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Don jr. s desire to please his father that led him to meeting. Do you think President Trump knew about the meeting prior to it taking place . I dont know if he knew or he didnt. Its a bit of a stretch to believe he doesnt know its going on. Cutting the safety net. The Trump Administration proposes making it harder for immigrants in the United States legally to obtain visas or green cards if they have ever used public benefits. We have got a lot to cover today beginning with the huge implications for kavanaugh. His Supreme Court nomination now in more serious jeopardy after a second woman comes forward accusing him of Sexual Misconduct. Kavanaugh says none of the allegations are true. Are republicans willing to stand by their man . First, i want to set the stage for you. All of this is coming out just three days, three days, before we thought we were going to have those once in a lifetime Senate Hearings with judge kavanaugh and his first accuser Christine Blasey ford, testifying about what she describes as an attempted rape when they were teenagers. The judge says the incident never even happened. Now that hearing and kavanaughs entire nomination is up in the air after a second woman went public on sunday. The report came out in the new yorker just about 12 hours ago and it includes allegations from 53yearold Deborah Ramirez about an incident that she says happened when she and kavanaugh were classmates at yale in the 80s. We should worn you, theres some language here you certainly could find unsuitable that the hour in the morning. According to the new yorker, quote, ramirez remembers kavanaugh had exposed himself in a drunken dorm party, thrust his penis in her face and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away. I knew thats not what she wanted even in that state of mind. She remembers kavanaugh standing to her right and laughing, pulling up his pants, brett was laughing, she said, i can still see his face and his hips coming forward like when you pull up your pants. However, this is very important, the magazine also says, quote, ramirez acknowledged that there are significant gaps in her memories of that evening and that if she ever presents her story to the fbi or members of the senate, she will be inevitably pressed on her motivation for coming forward after so many years and questioned about her memory given the fact she was drinking at the party. In fact, quote, in her initial conversations with the new yorker, ramirez was reluctant to characterize kavanaughs role in the alleged incident with certainty. After six days of carefully assessing her memories and consulting with her attorney, ramirez says she felt confident enough of her own recollections to come forward. Its complicated. Kavanaugh says the alleged event simply did not happen and says the allegations are a smear plain and simple. The white house called it part of a coordinated Smear Campaign and blamed democrats for trying to tear a good man down. So far, there is very Little Information to back up ramirezs allegations. The new yorker says it was unable to confirm with other eyewitnesses that kavanaugh was actually at the party. Jean mayor, who coauthored the story, told morning joe that the best she got was someone who heard what happened after the fact. Theres a very sober background source who was not part of the party, was not drunk, heard about it either that night or the next day. When i asked him myself does he remember this and is he sure that kavanaugh was the person he heard about in this, he said to me i am 100 sure. The New York Times says they interviewed several dozen people in the last week in an attempt to corroborate the story and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ramirez herself contacted former classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them she could not be certain kavanaugh was the person who exposed himself. This morning, Kellyanne Conway appeared on cbs this morning and said the whole thing feels like a conspiracy. Women who have been sexually or harassed and sexually assaulted, i am aggrieved for all of them. Are we going to put decades of pentup demand for women to feel whole on one mans shoulders . What is the standard for ruining one mans life based on decades of allegations that have nothing to do with him, visiting on other men, including in the media . Leann caldwell wrote about this for nbc news. Leann, specifically, what have you, what has nbc found out about these allegations . This is the beginning of a new and unpredictable week here in washington. What we found out is we had heard from several sources over the past week about this allegation that kavanaugh had exposed himself to a woman while he was at yale undergrad. We reached out to Deborah Ramirez earlier this weekend on saturday morning and she directed us to her attorney. Her attorney had been talking to the new yooshew yorker and they immediately return calls. What we do know is ramirez, she lives in boulder, colorado. She actually works as a victims advocate of domestic violence. She went to undergrad with kavanaugh from 1983 to 1987. This happened while during their freshman year at a dorm room party. So as this allegation, new allegation comes out, think the big question here in washington is how does this ill pact his confirmation, especially as its on the eve of kavanaugh testifying about his first this first woman who came out and alleges Sexual Assault against him. All of this happening as we thought we got some clarity about testimony about kavanaughs initial accuser. Right now, the plan is for her and kavanaugh, just the two of them, to testify before the Senate Judiciary committee on thursday. I want to bring in msnbcs Garrett Haake live on the hill. Is that still the plan . Because shes now the first accuser. If we have a second, what exactly does that mean . Does that put thursday in question or suddenly do we have another person in the mix . Well, thursday is still the plan. This story has been moving so fast, its impossible how it will change going forward. What we know is we expect to see dr. Ford here on thursday morning for a hearing in which the negotiated settlement here is that dr. Ford would speak first, followed by kavanaugh. They would not be in the room at the same time. While there are efforts to cut down on the number of cameras in the room and provide additional security for dr. Ford, this is going to be a spectacle. Theres no other way to put it. Theyre already making preparations around the capitol like they do when state of the union might be happening to prepare for the influx of media. You can bet there will be protesters. There are decisions being made even now about how republicans in particular will go about questioning dr. Ford. The question of who might actually be there, asking these questions, and would it be a female attorney, as some members have said they wanted, so they dont have an all male republican side asking questions of someone who claims to be a Sexual Assault survivor. So there are still a lot of moving parts here. As we head into the week, there are at least four key votes. The first wont be surprising, collins and murkowski. Often on the fence on some of these issues. They were already thought to be on the fence, even more so now. Flake and corker, both retiring, both thought to be potential wild cards here. Flake is on the Judiciary Committee and will get a vote sooner rather than later if this all goes forward. The universe of potentially interesting votes here is even bigger than that. The sort of decency caucus if you will. Folks like James Langford or marco rubio, people who talk about their faith a lot, are going to be put in an awkward position, whether we have one accuser or 27 accusers by the time this is all done. It makes thursday very interesting. Garrett brings up a good point. Its not just about Susan Collins and lisa murkowski. We know the governor there has already given her sort of local air cover. Saying you can go for no with Susan Collins and murkowski. They both said that al franken should step down. But it doesnt just have to be women to stand up and say something. I mean, that makes absolutely no sense. If theyre concerned about optics, only men asking the questions, you can consider having more women run. Kristen, any indication that the president is walking away from his nominee . Brett kavanaugh is, there may be a lot of people in the Federalist Society but he is one judge in the Federalist Society who has said that the president , i dont want to say above the law, but someone who should not be indicted while hes a sitting president and we know that matters to President Trump. Theres no indication that President Trump is backing away from him. Overnight, a white house official telling me there are no plans to withdraw Brett Kavanaughs nomination and then just moments ago at the u. N. , President Trump was asked about this. He said, i am totally with him all the way. He called this totally political. So you can see the president gearing up for a fight. Thats consistent, by the way with my conversations with officials here at the white house. President trump is digging in on this. We know the president had two separate conversations yesterday, before this was made public. And he expressed no change in his views as it related to kavanaugh. Think about what we spent so much time discussing last week, the rhetoric we heard from this president. Initially, he was very on message. He stayed away from direct attacks against kavanaughs initial accuser, dr. Christine bla blasey ford and then that changed in dramatic fashion. With a tweet the president seemed to indicate dr. Ford was, in fact, lying about her allegations. So were seeing him really ram up his rhetoric. Then betweagain today by callin these new allegations totally political. Lets not forget this is someone who is used to a fierce fight when it comes to allegations of Sexual Misconduct. He faced his own as a candidate. More than 20 women came forward and accused him of that. He dug in, denied all of those allegati allegations, went on to win the presidency. Weve seen him take similar lines of attack when people who are close to him have faced such allegations like rob porter, for example, one of his form earl aides here. So this is a president who doesnt back away from a fight. I will caveat all of this with one critical point, which is that last week on the white house south lawn, the president was very clear, he said he did want to hear the allegations from dr. Ford, and if he believes they are very creditable, he said, well have to see then what happens. He seemed to leave the door open just a din a tiny bit midweek l week of potentially replacing kavanaugh, if, in fact, he feels as though this is true. Right now, it seems hes gearing up for a fierce fight. If the president said lets hear from ford, what will he say about hearing from ramirez . Jason johnson, for the root. Com. And former republican governor from my home state of new jersey, as well as former epa administrator, christy todd whitman. Governor, lets start with the new accuser. What is the bar, the standard, for an investigation, an fbi investigation . Because this is tricky. If you want to separate the politics out, in theory, getting more information would be the right answer. One would think so. The president could certainly order the fbi to do it. Its harder for her as the accuser to say. Shes saying it, saying i want the fbi in. You have to think for a minute, unless shes being paid some huge amount of money, why on earth in this atmosphere we have today would you come forward and make these kind of allegations and admit, look, i was drunk at the time, i dont remember everything. Im going to have gaps in my memory. Being willing to come forward means that theres something there that needs to be looked at. Its more prola matic perhaps than dr. Ford right now but it needs to be investigated. If there were an investigation, jason, could you speak to how corroboration might be different . Whether were talking about the New York Times or the new yorker . There arent more people who have come forward. Right. When a reporter calls you on the phone and when the fbi calls you on the phone, you might have a different answer. Exactly. Reporters im going to ignore. The fbi, im going to tell them everything. I will find my old transcript and tell them where i was at the time. If kavanaugh, who is supposedly representing the laws as a Supreme Court justice, if he cares about justice and honesty, he would be the first person to say i want the fbi there to clean up my entire background and show this is not true. What i think is problematic though is this idea we should have these kind of conversations. This is terrible behavior. Its terrible behavior to be accused of. This administration finds themselves backing people who have these backgrounds. When i was in high school, i was playing nintendo and saga, okay, we werent going out and getting drunk every weekend. We werent doing the same thing in college. Youve got to tell me there are men and women out there who would be great conservative justices who dont have these kinds of allegations. Why arent more republicans calling for an investigation . Why arent they subpoenaing mark judge . Mark judge was in the room with kavanaugh according to dr. Ford. Help has said dr. Ford is wrong, if im Brett Kavanaugh, i would say, please, politics dont matter to me. My legacy does. I would think he would. If he goes into the Supreme Court and it does seem as though the republicans on the committee have already said we dont care what dr. Ford says were going to support him anyway, if that, in fact, happen, he goes in with this cloud of who is he, what is his back ground really . Its terrible for his family. I would think his family would want him to do this. I would think the other justices would want him to know exactly. Well, maybe not all of them. That might not be something they want to go into in too much detail. But its very problematic to me that now a days, weve finally come to the point where were taking very seriously allegations against the Catholic Church made by a man 30 years ago. When a woman makes allegation about abuse that occurs 30 years ago, were throwing up all kinds of roadblocks. It should be questioned. It should be investigated. It should be understood whats true and whats not true. But to try to say that somehow because she didnt come forward at the time, frankly, that president s tweet about the loving parents was just to me awful. You dont come forward i think we all know people, i certainly do, who it took them years to uncover the fact that they had been sexually abused because they buried it so deeply, so deeply, it had traumatized them so much, that it took years of trying to figure out why arent i better at relationships, going into therapy and then having this come out. Its a revelation to them. There are people that are absolutely falsely accused and thats horribly unfair. This narrative out there that its a one for one . For every case thats true, theres a woman lying. Thats not true. We do want to remind our audience, because the president is saying, well, why didnt she come forward for the last 35 years. 1 in 6 suffer an assault or attempted assault. Close to 70 do not report mostly because they think they wont be believed and 90 of assaulters dont even get punished. I want to share what the wall street journal wrote over the weekend. The democratic standard for Sexual Assault allegations is that they should be accepted as true merely for having been made. The accuser is assumed to be telling the truth because the accuser is a woman. The burden on mr. Kavanaugh to prove his innocence, if he cannot do so, then he is unfit to serve the court. This is what offenses me. Its not just i can say as a man, as a human being, as someone who has women in my life, it doesnt matter. First off, wheres this magical list of women who have come forward and accused men of Sexual Misconduct who have become rich off this . It doesnt exist. People dont benefit from this. Their lives are ruined. They are threatened. Theyre chased out of their home. If youre coming forward, you really believe in your heart that something wrong happened to you, even if at the time you didnt know it was wrong. The second issue is this. This is not a trial. Its a job interview. In a job interview, we dont have the same standards. You cannot get a job because you smell like somebody who is a bad person. So this assumption were going to pretend its a trial but not do a full investigation and not do everything as if its a real trial and then still pass him as a job interview, thats what owow offends me about this. If youre part of a secret society in yale called the tit and im not going to say the other word because its 9 00 in the morning. You dont need to say it at 9 00 at night either. If youre in this organization that does this frat party, you know, animal house nonsense, theres reason to believe you engaged in a lot of bad behavior. There are lots of other Federalist Society conservative judges. Why stick to this . This is about the president and the president said this is my man. This is political because this is the one thing is hes been appointing very conservative judges who do not believe in a womans right to choose what happens to her body. Were very prolife. This has been the only thing theyre looking for, its giving them the excuse to overlook the other bad behavior. Thats his true base. Thats his true base. Thats why hes locked in on this one. He is going to stay with him, i believe, until it absolutely unless it ever gets to the point that its impossible. Well, President Trump was asked about this a moment ago at the u. N. Lets listen. Theres a chance this could be one of the single most unfair, unjust things to happen to a candidate for anything. But i am with judge kavanaugh. And i look forward to a vote. And for people to come out of the woodwork from 36 years ago and 30 years ago and never mentioned it, all of a sudden it happens, in my opinion, its totally political. Totally political. Its hard to even hear that. Do you give any breadth to that, though who want to say Dianne Feinstein sat on this, here we are, two days prior. Matt shlap last night i noticed on twitter saying republicans dont do this do democrats. They absolutely do. Think back to merrick garland. He clearly wasnt given a fair shot. Are democrats playing dirty . If they are, is it justified, since Mitch Mcconnell set the dirty table and won . This is something my mom used to always say dont give them the bullets to shoot you with, right, when it comes to these situations. This didnt happen to gorsuch because he didnt have this kind of background. Theres something to be said here for if its not true, then you hold the investigation and its done. The only reasons these accusations are coming forward is because he engages in this behavior that brings it into question. The only reason we have these technically, if its a party line vote, they have the votes to pass this. The only reason we have this delay is because Mitch Mcdonnell doesnt think members of his party believe kavanaugh. Thats what i think is indicative. This is not about democrats, this is about republicans who doubt this guy. President trump right there has the chance to say lets hear it out, lets investigate it. If its clean, which i know it will be, because hes the best guy ever, hell be confirmed. When i watched in 2018, republicans figuring out, man, the optics dont look good, can we get some girls in here to ask the questions . When the president says, why didnt you ask that question before . It makes me sick to think nothing has changed. And me too has created, you know, an enthusiasm but really the framework of real business and leadership aint nothing different. I think where well see the difference is in november. You have more women running for office at all levels. And thats what will change things. You have to get in there. You have to be part of the process to really move these things. I laugh when i hear the republicans saying were going to bring in a female lawyer. You want to say, why didnt you put more women on committee . Why didnt you encourage more women to run . If you look, the numbers for the legislator, for the house and the senate, are enormously tilted to the democrats. Governorships, we have more women, democrats, running for governor than the democrats do, its 2 to 4, Something Like that. But not on the hill. So thats where the problem really starts for this kind of discussion obviously. Because were talking about this. And its whats interesting, too, we havent touched on the fact that a close friend of Brett Kavanaughs, whos an adviser to him, published the name of somebody else and said this is the guy who did it. Totalally false but nobody seemed to be outraged about that. This poor man, has to deny it, his family was under scrutiny. Theres nothing worse than false allegation. I absolutely give you that. Thats why this needs to be thoroughly investigated. To clear everybody on this. Put kavanaugh to the side. What does this do to you personally, emotionally, being a republican your whole life, when you watch republican women stand by kavanaugh and say all boys do this . When you watch, you know, orrin hatch say it was a mixup . Thats totally unacceptable to me. All boys dont do it. I was married for 41 years and my husband never did that kind of thing and there was never that kind of accusation. We were investigated by the fbi be too before i took the office, you know. Is there anything in your back groun that could ever embarrass the president . So we both got looked at. No, they dont all do it. It doesnt make it right anyway. I dont care. Its just not right to take advantage of people. You ruin their entire lives. And no one deserves to have their lives ruined. I dont know. More questions and more answers would certainly help things out. Thank you both. Up next, an nbc news exclusive interview with the man who set up the Infamous Trump tower meeting. Why he now regrets the meeting and why he thinks theres a good chance President Trump was aware of it when it happened. Nto book. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. Now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. Addon advantage. Discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. Only when you book with expedia. Get your groove on with one a day 50 . Get ready for the wild life complete multivitamins with key nutrients that address 6 concerns of aging, including heart health, supported by bvitamins. Your one a day is showing. Britishborn music publicist goldstone who infamously set up the trump tower meeting between Campaign Members and a russian lawyer tells nbc he regrets organizing the meeting. Goldstone says he should have listened to the little voice inside his head. As for the president s role, he is not convinced that mr. Trump was kept completely in the dark. Do you think President Trump knew about meeting prior to it taking place . I dont definitively know if he knew or if he didnt. It was taking place in his conference room. And it was taking place with his Campaign Chair sitting and attending the meeting as well as his son and his soninlaw. So its a bit of a stretch to believe that he doesnt know its going on. It also goes against what we perceive is the relationship between don jr. And his father. He wants to please his father. He thinks he may have gotten his hands on something that will be very useful. I also think its interesting theres a similar dynamic between don jr. And his father and him and his father. Its like they did it for daddy, both of them. He also says he relayed all that information to muellers grand jury earlier this year. What could it all mean for the president and of course the russia investigation . Here to weigh in, Msnbc National Security analyst and former doj spokesperson, matt miller. Goldstone doesnt seem to be Holding Anything back. He in detail describes his grand jury testimony. He thinks its unlikely he doesnt know for sure unlikely that President Trump didnt know about the meeting. What do you think this all means for the broader investigation . G i think thats the most important unanswered question, whether the president knew about it. If you look at the account, he admits he was, you know, carrying out what he called a dirty operation, trying to, you know, get information from the russian government to the Trump Campaign and that they willingly accepted it. I think the most interesting thing he said in the interview is the speculation about what, you know, that the most important conversations were not the ones he had by email with donald trump jr. But the two phone calls that donald trump had with ogolarof. We know he had one with him. He then made a call to the number that was blocked on the records he turned over. We know bob mueller will know who that was to. Then he called back to accept the meeting. I think its hard to believe that the president , the ultimate president didnt know about this meeting beforehand. I think its most likely the phone call donald trump jr. Made was, in fact, to his father. One last point with respect to the grand jury testimony, you know, most of the people from that meeting have now gone to the grand jury and testified. The one kind of, you know, key thing that change in the last couple weeks is we now have someone from the trump side in that meeting whos cooperating. That of course is manafort. We got to switch gears here. New york times reporting on friday that deputy ag rosenstein suggested that he secretly record the president and discuss cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment. If this is true, its huge. It is. I think it says a lot about rosensteins state of mind. Whether he was being serious or not, there seems to be some disagreement. I think it shows you just the amount of turmoil surrounding him, surrounding the Justice Department in that key period between the time comey was fired as mueller was appointed. The president s relationship with the Deputy Attorney general has been up and down. Last year, he seemed like he was coming close to firing him. You might remember, he tweeted last summer he cant believe hes being investigated for firing the fbi director by the guy who told him to fire the fbi director. Recently, it seemed to be more positive. Rosenstein has been able to pull him back from the edge or do some things that would harm National Security. I think this is a dangerous spot for the Deputy Attorney general. You cant imagine a story more likely to enrage the president than this one. I think the real question is if he go, if the president fires him, what does that mean for the Mueller Investigation . Can he find someone to put him in the Deputy Attorney general job or the ag job that would somehow curtail the investigation . I think thats a difficult thing for the president to olympic even if he does fire his way through the Justice Department. If rosenstein has been up and down, at one point, a long, long time ago, it was up with Jeff Sessions, then its been down and down. I want to share this thats airing this morning where, again, hes putting all the blame on sessions. He was hired by Jeff Sessions. I was not involved in that process. Because, you know, they go out and they get their own deputies and the people that work in the department. Oh, no, truth getting in the way. It was trump who appointed rosenstein to deputy ag last january. Yet, no matter what, he loves to blame Jeff Sessions. Whats the deal . I think if youre trying to judge what his current relationship with rod rosenstein, trying to divine from that what hes likely to do, thats a pretty good tell. Obviously anything he would associate with Jeff Sessions, anything that he would see as a Jeff Sessions pick, in his mind, is an indication of someone whos not loyal to him. And that is the prism through which he views everyone at the Justice Department. Not if theyre loyal to the facts or loyal to their job. But are they loyal to him. If hes talking about rosenstein as a sessions pick, thats a fair sign he doesnt trust rosenstein. Whether that means he moves against him, especially if he moves against him before the midterm elections when it would be politically explosive, i think is of course a different question. Ill say, you see his closest advisers, sean hannity and others, the fox hosts on tv, urging him not to do it. Of course their loyalty should be to the American People. Matt, thank you. Weve got to break because weve got breaking news from President Trump at the United Nations this morning saying hes expected another summit in the near future. Moving very well. The rielationships with very god with north korea. It looks like well have the second summit quite soon. As you know, kim jung un wrote a letter, a beautiful letter. It looks like its moving very well. Tremendous progress on north korea. Certainly since we got here, it was a different world. That was a very dangerous time. This is one year later. A much different time. Thank you very much. One year later from our own president talking about little rocket man. I want to bring in nbc chief Foreign Affairs correspondent andrea mitchell. The president says theres been tremendous progress. Of course he offers no details on that tremendous. Is he right . He is right that hes no longer calling him jongun rocket man in front of the world. Theyre no longer threatening each other with nuclear annihilation. The progress on denuclearization is nonexistence. Theres been some promises last week to president moon of south korea, the longest time that any foreign leaders ever spent with kim jongun. He was there all last week and is meeting with President Trump this afternoon, bringing another letter, another message from kim jongun to the president , but as mike pompeo and others have been saying, we still have yet to see results. We still have yet to see any of the three any of the three demands that pompeo made on behalf of the president immediately after the singapore summit, that there would be an accounting. What do they have what does their stockpile look like. There would be a staged timetable for dismantling that weapons program. And then there would be verification inspection. None of that has happened. Yet the president is with the exception of love letters, what would be on the agenda for the next summit . Well, to try to get them to pin them down on any of this, but what weve seen with these summits, as with putin, we dont know what of course would happen in the private meetings. What weve seen is its a handshake, its personality, its personal diplomacy. Theyre not shooting missiles at each other. That said what we still have yet to see is the kind of verified armed control agreement that is carefully negotiated that has not happened. And kims father fooled three previous president s. And theres a story on the front page of the New York Times which matches our own reporting. That the president s top National Security advisers are really worried this week that hes going to be too diplomatic, too forward leaning rather than being, you know, too aggressive as he was last year. Well, careful negotiations is not President Trumps strong suit. He does know how to put on a show. Andrea, thank you. Were going to see this week. Up next, Brett Kavanaugh is not the only one in this process faced with Sexual Assault allegations. The republican spokesperson for the hearings abruptly resigns after nbc asks about a previous Sexual Harassment complaint. Were going to get into all the unforced errors surrounding Brett Kavanaugh. You know whos not helping him . His own party. S own party. The new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . Now when you go out, you cash in. 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Right now, markets are down just a bit, 60 points, in part thanks to another round of tariffs between the United States and china. If you are a market participant, this is after another record breaking week for wall street as the s p 500 hit another alltime high. The president tweeting congratulations, usa. Heres the thing, congratulations are not in order for everyone across the United States. Only half of all americans even have any money in the stock market. About 54 . Including their 401 ks, i. R. A. S and individual stocks. Majority of the wealth is concentrated among the very wealthiest americans. Owning 92 of stocks in 2013. The stock market might be boom, but it is only helping the wealthiest americans who can afford to be in the game. Joining me now with a look at the Overall Financial Health of our country, my friend, axios chief financial correspondent. You wrote about this incredible new survey from Nonfiction Research where americans are talking about their financial picture. What they really want in terms of help in on the financial world is making sure theyre being fairly paid. Like 70 of women reckon theyre probably not being fairly paid. No ones giving them help trying to work that out. Getting raises, finding better paid careers. Budgeting. Meanwhile, the Financial Services industry is just saying look at the stock market, congratulations, usa. And theres a huge disconnect there. People are going hungry. Even people earning a lot of money. 41 of people who earn more than 200,000 a year cry over money issues. The money issues are not related to the stock market, i can tell you that. Why, in theory, one would think someone making 200 grand or more a year would be okay. You would think. These things, because theres no one to talk to, because we feel its the last taboo, we wind up spending money without finding out how much we have. We find it impossible to budget. We get no help with that. We wind up over our heads. Everyone does. I its not just the poor. Is that one of the reasons we are seeing republicans who are not running for office tout the economy . When at the end of the day the tax cuts havent helped the individual american and it was many of those americans who felt financially insecure, who felt left out, voted for President Trump. That insecurity has been around for a long time. Its remaining top most of peoples minds. People would love either the private sector or the public sector, someone, to give them some help with this. And theyre not seeing any, from anyone. Then why is it that republicans feel that the economy is sort of their win argument . If people dont feel any different than they did during obama . Because consumer sentiment, Business Sentiment is up. Sure. If you ask americans hows the economy doing, theyll say its doing quite well. Theyre optimistic about the economy. We can see the stock market. We can see unemployment is very low. People have jobs now. So that bit is good. But we still are on tnot on top our personal finances. We dont have the education. We suffer in a world of missing out that everyone on instagram looks richer than we are. The people reflecting very glamorous lifestyle on instagram which is not reflective of reality. When youre schooling through that instagram feed and youre seeing lots of glamorous sunsets and bottles of wine, you feel like everyone else is live ago more glamorous life than you are. Well, felix, with that jacket, youre certainly leading a more glamorous life than me. Thank you so much. An extraordinary report. Recommend that people read it, thanks so much. Back now, our big story of the day. Accusations of Sexual Misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. A second accuser coming forward. This as a press adviser helping the Senate Judiciary committee is out of a job. Garrett ventry, thats this guys name, former communications, aide to senator chuck grassley, stepped down after nbc news raised questions about his employment history and Sexual Harassment allegation against him. Joining me now, heidi prisbella. Brett kavanaugh has a big uphill battle to get up right now. It is his own party thats not helping him. I want you to walk me through this story. Chuck grassley has a guy on his staff clearly not vetted correctly if he is coming to help with communications around this confirmation and hes previously been fired for a Sexual Harassment claim. He was really one of the main individuals doing the messaging Campaign Around Brett Kavanaugh. Amid a Sexual Harassment accusation from one of the female Staff Members there in the general assembly. So nbc was able to firsthand corroborate this, and when we approached the Senate Judiciary committee, they said we had no idea. However, once we shared the information with them, it literally was within hours. And before we could get our story out, stef, that was gone, not only from the Senate Judiciary committee but also the republican relations firm that had referred him in the first place to the Judiciary Committee. Thats what blows my mind. If you want to go after the media, if it wasnt for great journalism, the Senate Judiciary committee would have no idea a person working on their communications around this had previously been fired for Sexual Harassment claim. I want to bring back governor whitman and Jason Johnson to go a little bit broader here and talk about the unforced errors and how the republicans are playing this, beyond just that hire. You have got chief judiciary counsel for grassley who is supposed to be working on the investigation, tweeting out, must confirm. You have got orrin hatch, without hearing any testimony, saying that dr. Ford must be mixed up. You have got supporters saying all boys do this. Youve got President Trump saying where has she been for the last 35 years. And youve got Lindsey Graham saying i want to hear Christine Ford out but my decision has been made. I dont want to ruin Brett Kavanaughs life. Heidi, have republicans not created a bigger problem for themselves around how they have handled the last week more than what he did 35 years ago . Thats exactly the problem. If you look at some of the players, theyre the same people who have taken scorn for three keck decades over the handle of the anita hill accusations and the testimony around that. You really tick through all of those. I will add to it, in a private call, when Mitch Mcconnell said he was goingenges they will face on thursday if dr. Ford does testify is whether they can be perceived as being fair. As whether they can be per seefrl ed perceived based on their own statements. Now that you have all these other accusations coming out, whether they can be perceived as fair because theyre not allowing at this hour other witnesses. And so it is now, as the Washington Post put it, not just a he said lsh s, she said,a he said, they said. A week ago, grassley was trying to take the upper hand, saying i want to hear from this woman, please let her come on monday. Our hearts and minds are open. If their hearts and minds were open to Christine Ford, how are they going to handle the next accuser . Thats the big challenge because i thought he was handling it well. And then all of a sudden theyve come down to this. I think they see this pressure. They see it building. They see operation getting stronger. Theyre worried about holding their caucus together. This is why the American People are so frustrated with the way the hill works. Because it just seems to get bogged down. It never gets anywhere or it is all preordained and it doesnt matter what the public want, what the public thinks. Im sorry, its not about that, its about politics. Its about the base. Its about the next election. Its not about solving problems or getting to the bottom of issues. On this one, youd want to get to the bottom. Youd want to clear everybody on this. Whos telling the truth . And for kavanaugh, if Brett Kavanaugh is telling the truth people keep saying to me what if it was your husband, what if it was your son, what if it was your brother . Absolutely. I have those concerns. But it is not a one to one, for every girl out there, theres a boy whos been falsely accused. Lets accused. Lets get to the bottom of it. All parties involved deserve better. I would want to share every element of my life. When i went back to coach girls basketball. If you are admitting you went to play saga. Here is the other thing, what we know that is political and shameful. The republicans are saying, we need to find the lady, a dame to ask these questions. Go ahead, ted cruz, who is in a tight race. Ask her questions. This is about the fact republicans know they have a poor record on these issues because they are afraid of what is going to happen in arizona or republican women are running in tennessee and this may be a debate question. Thats what it boils down to. Why are the optics so bad . If you are a republican on the committee, why cant you simply ask the questions. You are proud to be a man running for office. Can you not ask a question in a respectful manner . Its more offensive to say, dont worry, we are going to get a girl. I would like to think a man can handle himself. Its not just the tone, its the nature of the questions many believe must be asked. Thats why they want a female to ask them. Amazing how many parallels there are today. They are going to have to ask questions about her own credibility, how much did you drink . You know . How many you were a party girl. How many other parties did you go to like this. Inevitably, the optics will be bad, given what they have already said, today, in the current context, and the history, frankly, like some that were there for anita hill. I can see why they want a women. Democrats are saying, why not have a woman on the Judiciary Committee . It reminds the American People the composition on their side of the aisle hasnt changed in 30 years as well. Well, if its about who is asking the questions, i would love to know how Brett Kavanaugh would respond when asked what a triangle stands for . We have to move on. The Trump Administration announcing a plan to make it harder for Illegal Immigrants and those seeking to enter the country to get visas or green cards to get benefits. The proposal rewrites a 1999 rule that limited green cards for immigrants who rely on cash benefits, but takes the law one step further. Dhs secretary says the law was meant to encourage immigrants writing this rule would implement a law passed by congress to promote immigrant selfsufficiency and finite resources to ensure they are not burdens on the american taxpayer. Governor, what is your take on this . If they are using the system legally, they shouldnt be punished. How can you come up with the fact now we are going to come after you. I understand you want to help people and get them on their feet, frankly, thats what most of them want, too. Thats why they came to this country. We have to support them along the way. It didnt happen overnight. They cant just walk in. Particularly with the atmosphere thats been created with this atmosphere relative to anybody who hasnt had family here for 500 years, i understand the reluctant. I think its bad. She says the idea is promote immigrant selfsufficiency, yet she doesnt offer a program or plan to help them do that. These are cash benefits. As whole countries, putting kids in cages, investigating in trying to take away immigration rights, revoking people who have been allowed to come here. This is white nationalism. They can try to claim efficiency all they want. They never demonstrate the numbers or what it could cost the American People. The problem is, if you start snatching green cards away from parents, it punishes children. Many of them, their children are legal citizens. Is there somewhere democrats can go to the middle, to those who believe theres a point there that we have to take, that it should be america first, but not america only. Is there a place in the middle that democrats could find or republicans could find so we are not where we are here . Frankly, i will tell you, i think george w. Bush put together a good proposal, a path to citizenship. Not ahead of the line, but hope there would be an opportunity to become citizens if they hadnt committed crimes, if they were productive citizens. You do make sure that you are very clear about illegal immigration, but thats illegal immigration. You dont go on witch hunts. The idea of people going into hospitals and yanking people is really, really frustrating and sad and wrong and not in our best interest as a nation. Certainly can use those resources for better things. Thank you so much. S next, the latest on the accusation of Brett Kavanaugh. Democrat mazie will be here. Ma. Dont forget that the past can speak to the future. Im going to be your substitute teacher. Dont assume the substitute teacher has nothing to offer. Same goes for a neighborhood. Dont forget that friendships last longer than any broadway run. Mr. President. laughing dont settle for your first draft. Or your 10th draft. You get to create the room where it happens. Just dont think you have to do it alone. The powerful backing of american express. Dont live life without it. You know how we like to end the show, no matter what, theres good news somewhere. This weekend, we added a very special member to the msnbc family. Meet harold felix. The new son of our amazing and patient and kind, which you would have to be to be a producer on this show. He was born friday, 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Welcome to the world. It just got brighter with you in it. We cannot wait to meet you. That wraps up this hour. I will see you at 1 00 p. M. With allie velshi. Im going to take a break. Coming upright now, here is another reason to be fired up. Guess who is in town, hallie jackson. You post lunch. Im ready to see this. Stephanie, thank you. I am hallie jackson. This morning, its about the judge in jeopardy, maybe, with a new allegation against him and a fiery tone from the white house. What President Trump said in the past hour about his nominee, who calls the latest accusation a smear. This morning, questions on capitol hill about who knew what when. We have democrat mazie hirono from hawaii joining me live. Plus, allies are on a Salvage Mission trying to save the guy in charge of the russia investigation. The latest on rod rose

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