Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Steve Kornacki 20170426

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20 were in the same ballpark. So were going to have to get together on those kinds of details. The House Freedom caucus a very conservative group had been one of the big obstacles to the Trump Administrations goal of replacing obamacare. Now, they say they are onboard with a revised plan, but still, a question looms, will the votes be there for republicans . And the full senate has headed over to the white house. They are there right now. A rare classified briefing for all 100 members of the senate at the white house. The subject, north korea. Is it preparation for a military crisis . Were going to be watching for any signs of what is on the agenda there. We begin, though, with our top story. It is another very busy day in this, the week of Donald Trumps 100th day in office. A very busy day on capitol hill from taxes, health care, north korea. Weve got our reporters out covering all of this. Kristen welker at the white house. Kelly odonnell, she is on capitol hill. Cnbcs ron insana with me in new york. Hes going to break down what this new Tax Blueprint from the white house actually says and of course, we also have han strks nichols at the pentagon. We will start with kristen welker, he is at the white house, where treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin, director of the National Economic council, just unveiled President Trumps tax reform blueprint. The headlines here, slashing the corporate rate to 15 . Down from 35 . They say simplifying tax brackets for individuals. They say just three of those now they want. 25 , 15 , 25 . Also deduction changes as well. Krist kristen, again, just a blueprint here. You can already hear the critics saying its going to blow a hole in the deficit unless they find some way of paying for this, but take us through the highlights, what the white house says its trying to do here. Reporter well, youre absolutely right. Republicans saying that this could increase the deficit of some of them are making that case. You have kms sdemocrats saying is a tax plan that benefits welttwem wealthy americans. A big slash, from 35 down to 15 . That is for all businesses. Large corporations, small businesses, as well, simplifying the tax code. Thats certainly something that they argue will benefit middle class individual americans and down the line. So the white house rolling this out, i think, steve, a lot more different thely than they did t health care plan. Saw Congress Taking the lead on this. They made the case, theyve been working in concert with lawmakers on capitol hill. You can tell the white house is really driving this effort, but how are they going to pay for it . White house officials say, look, it will be paid for because they are saying that growth will increase to 3 . If you take a look, though, it grows over time, the average since world war ii has been below 3 . So theres still a big question mark about how accurate that really is. This is what treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin had to say about all of that earlier today. The core businesses make Business Rates competitive, bring back trillions of dollars to create jobs, simply by personal taxes, create a middle income tax cut. As it represelates to will it pr itself . Again, as weve said, were working on lots of details as to this. We have over 100 people in the treasury working on tax and scoring lots of different scenarios. This will pay for itself with growth and with reduced reduction of different deductions and closing loopholes. Reporter and steve, democrats have already come out, again, and slammed this tax plan. They say its going to benefit the wealthy. Theyre also using it as a chance to, again, call for President Trump to release his tax returns, treasury secretary mnuchin saying that is something hes not going to do. Its worth noting that based on my conversations with Senior Administration officials, they plan to try to get outside groups involved in this effort, steve. Thats something that we didnt see under the health care push. They think thats going to help them fill out some of these details, put this open to a public debate, and ultimately get the votes they need on capitol hill, steve. Kristen welker at the white house. Kristen, thanks for that. Over now to capitol hill. That is where members of the conservative House Freedom caucus now say they are onboard, some revisions made to the Health Care Replacement plan that was dying in congress a few weeks ago. House Freedom Caucus says they now have some changes allowing states to seek exemptions from key obamacare provisions. A quote here while the revised version still does not fully repeal obamacare, we are prepared to support it to keep our promise to the American People to Lower Health Care costs. A statement from the House Freedom caucus. Certainly a Promising Development from the standpoint of republicans trying to pass replacement legislation, but will this appeal to conservatives in the freedom caution actually push away moderate members on the republican side who were backing the bill reluctantly last time around . Very, very delicate balancing act here. Kelly odonnell is on capitol hill. So, kelly, the indications i think i saw from paul ryan, the house speaker, he said, hey, well have a vote on this when we have the votes. That day ever going to come . Reporter well, we expect it will come. Its interesting to look at some of the 30,000 foot level here on what congress has to do. First and foremost, they have to fund the government by friday. And there is a new development thats happened in the last 30 minutes where House Democratic leader nancy pelosi has put out a statement saying that she sees significant progress in the conversations between the appropors, tse who are working on this funding age, from the two parties on some key issues. One of those is included that relates to the Health Care Law which would be republicans agreeing to continue to fay a certain type of payment that helps people to afford their premiums. Not tinkering with that in the resolution to keep the government open. Thats a big, big development, and it signals that democrats are close to being at a point where they will go along with republicans who obviously have all the control here to keep the government funded. Funding the government is val y really a critical first step before they can take an aobamacare repeal type vote. You cant poke democrats in the eye on obamacare at the same time youre trying to get them to work with you to keep the government open. So i think these are two very important signs. Nancy pelosi saying progress, that should be a flag were paying attention to, as well as the Freedom Caucus that most conservative group of House Republicans who have endorsed this new plan that you outlined some of the changes it makes to the effort to repeal the law. When will a vote take place . What we dont yet know, the numbers of more moderate republicans who will not support this. Every time you attract the most conservative, you tend to push away the more moderate. We dont have a whip count on that yet. It seems to me it would be very difficult to do that this week just because of the things that have to get done, but it does appear that there is a potential for action on the Health Care Repeal soon. At the same time, senior white house officials have said to me, one of the things they missed the first time around was fully appreciating the differences within the Republican Party in the house. And so were seeing much more care to that on this second attempt, directly negotiating with members of the Freedom Caucus from the white house, not just going through the speakers office, as well as with the more liberal part of the Republican Party, the tuesday group, as its known around here. So, some really important, not easy to explain necessarily, but allymportant indicators that give us some sense that the government is unlikely to shut down, and there may be progress on these priorities for the president and republicans in charge here in congress. Steve. Kelly odonnell on capitol hill. Kelly, thanks for that. Turning back to the new tax reform blueprint the Trump Administration says what theyre proposing here, excuse me, would be historic. Cnbc contributor ron insana is here with me. Ron, i was keeping an eye today, this announcement came early afternoon from the Trump White House with the basic blueprint here is. Yeah. The stock market, the first to d two days of this week, a lot of growth in the stock market. Today kind of flat. Do we read anything into that . Expression on wall street, you buy the rumor and sell the news. This has begun to trikckle out this week. Everybody got the notion the president wanted to push the Corporate Tax rate down to 15 . The market has discounted this and taken a pause after the dow rallied 450 points in 2 days and the nasdaq topped 6,000 for the first time in history yesterday. Theres the corporate rate, want to bring tack from 35 to 15 . Want three basic brackets on income tax, 10 , 25 , 35 . The big question here, what kind of effect would this have on the deficit . Well, i wrote a piece on cnbc. Com talking about this. Its very rare and theres very little impeempirical evidence, anything that tax cuts pay for themselves and become revenue neutral. Typically theyll blow up the deficit one way or the other. All things being equal as we learned in economics 101. It may not pay for itself in any way, shape or form. It should accelerate Economic Growth. When you look at the Corporate Tax rate coming down which also includes, steve, as mr. Cohn pointed out, if you have an llc, S Corporation i do not, for the record. You do not. I do. 12 million of those americans who run their businesses that way, instead of paying 39. 6 , theyd pay the corporate rate of 15 . You will see some one of the criticisms i hear about the idea of cutting the Corporate Tax, getting Economic Growth, lot of people say, corporations dont pay that rate right now functionally to begin with. Is there anything to that . Certainly thats why they hold their profits overseas where they dont pay profits in the u. S. Theyd repatriate them under the president s plan, a lower tax rate at a onetime basis, could bring 1 million to it would be used to fund infrastructure, not included in this portion of the president s program. Having said that, yes, some Companies Pay zero taxes so lowering their rate to 15 would actually be an increase if they had to pay the taxes. Thats true in places Like Technology where a lot of the profits have been stashed in overseaS Corporations or entities. This would, you think, have a positive effect on growth . Had hnuchin, treasury secretary, saying 3 growth. Historically, the average is under that. Do you have a sense where it would fall . Its hard to tell. A lot of other things will be happening. If you go back to the reagan experience, the Federal Reserve was taking Interest Rates from 20 down to 6 over a 5year period. This time the Federal Reserve is going to be raising Interest Rates as fiscal policy, tax cuts, stimulate the economy. We may have the fed working at odds with the white house and congress this time whereas in other periods the fed was cutting rates as tax rates were coming down. Its hard to tell immediately whether or not wed see a big advance in the economy from this. It is generally a positive, but it also tends to increase the size of the deficit and, again, theres no empirical evidence to suggest otherwise. Okay. Cnbcs roninsana helping us break down the blueprint from the white house today. Very busy day, lets turn overseas, north korea, news on that front from the white house. All 100 senators are there inside the white house. Looking at a shot outside there. Very unusual private briefing here for the entire senate on President Trumps strategy for dealing with the threat from north korea. Hans nichols has been following this over at the pentagon. Hans, do we have any sense what those senators are hearing from the president , the administration right now . We know what secretary mattis plans to tell them, there needs to be a diplomatic solution to the crisis in north korea. What ive heard from officials tlo throughout the day yo, you can have a solution in north korcrk without china,china, china. Earlier this morning we heard from admiral harris, the head out there in hawaii. The tension in this statements, backtoback statements. Number one, he said all options are on the table. Within the same breath, he said we want to bring kim jongun to his senses, not to his knees, disavowing the idea of regime change. One thing we know secretary mattis is planning on saying, at least, is the threat from north korea is not yet imminent. But by the time it becomes imminent, it may be too late. Steve . All right. Hans nichols at the pentagon. Thanks for that. We, of course, are going to keep an eye on the white house. Again, 100 members of the United States senate, all of them, democrats and publicans, they are all inside there right now, a rare classified briefing o north korea. We may hear from one of those senators ahead this hour on this show. And still ahead, more reaction to the president s newly unveiled tax reform blueprint. Next, im going to talk to a republican and a democrat from congress. Are their constituents going to see it as relief for all americans or just tax cuts for the rich . This isnt going to be easy. Doing big things never is. Well be attacked from the left and well be attacked from the right. Why pause a spontaneous moment . Cialis for daily use treats ed and the urinary symptoms of bph. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. 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A republican member of congress, hes got a big decision hes facing right now been were going to talk about that more in a second. First, i want to show you, again, on your screen, right now you see live pictures, these are members of the United States senate leaving the white house. All 100 have been inside there for the past hour or so. Democrats, republicans. This a rare private briefing for the entire senate by the Trump Administration. Again, you can see the senators are leaving. We hope to be speaking with one of them. Of course, everybody wants to know, what did they hear . What was said inside that meeting . What was said to the administration by the senators for that matter . Of cour obviously very delicate situation with north korea. Well keep you posted on that as the senators continue to stream out of there. Meantime, we turn back to the issue of health care. Theres north korea, theres taxes, theres also health care today. Republicans now, heres the deal, theyve got a compromise among themselves. They got some of the members, some of the members of the House Freedom caucus now are onboard with Health Care Reform. Overhauling obamacare, passing this republican replacement plan. But it still leaves the open question, remember, republicans tried this a few weeks ago, they didnt have the votes. A huge, huge embarrassment for republicans for the Trump Administration. Now looks like theyre getting ready to try again. Same question, do they have the votes . Now, remember, they can afford to lose 22 votes. 22 of their own. Theyre not going to get any democrats it looks like voting for this. They can get all republicans and have 22 defections and could still pass it through the house. 22 is the number now. Take a look. The last time this was all coming to a head a few weeks ago, we were keeping a running tab and this is what we had. When the thing tifinally got pulled, these were the no votes we mad had on the record. This deal today, its with the Freedom Caucus. That means at least 80 , maybe more of the Freedom Caucus is now onboard, so a lot of these nos now go away, but, again, you still had all these other nos. Theres more than just the Freedom Caucus on the republican side that had reservations with this. You had moderates. So, look, if you please the Freedom Caucus by moving to the right, does that put more moderates at risk . Remember, Something Else hovering over all of this, there are basically 23 republicans in the u. S. House right now, 23 republicans who represent districts that Hillary Clinton won in the president ial election. So, think about that dilemma for them, that Health Care Replacement plan, it was not popular when they tried to push it through. Not sure its going to suddenly get popular now. Democrats have been showing a lot of life in these special elections so far for house seats. Do they get nervous about coming aboard . If theyre all against it, it doesnt pass. Big question here, will there be a vote, could republicans get through . For now, i want to bring in Leonard Lance, Republican Congressman from new jersey, from one of the districts. Republican member of congress, voted for Hillary Clinton inhe president ial election. Congressman, you were e of the nos when this was coming to a head a few weeks ago. Youve seen the changes offered today. Are you still a no . I am still a no, steve. I dont think that this improves the bill. In what way does it fall short . I think we have to make sure that premiums are lowered for the American People and i believe as well that preexisting conditions is an important issue. As you know, i held town Hall Meetings and i want to move forward in a bipartisan way on this issue. I would like to see purchase of policies across state lines, for example, and i remain with my position before the easter recess. And whats the sense you get from your colleagues there, other republicans who were outside the Freedom Caucus, because this deal right now seems to be mainly with the Freedom Caucus, but other republicans who were opposed to this who are not on the in the House Freedom caucus, have you had a chance to talk to them today . A have any of their reservations been answered or are they still where you are . I speak for myself, steve, i imagine they are where i am. Im close friends, for example, with charlie dent, whos from across the Delaware River in pennsylvania from the district i serve and i believe my position and his position are identical on this issue. Let me turn to the other big issue on capitol hill today, that is the issue of taxes. The Trump Administration putting a blueprint out here for a tax reform, corporate rate down to 15 is what they want, 3 income tax brackets, 10 , 25 , 35 . The criticism here so far is no indication other than saying Economic Growth of how this would be paid for. How you would avoid the deficit spiraling even further on this. Where do you come down on what the Trump Administration put forward today on taxes . This is an initial proposal. I certainly think we need to lower rates on individual americans and on the Business Community as well. And i would like to try to attract profits from abroad back to this country and i think an analysis will indicate that is possible. I certainly want to see the details and from the perspective of the district i serve, steve, in new jersey, i would milike t preserve the deduction of local taxes because as you know, we have very high property taxes in new jersey. Right. Right now also in this bluepr t blueprint, state, local tax deduction, that could go away under this blueprint. Let me ask you the big picture question about the deficit, how important is it for you that any package you vote on is deficit neutral . If youre not zsatisfied this would be deficit neutral, is that a show stopper or still vote for it. I would want to see an analysis on that. I dont favor increasing the deficit dramatically. I think we need greater growth in this country, particularly in states where growth has lagged and im also hopeful that, perhaps, attracting profits from abroad might be used for an infrastructure bill and of course that will create Economic Activity which will in turn create greater tax are revenue for the nation as we build our infrastructure and certainly, steve, our infrastructure needs to be rebuilt. All right. Congressman Leonard Lance, republican from new jersey, thanks for the time. Thank you very much, steve. Okay. To the other side of the aisle, but first, heres some more sound coming in from capitol hill on republicans and their reaction to this deal within the party on health care. Take a listen. We need an analysis, we need a thorough explanation of how this is all going to work. Reporter are you a no now . I have not decided. I need a thorough explanation and analysis of how this works and how it continues or keeps our commitment to those with preexisting conditions, young people and the like. Reporter do you have concerns about the Health Care Law now . No. I think frankly the negotiations have been very productive. I think theres a lot to be satisfied with. I think the bills gotten better, so if this is the final form we have, i certainly would support it. All right. We just heard from a republican member of congress, now lets hear from a democrat. Joining us from capitol hill, congressman emanuel cleaver. Congressman, thanks for taking a few minutes. Appreciate it. Let me start with you on the issue of health care. We know democrats were universally against the first republican effort a few weeks ago. Looks like its moved farther to the right. Ill assume youre still against it but im curious what your sense of the politics are on capitol hill right now. Paul ryan says there will be a vote when he has the votes. Do you think he will be able to get the votes within the Republican Party on this one . Its going to be extremely difficult because this bill does not provide any relief to those individuals who have preexi preexisting conditions. Its going to give more responsibility for the implementation to th states. My state, missouri, would not expand medicaid. Its not going to want to be sympathetic to preexisting conditions and so i dont think that its going to pass. Republicans are going to be in a tough situation and that is because if they vote for this, many of them will be voting for health care for the last time because theyre not going to be around up to the 2018 election. And on the other side, they want to be faithful to their caucus. I dont understand why were going through all of this chaos so that somebody can say they had a good were trying to talk about the future of this country and talking about now trumps 100 days. Let me ask you, too, about taxes, this blueprint the white house put out today. Again, they want the corporate rate down from 35 to 115 , spu Economic Growth, that would bring money from companies thats overseas now. They say that would bring that money back into this country, help with jobs. They want three income tax brackets. Theyre 10 , 25 , 35 . Also, they say no tax on the first 24,000 of income for anybody. That would double what you got in place right now. Is there anything in there that you see and say, hey, i could work with that . The first 24,000 being exempt is something that i think is quite interesting, but the rest of it should be put in a trash can. Look, it seems to me that this proposed tax reform is nothing but an attempt to pocket the rich and this issue still stands, here we are talking about tax reform and the president of the most powerful nation on the planet will not even reveal his income taxes. How do i know as a representative of 800,000 people whether this man is designing a program to help developers, to help hiS Corporation . And so i dont think we ought to use tax reform as a permission slip to pickpocket the poor. Theres nothing in here, perhaps the 24,000 threshold for taxes, is going to help poor people. This is going to help the richest americans. I think its absolutely awful and here, again, the president hadnt obviously done much thinking about this because when they released the president s principles, its a little one pager. This is not serious legislating thats going on here right now. This is political theater. All right. Congressman emanuel cleaver, democrat from missouri. Thanks for taking a few minutes. Appreciate it. Good toe with you. Okay. Squeeze a quick break in here. On the other side, were continuing that countdown or countup i guess to the 100th day of the Trump Administration. Were going to take a look back at more of his Campaign Promises including to invest 1 trillion in ncinfrastructure. Up next, we head to a city that would benefit from that promise. Weve been waiting for a while. Weve been waiting on the funds. Where is that going to come from . The president , of course. Liberty did what . Liberty mutual paid to replace all of our property that was damaged. And we didnt have to touch our savings. 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And eliminate the alternative minimum tax and deductions as well. Except preserve deductions from mortgage interests and charitable donations. Again, thats the blueprint from the white house right now. Theres also this. A potential boost for republican efforts to repeal and replace obamacare. Conservative House Freedom caucus throwing its support behind an amendment that would allow states to opt out of two of the laws insurance regulations. Essential Health Benefits as these are called. This includes Maternity Care and emergency room visits and barring insurers from charging certain people more. All 100 members of the United States senate, meanwhile, visiting the white house this afternoon. They are on their way out right now. This for a rare classified briefing on the subject of north korea. Comes hours after the u. S. Moved parts of a controversial Missile Defense system to south korea. And the Trump Administration is drafting an executive order on withdrawing the United States from the north American Free trade agreement. Nafta. A draft order. It could be used as a tactic to get canada and mexico to renegotiate the terms of the pact that allows for the free throw fl flow of goods and supplies implemented in 1994. President trump tweeting a federal judges decision to block part of an executive order with holding federal funding from sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities is, quote, ridiculous. Trump also saying he will take the fight over the order to the supreme court. Now to one of the president s other top priorities. Certainly during the campaign, it was. That was the issue of infrastructure. Donald trump making this promise as he ran for president. We will build the roads, highways, bridges, tunnels, airports and the railways of tomorrow. This, in turn, will create millions of more jobs. Nearly 100 days in, theres been no movement on that front so far in the Trump Administration, but in wisconsin last week the president said a 1 trillion infrastructure plan would, quote, be coming fast. Earlier this week the white house, though, tried to tamp down expectations. We seem to have our hands full right now with health care and tax reform. Obviously still committed to seeing infrastructure. Something hes talked about a lot in terms of roads and bridges and rebuilding things, but lets get these first two things moving. I think youre going to see a continued commitment to infrastructure as well. Okay. We will see if there is a push on that. Now, as part of his whats next usa series, nbc is in an arkansas city, that would be directly affected by this and joins us from there. Jacob, what are you hearing . Hey, steve, how are you . Listen, i think those words are very disappointing as you alluded to to the residents of ft. Smith, arkansas, that is because they hoped the president was going to come through on this tremendous 1 trillion infrastructure plan. Theyre holding their breath effectively hoping hes able to complete what is a highway to nowhere. Take a look. What does it feel like to be back in here. Pretty awesome. Remember all the activity and the people, a lot of people have grown up here. Reporter for 32 years Sandy Sanders worked for whirlpool in ft. Smith, arkansas. The company had 3,500 employees at its peak but in 22012 after years the plant closed for good. Recently it was bought by an out of town developer specializing in drug lg communities. Sanders is the mayor of ft. Smith. Visualize where the lines were, see some of the people that were looking. Reporter gave me the chills. Right. A lot of people have grown up here. Helped their kids go to college working here. It was a great place to work. Reporter the layoffs werent just at whirlpool. 12,000 lost manufacturing jobs in and around ft. Smith since 1999. One reason President Trump won the region overwhelmingly. Today, gallup ranks ft. Smith residents as having the lowest wellbeing of anywhere in the United States, something the mayor strongly disputes. How would you describe the quality of life and whats going on in ft. Smith . I think the quality of life here is excellent and its going to continue to get even better as we continue to grow the things that keep young people here when they graduate from university. Reporter whats your biggest priority as mayor . Overall, id say its our infrastructure needs. Reporter the mayor and other local boosters say theres one Infrastructure Project that would dramatically transform ft. Smiths fortunes. I got to tell you, this is the first time ive ever been on a future interstate in my entire life. I hope this is the last time here on this one because we hope to get this finished very quickly. Weve been waiting for a while. You know, weve been waiting on funds. Reporter wheres the money going to come from . Oh, the president , of course. Reporter President Trump as promised a 1 trillion infrastructure bill. For just over 3 billion of those dollars, he could complete interstate 49, creating an uninterrupted 1,700 Mile International trade corridor that runs right through ft. Smith. Ivy owen helps lead a Multistate Coalition pushing to complete i49. Ivy, this is it, the end of it right there . Yeah. All this stuff were looking at right now is because of highway. If the highway werent here, we wouldnt be as far along as we are. Even with only 6 1 2 miles of it completed, it still generated a heck of a lot of development. Reporter you really need to build the dang thing. Were ready to move the dirt. Reporter if you could tell the president why you think he should give you the 3 billion to finish this highway, what would you say to him . Id say, mr. President , you campaigned on jobs, finishing this highway will produce jobs. Steve, its incredible thing to see from the air or on the ground, that little stretch of h highway was paid for in part by president obamas stimulus bill. Resident there is, of course, are hoping our current president , President Trump, comes in to100 days in, though, dice yet. Very interesting to see there, the highway stops at the forest right there. Its incredible. Interesting to see if they do get the money from this administration and congress. Jacob soboroff in l. A. Appreciate it. Going to turn back now to washington, again, all 100 members, democrats and republicans, of the United States senate were at the white house this afternoon. They just left a short while ago. This for a private briefing on the Trump Administrations strategy for north korea. And joining me right now, democratic senator chris coons, he sits on the Foreign Relations committee. He was in that meeting in the white house just behind him there. Senator, thanks for stopping by and taking a few minutes. If you could tell us, who did you hear from at this meeting, what did they tell you . Well, steve, this was a very cleareyed, sober and serious briefing by the secretary of state, secretary of defense, the National Security adviser, and the director of National Intelligence. President trump stopped by briefly at the outset just to thank us for coming over to the white house and to frame what he intended for the briefing but the vast majority of the talking was done by the four gentlemen i just referenced and many senators got the opportunity to ask questions. Frankly, steve, the threat from north korea to the United States and to our regional allies, south korea, japan, is real, and i was encouraged that the Trump Administration and their Senior Leadership is taking this very, very seriously. Did you in the course of this me meeting, did you learn anything new about the situation that might change your assessment, that might reinforce or challenge some of your did you learn anything new from the briefing . I learned a few newhings both from the director of National Intelligence and the secretary of defense. I wont go into too much detail because this was a classied briefing, but frankly, it is as difficult a situation as i thought it to be. We have heard in the Foreign Relations committee in hearings about it. Ive certainly read about it. But its another thing to get the briefing in person from all four of those senior leaders. I was encouraged that the administration, in particular secretary tillerson, is investing a lot of time in communicating with and briefing allies in making it clear to china how serious we are about preventing north korea from developing the capability to deliver a Nuclear Warhead by icbm against the United States or one of our key allies, and that there are real efforts being made to avoid a misunderstanding or miscalculation because i do think this is a very dangerous circumstance and situation given the number of American Military assets that are being Forward Deployed to the peninsula and to the region around the korean peninsula. I was encouraged that theyre making serious efforts to try and avoid a miscalculation here. What is your sense right now having been in that briefing of the possibility that we are near some sort of military confrontation . I did not get the sense that a military confrontation is imminent unless kim jongun the leader of north korea chooses to force one. There have been two major anniversaries that have just passed. When we had expected there might be a provocative nuclear test or a test launch of a new missile and that did not happen. And that is at least an initial hopeful sign that perhaps china is engaging more, perhaps theyre successfully pressuring north korea to rethink their reckless strategy, but i dont think we can be at all confident yet that theres any positive progress there. These are just recent early signs and i do think that over several administrations of both parties and north korea has continued to pursue the development of Nuclear Weapons and missile technologies, so this is a thorny issue that administrations from clinton to bush to obama all tried to address and im not that optimistic that were going to be able to stop their Steady Development of these threatening technologies but i was encouraged there was a very cleareyed and sober plan laid out. How would you characterize the response, the feedback from your colleagues, from the members of the senate to the administration in this meeting . Well, you know, there are many members who serve on armed services, on intelligence, on Foreign Relations who heard most of this before but not all 100 of us have sat and had this briefing in one place at one time. I do think its constructive for the executive branch and legislative branch to be consulting with each other, to be working together to develop and reinforce our National Strategy in the face of this very real threat. Look, weve got a lot of differences, steve. Theres plenty of areas where i criticize and differ with the Trump Administration, in particular the Budget Proposal to slash by 30 funding for diplomacy and development. Boy, if there was any time when we need diplomats, its in the face of this threat to our security and in the effort to try and corral the world to join us in isolating north korea and pressuring north korea, but despite our many partisan differences, i do think this briefing was a constructive one and i think the tone was reflective and positive and serious and i do think this is the kind of threat where we all need to rise above partisanship and insist on a thoughtful and Serious Development of policy. And you mentioned that this it was not the president who was conducting or leading this session. You mentioned he stopped by, you said briefly. What sort of message did he convey . Was there any kind of substantive exchange there . Both the president and the National Security advisers spoke very briefly and then left in order to have the presentation given by the appropriate cabinet secretaries and the director of National Intelligence and the chairman of the joint chiefs. I thought that was the right way for this to be conducted. So that it wasnt needlessly partis partisan. You know, the president thanked us for coming to the white house and said that this is a very significant threat and that its the sort of thing that should call us to rise above partisanship. I thought that was the right tone for him to strike. All right. Senator chris coons, democrat from Delaware Joining us outside the white house. Senator, thanks for taking a few minutes. We appreciate it. Thank you, steve. Okay. Were going to take a quick break. Still to come, again, we are counting down to the 100day milestone, or counting up, maybe, 100 days of the Trump Administration from the newly unveiled tax plan to a revised health care proposal. Could the president soon get a legislative win . Something thats eluded him for these first 100 days. The panel here next. Its time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. Marlena stell was a teacher who loved makeup. 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A group of conservative House Republicans now say they will support a bill to repeal and replace obamacare. This just weeks after their last effort, the republicans ae last effort, was pulled from the floor because of a lack of votes on the republican side. Joining us to talk about this, and more, tad devine, desenior adviser to senator Bernie Sanders president ial campaign. Matthew, editor in chief of the Washington Free beacon. Thank you for joining us. Matthew, his deal on health care, the House Freedom caucus looks like its coming onboard. We just had Leonard Lance, moderate republican, on the show. He said hes still against it. Theres probably a lot of other moderates who are against it. Does this thing have any better prospects than the last one . Well, id say it probably has slightly better since you have the turnabout among the House Freedom caucus. Look, steve, i think the white house learned on health care they need the outside groups. They need the alichliance with conservative outside groups and also President Trumps right flank. Once they achieve that, they have room to lose some of the moderates. Id up the chances of passage. Not all the way, but definitely better than they were two weeks ago. It is interesting, tad, looking at the politics of this, again, Leonard Lance who was on earlier, hes in one of those districts, theres about two dozen of them across the country where theres a republican member of congress, but they went for Hillary Clinton, the voters did, back in november. I think thats going to be a particular area of emphasis if this thing moves toward a vote. How do those members go . I think theyre in trouble, steve, if they support Health Care Reform which takes away coverage for preexisting conditions which takes away health care for millions, tens of millions of people. Thats the problem here. Listen. They may be able to cobble together a short term victory. But if they put together a plan that takes away health care for millions, theyre going to lose in november of 2018. Theres another question, a bigger picture. The last time they made a push here. I think it was 17 . That was the number everybody was saying. 17 of voters said they supported that republican plan. You had the deep divisions on the republican side. Is this a good road for republicans to go down . Or is there a case that they were better the other way . Mainly passing this Health Care Legislation would open up budget space for the other trump priority we heard about today, taxes. So this is a strategy that i think the House Republican leadership had settled on a while ago and so far President Trump is still sticking with that. It didnt work out. Then there is a recalculation about how closely he will line himself with the House Republican leadership. Speaking of that tax reform plan, this was Steve Mnuchin, the treasury secretary today, making his case for it. Our objective is to make u. S. Businesses the most competitive in the world. Under the trump plan, we will have a massive tax cut for businesses, and massive tax reform and simplification. As the president said during the campaign, we will lower the business rate to 15 . There is some talk here with lowering the corporate rate, repatriation of money from overseas, you might free up money for Infrastructure Projects. Democrats have expressed some interest. But im assuming there wont be cooperation from democrats on this tax plan. I dont see how any democrats can support this. This is a massive giveaway. It would have saved donald trump 31 million in 2005, the only year weve seen his returns. We have no idea on the others. What theyre trying to do on this plan is to give enormous tax relief. We saw his plan in the campaign. I gave 50 of the benefits to the top 1 . The estate tax, thats how the window too. It is a massive giveaway to the wealthy. I dont see how democrats can support it. At 100 days, weve shown his Approval Rating is low by any historical standard and yet it looks like the group of voters who were with him in november, just enough for him to get elected, are all still with him. And yet there is been no major accomplishment for the first 100 days. How long can he go without racking up an achievement . Are the rules different than we assumed . A lot of rules on the issue of immigration, on the border in particular is one success i think he has had. His election seems to have been a disincentive for people to cross the border. The people who voted for donald trump as president werent necessarily voting for typical republican issues. It was more trumpian issues. His opposition to tpp and his opposition to illegal immigration. Thats what attracted them to him. If he who is the deliver on those issues rather than the more republican ones, i think theyll stick with him. All right. Has the as always for the time. Appreciate it. On the other side, a quick break here. The Trump Administration still promising it will be the biggest tax cut in history. What about regular americans . What do they think about tax rates . Oing to be a nightmare does nobody like the future . Cmon, the future. He obviously doesnt know intel is helping power Autonomous Cars and the 5g network they connect to. With this, wont happen in the future. Thanks, jim. Theres some napkins in the glovebox. Okay, but why would i need a napkin . You could have just told me a bump was coming. We know the future. Because were building it. i wanted him to eat healthy. , so i feed jake purina cat chow naturals indoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. Made specifically for indoor cats. Purina cat chow. Nutrition to build better lives. Hi, im frank. I take movantik for oic, opioidinduced constipation. Had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up bigtime. 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We have a once in a Generation Opportunity to do something really big. President trump has made tax reform a priority and we have a Republican Congress that wants to get it double. Gary cohn there, one of President Trumps top economic advisers. He is at the white house along with Steve Mnuchin announcing the tax overhaul blue print that the white house will be offering in congress. The most important is 35. What is 35 . 35 is the current Corporate Tax rate. On payment if youre a corporation, youre supposed to be paying a 35 rate. Not all of them do. Thats another matter. But 35 is the rate now. The white house wants to bring that back to 15 . This could be a tough political sales job. You heard the democrats saying why do you want to cut taxes for big corporations . Why do you want to cut taxes for the rich . Youre supposed to be the populist candidate. We have some polling this if i can possibly show it. Who know a men. This has never done this before. Their going on feed it through because it broke again. So Corporate Taxes. Look on the surface. Be a high priority with people. 41 think it should be raised. 22 say lower. 32 say keep at this time same. Heres the they know among trump voters. People who voted for trump, not a lot of enthusiasm. And a bunch say keep it the same of on the surface, this is a tough political sales job for the administration. But here is the one source of hope for them. This is what you can expect them to be pushing. Is the you s. Would they come back sue the country and bring jobs . You see people warm up to the idea. So democrats have their talking points this. This is what youll hear from the trump side. 35. Thats the percent right now as our most he important number of the day. That also does it for this hour. Im steve corn actikornacki. Mtp daily starts right now. If its wednesday, the big tax plan revealed turns out to be more of a cliffhanger. Tonight, President Trumps big tax plan. Theres a lot we dont know. We are moving as quickly as we can. We are working with the house and senate on all the details. And how much is real and how much is simply for show in the first 100 days . Later, the north korea strategy. We want to bring kim jongun to his senses, not to his knees. So what is the next move . Senators from both sides of the aisle jones me fresh off the big Senate Briefing at the white house

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