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Published it. And not so fast. A federal judge blocks the Trump Administrations plan to roll back daca just hours after the president meets with lawmakers to discuss those d. R. E. A. M. Ers. This should be a bipartisan bill, but it also has to be a bill where were able to secure our border. And deadly devastation. Powerful mudslides leave 15 people dead. First responders dig through debris searching for the missing. We begin this morning with a warning from congressional democrats. They say the United States has failed to learn its lessons from 2016 and that this years midterm elections are now at risk from russian interference. It is all part of a democratic effort these days to draw a clear line between the two parties, trying to demonstrate that one side is willing to confront the russian threat and the other side just isnt. Youre in luck because i have got the best team here to break all of it down starting right here in d. C. With Nbcs Kristen Welker at the white house and msnbcs Garrett Haake on capitol hill. To the hill first, garrett. Tell us more about this report and how it fits into testimony that Dianne Feinstein released yesterday. Reporter this is a report put out by the democrats on the Foreign Relations committee here in the senate. They did it with just democratic members and staff and they did it with just open source information. This is not a classified document. This doesnt deal with classified intelligence. Its purely with what we in the public could and democrats have decided should know. The report goes back decades and details the buildup of russias efforts to destabilize other democracies, to interfere in other countries elections. It shows putin developing this asymmetrical ability to interfere in elections. It admonishes the Trump Administration and republicans for not doing enough and it lists some changes it thinks the United States could make. But the Trump Administration is saying essentially without the president agreeing this is a problem that needs to get addressed, it doesnt really go anywhere. I want to read you a segment of the report. While President Trump stands practically idle, mr. Putin continues to refine his asymmetric arsenal and look for future opportunities to disrupt governor ans and erode support for the democratic and international institutions. The report says that the United States should with other countries address this in almost the same way we do with terrorism or other international threats, band together with nato, work with our allies in europe. Its fascinating and it does come in the context of senator Dianne Feinstein releasing unilaterally this transcript of the Glenn Simpson interview before the Judiciary Committee yesterday. Democrats by and large are starting to stand up and say theyre not going to wait for republicans to push back with the midterms, the next rounding of elections, the next opportunity for the russians to meddle so close. Kristen, this is clearly a blow to the white house because thus far the president is unwilling to accept raseparate of interference from collusion. People in the white house say as soon as you say the word russia the president sends you packing. Reporter the administration hasnt responded yet, steph. Were hoping to hear from the president a little later on today. Well does him some questions. Hell hold a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of norway at 3 30 today. At about 11 30 hes holding a cabinet meeting. So hopefully in one of those two venues well get some type of reaction. Look, this is no issue that gets under his skin more than the issue of the russia probe. The administration would push back on some of the allegations made by Dianne Feinstein that garrett was just laying out. Broadly they would say that, look, the president has raised the issue of election meddling with president putin when they have met. He set up a Cyber Security commission, for example, but democrats and frankly a number of republicans have felt as though those actions havent gone far enough. Now, all of this comes, steph, as the president s personal attorney, michael cohen, is filing a lawsuit against buzzfeed for publishing details of that now infamous dossier. Cohen saying that details within the report are false, are provably false, for example, saying that his wife is russian. He says that thats not the case according to the suit. So what youre really seeing is steppedup pushback against this broader narrative thats being laid out by democrats. As garrett rightfully points out ahead of the midterm elections, expect this to continue to be a big focus and again, undoubtedly, the president will get some questions about this today during that news conference, steph. Michael cohen, if youre watching, you are always welcome to come sit down right here and have a talk all about it. I want to bring my panel in. Josh earnest, former White House Press secretary for president obama, peter winter worked for the last three republican president s and is currently a senior fellow at the ethics and Public Policy center, and matt miller, an msnbc news, justice and security analyst as well as a former spokesman for the Justice Department. Gentlemen, welcome. Josh, to you first. Yes. Does this seem like a multi day coordinated effort on the part of democrats to say to the American People we care about russian interference, we care about your safety, listen to what we have to say. Stephanie, i think this is a yearlong effort by democrats to make clear to the American People that the threat of russian interference in our political system is something that we should take seriously. This is something that we certainly were talking about in the Obama White House after the election as something that americans were going to have to confront over the long term and warning right away that republicans would see or that russians would see that this is something that had succeeded in the 2016 election and something that they were likely to reup in 2018 and 2020. The reason we know thats true is weve seen the russians ramp up their efforts. Mexico. In macrons election in france, we saw evidence of russian interference. In germany they have encountered the same thing. So this is something we should take seriously. Unfortunately right now theres only one Political Party in the United States that believes that thats just not something we could acknowledge but try to combat. But thats not necessarily the case, because there are republicans who will acknowledge and do acknowledge that there was russian interference. So if democrats goal is truly to help the American People and put this thing out there, matt, why wouldnt democrats try to get some republicans onboard, especially because this was Public Information . Full disclosure about this report, first of all. My wife works on the senate Foreign Relations committee and helped work on this report so i got a bootleg copy last night and got to go through it. Thats an exciting night at home. I would encourage everyone to read the report, it is quite detailed. The problem that you see is republicans on the hill, while they will give lip service to the idea we ought to do something more to protect our election, when it comes to policy reforms and putting something into place, you dont see them moving on it. You saw them move a sanctions bill to punish russia for interference, but theyre leaving most of it in the hands of the president of the United States, donald trump, who weve seen is unwilling to take any action. And i think you have to step back and ask the question why . Why . Why. The most generous interpretation is he thinks that any time you talk about interference, it delegitimatizes his election somehow and so he doesnt want to do anything to punish russia, to respond or to prepare for the future. But there is a more nefarious interpretation too that i dont think we should take off the table and thats that he welcomes their help, he wants them to do it again and he wants to benefit from it again. Had President Trump been more hard line as soon as he won this election about russia, we might not have a Robert Mueller investigation. Peter, we also saw yesterday a number of House Democrats release a letter and i want to share a piece of it. They sent it to speaker ryan where they said rather than pursue the truth on behalf of the American People, House Republicans have waged an Aggressive Campaign to shut down congressional and criminal investigations into russias attack. Are republicans making a mistake here . Given you could look at the last nbc poll out there. Americans are worried about russian interference. Are republicans making a mistake in falling in line behind the president here . Yeah, i think theyre making a mistake. A moral mistake and a political mistake. The Republican Party, unfortunately, sees it as the sword and shield of donald trump on any number of issues, but probably preeminently on russia. But they were republicans long before he was. They actually stand for republican beliefs. They believe in them. Once upon a time they did but theres been an inversion which happens when somebody like donald trump takes over your party. Unfortunately people who have a certain principled stand or at least one thought they were principled, once trump took over, they shifted and hes broken their spirit and changed their views. But, look, their view, and i strongly disagree with it because i think its wrong, i think ultimately it will back fire, but their view is that they have to protect trump. He is the king. If he goes down, they go down. But in my mind russia is the w Rosetta Stone of this investigation. What will happen eventually is that Robert Mueller will come out with his report and it will be thorough. And i think its going to be searing. The people who stood with donald trump now are going to look very, very bad and should. Wow. All right. Then i want to talk about this newly released testimony from fusion gps cofounder Glenn Simpson where he talks specifically about the Christopher Steele dossier and he pushed back against this argument that it is a phony document. I want to share what he said. Quote, it is political rhetoric to call the dossier phony. The memos are field reports of real interviews that chriss network conducted and theres nothing phony about it. We can argue about whats prudent and whats not, but it is not a fabrication. Josh, when you saw this transcript, what was your thought . My thought was he went to the fbi. He did go to the fbi, and the fbi told him, according to this testimony, that they were already investigating what was happening. So it certainly exposes the republican partisan lie that this dossier was the seed of the fbi investigation. No, the fbi was already investigating because they had already collected their own evidence that was corroborated in the dossier. Again, this is according to that testimony. Im not speaking on any knowledge that i have because i dont have any knowledge about the fbi investigation. But i think what is clear is it goes to what i was saying before. There seems to be a much more concerted effort on the part of Congressional Republicans to investigate the fbi and to investigate the Justice Department or at least to countenance those in the Republican Party who believe in that kind of investigation instead of actually trying to get to the bottom of what the russians did, what impact it had on the election and what can we do to protect our political debates and our election infrastructure from that kind of russian interference in the future. And that is a situation where the priorities that are being exhibited by Congressional Republicans are totally wrong, both when it comes to the politics but also when it comes to safeguarding the country. How demoralizing is that for the department of justice and the fbi . Very. I mean if you talk to people in those institutions, and indeed on the record, the leaders of those institutions, its really quite extraordinary. You mentioned earlier this inversion. One would be the republican position on russia. Going back to the soviet union and up until 2012 with mitt romney where there was a very strong position against russia standing against them. Thats totally been inverted. Then you have this protection of institutions, including Law Enforcement institutions like the fbi. So for decades the Republican Party positioned itself as a protector and defender of those institutions against attacks from the left. Now whats happening, the tip of the spear in these attacks are republicans. Thats doing huge damage to the political and civic fabric of the country. But again i want to underscore i think in the end there will be a really high political price to pay, because the truth will out and this Mueller Investigation is Going Forward. And he is a very, very skilled prosecutor and investigator, very comprehensive. And he knows so much more than we do. When this is all put forward and put out with sunlight, people will be judged by where they stood at these particular moments throughout. I just think that the Republican Party is going to look very, very bad. Releasing this testimony, Chuck Grassley said this was reckless, it was dangerous, this is going to limit their ability to get honest testimony from other people. But the white house seemed okay with it. Lindsey graham seemed okay with it. Whats your thought, matt. I think the reason Dianne Feinstein did this is very clear. She has decided that Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham are not acting in good faith in this investigation. Democrat staff and republican staff were both in this interview with Glenn Simpson. They saw how Christopher Steele was portrayed. They saw the kind of patriotic more patriotic in terms of protecting u. S. National security interests than republicans are doing in blowing the whistle. By the way, the word patriotic is misused every minute. I mean like donald trump jr. Every minute talks about what it means to be a great patriot. I would guess not dogging on the department of justice would be on that list. As well as calling the fbi when you find out that a Foreign Government is trying to interfere with the election. That would be the most patriotic thing. Thats what Christopher Steele did and thats exactly the opposite of what donald trump jr. Did. When Dianne Feinstein saw what lin Lindsey Graham and Chuck Grassley did last week, to refer Christopher Steele for criminal charges, to ask that he be prosecuted for this act of whistle blowing, for this act of trying to protect national security, that was a clear sign theyre not acting in good faith, they dont want to proceed with a real investigation. She decided shed had enough and she was going to release it herself. Now we have to turn to california. A devastating story. This state cannot catch a break. Rescuers worked through the night searching for people trapped after flash floods and mudslides, at least 15 people have already been killed in an area still recovering from the wildfires that took place last month. Almost two dozen people still missing. Gadi schwartz is live in montecito, california. How are rescue efforts coming along . Montecito is one of the most beautiful parts of this country. Reporter yeah. So theyre going to continue throughout the morning. We understand there will be maybe 300 people that are cut off from this area so theres going to be a lot of helicopters, airlifting people into a safer area. But i want to show you right here, this is some of the scenes that were seeing. In fact youve got this house over here thats got about four feet of mud. And then youve got signs over there that rescuers have put up. This one says all clear. But this right here was also a house that was completely wiped off of its foundation. If we walk over here, you can see this was the roof of the house. Youve got the shingling there. Then this was a tv right here. And all throughout this, its basically indistinguishable what youre seeing because its all collapsed in on itself. Over there, that thing thats white, thats actually a car thats been smashed in on itself. These are the types of piles of debris that rescuers are going into with dogs. In fact weve got some video from a remarkable rescue yesterday. A dog alerted rescuers that there was this 14yearold girl that was trapped inside this rubble. Those rescuers working tirelessly to extract her from there. She came out. She told them she thought she was dead. She thought she was gone. And you could hear her thanking those rescuers. You could see the relief on the face of those rescuers, but they have been making rescue after rescue. So far the death toll is 15. We expect that to go up even higher as they go through this area. But again, with piles of debris like, this its going to be very, very difficult. Stephanie, back to you. Gadi, that video is stunning. When we come back, Hurricane Marias ground zero. Nearly four, are you listening to me, four months later, hundreds of businesses in puerto rico still not open. Remember, puerto rico is a tourist destination. Basically shut down due to lack of electricity. No electricity, no business, no money. Those people are either trapped in puerto rico or theyre moving to florida. Get ready. Plus, a federal judge blocks the Trump Administrations plan to end protection for d. R. E. A. M. Ers just hours after the president talks immigration with lawmakers. But first, this will make you laugh, Jimmy Fallons take on all the speculation surrounding Oprah Winfrey and a possible run for president. President trump was asked about oprah running for president. And he said that he would defeat her. Then another guy said, look, donald, theres only so much i can do for you. 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You should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. If you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. The most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. Help protect yourself against pneumococcal pneumonia. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. Welcome back. Im Stephanie Ruhle. The white house firing back at a judge this morning calling a decision to temporarily revive part of a federal Program Protecting Young Immigrants outrageous. The judge ruled d. R. E. A. M. Ers must be allowed to renew their applications. The judge saying the government did not consider the impact ending daca would have. The decision came just hours after the president s quite mixed messages on how to move forward with immigration reform. Listen in. 7. What about a clean daca bill now . I think thats basically what dick is saying. Were going to come up with daca and then we can start immediately on the phase two. Mr. President , you need to be clear, though. I think what senator feinstein is asking here, when we talk about daca, we dont want to be back here two years later. You have to have security. Do you see that . The president back and forth. We want a clean bill on daca. Dianne feinstein weighing in. Somehow that was left off the transcript from the white house, but fortunately thanks to the free press that was on tape and the white house is going to be issuing a correction. Were going to take them at their word that it was just an oversight. Okie doke. Now back to my panel to discuss all of it, josh earnest and peter winter. Also joining the conversation, heidi przybyla. Many republicans, many moderates were pleased with yesterdays meeting. Thegsd this is a great turning point but then President Trump just tweeted out, it shows everyone how broken and unfair our court system is when the Opposing Side in a case such as daca always runs to the ninth circuit and almost always wins before being reversed by the higher courts. Should this give people who were happy yesterday pause that, well, this is a reality show administration and every day you get a different president . Im reminded of that cliche, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me for the 3,500th time, im not sure whos at fault there, probably the person who was fooled again. The truth is our immigration system has been broken for a really long time. And when we were in the white house, we charged up that hill to try to fix it and we were able to get some bipartisan support in the form of a senate bill that would comprehensively reform our broken immigration system and make a historic investment in border security. The republican strategy now is not actually focused on fixing the broken immigration system, it is fixing the political problem that is caused by our broken immigration system. What republicans are poised to support now is essentially the construction of a border wall that would actually not do that much to strengthen our border and actually take money away from resources that are proven to protect us. But the money was supposed to come from mexico, a, and youve got republicans, youve got will herd saying this is a third century solution to a 21st century problem. Peter, i actually looked at yesterdays meeting with an open mind and an open heart. Unlike josh, i was that fool willing to be fooled again. Did you look at that meeting and feel any sense of positivity . Hey, maybe were working together. Hugh huewitt said to me this morning, that meeting, doing it on camera in front of everyone, should have made everyone realize Michael Wolffs book is nonsense. That is a ridiculous assumption. That has nothing to do with Michael Wolffs book. What do you think of that meeting yesterday . In terms of michael wolff, if the proposition here is you cant put donald trump in front of a camera for 15 minutes without mentally collapsing and thats the bar he has to cross is ludicrous. Hes great in performing in front of a camera, thats his best work. For a limited period of time. Thats completely separate. If you want to know the mind and working of donald trump read the transcripts with the New York Times or the twitter feed which is a road map to his mind. But did i take any comfort from the meeting . No, not really because among the other things thats problematic for donald trump is hes a man of staggering ignorance. He not only went into the job that way, he doesnt have any interest in mastering an issue. Thats why he will go from issue to issue day to day or as we saw in this meeting yesterday, minute to minute. At one point he was endorsing the democratic proposal for a clean bill on daca. Then you saw kevin mckaurlt cca enter ve intervening and saying, mr. President , you dont understand what theyre saying. Remember, your position is this and then they changed the transcript. Changed the transcript. Isnt that sttin stunning to yo . Yeah. I think those who have worked in a white house, it is. I have worked in white houses and i dont recall a white house actually changing the transcript in a situation like this. Did they think we wouldnt notice . Who knows . Its a bit of a chaotic environment as has been documented within the Communications Office there as well how that came about. But i do think there was one thing that was really important that happened yesterday, which was to getting a deal, which was the president depending on whether he changes this position or not said something that the moderates like jeff flake have wanted him to say for a long time, which is that the wall, quote unquote, wall doesnt actually have to be a wall. Maybe it can be part fencing, maybe it can be some surveillance and controls, which is what everybody has said all along. Yes, lets improve border security. So lets just assume for the next week or two he continues to hold that position. I do think that that could be provide some semblance of a deal. And this court ruling, in order to save face stuff, hes going to want to try to get a legislative solution as soon as possible. But heidi, if its about saving face, trumps base is going to knock on his door with his own documents, with his own Campaign Announcements where he said this must be a wall, a wall. His words were not a fence so thats going to come back and haunt him. Well, pick your issue. But he did say on this, im willing to take the heat. He wants a win. That is the thing that always motivates him and has throughout this process. Thats why he was desperate to get anything across the finish line to repeal obamacare even if it didnt repeal obamacare. Thats why he was desperate to move a tax cut bill across the finish line regardless of what was included it in. The same would apply in principle to this idea around immigration reform. Hell sign anything. He even said that yesterday. Because he wants to have the appearance of getting something done. The problem is, is that he doesnt have the kind of leadership skills, the discipline, the communication skills, the relationships on capitol hill or knowledge of the issue to actually put together an agreement that can get through both houses of congress. Peter, put on your republican hat. Lindsey graham was talking about the meeting and he said the most fascinating meeting ive been involved with in 20plus years in politics. I very much appreciate potus and real Donald Trumps attitude, demeanor and desire to get something done that will make our nation more secure while being fair to the d. R. E. A. M. Ers. Is this Lindsey Graham simply one year into this presidency knowing how to play this president . I suspect it is. I mean thats even for washington, thats an unusual degree of syncophacy. In 20 years, the most impressive . Come on now, youve got to get out more. Lindsey graham has an approach here which hes trying to push President Trump in directions thaemt he wants. He like foreign leaders figure out that the way to do this is to be obsequious to him, to praise him to the skies and hope that hell do it. I do want to say one thing about this daca thing and who knows with the mind of donald trump. But back in november he made similar sounds about daca having an agreement, and there were people on the right who rose up and criticized him. And what happened about three or four days after that, he went down to alabama to campaign for luther strange. What did he inject into the National Conversation . Nfl players kneeling. There was no reason to do that. There had been like six or seven players before. He intentionally did that to hit a cultural hot button issue to appeal to his base. And once he did that, once he got into this fight about the nfl players, the criticisms toward daca evaporated. So i wouldnt be surprised now once he begins to hear from republicans and from his base because of what he said about daca, about the wall, that hes going to now go to some kind of cultural issue to try and divide americans. It may be race, it may be something else. I agree with you 100 , i hear what youre saying. But do you give any credence to the fact that, yes, that is the President Trump we saw, but now just moments ago the white house did send out the corrected transcript and in the last week, steve bannon did get pushed out, he did get fired from breitbart. Could this be a new donald trump . It could, but the thing with donald trump is that theres no core to the man and so it just depends on what the moment is, what the season is, which way the winds are blowing. You can be sure mark meadows and the far right republican conference in the house is burning up the phone lines right now and saying, no, youve got to go for something much stricter on border enforcement. You said 18 billion. Thats got to be the price tag. And so it will depend on whether he bends to the far right republican element of the conference. And those are the people who got him elected. Weve got to leave it there and take a break. Nearly four months after Hurricane Maria closed 3 huh business 300 businesses, theyre still closed. Mariana atencio will give us a live report. Stick around. I realize that ah, that 100k is not exactly a fortune. Well, a 103 yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. How long did it take you two to save that . A long time. Then its a fortune. Well, im sure you talk to people all the time who think 100k is just pocket change. Right now were just talking to you. I told you we had a fortune. Yes, you did. Getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today. No one burns on heartburn. My watch try alka seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. With more acidfighting power than tums chewy bites. Mmmmm. Amazing. I have heartburn. Ultra strength from alka seltzer. Enjoy the relief. I realize that ah, that 100k is notwell, a 103fortune. Yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. How long did it take you two to save that . A long time. Then its a fortune. Well, im sure you talk to people all the time who think 100k is just pocket change. Right now were just talking to you. I told you we had a fortune. Yes, you did. Getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today. Welcome back, im Stephanie Ruhle. Time 4 morning primer, everything you need to know to start your day. We begin with a reversal from the Trump Administration. Interior secretary ryan zinke now says florida will be off limits for offshore oil and gas drilling. The white house moved last week to allow drilling in nearly all u. S. Coastal waters. The Supreme Court will hear arguments today on ohios Voter Registration system. Civil Rights Groups say it discourages minority turnout. The state says it keeps Voter Registration lists accurate and up to date. North carolina may have to redraw its Congressional District map. A panel of federal judges ruled it unconstitutional because republicans had redrawn it for political gains. And wikileaks founder, julian assange, may have to leave ecuadors british embassy. Ecuador says it may bring in a third party to mediate its dispute with the brits. Assange has sought asylum at the Embassy Since 2012. He fears hell be extradited to the u. S. If he leaves. An outrage in hollywood over reports that actress Michelle Williams earned less than 1,000 to reshoot scenes for all the money in the world. According to usa today costar Mark Wahlberg earned 1. 5 million and remember, all the money in the world was reshot because it starred kevin spacey. How about that. Now to puerto rico. In the resort town, just 20 of homes and businesses have any electricity. The towns mayor says nearly 300 businesses are still shut down. Msnbcs mar aun yaiana atencio. This is their season when they get all their business. What are people telling you . Reporter exactly, stephanie. This is an area known for tourism and locals tell me the tourist season is decimated. Im at a big resort. Just look at some of the boats behind me. The beaches are empty here. The Wyndham Hotel remains closed. And those snow birds, the tourists that come here in the winter months, spend their money, theyre not here and that has a trickledown effect. Locals say that if this continues, their livelihoods could be at risk. While the storm clouds have come and gone, Hurricane Maria still hangs over the resort community in puerto rico. You can see it in your neighborhood, you can see it in the community, you can see it in your work. Reporter Christina Vasquez runs water sports rental company. She says the slow recovery has kept vacationers away during the peak of tourism season. October and november were months that we didnt have no income at all. December 2017, 95 to 100. Reporter before the storm hits, the economy here was known for its beaches, fishing, tourism. Now its referred to as ground zero for Hurricane Maria and almost four months later, power here is still at 20 . We dont have enough power poles. We dont have enough cable. Enough isolators, transformers. Reporter engineers like frank rivera are tasked with the tall order of restoring the citys power. We are working home by home at this moment. Every single house has a secondary line. We have to stub in the power line, fix it up there, make the line and connect to the house. House by house . House by house. Reporter but Restaurant Owners jenny and edgar feel they have been left behind in the islands recovery effort. Were not seeing that much progress here. There are certain areas in the island that are being restored at a faster pace. We were told that sometime in march time frame we would have power. I dont see that happening. Reporter they say their business has dropped 50 since Hurricane Maria. To make things worse, they have had to limit their dinner hours. People are scared to get out on the streets after a certain time because its pitch dark. Its actually dark, theres no lights on main streets. That affects us because they wont come into the restaurant. Reporter and they end of the day, the darkness follows them home. We had two power generators, and they both went out on me. They havent been working ever since. Basically its batteries. Our refrigerator is just sitting there. We havent used it since maria came by. Were not going to let maria take the best of us. Reporter they are just one part of the larger story. Throughout the island, especially in the countryside, lack of power continues to be the biggest challenge, especially for those Small Business owners to get back up and running. As we saw in the story in, some communities the Power Authority here has to go house by house. In the one we profiled, they told us it was going to take three weeks to get that community to have power approximately, so the Power Authority saying almost half of the islands customers are still in the dark almost four months since maria hit here. Stephanie. In the dark and we need to keep them in the headlines. Mariana, thank you so much. Well leave it there. Coming up, President Trump heading to the World Economic forum in davos, switzerland. Its stunning if you think about it. The president s make America Great message flies directly in the face of the world renowned meeting of economic titans. A meeting about togetherness and wiping away borders with a president who certainly loves them. Why is he going . Hi dad. No. Dont try to get up. Hi, im julie, a right at home caregiver. And if id been caring for toms dad, i would have noticed some dizziness that could lead to balance issues. 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And i want to share the definition. It is one who has little need for nationality and who views National Boundaries as obstacles that are thankfully vanishing. Look it up, read it again. Do you know why . Because essentially that is the exact opposite of the president s make America Great campaign and the opposite of an America First agenda. Joining me now to discuss it, Brendan Greeley and steve clemons. Steve, to you first. You and i have both been to davos. It was a huge surprise. President trump dumped on davos last year. If i think about and granted, steve bannon might not be with the president anymore, but the entire maga principle set flies in the face of no matter where steve bannon is right now, his brain is exploding. Exploding. Totally exploding, because this crowd is everything donald trump pretends not to be. I think when you look at the way gravity works there, there are no boundaries, there are no walls, there are no countries. I knew sam huntington. When he conceived this, he put this in the world of a clash of civilizations. There was one segment of human beings that defied categorization with culture and language. Davos is sort of above that. These are the masters of the universe. And i think this is the world that donald trump was trying to say he was not part of. Although last year when i was there with joe biden, anthony scaramucci, in the white house, out of the white house, he and xi jinping were the two high points at davos. Anthony scaramucci is one of the rare guys that monetizes the experience. Most go and saying im going, im not sure if ill monetize this, the mooch has. Ive heard people inside the white house are clamoring to go. Theyre sending a huge advance team there today. Brendan, why do you think President Trump wants to go . We know how much he loved his trip to asia. We know he loves saudi arabia and being treated like a king. Davos is much like a g20 meeting. There are so many important people, everyone gets treated regular. So i think that first of all, i have not been to davos. Nobody ever thought i was important enough to invite me to davos. I only had a few passes. Every year you would go and i would go to the American Economic Association Annual conference. Almost as good. Maybe hell go there next year. He will definitely not go there. But i dont think the word davos is an electoral issue for anyone in american except for the three of us and steve bannon watching sadly at home so that part he doesnt need to worry about. As far as going, i see davos from afar where people who are powerful go to talk to each other and hear themselves and other people say were still good people. Were still worried about inequality. We still care about the world. It is a place for affirmation. And there is nobody on the face of this earth with a more bottomless need for affirmation than donald trump. And so i think that there will be less Walking Around than at the g20. He can jet in and do his thing and hell force all those people whom hes always wanted to be to sit there and watch him. They have no choice. Its exactly like they had to do with xi jinping. Well, i heard it was Emmanuel Macron who urged the president to go. But is it really World Leaders the president wants to meet with . Because its also jam packed about ceos. Ceos, finance ministers and hollywood types. But those ceos had not been on the side of trump. Last summer when they dismantled all those ceo councils, he was furious. Now hes cut their taxes and theyre all there. Hell look from jamie dimon to Steve Schwartzman and Lloyd Blankfein and will he say, yes, may i have another while they thank him for the big tax cut. Ive been in davos meetings and all around the world, the truth is with the biggest star, and donald trump will be a big star there. Huge. This place will seem a way to seem very obsequious to donald trump. He will walk out of there not feeling rebuked, not feeling demeaned or looked down on, he will walk out feeling as if he was king of the hill yet again and i now own this piece of territory, which last year sxi jinping owned. He came in and said im going to save all of you in the say, imn markets. The takeaway was xi jinping was Number One World leader. We are talking china. Bloomberg put out a report this morning, it caught your eye, you alerted me. Officials in china are recommending or slowing a halting of purchase of u. S. Treasuries. Why is this a big deal . This is a big deal because we just decided to borrow 1. 5 trillion. Maybe just 1 trillion depending on how you do the math. Well say 1 trillion. That whole act was predicated on the assumption it was cheap for america to borrow money. Borrowing costs for u. S. Treasury have been historically low. So china is not the majority holder of the u. S. Treasuries. But they own a lot. Theres a whole chunk of them. And what it just did in leaking this information, they made it clear to talk about trade disputes. They made it clear to do this as political leverage. They said, look, we have the power to make debt more expensive for you. Good morning, america. Lets see what we do. And the threat of inflation, Interest Rates rising, this is not good for americans. The market did exactly what china wanted it to do. It flicked up and debt got more expensive. China is peeking at you saying, guess what, we matter. What a conversation. Thank you. President trumps first year in Office Coming to a close. Well have that conversation now, a year that has been long on drama, headlines and short on legislative pleasuremen legislative bli legislative accomplishments. Joining me is jon meacham. Well look at the Campaign Promises trump has made. The one he kept his word on was lowering the Corporate Tax rate. Will this year be remembered as a year that the president fulfilled a promise to Corporate America who he didnt actually promise much to . Or did he do a lot for the American People who voted for him . I think year one is about twitter and taxes. And well see what year two is, but you know, i know, a lot of the Establishment Republicans who when governor bush and senator rubio went by the wayside in 2016, they signed on with trump. But what they were really signing on for was the tax deal. They wanted that they wanted the Affordable Health care act done away with. And they wanted taxes. And that was the price for their soul. That check has cleared. So i think the real interesting question Going Forward is going to be, will they continue to stand by someone who is so temperamentally unstable through this, if, in fact, they have the bottom line taken care of. Is the real question Going Forward, who is President Trumps base . Steve bannon clearly out of the picture. The altright, the far right with the exception of judges, which makes christian conservatives very happy, but im talking about the forgotten angry american. If he or she isnt getting a wall, if the president is willing to say, eh, let it be a fence, what does that say to that base . Is the president s base moving to Corporate America or rich people who could say, i dont like his personality, but im glad my taxes have gotten lower . Thats the key question. Hes always had two elements together to get to the compound of the Electoral College vict y victory. One was the disaffected George Wallace, shawn thurman, ross perot voters who do not believe that the system has rewarded them. They didnt want a clinton, they didnt want a bush, they thought it was time to, as George Wallace used to say, send them a message. And we sent them a reality show host. So theres that base. Thats about 30 , 35 of the country. I think if hes counting on Corporate America base, hes probably counting in vain. I think they are highly transactional. They love the cut regulations. They love the market being up. They love profits being up. And they love this tax bill. But the political marketplace as you know discounts things pretty quickly. And so if they have taken that, theyve got it, theyre rolling. So if question is, are they going to be with them if he is continuing to create an extraordinary level of chaos. One of the things to me that is so fascinating is, if you talk to any financial folks, and you know this better than i do, in 2016, they all said the markets wanted certainty. They were okay with Hillary Clinton as opposed to trump because at least they would know what was going on. The market in its remarkable run here has defied that. So the question is, does uncertainty, temperamental uncertainty actually cut into the market. Well, thats because the market at this point views all of trumps tweeting and noise as just noise, not legislation. When it comes to legislation, they will take it and deregulation they love it. But when you think about ceos and how worried they were about a tweet six months ago, really worried. Today, theyre not even looking at it. All right, jon, thank you so much. Great conversation. Wait, quick, before we go, steve bannon, are we going to be talking about him a year from now . I think so. I think hes his base is truly that altright base. And thats not going anywhere. Not going anywhere. All right, jon, thank you so, so much. Jon is luckier than me, its good weather where he is. The dow down more than 100 points. Cnbc says it is because of concerns we were just covering, china, may stop buying u. S. Debt. That makes you think about inflation and Interest Rates going up, or maybe it is a buying opportunity. Well be right back, if. Its time now for the your business of the week. Nighter honda of ozobot says kids dont have to be just passive consumers of electronic toys. That i should be creators. 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Last year she went back and was welcomed by hundreds of people who showed up at bridgettes Elementary School Holding Signs to welcome her home, not just her classmates, but parent, teachers, a whole community and the police department. One parent just said, we wanted bridgette to know we hasnt forgotten. I say theres great americans here every day. That wraps us up for the hour. Im Stephanie Ruhle heading back to new york. Ly not be with my partner ali at 11 00. But right next to me is hallie jackson. In the flesh, this is the greatest surprise ever. But well let you go. This morning, bracing for a battle of how to make bipartisanship a reality. And a judge is throwing a lastminute lifeline to dreamers as lawmakers head back to the hill after that remarkable meeting at the white house. Why they may be more confused now than before. And what they are doing to make a deal. Well ask one of the senators in that meeting, republican

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