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Him fairly, he says, continues to blast the network and its host megyn kelly, tweeting out just a few hours ago, quote, i refuse to call Megyn Kelly A Bim bow because that would not be politically correct. Instead, i will only call her a lightweight reporter. In pulling out of the debate yesterday, trump cited a sarcastic press release put out by fox news earlier in the day in which it said, we learned from a secret back channel that the ayatollah and putin both intend to treat donald trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president. Trump has his own secret plan to replace his cabinet with his own twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings. Heres trumps response. With me, theyre dealing with somebody thats a little bit different. They cant toy with me like they toy with everybody else. So let them have their debate. And lets see how they do with the ratings. And i told them, i said, give money to the Wounded Warriors, give money to the veterans. Theyre going to make a fortune with the debate. Lets see how many people watch. Trumps feud with fox news and megyn kelly dates back to august when kelly asked him about his past comments regarding women. Trump lashed out at kelly after the debate, repeatedly criticizing her as a, quote, third rate reporting and demanding fox remove her next time around. Ted cruz immediately responded by challenging trump to a oneonone debate without a moderator. We can do it with no moderators whatsoever. 90 minutes lincoln douglas, donald and me. He can lay out his strigz for this country and i can lay out my vision for this country in front of the men and women of iowa. Nbcs Peter Alexander joins us from des moines. Im curious how this is all playing out, not just on the national stage, but right there where youre standing. What are you hearing . Well, we have been speaking to the people of iowa, even just moments before donald trump made that sort of announcement late yesterday. I spoke to an iowan who was undecided between donald trump, ted cruz, and marco rubio. What he loved about trump was his bluntness, but he wished he wouldnt be sort of erratic in some of his remarks. In this case, a lot of people who support trump or leaned toward trump believe this does in fact demonstrate strength. He shows recent release from fox news, and in effect, that gave donald trump an excuse to say he wasnt going to have any part of this debate. But he really did take a page out of his own art of the deal playbook. Walking away from what his Campaign Says was a bad deal with fox news. Its a big gamble, though. Will it be brilliant or disastrous . The next 24 to i guess 100 hours, until caucus day, will answer that question. In some ways, it freezes the race right now, tamron, that donald trump is in the lead of. If he doesnt show tomorrow night, the target then likely moved over to the back of ted cruz. A lot of his opponents right now trying to move up in the polls. He, of course, is neck and neck with donald trump. For trump himself, another opportunity for him to show he is dominating the race, dominating the discourse, and in effect, dominating the debate all together. If he does not show up at this debate, donald trump has said that hes going to have his own event with money going to Wounded Warriors. What more do we know about this event he says that hes going to have . Well, this is funny because we were at that event, that News Conference where donald trump first told reporters, you know, im probably not going to show up. Im thinking im not going to go to the debate. Well likely hold an event where well raise money at the same time for veterans and Wounded Warriors. I asked one of his top staffers, whats the plan tomorrow . Had you spoken to the rnc, had you spoken to anybody else before this happened . This top aide said, no, that was breaking news. In effect, this is something being formed as we speak right now. In terms of what he will ultimately do and whether or not he will participate altogether, and what they would try to do to raise money for Wounded Warriors and veterans. For the people who support him or lean toward him, they view this as out of the box and think its another opportunity for trump to beat back the establishment, as it were. In this case, the establishment includes fox news. Thank you. Lets bring in hallie jackson. Shes been following the Cruz Campaign in iowa. So cruzs strategy, challenge donald trump to a oneonone debate. Theres no reason at least no indication that donald trump will take that debate. So whats next for ted cruz . Well, he doesnt have to, tamron, because just by virtue of ted cruz proposing this idea of this oneonone debate dual, it allows him to get into the conversation, and allows cruz and his surrogates to push their message against donald trump, which is right now that donald trump looks weak by refusing to do tomorrow nights debate, that donald trump looks like a whiner or as cruz has called him, a fragile soul, if you will. This is something that ted cruz needs to try to get to resonate to iowans because he looks to be in this dead heat with trump, and in fact, slipping to trump at least in recent polls. Cruz is on offense now. After really, tam rrn, a couple weeks trying to play defense on the attacks from donald trump. Cruz is 93 trying to change it up and trying to go after trump and paint this as the sort of twoman race. Although you still have the establishment candidates like the marco rubios, jeb bushes, chris christies, john kasichs, hoping tomorrow night they will be able to stand out and shine more if donald trump is not on the stage as they head into iowa and look ahead to New Hampshire. In speaking to the Cruz Campaign this morning, theyre preparing as though donald trump could be on stage. You cant not prepare for him to do sort of a lastminute about face again. So all preparations continue to be in place for tomorrow night. And theres been a showdown, a back and forth over endorsements from the evangelical community. Senator cruz got support yesterday from tony perkins, from the Family Research council. Do they believe that in a sense the falwell jr. Endorsement trump received, that theyre leveling the playing field, cancelling each other out . When you talk to the Cruz Campaign, as one aide phrased it to me, if Jerry Falwell jr. Was the big endorsement yesterday, i said is this a counterpunch . They said its a knockout blow for tony perkins to be backing him and being a surrogate for him on the campaign trail. Thats the sense from the Cruz Campaign. Of course, the trump folks would tell you something different. Significant that Jerry Falwell jr. In a state where evangelicals matter so crucially, has backed donald trump. Were heading out in the next couple hours to speak with folks in the church. Well keep you posted. Great report. Lets bring in talk show host steve das. Hes based, of course, in iowa. He has endorsed senator ted cruz. Good to see you. Good to see you. Right now, you have a fox news poll, the latest one out of iowa that shows trump leading your guy ted cruz by 11 points here. Will ted cruz win iowa . Yes. And that fox poll is garbage, tamron. The internals of that fox poll claim they talked to 173,000 iowans who voted in the 2012 Iowa Caucuses. We only had 120,000 vote on the republican side, so either 53,000 people lied to fox news or they believe 53,000 democrats are going to cross over and vote in a Republican Caucus when the democrats as msnbc viewers well known, have their own compelling caucus going on right now with Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. That same fox poll says only 45 of iowa caucusgoers are going to be evangelicals. Its on average 60 . So you know, theyre only off by, i dont know, 15 points. That poll is complete garbage. You know, Time Magazine has this headline, religious voters embrace donald trump even if he lacks faith. It goes on to say a new Pew Research Center poll find hes wide lee seen as the least religious candidate in the field, but that hasnt stopped more than half of white evangelical voters and more than half of Republican Voters from believing he would make a great or even a good president. Your reaction to at least that pew poll . My reaction is the only opinions on planet earth that matter at the moment live in the state of iowa. The only opinion of religious or evangelical voters in the Republican Party that matter at the moment live in the state of iowa. Because the state of some are breaking for donald trump, even with the two curightians. Even with some of the things senator cruz brought up on the trail. Some of those evangelicals are breaking with donald trump. He doesnt need to win the evangelical vote. He just needs a significant showup, and it is appearing, steve, that he has right now. I disagree. He has to win the evangelical vote. We have had three contested Iowa Caucuses this century. And all three were won by the candidate that won the evangelical vote. George w. Bush, mike huckabee, and rick santorum. Hes going to have to win the evangelical vote. And to beat ted cruz for the evangelical vote means hes going to have to get at least 30 or 35 of it. Kn luck with that. Mike huckabee, minister, also president ial candidate. His super pac is out with an ad in iowa, hitting ted cruzs evangelical credentials. Let me play that. Have you thought about the caucus. A little. I heard something about ted cruz, that gay marriage wouldnt be a top priority for him. He said it at a fundraiser in new york city. Tells them one thing, tells iowans another. I also heard that cruz gives less than 1 to charity and church. He doesnt tithe . A millionaire that brags about his faith all the time . Just what we need. Another phony. I guess we narrowed down our list. Cant caucus for cruz. If you took out the cant caucus for cruz, many people would have thought that was an ad against donald trump. Its actually against ted cruz. Well, that super pac, i think, is run by a completely morally bankrupt political hack named nick ryan, i think that really what youre describing here, tamron, is what i like to call on my radio show, but hurt. For whatever reason, voters decided they didnt want mike huckabee. He got outworked. Didnt work the state as hard as ted cruz, didnt offer the radical change that cruz did. Thats why hes going to get low Single Digits monday night. Thats the kind of ad in iowa, trust me, you know i have a provocative edge. To me, i know when you go this far, iowans dont like it. They snap back against you because the rubber band has snapped back against me sometimes in my career for playing cards like this. Whatever small percentage huckabee was going to get on monday, this ad will diminish it all the more. Last question i have for you. Senator cruz was on tape saying if donald trump wins iowa, he runs away with the whole thing. Do you agree with that . I think well, i have been giving that analysis for months. If you look at what happens if he wins iowa, hell probably name the score in New Hampshire. Then we go to South Carolina and super tuesday. Certainly by then, the race at a minimum will be down, im guessing, to two candidates. Iowans have to ask themselves a question. Do they want to have a tantrum or an election . Do they want to send a message or send a message but with someone who actually has the character to be president . Because its clear donald trump does not. Real quick, i know you dispute the fox news poll. When you look at the average, it is a dead heat with maybe senator cruz slightly behind. Do you believe its because of the birther issue that donald trump brought up . I dont. I have seen all internal data, analytics out there. Its a nonstarter issue except for about 5 of people who live on the comment sections of blogs. The reality is if ted cruzs even in polling averages, then hes leading because hes got a far greater organizational advantage on the ground to donald trump. Well see what happens. Steve, hope to have you back on the day after. Lets turn to the democratic side. Within the hour, Bernie Sanders heads to the white house to meet privately with president obama in the oval office. The white house describes this meeting as having no formal agenda. It comes after a big night for senator sanders on the campaign trail. 20,000 people turned out to hear him speak at Campaign Events in minnesota. The first rally in duluth drew some 6,000 people. Followed by a massive rally in st. Paul. 14,000 people showed up for that one. No president , not Bernie Sanders or anyone else, can effectively address the crisis facing our country unless there is a political revolution. Senator sanders returns to iowa tonight where he and Hillary Clinton remain locked in a political death match. Five days ahead of the caucuses. Msnbcs kasie hunt joins us live from des moines. And kasie, lets look at this. This will be the second private meeting in seven years between president obama and senator sanders at the white house. This was all apparently, though, set up back in december. Thats right, tamron. This is only the second meeting. And the president and Bernie Sanders havent had deep engagement over the course of the president over the course of the presidency. But of course, this comes on the heels of that interview that the president gave to politico where he talked quite a bit about Hillary Clinton. Even suggesting that she was the one who was more in line with his legacy and to be able to continue to build on the accomplishments of his presidency. Thats really what were seeing play out on the ground in iowa here. A tussle over just who it is who is going to do better by people who supported eed barack obama. Bernie sanders trying to replicate a little bit of the magic. Hes got the big crowds. You saw the big crowds in minnesota. Thats part of the rationale behind leaving minnesota to go to iowa, finding a place where he can generate enormous crowds like that. Hes also appealing very strongly to young people. Young people here in iowa are supporting Bernie Sanders by wide margins as compared to Hillary Clinton. But clinton, on the other hand, is making this argument that shes going to build on the policy accomplishments that the president has been able to get done over the course of his last couple of terms. Particularly health care. Bernie sanders talks a lot about medicare for all, saying he wants to rip it up, start over again. Hillary clinton has the reverse argument. She says, i tried to fight for universal health care myself. I couldnt get it through. President obama got the Affordable Care act through congress, and what we need to do now is build on that. Shes counting on, of course, the rest of the obama coalition, africanamericans, hispanic voters, to ultimately side with her this time around. All right, kasie hunt live for us in des moines. Thank you. I have breaking news to update you on. The governor of michigan and mayor of flint are getting ready to hold this News Conference where they will discuss the plea for federal aid and providing Long Term Health care for children exposed to the leadtainted water. That crisis continues in flint. Well bring you their comments live as we count down to tonights 9 00 town hall exclusively on msnbc. And developing now, one of the protesters who occupied a Federal Building in oregon was killed in a confrontation last night with police. Several others under arrest, including the groups leader. But the occupation is not over. Well have the latest on that showdown and what both sides are saying happened. Lost shipments, lost invoices, lost prospects, lost respect. Wellcrafted solutions for todays problems in commerce. Pitney bowes, the craftsmen of commerce. And i quit smoking with chantix. I had a lot of doubts going in. I was a smoker. Hands down, it was. Thats who i was. After one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. 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Just being together and appreciating what we have right here in santa cruz. See how you can save energy at pge. Com. Together, were building a better california. Following breaking news out of flint, michigan, as this toxic water crisis continues. Were waiting for the governor of michigan, rick snyder, to step up to the podium. Its a News Conference that is should be starting here soon. Hes also going to be with the mayor of flint. Shes scheduled to take part. Let me bring in democratic congressman dan killby of michigan, whose district includes flint and was born and raised in the great city suffering so much right now. Thank you for joining us. Thank you very much. Here we have the governor. Hes expected to announce hes requesting federal medical aid to help the residents under 21 with potential Health Problems here. This as nbc news reported again last night that not one single pipe has been replaced so far since this announcement came back in october. The confirmation that the water was toxic. Whats your reaction to the moving parts today . Well, obviously, im willing to help in any way i can to get federal support for the people of flint. Weve been working on that for months. I wrote to the governor back in september asking him to seek federal assistance. And he refused to do so until just a couple weeks ago. Lets be clear. The state of michigan created this problem. And they need to step up and provide the Financial Resources to help flint forward. This is a strong community. We can come out of this. Were strong people. But we need the folks who did this to us to provide resources, and we can take it from there. We can rebuild our community. The governor has to step up in a very big way and not point fingers at everybody else. Well help from the federal government. The president stepped up quickly. But we really need the state to respond in a manner equal to the gravity of this problem. Lets talk about some of the emails and documents released by the governor. There have been calls for there to be more. Right now, were looking at documents from 2014 to 2015. The crisis, at least the decision to switch the water, was in 2013. When i hear you say you advised the governor to make the very move that he is expected to announce today, back in september, and hes only doing it now, is the governor still behind on this crisis . Does he grasp the enormity of it . Not by the numbers, but by the longterm impact this could have . It sure seems as though he has. The focus, of course, has been on the emergent needs, getting water to people. I hope that the governor, as he is now beginning to act, thinks about the longterm commitment that the state needs to make. Especially to young kids who have had significant lead exposure. Theyll face developmental, behavioral, cognitive challenges. We need to get flint back to better than just what it was before the crisis hit. I think the state and the governor himself has a moral obligation to provide the resources to this community so that we can rebuild ourselves and especially to give these kids a chance that they otherwise might not have had. Thats a chance at a real future. Were waiting for the governor to step up. This News Conference has started. Congressman, when you talk ability the lack of urgency or perceived urgency here, we have this town hall tonight with rachel maddow. Its supposed to be standingroom only. There are spokfolks who have wa parties set up here who still want answers, not only to how the decision was made, but why at this point there are people who still dont have clean water. You have celebrities stepping up and private citizens stepping up to have children tested here. What can what are you asking of the governor at this point . Well, obviously, its to think about the future of the city and not just think about the emergency that we face. Obviously, thats the first step, to make sure that people have clean, drinkable water. To make sure that the Distribution System itself ultimately, hopefully within a few months, can deliver drinkable water to households. But at that point, and really simultaneously, we need to focus on the longterm impact. Not just on the reputation of this community, although thats important. But specifically on the lives of children. And as i said, this is a strong community. We have been through a lot. And we have come out of really tough struggles. All we need are the resources. We can organize the effort here at home. We just need those who did this to us, this was not done by the people of flint. Lets be clear about that. The people who did this to us need to step up and provide the resources. Thats the state of michigan. Congressman, thank you so much for joining us. I want to take the audience, Michigan State police updating on the distribution of filters and clean water to the people of flint. Helpfor flint. Com to learn more. At this time, i would like to introduce governor rick snyder. Thank you, captain. And i appreciate that update. I want to thank the mayor for her partnership and for hosting us here today at city hall. This is about working together to address this issue. Last week in my state of the state, i gave history. I apologized, i talked about the background of all this. This is about continuing to take action. Now is the time to act to do things to help the people of flint, address the damage thats been done, both in the short term, the intermediate term and long term. Im committed to getting that done. I appreciate the captain and all his efforts to go through the summary of a number of the fact that have taken place recently. Today, though, i would also like to announce a series of other actions that are a part of the process to get flint on a more and more positive track each and every day. To begin with, i want to announce were going to increase the executive Office Presence and presence of the state of michigan and the city of flint in terms of physical presence. So well be opening an office here at the State Office Building headed by rich beard. Rich is with us today. Rich is a flint native. So this place is near and dear to his hard. Hes done tremendously good work previously in our administration, particularly in helping the city of detroit. So hes going to be our point person here in flint. Joining him will be a number of other people, including the lieutenant governor, spending a significant amount of time here. Again, ill continue my presence here. Harvey hollins has done good work for an extended period of time in this community. That will continue. But youll find many other departments bringing resources and people to bear on the ground here to do things to help the people of flint. One of the Activity Centers for that will be the flint water interagency coordinating council. I established that by executive order earlier. Were having our first meeting today. I will be present at that meeting. Its really a group of state officials with city officials, county officials, and outside experts. People including mark edwards, dr. Mona hanatisha, other experts, Lawrence Reynolds where believe is part of the team. We have a great group of experts. Were also inviting federal officials to participate. Again, this is like lets bring all resources to the table so we can do this in a coordinated fashion. That will be one of our primary insfrumpt strument to move forw taking more action to help the citizens of flint. In terms of other issues. One request we announced that nick line will be speaking to our director of health and Human Resources for making a request to the federal government to expand medicare to children under 21. Also look at how we can apply more lead abatement programs to help those children, and also look at more communitybased programs, medical home models on what to do with children who may already have other forms of health care coverage. Were putting in a request to the Small Business administration about how we can look at lowinterest loans and things to help the Business Owners of flint get through this difficult time, and hopefully have an opportunity to have their business grow and do better in the city of flint. With respect to the Flint Water Task force, a group i established back in october of last year, an independent group to give recommendations, to look at the background and history of this whole event and talk about lessons learned, and a couple other occasions, they made recommendations, we followed up on those promptly. They gave me a letter last week. Im responding to that letter in terms of yesterday or today, my response is going out. I appreciate their recommendations. Well be incorporating those, and well talk upt those in terms of how were incorporating those recommendations to look at the question of Water Quality and water safety. Well establish a separate group of independent experts to work with us on the question of how do we get the water turned back on at the tap so it can be safe and clear and what testing should be involved in that process to get to that point. In addition, i want to thank the Michigan Council foundations. They have provided grant resources to help the city, in terms of mark edwards. Theres a number of steps were taking. This is just a beginning. This is not the end of the process at all. So im pleased to say the senate should be taking up the 28 million supplemental request for Additional Resources in flint. The house passed it very quickly and with 1060 as the vote last week. So progress is happening there. But this is the start of a longer term process to make sure we are committed to flint. So if you dont look at this press conference as the end of something. This is just, again, another stopping point to say more is getting done. Were going to keep doing more, and were going to keep committed to the people of flint. With that, let me turn over to the mayor. Mayor, thank you. I have just a few announcements that i want to make. First off is that Virginia Tech scientist dr. Mark edwards has been retained by the city of flint to oversee all Water Testing done by the state and the federal government. He is fully independent. He will be reporting to me. And is funded by private donations. Secondly, i have told the Governor Snyder that Flint Residents should not have to pay for water they did not and are not using. Therefore, he has set aside 3 million in his supplemental budget request to legislators to address the issue. Theres more work to be done once we have accurate numbers from the flint water department, and we will revisit what is right for our citizens here in the city of flint. I appreciate i want everybody to know i appreciate the federal government stepping up, but this does not replace the state stepping up and giving the funds for our residents to fix this issue. Im going to have mr. Craig step up. Thank you. Thank you, mayor. Im keith craig, the director of the department of environmental equality. I would like to take a couple minutes today to tell you what the department of Environmental Quality has been up to. First, we do work in lock step with our federal partners. Theres a Weekly Conference call between the director and interim regional administrator to make sure that we are on the same page. Were actually in the homes with epa. And hhs, for that matter, this past weekend. Looking at Water Quality, water parameters, and making sure the that is right. Thirdly, the Water Treatment plant in their dwibship system, theyre doing weekly sampling for Water Quality parameters and lead. We have a fivepoint plan relative to water and Water Testing. As you know, we have residential testing occurring right now. Theres 2577 samples that have been sent in. Theyre not statistically valid. But we can say that things are trending better. 160 of those samples were above 15 parts per billion. So the vast majority, 93. 7 , were below 15 parts per billion. 85 were below 5 parts per billion. So well continue the residential testing. Thats one. Two is were doing the food service testing. So were going into all of the Food Service Establishments and working with our friends at the Michigan Department of ag and World Development and making sure that the water in those establishments meets standards, production standards, food safety standards. Were also doing the schools, as we have announced before. 13 schools, we have been through those, so we can expedite that, were working with our friends add the department of licensing and regulations and just replacing fixtures and then well go back and test those. Four is were working with our friends at health and Human Services making sure that were paying attention to any of the elevated blood levels and looking at water as a source. And so then as we move down that road, and fifth is were in the process of establishing sentinel sites across the city that are geographically represented. And well do that in concert with a new committee that was just stood up so that we get the experts in the room so theres agreement. No longer is there a difference of opinion between those that actually identified this problem and those that were denying the problem. So were on the same page and well make sure were on the same page. And well make sure that Interagency Group looks at that because there is no excuse. Flint residents deserve safe, highquality drinking water. And thats a longterm commitment. So once we establish sentinel sites, well figure out to see if the increase phosphate additions to the water is actually putting down that protective barrier, and well do it on data. Well make sure that the data is accurate, vetted, and transparent. I should say that any homeowner that has put in a sample can go to michigan. Gov flint water and get the results immediately upon the results. There is no longer a lag in that, so you can go online and get your results. And then lastly, as im working with epa, there is the commitment to make sure as the city transfers to kwa, that we get it right. Thats a thorough review of the system to make sure this never happens again. Well make sure the engineers, the health care professionals, and the Water Quality specialists all sign off and agree to the end result. So thank you. With that, i would like to introduce director nick lyons. Thank you, director cray. My name is nick lyon, the director for the Michigan Health and Human Services. Going to give you an update on the activities and describe a bit in detail some of our discussions with the federal government about some of the programs were looking at to provide primary care and Behavioral Services in the future for the children of flint. Were going to ask the federal government that we expand medicaid eligible for all individuals under the age of 21 in flint. A big piece of the request is asking for the center for Medicate Services for their consideration in providing medicate match for the abatement of certain homes, especially those that are impacted by water. This will be a big step, but it will also stretch our resources to help the city. Most importantly, and i think long term for the city of flint, is really about providing targeted case management, wraparound services, insuring children have access to a primary care physician, that theyre connected to a primary care physician, that they have a medical home, and theyre seeking and receiving the health care they get. As Governor Snyder noted, this is a longterm plan. This is the beginning. And from a health perspective, that couldnt be more true. We know lead can have impacts for years to come. And were working with our local partners here, the Genesee Health system and county Health Department to determine what tracks, what activities and what services need to be provided to insure that the children get the best chance they have of being successful. Were also working with the United States department of agriculture on expanding educational nutrition services. Theyre provided currently through the wick program to families and children ages 5 to 10. Thats something that were working with them and we hope to have an answer from them soon. Again, i would like to reiterate, this is a first step. We have a shortterm plan to address the immediate issues around having safe water. The intermediate plans as well. We are looking at food safety and security. And longterm, what can we do to insure that children are receiving the Behavior Health services they need. Thank you, and with that, i turn it back over to Governor Snyder. Thank you, nick. And dave wants to direct questions my way. Request for live streaming. Well hand out the microphone. Please hand it back when youre done. Governor snyder, cbs news, its estimated it will cost 100 million to replace all the lead Service Lines in the city. Whereset that money going to come from and when is the soonest the lines will be replaced . What i will say is a lot of work is done to understand where the lead Service Lines are. Any numbers youre hearing at this point are still speculation. Part of the research that would be done in the next phase is to really fully understand where there are lead Service Lines within the system. And then that calculation can be made. The shortterm issue is about recoating the pipes. And again, that will be based on thirdparty experts saying the water is safe. Our goal is to get the water coming out of the tap safe as soon as possible. So the shortterm solution is to hopefully recoat, have it validated by third parties in addition to government officials so we know the water is safely coming out. Thats what the director was talking about. Longer term, we are doing this mapping to look at the inf infrastructure issues and how to prioritize replacement. Longer term, is the plan to replace all the lead pipes . Thats an issue we have to look at statewide, and national issue. You have to come up with the proper priorities in how to replace the infrastructure. We need the microphone for followup, so give it back. Governor, a lawsuit filed that said mdeq has not complied with federal testing and monitoring standards. Your comment, and are you planning on going to congress . Again, im nots going to speak on a matter of litigation. There are a number of lawsuits that have been filed. Our focus is taking care of the citizens of flint. Well properly answer any lawsuit filed, but lets take care of the people of flintd, making sure they have bottled water, filters, and how to get good water coming out of the tap, and how to rebuild the community. With respect to go to congress, to my knowledge, i havent been invited to go to congress. Director cray, maybe you can answer this. A lot of very vague answers on when people might be able to turn the tap back on. I mean, these people have to drink water in bottles every day. Is this a matter of youre sending, months, a year project, talking about maybe next week . Can you narrow down the scope for the people out there who are wondering when they can return to some sort of a normal life . Yeah, what i would say is that the most important thick is not based on chronology. Its based on having good test results that show its safe. So in terms of giving a specific date, the answer is no. The other part that we are going through this process, that there is a lot of good discussion going on and i hope we can get an answer in terms of insuring the protocols about how many tests, how many places, how long each test cycle will be. Thats something i would hope in the next few days we can get resolved. Again, this is where we want to do it in conjunction with all our partners, both local and federal, and outside experts. So those meetings are actually taking some of those meetings are taking place even today. Director cray, can you talk about where the testing is now and what youre seeing from the results . Im sure the office at this point is seeing something. Can you share what youre seeing and how much work you can do before you can give the all clear . As the governor says, the all clear will be an all clear that is a consensus all clear. It wont be the department of Environmental Quality. And or the city in and of ourselves giving the all clear. Just to be clear on that. And as i mentioned in my ka comments, as were seeing samples come in, and these are samples that are provided by homeowners, so i cant guarantee that its a lead service line. I cant guarantee what side the filter its on. I cant guarantee its a first draw. So thats why im very hesitant to say the trends. But at this point in time, 93. 7 are below 15 parts per sorry, below 15 parts per billion. 85 are below 5 parts per billion. Those two numbers have some significan significance. Is it safe to say at this point it will be months before any movement is made on that front with the residents . I think whats safe to say is there are areas of this city, so theres not lead in the water thats coming from dwsd. Everyone is clear of that, right . Theres a 30year history of flint getting water from dwsd that had lead at around 2 parts per billion. Thats where the water is coming from now. Now we need to figure out, as the governor said, is there a protective barrier laid down by the increased phosphates. You do that with analysis, looking at third parties and making sure, as i said before, before this group, were not going to guess. Were going to assure people in the city get safe, clean drinking water. There are areas that do not have lead Service Lines. We should be able to figure out through sentinel sampling and in relatively short amount of time, that we can clear some neighborhoods. Thats our commitment. Its to put together a methodical, defensible, and reasonable or rational plan. Thank you. Im going to try to get to the back of the room. A lot of people around the country are calling this entire situation a kind of indictment in the style of governance. Has this made you reconsider how you govern at all . Or is this kind of an aberration . Well, again, if you looked at it, michigan was a broken state. We have done many, many good things. This is a case where theres a failure in particular in the department of Environmental Quality. Those folk worked for me. So i am responsible for that and i take that responsibility. But as a practical matter, and were going to continue to look for that, but there are 47,000 other good hard working people in State Government that are doing good work, that have done many great things for people. So i dont want all that to get lost in terms of many hard working people that are in government service. We had a particular problem. Were addressing that. It had huge consequences, though. And so you learn from these lessons. So i have learned a lot, never to take anything for granted. Hopefully, i didnt before, but this shows, just reenforces that. Im focussed on the solution here. Were going to address this problem. And im committed to doing that. Governor, in the back of the room here . Governor, abc 12 here in flint. We keep hearing the term longterm, and a lot of activists and residents say the problem lies in the pipes, in the Daily Briefing sent to you, it said theres about 15,000 at least of the lead Service Lines in the city. Does it make sense to recoat old pipes that we hear are decades old, 70, up to 100 years old, and people want relief now. Yeah, i appreciate that. Thats why i said in the past that theres short term, intermediate term, and long term pieces to the goals. Short term, you should not drink the water coming out of the tap. Thats why were provided bot e bottled water, filters, opportunities for Water Testing. In terms of next steps, as director cray was talking about, lets establish the protocols to know when we can safely say the water out of the tap is safe to drink again. That would be a Huge Positive step forward and based on this recoating process, and again, outside expertise validating that. All of us coming together and a consensus basis to say its the right answer. Longer term, there are lead pipes in the system. Again, where they are, were still mapping all that. Theres a lot of work to be done here. Then you have to figure out whats the Long Term Plan to do replacements of those things. Isnt the potential for lead rea leaching, doesnt it outweigh the cost of replacing the pipes, what the mayor is asking for. Again, this is where were going to rely on outside experts, the scientists, to say, again, we have been drinking there are lead pipes in many Water Systems in this state, in this country that are properly coated. Longer term, everyone understands we would like to see those pipes replaced. Its a combination of both those activities. Governor, first question. We have been listening in to this News Conference with the governor of michigan, rick snyder, head of a town hall that will be on msnbc tonight. Hosted by rachel maddow. You heard the mayor of flint discuss the federal moneys or aid that will be coming in. But stressing she believes the state should step up and do its part. The governor painting a picture of shortterm remedies and longterm remedies. Im sure you heard him talk about coating of the pipes. Right now, thats their shortterm solution. The more costly solution of replacing the pipes in flint that have lead, that will take years, and some of the estimates, hundreds of millions of dollars. Another headline that came out of this, a Virginia Tech scientist will oversee and verify the testing of the water. This is significant because for so long, there were many who denied there was an issue until samples were sent out of state and confirmed that there was lead leaching into the water supply. A number of people still waiting for filters, waiting for clean water to be sent to them. A lot of moving parts here, but you can bet it will all be discussed tonight when rachel hosts the town haul, tonight, 9 00 p. M. Eastern time, the flint town hall. Watch msnbc for the latest on this crisis. And the issue of how long the state was aware and how long will it take to repair potentially the problems that were seeing that could cause Lifetime Health issues for a number of children. I want to update you on breaking news out of florida. New video coming in from Broward County, where there have been reports of severe weather, including a possible tornado. The Broward County Sheriffs Office has been posted pictures of overturned vehicles on the turnpike including this one. An overturned tractor trailer, several vehicles have been damaged. Joining me is keith jones, a reporter from our nbc station in miami. Keith, what can you tell us . Were right here at the scene. It just started pouring rain again. Its been letting up and then pouring. Its been happening all morning long. As to whether there was an ef1 tornado or Straight Line winds, different reports and different things. Were at the southbound turnpike that was shut down. Its been pretty well cleaned up. Florida Highway Patrol still on scene. They had crews here because theres a lot of tree damage along that route there. So they had to cut that away to make way to open up that ramp. Not far from here, about a mile from where were standing, Broward Community college sits. There have been a number of cars there that have been turned on their sides. They have been flipped over and piled up. Here on the turnpike southbound, which is really interesting. A car moving southbound here, winds picked it up. Not sure if its a tornado or Straight Line winds, picked up that vehicle, threw it into the northbound lanes. Created a mess, as you can well imagine. Traffic here in south florida is pretty packed all morning long and all afternoon long as well. Again, a number of different agencies trying to determine whether that was a tornado. In fact, a tornado touching down. A couple agencies saying theyre not so sure. Could be Straight Line winds. Thats the latest here in south florida. Thank you so much. And developing now, were learning more details on the showdown between authorities in oregon and a group of antigovernment protesters. The one man was killed. We will have the latest on the violent confrontation coming up. All across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. And in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow, today at business. Ny. Gov jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive developing now, were learning more about the deadly confrontation between Law Enforcement and armed protesters who have been hold up at an oregon wildlife refuge since january 2nd. Right now, eight of the antigovernment occupiers are in custody, including the leader, amman bundy, and his brother, ryan. Police say the fbi and state Police Stopped a group of protesters driving to a meeting late yesterday afternoon when shots were fired, five arrested. The groups spokesperson was killed, lloyd finnegan, according to his daughter. Three other occupiers were arrested in separate incidents outside of the refuge. One of the demonstrators angrily told reporters this morning he doesnt trust government officials who say they want a peaceful resolution. Now that theres no women and children here, the fbi can kill everybody. Is that what youre worried about happen . Is that what youre worried will happen . Thats what i keep hearing over and over and over again. I hear peaceful resolution, and then i hear everyone asking, are you worried that theyre going to kill everybody . And you tell me. Now, several of the occupiers are expected in court later this afternoon, and were expecting to learn more in a News Conference thats happening a little over an hour from now. And now to new video, this in, Bernie Sanders arriving at the white house only moments ago. As we said at the top of the show, the senator is meeting privately with president obama in the oval office. The white house has said that the meeting has no formal agenda. This is only their second private meeting in seven years of the obama white house. The white house maintains the president has no intentions of endorsing any candidate during the primary election. And now to your first read on politics this morning. Debate chaos on both sides of the aisle with donald trump pulling out of tomorrow nights event. Our First Read Team is calling it either brilliant or disastrous. Who the choices are there . And in whats being called a revolt, there is now word of a new, unsanctioned democratic debate in New Hampshire, but will the candidates show up . Joining me live now, msnbc news Senior Editor mark murray. Lets start with the democrats. This debate, obviously, its tied into our network, msnbc. Lets talk about it. What do we know here . Well, what we know is that the Clinton Campaign has said they would be open to a debate that would happen in New Hampshire, tamron, on february 4th. The debate would be cosponsored with the New Hampshire union leader. The Sanders Campaign, though, has said, despite that theyve wanted more debates in the past, theyve said, well, we dont want to upset the apple cart when it comes to the dnc and all the future sanctioned debates. So, it doesnt seem that theyre on board. Were waiting to see what the next couple days hold, tamron, but thats the situation now. Debbie wasserman schultz, the dnc chair, in her statement says we have no plans to sanction any further debates before the upcoming first in the nation caucuses and primary, but we will reconvene with our campaigns after those two contests to review the schedule. If the candidates participate in an unsanctioned debate, they can be, i guess kept out of the next debates that are sanctioned, is that the case . Yeah, thats the theory. And of course, there are a lot more teeth on the republican side of things. Theyve had that same type of situation. But yeah, were going to wait to see what the campaigns i will say, i think the campaigns hold all the cards here in what they want to be able to do. As weve heard, the clinton Campaign Says theyre open to it, the Sanders Campaign more resistant and we have a couple days to find out. Donald trump showing up to the fox debate or not . Tamron, as i said, no option. Either its going to be a great move by him or a disastrous one. Its going to be fun to watch, though. And were going to see what trump decides to do in competition with that debate thursday night. Maybe fox will put an empty chair like Clint Eastwood did. That would be funny. [ laughter ] thank you very much, mark. That does it for this hour. Im tamron hall. I will definitely see you back here tomorrow. Up next, Andrea Mitchell reports. The wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. 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They cant toy with me like they toy with everybody else, so let them have their debate. When they sent out the wise guy press releases, i said, byebye. Mano a mano, trumps key rival says he doesnt need a debate to take on the republican frontrunner. Well do 90 minutes lincoln douglas, mano a mano, donald and me. He can lay out his vision for this country and i can lay out mine in front of the men and women of iowa. And measuring the grapes . Bernie sanders in the oval office this hour with president obama. What are the chances he can use iowa to sling shot himself to the white house for real, obama style . But i will tell you that in the last couple of months we have gained a whole lot of ground. And again, i think we stand a real chance to create a large voter turnout. I doubt that it will be as high as 2008. Wish it was, but i dont think it will be, but i think it will be high enough for us to

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