Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle 20180525

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Even the smallest voices, if you keep telling the truth over and over again until someone listen, eventually justice will be served. Investigating the investigation. The Justice Department briefs lawmakers on classified documents. And democrats are not buying the president s claims. Theres no evidence to support any allegation that the fbi or any Intelligence Agency placed a spy in the trump campaign. We begin with breaking news in downtown new york city. Harvey weinstein in police custody. Massive. The disgraced movie mogul turned himself into authorities in new york city this morning and hes about to be arraigned on Sexual Misconduct and these charges involve two separate women. Least 92 women have come forward detailing attacks of sexual assault, harassment and Inappropriate Conduct by weinstein. Hes denied all allegations. Nbcs rehema ellis is outside the courthouse. What do we know about these charges . Im going to tell you about these charges in just a second, stephanie. Ill tell you about what it was like out here as weinstein, this former movie mogul whos accustomed to dozens of cameras, but thats on the red carpet, not in a perp walk. This man came in here this morning with his hands in handcuffs behind his back as he walked into the New York County criminal court to face these charges. According to the police department, the charges include rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse, sexual miscould be duct for incidents involving two separate women. We understand he might be very quick in here. This happened, as you point out, this morning, Harvey Weinstein sur rende surrendered himself t police not far from here. Now, hes facing charges here in criminal court. What happened to Harvey Weinstein as you were pointing out really has changed the landscape, as a result of dozens of women coming forward last year. That set off the me too movement which sent shockwaves through the industry and our culture in general. Now, Harvey Weinstein is going to have to face authorities in connection with these charges. I should mention to you also, three years ago, Harvey Weinstein was accused of groping, but that never let to any charges against him. A very different day today. We understand according to arrangement, Harvey Weinstein will surrender his passport. He will also be allowed to put up a 1 million bail in cash, and that will allow him to leave this courthouse. But he will have to wear an ankle bracelet so that they can monitor his every movement. Stephanie. Thanks, rehema. Those images are stunning, especially when she reminds us tribeca, that is where weinstein and company ran the neighborhood, the west village, where you saw Harvey Weinstein and his hollywood friends in all the hottest restaurants. Now there he is, walking in to the police department, police precinct. Its amazing. Now we have to turn to donald trump. Declaring, quote, sad moment in history. Heres the question. How do we get to the president s decision to walk away . I have a great team here to break all of it down. First, i want to take a look at exactly where things stand. The president says right now the canceled summit looks like a missed opportunity but hes not willing to give up on it completely. Take a listen. If and when kim jongun chooses to engage in constructive dialogue and actions, i am waiting. A lot of things can happen. Including the fact that perhaps, and wed wait, its possible the existing summit could take place or a summit at some later date. North korea also left the door open for more negotiations. In part, quote, we would like to make known to the u. S. Side once again that we have the intent to sit with the u. S. , to solve problems regardless of ways at any time. President trump responded tweet, very good news to receive the warm and productive statement from north korea. We will soon see where it will lead mopeful lead. Hopefully to long and enduring prosperity and peace. Only time and talent will tell. The still unclear if things can get back on track. Theres one thing that has remained consistent throughout this process, things happen very quickly. Remember, it was less than a year ago that President Trump was calling kim jongun little rocket man. Then the white house suddenly announced two men had agreed to meet. Over easter, secretary of state pompeo met with kim personally to lay the groundwork for the summit. Less than two weeks later, north korea announced a freeze on missiles and nuclear tests. On april 27th, north and south korean leaders held their own historic moment, meeting at the dmz. On may 10th, another goodwill gesture, freeing three americans that had been held. Earlier that day, the president had used a Cabinet Meeting to talk up the buzz about a nobel peace prize. Everything seemed to be going spectacularly well. Then suddenly it began to fall apart. North korea suspended talks on north korea because of joint military drills with the United States. As the administration tried to figure out the norths strategy, the president admitted the summit might not happen. On thursday, he then decided to pull the plug himself, rather than risk north korea doing it first. The whole thing lasted 78 days beginning to end, less than three months. By comparison, the Obama Administration spoke with tehran for two years before signing the nuclear deal. Like i said, the process started suddenly and ended suddenly. When the president decide to cancel the summit it took allies and even the members of the president s own team completely by surprise. I want to bring in hans nichols and carol lee. Carol, to you first, you have laid out an extraordinary piece here about how this whole thing fell apart. Walk us through it. What we know from reporting is there are tensions between the state department and the president S National Security adviser over the weeks in which they were trying to plan for this summit. The state Department Officials wanted to lay more groundwork for this. They wanted more advance preparations. And, you know, one official described it to my colleague courtney cuby as trying to herd cats. Trying to plan this summit out. Generally you have suspicion on part of folks like pompeo, the National Security adviser, john bolton, who has a long track record of being against any diplomacy with north korea and, you know, has advocated for regime change and i know on the other side you have pompeo who spent a lot of time invested in this process. Hes been to pyongyang twice. He met personally with kim. So there was some tensions there and then suspicions on the part of pompeo thinking that bolton was out to kind of tore peto summit and to find a way for it not to work. We know he was instrumental in among those who convinced the president to pull out of the summit. I want to speak about how sudden this was. Yesterday as it was happening, we discussed the shock from president moon and others from south korea. We need to remember while the president sent this letter out, there with western journalists. Journalists from the United States in north korea who were there to watch this Nuclear Test Site being taken apart. Look, this makes the challenge for general brooks in korea harder. What you saw from a general was an attempt at diplomacy, trying to make sure the relationship between south korea and the u. S. Remains strong. In some ways, the tweet the president sent out an hour beforehand, that was almost telegraphed by general brooks saying, look its not over until its over. He said there might have been some premature celebration. Theres a lot of hard work to be done. General brooks remains optimistic that you can have some sort of summit. I will say we dont have an ambassador to south korea. The general tapped for that, admiral harris, hes general brooks boss right now, understands, oversees the entire western pacific in terms of military forces. But its something similar weve seen at the pentagon, where you see secretary mattis being put in a role of a diplomat, not necessarily a warrior. You see strong diplomatic language coming from the generals. It does show you the sense they are many of them are it also shows its difficult for them, seeing they dont know what the president s next move is going to be. Hans, carol, thank you. Michael allen, a special assistant to president george w. Bush, a former member of the National Security council. Jason jackson, roots. Com. And rick tyler, republican strategist. Lets walk through this. Michael, to you first, is there a chance the summit could be saved, especially since we last heard of a somewhat positive statement from north korea . I think so. I think the president may be trying to get a little bit more leverage here. I think what they realized is we were not set up for success. It would have been a win for North Koreans to have beautiful pictures coming out with the United States and the north korea meeting and it was dawning on the president that, listen, at best, we were going to get a piece of paper about, you know, getting rid of Nuclear Weapons years down the road. I think that would have eroded our position on sanctions, visavis the chinese, who we need we need them to apply maximum pressure. So i think they realized this was getting out of hand. Lets try and get some leverage and back out of this and maybe put it on for later. Lets share what Lindsey Graham said earlier today. It was Lindsey Graham in the last couple of weeks that was so happy with the progress being made. Hes one of the people who said President Trump should get a nobel peace prize. Its going to end one way or the other. Thats what you need to understand. If military action is required, theyre going to lose, it will be devastating to the region. And if theres a war, its going to be in chinas backyard. I cant stress enough to you how much ive talked to him. Its not if it ends, its how it ends. I think its going to happen in his first term, one way or the other. Best way for it to end is a peace treaty with the North Koreans, the South Koreans, the chinese and us. It makes it sound like its easy, like drop a bomb on north korea and its not easy but thats the end of them. Are we closer to a war with north korea . No, i dont think so. I think for all the talk about un, hes fairly predictable. It takes some dispalestinian to get a Nuclear Weapon in the first place and develop an intercontinental ballistic missile. This whole process, its just a different process. I think we do have a chance that it will come back to the table. But all of this public diplomacy, you know, from pompeo disagreeing with bolton. This is now a public fight. But theyre choosing to make it a public fight. John bolton is going on television pompeo did the most to advance this whole thing forward by far. And then bolton seemed to blow it up with the help of the vice president. Now, i do think its right that if trump goes to south korea, that ultimately un would have a great foe out there. Look the United States came because we have a Nuclear Weapon. Look, the process is going to go back. The North Koreans want to have a deal. The problem is now, is that the way he withdrew it, its this weird reason, right . You were mean to mike pence, like that would upset the president . The president all of a sudden, he doesnt want world peace. He wants to get a nobel peace prize. That has nothing to do with what were trying to do here. Yet thats the game theyre in. Who gets cut out . The South Koreans got really hurt in this. Whether you like moon or not, he ran his whole campaign that were going to do something with north korea. Were going to work toward world peace. And all of a sudden, without any warning at all, they just cut their knees out. And you cant do it without china period. This is like youve got two people that everybody really wanted them to go on a date but they didnt really want to go and they keep trying to come up with excuses to get out of it and someone comes up with something petty and no, we cant do it. You have pompeo, again, whos like, look, this is something that can happen. You have south korea who says look, this can happen. You even have putin saying yeah, you guys should have gone through with this deal. I dont necessarily think trump wants to go through a deal where he cant come up with some massive pr victory and thats not going to happen when youre negotiating with another world leader. I dont think were in a greater risk of war. I dont think well be dropping bombs the way Lindsey Graham is suggesting. I think North Koreans by skipping meetings, i think donald trump didnt know what he was going to say and thats why they are backing off the date. Why is john bolton saying lets go the way of libya when hes clearly not on the same page as mike pompeo. Whether were talking about north korean or President Trumps Economic Team and trade. Why arent we getting on the same page before opening the front door . Because thats just not how this white house functions. This is a president who agrees to do something and then tries to figure out what how hes going to get there. This president thats how you end up with more than six corporate bankruptcies. Thats how were here. I think the president i would argue the president really wanted this to happen and still does very much want this to happen and envisions himself as being a huge win for him and basically its something he can say he did or his predecessors werent able to do and boast about that. I do think if youre going to look at sympathize with them a little bit, you know, the North Koreans werent responding to them. In so many ways the president set these expectations really high and says this is going to work. Talks about a nobel peace prize. And north koreas not answering their phone calls and standing them up at meetings. In that sense, think the president really wanted this but also more so didnt want to get pumped. Listen, id break up with somebody if i thought they were going to break up with me and they were on their way over. This isnt about a breakup or a date. Michael, help us understand from an Historical Perspective the consequences of acting on Foreign Policy without thinking through. Usually doesnt end well. We cannot do this on the fly. It cant be done out of your hip pocket. These things need to look back at the historical record. In this case, with the North Koreans, we have a couple of decades of this. They love signing up to pieces of paper that are in a sense unverifiable and we cant make good on them and they get economic concessions in the meantime. So these are very tough folks. I think we got ahead over our skis and were pulling back a little bit. I will say the interesting wrinkle, if you look at the talking points and what the white house is saying, theyre saying the president got so many feel from china or at least that china may have played some role in the new lets call it lack of enthusiasm out of north korea after xi jinping met with kim jongun a second time very recently. Theres more to come out here about maybe what was in the white house calculus and well see i guess in coming days. If thats the case, the team working on trade, ie larry kudlow, who doesnt like tariffs, who doesnt want a trade war, thats not good news for the road ahead. We can criticize what happened for the last 24 hours all day long but there are three americans that came home over a week ago. There was one american who was beaten to death and came home in a coma, swaenessentiall beaten to death. They shouldnt have been prisoner in the first place. But while we say what a huge disaster this has been for the white house, has it been . Because the mike pompeo meeting was a big deal. And bringing those three detainees home was huge. Until they capture lead d th more. Look, bringing in a bunch of journalists seems nice. But blowing up one facility we cant inspect doesnt mean north korea is going to act in good favor down the road. If no one has any trust if foreign leader, if abe in japan is like, wait, i put myself on the line for this. If in south korea, the president s like, i put myself on the line for this, and no ones backing me up, were not in a better position. You have to have trust among the region. Like i said, you cant do this without china. Because china holds all the cards here. China can say to north korea do what we want or well make it extremely difficult for you. We cant i dont know we can do anything more to north korea. China can do everything to north korea. Okay, then, carol, last point, if you talk about we need these other nations to trust us, weve got a white house where people dont trust one another. While you worked on this story, just help us understand the distrust within the president s own team. Because thats where things are rotten to start. Thats absolutely right. Theres general distrust among different advisers. Also, you know, when youre working for someone who has one feeling one moment and a different another one the next and is tweeting, its just, its very difficult to try to make all of this kind of happen. You raised the issue of iran earlier in those talks. The Obama Administration got all of these countries together and there was a builtup trust among the negotiating countries and a distrust still of iran. So it was this different kind of dynamic. This president has not built a circle of trust among americas allies as they go into these talks. Thats one thing we wonder if that will change in the next round. For the amount of leaks inside the administration, he hasnt built a circle of trust within his own team. Thank you so much. We have to move forward and speak again about disgraced hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. He just showed up to a new York City Court to face sex crime charges. Can you believe it right . The day has finally come. Everyone who said he runs this town, it will never happen, this is the way hollywood works, guess again. Were going to go live to the courthouse. Lets do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. They taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at choicehotels. Com. Or just say badda book, badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. Or just sure. Baddamom,whats up son . Alk . I cant be your it guy anymore. What . You guys have xfinity. You can do this. Whats a good wifi password, mom . You still have to visit us. I will. No. Make that the password you stillohave toovisit us. Thats a good one. [ chuckles ] download the xfinity my account app and set a password you can easily remember. One more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. Back to breaking news here in new york. Harvey weinstein arrived in court in handcuffs. Turned himself into authorities in new york city this morning and has been charged with rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse and Sexual Misconduct for incidents involving two separate women. Nbcs rehema ellis is in new york city outside the courthouse. We now understand that cameras are going to be allowed inside for the arraignment. Its stunning. This moviemaker is now the star of his own movie, but its a horror movie. Yes, hes probably going to be a little camera shy about this. What were learning, stephanie, is that Court Officers are saying theres some other business at the courthouse to conduct, but then theyre going to allow a pool camera to set up into the courtroom. So we will get video and some still pictures but it should be video coming ought of that courtroom as the arraignment is in process. Only moments ago, we saw weinsteins attorney, benjamin brothman, walk into this courtroom. He is now in that courthouse and we should be able to see what takes place coming up shortly. I want to share this tweet. One of the two women who won a pulitzer reporting on the story. She writes, were in a courtroom waiting for weinstein. For as long as he had his own private system, fancy lawyers who paid to silence women, private investigators and spies. Now he answers to the same system as the rest of us. It is an historic moment. I want to bring in nbc legal analysts. It is historic in that heres Harvey Weinstein showing up in court. From a cultural perspective and legal perspective. But talk about these charges and how hard they are to stick. Because we remember bill cosby in his first trial. Yes, but do you remember bill cosby in his second trial in a postme too era. When the prosecution there, as im sure they will do here, sought to introduce substantial evidence of prior bad acts, evidence of a modus operandi. So to the extend that other accusers may not be part of the criminal prosecution, they may end up being witnesses if they are substantially similar situations in the past. These charges are very, very serious. In new york, rape in the first degree is a 5 to 25 year sentence, minimum of five years because its a sexually violent crime. But the criminal sexual act is equally as serious. It carries virtually the same punishment and that is oral sex by forcible compulsion and that is something equally as serious as rape, at least in terms of the felony classification and the sentencing. Katie, whats next . Hes expected to be released on 1 million bail, wear an ankle monitor, but where do we go from here . So hes going to be arraigned. The charges are going to be formally announced against him. His lawyer will announce i am assuming, stephanie, not guilty, as to each of the charges. Whats important about the next step in the process is going to be the discovery process. Just like in a civil case, a criminal case has discovery. Depositions can be taken of the victims themselves. Whats morn about this particular prosecution, when i was a prosecutor, i prosecuted section cri sex crime, its the credibility of the victim that ends up being a factor to consider. Really, there are two different victims. Its not just one victim with multiple counts. We have two separate victims in this particular indictment. So its going to be a key crucial factor for this jury to determine whether or not each of these victims is credible. If the judge allowed a parade of other victims who perhaps, you know, the statute of limitations didnt permit charges to be brought, then perhaps its the bus load of nuns we talked about before. And perhaps Harvey Weinstein will be found guilty of all charges. Help me understand that better. So theres two specific women, but we know more than 90 women have accused mr. Weinstein of at least Sexual Misconduct. The reason, again, those 90plus women arent part of this . So for almost all of them, from what we know at this point in time, the statute of limitations prevents a lot of crimes to be brought against Harvey Weinstein. We know hes been doing this type of criminal conduct for a number of years. However, in the state of new york, danny mentioned the phrase forcible compulsion. That means the statute of limitations was done away with a few years ago and that allows these charges to be brought against weinstein. Can there be more charges because a grand jury is still investigating possible financial crimes related to how some women were paid off to stay silent. Sure, theres no rule requiring you charge a defendant with all possible crimes, double jeopardy i have to interrupt you. President trump is now speaking on north korea. A lot of news today. Take you there. Were talking to them now. Mr. President were going to see what happens. Were talking to them now. It was a very nice statement they put out. Well see what happens. No, no, well see what happens. It could even be the 12th. They very much want to do it. Wed like to do it. Were going to see what happens. I dont know anything about it. [ inaudible reporter question ] john, everybody plays games. You know that. You know better than anybody. I dont know. Im not familiar with the case. Its really too bad. Its really too bad. Hes doing great. Right there. Hes doing great. Just looking at it. Right there. And that is the president. I want to bring in nbcs Peter Alexander at the white house. It seems the president is saying as it relates to north korea this is just part of the process. I think thats right. What was striking in the president s remarks here is the fact he was sort of framing what was a conciliatory less combative tone for the North Koreans and their statement overnight as being warm and productive. The fact june 12th summit scheduled for singapore could still happen. He said the u. S. Is talking to the North Koreans right now, which may just be a figure of speech. If it were true, it would be significant. Remember, just a matter of hours ago, yesterday, his secretary of state, mike pompeo, said that there had femi ieffectively bee situation where the North Koreans went dark on the u. S. He said we were only getting dial tone, that they hadnt been responding. If theres some new interaction, as the president suggests, and sometimes you have to take that with a grain of salt, that would be significant here. He said that everybody plays games. As his son donald trump sqr just tweeted a short time ago, he said the art of the deal, baby, the idea that the North Koreans are warming up, that theyll be willing to meet any time. This is part of the game, this is the way the man works. It certainly does send us into a much more uncertain situation. After months of maneuvering. With a real potential for a dangerous summit does exist. I was in that scrum of reporters towards the end when he said im not familiar with the case but its a very sad thing. That was me asking specifically about the Harvey Weinstein case. When i asked him about that months ago before he was arrested, as today he told me he wasnt surprised by the allegations against weinstein. Finally at the end, he was speaking about the First Lady Melania Trump when he said shes doing well, pointing up to residence, saying shes looking down at us now. Saying art of the deal baby. It was the people who actually wrote that book, who during the campaign was out there speaking, saying the president was a fraudster. Now, lets move on to your morning primer. In toronto, an explosion at an Indian Restaurant injured 15 people. A manhunt under way for two men suspected of detonating the homemade bomb before fleeing the scene. Filing a lawsuit against the parents of the accused gunman, and in parkland, the families of two students killed in february are selling the manufacturer and seller of the gun used in the massacre. President trump has pardoned the late boxer jack jackson. The first africanamerican heavyweight champion. Jackson was convicted by an all white jury a century ago on charges connected to his relationship with a white woman. The president has awarded the medal of honor to retired navy seal brit seblins ky. Braving heavy fire to rescue a member of his own unit. Voters in ireland are casting ballots on whether to appeal the countrys strict antiabortion law. Abortion is currently only permitted in ireland if the womans life is in danger. Were to take a break. Coming up, two sets of lawmakers attend separate classified briefings on the russia probe. New controversy is erupting over who showed up from the white house. Thats right, there is a lot of news to cover. Dont you go anywhere. 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Congressional democrat also say theres no evidence an informant was placed inside the trump campaign. This comes after the highly anticipate breefdings lawmakers held with the fbi and Justice Department officials yesterday. You know what, they are arraigning Harvey Weinstein. We have to take a break and go to the court. He is being fitted for a monitoring device, paid for by him, which enables him to be tracked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the court and the people able to request his whereabouts at any given moment. Although the equipment will enable him, enable to track him anywhere in the United States, under the terms of this agreement, he will be allowed only to travel in new york state and connecticut. If he wishes to go to another state, he may request permission from court and the people in advance. He is also surrendering his passport and not applying for replacement for a new one. Our case is presented to the grand jury, your honor. The defendant has served notice and has agreed, although this is not a 188 situation, that he will testify or not by next wednesday, may 30th. Furthermore, your honor, we are requesting one temporary order of protection. And asking, however, that the name of the victim in that order of protection will be known to the court. The people and the defendant, but otherwise be under seal. Charges normal process yes. Anything else . No, your honor. Your honor . Yes. Before you start, is there any issue with no, your honor. Im issuing the order of protection. Im not stating the name of the person. You have to stay away from the person. You cant go near the person. You cant go to their home, their business. No contact by email, phone or fax or any other kind of device. You violate any of the conditions in the order of protection, youre subject to arrest, do you understand that . Yes. All right. Go ahead, counselor. We obviously did not come here to try the case and i just want to briefly indicate that mr. Weinstein and his counsel have been aware of this investigation for many months. We have had meetings with the District Attorneys Office and this morning mr. Weinstein, per agreement with the District Attorneys Office, voluntarily surrendered to the first precinct. The conditions of bail after negotiating in advance to avoid any controversy this morning and subject to your honors approval, the defendant has provided me with his own passport, which im handing over to the District Attorneys Office, and wanted to do so on record. I will have the deposit with the clerk of the court this morning a check for 1 million pursuant to their instructions. It is a cashiers check drawn on a chase account which is what they requested. In addition, your honor, the defendant has agreed to the gps monitoring for the state of new york and the state of connecticut and we consent to the order of protection. Also indicate we have also agreed to sign a waiver of extradition in the event the defendant is in connecticut and is required to appear in new york and must not do so voluntarily, he will not require the District Attorneys Office to extradite, but will appear voluntarily. We have waived extradition, providing the District Attorneys Office with the copy is that extradition for connecticut or the entire this extradition indicates the defendant agreed to waive extradition in any state or country should he be required to be in new york to abc to these charges. Thats correct. It is signed by the defendant and his counsel. I will sign it and provide him with a copy. Anything else, captain . No, your honor, the defendant if he were to require travel to any jurisdiction besides new york state or connecticut, he would have to do so either on consent of the District Attorneys Office or with the courts approval. There is nothing else. Weve agreed to the monitoring. The person who is coming to this court with the actual piece of hardware has texted me he is a few minutes away in traffic. We understand that. We have to process hopefully when thats done and the persons here, well have them at the same time can i ask that the defendant step up here in the interim well, i believe thats going to be the case. Its up to the Court Officers thats more security than anything else. Unless your honor has an i dont have an objection. Thank you very much, sir. Your honor, one other issue, i served a 19050 notice. She is correct. They advised me wednesday is the day. In light of the fact there may be an issue concerning additional information. We were going to file a brief with the judge on the issue. I assume the issue is resolved. If its not one side for the complaint, i will alert counsel and expert as well. Thank you. Thank you very much. July 30th. July 30th . Yes. All right. Bails at 10,000 bond or 1,000 sorry, 10 million bond or 1 million cash. Hes turned over his passport and agreed not to apply for a new one. Theres an extradition agreements that been put in, an order of protection. Allowed to go to connecticut and new york only without the court and the district attorneys permission protection. Return of himself to the state of new york. Basically stephanie, that would be him jumping bail. He obviously would then not be entitled to bail. Its interesting because normally you dont enter prelim narly or prematurely by a defense attorney into that type of waiver of exttraditioextrad. He had to post the bond and the gps monitor is very cumbersome. Its going to be on his ankle. Its going to monitor exactly where he is. As we stated prior to this arrangement being televised, ultimately, its going to be the credibility of the two victims that have currently bringing charges against Harvey Weinstein. We know that federal authorities in new york are still looking at him for fraud and financial crimes. We know in london and in other jurisdictions theyre still looking at Harvey Weinstein so this may not be the only criminal charge. Where does weinstein go from here . He then goes home and hes just stuck in new york and connecticut for a while . Whats the next step in the legal proceeding . Well, you know, stephanie he gets this luxury, right, lets be frank. He gets the luxury of going home after he posts a 1 million check, cashiers check, and quotes the gps monitor. A lot of defendant s wouldnt gt that. Now he can meet with his lawyer, plan his defense. He can decide how he wants to proceed. And im intrigued to see where this goes. Prior to charges being even brought, we know Harvey Weinstein was launching a campaign of intimidation against not only victims but witnesses, reporters, the media. So what type of tact is he going to take now . Is he going to take that strong of an Intimidation Campaign against potential victims in this case or the victims in this case . Is he going to try to destroy their credibility. We know brothman has already announced he finds these are flimsy legal basis for these charges. Hes going to go back and basically say there was a delay in reporting, that theres a problem with the stories of these victims, and then if the new york d. A. s office, if cyrus vances office says that they intend to bring forward some of the 90 other victims, alleged victims of Harvey Weinsteins crimes, were going to see a big battle over whether or not any of them or all of them get to testify against Harvey Weinstein at his jury trial. Except of course those intimidation tactics that Harvey Weinstein was able to use for decades are gone. As a man who ran hollywood, someone who regularly said things like i can make you and break you, i have eyes and ears everywhere, he doesnt anymore. Hes not just standing next to his defense attorney. The people standing behind him are the detectives who brought him in. There you have it, to watch a female detective bring in the mighty Harvey Weinstein, its really stunning. Danny sevellos back with us. Whats your take here . I think going forward, hes got a real challenge for his defense team. Theyre going to have to counter the fact theres going to be a veritable parade of witnesses who are going to come in and testify against him. Not just the compliants. But given that weve just heard so many similar stories about how Harvey Weinstein would invite women up to the hotel allegedly and in some cases use force and in some cases use threat of ill ruin you in this business. These are all things a prosecutor would use to make, if they can, into what we call 404b evidence. The general rule is you cant parade other people to say the defendant is generally a bad guy because hes done bad things in the past. Theres an exemption where they are sufficiently similar acts that happened, even if they were never prosecuted. Were watching outside the courtroom now to see the next move. And on that subject, will weinstein and his Defendant Team try to make the argument he cannot get a fair trial . Because weve all decided in the last month, in the last six months, this guys pretty much awful . Its an option, but the bar is very, very high. Of course, they have to consider that as an option. But in our modern era with the internet, with twitter with social media being what it is and just hundreds of channels on tv, the notion of a fair trial being impossible simply because there exists pretrial publicity is just not going to work. Back when the Supreme Court decided this case many years ago there were not more than four channels on tv, but in our modern era, it is okay, it does not violate a defendants right to a fair trial if there is pretrial publicity. But it must be so severe that it denies that constitutional right to a fair trial. Katie, want to weigh in on that . Harvey weinstein, he tried to make the argument you cant possibly find a jury that doesnt already have a pretty strong opinion about him. Well, yes, he can make that argument, but if i may make an analogy to the bill cosbys experience. During cosbys he can dro doh t. But ill draw the analogy to the bill cosby experience. During his first trial he made that argument. They took the jurors from a jurisdiction that wasnt local. Then in his second trial his new defense team they actually decided to stick with the people that were in the backyard for the charges being brought and that resulted in a guilty sprerd spot maybe, just maybe hes going to draw a lessen from that, he being Harvey Weinstein. Im not sure if there will be the success of that motion to change venue. Just like danny said, the reach of social media, the internet, and the media these days is so wide and broad. One footnote id like to talk about beliefly, i want to make it clear, if you do try those intimidation tactics that we had been talking about against witnesses, the victims themselves, whatever, that can be a crime too by the way. You know, witness intimidation is a crime. You cannot do that in order to gain an advantage in your litigation, especially in a criminal case. I doubt that weinstein will try to pursue that line and if he does then hes looking at further charges. Something to think about, though. On the other hand, a defense team has the obligation to investigate witnesses, investigate complainents and check the veracity of their statements. Never before have i on saved defendant who was engaged in this sort of intelligence gathering on people that may ultimately be witnesses against him. Its possible that this is the First Defendant in history who already has a dossier on some of his alleged victims and witnesses against him. However, katys right, if it crosses the line into intimidation, thats a whole new legal problem for a defend like weinstein. Were going to take a quick break. Harvey weinstein, one phone call and youre done. I have eyes and ears everywhere. Im Harvey Weinstein, you know what i can do. The historic morning, Harvey Weinstein there he is in court. Well keep an eye in the courtroom and bring you the latest as it happens. This is no ordinary coffee. Its singleorigin kenyan coffee from the nyeri highlands, 6,000 feet above sea level. But how do you really know that the beans journeyed to the port of mombasa and across the pacific . That you can trust theyre 100 authentic . Ibm blockchain. A smart way to track every step, ensuring this coffee did indeed come from 6,000 feet above sea level. And not a foot lower. Hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool . 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We tipton cover the breaking news outside a courthouse in Downtown Manhattan where Harvey Weinstein has just been arraigned. Lets bring in a reporter whos been at the courthouse all morning as we await mr. Wine teens lawyer. Reporter maybe you can get the sense of it, im in a crush of cameras and reporters that were all standing here where we can move the camera a little bit to see when Harvey Weinstein comes out of the front door of the new york criminal courthouse. Were expecting he will be coming with his attorney benjamin rothman. They stood in the courtroom together, i think have you some of the live pictures of that as he was arraigned on felony charges of five counts, including the charges that include rape, criminal sex acts, sex abuse, sex misconduct for zints incidents involving two different women. This is an extraordinary show in front of cameras, something that Harvey Weinstein is not accustomed to, cameras looking at him and being the center of spotlight in this way. Now accused of these felony counts and charges. He was in an agreement with the court surrender his passport. Hell be given a bracelet, a gps ankle bracelet that will monitor his every movement. And he comes up with a Million Dollars cash for bail so that he can be out. He will have movement between two states, new york and connecticut, but thats about it. They want to know everywhere that he is going. And they will know where hes going as a result of this monitor on him. This comes as a result as you have been pointing out, these charges that were filed against him sparked by charges alleged against him last year by dozens of women, upwards of 80 women saying he this inappropriately engaged in Sexual Misconduct against them. That sparked that me too Movement Across this industry and across the nation of people saying they have to listen to these allegations against women. Now Harvey Weinstein who was one of the most powerful men in hollywood, now he has sua come o these charges as he went into this courtroom to face Sexual Misconduct charges against him. After this it is not over. A special grand jury has been convened to look into financial misgivings against Harvey Weinstein perhaps in terms of how money was paid to women in order to silence them and to keep charges like this from being alleged against him. But right now, we are all waiting for Harvey Weinstein to come out of this courthouse with his attorney to address reporters and, again, its packed out here thats why i cant stand right in front of you but we should see him momentarily. Its so no surprise that that courtroom is surrounded by reporters. He walked out of the courtroom and goes where . Does what . Hes on electronic monitoring so he has to stay within his courtordered area. In this case im hearing hes allowed go to connecticut as well. He may have a home there or residence or some business that he conducts there. Thats not really that unusual, although courts and probation officers are a little bit leery about letting people out of a state as a general rule. But this is no ordinary defend. Next rup are prepare the defense. Start investigating these allegation, get discovery from the state as soon as possible, and vet each one of these complainants stories. Because in cases like this where theres no rape kit, no scientific evidence, no real tangible documentary evidence, it will be what we call oath against oath and in most rape cases, most criminal case, the defendant does not testify on his or her behalf. So you really only have one side of the story. That leads the defense team scrambling to defend without putting that client on the stand. Oath against oath. And we know this year many brave women found their voices. Danny, thank you so much. That wraps us up this hour. Ill see you again at 11 00 a. M. I now turn you to my friend hallie jackson. Thank you so much. This friday morning were following two big breaking stories this morning. First, Harvey Weinstein be in court under arrest charged with rape and Sexual Misconduct. As youve just been hearing, his lawyers set to speak with reporters any minute. Well take you back there the second it happens. Then in washington, trump telling you his team is back in north korea and maybe that summit isnt so scrapped after all. We might hear more this hour when the president iset

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