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Appearing in court today, to find out how long he will be spending in prison. And no results found. Lawmakers attempt to grill google ceo on capitol hill. The revelations seem to be how little lawmakers know about how the search giant even works. How does that show up on a 7yearolds iphone whos plague a kids game . Congressman, iphone is made by a different company. Thats what you call the most respectful sick burn. We begin today with something we knew and something we did not expect. We all knew that the president and the Democratic Leaders were on two completely different pages when it comes to immigration policy, specifically the wall the president wants to build. But no one, no one could have predicted what we saw on tuesday. 17 minutes of painfully awkward, cringeworthy sniping broadcast on national television. Folks, this is a divided government. And we have got at least two more years of it. I have a fantastic team here this morning to break all of it down. But first, we have to put all of this into context. Because the argument in the oval office is just part of the story. The meeting was called to see if the two sides could find a way to avoid a partial Government Shutdown, which could happen next friday, just before christmas. But when the president called the press into the room, he failed to realize that the Democratic Leaders, nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer, were not willing to play along. In one of the most stunning exchanges in modern political history, the three argued and interrupted each other, as Vice President mike pence looked on silently. The fact is, you do not have the votes in the house. Nancy, i do. And we need Border Security. Take the vote and well find out. Nancy, we need Border Security. We urge to take it. And if it is not good Border Security, i will not it is very i think we all agree we need Border Security. Yes w, we do. See, we get along. Everybody says we need Border Security. But heres the bottom line. The two see Border Security very differently. Democrats insist a physical wall is wasteful and expensive. And you dont need it to secure the border. The president , not the entire Republican Party, the president says the opposite. He believes that you cannot have Border Security without a wall. A big, beautiful one. And in the end, he admitted, in front of the cameras, that if he didnt get the funding he wants, he would be proud to let the government funding lapse. 20 times you have called for, i will shut down the government if i dont get my wall. None of us have said you want to know something . Youve said it. You want to ill take it. You know what ill say. Okay, good. Yes, if we dont get what we want, one way or the other, whether its through you, through military, anything you want to call, i will shut down the government. Okay, fair enough. We disagree. And i am proud i tell you what, i am proud to shut down the government for Border Security, chuck. Im so confused, i get it, he wants the wall. But the last i checked, the Actual Campaign promise was a wall paid for by mexico. Why would you need to shut down the government . And its not over this fight. Democrats now insist the president has a choice to make. They aint budging from their offer of 1. 6 billion for the wall, which is less than half of the 5 billion the president wants. And they say it is up to him to sign legislation to keep Government Agencies funded. The three did meet behind closed doors on tuesday, but they had very different opinions about whether any progress was made. Believe it or not, i think it was a very friendly meeting. You know, you saw the beginnings of it. It actually worked tout out to pretty good. A shutdown hurts too many innocent people. And this trump shutdown, this temper tantrum that he seems to throw will not get him his wall and it will hurt a lot of people, because he will cause a shutdown. And believe it or not, im going to go with not, but im an optimist, all of this coming just three weeks before democrats are taking over the house with nancy pelosi on the vernal, and now shes even closer as taking over as speaker once again. And if tuesday was any indication, her and the president are not exactly getting off on the right foot. I also know that, you know, nancys in a situation where its not easy for her to talk right now. And i understand that. And i fully understand that. Mr. President , please dont characterize the strength that i bring to this meeting as the leader of the house democrats, who just won a big victory. Elections have consequences, mr. President. It actually appeared quite easy for her to talk. And if it was hard, she didnt make it seem that way. She made it happen. Later, nancy pelosi told fellow democrats that the president s commitment to the wall is, quote, like a manhood thing for him. Ouch. As if manhood could ever be associated with him, she also compared arguing with trump to fighting with a skunk. None of that seemed to bode well for resolving this standoff. And neither does the president , saying that he has no problem owning a shutdown. Republican leaders, on the other hand, theyre not quite as enthusiastic. I hope thats nowhere we end up. I understand it was pa rather spirited meeting. We all watched. But i would still like to see a smooth ending here. And i havent given up hope that thats what well have. One thing i think is pretty clear no matter who precipitates the Government Shutdown, the American People dont like it. Well, that is true. I want to bring in msnbcs Garrett Haake on the hill and msnbcs Kristen Welker at the white house. Garrett, to you first. After what we saw yesterday, yikes what are the chances of a partial Government Shutdown next week . I mean wi, i think of all of th federal employees, just before christmas, they need their paychecks. They need their jobs. Right, if you dont like the tsa now, imagine that experience, a couple of days before christmas when your tsa agents arent getting paid because dhs is shut down. Look, i think the chances of a shut down at this point are mid to high and theyre slowly increasing. That white house meeting yesterday, a lot of folks here on capitol hill have been watching that meeting and that dynamic between the two democrats and President Trump to see if they could produce an offramp. Two things are clear right now. No one on capitol hill wants to see a shutdown and the president seems increasingly comfortable with it. You saw Chuck Schumer in that meeting offer two different offramps to the president , of duotwo different ways that could keep the government open, either passing by all of these funding bills, except the Homeland Security one that include the wall and kicking the can down the road for a year on that, or kicking a can down the road on all of the seven bills remaining for the year. And if thats the offramp, the president blew right by it. So a solution now is one of these things where everybody is going to have to be able to declare victory. And its unclear how the president can do so. Democrats, meanwhile, know that if they wait long enough, and if the government does shut down when democrats take control of the house in january, a Speaker Pelosi could pass something to reopen the government and put it right back in republicans laps, incredibly increasing the pressure on them. All of thats to say that friday deadline looks like another offramp we might blow right past. Kristen, how on earth is the white house characterizing this meeting . Well, you saw President Trump there try to downplay the tensions in the room, saying, look, thats part of negotiating. And white house officials echoing that. Bottom line, though, as garrett points out, it does get you, it appears, closer to a partial Government Shutdown. Now, President Trump doesnt seem to have a problem with it. Today, hes doubling down on twitter, for example, pushing the leaders he calls chuck and nancy to fund his border wall. Chuck and nancy must give us the votes to give us additional Border Security. You see that there. So the president really digging in here. But, again, Republican Leaders privately trying to make sure this doesnt happen. And ive been talking to some of the president s allies, who say the bottom line is, the president doesnt have a whole lot of leverage going into this fight, steph. He just lost the house, the russia investigation is ongoing and escalating, with new developments almost on a daily basis. And so theyre really concerned about what it would look like, if he does, in fact, shut down the government and then own that shutdown. So politically, there could be more peril for President Trump, but at this hour, he doesnt seem to be too concerned, steph. All right, i need to fact check for a moment. Garrett, i want to play part of an exchange between the president and nancy pelosi about whether he could get the votes for the wall. Because we have to remind our audience, he had a chance last year and couldnt get them. If i needed the votes for the wall in the house, i would have them in one session, it would be done. Then do it. It doesnt help, because we need ten democrats in the senate. Dont put it on the senate, put it on the negotiation dss okay, look, it doesnt help me to take a vote in the house where i will win easily with the republica republicans. You will not win. Let me say one thing. The fact is, you do not have the votes in the house. I do. And we need Border Security. Nancy, nancy. Garrett, whos right . I think back to republican in texas, will hurd, who has said before, a wall, nobody wants it or needs it. Yeah, republicans have been projecting confidence on this. I just talked to jim gordon of the Freedom Caucus as i was waiting to go on the air, and he said, of course, we have the votes. Of course jim jordan would say that. Theres a couple of truisms of capitol hill here, if you have the vote, you take the vote. Yesterday, he said, why bother if we know the senate wont pass it. Now they may have to call up a vote just to back up the president on this. But if they had the votes, you would have thought that republicans in the house would have passed this a while ago. Just to put more pressure on the democrats, to prove that they could do it. And the second truism is, do not question nancy pelosi as a vote counter. She is still the best in the business at this. And if she thinks that republicans dont have the votes, its worth figuring out why she feels that way, because more often than not, she tends to be right. A lot of republicans who lost their seats in this last election may not want to vote for this. A lot of folks may not want to give the president one last gift, and democrats sure as heck are not going to give the president any votes right now. All right, one more fact check, kristen. The president keeps saying, portions of the wall are being built. Heres what he said yesterday. Tremendous amounts of wall have already been built and a lot of wall, when you include the renovation of existing fences and walls. Weve renovated a tremendous amount. And weve done a lot of work. That doesnt seem to be true to me. As i understand it, theyve repaired fencing, but theres no new wall built. Whats the case . Thats right, steph. A spokesperson for the customs and Border Protection says that basically, about 7 miles of fencing has been repaired or reconstructed, but there hasnt really been any new construction of a new barrier. And thats what President Trump is calling for. He wants 700 miles of it, steph. Its also not clear that prototypes that have been shown to leadership have been signed off on. And let me give you one more fact check. Lets go back to the very beginning, where President Trump started this discussion with a promise that mexico would pay for the wall. Well, now, hes asking taxpayers for 5 billion, steph. 5 billion. And i could have sworn it was mexico that was going to cover it. Thank you, both. I want to bring my panel in. My dear friend, steve schmidt, i havent seen him in ages, but a perfect day to have him in. Former strategist. And my friend, mark thompson, back again. A radio host for sirius xm progress. All right, steve, yesterday, was that the state of politics in our country . And if it was, we have no chance of anything happening in the next two years or the republicans watch that, where they humiliated by the buffoonery. And do you think something could actually get done around the president . All americans were likely humiliated by the buffoonery of it all. It was shocking to watch with the exception of leader pelosis performance there. Look, at the end of the day, the whole wait, you dont think mike pence did a good job yesterday . It was. I think if they do a remake of weekend at bernies, hes the guy. It was incredible. For sure it was incredible. I said yesterday, if you pulled that on an airplane, the flight attendants are all going to be meeting up front, debating whos going to go check his pulse. It was incredible no watch. He was incredible. Look, at the end of the day, the whole country heard donald trump for two years say that mexico is going to pay for the wall. So how is it that the government is going to be shut down because the United States now isnt going to pay for the great trump wall . And at the end of the day, the one thing republicans have successfully communicated over the last 30 years is their hostility to government. So, its the republicans who always get the blame when government gets shut down. And this will be a disaster for republicans, like it was the time before and the time before that pb and the time before that, and the time before that. Government shutdowns always hurt the Republican Party. But i think what you saw yesterday is what goes on behind closed doors, in meetings with foreign governments, foreign heads of state. And you can just imagine the buffoonery that they react to, whether its the president of china, whether its the Prime Minister of Great Britain or the president of france or the chancellor of germany. Its just shocking to watch. Mark, the president is making a bet that his supporters care more about the border wall than they do the government being funded. And on one hand, some say, well, hes obsessed with his Campaign Promises. But what i dont get is, this is a nt a campaign promise. Because to steves point, the promise was, well build a wall and mexicos going to pay for it. Just like, im going to wipe out the deficit. Hes not fulfilling Campaign Promises . Is it nancy pelosi about, its somehow about his manhood . It is about his manhood. And what steve was just saying, doing the same thing over and over again, shut down the government, shut down the government, shut down the government, its not working. Thats the definition of insanity. And thats what hes all about. He has no respect for his base. He thinks everyone in his base is stupid. So he can just put this over. In fact, i think i saw where even ann coulter was saying that, who was supposed to be somewhat of an ally of his, but hes been saying mexico is going to pay for it. People have got to figure out that he doesnt make any sense. He makes these things up as he goes, and hes using his base. He doesnt have any other cards to play. I believe, with everything thats going on, including the shift in power on capitol hill, that hes a lame duck. The Trump Presidency is effectively over. He has not passed any significant legislation as a president. Hes under serious investigation. People are flipping. People wonder what this whole thing mean about, i wonder what mike pence is thinking about. Mike pence is probably thinking about flipping or thinking about the consequences of him having but weve been saying that for so long. Weve been saying it for so long, republicans are going to stand up and not take this. Do you actually think that day is ever going to come . I mean, im watching mike pompeo tie himself in knots trying to avoid this khashoggi argument, where im going, im sorry, where is the Republican Party standing up to whether its the buffoonery in the white house, the president not getting thi t anything done on a legislative agenda. The only thing were seeing happening is seeing judges get put in place and the two countries where he has absolutely made no sense in terms of Foreign Policy are russia and saudi arabia, the two countries where he most likely has personal business interests. So wheres paul ryan and Mitch Mcconnell and the rest of your former party . Well, i would say that one of the things that trump is doing yesterday, hes saying to leader pelosi that, hey, you have the votes. I have the votes to pass this wall. Hes the same guy who said a couple of weeks ago that he won the election, in which he was roundly repudiated across the country. So, im a political analyst. Im not a psychologist. I cant explain to you why it is that the Republican Party has lashed themselves to the mast and seems to revel in going down with the ship. Because theres this idea that theyre getting so much done. And im asking you, besides judges, what is it theyre getting done . Apparently, theyre on pace with regard to the wall, to be able to repair 700 miles of fencing over the next 200 years, right . That they are and thats the absurdity of this. So none of this stuff is happening. They were repudiated in the house. The senate map is terrible for republicans in the next two years. And as you look out to the next president ial election, why is it that donald trump cant find a white house chief of staff . Why is it that a 36yearold political aide turned down a job that was once described as the second most powerful job . Because hes a liar . Because the criminal investigations are closing in and he knows the thing that everybody in washington knows is that if you get close to trump, you will never, and i mean never, get the stink off of you. So theres no doubt in your mind, he just didnt want to work for President Trump . Its not that we might have questions about how a 36yearold guy whos only been in the workforce less than 15 years could have amassed making 54 million . Because im guessing if he got that job as the white house chief of staff, wed ask a lot of those questions. And if i had that kind of money in the bank, i wouldnt want to be questioned. We should listen to what the markets are telling us. Good people dont want to serve in this administration. Because this administration is failing. Its going down. When we look back at this moment in time ten years from now, in this moment well understand that this administration was starting to come apart. Starting to come apart under the weight of its incompetence. Under the weight of its dishonesty. And the criminal investigations that are closing in. We have the former National Security adviser who will be sentenced. We have the president s former attorney who will be sent to jail today. We see these investigations closing in and as they close in, well see this president get more and more desperate. Well see him act more and more rashly. And so a Government Shutdown is likely coming. Chuck schumers exactly right, before christmas, this will hurt a lot of people. But this president doesnt care about that, not one bit. Last point . Well, i would like to think that your former party you always ask why people arent speaking up in the Republican Party. I have a feeling that a lot of people, for all the reasons you just described, are waiting out the clock. Nobody wants their job. You know, he kind of took your party over. Came out of nowhere. And im sure theres still a level of resentment about that, from some of the leadership. I think everybody just waits out the clock. Because trump is done. I dont know about resentment. They all allowed it to happen. I just think of paul ryan and his legacy. Remember . He was all about debt and deficit. When he leaves office, i wonder what that numbers going to be. Its going to be a big one. All right. In less than two hours, President Trumps former lawyer steve just mentioned it and fixer, remember the guy who said he would take a bullet for President Trump . Well, hes going to appear in federal court right here in nyc where hes scheduled to be sentenced in two cases. Cohen as pleaded guilty to eight charges in a case brought by the Southern District of new york, related to tax evasion, making false statements to a bank, and making illegal and excessive campaign contributions. Cohen has also immediapleaded go one count in a case brought by special counsel bob muellers officer for lying to congress. Prosecutors are recommending a substantial prison term for cohen and that is after consideration his cooperation. Nbc news investigations reporter tom winter outside the courthouse. Tom, i want you to first clarify something for us. Michael cohen is cooperating with robert mueller, but hes not coming clean on everything. In fact, hes protecting some people close to him, maybe even family members. Reporter yeah, so, stephanie, the key distinction here is theres two cases today, and you just outlaid what those two cases are, that Michael Cohen is going to be sentenced for. Federal prosecutors here in new york say that Michael Cohen hasnt come forward and been a cooperator in the true sense of the word. In ordered to that, they lay that out and essentially say, every sort of criminal activity that you may have done, that you may know about, that you may have some knowledge of, you have to lay that all out for us. And if you dont, youre not a cooperator in the purest sense of the world, so theyre not going to put in what is called a 5k motion, which essentially at that point, they argue for a steep reduction in what you would normally get for a sentence. So what theyve said here, stephanie is, look, the Probation Department and the presentencing report calls for 3 1 2 years for Michael Cohen. Look, your honor, given that his cooperation from mueller mueller, as you said before, you can have a modest thats their word, modest reduction in that sentence, but theyre still calling for him to do some jail time here. All right. Well, well be paying attention. Well be back with you in just a minute, tom. As we just told you, Michael Cohen is due in court any minute now. But steve mentioned it, hes not the only trump associate with a big legal development. We have brandnew signals about Michael Flynns future. Before we dgo, it is very difficult to try to explain exactly how ridiculous what happened in the oval office was yesterday, but you knew the latenight shows were going to give it their best shot. Trump got into an argument with Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi on camera today. Then, as usual, he tried offering them 130,000 to be quiet. Chuck schumer did his best not to make eye contact with trump, like you do with a drunk guy screaming on the subway. Its just eyes forward and let minimum rant about the mexicans until you can transfer to 59th street. Why does Chuck Schumer keep talking to the camera . Theyre having an argument and hes like a character in an episode of the office. Hes like, now the president is doing this right now. [narrator] the typical vacuum head has its limitations, so shark invented duo clean. While deep cleaning carpets, the added soft brush roll picks up large particles, gives floors a polished look, and fearlessly devours piles. 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Im Stephanie Ruhle and we have got to go back to the big legal developments surrounding President Trumps inner circle. His former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, set to be sentenced later this morning, as we get new documents from former National Security adviser, Michael Flynns team ahead of his sentencing. Joining me now to help understand all of this, former assistant u. S. Attorney and law professor at the university of Baltimore School of law, kim whaley, and msnbc legal analyst and former federal prosecutor, glenn kirschner. Glenn, to you first. Hows it looking for Michael Cohen today . Because hes not completely flipping. Hes not even being considered a cooperating witness. Stephanie, one word for Michael Cohen, prison. And maybe that ends up changing his mind moving forward, because as youve been reporting, he was happy to dump all the dirt he had on the president , but he only gave up a percentage of his own criminal activity. Why . Most likely, because he is trying to protect close friends, close business associates, and perhaps family members. But, you know, moving forward, if he ever hits the witness stand, and hes crossexamined on the fact that, look, youre happy to talk trash about the president , but you wont talk trash about yourself or your close associates, that will negatively impact his credibility as a trial witness in the future, if he ever hits the stand. Kim, heres something i dont understand. Okay, trump told reuters last night that the payments that he allegedly made to Stormy Daniels through Michael Cohen were not a violation of Campaign Finance law. And he said, quote, Michael Cohens a lawyer. I assumed he would know what he was doing. You rely on somebody, hey, he was a lawyer, number one. It wasnt a campaign contribution. If it were, its only civil. And even if its only civil, there was no violation based on what i did. I mean, this, again, breaks my heart to even cover this. Because i keep thinking, the president is blowing this off like its no biggy, when he has a wife, when he has a son in the seventh grade at home. Well, the bigger thing, is he getting away with it . Or is he going to get away with it . One of the touchstones of a democracy moving into an autocracy is ignoring the rule of law, pretending it doesnt matter, putting people in decisionmaking roles that are really just lackeys for the person in power. Attacking investigators, anyone whos going to hold that person accountable. And i think this is just a piece of it. And its even more tragic that we have members of the republicans in congress that are similarly saying, this doesnt really matter, it does matter, were a nation of a rule of law, and can i talk in some detail about the Campaign Finance violations here . But we also have line prosecutors that answer to the president of the United States through article ii of the constitution, who put this in a memo that, you know, that he did, he was involved in this, this fraud, this crime. So its really sad. All right, glenn, were also getting a look at the sentencing memo for michael flynn. Im looking at it here. His attorneys are asking a judge for no jail time. And one interesting point is that hes claiming he was not warned that lying to the fbi was a crime. Yes, the p word for cohen is prison, i think the p word for flynn is probation. And im going to put another p word probably probation. But is that oh, i wasnt warned i shouldnt lie to the fbi . I would like to think that the National Security adviser would know that. Yeah, its not a legal defense. He sees it a mitigator, but when you read his memo, the reason he brought that up is to distinguish his circumstance from van der swanns circumstance and papadopouloss circumstance. Because those two men also lied to the fbi, but they were warned in advance. They had lawyers involved. It was a more egregious and a more brazen lie. You know, youre absolutely right, steph, he was the National Security adviser. He knew lying to the fbi was a federal offense, but i think what the attorneys were doing is they were playing to judge Emmett Sullivan. Because let me tell you, ive been before judge sullivan, hes fiercely independent and he hates government corruption, so both party the prosecutors and the defense may be asking for probation, because you know what, Emmett Sullivan may say, yeah, the National Security adviser doesnt get to lie to the fbi about talking to the russians without going to jail. So, i think probation is most likely, but ill tell you what, there is still a chance hes going to be wearing a jumpsuit. Kim, what stands out to you in the memo . Well, i think the lawyers did their job. Theyre excellent lawyers. At least theyre from a very prestigious firm. I think the notion that the National Security adviser gets to lie ever to the fbi, i mean, were seeing on a macro level this situation where the, we have the National Security, law enforcement, criminal investigators at odds with each other. The notion that somehow the fbi is not helpful to the National Security adviser and vice versa, that its okay to not treat them as sort of comrades in that moment, i think thats really a problem and structurally, in a macro sense, its really a problem whats happening. I agree with your prior guest, steve, that were seeing a meltdown right now of the executive branch in this presidency. Well, then were all going to have a lot to focus on today as we watch these things play out. Thank you, both. Coming up, a frantic search underway right now in france after a suspected terrorist opens fire at a christmas market. Weve got the latest on the manhunt. Plus, we all know things like brexit, the china negotiations, and the huawei cfo arrest have put the markets on a roller coaster over the last week. But well tell you what President Trump said to reuters last night that could have traders wondering, what in the world is next. Daddy diaper duty. I cant say its the highlight of fatherhood. But id rather be here with my little man than not be here because of migraine. I have three words for migraine. I am here. Aimovig, a preventive treatment for migraine in adults, reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site and constipation. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. And be there more. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. 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Michael cohen leaving his apartment, getting into his car, and presumably on his way to court, where he will be sentenced in the next hour and a half. And guess where hell be right near, wall street, which is kicking off a day amid a flurry of major headlines that are impacting the markets. President trump attacking his fed chair yet again, saying it would be foolish to raise Interest Rates when the Federal Reserve meets next week. Across the pond, the british Prime Minister, theresa may, is facing a noconfidence vote amid the chaos over brexit and a canadian judge has granted bail to a top Chinese Telecom executive that the u. S. Has accused of trying to circumvent trade sanctions against iran. President trump telling reuters he would consider intervening if necessary, if this is going to affect trade and National Security. Joining me now, cnbc markets reporter,. Com chu. Dom, i didnt even work in there that janet yellen a couple of days ago says that a recession could be on the horizon. How are markets reacting to all of this. We know they like to climb at the end of the year. And Janet Yellens comments about whether theres a corporate bubble, notwithstanding. Lets take those comments. The Federal Reserve and jay powell and whether President Trump feels as though Interest Rates should be raised. This has been something in play for months now at this point. The issue is whether the Economic Data is there for the fed to keep on its path of raising Interest Rates. Right now, markets do not expect that the fed will be as aggressive with Interest Rates hikes in the coming year, given the fact that we have some softer Economic Data out there. Namely, in the Housing Market and certain parts of the economy, besides just the hnl jo headline jobs rate. If thats true, the fed will move to raise Interest Rates this month and hold a little bit next year. Thats perhaps giving a little bit of a boost. The second thing that you mentioned, the brexit vote, this idea that the brexit situation could be stuck in a little bit more neutral is because if theresa may as the Prime Minister of the uk does not stay in power, what this does do is force the uk into a situation where we could see a little bit more of a certainty around brexit. The last thing that we wanted to talk about right here is with regard to whats happening with huawei. Are u. S. china relations improving . Yes, that might be incrementally helping to lift the market a little bit. But stephanie, weve seen this play out before. Investors at some point are going to want to see a lot more in terms of solid developments, to see whether or not they can get that market to move higher. Back over to you. Well be paying attention to. Now to france where a frantic manhunt is going on right now after a deadly shooting at a christmas market. It left at least two people dead and 13 others injured. Lets go live to the city of strasbourg, where Richard Engel is standing by. Richard, there is word that the police have identified the suspect. What can you tell us . Reporter they have identified the suspect. Theyve named shareef c. , thats typical in france where theyll release the first name and last initial when a manhunt is underway. Theyve described him as a known criminal with 27 convictions. Convictions for violence, convictions for theft. In fact, hed been arrested in several european countries. Germany, switzerland, he was deported from germany for crimes in that country, also theft. That according to French Police that he became radical id. He became an islamic extremist while serving time in a french prison. And that he has been on a terrorist watch list in this country since at least 2015. What happened yesterday morning, thats when the sequence of events here started. Police raided his home in connection with a burglary charge. And they found grenades there. They did not find him. But it appears that once he knew that the police were on to him, he decided to go out and carry out this attack, where i am in downtown strasbourg right now. He opened fire on police. Police say they were the initial targets. He was also armed with a knife. Police fired back, injured him. He then hijacked a taxi cab, forced the cab driver to take him out of the area, and then he escaped. And now police are still looking for him here in strasbourg and across france. And they have issued an alert, believing he might be in a blue ford, with that alert going out to police nationwide. All right, richard, stay safe. And please, keep us up. All right. We have to take a turn, because we are continuing coverage of something i am very interested in. The newly created Opportunity Zones. When i first heard about them, i thought they were a great idea meant to help some of our poor areas get some investment. But were taking a closer look at how the friends and family and possibly the president himself could directly benefit from this new program. Earlier this week, we proubroug you the news that Kushner Companies are investing big in an Opportunity Zone in new jersey that oddly enough is beachfront property. Look how beautiful that is. Certainly not a down trodden area. And that area is all within the designated zone for these big old tax breaks. And today, i am part of a new story here at nbc news, laying out other ways in which trump and his friends may benefit. Lets begin with richard la frac. Hes a bigtime Real Estate Developer and a longtime pal of the president s. On many, many weekends you could see him with the president , maralago. On the night of the midterms, he was actually watching the Election Results at the white house with President Trump. Well, take a look at your screen. Hes got a 4 billion development in north miami. Right, smack dab in the middle of an Opportunity Zone. But heres what i want you to Pay Attention to. This development, he started it several years ago. Hes not incentivized now to go to this area and possibly invest, he made the decision several years ago. But because the projects not done and theyre still investing, hes going to get massive tax benefits. Thats called a windfall. Because he wasnt incentivized to go there, he was already doing it. So now hes getting hooked up. Another Opportunity Zone in greenville, mississippi. This is home to a Trump Organization project. Plans were already underway for a hotel redevelopment, but work has not yet begun and any new projects in the area could be eligible for these tax breaks. So that is the Trump Organization. Now, they also run a golf course in new jersey that, you guessed it, falls within an Opportunity Zone. With the right maneuvering, this existing property, that means they could reinvest, do some upgrades, it could benefit from these big old tax breaks. My panel is back with me. Steve schmidt, mark thompson. Mark, to you first. This is exactly why we insist our leaders divest and disclose. And we insist on tax returns, as well. But im not surprised by this, at all. Trump and the kushners, they have all been about selfenrichment. As you said, many of these zones, people have already invested in, theres already been gentrifycation. You have williamsburg, brooklyn. If theres a soho house in your neighborhood, you dont need a tax break. Right. And i believe, also, one of the areas issing on long island where amazon is on its way, anyway. Long island city, queens. Right, long island city, queens. So this is a way to enrich themselves and enrich their friends. Thats what theyre all about. Its obviously why trump ran for office in the first place. And its all the more reason why hes corrupt and hes got to go. Steve, heres whats sad. I think the Opportunity Zone s are an amazing idea. And if implemented correctly, could make a huge impact in this country. But isnt the issue that we keep going back to is that this administration, were always questioning, are they putting their bids interests and selfdealing first. When i think about the financial crisis, whether i think tim geithner and hank paulison made the right decisions is neither here nor there. Never during that time did i think, hmm, are they making these decisions because its good for their personal business first . And thats where we are with this Amazing Program of Opportunity Zones, as im going, im sorry, what . Williamsburg, brooklyn . The question about whether the president and people around him are enriching themselves through his service as president is not a speculative question. Its happening. The corruption is unspeakable. We are living in one of the most corrupt periods in the history of the country, which is saying something. Its extraordinary. And everywhere you look, you see corruption and the rage of the American People that manifested itself in the election of donald trump, is part of it. Because what they see and what theyre so rightly angry about is that theres one set of rules for people at the top and theres a different set of rules for everybody else. Trump, his family thats a banana republic. And his associates are at the top. And increasingly, when you look at all of this, were functioning like a banana republic. And its certainly an apt comparison. I mean, the type of stuff that youre seeing going on is what you would see go on in zaire in the 1970s. Its just extraordinary. And so for any u. S. Attorney out there, looking to make a name for themselves, this is a fertile field to go harvest. And when we look at this era, we see the next president ial election coming, dollars to donuts, the reform effort is coming. And youre going to have politicians jumping on this, but were going to be debating for the next ten years about how we clean this mess up. The sad thing about it is, he tricked a lot of people into voting for him, who voted against this very type of behavior. Skpuf and unfortunately, some of them are still being fooled. But thats about to change. I would say, its not unspeakable, its absolutely speakable and were going to continue to cover it. Ill keep asking the questions. Somebody answer. Richard la frac, you started that project over four years ago. You didnt need an Opportunity Zone. You were going to do it win, lose, or draw. Why on earth do you deserve a massive windfall . Please, i invite you to join me any day. Coming up, Google Ceo Sundar Pichai testifies in front of House Judiciary Committee for three hours yesterday. Heres the issue, the biggest revelation and i would say disappointment is just how little the people creating the laws to rein in the search giant actually know about it. Our dad was in the hospital. Because of smoking. But we still had to have a cigarette. Had to. But then, we were like. What are we doing . The nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Nicodermcq. You know why, we know how. If your adventure. Keeps turning into unexpected bathroom trips. You may have overactive bladder, or oab. Ohhhh. Enough already we need to see a doctor. Ask your doctor about myrbetriq® mirabegron . It treats oab symptoms of urgency, frequency, and leakage. Its the first and only oab treatment in its class. Myrbetriq may increase blood pressure. Tell your doctor right away if you have trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. Myrbetriq may cause serious allergic reactions. Like swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, or trouble breathing. 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But he has plans today. Ain. Hey dad. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. I have a sevenyearold granddaughter who picked up her phone before the election and she is playing a little game, kind of game a kid would play and up on there pops a picture of her grandfather. I wont say what kind of language was used around that picture of her grandfather but i would ask you how does that show up on a sevenyearolds iphone who is playing a kids game . Iphone is made bay different company. That was iowa congressman steve king trying to stump google ceo as he testified before the House Judiciary Committee. It revealed one really sad thing, so many of our elected officials dont know how this stuff works. Jeff is here at the school of journalism at the city of new york and author of the book what would google do . Thats my really upsetting take away. I had the same feelings when i saw Mark Zuckerberg testify. We watch guys like steve king and many others have absolutely no clue how this stuff works. This is not a knock on steve king. Sure. Knock on steve king. Im saying across the board im going do you know how this stuff works . Based on yesterdays performances wh performances who do you want running the interknelt. Internet . How about none of the above . Sure. We can always complain and figure out better things. Grade scho google does a better job. He was smart and open. You say that because you think he is a good guy. What if he makes steve bannon the ceo. Im not sure the government is any better. No. I think that this is early days for the internet. We dont know what the net is yet. We have to have time to explore it and figure out what it is yet. I think google is doing a good job. Its your job to give your kids rules and regulations. Youre saying we shouldnt give rules and regulations. The same exact discussion occurred when governments and pr princes and popes feared what books want today do. We are in that same kind of fight over control. Yes it clang and disrupts the world. I think so far its for the better. Just stay with me for a moment. Think about the amount of data these companies have, that they are using and selling. Data involving how we live, what we do, our locations. You feel completely safe with that . Think about the value we get. Representative complaining do he know where it is . Yes. You can ask for directions to the nearest pizza hut. It has to know where you are. Those services are good and worth it. Talk to me about the real harm that has occurred. Maybe we havent seen it yet. We are seeing a moral panic. It blames all of our problems on technology. Stop it from happening. Along with bad things well stop good things from happening. Well continue to have this conversation. Thank you so much for joining me. Up next you know how we end this show. 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His mom said her heart was full seeing her young son so interested. That is a beautiful christmas story. We say it all of the time. Im so grateful for santa. Stay tuned for an amazing good news rules all week long. Youll get a chance to choose what good news story you want to hear. That is this friday. I want to wish Merry Christmas to matthew, his mom and again, thanks, santa for being such a great guy. Ill see you at 1 00 p. M. With my partner. Coming up right now more news. Thank you. Well see you in a little bit. Today the guy that once said he would take a bullet for donald trump is now trying to dodge one. His moment of reckoning, well see if he faces years in prison, what he might say today to blame the president as the president argues he did nothing wrong in a new interview. A reporter behind it joins us live to talk about the president raising revolt as a possibility if he gets impeached and calling any russia connections peanut stuff. Speaking of

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