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That the president nominates judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in a made for tv primetime address. Is no one in america more qualified for this position and no one more deserving. Today the battle begins in what will shape the direction of the court for the next several decades. This is a tough fight. But it is a fight that we can win. And delayed reunions. The government admits it will not meet todays deadline to reunite the youngest Migrant Children that were separated from their parents at the border. We begin this morning with that breaking news out of thailand where the thai navy s. E. A. L. S just confirmed all 12 of those soccer players and their coach have been successfully rescued from that underground cave. This story, extraordinary. After they were trapped for more than two weeks. These young boys between the ages of 11 and 16 years old are now free. I want to go live to nbcs matt bradley. Hes just outside the hospital in northern thailand where these boys are. Some are already there and others are headed. Matt, what do we know about their condition . Well, stephanie, what were hearing right now is actually theyre in extraordinarily good health. I mean this is just the outcome that everybody here was waiting for. Im surrounded by the whole it seems like the whole Global Press Corps and everybody is just so moved. Were pretty cynical, jaded bunch, but everybody is just so happy. But we have to remember that there are still four thai navy s. E. A. L. S, one doctor and four s. E. A. L. S, who are still trapped in that cave. And while its easy to dismiss that because theyre highly trained in cave diving. Remember, the only fatality weve seen in the past two weeks has been a highly trained thai navy s. E. A. L. So this story is not over, stephanie. But whats next for these kids, most are either here at this hospital behind me or theyre headed here now. Theyre going to be in theyre being sequestered. Theyre being kept away from their families, kept behind glass, because doctors are worried they could either give some subterranean illness like a bacteria or a Fungal Infection to people out here or they could contract an illness from others because theyve been so far away and so there immune systems are so depleted after so long in that cave. If youre a parent, its just must be wrenching to imagine, to have your child after so long, within your grasp, and unable to actually embrace them. They are some of the kids were let out earlier this week. Theyre able to actually meet their parents. But their parents cant touch them. And they have to stand at a distance from the child. So all of that is happening right here in the chiang rai hospital behind me. Its really an extraordinary story for us here. It must be tough they cant hug their boys. It must be extraordinary to know theyre all out and at this point doing well. What a story. Now we turn to the other big story stateside. President trumps nomination of Brent Kavanaugh as the next Supreme Court justice. I want to bring in nbcs Peter Alexander live at the white house and msnbcs Garrett Haake on the hill. Peter, how is the Administration Planning to sell this pick . Yes, stephanie, good question. Were getting a sense of of it today. Kavanaugh making his stops today on capitol hill. Hell visit with the senates Top Republican mitch mcconnell. A senior white house official is winding us through this process, telling us that the president made his final decision sunday night. Then called ckavanaugh to personally deliver this news. Introducing him as one of the finest and sharpest legal minds of our time. The president is again praising his pick this morning. Last night was an incredible evening. Brent kavanaugh has gotten rave reviews. Rave reviews. Actually from both sides. I think its going to be a beautiful thing to watch over the next month. But he has gotten rave reviews. That was the president heading to marine one a short time ago. I just caught up with a deputy press secretary, raj shah, a short time ago. Basically saying democrats are going to do whatever they can to try to stop this vote, referring to the last two Supreme Court justices from their nomination to confirmation, saying it was an average of 66 days. In his words, we think thats a pretty good benchmark. It ignores mer s marric garland. Merrick garland was blocked by republicans. I also pressed shah more broadly about whether the president has considered kavanaughs past writings in law journals. Changing a law so a president would be immune from lawsuits or criminal investigations while in office. And heres what he said to that. The white house is aware of his entire public record. Including this i assume then . Yes, look. Judge cavanaugh has over 300 opinions. Hes written about a lot of legal subjects pretty extensively. As i said was this one a factor to be clear . The factors are his entire record. So the white house deflecting on that specific issue, saying we were aware of his entire record here. Still, officials at the white house today, this morning are expressing confidence to me they believe the senate can confirm and will confirm cavanaugh, in their words, by the start of the next Supreme Court session, october 1st. When there were questions in recent days from some confidents about kavanaugh specifically. Im told by one source at the white house that the president says we have the votes, stephanie. Yes, im sure the white house is aware of kavanaughs entire record. I got a sufferinging feeling the president is really stoked that he said no. A sitting president cannot be investigated. All right, garrett, walk me through kavanaughs day. Hes expected to start meetings with senators . He has two big meetings. First, hell meet with Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell whos the man who controls the floor who has been so outspoken about the importance of confirming judicial nominees. I expect that to be a meeting meant to show party unity around this pick. Hell also meet with chuck grassley, the chairman of the judiciary committee. Thats who will ultimately hold hearings for kavanaugh. Peter laid out the time frame. On average about 66 days from confirmation. We would expect to see about twothirds of the way through that. So we are starting to see today outlines of how democrats plan to oppose this pick, including from Chuck Schumer this morning, who laid out the democrats two key arguments against brent kavanau kavanaugh. This man should not be on the bench. I believe if we can prove these two points to the american people, that he will repeal roe and womens reproductive freedom, that he will repeal aca and the right to preexisting conditions, or the right to protect preexisting conditions. That we will get a majority in the senate to vote against him. That may be harder than Chuck Schumer would like it to be, though, stephanie. Heres the lay of the land right now. Open the republican side, the two key votes weve been watching here, Susan Collins and lisa murkowski, both supporters of abortion rights. Very much caught up in this roe v. Wade here. Both voted for kavanaughs confirmation for his current job back in 2006. That suggests, although doesnt confirm, they might be likely to support him again. Op on the red state democrat side, the three who voted for gorsuch, none of whom have come out and said they will definitively oppose this pick. Although you heard from joe manchin in his Statement Last night talking about the health care aspect of this. That could be a linchpin to this fight. One other thing for viewers watching this very closely, dont sleep on rand paul. The Kentucky Republican senator put out a sort of lukewarm statement about kavanaugh last night. Kavanaughs association with the Bush White House and the Bush White Houses wars might be something that causes rand paul problems. I think theres still something to watch here. Again, if youre the republicans, youre feeling pretty good about where this starts today. Rand paul is certainly someone who likes to stir a bit of a pot. My panel now. He worked with kavanaugh in the white house. Jennifer daskel, a law professor at american university. Matt welch, editor at large with reason, the libertarian monthly magazine. And brett stevens, an oped columnist with the new york times. Peter, i have to go to you first, because you called kavanaugh a spectacular pick. Why . Well, because i think that he has intellectual and moral integrity. His opinions are outstanding. Ill give donald trump credit, he picked someone who is the antithesis of himself. Intellectually and morally outstanding. I knew brett in the white house. He was staff secretary. Before that, he worked in the legal counsels office. Hes meticulous. Hes calm. Hes conservative. Hes reliable. Everybody who worked with brett had a very, very high opinion of him. So i really do think hes a spectacular pick. I am a fierce critic of donald trump but im capable of saying when he does something right. I think in this case, he did something right. I want to ask you about politicos reporting that Justice Kennedy favored cavanaugh. Not an ill leave if you give him seat but do you does it surprise you that could have influenced President Trump, who truly likes to go his own path . Look, cavanaugh was a clerk for kennedy. Must have pleased kennedy to know kavanaugh would have been a likely successor. By the way, kavanaugh is, i suspect will, if hes confirmed, look like a justice in the mold of kennedy, which is hes not going to be a conservative. Hes capable of thinking for himself. He was not the most hes not always the most conservative judge on every single panel. And some of his rulings, some of his thinking, the one that keeps coming up, which is his believe the president should be immune from certain investigations and civil suits, that was written in 2009 when president obama was president. That may serve a democratic president far into the future once donald trump is in the past. Hes not the hill the Democratic Party wants to die on. You know democrats are going to push it. I have a quote. In 2009, when he wrote, we should not burden a sitting president with civil suits, criminal investigations or criminal prosecutions. The president s job is difficult enough as it is. A country loses when the president s focus is distracted by the burdens of civil litigation or criminal investigation and possible prosecution. Democrats have already made it clear this is going to be an issue in kavanaughs hearing. I want to share what cory booker said. He picked the one guy who has pesk specifically written the president should not be the subject of a criminal investigation, which the president is right now. So this seems to be, of all the people, the most selfserving he could choose in order to protect himself. To say this about a civil suit is one thing. That the president shouldnt be subjected to a criminal investigation if he broke the law . Does this not make kavanaugh pretty vulnerable. One of the interesting things hes talking about this as a matter of policy. Hes basically saying congress should pass a law that exempts a president. But what that means by implication is theres no constitutional bar. Right now, theres no law that prohibits the president from being prosecuted. So there is a way to leave this as potentially leaving open the possibility. Although hes clearly urging congress to do something that would protect the president. I dont think anybody should be surprised that we have a president who is nominating a very conservative justice. This is why elections really matter. And there is a lot that hangs in the balance here. Obviously roe v. Wade. The future of the Affordable Care act. And the ability for the requirement that insurers continue to insure those with preexisting conditions, privacy rights in the digital age, environmental regulations, gun it is a built of congress and states to impose reasonable regulations on the use of guns. All of these things hang in the balance. And i think we have a conservative president who nominated a k ed a conservativee and i dont think anybody should be surprised about that. Heres what kavanaugh wrote. A judge must interpret statutes as written and a judge must interpret the constitution as written. I fo informed by history and precede precedent. You dont see a lot of kpz conservatives getting mad. On john mccain said this is a great pick. Rand paul. I dont think it has anything to do with george w. Bush. I think it has to do with kavanaughs statement and the collection of metadata. On the opposite side of where the Carpenter Court was, saying the government doesnt have access to your Third Party Data out there. But no, conservatives are very happy. What i would add, this is important, he came up in an early obamacare challenge. He talked about the philosophy of deference. He said we should the courtses should avoid the temptation to give into big weighty constitutional issues on big weighty laws. Like have a sense of restraint going into a place i dont understand what youre saying. Well, this is in a 2011 case here, whose name escapes me, he was in the dissent and said we should not get into this case because we should basically hang back and let the legislative process on such a big thing which affects so many peoples lives, the Judicial Branch shouldnt be getting involved in that right away. We should wait back and defer to the legislative and political process. This speaks to temperament. This is a much more john roberts approach than it is a scalia approach. It is saying we shouldnt jump into something. We should defer to the majorities. That isnt that i think could have some implications on all kinds of things. Including his potential reaction to roe v. Wade. He said specifically roe is the law of the land. That it was reaffirmed in the casey case, casey versus planned parenthood. Conservative judges believe in originalism but also fainthearted originalism. A great deal of deference to staredecisis. I think it is unreasonable to think kavanaugh will be the deciding vote. There might be decisions at the margins of abortion law, but this conservative judges, in his tradition, understand the court should not be in the business of social engineering. We are going to learn more about kavanaugh in the confirmation hearings . You know, his views on specific issues . Or is it far too political to get specific . I think its both. You are going to learn something about him both in terms of the analysis that goes on. Youre going to see him testify and be grilled. How he handles himself. How quick he is on his feet and all that. But hes going to follow the playbook that really every justice has since bork. Hes not going to go too far or go into specific cases. I think thats a reasonable position to have. Co democrats wont be happy about it but in the end it wont really matter because republicans have the votes. I dont imagine that any republicans are going to break away. Im guessing several of the red state democrats are going to vote for him. This is a stormy political time. But i think that Brent Kavanaugh is going to sail through. I think by the end of this process, people will be more encouraged by what they see. You cant go through a Supreme Court confirmation hearing and not reveal some of you who are. The Federalist Society is organized. Theyve got a list at the ready, whether its this pick or lower courts. Does the left have a Similar Organization . So the left is organized. The left does have equivalent vetting procedures in place. But its true, the Federalist Society is incredibly effective. Theyre incredibly well heeled. Theyve done a really good job of presenting President Trump with a lot of very conservative judges, as a way to control rulings for a long time. Its why elections matter so much. This was huge on the agenda in the president ial election last time around. It should be on peoples minds when they go to the polls in november for the midterms and the future of the senate right now as well. Whos the equivalent on the left . So theres the american constitution society, which does a lot of work in terms of looking at the kind of liberal approaches. Theres other organizations as well that do vetting of judges, that send names up as well. You said this is not the hill that democrats want to die on. You dont want to fight this. What do they do . They win on elections, on issues where democrats can make a difference and where theyre going to be popular. Look, i think cavanaugh should be confirmed 100 to 0. Just as i think someone like elena kagan should be confirmed 1000. If you have a wellqualified judge in the broad mainstream of the american movement, doesnt have any moral disqualifiers, you should go back to the tradition we had as recently as sandra day oconnor. Look, a, democrats are going to lose on this issue, and its going to make them seem extreme and petty. Theres a lot of issues theres a lot. Immigration is one of them. Foreign policy is another. Economic policy is a third. A lot of issues where democrats can win election bus theyre not going to win it on this one. Theyre just going to remind conservatives and independent voters that maybe the democrats are too far to the left for their taste and its actually going to help donald trump in the election. If they make a federal case or if they try to die on this hill, its going to help them, republicans, in the midterm. If this is such a strong pick, what does this mean for President Trumps legacy . This is the thing that republicans who hold their nose about trump, this is the but gorsuch analysis of trump. They got him the tax cuts. They got him the deregulation. I would point out this also backs up the regulatory effort. Thosepotentially the strongest out there. Theyre going to be skeptical of epa going out there and making their own law. But theyre also going to be spectacle, weve already seen this with gorsuch, of immigration endorsement claims by the federal government. You might find on this side holding the fort against donald trump is gorsuch and kavanaugh. Wow. Well, well seen find out. Thank you, all. Up next, any minute now, Michael Flynn, remember this guy, he will arrive for his First Court Appearance since pleading, dont forget it, guilty, guilty to lying to the fbi. What can we expect today . Were going to soon find out. Before we go, with the news cycle as wild as it is, it is hard to believe that scott pruitt resigned just five days ago. As Stephen Colbert reminds us, he is just a small part of a very big list. In a little over a year, theyve lost gary cohn, hope hicks, omarosa, steve price, sean spicer, scarmucci, gorka, h. R. Mcmaster and rex tillerson. So many people that we snuck in Willford Brimley and you didnt notice. Even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im up for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. So whats next . Seeing these guys. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. 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It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. At the top of the hour, President Trumps former National Security adviser, you remember Michael Flynn, will make his First Court Appearance since last december. While he pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi, flynn has been cooperating with Robert Mueller for the last seven months. The special counsel has delayed his sentencing at least three times. Politico reports, quote, the repeated delays in flynns sentence having led to speculation that prosecutors believe his testimony could be useful at some future trial or the sentencing process might disclose some aspect of the investigation that mueller still wishes to keep secret. I want to bring in matt miller, former chief spokesman for the Justice Department and an msnbc justice and security analyst. What do we expect today . I think well see both the prosecution and flynns Defense Attorneys are going to go into the judge and say, you know, were not ready to set a sentencing date yet. That politico story i think articulated well. Because flynn might be useful in the future trial or they havent exactly say the why theyre delaying it but its typical, to delay sentencing as long as someones cooperating. If theres a trial, they still feel compelled and tell the truth. When they applied for not another delay necessarily but when they did something somewhat unusual and asked for a presentencing report, the prosecution and the defense, the judge, who this judge has a reputation for being a bit can tank russ at times, asked them to come in to court and asked them to explain why theyre doing this now. I think what well hear is the prosecution and defense come in and explain why. We may get some clues into how much longer they expect this extension to last before they set a sensing date. Last year, flynns lawyer said, quote, he certainly has a story to tell and he very much wants to tell it. When, if ever, are we going to hear that thing . At the end of the investigation, presumably. You know, his lawyer made that statement when they were out looking for immunity. In that instance, they were looking for immunity from congress. They eventually got basically immunity from bob mueller in exchange for pleading guilty to this one charges. Hes not charged with anything else. He had been telling that story to bob mueller. Whatever story he has to tell, he told it to bob mueller. He knows everything flynn can testify to. I think its, you know, important to say, people often, you know, think that Michael Flynn is an important witness for the obstruction of justice aspect of this case. Because of course it is his case that President Trump approached comey and asked him to go easy on. He also could very much be a witness for the collusion aspect of this case. He was close to the president on the campaign. It was his phone calls to the russian ambassador. At the conclusion of this case, whether its in a report to congress or an indictment, i expect well see flynns full story become public. I got to turn to Michael Cohen for a moment. Afterward, after Rudy Giulianis media bonanza this week, he encouraged cohen to cooperate with investigators and said tell the truth. Guess who weighed in. Coh cohens new lawyer. Quote, did Rudy Giuliani really say on sunday shows that Michael Cohen should cooperate with prosecutors and tell the truth . Seriously . Trump giuliani next to the word truth equals oxymoron. Stay tuned. Thetruthmatterings. Michael cohen is a guy who for years has put trump before all else. This is a guy who on his fixer, on his guy, ill do everything. Suddenly taking a shot at trump and giuliani. What gives . You talk about mike flynns lawyer saying we have a story to tell. Its very clear that Michael Cohen, now his attorney on twitter, are sending a message that Michael Cohen also has a story to tell. One of the things Rudy Giuliani said in response to this tweet or this message from cohens team is the truth shall set you free. That may be true for Michael Cohen. If he comes in and cooperates with the president. But if Rudy Giuliani really believes the truth will set you free, then why isnt his client, why isnt donald trump agreeing to an interview with the special prosecutor . His actions in this case, when he wont go in and talk to the prosecutor and tell the truth about what happened i think belies the message his attorney is trying to send. Washington post reporting about giuliani, saying in a dition to working for the president , hes also representing foreign clients. In places like brazil and columbia among other countries. Why is this an issue . And a suming it is, what does it mean for giuliani . Its an issue for a couple reasons. For giuliani what it means is, you know, giuliani is seen very much as having influence with the president right now. So when Rudy Giuliani flies around the globe and represents foreign interests, he basically is selling access to the president. Or is seen as having influence to the president. Giulianis interests are so complicated. He last night was at the unveiling of kavanaugh, the new Supreme Court justice, an extremely inappropriate thing. He was in the room as the president s personal attorney in the Crime Investigation for the nomination of a justice who may eventually hear appeals related to the investigation into the president. Giuliani has interests all over the place. And is just shows how, you know, how this president has never cared not just about the appearance of corruption and the appearance of impropriety but the fact of corruption and impro pr pryty. Rudy giuliani was there last night. Weve been talking about it all morning. In the past kavanaugh wrote a law review article in 2009 arguing a sitting president should not be distriacted by civil lawsuits or criminal investigations while in office. And since then, we saw democratic senator jeff merkley tweeted that the nomination leaves them terrified of mueller. Whats your take . I think its true the president would have been aware of that opinion when he selected him. Im sure. Im sure its probably the thing he cared about more than anything else. Its a remarkable position that kavanaugh took. Its one thing to say the constitution doesnt allow a president to be indicted. Theres debate over that topic. But thats the position the department of justice takes. Legal scholars are ultimately split on it. To say the president shouldnt even be investigated criminally if that were the case, we never would have had the water president nixon would never have had to resign in the watergate scandal. It was evidence that was turned over to congress that ultimately led to his impeachment. Its the criminal investigation in this case thats produced guilty pleas of his National Security adviser an indictment of his Campaign Manager and may produce criminal evidence against him. If there could be no criminal investigation into a president , you basically would have a president who could operate with impunity, breaking laws right and left as president. It is an untenable position for him to hold through his confirmation hearingings. Again, he wrote this in 2009, long before he thought that President Trump was even a thought in the back of anyones head to be the president. So it will be interesting to see what he says when he takes all these meetings on the hill. And when hes or during his testimony. All right, matt, thank you so much. Now you know where were going. Weve got to go back to thailand. At this point, all 12 of those young soccer players and their coach now free. The thai navy confirming the rest of the team was successfully rescued today after being trapped in that underground cave for more than two weeks. President trump congratulated the rescue tame teams, tweetinh a beautiful moment, great job. I want to go to nbcs bill neilly in northern thailand whos been there for days. What can you tell us about the rescue and the euphoria where you are . Euphoria indeed. You can breathe out now, stephanie, we all can. Because really did any of us a week ago really think that all 12 boys would be brought out alive. They are alive. Theyre safe. And the euphoria you spoke of was evident on the street just a short time ago. As rescue workers left cheering. So all 12 boys the last 4 went past our position here in ambulances a while ago. Their coach was the last to leave. And then came the three divers and the doctor who had stayed with them right to the end. The commander had said this isnt Mission Accomplished until everyone is out. They are now all eyes on that cave where those boys expect 17 nights is now clear. It was confirmed when the thai navy s. E. A. L. S wrote this on their facebook page, were not sure if this is a miracle, a science or what. All 13 wild boars, referring to the name of the soccer team, are now out of the cave. Everyone safe. Hoo ya. You dont need a translation for that word. It seems to sum up whats happened. The boysters a s ars are in thew receiving medical care. Some of them asking for things like spicy food, chocolate. Theyve all been given medical care and theyre all, weve been told, safe and well. Stephanie, Mission Accomplished. Mission accomplished. You know what i love, some good news and this is great news. Bill, thank you so much. I appreciate it. Coming i, were going to hear from a heartbroken mother. Shes got a very simple question. Why was it so easy for the government to take her children but so hard to give them back. Plus, nearly every day you know we do a check on the markets which you also know have been on a strong winning streak over the last several years. Up next, i will be speaking with the first female president of the New York Stock Exchange about what needs to happen to keep that in the green. Plaque psoriasis can be relentless. Your plaques are always there at the worst times. Constantly interrupting you with itching, burning and stinging. Being this uncomfortable is unacceptable. Im ready. Tremfya® works differently for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. With tremfya®, you can get clearer and stay clearer. In fact, most patients who saw 90 clearer skin at 28 weeks. Stayed clearer through 48 weeks. Tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. Tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections, and may increase your risk of infections. 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This administration is all about deregulation, specifically in the financial sector. Whats your take . I think its interesting. When you look at some of the things the administration is doing, you would expect them to be more a long the lines of deregulation than some of the actions were actually seeing some of the proposals from the sec or introducing more restrictions on so many of the markets which is surprising. Why do you think deregulation is a good idea . We saw dodd frank and the vockv rule get put in place. Because of the financial crisis the Banking Industry could have avoided, but there wasnt much regulation. Its important to strike the right balance. When we look at attracting the Public Markets, you know, making the Public Markets attractive to companies of all sizes, its important we have the right balance of regulation. Because if the pendulum swings too far, then were creating an environment that big Public Companies can handle where they can deal with the regulations and were leaving the smaller and myseidsized companies out o the game. So the new sec pilot program, youre going down to d. C. To talk about it, you dont like it. Were getting rid of dodd frank. Where does that leave us . I dont think were getting rid of those regulations, i think were looking at can we scale back some of the provisions to make sure were create a competitive environment. Thats certainly important. On the new things that are being proposed, the transaction fee pilot you reference, were actually going the other way there and introducing government price setting. I really think the way its designed, its an overly complex and expensive experiment in government price setting. So we are concerned about that one. I certainly think theres a really robust Regulatory Framework in place. And well continue to see that. So for the average person on the street who says hold on, in a subprime crisis, i lost my house or the Banking Industry or the Auto Industry got bailed out, and im still suffering. Im somebody would doesnt own stocks or bonds. Whos protecting me . The average person is exactly who im thinking about. Thats who were considering when we look at waiting for Big Companies to come to market. If a company thats very small becomes public, thats when they see their biggest trajectory of growth. We want the average investor to get to par cake in that and plan for their futures. If we wait until theyre already there, were leaving the growth to large professional investors, were leaving the little guy out. We dont want to do. When you look at the Companies Going public today, why is it on the decline . For those reasons. Because of the Regulatory Framework. Because its so expensive to be a compa a a company. And also theres access to capital that provides different choices for Public Companies. We want to make sure were creating a framework that allows companies to become public sooner. Not just here in the u. S. We want to make sure we attract Global Companies as well. I got to ask you the woman question. Yes. You wont be the first. As stoked as i am for you, you meet with ceos, you meet with boards every day. Why do we see the number of women ceos of fortune 500 companies declining . Its sad. It really is. I think part of the issue is there arent enough women in seni senior roles throughout the organizations in the ceo roles and the board room. Why . The board is choosing a ceo. If you dont have women on boards, theyre not going to focus on creating that diversity level as much as they should be. I think we need to lead by example. We need to make sure were putting more diverse teams in place at every level of the organization, especially as we get more senior. Why do you think its not happening though . The women exist. Its not that there is a drought of women who want senior positions, who want to join boards. When you look across boards, its a sea of white dudes. If you look at activist investors who go after companies, theyre putting the same ten white guys on boards. When you listen to analyst calls, ive never heard an analyst say, what are you doing about diversity on that board . We need to understand men and women operate differently. We have structured our markets and our boarded in a male dominated way. Making sure we create an environment where women are not just welcome, but theyre actually pulled up into those organizationings. How important is it to you . Its important to us. Its important to our issuers. Its important across the board, when we look at how were making decisions. Thats one of the reasons i think we see Public Companies or Companies Choosing whether or not they want to be public if theyre evaluated each quarter. Stacey, thank you so much. Thank you, stephanie. Weve gone downtown and seen that fearless girl statue. You can see the real thing right next to me. Stacey, thank you, and again, congratulationings. We told you moments ago Michael Flynn arrived in court. I said it was for sentencing. My mistake, it is actually a status hearing regarding his future sentencing. vo we came here for the friends. And we got to know the friends of our friends. And we found others just like us. And just like that we felt a little less alone. But then something happened. We had to deal with spam, fake news, and data misuse. Thats going to change. From now on, facebook will do more to keep you safe and protect your privacy. Because when this place does what it was built for, then we all get a little closer. No matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy . Thats because your home is filled with soft surfaces that trap odors and release them back into the room. So, try febreze fabric refresher. Febreze finds odors trapped in fabrics and cleans them away as it dries. Use febreze every time you tidy up to keep your whole house smelling fresh air clean. Fabric refresher even works for clothes you want to wear another day. Make febreze part of your clean routine for whole home freshness. The Trump Administrations policy on migrant families took a hit from the courts. A federal judge said no to the plan to detain migrant families for an indefinite amount of time. The ruling judge says the administrations request is, quote, a cynical attempt to shift immigration policymaking to the courts in the wake of over 20 years of congressional inaction. Ouch. This comes as a federal judge extends the deadline for the government to reunite children under the age of 5 with their parents. Officials say 54 of more than 100 children under 5 years old will be reunited with their parents today. Thousands of families are still separated. One mother has a question for the people who did it. Couldnt read. Couldnt read it . Why was it easy for them to take her children away but hard to give them back . I want to start with how crushing it was for the judge to refuse to modify the agreement. It was a big hit for the Trump Administration and good for the courts. Take a step back. A lot of us said that the Trump Presidency would be a kind of institutional stress test in america. Fortunately, a lot of institutions are coming through. We have two rulings, one in san diego and one in l. A. Theyre chipping away at a inhumane policy. First, by stopping the separation of kids and parents. Now, stopping this longterm family detention. It is the right thing to do. I think it is politically problematic. It really exposes the ugliness of the Trump Administration. I am glad that there are institutions and individuals who are able to keep them from getting their way. This is a cruel, cruel policy. It is politically problematic and selfinflected. Brett, help me understand who the zero tolerance policy worked for and who it is working for now, that theyre absolutely failing to reunite the families and the amount of money that is being spent on this disastrous debacle. It only puts us further in the hole and does nothing to help americans who are hurting. As we were just discussing during the break, it helped steve miller. It helps kind of a core, hardright, conservative, or altright conservative group that has come behind the president and provided him with a great deal of locksolid support. It is why the president , why jeff sessions, why the people around them have supported this, despite exactly what pete just talked about. A manifestly inhumane, depickabldepic despicable and unpopular policy. In some cases, family policies end at the rio grande but on this side of the border, not the mexican side. By the way, that shows you the difference between what the Republican Party used to stand for 20, 30, 40 year as s ago, a what it stands for under trump. The most shocking poll was early on when the policy was first enacted. It was 40 points underwater with the general public. 66 to 27 of americans said, no, this is terrible. Republicans, 20 points in favor, 55 to 35. That is an astonishingly awful thing. Help me understand the rational. If the people illegally coming over the border are rapists and murderers and gang members, exactly what jobs are they stealing from americans . I think it is a generalized other. Of course, you make the right point. It is just whatever theyre doing, its bad. The people who are over there, who are coming here, well have three, four, five mutually exclusive reasons why those people are bad, which goes against all of the tradition of ronald reagan, of the entire bush family in the past, which recognized that, you know, we should treat illegal immigration not as a criminality problem but as a problem with prohibition. These are people trying to make their lives better. It is just a mutually exclusive rag bag of the other is bad. What we need to do, you know, to be tough, like steve miller is tough and, boy, must be waking up in the morning doing his clap pushups, the only thing we can do is have the zero tolerance. Everywhere you try zero tolerance in law enforcement, you are going to pulverize lives. It is absolutely cruel. It is capricious. They didnt have the plan. It was the original travel ban. Screw it and lets see what happens to people. Get off the plane. You know, sudsuddenly, though t had a valid green card, they cant enter the United States. This is a terrible thing. Bad people doing this. Steven miller doing clap pushups. Being a girl, id be happy to challenge him to those. Peter, the president was asked about missing the deadline to reunited the families earlier today. Heres what he said. Well, i have a solution. Tell people not to come to our country illegally. Thats the solution. Dont come to our country illegally. Come like other people do. Come legally. Okay. That aint no solution. The United States government separated these families, and the president s answer is, dont come here. Peter, whats your take . What kind of position does this put melania trump, who has gone to two detention centers, ivanka trump, who has touted herself the advocate for women and children, yet the only voice weve heard from her this week is that shes visiting an asphalt factory in upstate new york to talk about tax cuts, while her father just said to these families who havent been reunited, go fish. Yeah, look. I mean, if youre the child of or married to donald trump, there are a myriad of problems. This is just one of them. In terms of what trump said, what it reveals about him, this, i think, is important. It demonstrates and underscores that this is a person without empathy, without sympathy. I mean that in a literal sense. I dont think that he has that capacity. I think he has a disordered personality. I always thought that that is the case. One of the manifestations of that is this is a person who has an inability to have any kind of empathy for people in pain or who are struggling. That manifests itself in all sorts of ways. This is one of them. This is one of the uglier and darker episodes. It didnt begin here. It wont end here. That distorted personality, those psychological and emotional problems, are part of who he is. Hes going to be president through 2020. Thats what makes this whole period difficult and challenging and worrisome. Even if you want to be super hard core and tough on immigration, what do you do about this situation . I mean, two weeks ago, they said, we can reyes niunite the families in seconds, and now theyre wanting to move the deadline. Reunite the families in seconds. The core of the problem is the insistence by the administration to treat people who come here without documentation illegally as criminals. Overwhelmingly, they are not criminals. Overwhelmingly, they are people simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families. The moment you criminalize an entire class of people who should not be treated that way, that leads you to the next step, which is then you have to treat them like criminals. You have to lock them up. You have to put them in cages and separate their families. Perfectly workable, if imperfect system, is that you release them with requirements that they come for ankle bracelet costs 35 a day. They come for a hearing. While you work legislatively for a comprehensive immigration plan, which opens our borders, makes it easier to come into this country, reduces the inceni incentives to cross illegally. By all means, toughen up enforcement, but toughen it in a liberal, openhearted immigration system. It is the failure of the administration to do anything legislatively, which is part of the reason why you have this moral failing, worse than a failing, an abomination at the border. When you said it is scary, the amount of republicans who support this, help me understand why they support it. If theyre worried about jobs being stolen, were at full employment. We dont have a jobs problem here. We have a wages problem here. If you want wages to rise, you could have wage enforcement, where undocumented immigrants should not be allowed to be paid under minimum wage. It is employers that depress wages. It is not undocumented immigrants. Theyd surely Like Health Care and to be paid a living wage. Demagoguery against immigrants predates donald trump. Donald trump is minnesogoing tor on the promises republicans made forever. Mitt romney, demagogued the hell out of rick perry, Rudy Giuliani. Per perry wanted the selfdeportation policy. This has been festering in republican circles for a really long time. The king of voter fraud. Theyve done a bad job talking about it, confronting their ranks saying, youre indulging in fantasy land. Gentlemen, thank you so much. Great conversation. Peter, matt, brett, thank you. You know how i end the show always. Good news. Good news ruhles. A group of florida firefighters went above and beyond the call of duty. A homeowner had a heart attack doing yard work. The fire truck and ambulance went back to finish laying sod on the lawn. We have that good news. Of course, the soccer players and their coach rescued. That is great news. That wraps up this hour. Im stephanie ruhle. Coming up, news with my friend Hallie Jackson. More excellent news, hallie is coming. Love you. See you in an hour. Im Hallie Jackson in washington. It is about to be fight night with donald trump. Not with the senate over a Supreme Court nominee. Instead, with our nato allies, when he gets to brussels later on. Hes on his way message for the alliance and a longtime adversary. Nato hasnt treated us fairly, but well work something out. We pay far too much, and they pay far too little. So, nato, i have the uk, which is in somewhat turmoil, and

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