Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle 20180921

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Now fords attorneys are making their own demands regarding her testimony. I have a great team to break all of it down. First, i want you to be caught up on everything thats happened in the last 24 hours. Its a lot. The main thing to know is the ball is back in republican senator Chuck Grassleys court. After the judiciary chairman set a 10 00 a. M. Deadline for Christine Ford to let him know her intentions, her attorneys responded. First, ford will not be showing up at the monday hearing. The earliest dr. Fords attorneys say she could show up would be thursday. That appears to be one piece of this that is not negotiable. But theres a whole lot more. In an hourlong conversation with the Judiciary Committee staff, fords attorneys ask that the Committee First work to ensure that dr. Fords safety will be guaranteed before she agrees to testify. They want judge kavanaugh to testify first and ford second. But they do not want the two of them to be in the same room at the same time. Her attorneys would prefer that senators do the questioning. They want her to have unlimited time for an Opening Statement and say that it can be a public hearing bug they only want a limited number of cameras. Finally, fords attorneys wants the committee to subpoena mark judge. You remember this guy. The other student ford alleges was in the room when she says kavanaugh sexually assaulted her back in the 80s. However, nbc reports that it is unlikely republicans would allow one witness to dictate the subpoena of another witness. Remember, mark judge told the committee that he has no memory of the incident, yet he says he doesnt want to testify. Interesting to note that fords attorneys did not mention an fbi investigation as one of their conditions. So now we wait for senator grassley to consult with his colleagues in the committee and let us know what happens next. For now, the monday hearing remains on the committees schedule and judge kavanaugh says he has every intention of showing up. In a letter to the chairman early thursday, he wrote, quote, thank you for the invitation to appear before the Senate Committee on the judiciary on monday, september 24th. I will be there. I look forward to the opportunity to testify before the committee. I want a hearing as soon as possible. So that i can clear my name. Since the moment i first heard this allegation, i have categorically and unequivocally denied it. I remain committed to defending my integrity. While kavanaugh has spent most of the week at the white house working on his testimony, politico reports that ford has not been actively preparing to testify herself. Her attorneys have indicated that she hasnt really had the time. I want to bring in msnbcs Garrett Haake on the hill. Do we have any sense at this point how republicans are going to respond to fords attorneys . I know they want to get this thing done asap. The stalemate has been broken here. Its clear were in a negotiation now. Remember, earlier in the week, we were saying this could not happen if there wasnt an fbi investigation. Then it was definitely going to happen monday or not at all. Now its very clear this is an ongoing negotiation between council for the Judiciary Committee and the senators and those attorneys for dr. Ford. It appears there are two nonstarters. The idea of subpoenaing mark judge, thats almost certainly not going to get off the ground. The Judiciary Committee would never want to set a precedent where one witness could dictate the subpoenaed testimony of another witness. I think the other thing that the committees unlikely to do is agree to let judge kavanaugh excuse me, judge kavanaugh go first, dr. Ford go second. I think theyll want to hear dr. Fords accusation and then allow judge kavanaugh to respond. But Everything Else on that list is open for discussion. Remember, the senates out this week. The members of that committee are scattered all across the country. But they are communication with each other and with the majority lead leader, trying to figure out what they can come to agreement on. They do still want to hear from dr. Ford and want to hear from her as soon as possible. I suspect we will continue to see this Letter Writing Campaign between senators and attorneys for all the involved parties. Trying to hammer down which of these other points they can agree to. There is one other moving piece, the advice thats coming out of a former judiciary chairman. We know him better as joe biden, talking to craig melvin this morning on today. Heres what he had to say about this. I hope that they understand what courage is takes for someone to come forward and relive what they allege, they believe happened to them and let them state it but treat her with respect. Ask tough questions. Ask the questions. Where were you . Who said what, et cetera. But dont go after the not the character assassination. Stephanie, thats just another spotlight on this entire story, this entire back and forth. And there is clearly desire here on both sides to make this happen. Its just a question of when and how at this point. When and how. Now weve got to go to the white house and nbcs Kristen Welker. All right, the president has said he wants to hear from dr. Ford. He said well give it a tremendous amount of time. It also sounds like hes running out of patience. I saw that rally last night. Sounds like hes running out of patience, stephanie. You and i have spent so much of this week talking about the president s tone. The fact that he has been fairly disciplined. Well, it seems like that is breaking to some extent. His tone toughening. Let me read you what the president is saying. He says judge kavanaugh is a fine man with an impeccable reputation who is under assault by radical left wing politicians who dont want to know the answers. They just want to destroy and delay. Facts dont matter. I go through this with them every single day in d. C. So increasingly casting this within the backdrop of politics as usual. And last night, as you said, while he was in that rally in las vegas, saying it is time for this to move forward, indicating hes running out of patience. Take a listen. To see whats going on is just very, very sad. You say why didnt somebody call the fbi 36 years ago. I mean, you could also say when did this all happen, whats going on. To take a man like this and besmir besmirch. With that being said, let her have her say and see how it works out, but i dont think you can delay it any longer. Theyve delayed it a week already. Notable, hes not directly criticize i criticizing blasey ford. You talk about the threats that kavanaugh has been undergoing. Hes been here at the white house for the better part of this week, vigorously preparing. Including a nearly twohour session on tuesday. When he was peppered with a number of questions by top officials. All about the alleged incident. A lot at stake is the rhetoric and the stakes continue to heat up, stef. Kristen, thank you. This is how perverse things have gotten. He didnt go over the edge but he got right up to the line. In 2018, when the president of the United States says why didnt a Sexual Assault victim make a call to the fbi 36 years ago. That is right up to the line. In 2018. Right up to the line was binders full of women a few years ago. Just get your head around that. I want to bring in my panel. I mean, blows my mind. I got to bring my panel in. Jess mcintosh, executive editor of progressive news website share bloom media. Ron insana, senior analyst. And basil smikle, former executive director of the new york state democratic party. Ron, to you first. If shes serious about saying she will testify, can republicans give her that time . Its odd to the extent all these demands are being put around her appearance. One would assume shes had some time to prepare for this. What the president said, as you pointed out, was unconscionable, that a 15yearold some 36 years ago would make a phone call to the fbi if she felt she had been sexually abused. That is beyond the pale. With respect to her appearing, it is curious about the way in which theyre negotiating this. One would hope she would just come forward, make her case and deliver it in as clear and con size a matter as possible and get these facts on the table sooner than later. She should be entitled to an investigation. What do you make of the conditions ford has put forth, especially around saying now shes saying we dont need an investigation. But she wants more time. She wants more voices. Earlier this morning, susan dell perce perso says she wants to ask judge kavanaugh a question. If he was a sitting judge and the case before him was simply a he said she said, wouldnt he want more . Right. Obviously its only a he said she said because the republicans are choosing to make it so. There is actually a witness to this alleged Sexual Assault, which honestly never happens in Sexual Assault cases. We used to have laws on the books in america that were designed to make it really difficult for women to credibly claim rape that required a third Party Witness in order to bring it forward. Thats how rare it is. This third Party Witness, mark judge, is on Brett Kavanaughs side. So what rationale would the Judiciary Committee have . Imagine being able to clear one of your best friends names because you were in the room when something terrible happened and saying, you know what, i dont feel like doing it. I choose not to. Which raises more questions and testify. Its a very curious move. The only logical explanation is you dont want to say it under oath because its a really big deal if you lie under oath. I realize how high the stakes are. We are in def con 5. Theres tons of people talking, i would say more off camera than on. Trying to get their head around, these were teenagers. What exactly happened. If we start to say this is the bar, are we going to get people to want to run for office going forward. But it is serious. And we do need to hear them out. What if Brett Kavanaugh, and now its too late, what if he had taken an approach where he said i absolutely have no recollection of this. I dont believe. Nothing. But it was high school. It was a long time ago. We drank so much. I dont deny this was this persons experience. But im so horribly sorry. And unlike a lot of me too accusers, he doesnt have a trail of she said, she said, she said. How would that have been received . It may have been received better. The problem is that you have even the president of the United States sort of coming to his defense in the way that he is which makes it substantially worse. You have the entire Republican Congress at a point where theyre trying to rush this through because they dont believe her. They dont want to hear her side. Theres a bullying aspect to this. Just think about what dr. Ford has done. The most basic of activities that a constituent can do. She went to her member of the senate to actually get help and support back in july back in july. Did not want her name to come forward. Now shes put in a position where her life will change forever. This is substantial. Its saddening that republicans dont take this seriously. Because after anita hill in 1991 and the year of the woman in 1992, since then, weve doubled the number of women in the house and in the senate. So its still not enough. Its not enough, but to their peril, the republicans are treating this like shes garbage. When im looking at video footage from anita hill and from this week, im not even sure. Im like, wait a minute, the same guys, the same speech. Its stunning. Its still all white men on the republican side. Theres no change between 1991 and to 2018. It was all white men then. It is all white men now. Some of them are exactly the same people. What do you make of this . Some republicans are saying lets have outside counsel ask the questions. Or earlier this week, i know hugh hewitt had this suggestion, maybe some staffers who are females should. For me, it is it is more insulting to say im sorry, a grown civil man cant possibly ask in a respectful way questions. I mean, are his knuckles dragging so loudly on the floor that he cant conduct himself . Thats insulting to him and to to them and to her. Theres probably some truth to it. Weve seen this in the past. The sum of the elder senators cannot relate to an environment which we find ourselves now and dont fess carely have any sympathy or empathy for this experience. But, ron, to that exact point, its not about the facts then. If they cant relate to the current environment, it begs the question, should these people be the elected leaders representing our nation. Well, no, absolutely. Theyve lost touch. Youve seen this in so many different hearings. That has nothing to do with age. No, it doesnt. Listen, when youve seen the technology hearings, facebook and these others in front of these individuals. Ill give you that. And theyre not up to speed. They dont know how technology works. Im pretty sure trump knows how twitter works. Charles grassley saying he doesnt remember anything from 35 years ago. He was 50. He was a senator. One would hope he would have some memory of that. Whats disturbing is they seem to be rallying around judge kavanaugh and saying, oh, he was young, he was a teenager, he was 17. It doesnt matter. Lets just forgive him because thats what boys do. Yet it was donald trump who called for the Death Penalty for teenagers hypocrisy is theres two different things. It doesnt have to be boys will be boys, they were 17. But he could say i made a really big mistake when i was 17. You dont hold your hand over a girls mouth if shes trying to normal boy behavior does not include turning the music up to drown out the screams of the woman youre trying to force yourself on. That is not normal 17yearold behavior. Absolutely. And the bar has to be so high. Were talking about Supreme Court justices. Those have to be the people of the highest integrity in the country. If you think about what the Supreme Court has been responsible for, school integration, marriage equality. The biggest and best of america goes through the Supreme Court. If you tried to rape somebody, even at 17 we dont know if he tried to rape anyone. Even at 17, that demonstrates a fundamental lack of integrity that is required to be on the Supreme Court. This isnt just any position. Right. Thats right. Only nine people sit on the Supreme Court for the rest of their lives. While you could debate, did he have his hand on her mouth, was she screaming. Is there not another judge who doesnt even have a debatable was it a scream, was it a shot, was it a squeak . Come on now. Absolutely. Again, this particular vote. Should particular justice. Will be deciding potentially the fate of womens reproductive rights its literally about his judgment. Weve got to bring Kristen Welker back in. We got some more news. We have a lot more news. In the past few minutes, President Trump tweeting yet again you guys probably havent had a chance to look at this because youve been engaged in that fascinating conversation. This is what President Trump is saying right now. Quote, i have no doubt that if the attack on dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time and place. So, again, not directly attacking dr. Ford. But certainly walking right up to the line of saying why has it taken her so long to speak out. Something that a number of women, particularly those who have survived attacks of Sexual Assault and sexual harassment, would say just doesnt make sense, given their experiences. Now, this comes can we just for one second go ahead. Again, i cannot believe that were categorizing that. As hes going up to the line. Have things become so perverse that that hasnt gone over the line. Remember the tan suit that got attacked . I think what is critical, were dealing in distinctions here. Youre absolutely right. Typically we see this president when he attacks someone go after them by name. I can tell you his top adviser kellyanne conway, one of the first people i spoke with about this entire issue, has been among the first at the white house to say dr. Ford deserves to be heard. She was asked why the president largely on the whole, frankly, up until last night and into today, has refrained from being combative when it comes to dr. Ford. Theres no reason to attack her. The president is deciding his nominee for the United States Supreme Court. As a man of judicial temperament as he knows him to be. By the way, this mans day job is he has served a dozen years on the Second Highest Court in the land. Were missing that in all of the coverage, respectfully. And the president is defending his nominee. But that nominee needs to defend himself against what he says are uncategorically and unequivocally false allegations. He says he was not at the party. Thats why we have testimony in our great democracy to avoid talking the president doesnt need anyone to tell him it seems he was following your lead. You said it first, she deserves to be heard. Setting a tone for her not to be. She should not be a tacked and she should be accommodated. I think these conditions i just heard a whole laundry list of them on cnn. Thanks for saying them. Theyre growing seems theyre growing by the minute. Im glad her attorneys decided to get off tv. Thats a good idea. And prepare her for that testimony. But the truth is the truth. So hes willing to say is yesterday, today, tomorrow, last weekend. Certainly monday next week. But any delay, by senators who already said they would vote against him. Its probably not fair to dr. Ford. Its probably not fair to get all the vile language. His young daughters, his wife dont deserve that. None of you deserve it. He really needs to tone down the temperature that way. Its awful. Thank you. Thanks, kellyanne. You heard our colleague there Geoff Bennett asking some of those questions, stef. Was also pressed on whether the white house could commit to that thursday time line. She was noncommittal. So much of the focus, particularly in the wake of that tweet i just read has been focused on the president s rhetoric as it relates to this issue, stef. I cant tell you how angry the president s statements that was just read makes me i actually could tell. You were exploding in your seat. I have, in my circle of friends, some experience where daughters have been not necessarily inappropriately handled, if you will. The parents never found out until they were informed by a third party. Loving parents. That expression is horrid. It has nothing to do with whether or not a child who has just had an experience like this would, in fact, confide in her loving parents and then take it to the authorities. That happens rarely, if ever. To that exact point, you can take Christine Ford out of this. But when you think about the president of the United States and his judgment to simply say blankly get on it, why havent we heard from you, all of us know, victims of any sort of Sexual Assault oftentimes are ashamed, embarrassed, dont want to get in trouble. I mean, all of it. And you wonder how could the president of the United States of america not be aware of this. Remember what the president said about his own accusers. The 17 women who accuse President Trump of similar behavior. He said that they were too unattractive for him to have assaulted. So this mans bar is very, very low when it comes to dealing with these allegations of Sexual Assault. This is how hes going to lose republican women. If youre watching and the just about aesthetics and mr. Trump wants to weigh in on karen mcdougal, i think everyone would say shes a pure hottie. Is she lying . Theres a point made earlier that really stands out to me. You talk about the Supreme Court. Think about brown versus board of ed. That was a unanimous decision because the justices felt it was in the National Interest of us to get this right. When you listen to the president s make the remarks and the way hes trying to push this nomination through, thats what ginning up all of the what were seeing in the electorate right now. Were going to lose rights as a result of this. Heres whats on my mind. We keep talking about what poor Brett Kavanaughs daughters are feeling. I do feel sad for them. I feel sad for them. Even if they didnt go to the hearings. I feel horribly sad for dr. Fords family. If youre kavanaugh and you are truly innocent, what do the midterms mean to you . Why not say scan the school, do an fbi investigation, clear my name. My name, my honor, my legacy is far more important than an election. I get it. Thats absolutely important to chuck grassley. To the people who voted for President Trump. This is Brett Kavanaughs family, his name, his honor. Why wouldnt he want that . We do have this this is obvious, a higher partisan split in which the other side is just absolutely wrong no matter what. It doesnt matter what the terms are. Doesnt matter what the conditions are. Youre talking about political sides. Thats all thats going on here. Brett kavanaugh is a human before hes republican. Christine ford is a human. Politics for them should be secondary. It seems to be for her. But Brett Kavanaugh has come up as a republican operative. Hes been in these republican circles. These very conservative circles since he graduated college. She has a democratic strategist advising her now. The idea she would go into this without anybody being involved in a hearing telling her what to suspect seems like a bridge too far to ask a private citizen to do. But i think that, you know, kavanaugh is supposed to be what conservatives get for putting up with trump. The Supreme Court is supposed to this is what they get. Theyre willing to put up with the tweets, the embarrassment, the lack of knowledge about issues foreign and domestic. What they get in return is conservative judges on the Supreme Court. The idea they might lose one that just undercuts their whole reason for embarrassing the country and continuing to support somebody whos as terrible as he is. Clarence thomas did defend himself quite a bit in those hearings. If kavanaugh is the operative we think he is, hes probably saying, look, if the republicans have my back, i dont need to say anything. The republicans and the president of the United States seem to have his back at all costs. Even if they push him through, would you want to have a cloud over your name absolutely not. Your family, for rest of your life, especially if youre absolutely innocent . We have a president whos living with multiple clouds over his name. But no, ron, its actually different. President trump has had clouds over his name for his entire career. It doesnt bother him. Brett kavanaugh truly has a stellar record. Why would he want this . Its impossible to answer. Its hard to get in the mind of someone whos in this position and say he may think that for the good of the country his positions on these matters that are going to come before him supersede anything else including his own past. So that might be a factor. All right. Weve got to leave this there. To everyone, im sure my twitter is on fire. Who is sending me, were you perfect when you were 17, are we all to be held accountable. Please remember, theres nine seats on the Supreme Court and those justices sit there forever. Just nine. Coming up, new complaints that the trump administrations trade war is harming american businesses. This time, coming from the hometown of Vice President mike pence. Well go live to columbus, indiana, next. First, one thing dr. Ford initially asked for was an investigation into her claims by the fbi, a request chairman grassley denied and Stephen Colbert thinks he knows why. Who said, it is not the fbis role to investigate a matter such as this . Of course not. I mean, its right there in their name. The federal bureau of i dont know what that last letter stands for. No one knows. Some say the oldest living thing east of the mississippi. Its weathered countless storms. Battered, but never broken, it stands for the resilience within us all. At ally, were doing Digital Financial services right. But if thats not enough, we have more than 8000 allys looking out for one thing you. Call in the next ten minutes. And if thats not enough, well look after your every dollar. Put down the phone. And if thats not enough, well look after your every cent. Grab your wallet. beeping sound computer voice access denied. And if thats still not enough to help you save. Oh the new one well bring out the dogs. 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One of the big concerns that a lot of folks have is whether or not this can keep going. At this stage, there are signs that perhaps we could see a little bit of downside going in the next couple of weeks. But with trade and tariffs now kind of a little bit more on a side burner, there are still corporations like walmart whos already warning customers may pay higher prices if these tariffs go through. A company says the tariffs are going to hurt its profitability. If all these warning signs are there and the market keeps shrugging it off, its difficult for investors to figure out exactly what it means. Theres no doubt, the numbers are the numbers. Theyve been going higher and the path of least resistance for a lot of stocks has been to the upside. Market having a good morning. Dom, thank you so much. One company that is feeling the direct effects of the president s tariffs, cummings manufacturi manufacturing. This is located in none other than Vice President mike pences hometown of columbus, indiana. It is a vital part of the states economy and it relies heavily on imports from, guess where, china. My colleague Vaughn Hillyard talked to the people there to find out what they think about the president s latest escalation in his trade fight with china. Vaughn, what are you hearing from people on the ground . Yes, good morning, stephanie. Just over the last 24 hours when you wake around these streets of columbus, you see people that are talking about the public parts here, the public schools, the arts. This is everything a small town here in america strives to be. And that is rooted in this company here. This is cummings. They went from 99 years ago being a Little Engine Company for the likes of farming devices to suddenly being the Worlds Largest independent Diesel Engine manufacturer here in the world. The way the companys been able to develop is the fact theyve exported overseas. About 2 billion is exported by cummings every single year. When you to the employees, they say its good paying jobs and reliable for their city. I want to introduce you to the president of the Components Division here at cummings. I asked her specifically about the impact that those tariffs will have on the company. This is part of what she told us. Obviously steel and aluminum have had an impact across everything that we make. Most recently, this list three has had a pretty Significant Impact on us with some of our engines, specifically a piece called blocks head. We have no source in the u. S. For those parts. Right now capacity is not available with the exception of suppliers in china. That gets really difficult and really challenging for us to deal with. What does that look like on a company like this . We said our fullyear impact due to tariffs for our company is in 2018 is 100 million. So that would be 200 million annually. We are aligned with the goals of the administration on creation of strong trade agreements that are fair. Tariffs are not the right answer to accomplish that. In fact, tariffs are harmful. Tariffs are attacks. And that affects american workers, affects american companies. Stephanie, in this town of 42,000 there are cummins. The Company Relies on 25 different suppliers aar s aroun country. They say thats the concern, the impact across the country. Vaughn, thank you so much. Covering these very important stories on the ground. Thanks, vaughn. All right. I got to talk about this next one. It is time for money, power, politics. Today, we are talking about something that impacts yours truly every day. The disconnect that directly affects american families. A recent article from the atlantic asked the question, why does the school day end two hours before the work day . Preach. According to that report, the mismatch in schedules for parents and their kids, which is the two hours between 3 00 and 5 00 p. M. , could be costing the United States economy 55 billion in lost productivity. Cara voght joins me now. She wrote that article for the atlantic. I cant tell you how many mothers sent that to me, i sent it to them. Not only does school end at 3 00 p. M. , if you are a working mother, there is basically no one out there for you to hire who wants a job for two hours to watch your kid. So walk me through the balance here. Is it a simple shift of changing schedules . Because when you look at school budgets, you could say, man, schools cant possibly afford to stay open another two hours. But when i think about all of those families out there with the parent that cant afford to go to work. Thats a really good point. I think one of the people i spoke with for this story, Catherine Brown at the center for american progress, she talked a little bit about talking about town tax bases and thinking about, you know, if we had a program after school that pretty much everyone needed and everyone wanted to participate in, im sure we could try to offset the cost that way. The family i spoke with for this story, they ended up having to pay somewhere around 300 a month in private child care. And trying to find someone to watch their kid after school when they werent able to get into an after School Program provided by their town, they were trying to find someone who taught yoga in the morning and was flexible during those really weird hours in the day. In terms of a solution, theres a lot of factors at play. I think a lot of schools have bussing schedules they have to accommodate. They have to accommodate after School Programs like sports. In terms of finding an after school solution, most families need a solution. P, is something that everyone should consider. Lets stay on that after School Program issue. Because according to this nonprofit group, theres 19 million kids in this country not enrolled in after School Programs because theres not enough spots. If you think about what many of those are, sports, extra school help, creative arts. Is the issue weve got to find the funding for more programs . I think funding is a big piece. Also space. The problem in the town in connecticut i profiled for this piece, they had plenty of people who were interested in the program, who were willing to pay. There wasnt enough physical space in the town to host these kids safely. The solution they ended up finding, they asked two local religious institutions if they would be able to take the kids and have a ymca program operate out of them. I think cost for a lot of communities, especially communities in urban areas, its a big concern. I think theres a lot of Grant Funding available that doesnt necessarily find its way to the right people. Also just the ability to have kids safely run around after school in a supervised place. There has to be a way to accommodate them. You also quote a researcher who believes this is contributing to the wage gap because so many mothers cannot go back to fulltime work. And we havent even factored in the fact that kids have off the entire summer. Exactly. Lost wages is a huge piece of this. In my piece, i mentioned that this is a problem for, you know, 75 of mothers work with school age children. And trying to figure out a way to have, you know, a fulltime job, a career, to advance in ones career and to do all the things that one wants to could as a parent, as a mother, already its a tremendous amount of stress. A lot of families make the choice to have a parent not work. And half of families even in 2018, thats a choice a lot of families make. For the family i spoke with for the story, the woman who chooses to skip her lunch so she can accommodate picking her kids up off the bus and dropping them off at school. I think were going to see a lot of people, you know, doing more and more to help accommodate parents in the future. Thank you so much. I know a lot of women who leave the workforce simply because child care in this country is so expensive and they cant make enough money. And at the same time, pay someone to help care for their children after school. Its a complicated issue. I certainly dont know the answer. I know when people say, hey, its just about maternity leave, and now weve added paternity leave. Weve got those kids at home for at least 18 years. Its more than 18 weeks. Up next, nbc news exclusive. The man who helped organize the infamous meeting at trump tower speaking out. Why he, the organizer, calls it a bait and switch dirty meeting. 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Of great savings and service. With such a long history, its easy to trust geico thank you todd. Its not just easy. Itsbeingamasterofhypnotism easy. Hey, i got your text sleep doug, when i snap my fingers youre going to clean my gutters. Ooh i should clean your gutters great idea. Its not just easy. Its geico easy. Todd, you will go make me a frittata. We got a lot to cover. New this morning, rod goldstone, essentially responsible for setting up the now Infamous Trump tower meeting is now talking to nbc in a fair interview that will air on today. Hes offering insight into the planning of the meeting. Watch this. Do you agree with National Security officials both prior and current who believe that this meeting was a probe set up by the russian government of the Trump Campaign to see whether theyd be willing to do business with them . Ive always looked at it in a slightly different way. Ive always looked at it as a bait and switch. And possibly a crime . Possibly a crime. It was a dirty offer. Yes. It was a dirty offer that they accepted. Yes, that is true. That didnt materialize. But yes. Its the willingness to accept it. This comes as Michael Cohens attorney, lonnie davis, seems to confirm reporting that his client has met with the mueller team, tweeting, quote, good for Michael Cohen in providing critical information to the Mueller Investigation without a cooperate agreement. No one should question his honesty, veracity or loyalty to his family and country over potus donald trump. Ron insana, basil smikel back with me. We can question his honesty and loyalty to the country because he made a career as a fixer to President Trump. Not doubting that maybe hes turned a page and decided to be honest now. Its never too late to have a new chapter. No, people can definitely doubt it. Ron, lets talk goldstone first. It was somewhat conditional. He did admit this was a potential crime. He didnt seem to directly implicate anybody but certainly his agreement that it was a dirty deal doesnt help the argument that they somehow he said it was a dirty offer. Said it was a dirty offer. Look, its meaningful. Its hard to tell whether or not its consequential on its own. Then what does it do for the president s claim of no wrongdoing or don jr. Saying we didnt know what it was going to be about and there wasnt fol w follow followup . Completely undermines it. Weve talked about that. Weve tried to call attention to that. To me, theres not much new here. If you follow the president when he was in new york and just a regular sort of real estate guy, nobody liked him and nobody liked him because they were always concerned about his dealings. Felt they would get money, do these deals with shady people at any cost. Thats why people sort of stayed away from him. The fact hes president of the United States. Doesnt change the fact this was all something this was how he did business. This is how his family did business. We should not be surprised by this. Banks didnt want to lend to him because he didnt may. Hed immediately want to renegotiate. The fact that goldstone says the meeting was a bait and switch. It should have raised red flags. Hes the one who organizes it. He is the one who says its one thing but its really another. Hes saying don jr. And these guys, they should have known. As everyone has pointed out, should have contacted the fbi immediately if someone offered russian intelligence on a u. S. President ial candidate. That would be the normal response. So youre then dealing with the issue weve talked about a lot with respect to things like obstruction of justice and conspiracy, its intent. So the ability to prove intent, and he seemed to indicate there was some intent on their part that they were going after information that would have proved harmful to hk illary clinton. This is not my preference for senator clinton, but the fact they had potentially corrupt intent does alter the color of the conversation. Lets talk Michael Cohen. His lawyer sure sounds like hes confirming that cohen has spoken to Robert Muellers team. I want to share what Emily Jane Fox of vanity fair and an msnbc contributor said about discussions. Hot on reporting this guy. Heres what i know from people in this world. Not only is he talking to Robert Mueller about things he knew related to russia which is what the Mueller Investigation is looking at, he is talking about the Campaign Finance payment hess made to women. Hes talking to the attorney general about what he knows about the foundation. Theres nothing that is off limits to michael. There is nothing thats off limits to michael. How worried should the president be . Remember, Michael Cohen himself said, i am the president s fixer. Comparing himself to ray donovan. People in the know have said yikes, this is the guy who knows where the bodies are buried. I dont mean literally, i mean metaphorically. How worrisome . Maybe literally, we dont know that, right . The president should certainly be worried because as you said this was his fixer and this gets close to him. This is close to the family. And, you know, even its surprisinging to me that many of his family members have been very quiet lately and i wonder why. And so to me i think the president should be extraordinarily worried about this. For as much as Michael Cohen was strided in his support for donald trump, i think he will be strided in the other direction in trying to save himself. Quiet but maybe strategic. I just saw on instagram a picture of ivanka, i believe she was visiting nasa. She was on some sort of aircraft. Maybe shes being quiet and wants to get off the planet. All right, again, you can catch join the space force. Can join the space force. Quiet, i dont know, maybe planning an escape an escape route. You have to watch cynthia mcfaddens interview on the today show. And the drone and robot revolution is happening here in the usa. Thats next. Has ppening here in the usa. Thats next. Ninetysix hundred roads named park in the u. S. Its americas most popular street name. But allstate agents know thats where the similarity stops. If youre on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the Washoe Zephyr could damage your siding. And thats very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. But no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. 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Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. And butch. Aura. And tank. And tiny. And this is lauras mobile dog grooming palace. Laura can clean up a retriever that rolled in foxtails, but shes not much on articles of organization. Articles of what . So, she turned to legalzoom. They helped me out. She means we helped with her llc, trademark, and a lot of other legal stuff thats a part of running a business. So laura can get back to the dogs. Would you sit still . This is lauras mobile dog grooming palace and this is where life meets legal. In todays made in the usa, there is a tech takeover happening right before our eyes. In many cases, companies are making those products here in the usa. Just ask the ceo. We went to soul search, we found we could build the best product here. This drone is lighter, safer and flies longer than anything we could find overseas, so we built it here. We are able to do it at a lower cost as well. Not just drones. We are in the middle of a robot revolution. Craig melvin has the story. Reporter are you ready for the robotics revolution . Robots are magical to people. It inspires you to dream and connect to your inner child and to all your aspirations and dreams. Reporter dreams like culonizing is designed to do. Controlling robots are minds and selfsteering wheelchairs. The robots will work sidebyside to people, supporting them at home, work and play. Reporter leading the way on integrating humans and robots in the workplace is this place in massachusetts. They are allowing people and robots to Work Together in the same process step. The superhuman speed and strength that robots have makes them dangerous to people. In most factories, they are kept in cages so nobody can get close enough to be hurt. Reporter this changes that. As the robots move, the cameras around the work cell analyze everything going on in the work cell, identify the robot and project where all the points the robot may reach. Reporter with an emphasis on assisting humans rather than replacing them. Humans have judgment way beyond what robots provide. People and robots can Work Together to get the work done. Reporter others are focusing on where humans cant go. At m. I. T. , this cheetah three is aimed for things too building, difficult or dangerous like building fires ar disaster sites. Think of a power plant or high radiation area or sometimes you want to send a robot in a very High Temperature area. So, we can think of many places where we dont want to send a human. Reporter the current model walks, climbs, runs and even jumps. With a model designed after animals, like the cheetah, for advanc advanced mobility. Cars are work. An animal can handle it. We need a system to really achieve the full terrain mobility. Reporter elsewhere at m. I. T. , other robots ditch legs and terrain all together, taking their technology under the sea. With sophie, we can take a peek at the secret lives of fish without disturbing their activities. Reporter much of the revolution will start closer to home. As robots develop their capabilities, its important that they have the ability to, you have the ability to relate to it so it doesnt seem like a foreign device. Reporter is there theiring behind making her look so humanlike . The idea is to look sort of like humans, but not too much. Theres a boundary of is it too creepy. Reporter brace yourself for a brave new world. Those things are awesome, but totally scary. You know how we love to end the show, no matter what. Theres always good news somewhere. Good news rules. This cams to in the mail from Michael Smith from pennsylvania. Police chief stopped traffic on a bridge to rescue this injured kitten giving her the appropriate name of bridgette. This is the newspaper photo of the chief and bridgette. We are happy to share the little kitten has been adopted. How about a shoutout to local news. Thank you for sending this story. Before we go, this has been a major week. I want to share this quick thought from one of my favorite, favorite authors after a few days of division of either or he said she said and really, really nasty words. This was tweeted at the beginning of the week. Things we can expect to do at the same time. Be brave and afraid. Support the military and support peaceful protest. Support responsible gun ownership and fight for gun reform. Fight for justice in our communities and the global citizens. Resist the divisive framing of complex issues. Speak truth to bs. Live and love with our whole hearts at the exact same time. Thank you. Please take care of yourselves and each other this weekend. Have those big and difficult conversations, we need to. Differences of opinion are important. We have to have them from a place of decency and respect. Keep your hearts and minds open and have a great weekend. That wraps up this hour. Im stephanie ruhle. I will see you at 11 00 and all day long on twitter. Now, i hand you off to Hallie Jackson. Boy, steph, we are taking a turn. Thank you. See you in an hour. Im Hallie Jackson in washington. After five days of what was talked up as restraint, less of it from the president. He is now tweeting about the woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of Sexual Assault asking why she didnt report it then. He is clearly standing by his man on the campaign trail in vegas. New this morning, an nbc exclusive with joe biden on all of it. I think they should do an fbi investigation. We did it for anita hill. The ball is in the republicans court. Her conditions and what republicans could do next. Plus, if its friday, voters are voting. The first polls open in the midterms

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