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Foolish. After criticizing trumps character, mitt romney finds not being a gop team player has political risks. When you attack someones character like that, i think thats such a low bellow. A bad way for him to start in the senate. Weve got to come together and republicans want to see our senators and congressional members support this president. And trade war impact. Trump says the horrible december for the stock market was nothing but a glitch. Apple forecasting a slump in profits. The company ceo blames slower sales on President Trumps tariff battle with china. Its clear that the economy began to slow there for the second half and what i believe to be the case is the trade tensions between the United States and china put additional pressure on the economy. Just hours away from the official start of the 116th congress. If youre big on first i impressions, this one couldnt be much worse. A dismal situation on capitol hill. Both parties facing eternal divisions like they repain deadlocked over the president s Government Shutdown and border wall. Government agencies could stay closed for days or even weeks. Ive got a great team to break it down. Before we get to them, let me explain where things stand. Some time this afternoon, House Democrats will introduce a pair of bills that could theoretically restore funding to cabinet agencies and reopen the government. But those bills are essentially dead on arrival. The president made that Crystal Clear during a contentious briefing with top congressional leaders yesterday. He told them that even if the measures got to him desk, he wouldnt sign them. Top democrats came out of meeting determined to stay the course. I asked him directly, i said, mr. President , give me one good reason why you should continue your shutdown of these of the eight cabinet departments. He could not give a good answer. So assessment, no good answer. But nbc news has learned the president did have a response because according to two sources familiar with the meeting, the president told democrats, quote, i would look foolish if i supported the bills. White house officials, asked to explain, said what the president meant was that it wouldnt make sense to agree to a plan that didnt secure more funding for Border Security. Republicans accusing the democrats of refusing to even listen to dhs secretary Kirstjen Nielsen who was there to give an update on Border Security. Democrats say nielsens press be tation was not credible and accused her of fudging the numbers to make the situation at the border look worse than it is. The secretary started to give her report. They would not have it. They stopped it automatically and they pretty much stuck to their script. Where in the heck do we go from here . Lawmakers have been invited back for another meeting tomorrow. Its not clear what that would accomplish. At would be point in december, acting chief of staff mulvaney said they moved off the president s demand for 5 billion. The Vice President himself reportedly floating 2. 5 billion in negotiations with schumer. The president undercut both of them at a Cabinet Meeting wednesday while the two men sat just feet away. Jud would you accept anything less . Were asking for 5. 6. Spe somebody said 2. 5. Look, this is National Security were talking about. Somebody said 2. 5 . That was your Vice President. If thats truly his position, there doesnt seem to be much room for common ground. Nancy pelosi whos expected to reclaim her position as House Speaker just a few hours from now told Savannah Guthrie theres no way the president is getting that money. Are you willing to come up and give him some money for the wall . No. Because apparently thats the sticking point. Nothing for the wall. Were talking about Border Security. Nothing for the wall. We can go back and forth. No. How many more times can we say no . Nothing for the wall. Garrett, democrats expected to pass those spending bills a little later today. Then what . Well, then theyre going to the senate where mcconnell said he wont take them up because he knows the president wont sign them. For the democratic perspective, those bills dont have to become law to work. What i mean by that is by passing the house, democrats think they can put pressure on republican senators to support reopening the government and delay this fight about the wall a little bit further. Its important to take stock of where we stand. The dynamics have changed. For the last two years, we talked about democrats trying to protect vulnerable democrats who had to run for reelection. Folks like joe manchin or joe donnelly in red states that the president won. As we look ahead to 2020 and i know that seems like a long way away but the next election is always on the forefront of peoples minds here. Its vulnerable republicans who have to be protected from tough votes. Folks like Susan Collins in maine or tom tillis in north carolina. By passing these bills out of the house, democrats are hopeful the Senate Republicans will be hammered with questions. Is it worth keeping the government shut down over the border wall . And pressure will bubble up on Mitch Mcconnell to protect his own members by agreeing to reopen the government and delay this fight about the wall which is not really an issue that animates Senate Republicans. All of that says dont expect these bills to become law, at least not any time soon and buckle up because were in this fight for a lot longer. Hans, part of the head starching yesterday is the president basically undercut his Vice President and acting chief of staff when he put out that 5. 6 billion number for the wall. Hans, go to the hill and offer 2. 5 billion. I mean, is there anything clear about what the white house would accept . Mcconnell says im not putting out anything for a vote unless the president will sign it. It was interesting the president is sticking to that public number. When you look at the posture of the white house, theyre playing the aggrieved party. As though decorum and ethics and behavior were really the hallmark of the first two years of the administration. She did indicate some willingness to give on what were going to call Border Security. She said you can call it the secure fences act of 2018. That indicates it could be a shutdown over semantics. Kellyanne conway is still talking about billions, in the plural. He was here all through the holidays. We were obviously in touch with him. He always gives them an audience. And hes a great listener. They need to listen to. What is so hard about understanding you need billions of dollars for Border Security. Looks like the white house is going to continue to play the aggrieved party here. Play the victim. I think whats clear after that meeting yesterday is that were in for a long shutdown. Theres still the issue of how much its going to cost and the president s digging in. Ive got a great pabl winel me. Donna edwards. Ryan costello, reaspublican congressman. Brett stevens, oped columnist for the new york times. You said the president painted himself into a corner. He said he would look foolish by supporting democratic intelligence lati legislation . I dont think were getting out of this. I could see this going to the state of the union. To the state of the union . I think hes only heightened the dispute. You heard pelosi say not a dime for the wall. I think theyre philosophically so far apart that youre not going to see a deal cut any time in the near future. Congresswoman edwards, did nancy pelosi make a mistake by insisting no money for the wall, did she box the democrats in . Absolutely not. This has been the position of democrats going to before the shutdown. The speakers prepared today with a unified Democratic Caucus to put legislation on the floor. Send it to the senate. Something the senators are already voting on. Then in the hands of mcconnell and republicans to sit quietly with this president and say, you know, mr. President this is what the deal is. Then he can call it whatever he wants but there is not going to be money for a wall. The Democratic Caucus in the house and senate and many republicans dont want this. The American People dont want a wall. Something like 35 of the American Public wants a wall. The rest of the American People want to open up government, get back to governing and want this shutdown to end. And its the end begins today. I think donna brings up something important. Mcconnell, hes not the most ver boss person to the media but he wasnt out there supporting the president s position. Help got into his suv and went away. He was one of the most pessimistic voices when he said this could go on for weeks. I think mcconnell wants to save his caucus, wants to save his majority. Its going to be a difficult pamth to defend in the next election. Quite frankly, donald trump looks like Cornell Wallace at york town. He has to stand his ground. Its not ground hes going to be able to defend easily. His wall is supported only by 35 of the American People. Happens to be a base that sees trump as their kind of their defender, their guy, the guy who isnt going to cave. So trump is not in a good position to compromise without losing his grip on his own political base. The question always is what is he listening to, who is he listening to. If people wonder why the president is so intractable on this, i think we have a big clue from Lindsey Graham on fox saying publicly what i think trump world has likely been telling him for a while now privately. Take a listen. Thats the end of him being an effective president. Thats probably the end of his presidency. If he gives in now, congressman costello, thats probably the end of his presidency. What do you make of that . I dont agree with that but i still get back to the point lets not forget he is the president. He will not sign a bill unless he feels theres a sufficient amount of money he can say is dedicated to a wall. I agree with brett. This may be a scenario where he gets Border Security money. Everybody sort of claims victory. But the government is going to stay shutdown until he feels he has a deal hes willing to sign and we cannot like the fact that hes focused on that 35 . But as the president , he has the right to do it. Hes been tested before. He generally does not fade off positions like this. Particularly a signal issue like him. Agree or disagree, thats where i think were headed. Its worth mentioning a budget standoff is hardly anything new in washington, d. C. Theyre not new to this president. But i think congressman edwards, when they when the democrat leadership came out yesterday, my impression was they were fired up, they were united, and i think part of the frustration for them is just these arguments that trump makes. Like the wall is going to pay for itself. Apparently in that situation room meeting, he told nancy pelosi the reason she should back the wall is because shes a good catholic. And vatican city is surrounded by a wall. He said something similar in the Cabinet Meeting. When they say the walls immoral, you have to do something about the vatican. The vatican has the biggest wall of them all. How do you negotiate with that . I dont even know where to go with that. Heres the thing, the president actually began the year where he ended it. About the wall being built already, about, you know, a Staggering Number of people would were here in the country illegally three times. I think he said Something Like 30, 35 Million People here illegally. Which is just an absolute lie. The negotiation has to be between the house and the senate. The president is going the president will go out and call it what he wants anyway. No matter what it is. So hes not going to be able to sustain having this Government Shutdown. The. A pain of that is just being felt. Those federal workers. And people are really starting more and more of those stories that come out. This is not going to be sustainable. It doesnt end well for the president. He needs to end it now. Maybe im overreading the body language and what the democrats had to say. You know what it reminded me of, the time pelosi came out of the oval office and put on her this is it. She put on her sunglasses and they made a meme and people saying a power move right there. Democrats have struggled with playing a winning hand, you know. Sometimes in the past they havent exactly had their messaging together. Not this time i think. Also when she came out yesterday from the oval office. Has this backfired for republicans . The shutdown actually seems to make nancy pelosi more powerful. Sure, first of all, she is powerful. She controls the purse of the United States by running the house of representatives. Shes powerful because she is the voice now of normal government. Shes the voice of continuity. The voice of paying our government workers. Of experience. That they deserve. Thats exactly where the Democratic Party wants to be. Not the party thats shouting. Not the party of resistance. The party of normalcy. And she represented that right there. I would suggest there are fractures within the Democratic Party. One thing you would like to do at the start of the new session of congress as a republican is highlight what those fractures are. And by allowing an issue such as the wall, which is a clear unifier for every part of the Democratic Party. And those who say theres better ways to go about securing the border. What i think politically happened is youve given the democrats an issue for all of them to unify around and no ones talking about whether or not pelosi has enough votes on the nofloor today. Has enabled her to be someone who unifies in the house. Theres been no question, for weeks, that pelosi has enough votes on the floor today. That was not in question. And actually what unifies democrats is a set of values even when there are differences on policies. I think youre going to see Going Forward on a number of issues a very strong and unified Democratic Party. So, you know, games on. Up next, another front in this ongoing war in washington. Mitt romney coming out with a kind of actually tepid criticism of President Trump but rather than letting it go, the Republican Party hit back hard. Before we go, a big week in the final frontier. China had a probe land on the far side of the moon, an area largely unexplored. The probe landed in the oldest and deepest crater on the moon. The nasa probe new horizons has reached, well, new horizons. Look at the picture they snapped of the ultima tooly. Never before seen. A mysterious body on the frozen fringes of our solar system 4 billion miles away. 4 billion years old they think. The most distance object ever explored. Yes, it does look like a snowman. Regrets. I never count the wrinkles. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on. Is staying happy and healthy. So, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. New boost® high protein nutritional drink now has 33 more highquality protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. All with guaranteed great taste. The upside im just getting started. Boost® high protein be up for life look for savings on boost® in your sunday paper. At to cover the essentialsyou have in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. Because when youre ready for what comes next, the only direction is forward. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Today yet another war beyond the border is brewing in washington. This one between the Republican Party and mitt romney. One day after publishing an oped in the Washington Post asserting that President Trump has, quote, not ris ton ten to mantle of the office. If you stand against the president , you may stand alone. His niece, who is the chairwoman of the rnc, went after her uncle, awkward family feud, writing that the oped is disappointing and unproductive. She echoed that in an interview this morning. To anybody in our party, our voters want you to support our president. Take your bully pulpit, take your media savvy and your leadership and attack the democrats because theyre the ones that our party wants to yesterday republican senator rand paul scheduled a special Conference Call with reporters to blast romney. Accusing the senator of virtue signalling. When you attack someones character like that, think thats such a low below and so personally directed and so malovent. I think thats a bad way for hill to start in the senate. Joining me is eli stokeles, White House Reporter for the l. A. Times. Brett is back with me. Trump showed once again he is incapable of stepping away from any slight. He tweeted about this at the Cabinet Meeting. He said only romney had fought really hard against the president , against president basketball, like he does against me, trump. He would have won the election. I wonder, are all these reactions making this a bigger deal than it needed to be . I think it tells you what used to be the Republican Party, what used to be the conservative group dedicated to a set of i a ideas has become the cult of personality of donald trump. When rand paul thinks its a low blow to call the president dishonest what is he talking about . The president is not dishonest . Does rand paul actually think that . I mean, its particularly rich coming from a kentucky senator who loves to play the fight by himself. I think its time to applaud mitt romney for restoring a measure of seriousness and thoughtfulness and frankly reality to a Republican Party that has been a realityfree zone for last it 1 2 years. Just how remarkable this fight is. The daily beast headline said trump world is lining up to dump romney. Over the course of the day, virtually every entity in the national Republican Party apparatus turned its guns on the man who served as their official standard bearer in the 2012 election. Have we ever seen such an organized response from a party against someone in their own party . Its pretty unusual. You have an incoming senator with such stature criticizing so directly from a president within its own party. This entire administration has been unusual. Has brought us moments like this. I think its obvious at this point President Trump still has a pretty firm grip on the party, given his control, his unwavering support from the base, for all the ups and downs of the last two years. His support, that bedrock of support, that 35 , that really hasnt moved at all. So thats what most republicans look at. Thats the reason why so few of them say these things publicly. Mitt romney came in, he said it out loud. These are things a lot of republicans say privately. They say them at cocktail parties. They say them in the Senate Behind closed doors away from cameras. Theyre still not saying it publicly. I think reporting is that mitt romney agonized over whether or not to come out with this. Even though was really bothered by some of the things that happened in december. The syria move, mattis resignation, the increasingly erratic tweets from the president. A weight on him. He decided to lay a marker down. For all the perm angst and the substantive nature of some of these criticisms of the president he lays out, mitt romney wouldnt be doing this if he didnt understand the president is now in a weaker position. If there werent whispers in washington about a 2020 ticket that might not have Donald Trumps name at the top. So i think thats the broader could be tecontext this is taki place in. Is this the oped of a senator who, as trump tweeted yesterday, is setting himself up to be the new jeff flake . Or the senator who is setting himself up if something goes very awry from President Trump and it looks like he cant win, im here . Look. Mitt romney is a politician. Hes unusually political by that standard. Auditioning for secretary of state after harshly criticizing the president in 2016. You cant discount somewhere in the back of his mind is the idea donald trump might implode in the next year or so and someone is going to have to pick up the pieces, a senior statesmen for the Republican Party. Look, lets give him the benefit of the doubt. He wrote an 70etoped that was and true. Someone ought to say good that this stuff happens in washington. He said when he was considering a 2020 run he wasnt. Having said that, where is the position of someone like mitt romney Going Forward, eli . I think mitt romney is a freshman senator but hes among a group of senators with a bit of National Profile who would be in that position. To step in should there suddenly be an open primary if the Mueller Report comes out or President Trump is politically weakened because of other reasons. If thats something thats taking place and theres a reshuffling going on, hes certainly going to be in that conversation. Im not sure thats exactly what hes intending to do here. That he has any real intention of thoughthrowing a campaign to. Theres a lot of chatter after the way the president ended the year. Certainly with what we dont know about the Mueller Report but possibly an indictment will be coming at some point. There is a sense here that the unknown, you know, as it pertains to 2020 is something a lot of republicans may have to reckon with. So many unknowns for sure. Eli stokele, thank you very much. Brett, i think youre coming back. Lets look at the markets. Any literally just opened seconds ago. The dow down 212 points. Right now, appears volatility that the investors were hoping to leave behind in 2018 is following us into 2019. If you ask President Trump, its just a glitch. Were the talk of the world. We had a little glitch in the stock market last month but its still up about 30 from the time i got elected and its going to go up once we settle the trade issues. Major players are already feeling the heat from a weakened Chinese Market causing tech giant aprple to slash its Quarterly Sales estimates. Whats driving the day . Apple. Because of apples big announcement after the closing bell where it said its First Quarter Financial Results will be below what it previously forecasted. What cook told cnbc last night, the main reasons were a slowdown at the economy in china. As well as people just waiting longer to upgrade their phones. Around 20 of all of apples business comes from the Greater China region. The best selling product, the biggest driver of their sales and their profits is the iphone. You put all of that together. It kind of tells you where the rubber meets the road with regard to trade policy, tariff policy and the help of corporate profits. All things weve spoken about over the past few years. When a company like apple comes out with a big cut in its guidance the way it did last night. So rare. Let me bring in politicos chief economic correspondent, cnbc contributor, ben white. Just mentioned tim cook. I want to play a little more of what he said. Its clear the economy is slowed there for the second half. What i believe to be the case is the trade tensions between the United States and china put additional pressure on their economy. Maybe theres actually something going on in u. S. Policy. Indeed there is. Apple has managed to escape some of the direct impacts of the trade war in that stuff it exports from china the u. S. Iphones that it makes there protected from these tariffs. More broadly, the trade war is having a big impact on the chinese economy. The chinese economy was already slowing. Problematic for Companies Like apple. It just brings up the broader point that we live in an sp integrated global economy. Half the s p profits come from outside the United States. If you have trade war impacting other economy, theyre going to affect u. S. Companies. The ultimate impact is theres pressure on trump, on president xi in china to end this trade war by march 31. You have slowing in the u. S. , slowing in china. That puts pressure on both economies to get past this trade war. I want to read a tweet from cnbc contributor josh brown. Xz 40 of the s ps profits are expected to come from overseas. Larry kudlow absolutely knows this. Hes been working internally at the white house to try to get out of these trade wars. To get a deal with china. It leaves us exactly where i said. Which is neither the u. S. , nor china cab afford for this train war to get out of hand. That includes iphones. U. S. Market cant deal with that. The chinese stock market certainly cant. Theres pressure on both sides. It leave us with an absolute necessity for a deal to be made by the deadline. Personally, im taking the highly intellectual approach of never opening my statement. What i dont know cant hurt me. For people who maybe are even a little brighter than that, what should they be looking for today . A lot of the same stuff weve been saying. The stocks and companies the most impacted are the ones that like you and josh brown and ben white have pointed out, once they get a lot of their business from outside the United States. In the Asia Pacific Region and china. We talk about Companies Like boeing and caterpillar. Tiffany, nike. These are big consumer names we all know very well. They have a real world impact when business in china slows down. Well watch to see if that happens in a moore exacerbated fashion. Remember, yesterday, we opened down a lot. This market is trying to shake off the end of year negativity we saw. Tim cook is a ceo at apple. Thats ha ts the president s ear. When he tells President Trump his wibusiness is making billio less because of trade policy and softening Economic Conditions in ch china. You got to wonder whether trump will listen to the ceos. Good to see you both. Thank you. A new wave of democrats will be sworn into the house just a few hours from now. Unlike past freshman classes, theyre going to make sure their voices are heard immediately. Today marks the democrats first day taking charge of the house. And while theres a united front on the shutdown, youll see a little bit of Division Later today because at least two progressives, congresswoman elect cortez and congressman coma say they will vote against the internal rules package. Just the second vote theyre going to take today. After they elect a House Speaker. Heres the reason. Its second vote after they elect the House Speaker. Heres the reason. Its called paygo, or pay as you go, budget cuts must avoid increasing the budget deficit. Critics worry this could create self imposed obstacle to big ideas say medicare for all. Former congressman done that edwards is back as well as outgoing congressman ryan costello. Do they have a point on paygo, could it pose a major challenge for legislation . Sure. It could and it would. Whether it would be a health care piece or an infrastructure piece, so but does it play into the hands of republicans, if you dont pass it to say, there are the democrats go again . Sure. Which is hard to do given the the way deficit has gone. Yes, i think it could and it would. I think, look, theyre trying to claim a stake on a ground on an issue important to them. I dont see any problem with that. Although i would say this is probably not the hill to die on for what you had advocate for what you see in congress. I do wonder, we talked about the diversity in this class, that these people have not come up necessarily through the ranks like it has been done a long time. Even though you had a couple said on the record they will vote against it. Is this a move that is in a way vanity fair puts it, they did not come to play around, they mean business. Well, i think thats true. I remember when i came into congress i had never healed Elective Office before. So i think thats a position many of these new members are coming in or they havent held you know really high Elective Offices, so they will challenge this. On the paygo rules, progressives in corning have long disapproved paygo because its had detrimental effects on social programs and spending for services and things that would help people so that is actually not a new fight. I suspect the rules package is still going to pass. But you know i dont fault the members for. I think one of the things thats different here. Dont you get advice when you come in, dont beat your relationships, theyre not staying quiet. Its not just as progressives, theyre doing what progressives have done before, theyre doing it in a very public way and they are making waves from day one . Well, that is true. But i also think there is a growing process and learning process thats going to happen fairly quickly when they realize in order to have people assigned on to their legislation and supporting what theyre doing that they will have to build their relationships. But thats a learning process and it will happen. But at the same time, some of our conventional wisdom in the Congress Needs to be challenged and this is the right crowd to do it. Picking up on what donna said, the conventional approach to politics and generating your brand is way, way different. I mean, congresswoman elect. Ocassia cortez has in her kitchen . Has more twitter followers than i do by a lot. So how you go out and make a name for yourself and how you go out and message issues is different in 2018 than it was in 2014 and so normally the conventional wisdom is, who, the relationships, be a part of the team, work your way up the committee structure, thats how you get power. Thats how you use your leverage. And were finding in this era that there is a different way of doing it. Thats what she is seeking to do. I also am very curious what you think about this, now we have more diversity, now we have a congress that looks more like america, does it cha thing equation . Does it change the conversations in the room . Does it change the priorities that the Democratic Party has . Well, i think it always changes the conversation in the room where you have people who represent the diversity that is america, i think thats a good thing. It should impact the democratic agenda. It should reenforce our values. And so this is going to be yapded valyapadded value to the table over the long hal haul. I think members will recognize in addition to what they do on the outside is important to how they do it on the inside. Theyre smart. They will do it. Theyre savvy. It isnt just about twitter followers. Its about governance, they will understand that, too. Having said that, how hard is it to come in first thing and try to have an impact . This is the system thats built on seniority. Its built on what committees youre on. Government will still work the same way. Its understanding the legislative process. Its getting a Committee Assignment, learning the subject matter, hiring your staff, understanding the function of your staff, develop agra more with your constituents, no matter how successful any one of these candidates was on election day now about to be sworn in. They still are likely going to want to be focused on their district to generate that credibility. When you are in congress, there is a lot of tough votes. No matter how you vote, there is a way to say what you voted for was bad and a way to say what you voted for was good. You need to go back to your constituents and explain why you voted like you did. You cant do that if you are constantly generating that feedback loop and good will with your constituents. All that has to be done while you climb up the ladder and get your Committee Assignment and be a legislative tactician and successfully get stuff to the finish line. How do you feel . You are about to give you the former title. Its an honor to serve and im excited for everybody thats going to get sworn in. I think that it is the single most fascinating Political Institution we have in this country. Because every two years it regenerates and refreshes itself. Can you tell them there is life after congress . There is definitely life after congress. Join me. Thanks to both of you. Its great having the conversation. Up next, we are in day 13 of the Government Shutdown. The president just tweet, framing it in terms of the 2020 election. Imagine not getting a paycheck for the last two weeks. Thats what about 800,000 people are going through right now. They have a message for their elected leaders. I served the government, 22 years in the military, been Civil Service since 2011. Ive done my part. They need to do you their part. You all have to come to some kind of agreement. You know, lives are at stake here. You know, lives are at stake here trip ive been promising. Because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. So even when she outgrows her costume, well never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. Unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. Only when you book with expedia. President trump tweeting just moments ago about the shutdown saying its all because of the 2020 election and for democrats its strictly politics. Of course, its not just about politics. It has very real ramifications and theyre expanding this morning. Heres one big headline, most irs operations have stopped. Midjanuary kicks off as the wall street journal points out, quote, for Many Americans, the tax refund is the single largest financial event of the year. The people that tend to file early tend to catch up on bills or get a refund or make major purchases. The coast guard barely received their paychecks last month after they pulled off a last minute hail mary and sent out checks for december. But that approval was onetime only action. Heres the ultimate irony. The president says, this was all about keeping americans safe. Well the shutdown has meant tense of thousands of immigration officers are not getting paid. Many Immigration Judges and clerks have been send home. If you go to the everify website to check the status, a red banner will tell you their services are currently unavailable. Nbc news Vaughan Hilliard comes to me live from north carolina. I know you have been talking to employees. Give us your take on this. Reporter good morning, there is hundreds of furloughed civilian workers that work in north carolina. They have been out of work since december 26th. There is no guarantee that congress would approve back pay for their work. I want to introduce you to two workers. They are a married couple. Will 5rd and jamie jenkins. They both worked for the coast guard here in Elizabeth City for more than 20 years. They cancelled a trip over christmas. Theyve got mortgage, car payments, their daughters student loans. They say all those things are up in the air and very real. For what its worth, we were talking down in the southern part of the state with air Traffic Controllers yesterday who says there needs to be a compromise between the white house and democrats. Thats exactly what we heard from these two individuals, both for what its worth, who voted for donald trump and are strong supporters of him. But i want to play you a little bit of what willard told us late last night. If it didnt affect my household directly, i would tell him to stay and talk because something needs to be done. Since it does affect me, again were talking myself and my wife are Government Employees so therefore if this continues we will not have a paycheck, so, therefore, i would say there has to be some kind of agreement, some kind of settlement, because again, now its directly affecting me. But i can definitely understand what donald trump is coming from. Reporter what would be your message then to nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, Mitch Mcconnell, donald trump right now. Get rid of politics and think about the people that voted you in. You have a lot of people all over the country that puts new office so think of them before you think of yourself. Reporter chris, willard and jamie were both very specific that they support some sort of a barrier along the u. S. Mexico border and enhanced Border Security. Yet at the same time, they said this is the very packet that they were handed by the department of homeland security. It essentially outlines what being furloughed means, back here, three pages in, it outlines uninsurance and what they need to apply. They dont see where it will end and its ultimately them and their bills theyve got to pay off meanwhile. So Many Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Coming up. A huge day on capitol hill, we will speak to two freshmen in Congress Hours before theyre sworn in. So dont go anywhere. You need to buy a car and you want to get an excellent price youd think with all these options it would be easy. But with terms like msrp, invoice, list price, things get confusing pretty fast. You just want to get a real price and thats where true car comes in. 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Curry put the icing on the cake by sending morrison a christmas surprise. To reilly from steph curry. To reilly from steph curry. Its occurry 6. Oh my gosh theyre so cool steph curry now does have a girls collection under the under arm our website, all thanks to reilly morrison, girl power at work. That wraps up this hour. Coming up right now, more news with Halle Jackson live on capitol hill. A couple things going on there today. Reporter just a little bit. I am Halle Jackson live here from the capitol where today washington is waking up to face a new political universe, divided government for the first time for donald trump. But not for nancy pelosi. Set to make history again as speaker of the house, ready to challenge is the president out of the gate today. What she is telling us exclusively on everything from the russia investigation to what its like negotiating with the president. The president either doesnt know what hes talking about or doesnt want to know what hes talking about. Reporter pelosi and her party now take control of the house in the midst of a partial shutdown and on lucky day 13, democrats are planning to make a move today to reopen government. Republicans will reject it. The first, but not the last part san pushpull we will see on capitol hill. At the white house, the president warned that democrats are not ruling out impeachment

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