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Which is far less than the rate from last week. About 20,000 new cases were reported pushing the total well over 1. 5 million americans. Back at the white house, President Trump made a very surprising announcement yesterday telling reporters he has been taking the drug hydroxychloroquine to protect him from the coronavirus. That is despite the fact that there is no proof that this drug works. But there is proof we can increase the risk of a heart attack. The Trump Administration has also signed a 354 million deal putting a startup Pharmaceutical Company in charge of creating the countrys first strategic stockpile of drug ingredients. The idea is to cut americas dependence on other countries for getting those ingredients. And finally, the president says the World Health Organization must make substantial improvements or risk losing u. S. Funding for good. He sent a letter late last night accusing the organization of being too cozy with china and blaming w. H. O. For costly missteps in the fight against coronavirus. I want to go straight to the white house where my colleague carol lee is standing by. Carol, help us understand this because the president already suspended funding for the w. H. O. , but now hes saying he can end it permanently unless they make big changes. Right, steph. Hes ratcheting up his criticism of the w. H. O. And not only saying that he could withhold funding permanently but that the u. S. May also revoke its membership of the World Health Organization and essentially in this letter that he wrote to the director of the World Health Organization, accused the organization of being having a china virus, of not handling the coronavirus pandemic properly, and said that he would need to see very specific steps taken to show, to demonstrate there is no china virus within the World Health Organization, within the next 30 days. Now its a little light on specifics and said the administration is in negotiations with the World Health Organization on a possible way forward. But it doesnt really outline exactly what the World Health Organization not having china virus or demonstrating that it doesnt have a china bias would look like. So we dont know. We know Kayleigh Mcenany just spoke to us a little bit ago and said the letter speaks for itself and that basically the white house will be looking for china bias at play as it basically looks through what the World Health Organizations handling of the coronavirus was. Particularly in the early days, steph. Well, to her point, the letter does speak for itself. And in that letter, it shows december and january dates, which means during that period of time, these risks were known to the white house and told to President Trump. And that is the exact same time period that the president was saying its a no risk to the United States. In late february he said the 15 cases are going to go to zero. So how does he critique the w. H. O. When during that time period, the president was denying that it was ever coming here . Well, this is part of what weve seen from the president , particularly really ramping it up in the last few weeks where hes blaming the World Health Organization or china for not responding early enough, not disclosing enough information. Really to distract from his own handling of coronavirus, the pandemic which has come under fire as he campaigns for reelection. So, you know, this is i think were going to see more about not only the World Health Organization but also particularly about when it comes to china. I think this is a white house looking to take some steps to demonstrate its unhappiness with china. They feel thats a good political issue for the president , that hes on strong footing when hes attacking china, and, you know, all of it, again, designed to distract attention away from his own handling of coronavirus early on and try to focus on elsewhere. Particularly china, which they think is a political winner for them. All right. Lets switch to hydroxychloroquine. The drug already debunked by Health Professionals who say its not used as a preventative against the coronavirus. The president has brought it back into the news cycle, and heres what he said. The frontline workers, many, many are taking it. I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it. Hydroxychloroquine . Im taking it. Hydroxychloroquine. When . Right now, yeah. A couple of weeks ago started taking it. Why, sir . Because i think its good. Ive heard a lot of good stories. If its not good, ill tell you right. Im not going to get hurt by it. This is the drug that rick bright was urging the administration not to promote and it cost dr. Bright his job as the head researcher at the nih. What gives . Well, and also, steph, as you know, the fda said that cautioned against anybody taking this drug unless theyre in a hospital setting and really a number of Health Officials advising President Trump have warned of the potential side effects about from hydroxychloroquine. But, you know, the president the main takeaway from this is that the president is far more concerned, possibly, about getting coronavirus than he has let on in recent weeks. The reason white house officials tell us that he has decided to take this is potential exposure to coronavirus from when his valet tested positive through that week of may 7th. And he said at that time he wasnt really worried. He didnt spend that much time with him but, obviously, thats not the case, steph. All right. Thank you, carol. I want to dig deeper into this. Lets bring in dr. Richard besser, the former head of the cdc and current president and ceo of the Robert Wood Johnson foundation, the largest Public Health philanthropy. And ashley parker, reporter for the washington post. Doctor, the biggest risk here, the president , who is a Senior Citizen and has taken heart medication, is taking this potentially dangerous drug or that the rest of the world sees him take it and we rush out to buy it . You know, it would be wonderful if there was a silver bullet, something magical that could prevent this. But there isnt. Its following the advice of hand washing, keeping away from other people, Wearing Masks when we go out thats going to prevent this. And i really worry that people hearing this are going to think that this is something safe to do. And its not. The fda has warned against people using this drug. It can have side effects. Its a drug that has uses in medicine for malaria and lupus and another worry is people will have a run on this drug thinking it will provide them safe protection where it wont and people who really need the drug for other conditions may not have access to it. Well, then doctor, what do you make of the letter that we saw from the white house doctor, shawn connolly, that said he and the president concluded the potential benefit from this treatment outweighed the relative risks . Even if its not a silver bullet, it sounds like hes saying, eh, worth the risk. Whats the truth here . Yeah, i mean, Everybody Needs to make their own Health Decisions and hopefully will do so in consultation with their Health Care Provider. 28 Million People in america dont have a Health Care Provider and that becomes really challenging when you see information out there like this. But if you do have a Health Care Provider, talk to them. Talk to them about your own health. Talk to them about, well, is there evidence that this prevents potentially coronavirus . And theres not. Outside of controlled trials that are trying to address some of these questions, it is not a safe Health Decision to be taking this drug. Please have those conversations before trying to get this drug in any way. Then if the answer is, talk to your Health Care Provider, ashley, i want to understand who exactly is the president talking to . Lets listen to more of what he said. I was just waiting to see your eyes light up when i said this, when i announced this, but, yeah, ive taken it for about a week and a half now. And im still here. Im still here. Can you explain, sir, though, what is the evidence that it has a preventative effect . Here we go. Heres my evidence. I get a lot of positive calls about it. I get a lot of tremendously positive news on the hydroxy, and i say, hey, you know the expression ive used, john . What do you have to lose . Ashley, whats going on . Who is he talking to . Who is telling him its a good thing . Is he winking at the drugmaker . I dont get it. You know, as weve reported, he was talking to a lot of nonmedical experts, these sort of friends and confidantes in his outer inner circle. His personal lawyer, Rudolph Giuliani had been pushing hydroxychloroquine to him. Laura ingraham had come to the white house, made a special oval Office Presentation about the value of the drug. Early on, i think its tapered off a bit but fox news in general, a lot of the hosts had been talking up not all of them, to be clear, but some of them talking up the benefits of this drug and he was watching that on a sort of cable Loop Feedback cycle. So he was hearing from people but not necessarily the medical experts that the doctor just referenced who you would want actually to have this conversation with. Reminder, he was hearing that from the fox news host wore also urging people to get back out there and get to work, yet theyre hosting their shows from the privacy of their own homes. Doctor, i do want to ask you about this development from moderna, this new potential vaccine. People seem to be overjoyed about it. Whats your take . Well, its good news, but im very cautious. This is a baby step in the production of a new vaccine. What they found was in eight people that they developed antibodies, immune factors that in a test tube killed or prevented the growth of virus. And thats good. It was safe in those eight people. But this is so far from having a vaccine that we can use. It needs to be tried now in hundreds of people to see, is it safe . Do other people mount these antibodies . We have yet to answer the important scientific question, do people who make these antibodies, are they protected from future infection . Thats being studied but thats so critically important because if the vaccine makes those antibodies but those antibodies truly dont protect you, then we still have a long way to go. So its encouraging news, but, you know, i worry theres a lot more hype going on here than there is true hope given how far we have yet to go. The stock market certainly likes the hype. Ashley, i want to talk about the man who is in charge of operation warp speed. This guy was on the board of moderna until last week. He was supposed to sell his moderna Stock Options to avoid any conflict of interest, but that hasnt happened yet. He didnt give the directive until yesterday. The options wont be sold until today and the stock went up over 20 yesterday off of this news. Where is the office of legal and compliance in this administration . Anyone who joins any form of the administration has to fill out that big 12pager that goes through every possible conflict of interest before theyre in that role. Now i get it. This is operation warp speed. You have to get that person in the job. Hes in the job, didnt sell the stock yet. Any followup beyond hes going to sell today and make a profit given yesterday the news . I believe hhs said he was going to donate what he earned in that period to cancer research. You know, of course, people would have to follow up and make sure he actually does that. One thing that was interesting to me was there is not a lot of internal pressure to answer your question in this white house to do so. This is a white house that has, for instance, seemed to ignore the hatch act on many occasions, but he did seem to ultimately bow to outside political pressure. There are a lot of people including senator warren who are saying this is a tremendous conflict of interest. He has overseen the federal government search for vaccine. Hes going to be deciding which private Companies Get federal funding. He just resigned from the board. He owns stock in moderna. He has to divest. He ultimately did seem to bow to this public pressure that was not necessarily coming internally, although maybe not as quickly as some people would have liked to have seen. Listen, hes an absolute expert. He may be the perfect person for the job. But being without conflict of interest is obviously important. Dr. Besser, ashley, thank you so much. Coming up theres urgent need for relief for American Business across the board. So on the corporate side, just a portion has been given out. Were going to find out where is it going from the guy overseeing it, next. Plus, new details coming out about the firing of another Inspector General by President Trump. What is Congress Going to do about it . Ill be asking republican kevin brady. Tempurpedics mission is to give you truly transformative sleep. So, no more tossing and turning. Because only tempurpedic adapts and responds to your body. So you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. 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Lawmakers are expected to ask about the 3 trillion in aid passed and what more needs to be done to keep our economy afloat. This comes as the commission tasked with overseeing part of the c. A. R. E. S. Act released its first report. Revealing the Treasury Department has handed out just a very small bit of the 500 billion relief fund. Garrett haake is on capitol hill with the latest. Garrett, what can we expect when the senators gavel in remotely next hour. This will be interesting because its an entirely remote hearing. But i think youll see two things. On the oversight front youll see questions about what steps the fed has taken to help in this crisis and what steps they could still take. On the Treasury Department front, you can expect a lot of questions about the 500 billion that were largely set aside at secretary mnuchins discretion to try to help out troubled companies. Why is that money not being spent very much so far, and what are the plans to use it most effectively to help workers . I think the other part of this that will be interesting is the forward looking part. What do these officials think needs to be done in a next legislative package . Heres a free question for any of the senators on the Banking Committee or any of their staff. Treasury secretary mnuchin is in a meeting right now with Mitch Mcconnell and the Vice President about potential next legislative steps. So what does the administration think the senate needs to do next . The Republicancontrolled Senate has said they want to sit back and wait a little bit before they decide what their next steps might be in terms pafsing more relief. That conversation is happening as we speak, stephanie. And it might be interesting to see what the thinking is behind those closed doors. Without a doubt. Garrett, thank you. I want to bring in barat, a member of the Congressional Oversight Committee and one of the authors behind that report detailing how the Treasury Department has been handling the relief money. Your Commission Just came out with a report. What is the most important thing you found . I think one critical point is that, yes, its true that very little of the money has been spent so far in these lending facilities. But already the mere announcement the treasury and fed plan to use the money in particular ways has had a huge effect on the market. The stock market since the day of the announcement back on april 9th has gone up. Its back to basically where it was at the beginning of march. And the cost of borrowing for big corporations has gone way down since that announcement has come out. So what i think youre seeing is that so far the program is working very well for Big Companies and for bigtime investors. Who its not working very well for, so far, is smaller businesses and for state and local governments that were supposed to be able to borrow from the fed as well. Isnt that the key to everything when it comes to supporting big business . Unless the government puts very specific restrictions on how these companies will spend the money, then it can easily go to buybacks, executives, or to serve shareholders, which has happened thus far while massive layoffs are taking place. Yeah, exactly. At this point, the program seems to be, lets pump trillions of dollars into the markets which means were handing it to corporate boards and saying, we trust you to do what you will with it. They tend to take care of shareholders and Board Members first. You have caterpillar announcing thousands of layoffs and two weeks later issuing hundreds of millions in dividends for shareholders. So it goes back to this fundamental question in the report. What is the goal of this program . How do you define stabilizing the economy . Propping up the stock market . If it does, then its been fairly successful so far. If it means getting people rehired, if it means reducing the unemployment rate, then it hasnt been successful so far. Thats one thing id like to hear the treasury secretary and fed chair discuss today. How will you measure the success or failure of this program . Well, your commission will not be successful unless youve got funding. Unless youve got a chair. And you dont have either one. Whats the holdup . Well, its up to Speaker Pelosi and majority leader mcconnell to come to an agreement on a chair. My hope is that they make a pick soon so we can have our full commission together. But, look, even without a staff, even without a chair, were able to put out a report yesterday that im very proud of. Im proud of the fact that all four members of the commission, republicans and democrats signed on to that report and that it asks a number of really important questions about the design of this program so far. So even without a chair, even without a staff, were going to continue doing the work that were supposed to be doing under the law. What you dont have oversight over is the paycheck protection program. Its outside of your control. Right now the public still has no access to understand who got ppp loans and now the Treasury Department says they do not have the bandwidth to pursue any fraud, to look into any loans, less than 2 million. That is a recipe for fraud. What would it take to give your commission the oversight into ppp and currently, who has oversight . Who is doing anything . Well, it would take an act of congress at this point to expand our jurisdiction to cover the ppp. Of course, thats up to congress to determine whether they want to do that or not. I do think, though, that the biggest problem with ppp and, yes, there have been companies that have gotten it that are big public companies. Maybe thats a problem with the design of the program. The biggest problem with the design of the program is that there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of companies that are eligible for ppp that desperately need it in order to stay in business and that and havent gotten the money yet. And so you have this contrast between Small Businesses that were well run, that were doing everything right, that have been hit hard by this crisis and theyre not getting relief from the government and they go out of business. And you have big businesses that in some cases were very poorly managed that were highly in debt and they are getting support from the government and theyll come out of this crisis okay. And so it makes me wonder, what is the government going to look like a year or two from now when you have big businesses that made it through the crisis relatively unscathed and small and mediumsized businesses across the country didnt get the relief they needed from the government. Its going to look like big zombie businesses are still going to chug along. Big mega giants will be even bigger and more successful. And the heart of our economy, mom and pop main street usa is at risk of being gone forever unless the government steps in and changes the rules. Next, four inspectors generals out in two months. Now democrats and republicans want answers. But what, if anything, can they even do . Ill be asking congressman kevin brady from texas. Im greg, im 68 years old. I do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. I honestly feel that thats my calling to give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. [music] [music] especially in times like these, strong Public Schools make a better california for all of us. A lot of our people kept the obama Inspector General. I think generally speaking, thats not a good thing to do, but theyve kept him. But i told them for three years, i said, anybody wants to get rid of their Inspector Generals because theyre appointed by president obama, i think you should do so. Some of them didnt, but now theyre doing a couple of them are doing it now. President trump defending his removal of four inspectors general in the last two months. A pattern thats raised concerns among democratic and republican lawmakers. Nbc news has now learned that the state Department Watchdog steve linick, who the president removed last friday night, was looking into secretary pompeos decision to approve an arms sale to saudi arabia, despite objections from congress. This comes after we learn linick was also looking into whether pompeo had a staffer perform personal tasks. Republican congressman from texas and Ranking Member of the house and Ways Committee joins me now. Kevin brady, good morning. What is your take of the president s latest ig removal. Your president take on the presi latest ig removal. Im a big believer in inspectors general and the roles they play in the agency. Certainly in the agencies ways and means deals with in treasury and the irs and others. Having said that, i always note, none of the four were fired. Two of them were acting and replaced by either permanent or acting secretary generals. Two were restored. So all of them continue to play an oversight role, but to your point, they are political appointees. That is spragss of powers issue. The president has the ability to do that as congress does oversight as well. And so, yeah, im confident congress will question the president about decisionmaking on this. At the end of the day, it is his call to have inspectors general appointed by his administration. What is your take on this new bill thats been introduced that would give more protection to inspectors general . Do you support it . You know, i havent seen the bill. Who is it introduced by . Democrats, bob menendez from new jersey. Yeah, no, so i havent seen the bill. I certainly will review it. Again, i think its key to have qualified people in those roles. I know its important for the system to work. We have pretty aggressive oversight in congress and the house and senate as well. So im not concerned about any lessening of oversight and ill tell you on the c. A. R. E. S. Bill itself, i think we have eight different commissions, Inspector Generals plus 12 different committees doing the oversight. This will be the most scrutinized piece of legislation in american history. So im pretty confident well have strong oversight there. Well, actually, the ppp program doesnt have a commission overseeing it and last week, the Treasury Department said they would not pursue any loan under 2 million for fraud because they didnt have the bandwidth, which i get that, but we have the bandwidth in the media and none of the loan information is public yet. Do you support the sba making it public, which they have done in every program before, all of the tax i. D. S for the ppp loans . So i dont know about the tax i. D. S, but i think more transparency is better than less in almost every instance. So obviously, i want to see that strong oversight there. But lets keep this in perspective as well. I think all of us early on were concerned, you know, about some of these big businesses getting loans and would that push our Small Businesses out. Turns out, no. According to the associated press, for every 27,000 Small Business loans, there were 1 that was approved for publicly held company. And in total, those publicly Held Companies only received onehalf of 1 of the total amount. So theres no question this has been an overwhelmingly Small Business loan program. It is, stephanie, as you said, not perfect. I see i welcome secretary mnuchin and others, providing even more flexibility this week to make sure that different industries, i think, are going to have different timetables for recovering and giving flexibility to them as they bring their workforce back. I think thats something both parties will. Yes, but you would support the idea that even if they were Small Businesses that took the money, less than 2 million, if they took it fraudulently, we should be able to find that out. It should be transparent, the name of everyone that took that loan. Youve got 3 million loans out there under 2 million. Thats a whole lot of money. You know, it is a lot of money, and its doing an awful lot of good. And ill tell you this. My sense is, much like here in texas, our local bankers were doing a great deal of oversight from the standpoint, they wanted to follow the guidance and the direction of the sba and treasury to the letter, to the point where i think businesses today arent spending even their dollars to make sure that they are following those lines and guidelines which i think says, but people are handling this responsibly. We are going to have significant oversight or this program. I have no worry at all about that. All right. I look forward to it. I do want to ask you about this 3 trillion heroes act passed in the house last week. Its not going to pass in the senate. You voted against it and call it a recipe for recession. Do you think we dont need more money right now to keep the economy afloat . I think we needed to i think we need to go smart, which is to focus on economically, we still have work to do in health care, by the way, no question. Have to keep that pressure up. But our top economic priority right now has to be those 36 million americans who lost their jobs temporarily. We have to make sure they dont lose them permanently. And everything about that bill should have been focused to those jobless and helping get them back in the workplace in a good, safe workplace. That bill failed on all those accounts. So im eager for the conversation with our democratic colleagues when theyre ready to have those discussions. Lets find a way to focus on those jobless. Well, democrats want more money to go to states. States are the ones paying these huge unemployment benefits. Its clearly going to put them in a disastrous situation economically. Those are the same states across the board that now have to spend millions, if not billions, to set up case tracing. You dont support more money going to those states . I support strong funding to those states and thankfully Congress Already has. We provided this doesnt get much attention. Weve already provided 760 billion to state and local governments and communities for those very same reasons. Thats more than weve given for Small Businesses. Our problem is that too many governors are holding those dollars and not passing them down to the smaller communities and counties to help cover their expenses so they havent seen a dime of it yet. The other is that states and local governments want to use those dollars for something besides the coronavirus and all thats focused on that. Theyve asked for more flexibility. We ought to have that discussion and fix those problems before we add even more money to it. You talk about the money going smart, not just going out. Lets talk about the 500 billion of discretionary money that can go to big business. Do you support putting restrictions on that money . I. E. , dont just let these Big Companies have the money but not put requirements on how they spend it because think about the tax cut in 2017. The whole idea was, lets give these companies these tax cuts and theyre going to retain workers, retain them more and bring their operations back to the United States. And while we saw that somewhat, what we saw overwhelmingly was corporate buybacks. So if were giving money to big business again, do we need to put restrictions on it . Yeah, so first, i disagree completely with that description, tax cuts and jobs act. The fact is businesses did bring research, jobs, manufacturing back to the United States. The bulk of their investment was in their workers in their equipment, in pay raises, in Better Health and retirement benefits. Thats why we had the most competitive economy in the world. Work paid. Families were keeping more of what they earned. Our economy was strong because of it. There were some stock buybacks, but again, i dont see anything wrong with Companies Bringing back profits from overseas and investing it in america for any reason. But absolutely. In your larger point, the c. A. R. E. S. Bill, the 500 billion to Distressed Industries did have conditions attached to it. Just as you suggest on stock buybacks, on dividends, in many cases in the airline industry, the administration negotiated six months of guaranteed pay for workers in that industry which, far beyond what any industry has achieved, but it was so crucial for that infrastructure for that to happen. So i think for your standpoint, there are restrictions in the c. A. R. E. S. Bill already being applied to those companies. And congressman, quickly before we go, because i know im going to be speaking to some governors, where is it specifically you are saying governors are holding a lot of this money or theyre not using it yet to help their cities and smaller locations in their state. Can you give me a little more details because, without a doubt, were going to press those governors if they have access to money and theyre not helping their constituents. Well ask them about it. Yeah, someone should, stephanie, because congress sent state and local direct aid, 150 billion. Some of it went directly to the larger cities and counties above 500,000. But the rest of it went to the state to be used for their covid19 expenses and the cities and counties under 500,000. States like texas and ohio have begun the process already of distributing those dollars, but some states, frankly have refused to provide any money to those smaller counties and communities which is exactly what congress intended. I dont think theyre going to see a dime of additional dollars when they refuse to share the money weve already sent them. All right. Congressman, thank you so much. Without a doubt, were going to follow up with some governors right about now. I appreciate it. Congressman brady from the state of texas. Weve got some breaking news. New york state slowly reopening and Governor Andrew Cuomo is joining me on the phone right now. Governor, what is the latest on getting aid to your state . Just moments ago, im assuming you heard congressman kevin brady from texas, not necessarily naming you, but saying there are some governors out there that arent actually helping their states. Good morning. Yes, i did hear the broadcast and thank you for talking to me. You know, the washington they can get away with dealing in the abstract or dealing in a reality that they create. It has nothing to do with the reality thats going on in this nation, however. The new york state, for example, we have about a 61 billion deficit caused by the coronavirus, period. To date weve received 3 billion from the federal government for costs, et cetera. Its nickels and dimes compared to what were going to need to pay for the covid expense and it doesnt even start to address the financial deficit that were facing because of covid. So what is congressman brady talking about . I have no idea what theyre talking about except i know that they are doing what i thought they would do. Theyve given money to business, big business, with few strings because thats what they believe. How do you stimulate the economy . Give more money to business. Everybody runs commercials and thanks the police and firefighters and the nurses, but they dont want to fund the police and firefighters and nurses. When you talk about funding a state and local, a city, a town, you are Funding Police and fire, School Teachers and nurses. Thats who youre funding. And they dont want to do it. Thats why theyre not funding state and local governments. Also, your point before was exactly right, stephanie. Heres the crystal ball. Theyre going to provide additional money for business bailouts, call them loans, call them ppp, whatever you want to call it. Its money for business. The businesses will turn around and lay off American Workers and will give bonuses to executives and all on the taxpayer dime. And then we will have additional unemployed because corporations are going to use this as a time to right size and get lean. They couldnt lay off workers, but they wont rehire the workers. Its what they did in 2008. I was the attorney general of new york. Its what aig did with the bailout funds. Its what bank of america did with the bailout funds because nobody said they couldnt. And i propose the Americans First law to say if you take a loan or grant from government, you must rehire the same number of workers, period. I hope our audience heard that. I just want to repeat it again. Companies like aig did that because no one said they couldnt. Right now, governor, if our lawmakers dont step in and put real restrictions and have real significant oversight, ten months from now, what is the country going to look like . Because when people dont have jobs, when the poor are sicker when they are without income, when they dont have schools to go, to when they dont have firefighters and police officers, theyre not going to be democrats or republicans. Theyre just going to be suffering. What will the United States look like . This will be the conversation in ten months. First well say, look at the fraud and scams that occurred with all these corporate bailouts. They laid off workers and they gave bonuses to themselves and higher salaries. Thats what happened after 2008. Thats what happened with the t. A. R. P. Funds. That whole rush. We could too big to fail. Give them government money. Prop them up, and they gave it to themselves. Here theyre going to also lay off a large number of workers. Thats what theyre telling the analysts now. Thats how theyre going to raise their stock price by laying off workers and increasing their profitability and theyll do it with the taxpayers money and then well have to pay additional unemployed for the laidoff people. And it will be a corporate scam and people will be disgusted with government once again. And your question before was right, stephanie. Youll see a further sorting out of Corporate Power and wealth. The big corporations will do better because they have staying power and the little corporations will have taken a beating and will be further diminished. Governor, what kind of tightrope are you walking as it relates to your states budget . And i think of schools. The longer schools are not open, especially as we look at the summer and the fall without camps, summer programs, schools to go to, our most vulnerable communities that are already suffering, whats going to happen to them come the fall if you have to cut School Budgets and kids dont even go back to school . Thats when we can really lose our most vulnerable. Im not on a tightrope. I fell. Im falling. Im just hoping theres a net before i hit the ground. And the people of the state of new york hit the net. The net would be federal funding for state and local governments. Because youre right. I would have to cut if i dont get funding, what happens . I cut schools. I cut hospitals. I cut aid to local government, local governments, police, fire, et cetera. Thats my thats the states budget. Thats the localitys budget. Its very simple. Its schools, hospitals. Its police and its fire. Those are the last things that we should cut now. The exact last things. And you talk about wanting to stimulate an economy. How do you stimulate an economy when you are decimating the infrastructure of the economy . Fair point. While i have you, you have been criticized for your comments about Nursing Homes. Some people say you did not act quickly enough. Too little, too late. What is your response to that criticism . Im getting criticized now for doing too much. I have the strongest National Provisions in place where staff of Nursing Homes must be tested twice per week. And the Nursing Homes are upset that this is too burdensome for them to do it. I understand that its burdensome. I understand its the most aggressive in the nation. But i also understand that this is the most vulnerable population in the most vulnerable place. We will have lost Many Americans in this, stephanie, but the only solace were going to be able to take is we can say we did everything we could. And we didnt lose anyone for want of medical care, precautions, et cetera. So, yes, theyre unhappy that im saying two tests a week for staff. But i want to make sure every one of us can say we did everything that we could. And where are you right now . Your most updated timeline around reopening new york . Im thinking about all those kids who are living in harlem and the south bronx who dont have anywhere to go right now. Theyve got no structure in their life. Well, youre right. Kids who have nowhere to go. Also in households that have the highest density of occupancy so the virus spreads faster. And in households where you have increasing levels of domestic violence, mental health, stress, et cetera. New york city is a different reality from the rest of the state, right . What we have is a very diverse state in new york. The upstate regions are starting to open, but new york city is going to be awhile. And we do it here on the numbers, stephanie. Theres no politics. Theres no opinion, no theory. We just look at the metrics, the data on the infection spread, hospitalization rate, et cetera, and when we hit the right numbers, the right metrics, then well open. Weve got to look after peoples lives and livelihoods, of course. Governor, thank you for calling in. We appreciate your time this morning. Thank you. And thank you for the good work youre doing, stephanie. Thank you very much. Thank you. Well be right back. E the fe a vitamin verified by usp. An independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards nature made, the 1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand the 1 pharmacist recommended i am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Were returning 2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. Because now, more than ever, being a Good Neighbor means everything. Like a Good Neighbor, state farm is there. And you may have a lot on your mind. We want to help, with real questions from you, and real answers from experts. We can get through this together. Visit letsbreathetogether. Com. World leaders are holding a Virtual Meeting right now at the World Health Organization. But President Trump, he is not attending. Instead hes escalating his battle with the w. H. O. Threatening to pull the u. S. Out entirely. We have our reporters stationed across the globe. Keir simmons in london and bill neely. Whats going on . Reporter the divisions between the u. S. And the w. H. O. Are now deeper than ever. The w. H. O. Just in the past few hours passing a resolution to investigate the origins of the coronavirus. Not mentioning china, not enough for President Trump who sent this letter which he tweeted overnight in which he raises some important questions about the history of the coronavirus in relation to china. But it deserves factchecking. One, for example, checking that the medical journal noticed cases in december 2019, saying that that report in didnt come out until january. So it was looking back. This letter threatening that america will withdraw from the World Health Organization and withdrawal all of its funding. American allies say the problem with that is it leaves the stage open for the chinese. We saw president xi yesterday hold the stage and many of the things that the chinese wanted, they have got, steph . My goodness. If the United States pulls out, guess who shows up . Lets turn to brazil where coronavirus cases are increasing while the brazile president ignores the warnings. How bad is it there . Reporter its pretty goobad stephanie. Its now the third country in the world after the u. S. And russia confirmed cases overtaking a lot of european countries. But testing here is really absolutely minimal. Many Health Officials believe that the true figure of cases could be 15 times higher than the official figure of deaths and cases. And here in sao paulo, the mayor says the Health System could collapse within two weeks. This city of 12 Million People has a lot of slums, People Living with absolutely basic sanitation, no running water. Theyre very, very vulnerable. The same in rio. The same in the amazon where theyve been digging mass graves. And the crisis here is just exacerbated by the chaos at the top of government. President bolsonaro, hes basically a covid denier, much more extreme than President Trump. When asked about the rising death toll, he said, so what. He just fired a Health Minister because of the issue of social distancing. The president doesnt believe in social distancing. Wants brazilians back to work. Theres a chaos at the heart of government and i think thats the real problem. There is no strategy for stopping the spread of the virus and theres no unity in the country at all and people are dying in great numbers here. Bill, did you say theyre building mass graves in the amazon . Did i hear you correctly . Reporter you did. The capital of the amazon region, people are coming upriver on boats, many of them when they reach the state capital are already dead. These are Indigenous People who have no health care. Theyre digging mass graves. Its hard to say, but theyre being buried three deep in these graves. The situation up there is really critical. Were going to put them in our prayers. Bill, please, im glad youre reporting on this. Stay safe where you are. My friend and colleague bill neely. That wraps up this hour. Im stephanie ruhle, Ayman Mohyeldin picks up coverage on the other side of the break. You know i cant forget our hero. 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Good morning, everyone. From msnbc headquarters here in new york, im Ayman Mohyeldin and these are the facts at this hour. We are live on capitol hill where treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin and fed chair jay powell are about to sit in a virtual hot seat before senators and give us the first public update on just how the government is and isnt spending trillions of dollars in relief money to prop up the u. S. Economy. Were going to bring you their remarks live as they play out. And were also live at the white house after that surprise announcement from the president revealing that hes actually

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