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A new report from the American Academy of pediatrics shows the number of children diagnosed with coronavirus jumped 90 in the last month. The number of confirmed cases among children is now close to 400,000. However, it is not clear what role increased testing has played in such a dramatic increase. The most important thing is that we know how many people have it. And we have to figure out what were going to do. Speaking of kids, kids are getting tested, my colleague Vaughn Hillyard is at the university of arizona where students, not exactly kids there, started getting tested this week. Vaughn, everybody has been asking how you get college kids back on campus during this pandemic. How are they trying to do it there . This has got to be the oddest orientation yet for colleges across the country. Not only here at the university of arizona, but across the country, youre seeing universities and colleges attempting to reopen their classrooms in sort of a hybrid forum. Right behind me is where theyre actually doing testing. They just started yesterday. And folks that are going to be living on campus are moving in this week. Before they can move in on camp urks they have to go in and get an antigen test provided by the university. Theyre able to get a result in about one hour time. If they test positive, they get a second test. A pcr test to confirm they are, in fact, positive. This is a campus that has usually about 45,000 students. They are expecting that number to be down to about 20,000. One note when were talking about oncampus living. Theyll have isolation dorms. If an individual, a student tests positive, theyll then move into that isolation dorm where they are provided three meals a day. Theres a lot at stake. And the university is giving their best effort. I want to let you hear from the University President bobby robbins. Im confident. Im hopeful. But im also realistic to know that it only takes one party or one outbreak to cause us to have to deescalate and move back from the plan that we have going forward. I talked to one student, ivana, who told me she wants to be in the classroom because shes a theater student and its essential to have that inperson contact. Shes living with an elderly Family Member and says shes concerned. And as you heard from president robbins, they plan to take this seriously and take the appropriate action depending where the school year goes. Stephanie . Vaughn, thank you. Now lets turn to nbcs sam brock in florida where the case count remains very high, but across that state, schools are starting to reopen anyway. Many of them not requiring masks. Sam, are people there ready for this . Ready or not, steph, good morning. Florida absolutely jumping in. Were looking at about a dozen School Districts across the state who have either opened their brick and mortar schools already or are going to at some point this week. Now it should be noted Miamidade County and broward county, the two largest in the state, are completely online to start the year. I am in jacksonville. This is duval county. Its about the 20th or so Biggest School district in the country. Theyve delayed their reopening to august 20th and are doing it on a phasedin basis. When kids get back to school, we were in baker county yesterday. Theyre seeing policies all over the map. Of course, youll be seeing hand washing and sanitization going on at all of these schools. When it comes to masks being required or optional, that varies depending upon the school district. What would trigger a quarantine varies based on the school district. Thats creating many questions. One thing we know for a fact, you should not be seeing crowded hallways and packed classrooms and thats what one teacher tells us is exactly what he saw on day one in his school. It doesnt make sense for our Health Department to have these signs and tell everyone, you need to be six feet apart, tell everyone to wear a mask and now somehow at school you dont need to be six feet apart. You dont need a mask. Its a mixed message that, you know, its not safe. Either you need to be six feet apart and wear a mask or you dont. Now the superintendent in that school district, which is suwanee county, has not so far responded to our request for clarification. If you look at a ray of light right now, florida saw its lowest number of new daily covid cases in months yesterday. About 4,200 and the Positivity Rate below 10 again for the fourth time in five days. So at least some positive signs out of florida as they wrestle with a very difficult policy question right now. Stephanie . We are always looking for that ray of light, sam. I want to dig deeper into this. For that, were joined by dr. Ashish jha. Im so glad youre here. I want to start with this new report from the American Academy of pediatrics. The headline is that the number of kids diagnosed with covid jumped 90 in a month. Do you think thats because more kids are getting it or more of them who are asymptomatic are getting tested . Thank you for having me on. First of all, weve had very large outbreaks over that period of time across the country. And what we know is kids are not immune. And so when you have kind of raging wildfires, theres no surprise that kids are going to get infected as well. I dont think theres been anything that means the kids are getting infected disproportionately now but i do think that kids are susceptible to this virus. They do get infected and now that weve improved testing, were picking a lot of them up. President trump was asked whether this report should stop schools from reopening. He said no. And i want to share more of what he said. They may have, as you would call it, a case, it may be a case but its also a case where theres a tiny its a tiny fraction of death. They dont catch it easily. They dont get very sick and, according to the people that ive spoken to, they dont transport it or transfer it to other people or certainly not very easily. They dont catch it, they dont get sick and they dont transmit it to others. Its a bit more nuanced than that. They do catch it. Thankfully they dont get sick as often as adults do. We know that. Weve known that for a while. Some number of kids get sick but thankfully its very small. And on whether they transfer it to other people, they transmit it or not, much of the data right now says that kids 10 and older probably transmit it as efficiently as adults. Kids 10 and under may transmit it less, and i think they probably do. Thats where the best evidence is. But less is not zero. So we still have to be thoughtful about how we manage kids and manage schools. But we may have a little bit of a break with younger kids that may be transmitting it less. Generally speaking, the numbers do seem to be headed in the right direction nationwide. The rate of deaths are going down. Hospitalizations are going down. What do you make of that . Yeah, so we are seeing progress as a nation, stephanie, but ill say there are a couple of things that give me pause. First of all, even though texas numbers have come down, im getting very worried about texas. In the last week, their testing has gone down so much, and their test positivity has why . I dont understand it. I think people are getting frustrated with how long they have to wait. So i think texas is a problem. And texas, obviously, a big state. So were going to see how the next week playsof states in thef the country rising quickly. I want to see over the next couple of weeks, do these states get their act together. Do people start Wearing Masks more regularly . If we can have a sustained period of down, ill feel much better. To me, its a much more mixed picture. Before i let you go, i have to ask, russian president Vladimir Putin now says russia has succeeded in creating a safe vaccine. Do you buy that . No. Short answer, no. Slightly longer answer is, id like to see the data. From what i understand, they have not run a phase three trial. Phase three trial is where you actually get to find out whether the vaccine is safe or effective. My sense is theyre still running that phase three trial. Its like saying we won the game but youre in the first or second inning. I want to see where the data come out. If it shows theyve beaten everybody else in the world, id be happy to celebrate the russian vaccine, but call me skeptical until ive seen the data. Show us the data. Dr. Jha, always great to have you here. Thank you so much for joining me. Right now, i want to bring in a man who has been on the front lines of this fight since the beginning. The mayor of los angeles, Eric Garcetti. Mayor, thank you for joining us so early in the morning l. A. Time. Its been exactly five months since the first covid death in l. A. County. Yesterday, officials there said they are cautiously optimistic that youre getting a handle on things. How do you see it . I think thats exactly right. Weve been very lucky. We avoided some of the deep deaths that we saw on the eastern seaboard, when the sun belt exploded, we didnt explode. But weve been steady as she goes. The city is hearing the message loud and clear. Our cases have gone down by about 20 in the last two weeks. But this is a vicious virus. The moment we become divided, the moment we become complacent and lazy, it seizes that and rushes in. So im very proud of what l. A. Has done on testing. Im very proud of what weve done on face masks and closing down. Were the first to do so many of these, including cutting the ratio down under the population of africanamericans here in l. A. County. You can be surgical and come forward and do the things that save lives. But we need the help from washington right now. And we just feel isolated, alone, especially when no relief is coming and folks are going off to the golf course or on vacation while were waiting as the American People. Some people have become complacent and lazy. Youve had to deal, like many other states have, with people throwing big parties with large groups in l. A. You have been very aggressive in trying to stop these house parties and you have threatened to shut off water and power. Have you had to do that actually . We have with businesses. So this isnt a new playbook for us. We try to educate first. Then we try to encourage. And finally we enforce. We dont start with enforcement but those three es as i call them, let people know what the rules are. If they are violating them, encourage them to abide by them and, if necessary, yes, we have with businesses at the beginning of this and throughout about 150 cases where weve had to refer them for criminal prosecution. Usually by then, people become compliant. The idea is not to create a group of criminals. But where we see these houses that we know about 10 of people can spread about 80 of the covid cases, these are extremely dangerous settings. And so when necessary, we can bring in our civilian staff from our department of water and power. We own our own utility. That keeps these party homes where people are turning a profit at the expense of our lives off and sends a message to the rest that this is unacceptable. You need these rules to be enforced in theory by your police department. And the l. A. Police union says that their cops, even though its your cops, shouldnt be part of this plan to crack down on house parties. If the police arent the right people to call then who on earth is . Well, look, i do share concerns that not every huge party should be broken up by a couple of Police Officers. We have to look out for their safety and the safety of folks at parties. So who should do it . And long after covid19, Police Officers will, too, but this is really about the civilians that can come in and permanently shut down a house. Just because you can get folks out of there one night, these owners have a party the next night and the night after that. We want to take something stronger than a badge getting in there, making sure that power is shut off from the utility. Thats a much more effective way. You said a moment ago that you feel cut off, isolated when you really need washingtons help. Over the weekend, when the president announced his executive order focused on Economic Relief, he said he wants states to kick in 100 bucks per person to boost unemployment benefits. The governor said that would cost the state of california 700 million a week. Is there any way your state can afford that . No. This was breathtakingly ignorant. I think the president doesnt understand what his policies would require. He went off, as i said, to the golf course while most americans saw 30 cut in their pay essentially. This is a moment in which a president should be working around the clock, bringing people together and bringing relief to cities, to states. The front line workers who are out there in hospitals and transporting people in emergency vehicles who have covid. This is, you know, a president who has waved the white flag, who has walked away from his job and said this isnt my responsibility. And for me, when 160,000 of our fellow countrymen and women have died, it is breathtaking, breathtaking abdication of responsibility. So i really hope this president can step up. I hope that the Republican Leadership in the senate can step up and do whats right. At the beginning, it wasnt partisan. We saw republicans acting like democrats, unafraid to spend, which we need to, and democrats acting like republicans, unafraid to get out of the way of bureaucracy and other things so people could get relief quickly. This is a time to be american. To unite, not to divide. But we are left on our own in too many aspects of this, and its up to local governments who are saving lives but we are the United States of america and we need a federal government that acts like it. You say the president isnt doing his job. You are trying to help former vp joe biden who wants that job. You are one of the cochairs of joe bidens Vice President ial vetting team. Now that were at the end of that process, what would you say are the most important characteristics that you and your team are looking for in a running mate . Well, its been an honor of a lifetime to write what im confident will be a new chapter of american history, electing joe biden and the first woman Vice President of the United States. He told us from the beginning, and people know joe. He wasnt looking to make a geographic or political or demographic choice. He wanted the right Vice President for the United States of america. I know that america will not be disappointed by his choice. These are extraordinary women, extraordinary public servants. And they will meet the moment because this next two years will be the defining two years of our lifetime in america. Not just in saving lives but rebuilding an economy and reimagining a country and putting it back on a world stage. Its been amazing to serve alongside my fellow cochairs, to be a national cochair of the campaign. And i look forward to that news coming out soon. Okay. Its been an honor for you to get to do this. Lets get some facts here, or lets get some details. Youve got two people on the short list in your backyard in california, senator Kamala Harris, congresswoman karen bass. Is there anyone on this list who you have backed specifically . No, thats not my role. They are both dear friends and both would be extraordinary Vice President s. But joe biden needed four people to give him advice to help him choose who is right for him. When you look at the relationship he had with barack obama, he was entrusted with spent. He rebuilt this country after 2009 by going to capitol hill and passing the relief package. Able to meet with foreign heads of state. Both of them would absolutely meet that test and im proud that both of them are on that list. But so, too, are the other extraordinary women. It was never my role to say, hey, boss, this is the one you need to pick. I let him know what the strengths of each one of these candidates were so he could make the right decision for himself and for an administration that will be, in many ways, like president johnsons was to president kennedys. The poetry of obama and the poetry of kennedy. Obama lost his majority after two years. Kennedys life cut short. But then the next president came in and really muscled through the civil rights work, the antipoverty work. I think that this will be what the country needs and who joe biden will be alongside with a great Vice President. So im excited. The news, i think, will be electrifying when it comes out and people will know that joe will make his own decisions. He makes up his mind. Does whats best for this country. And if it happens to be someone from california, even better icing on the cake. He can only pick one, but thats still a list of allstars. Could you see another person on that list in a cabinet position, i dont know, treasury secretary . Absolutely. And i think thats really important for the American People to recognize. The favorite political parlor game certainly on television and in many homes is, who is going to be the Vice President. But think about administrations. When the war on poverty happened, it was who was heading up our antipoverty policy in the cabinet. The folks who can put our reputation thats in tatters back together on a world stage. These women, mark my words, are not only going to only one can be Vice President but are not only going to be in this administration, i think, but also are going to make history for years to come. Great people who could be future president s whether they are vp or not. All right. Mayor garcetti, thank you so much for joining me, for getting up super early this morning california time. Were going to leave it there. My next guest is laser beam focused on who is going to be the next treasury secretary. He is the only head of a major bank who has been at the helm for two major financial disasters. My interview with Jpmorgan Chase Ceo Jamie Dimon on what he says needs to happen to get us through this crisis. Plus, more decisions are expected today about the fate of College Football. Why it matters, even if you dont care about sports. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. And get way more. Ith wso you can bring yours at choicehotels. Com. Vision to life and save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams. Spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair today. Now, theres skyrizi. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 3 out of 4 people achieved. 90 clearer skin at 4 months. After just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections. And lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. 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This is xfi complete. Simple, easy, awesome. Get the security, unlimited daa and wifi coverage you need. Plus, xfi customers can add xfi complete for 11 a month. Click, call or visit a store today. This morning, the fate of College Football looking more uncertain as multiple conferences meet to discuss whether or not to cancel the Upcoming Season amid, of course, coronavirus concerns. Nbcs Morgan Chesky is in denton, texas, with the latest. Morgan, many people out there could say, im not a College Football person. Why should i care . Steph, the trickle down is enormous. You van estimated 4 billion industry at play here that affects these communities all over the entire country. Officials with the big ten conference met late yesterday to discuss whether or not they could pull off a season amidst a pandemic and our sources say they are meeting again today and may even hold a vote. Just weeks to go before the season kicks off. It poses a big question. What are all these other conferences going to end up doing . This morning, more questions about the future of College Football. President s of the big ten meeting today to discuss whether to cancel its fall season after getting pushback from team coaches, sources say. Another member of the power five, the pac12, also meeting today to discuss the fall. A huge variable that the remaining leagues will have is how those campuses react to students moving back on campus as theres an expected virus uptick. Reporter the Mountain West and midamerican conferences have postponed play until yx ye next year amid coronavirus concerns. The Southeastern Conference will also likely decide in the next week. But the president isnt hiding his feelings on the matter posting, play College Football. These College Athletes work their whole lives for this moment. Hed like to see them have a chance to live out their dreams. Reporter now some of the games biggest stars are also pushing back. We want to play. Thats what were here to do. What we love to do. Reporter clemsons quarterback Trevor Lawrence who is expected to be the nfls number one draft pick posting we want to play. And demanding the power five create universal mandated health and safety procedures to protect players. Unlike the nfl, there are no National Safety protocols in College Football. Also at risk here, hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue to College Football towns. One study found in ann arbor, michigan, alone the sport brings in more than 80 million a year to local businesses. I think you are looking at an economic nightmare for so many of the cities where these big universities are. If the College Football season doesnt take place. Reporter michigan coach jim harbaugh is fighting to play posting, this virus can be controlled and handled with proper safety measures. But according to media reports, football programs in at least 17 schools have suffered covid outbreaks this summer. Indiana lineman brady feeny tested positive and ended up in the e. R. With possible heart damage. The College Freshman tweeting, i want to play, but i truly believe that we need it to be safe. Now weve talked about athletes playing a role here, steph. They are using the united we stand to lobby to create a College Football players association. It would be similar to the union we see in the nfl that would lobby on the players behalf and make sure theyre safe should they be taking the field. Steph . Morgan, thank you so much. Were going to move on. Next, hes the only head of a major bank who was at the helm for the financial crisis and this pandemic. My interview with Jpmorgan Chase Ceo Jamie Dimon. His first sitdown since heart surgery, and his thoughts on jobs, the economy and why some of the Largest Companies in the world cant wait for the government. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. Can it one up spaghetti night . Cleaning power of liquid. It sure can. Really . Can it one up breakfast in bed . Yeah, for sure. Thanks, boys. What about that . Uhh, yep it can . Yeah, even that i would very much like to see that. Me too. Introducing tide power pods. One up the toughest stains with 50 more cleaning power than liquid detergent. Any further questions . Uh uh nope one up the power of liquid with tide power pods. Californias economic challenges are deepening. Frontline workers stretched too thin. Our nurses and medical professionals in a battle to save lives. Our schools, in a struggle to safely reopen, needing money for masks and ppe, and to ensure social distancing. And the costs to our economy, to our state budget . Mounting every day. We need to provide revenues now, to solve the problems we know are coming. This morning, new concerns from a number of governors across the country over the president s executive order extending unemployment benefits. Those governors urging congress that they need to act instead. But negotiations over the next relief bill remain at a complete standstill. Nbcs Garrett Haake is on the hill with the latest. Where do things stand . Well, stephanie, as of right now were sort of locked in this position of pessimism and doubt that there will be a deal reached any time soon, if, indeed, at all. Theres been no contact as of this morning between the democratic negotiators, the speaker of the house and the minority leader Chuck Schumer and the white house since those talks broke down over the weekend. And as ive been reaching out to my sources on capitol hill in both parties, a lot of them are turning around and asking me what im hearing which is never a good sign. There is doubt that anything can get done before perhaps even september now. The house has gone home. Theres no town halls. Theres none of the usual pressure that might be placed on members to force them towards a deal. The white house seems to think these executive orders they have put in place will relieve the pressure on them and it might be a few weeks until they know any differently when, as expected, a lot of these governors might come back and say, look, these things on unemployment in particular are unworkable. Essentially weve got a whole bunch of people staring at each other waiting for the other side to lower their offer and try to come back to the negotiating table. Stephanie, it does not look good up here this morning. Just think about that. Think about what were going through as a country and they are asking you, Garrett Haake, what you know. As talks over this next relief bill are stalling in congress, some of the largest u. S. Companies are taking matters into their own hands. At least as it relates to inequality and how we address it now. Amazon, google, verizon, Jpmorgan Chase and more than 20 others coming together with City Government to create over 100,000 new jobs and develop retraining programs for lowincome and minority workers. For the First Time Since his heart surgery back in march, i sat down with Jpmorgan Chase Ceo Jamie Dimon to talk about the program and the Economic Impact of the coronavirus. As the only person who led a major bank during the 08 financial crisis and now the covid crisis. He has deep concerns about how we can recover without widening the inequality gap. My first question to him, why has he joined and led this initiative . It is a huge effort. The important part is, 30 ceos coming together to try to tackle one of societys big problems, which is getting Inner City School education, largely minority, getting these kids through school and with a highpaying job. And i personally dont think youre going to fix it just government alone. You need business. 80 of the jobs are in business. Business has ai. We know what we need. And we can help train the trainers. But is business tackling these problems because government failed in terms of policy and didnt do their job . Possibly. But thats trying to point fingers who is to blame. I dont care who is to blame. I want to get those kids whether its high school or Community College or college so that when they get out they say, my god, ive got a job thats well paying. Philanthropy is a drop in the bucket. You do influence government. From a government perspective, when you look at the Economic Impact and the pain people are feeling, what do we need to happen most right now from our government . What do they need to focus on . Separate the long term. We always focus too much on the short run. Covid is a problem. Well get through it. How . Im going to get through it in a sending. Its a problem. Well get through it. We have to fix infrastructure. We have to fix immigration. We have to fix education. We have to fix health care. Those things are actually extremely damaging and we have to acknowledge it and more to the poorer folks here, minorities. Not to me. And so to me, we should tackle those problems. Covid itself, i think the government took bold, dramatic action. Im going to give credit to steve mnuchin, jay powell, the administration and the democrats and republican congress. Who would have thought they could move that quick . You know, ppp, and you can argue with ppp and its been redesigned a couple of times. But they moved very quickly. Probably saved 30, 35 million jobs. Were not through this thing yet. The government has to do more particularly for small business, Unemployment Insurance, et cetera, to get us through the next 3 to 6 months as we open up. Were going to have to open up. It can be done safely and soundly. Youve seen it being done in countries around the world. We made a few mistakes in certain parts of this country, but opening up will be okay. You can go back to work safe and sound and so that hopefully the economy will have a chance to recover. Theres going to be some scar tissue from this one but that we have a chance to recover. Right now, do you think we can . You have 200,000 employees that do you think you can bring them back to work safely . We have millions of kids that need to go back to you guys came in here today. Theres some people. This building is about 10 occupied. The Trading Floor is about 25 . And, remember, we have 4,000 branches open. Thats 40,000 people right there. Weve got people who move money and cash in vaults who are working every day. We have a lot of people at work. But there are a lot theres still 150,000 people working from home. And i think while there may be some permanency to some of that, theres a huge value to working together. In terms of collaboration and creativity and training the younger people. Hopefully there will be a vaccine and hopefully people do it really safely. Were not going to do anything to jeopardize our people but giving a lot of flexibility, especially to schools not opening and so we have to figure it out. But well navigate through it. Should schools reopen . I dont know the answer to that. You sound very i have daughters with children and one says x and one says y. Things have to be done safely. And i just dont know exactly how you go about that. But were but the society has to reopen. We cant be doing this a year from now and think that it wont cause devastation in the economy. And by the way, to the health of people. The Health Effects the negative Health Effects of depression and drugs can be really bad. No doubt. We should be very cautious how you look at this issue. You do sound very optimistic. Then what do you say to that single mom in the bronx who has to go back to work because shes a cashier at a Grocery Store and shes not part of a training program, but her kids are going to school virtually. And they dont have a Community Center to go to. And they dont have a camp because of all of this. Im suffering. Im not getting the extended unemployment anymore. Im very sympathetic. And one of the beautiful things thats been happening because you are in the city and you probably heard it, 7 00 every night, people stick their head out the windows and theyre clapping and thanking people that dont pay the rent. No, but it should give us a little civility to thank people and to realize that all these jobs are essential and stuff like that. So if those people need special help, theres Unemployment Insurance. Theres maybe were going to try to do some child care stuff with some of our employees. Im very sympathetic and most of the companies are trying to help their employees through this. Most of them. They cant all do that, but most of them are trying. Big businesses. But because you were involved in ppp, half this country is employed by small businesses. Do you think a year from now we could only have Big Box Stores and chain restaurants . No. How are they going to stay in business . There are 20 million or something small businesses. A lot of them are oneperson shops. But there are a lot of successful ones still selling goods on amazon. But there are the ones who are really suffering. Why do you feel so confident . I just keep thinking about the 30 Million People that dont have jobs right now or who are being forced to go back to work and they dont have child care or health care. If we dont provide health care to every working american, how can they feel safe to go work . Its a great question. But i cant answer that one question. Remember, everyone gets health care who goes to a hospital. So you do get health care. You get tested. You get a bunch of different things. Covid just made it look worse. Health care has been a problem for 30 years. We spend twice as much as other countries. 40 Million People uninsured. The outcomes, we have unbelievable doctors. Unbelievable hospitals and medical and pharma and devices. But twice as much. We know twice as good outcome. We dont teach nutrition and wellness in high school and we should. Theres so many basic things we dont do as a society that would have made this much better. Then given how well you know the financial system, big business, small business, consumers, you have a lot of influence over the government. You are a big part of the business roundtable. As congress is determining the next Economic Relief package, what do you think they need to do most . I dont think we have that much influence. And, you know, remember, the folks in Congress Speak to everybody. They get a lot of different groups they speak to. Trying to figure out the right thing. I think the Unemployment Insurance extended. They should just split the difference. Move on. 400, 400. There should be ppp. Some kind of extension, particularly focused on the folks who need the restart money or the ones who didnt get it the first go around. A lot of minority business got much less than they needed. Then how do you read this . Would you say were in a recession while yeah. Yes . Were in a recession but youll have delayed effect by seeing the normal effects of a recession. That may not happen until late this year, early next year. But it will eventually affect incomes. Home prices, it will when people realize they may not have a job. So youll see some of the effects of that. You care an awful lot about policy. Weve been talking more about policy than jpmorgan p l. Does that mean you could see yourself a member of an administration . A treasury secretary . I love what i do and dont think im suited to politics. Well, well soon find out. Jamie dimon who is chairing the new york jobs council. That program, the new york program, is a blueprint with a plan to put it across the country. Trying to retrain people for the jobs of tomorrow. Coming up next according to the new york times, up to 75 of americans will be eligible to vote by mail in november. But President Trump continues to claim its a false claim that mailin ballots are not safe. Well fact check that with a former Homeland Security secretary and governor and his warning that every voter must hear. Tom ridge is going to be here. The open road is open again. And wherever youre headed, Choice Hotels is there. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. These humans, those humans. Groovin, and golden. Its about getting more than Health Insurance and a partner who listens and acts. Humana calls it human care. Its talking to a doctor from your couch, or helping you find a cheaper prescription before you ask. Its helping you fix the rugs so you dont fall, and keeping you social, online or off. 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Democrats on political are calling for an investigation into dujoy and the costcutting measures that have slowed the mail delivery and complicated vote by mail efforts in recent primary, i le elections. I want to bring in former Homeland Security secretary tom ridge. Hes the cochair of vote safe. Last time you were here, President Trump took to twitter. He didnt like what you had to say, but the American People need to hear what you have to say. What do you have to say to voters . Its not fake news that he didnt like what i had to say because its certainly not the first time. What i would say is theyve been dealing with absentee ballots since the civil war. The president s effort to sow seeds of doubt to create uncertainty around the outco outcome showed historical precedent. The notion that somehow he would say that the post office will create a problem for absentee voters. I mean, unfortunately, its not a very president ial perspective when the president of the United States is discouraging maximum turnout. And so i would say to him, we need safe and secure balloting. Either inperson or absentee. And it will be up to the governors and the secretaries of state. There are certain things they can do in the next 85 days in order to assure you have both those options, but when the president says that in the midst of the pandemic, its close to shameful and certainly not president ial. We need to have safe and secure options and we will have them in spite of his effort to undermine the legitimacy of the november 3rd election. Like what . What can they do . What can the president do or i think one of the with respect to all the national networks, we ought to consider november 3rd as the last day to vote. We have november 3rd through january 20th to count the ballots. We ought to be thinking of election week or election month. The bottom line is we have the capability. You have 8,000 to 10,000 people who have been doing this year after year. They are republicans and theyre democrats. They are patriots. They work hard every election psychele le t cycle to make sure the votes are tabulated. We have this mindset we have to know on election night. Maybe one side will prevail over the other, maybe not. But its unprecedented this past primary season. For example, pennsylvania. 5 of the people normally vote in absentee ballots. Its 50 . Arizona, 80 of the people vote absentee. So lets just draw a breath, understand inperson balloting is an option. But in a covid19 environment we have to create safe and secure absentee ballot opportunities. Weve done it in the past. We will do it in the future, in spite of the president s false, erroneous, mistaken notion that somehow it would be riff with fraud and abuse. Its not going to well, the president says secretaries of state and governors to minimize they check registration. Theyve got bar codes, signature matches. This all allegation that it will be undermined by foreign influence is just patently false. Do you think the postmaster general needs to be investigated . No, listen, its interesting. When i was a young congressman, i served on the post office Civil Service committee. Its not news that the post office is losing money. They always theyve been losing money for a long time. But the men and women who deliver the mail on a daytoday basis, work very hard in spite of the weather, in spite of the political accusations right there, i think the challenge isnt the management of the organization. I think we resolve that problem by simply saying the last day to vote is november 3rd but if it takes awhile to account those votes, so be it. We dont need to know on election night. And by the way, the state legislator or governor, could help this process and undermine these false allegations of fraud if they simply move the process of sorting the mail and sorting these absentee ballots. For example in pennsylvania, you cant even begin opening the envelopes until 7 00 on election night. Well, obviously, theres going to be delays. So lets move that process forward. Lets sort and get ready to count on election day but lets quit thinking about, we need to know on election night. Its election week or election month. You have from november 3rd to january 20th, stephanie. Lets do it right. And it will be done correctly. Secretary ridge, secretary ridge calling for a cultural shift. It is a voting season. Time for people to get on it. Thank you for joining us. You always make us smarter. Coming up next, less than a week until the Democratic National convention and former vp joe biden has not announced his running mate. Brandnew reporting about the speaker list for the convention could have provided the best hint yet about who the pick will be. Thats coming up next. Et about l be thats coming up next. announcer onceweekly ozempic® is helping many people with type 2 diabetes like emily lower their blood sugar. A majority of adults who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. Heres your a1c. Oh my a1c is under 7 announcer and you may lose weight. Adults who took ozempic® lost on average up to 12 pounds. I lost almost 12 pounds oh announcer for those also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. It lowers the risk. Oh and i only have to take it once a week. Oh oh, oh, oh, ozempic® announcer ozempic® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. 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Former vp joe biden could announce his running mate as soon as today and his Political Team has prepared rollout plans for the vp finalist. The Biden Campaign says all major contenders have in person interviews with the Presumptive Democratic nominee including michigan governor gretchen whitmer, california senator Kamala Harris, and former National Security adviser susan rice. Nbcs mike memoli is always our man on the biden trail. Hes in wilmington, delaware, with more. Mike, the biden team just assembled a staff for the running mate. Now what are we waiting for . Reporter well, steph, as you know, ive been holding down the fort here in wilmington waiting for the pick to be announced. Ive avoided using language like were waiting any minute, but were at that point now, im checking both the phones constantly looking for any signals here about the pick and were doing a lot of tea leaf reading as well. One of those is looking at the list of the Dnc Convention speakers in the order in which theyre speaking for potential hints here. Gretchen whitmer on monday, senator Elizabeth Warren on wednesday, Kamala Harris on thursday. We dont see susan rice, karen bass or val demings in the primetime speaking spots. What that doesnt tell us is that none of those women are in the vp slot, which is wednesday night. The campaign and the convention saying they can readjust the order as necessary. What that does tell us is a bit about what the political impact of the choice might be. You want your heaviest political hitters in primetime and so perhaps a sign that some other choices arent necessarily as Eric Garcetti put it to you, not necessarily a geographic, demographic or Political Choice that the former Vice President said hes making, steph. You know what it tells us, lets go already we want to hear who the pick is. Michael, thank you so much. Well leave it there. That wraps up this very busy hour. Im stephanie ruhle. My dear friend Ayman Mohyeldin picks up breaking News Coverage on the other side of the break. Picks up breaking News Coverage on the other side of the break stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill. Can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some. Rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. Rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred. As have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. Your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. Tell your doctor about any infections. And if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. 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Governors now saying the president s orders are not going to work. And americans may never see the benefits he promised them. Also, the Vice President ial watch heats up, joe bidens big announcement set to be imminent, what were learning this morning about how soon well learn who is joining him on that ticket. Our team is covering all of this spread out across the entire country, but we do want to start in washington, d. C. , Garrett Haake on capitol hill, Shannon Pettypiece at the white house. Lets talk about the politics for a moment of all this

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