you know white what they were going to do . I dont know yet. Its fascinating, years ago palmer gave this radio interview on public radio talking about the hardships of his job. Take a listen to this. With the money that pay you, youll go bald youll have high Blood Pressure, divorce and kill yourself. Its a negative environment and longterm exposure to a negative environment, you become hard on issues as in when you see someone get cut in the face and theyre bleeding and stuff. Thats an incredible insight to what his mind set was ten years ago. Colleagues described palmer as being a dedicated corrections officer. After you hear that, it seems like, you know wow, ten years ago, this guy was in trouble and not enjoying his job. Right. And really maybe not having the mentality to keep it up. But then again we always have to be careful. Theres a difference between what people say and what people do. What matters is their actions. Thats what we all know, that is where the truth lies are in his actions. Maybe he was talking garbage back then. Who knows. Maybe he just wanted to with on the radio. We know what his actions are. He did something not legal which is why hes being charged with felonies. Pat, nice to see you as always. Coming up next we head down south. South carolina. Will the Confederate Flag be coming down from outside the state house. Where is that moving on the political front . Im going to speak with the former chair of the South Carolina party. And the dark night shooting case. Can an attorney convince that jury that james holmes was insane. Also do police have a serial killer on the loose in ohio . Shopping online. Is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners. Were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online. From a list of top rated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. I built my business with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy for my studio. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Thats huge for my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . Kraft Barbecue Sauces new recipe is made with sweet molasses, cane sugar and no high fructose corn syrup. Thats not how most leading Barbecue Sauces do it. But thats how its done at kraft. My name is Jeff Richardson the Vice President of operations here at c. K. Mondavi. To make this fine wine it takes a lot of energy. Pg e is the energy expert. We reached out to pg e to become more efficient. My job is basically to help them achieve their goals around sustainability and really to keep their overhead low. Solar and Energy Efficiency are all core values of pg e. Theyve given us the tools that we need to become more efficient and bottom line save more money. Together, were building a better california. Right now in South Carolina the family and friends of reverend sharonda colemansingleton are saying their goodbyes. She was one of the mother emanuel nine shot last week. Meanwhile, were also hearing from the family of dylann roof the alleged shooter. The family released this stam we would like to take this time to reflect on the victims we feel it would be inappropriate to say anything at this time other than that we are truly sorry for their loss. Im joined by the former head of the South Carolina gop. Goov dylann roof he could potentially face federal hate crimes for this attack. Whats your reaction . I think thats the next conversation to be had. Its more to note that every flag at halfmast, ive never seen the reverence or sadness on our state ever that most people are seeing now. I think the trial phase will be a conversation soon whether the federal government is going to try it or scarlet wilson is going to try it. I would prefer scarlet wilson and her staff render justice down there where this crime was perpetrated. Again, the sadness thomas is overwhelming. Theres a lot of conversations going on from outside the state. A lot of things are happening. For most of us here working your way through the sadness has been a tough job. The flag conversation is going on. So i think thats another conversation of whether the president and Loretta Lynch who have made numerous conversations about this publicly, and the trial. You and i both know how publicly this trial is going to be held. So much a going on as you point out, simultaneously. The grief aspect and the respect for those lost is the primary one. The backdrop of all of this the debate over the Confederate Flag. That is running pretty hot right now. Weve got the governor calling for it to be removed from the grounds of South Carolina. I want to read in part to you a statement from the college of charleston president saying quote, i support governor haleys call to remove the Confederate Flag as a visible statement of courtesy and good will to all those who may be offended by it. We had the sons of the confederate veterans speaking at a press Conference Today in front of the flag saying that they feel it should stay and theyre fighting for that. They dont see any reason to take it down. How do you hope that the issue is settled . Thomas, ill give you the conversation that im hearing. You wouldnt its very hard to bring the house and senate back in session the way that theyre getting ready to do it for this. That speaks volumes for the leadership in both the house and the senate to be able to bring them back and have a special session to talk about the flag and where its going to go. That tells me that the votes are already there. I get that the groups are going to show up. Theres going to be pain levied on all sides. I understand that. But i would tell our viewing audience that the pain and the symbolism and everything thats happened with especially ms. Pinckney and her two daughters yesterday, those visuals will stay with most of South Carolina forever. I think it will be a conversation, thomas. I dont think its going to be a long conversation. So it is your assertion that that flag will go to a museum and thats where it belongs and not in front of the State Capitol . I think thats whats going to happen. There are a lot of people who dont understand the way our house and senate and Government Works in our constitution. Theyre working as fast as i have ever seen the leadership work in my life to bring this to fruition. I would say they have the votes. I would say there will be conversations. But its going to be a couple weeks before they can get back in legally from what i understand. The governor has made her statement. There was a tremendous amount of support that you saw behind her. This is a Republican Party with an indianamerican governor and the only republican africanamerican u. S. Senator in the country. So were a little different than a lot of people think we are. Whether republicans or democrats, this sadness is going to stay with us a long time and this flag debate i think will be a short one thomas. The experience of the mother emanuel nine is certainly a shared one for the entire country. Nice to see you, sir. Thank you. Thank you, thomas. Coming up next, a womans body found along a road in rural ohio. The question now is because of other murders, do police have a serial killer on the loose. Then were going to look at the other big decision handed by the Supreme Court today and why it could lead to more lawsuits over housing discrimination. Does your makeup remover take it all off . Every kissproof cryproof, stayproof look . Neutrogena® makeup remover does. It erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Need any more proof than that . Neutrogena. [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, weve always been at the forefront of advanced electronics. Providing technology to get more detail. Detect hidden threats. See the whole picture. Process critical information and put it in the hands of our defenders. Reaching constantly evolving threats before they reach us. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. Ya know, viagra helps guys with erectile dysfunction get and keep an erection. Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor about viagra. Kraft Barbecue Sauces new recipe is made with sweet molasses, cane sugar and no high fructose corn syrup. Thats not how most leading Barbecue Sauces do it. But thats how its done at kraft. Your credit is in pretty good shape. Chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to experian. Com. Kaboom. Get your credit swagger on. Become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Residents in the small town in ohio are on edge. Theyre worried that a serial killer might be on the loose. In the past year six women have gone missing, four have turned up dead. They have requested now federal assistance to find the person or persons involved. Theyve identified a suspect in one of these cases, but theyve not connected that individual to the other cases leaving people in that area with a lot of questions. Joining me now is katelyn turner, a reporter with the local newspaper who has been covering these cases extensively. This has been going on for a year as i understand it and just now its bubbling to the surface. Why is it now just bubbling to the surface or the connection of the dots so to speak . Initially the first two women disappeared last may. One womans body was found near a creek and the other missing woman, we have not found her yet. So the case continued throughout the year. And another woman disappeared in november. And then a fourth disappeared in december. And she was found her body was found in another river nearby. Then another woman disappeared this early may. Her body was the most recent one found. And then another unrelated woman never reported missing, her body was found shortly before the most recent woman. So what is the connection at all between the victims . Have they been able to string together any type of evidence that would make them think that they have a serial killer on the loose . Well, authorities are not ruling out anything at this point. They have not said it is a serial killer. They have not said it is not. Theyre taking it day at a time. What most of these women seemed to have in common is a history of drug use which is very prevalent in the area. There is a suspect, right . But someone thats not been charged . Yes, the suspect for the murder of timberly klater the woman who was found very recent recently. He was taken into custody for failure to register his address because he was a convicted sex offender. But he has not been charged for the murder. This perpetrator or perpetrators could still be on the loose. How are locals feeling . Do they feel what theyre doing is enough . Well, the overall tone of the area as you can imagine is a lot of unease. There have been a lot of facebook groups that have cropped up with people talking about any and every tips they have gotten reporting things to the police talking about anything that could be happening in the area that could be suspicious. So most of them are definitely uneasy about all of this. Katelyn, thanks for your time. Thank you. Coming up next, were going to look at the big decision handed down by the Supreme Court today. It could lead to more lawsuits over housing discrimination. And also, a second prison employee arrested in connection with a prison escape from the clinton correctional facility. Were going to give you the latest on the hunt for these two killers. But what is gene palmers connection . Try alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Mamas, dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys dont letem pick guitars and drive them old trucks boys . 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Thats from the man hunt taking place in upstate new york. For the second time the Supreme Court upheld a key portion of the president S Health Care law. John roberts authored the opinion that saved president obamas aca. The decision was 63 with Justice Kennedy also joining the courts liberals. President obama explained what this means now for the country. Victory for hard working americans all across this country whose lives will continue to become more secure in a changing economy because of this law. Health care was not the only big win for the Obama Administration today from the courts. Justices also upheld a major tool in the justice departments fight against unfair housing. Anthony kennedy joined the liberals and he wrote the opinion in support of whats called disparate impact. So Justice Kennedy said the 1968 law in which its found helps counteract prejudices. Nicole hannah jones is a staff writer or the New York Times magazines and joins us now. Its great to have you here. I think for a lot of people this was a surprise after the Voting Rights act was gutting. How surpriseing is it that they came back . I think a lot of people were really concerned. The Supreme Court seemed very anxious to take up this particular case even though it had been established and settled in the lower courts. When you talk about the eagerness of wanting to take this up, it seems as if they had their mind set in another direction because they were so eager . Thats what people thought. Generally the Supreme Court takes up something if theres been a controversy in a lower court. People are really concerned that the only reason the court would be to take this up would be to strike it down. Lets talk about disparate impact. The doj has secured settlements that total in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Its a very wonky term. It basically means that you dont have to prove intent. You dont have to show that for instance countrywide intended to hurt black and latino homeowners. They only have to show that they did it and couldnt justify it. It would be difficult to do the large scale enforcement of the Fair Housing Act. When we talk about this in fair housing, bloomberg also writing it may also apply to the equal credit opportunity act. So were talking about auto lending and mortgages as well here. So much broader than maybe what we think automatically when it comes to this. Yeah, certainly. Its already applied in all these fields. Some have said now all of a sudden were going to see lawsuits. Its really been settled case law for years. Its been used in implement law and housing law. Nicole hannah jones with the New York Times magazine great to see you. Want to go back to francis who has results for the bing pulse question of the day that had to deal with the Supreme Court and the aca. There we go. We were asking our viewers, will opponents still try to do obama with the president saying this is going to be the law of the land. This has dropped a couple points. 68 of you now saying yes, you will still will opponents still try to undo obamacare. 32 of our viewers are saying no that is not the case. Lets take a look at the last minute or so. Reflected in the overall scoreboard many of our viewers saying yes, will opponents still try to undo obamacare. Keep voting and well continue to follow that. And just so you know we are waiting a 4 00 p. M. Court appearance for the second prison employee to be charged in connection with the escape of two inmates. His name is gene palmer. What role is he accused of playing . Plus the latest on the search for the two escaped killers now on the run for 20 days. Here is a simple math problem. Two trains leave st. Louis for albuquerque at the same time. Same cargo, same size, same power. Which one arrives first . Hint its not the one on the left. The speedy guy on the right is part of an intelligent system that creates the optimal trip profile for all trains on the line. And the one on the left . Uh, looks like itll be counting cows for awhile. So maybe the same things arent quite the same. Ge software. Get connected. Get insights. Get optimized. [music] defiance is in our bones. New citracal pearls. Delicious berries and cream. Soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. Only from citracal. Lets celebrate these moments. This woman. This cancer patient. Christine. Living her life. Loving her family. Moments made possible in part by the breakthrough science of advanced genomic testing. After christine exhausted the standard Treatment Options for her disease, doctors working with the center for advanced individual medicine at Cancer Treatment centers of america suggested advanced genomic testing. The test results revealed a finding that led to the use of a targeted therapy that was not considered for christine before. Now, theyre helping fight her cancer on another, deeper level. The genetic level. This is precision Cancer Treatment an approach to care that may help patients like christine enjoy the things that matter most in their lives while undergoing treatment. The evolution of cancer care is here. Thats definitely something worth celebrating. Learn more about precision Cancer Treatment at cancercenter. Com. Appointments are available now. Kraft Barbecue Sauces new recipe is made with sweet molasses, cane sugar and no high fructose corn syrup. Thats not how most leading Barbecue Sauces do it. But thats how its done at kraft. So as we mentioned at the top of the hour police and u. S. Marbles, theyve descented on an area in upstate new york called Mountain View. Theyre hot on the trail of the two escaped convicts assumed to be armed and dangerous. They left behind clues for police. The clues, half eaten food a boot, and dna found in a remote cabin. Weve also learned more about the second prison worker arrested for possibly helping the convicts in the escape. Gene palmer is due in court this afternoon. The area behind his cell is a catwalk area. I want to bring in bill stanton. Its nice to see you in person once again. Still talking about these guys. I want to play a clip from gene palmers lawyer speaking about how guards sometimes interact with the prisoners. Its common practice to i dont want to say curry favor because thats not the phrase that describes its appropriately. But its a very Dangerous Institution and they try to get some level of trust from these individuals because they have provided information in the past that has led to the break up of fights, stabbings and Gang Activity in the prison. Is it surprise to you at all that there would be a lax relationship between the prison guard and matt and sweat . Well, mow notny makes us all complacent. They gave them a little extra favor. Do i think hes explicitly knowing, im going to help these guys break out, until i hear more, im going to say no right now. They got favor from as many guards and people as they could to effect their escape. Obviously it worked very well for them because theyre still on the run. When we talk about a gene palmer, heres a guy who burned the artwork that was given to him and the trade they had between them for the things that went back and forth. He burned and buried the artwork so that he would not be a suspect its not looking good for him, is it . It was picked off anyway. But is there that type of bond that they build where, say, a prison guard starts to have a a developed relations start to almost relax with the people that theyre guarding and not feel that there as danger rousz as they really are . Its interesting you bring up that point. We recruit these people from the planet earth not the planet perfect. I would go to the interview process, these Prison Guards how closely are they filtered and do they reevaluate them and what do those evaluations yield. Ten years ago, we gave an interview. He was talking about the fact they pay us so little we end up going bald we become alcoholics, we get divorced. It didnt sound like he was being properly vetted annually to maintain a Mental Health or the position the stature and stability for the position that he has. Two things. Good thing were not Prison Guards because we like our hair. Number two these guys are essentially paid to be on the other side of the bars. So it affects them in a certain extent just as much as the criminals. So we have this 1,100 officers involved. Theyre specific in this one area, but this is woody, very dense. Are these guys that good . I keep saying this are they that good or just that lucky . I call them smart mental morons. Apparently theyre in jail and theyre not like executive criminals where they can hack into a the Computer Data base. Theyre violent. Theyre filth. Theyre eluding the cops. No matter how many there are, thats a big ground to cover up there. We will continue to talk about this. They remain out there on the loose. Again palmer a new character thats been added toth bill great to see you. The defense has begun presenting its case in the dark knight shooting trial today. They say their client was having a psychotic episode when he opened fire killing 12 and wounding 70. States psychiatrists who examined holmes after the tragedy concluded holmes was sane. The defenses first witness, a nurse at the prison where in november of 2012 holmes ran head first into the walls. They also saw video of holmes falling to the ground lying there for several minutes. Were going to keep an eye on the courtroom as the defense moves forward with his presentation. We now return to North Charleston South Carolina where we are watching the funeral for sharonda colemansingleton. It was earlier where friends and family paid final respects to ethel lance. Focus on how she lived. I want my grandmothers legacy to be what she stood for [ applause ] that was amazing that her granddaughter saying she doesnt want her grandmothers legacy to be about how she died, but what she stood for. A viewing of reverend Clementa Pinckney is happening. His funeral is going to be tomorrow. President obama will be there to deliver his eulogy. Song Rachel Platten fight song two million, four hundred thirtyfour thousand three hundred eleven people in this city. And only one me. Ill take those odds. Be unstoppable. The allnew 2015 ford edge. My cut hurt. Mine hurt more. Mine stopped hurting faster neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. Neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. Fights the pain. Available at walmart. Ugh heartburn no one burns on my watch try alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Alkaseltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. We live in a world of mobile technology, but it is not the device that is mobile, it is you. Real madrid have about 450 million fans. Were trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. The microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. It will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. The gops 2016 candidates have spent the day expressing great displeasure with the Supreme CourtS Health Care decision. President obama said the big political fights about the aca are over and that the law is staying. The point is this is not an abstract thing anymore. This is not a set of political talking points. This is reality. We can see how it is working. This law is working exactly as its supposed to. Joining me right now is senior Political Editor mark murray. Where does the gop go from here with the aca talking points . Many of the people who had reactions today still use the phrase repeal and replace. But they dont come up with the replace aspect. The talks points pretty much remain the same. Almost all the republican 2016 president ial candidates came out with statements today. They disagreed with the Supreme Courts decision. They also said if they are elected in 2016 that come 2017 theyll work to repeal and replace the law. Theres one really big hitch. They say theyll bring marketplace reforms, that they have plans. We have yet to see anything with actual legislative details, Congressional Budget Office scoring on the trade offs that would come with any type of republican reform. In a lot of ways its a rhetorical slight of hand saying, yes, i have something much better that im going to propose, but im not going to propose the whole thing because it becomes politically problematic. Meanwhile, under the assessment of all of this is using a republican algorithm, the deficit shoots up by the hundreds of millions millions more go into the uninsured marketplace. Talk to me more about the week that president obama had between the win on trade and also now on the aca. Things certainly changed in two weeks. It was two weeks ago after nancy pelosi and House Democrats led a revolt on president obamas trade agenda. Hes a dead duck but Flash Forward to now, he ended up getting that same trade agreement through congress. The final trade agreement still needs to be negotiated. He also ends up getting todayS Health Care win. The last part of his legacy is getting that iran deal on its nuclear weapons. That actually might be the most difficult task of all for the president. Were coming up to the end of the month deadline. Thats right. June 30th for the United States along with other western countries and russia and china all together to get a deal with iran on inspecting its nuclear weapons. Weve had so many different deadlines on this. They end up coming to a kind of agreement back in april. This is supposed to be the final, final final thing. Once you get those final negotiations theyre often the trickiest ones. Before i let you go Chris Christie news and some important things to be announced coming up . Yeah, hes going to be announcing his president ial bid as my colleague confirmed next week from new jersey. Of course, a lot of this is expected. Chris christie has been in New Hampshire almost once a week. Hes made no bones about his ambitions for running for the white house. His biggest problem though is going to be a lot of Republican Voters dont seem to like him all that much. When you look at any kind of polling, state polling it shows him really with an uphill climb with republican and conservative voters. And we still have bridgegate to figure out. Thats contributed to it a little bit. Mark murray good to see you, thank you. Programming note 4 00 p. M. Eastern, alex is going to interview former health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius getting her reaction to todays Supreme Court ruling. That wraps up things for todays show. Keep the conversation going on social media. My friends over at the cycle, they come your way next. Great to see you. Were going to be live with a special edition of the cycle at the Supreme Court. Obamacare being upheld what does it mean for 2016. Thats all right after the break. Its time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. Shes turned her love for sharks into a successful Small Business taking people down under water to meet them in person. Her efforts are helping to support her research and the animals she cares so deeply about. American express for travel and entertainment worldwide. Just show them this the American Express card. Dont leave home without it and someday, i may even use it on the moon. Its a marvelous thing oh haha so you can replace plane tickets, travelers cheques, a lost card. Really . That worked . American express timeless safety and security are now available on apple pay. 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If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Kraft Barbecue Sauces new recipe is made with sweet molasses, cane sugar and no high fructose corn syrup. Thats not how most leading Barbecue Sauces do it. But thats how its done at kraft. Theres a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. Try phillips fiber good gummies plus energy support. Its a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. Mmmmm, these are good nice work, phillips the tasty side of fiber, from phillips. Obamacare gets a shot in the arm from the Supreme Court. And Congress Gets a rebuke. Good afternoon to you. Live here on the steps of the Supreme Court for a special edition of the cycle on a day thats delivered another huge win for the president s signature law. In a 63 decision this morning, the justices upheld obamacare subsidies in all of the states. That means americans can use federal exchanging even if the states refuse to set up their own. And a potential death spiral for nearly 6. 5 million americans. That means the president will leave in 2016 with his signature achievement intact. He rejected arguments that congress intended for subsidies to only be available in some states. Ultimately the man who saved obamacare in 2012 did so again today and the ruling can be summed up by a simple line at the very end of roberts opinion. Congress wrote the law to improve Health Insurance markets, he wrote, not to destroy them. The president all smiles in the rose garden today just an hour or so after the decision was handed down. Today, after more than 50 votes in congress to repeal or weaken this law, after a president ial election based in part on preserving or repealing this law, after multiple challenges to this law before the Supreme Court the

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