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The defense closes by hammering star witness rick gates while the prosecution stresses to the jurors that this case is purely about bigtime lies. All the prosecution needed to do is be solid, clear and workman like. Were talking tweet storm. In an exclusive sit down with nbc, twitter Ceo Jack Dorsey defense his decision to defend conspiracy theorist art jones instead of banning the guy. I feel any suspension makes someone thing about their actions. We begin with former cia director john brennan slamming a, quote, desperate President Trump, for revoking his security clearance. The question is not just why the president did it, the question is why now. I have a fantastic team this morning to break all of it down. First, let me walk you through exactly whats going on. Just hours after losing his clearance, john brennan shows he is not ready to go quietly. In a brandnew oped, he writes, mr. Trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself and those close to him which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance in an attempt to scare into silence others who might dare challenge him. Now, theres no question that brennan has been a very vocal critic of the president. On wednesday, the white house said that criticism proves brennan cannot be trusted with the secrets. Mr. Brennan has recently leveraged his status as a former highranking official with access to Sensitive Information to make a series of unfounded accusations, wild outbursts on television and the internet about this administration. Sarah sanders also said brennan is trying to use access to u. S. Intelligence as a way to validate political attacks. He offer add completely different reason for the move. Connecting it to bob muellers investigation. Quote, i call it the rigged witch hunt. Its a sham. And these people let it. I think it is something that had to be done. Sarah sanders had said nothing about russia or the Mueller Investigation when she announced the move earlier that day. And heres brennan reacting to it on msnbc. I know some things that the russians were involved in but i certainly dont know all the things that mr. Trump has been involved in over the years. I do not pretend to have that knowledge. He is the one. But clearly his actions are those of somebody who is seeking to prevent the full light of day being shown upon his past. The broader problem here is the potential Chilling Effect it could have on other trump critics. If you look at the other people who are having their security clearance reviewed, theres a common thread. That are critical of the prgz or somehow been involved in the russia investigation. James clapper says he agrees with brennans right to say what he chooses. I think once you are not in an official position, youre free to speak your mind. I think there is such a thing as kind of loyal opposition here. I think we have Great Respect for the office of the presidency. And great concerns about the current occupant. But former cia director Michael Hayden said people still working for this administration will see this as a very big threat. The white house just messaged the entire american intelligence community. If you stand up and say things that upset the president or with which he disagrees, he will punish you. A horrible message to be sending to folks who are there to tell you objective truth. From a horrible message to a fact. We need to mention that although the white house keeps talking about revoking clearances for comey and mccabe, those two lost their clearances when they were fired. So well explain the why. Now we need to go through why now. Remember, the president first brought up the idea of revoking security clearances back in july. Why didnt he pull the trigger then . It appears he almost did. The initial white house statement was dated july 26. Not yesterday. Indicating that the plan was put on hold for some reason. Could it be that its coming out now to distract from more negative headlines . Lets look at why the president would want to distract us from all the bad news hes been facing. We saw the Paul Manafort trial as getting under way. We found out that north korea is, in fact, building new missiles, making that summit a failure. The president declared the trump tower meeting to be, quote, totally legal. And you know theres the trade war going on with china. A currency crisis in turkey. And the administration has struggled to reunite immigrant children with their parents which, as you know, is a result of this administrations zero tolerance policy. We cannot forget all that has gone on this week. The omarosa tapes. Day in, day out. The president calling her a low life and a dog. Brennan responded to that on Lawrence Odonnell on tuesday. First, i think donald trump has badly sullied the reputation of the office of the presidency with his constant disregard i think for human decency. As well as his befriending of autocratic leaders around the world. Want to bring in Nbcs Kristen Welker at the white house. The president has wanted to do this for a while. It was dated july 26th. He was desperate to change the conversation. Even fox news in the last couple of days said its the president and his tweeting thats making the omarosa situation worse. Was this just a desperate move to change the headline . Well, the administration will acknowledge that, stef. We asked them about that statement. Which you just put up. Which shows that it was written on july 26th. We asked why was it written on july 26th. And only released yesterday. The response we got, that was just an error, but bottom line, a lot of critics looking at that and saying hey, wait a minute, did they not just put that statement in their pocket for a day when they wanted to shift the headlines. So again no acknowledgement of that. But undoubtedly this has been a rocky week for this administration. And President Trump, instead of ignoring all those controversial headlines about omarosa, engaging her, escalating the conversation by referring to her as a dog, as you pointed out, that prompting john brennan to again lash out at the president on tuesday night. Were hearing from President Trump this morning, stef, just moments ago, out with a new tweet. Attacking the media. The Fake News Media is the opposition party. It is very bad for our great country. But we are winning. A couple of points here, stef. This comes as local newspapers all across the country are out with editorials today, pushing back against the president s attacks against the media, but of course it also comes as he doesnt like the coverage hes been getting in recent days, in part because of some of these revelations by omarosa, the tapes shes been putting forward. Remember, this administration has been bracing for the possibility of more tapes, more explosive information by omarosa. So they have spent this week on edge. Does this suggest they want to shift the headlines . No, again, they are piv viotingd saying thats not the case. This is an administration dealing with very tough stuff. President trump will be holding a Cabinet Meeting a little bit later on this morning and we will be in the room for that so well get to ask him some of those questions. Hes going to have a Cabinet Meeting later this morning. She is back, omarosa, with her next tape. I have no idea whats on it but i can assure you the white house is concerned. I want to bring my panel in. Eli stockles, White House Reporter for the l. A. Times. Eless jordan, who worked in the state department under george w. Bush. And sean patrick maloney, from the great state of new york, who is running for attorney general. I must go to you first. Welcome, both of you. 4 Million People have security clearance. Lets put why the president did it aside. Do we need 4 Million People to have security clearance . No, and a lot of those are private contractors. Thats a very fair conversation about who has security clearances. Were talking about the most senior people with the most experience who you want to have avoiding the stove type effect we saw in the runup to 9 11. Where we werent getting dissenting views. Where we werent having people say hey, i did this for a while, what do you mean youre hearing that . Its hardly like john brennan is going to get called over by the white house to discuss national security. I mean, they hate each other. No, but what he does, he provides a check on the people doing that job and those professionals talk to each other. I go and talk to people who do my old job at the white house all the time and we compare notes and we do it without party affiliation. Where you dont go after people who have risk thread live s s i service of this country. I mean what if barack obama had evoked the clearances of everybody who led us into the iraq war. Would have that been a smart thing or a bad thing . In a way to enact some retribution on people. What you want is those people out there saying no, heres why we did it. You might think it was wrong. That debate is healthy. Hes squelching it again and its wrong. The debate is healthy and theres an argument to be made maybe we need to revisit who gets security clearance and why. But the white house didnt give any of those reasons. Right . This is about a political grudge the president himself undermines sarah sanders. Its reminiscent of when the president sat down with lester holt and said oh, heres why i fired comey, undermining his whole coms team. When donald trump does something that there is a reasonable argument for, that when a former intelligence official has crossed the line from giving analysis to given commentary that they shouldnt have a security clearance anymore, but hes turned into a First Amendment argument that is infringing on free speech. The way hes gone about this is classic donald trump. Hes doing it exactly for the wrong reasons. Hes going to take the security clearance away which obviously plays to those guys debates. The president is lying too. Eli, how problematic is it that the president basically admitted that the russia investigation was the motivation . I dont know how problematic it is politically because everything is so hardened in terms of partisanship and hes been telling people comey and all are all to get him for a long time. Brennans been a vocal critic which is why his clearance was revoked. The president , as you pointed out, this is a distraction. He would have said, i would have done it last week but i was too busy. He was at bedminster golfing and hanging out with bikers last week. Its a shortterm, kneejerk effort to change the news cycle. I hate to i know it sounds like a lot of times we talk with this president. Were talking about a child. But so much of these behaviors coming out of the oval office are driven by the president s need to sort of selfsoothe. People around him selfsoothing. Ndas that we talked about a couple of days ago, nondisclosure agreements really dont have any teeth. Theyre just the president. Many of them dont even have them anymore. Its a measure to make the president who cant stop the Mueller Probe feel better, to change the subject and to say look, i did something, take that. And its not going to change what john brennan says about him on tv. If anything, its given brennan an even larger platform. The notion of selfsoothing pretty much grosses me out. I want to share part of what the wall street journal editorial quote is. The more effective and politically healthy way to fight back would be for mr. Trump to declassify all the documents under subpoena from congress about the 2016 election. Absent the full story that would provide the missing context, revoking mr. Brennans security clearance looks petty without accomplishing anything useful. If the president wants to claim that brennan was abusing his power, why not reveal the documents that can prove it . The point is we have a special counsel whos looking at this and we should let him do his job. The political witch hunt going on on capitol hill to make the fbi the enemy, the Justice Department the enemy, which is an effort to reveal documents about an ongoing investigation, is in no way the conclusion you should reach, because this guys doing something inappropriate against john brennan. I mean, look it, i mean, my god, such a great, latest example of how were all golden retrievers and donald trump has the tennis ball. Look at all the things you listed. From north korea to putting kids in cages to the omarosa tapes. Im old enough to remember when the white house couldnt prove or wouldnt tell us that he didnt use the n word on tape. What was that, two days ago . And here we are talking about Something Else. I just think it is time to focus on what is actually going on, which is you have a president casting about in a reckless and irresponsible way and adults like john brennan are doing something very unusual, speaking up. When their whole training has been keep their heads down. Because they see whats happening to our country. Take me inside the mind of the american voter. You speak to them every day. If the economy chugs along and jobs are better, why dont people care about all of these disastrous things . The president understands something which is people are really busy and its harder to pay for their health care and get their kids to school and its easy to shrug your shoulders and say i cant Pay Attention to that and he overwhelming us with all this crap. I do think those of us in this business have to stay focused. There are 500 kids who are not with their parents and we did that. The North Koreans are building missiles. Thats not going away. Thats an existential threat to our allies in the region. We still have to stay focused on this stuff and with all due respect, i wish all these people would engage in this nonsense Something Else and let adults run our government. This is not going to end whelp it t well, i tell you. This election is so important, for all these reasons. And the cyber threat facing our Upcoming Elections is real and weve very rarely heard the president speak about it at all. Now hes threatening in an interview with bloomberg, hes threatening mueller, saying if he doesnt get the report done in the next two or three weeks, we will just unload on him like a ton of bricks. Write the damn report so we can see it and rebut it. Do you actually think that matters to mueller . Rudy giuliani has been saying for weeks, months, this things going to get wrapped nup two weeks. Please. Rudy jegiuliani has made so many misleading claims about whats going on with the investigation that he doesnt really have a leg of credibility to stand on right now. You look at how continues to go out in public and throw more outrageous claims. You really wonder how he maintains a law license. Im not a lawyer but i do think there are general standards that should be upheld. It does seem like the constant lying is, you know, shouldnt be acceptable. This was our 9 11 mayor. Look at where he is now. Giuliani also accused mueller of doing a comey if he lets this investigation drag into the election season. Theyre trying to raise the election as a time line, a point in time where they either want this wrapped up now. They dont have any leverage to tell the special counsel when he has to wrap this up. Theyre the ones stalling on answering and figuring out whether the president s going to sit down with the special counsels office, probably not going to happen, but theyve been dragging this out as much as anybody. I mean, Rudy Giuliani has been so disingenuous about most of what he said on television that to the point, im not sure why a lot of folks are continuing to listen to and interview him and put him on because hes just not credible on this. They just dont really have any leverage with the special counsels office. What theyre doing is a lot of bluster, meant to harden perceptions, who are already with the president and think its a witch hunt. Take whan ing what he says seri its hard to do at this point. President trumps base is extraordinarily loyal. You have to wonder during these years and months, is he actually gaining any more support . Some low voter turnout. Imagine if a lot of new voters show up. Any minute, the jury will begin deliberations in the trial of Paul Manafort. Were going to go live to the courthouse where his fate now lies in a dozen strangers. We talked about how President Trump undercut the official reason for stripping brennans security clearance through his interview and tweet storm last night. But asphen colbert points out, the official reason wasnt that good to begin with. The official reason, brennan, quote, leveraged his status to make a series of unfounded and outrageous allegations including wild outbursts on the internet. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Id say thats the pot calling the kettle black, but there may be tapes of it calling the pe l kettle something much worse. I couldnt do it. I needed help. For me, chantix worked. It did. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix, without a doubt, reduced my urge to smoke. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. 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Im stephanie ruhle. Were talking Paul Manafort. His fate is now in the hands of a jury. Deliberations are set to begin any minute now. In their final pitch to the jury, Robert Muellers prosecutors pointed to what they call overwhelming evidence that manafort schemed and lied about his finances for personal gain. Manafo manaforts attorney argued the government had not met its burden of proof. Deflect the blame on to manaforts longtime protegee rick gates. If found guilty, trumps former Campaign Chair could spend the rest of his life in prison. Ken, i got to go to you first. Because you have been in this courthouse for over a week. Take us to the mood among jurors. Its always dangerous to speculate about the mindset of jurors. Theyve been attentive. Several appeared to have taken notes. There was a day when they celebrated the birthday of a juror. They could be seen joking and latching in the hallways. Look, as a courtroom observer, it seems to me that the prosecution has put on an str d extraordinarily powerful case. The thing about these charges are the prosecution doesnt just have to prove that Paul Manafort didnt pay his taxes and submitted false information to banks. They have to prove he willfully intended to commit crimes, to defraud the irs. While theres a lot of Persuasive Evidence that would allow the jury to infer that, there was no smoking gun email. So you really rely on this jury to take this massive amount of documents and make inferences. Sometimes jurors hold prosecution to unreasonably high standard. Sometimes they interpret reasonable doubt as i should have no doubt at all. Jury deliberations are about to get under way. We know that judge ellis was certainly holding the xru prosecution to a high standard. He didnt have the opportunity to do so with the defense because they rested. Bob, i want to play for you what manaforts defense attorney said last night as he walked out of the courthouse. Mr. Manafort was very happy with how things went today. His defense team got to address the jury. Point out the short comings and the governments case. And then explain as a government has not met their burden of proof. So what do you think, do you think prosecutors met their burden of proof standard or do you think theres enough doubt in the jurys mind this guy could get off . I think they have a very compelling case. Ive been saying as a prosecutor myself whos called cooperating witnesses to the stand, you do it very sparingly and only if you need to. Look at all prosecutors statement. It was basically justifying rick gates and why he was on the stand and then the prosecutor said forget about basically gates. Lets just look at the star witness. Why call him . To that point, i want to share that, they say over 12 days, they brought forward 348 photos, emails and other documents. So it wasnt just rick gates. What rick gates did was co cooperacoo corroborate what witnesses said. The other witnesses were better witnesses. While they only got immunity, gates got to skate with this. That is not going to appeal to the jury. What i would have done as a prosecutor is had gates in my pocket. I would have arrested on the documentary evidence. That would force manafort in order to raise the defense to put manafort on the stand or put witnesses. Then as a prosecutor, i can cross examination those witnesses. But i said it then and i said p say it now. He put basically he gave the defense the witness in gates. He gave them the opportunity to say, you know what, they didnt have enough evidence, documentary evidence. If they did, they wouldnt have put this philanderer, this liar, this thiever, this person philanderer, liar, thief, are we talking gates, trump or manafort . Were talking gates. So many, so many. As far as this trial is concerned, youre right, its a real cast of characters. As a prosecutor, id be very careful that you dont have a juror who says, wow, this is unbelievable, this guy is doing really bad stuff. Hes escaped. When the u. S. Attorney says im just saying the way it goes in real courtrooms, real trial lawyer. They say he has to tell the truth or his plea agreement goes away. The defense is bringing out, the jurors going to say, that truth is whatever team usa, ie, the u. S. Attorney, wants. So he has every reason to lie. What do we see in the summation . We see the u. S. Attorney trying to justify. Well, forget about gates. Lets go to the evidence. Rick gates is the only character you can assassinate because Paul Manafort never took the stand. How high are the stakes . Not just for Paul Manafort, but for the investigation . The stakes are enormous. Not necessarily as a legal matter. Even if hes acquitted, faces another trial on serious charges in washington, d. C. Across the river next month. If gates is if manafort is acqu acquitted, it would be a huge Public Relations blow to Robert Muellers investigation. Donald trump and his amen corner and the right wing media would trumpet this to the rafters. So i dont think the stakes could be any larger for the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation. Wow, then you two are going to have a lot to do today as you focus on this case. The new trouble for elon musk. Much like the president an unforced error for musk and tesla this morning. Reports say the sec has now sent a subpoena to the electric carmaker. This comes after musk insinuated that financing to take the Company Private was secured. Both tesla and the sec have declined to comment. You may remember last week, musk tweeted this, quote, im considering taking tesla private at 420 bucks. Funding secured. It turned out this, funding not exact lly screwed. Musk has only held primary conversations with investors. My old friend Jesse Westbrook is the sec editor for bloomberg. Weve been talking about this for a week. The level of scrutiny a ceo is under when theyre making any statements is extraordinarily high. Elon musk who is obsessed with his detractors, with media critics and with short sellers comes out of nowhere and says yes, were going to go private. When the math doesnt add up and theres not anyone to actually give him the money. What is the sec doing . How serious is this subpoena . Well, i mean, the subpoena shows that the case is progressing pretty quickly. The sec gets a lot of criticism for moving at a snails pace. Whats interesting about this matter is its all going on in public. The sec really prefers to have their investigation sort of under wraps. But, i mean, musk made this public by sending these kind of insane tweets. And the sec, you know, in the grand scheme of things is this, you know, the biggest fraud of all time . Far from it. But its been so public and his statements were so misleading to investors, i mean, you have to think the sec almost has to take enforcement action against him. At least to prevent other ceos from doing this. They cant have someone in such a highprofile way, someone so publicly saying something that appears so wrong and not true, their hand is basically forced to do something. Yes, but can elon musk get away with this . Because maybe theres not regulation tied to twitter specifically. We know knowingly misleading shareholders, specifically if it makes the stock move, and thats what happened here, but he did it on twitter. Is that considered an official public channel in the eyes of the sec . Well, if its not, thats even worse for musk. I think if hes not doing it in an official public channel in which companies are supposed to release information, thats even a worse predicament for him. I really dont think the twitter issue is the problem. The sec has broadly said that, you know, we now have sort of evolved to a point where twitter is almost as good as a press release. I dont think the sec is thrilled about that arrangement. People are tweet things all the time. The problem for someone like musk is twitter is this place where theres sort of instant feedback and people are criticizing him and he cant refrain himself from engaging. When a company has a press release, analysts may say the numbers dont add up, but theyre not engaging in this sort of tennis game of back and forth where it just escalates and musk seems to say even crazier things. Lets put the sec aside. How does elon musk get out from under this as far as the Actual Company goes . Shares go down more than 3 on monday. Saudi arabia already made a big investment. Given where they are in their finances, their lack of profitability, the production problems theyre having with the model 3, how on earth is elon musk going to get out from under this . Who is going to show up and offer some extraordinary deal to go private . What i would say is when an executives back is at the wall, a lot of people when they smell blood in the water, you know, they theyre not going to walk away from that. Theyre going to see it as an opportunity to do a deal thats perhaps more beneficial for them than it is on the terms that musk would ideally want. I think 420 a share buyout, which is what he said in his initial tweet, hard to believe hes going to get the 420 a share that he was expecting. It makes absolutely no sense. We do have to remind our audience those critics, those short sellers, have had a rough ride, being short tesla and shareholders have done extraordinarily well. The question now is, is that ta tale about to change. Up next, twitter, Ceo Jack Dorsey defends the decision to suspend alex jones instead of removing him. Plus why they keep trump differently. First, new york governor and trump critic andrew cuomo is taking a lot of flak for a speech he game. Were not going to make America Great again. It was never that great. We have not reached greatness. We will reach greatness when every american is fully engaged. Oke doek. A spokesperson for the governor later said he believes america is great but maximum greatness wasnt achieved yet. New york times points out that in cuomos 2010 campaign, he said in his announcement video, quote, are you ready for this, together we can make new york great again. So there you have it. Maga, cuomo, he should have copyrighted that in 2010. Instead, clearly, its been trumps winning mantra. S . And told people about geico. harmonica interrupts how they could save 15 or more by. harmonica interrupts . 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On the road. On the trail. Or to the beach. Start a 30day trial and your first audiobook is free. Cancel anytime, and your books are yours to keep forever. No matter where you go this summer make it better with audible. Text summer17 to 500500 to start listening today. Welcome back. Im stephanie ruhle. Talking twitter. Suspended info wars alex jones. Its calling it a timeout. Twitters move is in response to the conspiracy theorist inciting violence against the media, calling for people to get their, quote, battle rifles ready. Jones was placed on a sevenday suspension. Heres what twitter founder jack dorsey told our own lester holt. A timeout seems minor compared to the implications of someone suggesting a call to arm against a particular group, in this case, the media. How do you respond to that . I feel any suspension, whether it be a permanent one or te temporary one, makes someone think about their actions, their behaviors. You think hell change his behavior based on a timeout . Im speaking more broadly as to why we utilized this particular tool. My panel back with me. Ele elise jordan and congressman, all right what do you think . That individual called it a hoax, said they were child actors. I think as a newtown parent, i would just throw my phone through the window. Because what they want, what they need is an adult. To hear that guy talk, it makes me think we have turned over enormous power to a bunch of hightech entrepreneurs who have no idea what theyve done to the country and whats going to happen to the Tech Industry unless they grow u and get some standards around the tools, is theyll have a bunch of stupid politicians trying to regulate it. Its not enough. You got a bunch of Software Engineers who are trying to move into a space of regulation, balancing free speech concerns and theyre not equipped to do it. I appreciate the value set of letting everybody talk and trying to keep it open. Thats a real thing. But when you have the misuse of data by cambridge analytica, people who are inciting violence, who have denied the murder of children in School Shootings 5yearold children. These guys better get their act together because the rest of us are watching our country go up in flames because the social media is eating public you better get your act together or else. Nobodys canceling their twitter account. Nobodys getting off fa inting. What do we think the right course is here . We should be giving a big shoutout to the newtown parents who have forced these changes because they decided to take alex jones to court. Because alex jones docks them. Because he gave their addresses. Because these grieving parents who were forced to move multiple times. Can you imagine, can you imagine if you lost your 5yearold, if that wasnt destroying your life enough, you have to continue to move, live in hiding, because of this lunatic and the threats put forth. And relive the hell every day. Every day. Accused of having some role in the most devastating thing thats ever happened to you. No, its the amount of damage that has been caused, i think is best dealt with in the u. S. Court system and im very eager to see what is ruled in these cases. You need to have a government that is moving fast enough to understand the implications of new technologies. Good luck with that. And to do smart stuff yes, fair enough. That congressional hearing with zuckerberg. I mean, facebook, it was ridiculous. Right, and some of my friends just started joking we should agree social media was a bad idea and go back to 2003 and we can text each other pictures of vacation and just admit should have, would have, could have, yet nobody deletes. The problem is we have seen this before, right, and unless unless we can get some rules of the road that balance really important free speech concerns with basic protections for people who are victims of violence, these guys arent up to that, is my takeaway on that. The guys running the social media platforms, who are not answering those parents whose lives are being destroyed, and it is not enough to this shrug your shoulders and say, oh, its a timeout. What the hell does that mean when a bunch of kids are getting shot up in a classroom and this guy is making a move . Thats not good enough. I want to share another part of lesters interview with dorsey where he asked why and how the Company Makes exceptions for highprofile twitter users. Im obviously talking about the president. Do you make exceptions for highprofile individuals in terms of your rules of service . No, we hold every account to the same standard. The president of the United States called a woman, omarosa, that dog. Would that violate your terms of service . So we do have a clause within our terms of service around Public Interest and newsworthiness. We believe its important for the world to hear directly from Global Leaders how they think. And how they treat the people around them. That certainly works for twitters Business Model. Twitter is sell aing a Business Model that says Global Leaders, you dont have to turn on the news, theyre going to speak directly to you. This notion that leaders should have more leeway. If this were a public company, leaders have far less leeway. They cant say anything knowing that everything they say could move a market. What jack dorsey just said was essentially that leaders are allowed the privilege to be more irresponsible with their speech then a normal twitter user. Thats really disturbing. The level of unconcern with the pollution, that this is cause, propaganda over their platform, and they dont want any responsibility, thats what he needs to be dealing with. How the propaganda that is decimated is polluting the Information Space and what are the negative consequences. Something thats very difficult to measure. A couple of things. First, the yield thidea that ev is on the level when you know its infected with things like bots. Infected with thousands of fake comments. So the idea and theyre making money off of it. Jack dorsey denies it. He says were just a Small Company with a big impact and a lot of that impacts been real, real good. Thats nonsense. I think that washed a couple years ago. Weve all grown up since then. We may have seen an american president ial election affected by this. Were watching real people be hurt who should be comforted. Its not good enough what his explanation. Theyre making this up as they go along. Theyre trying to protect as much of their Business Model and Revenue Streams as they can. Its not good enough. No. But the consequences are zippo and zilch. Were doing absolutely nothing. Up next, money, power, politics. The president tweets this morning, touting the strength of the u. S. Economy. Between tar riches and inflation, were going to explain why everyday items are costing more. A quick shoutout to madonna. Want to date yourself right here . The Material Girl turns 60 today. 60. How about some of us who remember when she turned 30 . I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. I take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen. And i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Dont use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Dont take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, youre allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. Stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck or severe stomach pain. 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Kimberly clark makers of clean exand huggies and scott toilet paper, is the latest to announce rising prices for customers. They cite rising costs, warning consumers could saee the price o up by october. Procter gamble made a similar statement, tide detergent and pampers and bounty, could see price increases of 4 to 5 . Cited cost inflation and Market Dynamics for rising prices but manufacturers and consumers alike should also be bracing for the coming effects of tariffs in President Trumps ongone trade war. Joining me to discuss, sarah eisen. Markets are way up. They are starting to shake off the fear of tariffs, huh . You can thank walmart and cissco but the walmart story is interesting, it confirms what larry kudlow is saying. The u. S. Consumer is doing very well and out there spending. Last quarter we saw 4 growth on consumer spinding. Thats very good, a sign that the tax cuts are working. So kudlow is right to say theres a boom in the economy butless also a boom in the confidence of the administration and the big question is are they going to shoot this recovery or themselves in the foot when it comes to the trade policy. Because tariffs do increase the cost of every day items. Now, yes were seeing commodity price rises and global pulp prices rise, which has nothing to do with tariffs, but youre also seeing rising prices of washing machines and solar panels, both after we saw tariffs from the United States. Youre also seeing rising costs of a can of coke cola or campbells soup because of aluminum and steel price increases which makes it more expensive, beer as well, a lot of beer cans made out of aluminum. If the president goes further with his threat to tax 200 billion worth of imports from china, that will include a lot of consumer goods like furniture and handbags and fruit and fish. You can bet the prices of those every day items will go even higher. Lets say he doesnt. What if trade talks are resume being and china has blinked and the tariffs end up off the table. Given how well the market is doing and business sent. And look at walmart numbers, people are spending. Would that be a grand slam home run . It would. Especially because we have word today that the chinese are coming back to the table for talks. Its a modest improvement in the relations, its better than no talks at all and could signal we wont get tariffs and thats why the market loves this. The u. S. Is the brightest spot in the world right now. Thats always been the case. Its always been the case but because of this system husbatime ninth year of economic recovery, it just added fuel to the fire on the back of a better u. S. Economy. We came off the better quarter of growth in years and this quarter is pointing to strong growth as well. The uncertainty on trade will be the wild card. If President Trump can get the chinese and europeans to the table to do some negotiations and thwart the threatened tariffs, we could the economic expansion and markets as well. Other countries will feel it worse than the u. S. The chinese mark has gmarket ha gotten crushed. We know whats happening. You are a currency woman over in turkey. Lets talk inflation for a moment because inflation is rising at a pace faster than wages are going up. Even if people have more money in their pockets, if they cant afford toilet paper and razors, wheres that going to put them . Wages are the missing mystery component of the economic recovery. Our Unemployment Rate is 3. 9 , close to the lowest rate weve seen in almost 20 years. Wages are starting to rise. Its not all bad news. Were starting to see a little bit of momentum there but not enough to keep up with the cost of living as you say. Companies will start paying workers more to continue this boom in Consumer Spending but its also why Stores Like Walmart with their focus on lower prices and groceries are doing very well right now because some of those small wage gains are going into the pockets of consumers and are going into those kind of retailers. Sarah, great to see you, i was hoping we could talk denmark and their economy but you know what girl, well live that to the pros. Coming up, omarosa will join craig melvin here at 1 00 p. M. , get ready, kids, she has a brandnew secret recording. You dont want to miss it. The line between work and life hasnt just blurred. Its gone. Thats why you need someone behind you. Not just a card. An entire support system. Whether visiting the airport lounge to catch up on whats really important. Or even using those hardearned points to squeeze in a Little Family time. No one has your back like american express. So no matter where youre going. Were right there with you. 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Instead of keeping the souvenir for himself, the young boy ran to the section below him and delivered the ball to an even younger fan. I just love good news. That wraps up this hour. Im stephanie ruhle, ill see you again at 11 00 with ali vil s velshi. Good news is getting me all foreclem pt. Good thursday morning, im in for Hallie Jackson this thursday. The headline this morning, the choice and critic and the come back, jurors in Paul Manaforts trial meeting now for their first full day of deliberations. What is going on inside that room . 12 people trying for one decision on 18 different counts of financial crimes. Back in washington, that security showdown, john brennan hitting back again against President Trump this morning. What hes saying about that unprecedented step to revoke his security clearance while the white house issues a list of nine other former officials warning they could be next. A former Counter Terrorism director is here telling us people in the Intel Community find this horrifying. Is all of this just another distraction from who . This woman, of course. Omarosa. Releasing a new secret recording here and only here live at 1 00 eastern time with craig melvin, msnbc. Plus, whats old is new

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