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Be followed. You should do your mission and follow the law. Republicans across the country facing angry constituents. Feels like we have a juvenile running our country. Now the president is weighing in, suggesting the movement isnt real. Plus, battling hate. President trump speaking exclusively to msnbc, and his strongest terms yet against antisemitic attacks. I think its terrible. I think its horrible. But for many its just not enough. His silence is poison. Nothing the president today mitigated the cancer growing in the white house, it starts with him. We begin this morning with the immigration guide hraoeupz. A sweeping plan to potentially deport millions of people who are in the United States illegally. And it includes hiring up to 15,000 more i. C. E. And Border Patrol agents, and ends catch and release forcing people caught at the border to be detained until their hearing and deports anybody that has been here illegally for less than two years. We have the best team in the business, and here to talk about all of it, i want to start with kristin welker, and she is live at the white house. We just got the new immigration guidelines in the last 24 hours. Walk us through how different are they from what we have seen before . Reporter the bottom line is it gives deportation i. C. E. Agents more authority to track people, detain and deport them. You mapped out some of the key headlines, the fact there are going to be 15,000 more border agents, and they are going to be able to target not only people with criminal records, but with those who do something wrong, like get stopped with a traffic ticket if it deemed that person is undocumented, and it will deport parents that pay people to bring their children across the border, and this has some concerned saying this is akin to mass deportation, and the white houses argument is this is enforcing preexisting law. Its not tkhaeupbgichanging the its giving the i. C. E. Agents to track people and determine that they can be deported. So this is a debate that is going to continue and it comes as we know the president also working behind the scenes on that travel ban that got blocked up in the courts. We expect that to be unveiled in the coming days. Talk to us about the travel ban. When do we believe its going to come out . We believe it could come out as soon as friday, steph. Thats what we are tracking. We are told expect it by the end of the week. What are the key components of that. We will remember in the first version of the ban, and it halted travel good seven muslimmajority countries, and they are looking at the same seven countries, and one of the key differences, look for the language around syrian refugees, the first version of the socalled travel ban blocked indefinitely all syrian refugees, and i am told that language would be different and you are not going to see a blanket indefinite ban ofyrian refugees, and take a look at what one of the top policy advisers had to say about this. Fundamentally you will still have the same basic policy outcome for the country, but you are going to be responding to technical issues. That was steven miller, and not jason miller. Let me show you the latest survey money online poll as it relates to the order. 50 say they approve of the order, while 47 say they disapprove, so a pretty even split. I want to bring in our panel. Msnbc chief local correspondent, and heather mcgee, the head of a Public Policy organization, and then jacob, we will get to you in just a minute. Ari, help me out. There are a number of headlines saying mass doueportations coul be coming, and what they want to do is enforce existing law. Theres nothing in the two orders that say there will be a mass Deportation Force like trump as a candidate spoke about. This is a bolstering and strengthening, and the Previous Administration had a very aggressive deportation policy, over 2 million, which was higher basically than any other administration. This follows on that and goes further and does water down some rights and does basically try to add some heft in agents, and we will hear from jacob in a moment from the border, and these orders have language that says lets count the aid we give to mexico and Start Building the wall. Whether that actually happens, we will see. I want to talk about Trump Supporters, and by no means theres talk, are you normalizing President Trump, i am not, and my mom and dad called me last night on this, and said, well, it looks like the white house looking to follow the law, so what is so reprehensible about this . Two things. First of all, if Trump Supporters think he is doing what he said he would do, and this is why he got elected, and thats the question people have, if you are here illegally why wouldnt we be able to deport you, and what is going to be key here is how this is implemented, because its one thing to say, you know, lets deport criminal aliens. Theres a broad support for that. But what you are going to start to see now are the specific cases, the stories, and there will be faces and narratives and mothers and fathers, and you know, as the Trump Administration has already demonstrated, theres a gap with this administration between what their policy is and the way it is implemented. There was a study by prri that was released last week that shows a myth that we have that all Trump Supporters that want mass deportation is wrong, and not even in the reddest states, and none of the 50 did the majority of people support deportation as the answer. We have to remember that right now we have had more than a decade of people in this country clamoring for an earned path to citizenship, and instead what we have now is republicans having blocked an earned path to citizenship to people that have been here for years, and yes, its a dough poeportation forcen my neighborhood you have vans that come by that have kids and their families, and theres terror in the community, and theres an earned path to citizenship that is nowhere on trumps agenda. The immigration plans are being rolled out as two top officials are heading to mexico today, and tillerson will be joined by Homeland Security secretary, john kelly, and in the meantime, paul ryan is leading a delegation to the u. S. And mexico border, and jacob is in the rio grand valley. What specifically is paul ryan going to be doing today . Reporter this will be his first visit to the border, believe it or not, and his office is being very hush on the details of it. But the local press is reporting that he will come here to the rio grand. Behind me you are seeing the rio grand and you are seeing mexico off in the distance, and its a public park down there which we were trying to get to, but they kicked us out, and we believe he will also be going there, and he will be taking an aerial tour of the area in a helicopter, and he will go to a Holding Facility where immigrants are detained as well, and we will visit near to where we are where traffic goes in and out, and last year at least this was the busiest sector for illegal border crossing, so this is the place to come to visit. He will be tagged along with fellow house republicans, and they have a lot to talk about. A bit of color from the city as we walk around and i talked to people at the hotel and a couple of others, and they said theres a campaign on the mexico side because of trumps policies called adios mccallen, and Business Owners notice a differce, a steep drop for people that go to the courtyard marriott has seen a steep drop, and they wonder if it will last. How about Rex Tillerson, what are they doing today . Reporter they are not coming here, and they are going mexico city, and they are expected to talk about trade and security. We know last month the president there cancelled the visit to come to the United States and meet with donald trump, though they had a phone call which has been widely reported on. We dont know too much about their visit, but we know they have plenty to talk about. We will take a break. Next, republicans earn recess and they have had a rough ride home. Talking to their constituents, testy town halls. They are getting an earful. Up next, were going to talk to two reporters who were there as voters spoke their mind in two town hallstyle meetings, one in missouri and one in florida. You know how Ge Technology allows us to fix problems before they. They slow production, yeah. Well, no more catchy business acronyms. Wait, we dont need to smooch . Im sure we can smooch a solution we just need to hover over the candice, problem until. Just let it go. Hey, sorry im late for team building. Smoooooooch that felt right. Whats wrong with you . Hes so trusting. I just want to find a used car start at the new carfax. Com show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. The full value of your totaled new car. The guy says, you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong insurance company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Why should Americans Trust you when you accuse the information they receive of being fake when you are providing information that is fake. I was given that information. But it was a substantial victory, do you agree with that . You are the president. You spent a lot of money to benghazi. Waste a little on trump. Dont appeal obamacare. Improve it, for gods sake several republican lawmakers were getting more than an earful from their constituents at town halls across the country, and they are expressing concern about using Health Care Coverage if republicans repeal obamacare, and even Mitch Mcconnell faced tough crowds. Now these people dont have the insurance they need because they are poor, and they work those coal mines, and they are sick and their parents are sick and they are not getting what they need. If you can answer any of that i will sit down and shut up like Elizabeth Warren. She did kind of drop the mike on that one. And President Trump is reacting, but reacting to the town halls tweeting this. The socalled angry crowds in home districts of some republicans are actually in numerous cases planned out by liberal activist, sad. We have an Incredible Team of reporters covering these town halls. You were at a town hall last night with iowa senator, Chuck Grassly. How did that go . Reporter good morning. I am now en route to bettenville, arkansas, where there will be an event tonight. And its funny you mention Donald Trumps tweet about liberal activist. These are in rural republican communities where there are democrats and independents coming out and voicing their opposition to donald trump, and thats where Chuck Grassly stood his ground and he has been in the senate for many years, and what he was having to field was resentment for donald trump, and talking about betsy devos, and he stood up and there responded to questions, and the problem for him is that first man you showed was offered tums to get through the next four years, and he said there are three or four Health Care Plans in the works. It may not be available for me, and the Insurance Companies can deny me, and thats why question, are you going to allow that to happen . I dont see that could happen, because when you are go out to cobra, you will immediately go and buy insurance. If its there and they allow me to buy it. Reporter the rublicans are having a tough time delivering what the agenda is in congress, and tonight marco rubio does not have an event in tampa, and some are saying its a empty chair event because marco rubio will not be attending. Lets take you to waterloo, iowa. Republican senator, joani ernst. You saw there was over well pheupg evidence that a foreign country was meddling in our elections and democracy [ applause ] this is a red state. This is trump country. How contentious did this town hall get . Very much so stephanie. Ruckus, rowdy, all of those adjectives apply, and the town hall for senator grassly that was just talked about, and this is reminiscent of the tea party rise, and many people were shouting, your last term. People were talking over each other and talking over senator ernst yesterday, very passionate. Her response to the question about russia, you heard the question earlier, she told the audience that she has said over and over again, that russia is not our friend and she went on to say she contacted the president last week telling him he needs to stand up to president putin, and at that point the man that asked the question, a veteran from iowa city told her to say it louder. A veteran from iowa city. Did you hear that . I want to get my panels take on this. A veteran from iowa city. President trump tweets, socalled angry crowds. When i hear a veteran from iowa city and look at those impassioned people, i think of the trump rallies. The fact that i am saying what could be going on in President Trumps head but these are americans that most likely voted for him. Its the same mistake that democrats made in 2009 where they are trying to claim the tea party was astro turf and the koch brothers, and they ignored what was bubbling up out there. The republicans cannot make the same mistake. And you show up and stay light, and you dont walk out and get confrontational, but show up and do your job listening to these people, because at some point the republicans will have to address these concerns, and sway a lot of these fears. Theres a high wire act they have to perform, and they have to show up and stay late and answer the questions, while the question, who they are standing behind, they are republicans and he is their republican president , is basically reigning on these people, calling them socalled. How does this work . Its not working. Thats why about 200 republicans have been avoiding having any meetings with the constituents during the recess, which is a huge mistake and shocking. The psychology of donald trump to try and minimize this country, and how americans actually feel, its something we have seen time and time again. The man lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. The biggest mobilization in American History happen the day after his inauguration, and this was led by women sayinghese are not our values that donald trump does not represent us, and this is not going to go away. He got to an underwater Approval Rating faster than any president since they started counting. This is a minority president and is unpopular and pushing an extremely unpopular agenda. Very effective in creating an enemy, so watch that he will continue to do that, and rather than, you know, basically acknowledge legitimacy of the grassroots movement, its going to be left wing activist, unionist and acorn or whatever. Why is it smart for republicans when they have been his enemy, why does it make sense for them to stand behind President Trump and vote for him and support him when their constituents are doing this, and why does that make sense . They dont work for him, and they work for the people that show up for the meetings. That will be an interesting dynamic, when they come back to washington, and they will say this is what is happening here because, you know, politicians are politicians for a reason, w right . They know whether its as tr astroturf or not. Its going to be interesting to see when they come back and start to share notes about this, and somebody comes in and says the white house wants you to do x, y and z on obamacare or this issue, you might get more pushback. Thats giving republicans in congress too much credit here. Its not trump who wants to repeal obamacare, its republicans that have been saying nothing but repeal it and have had seven years now to find a replacement and have no interests in doing it skprbg these are lives at stake with the health care and this is the broad cynicism when politicians are focused on the donors and special interests, and not the fact that working families cant get ahead. But paul ryan doesnt want to not give People Health care. If he is a career politician and he wants to stay in office or run for president , he does not want to have in his legacy, i took health care from everybody, check it. Thats not what he wants to do . Sadly, thats what he has been doing for the last seven years. He wants to unwrite our social safety net. Thats not true. Thats his plan. No. No. Thats not his plan. Thats not his plan. Lets be serious. Im sorry, i actually have to really let charlie speak. Paul ryan has been working on this for sometime. Its going to be difficult, and they are not taking away health care, and what they are not were not talking right now about all the people who experienced these massive price hikes in obamacare, and there are people that have been hurt by that. At some point we are going to have to deal with both of those constituents, and do not pretend that obamacare is working we dont have more time for this conversation. We will have a lot more time to talk about it over the next four years or so. I have to take you to breaking news. We have people at standing hock that have taken to lighting fires. Reporter they are saying this is for cultural reasons. Let me get out of the way and show you what is going on. Its deadline day today, and 2 00 p. M. Local time and 3 00 p. M. Eastern is when the National Guard wants everybody off of this camp and they say they will come in and give people a choice, and can you get on a bus to bismarck or given a bus ticket home or on a bus to jail. Some people say they will be arrested here in the afternoon, and we will have to wait to see how it burns out, and tents are burning here early in the morning. Tense times. We are less than five minutes away from the market opening. Another day, another stock market record. President trump set for another meeting with ceos tomorrow, and they will be handing in their homework. Its the 30day anniversary of donald trump meeting with his manufacturing council. 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Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about brilinta. Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. I did. Nt. Hat . Hey, come look what lisa made. Wow. You grilled that chicken . Yup i did. Nt. Mhm, lisa. You roasted this . Uhuh. Nt. Introducing smartmade by smart ones. Real ingredients, grilled and roasted using the same smart cooking techniques you do. You own a grill . Smartmade frozen meals. Its like you made it. And you did. Nt. Welcome back. Time for your morning primer, everything you need to know to get your morning started. We begin with Rex Tillerson meeting with mexican officials after the Trump Administration has sweeping guidelines to deportations. An American Airlines flight in and out of philadelphias International Airport are taking to the skies again after computer problems force add ground stop. The airline says the airports underwent a routine power shutdown and americans computers did not come back on line. Hundreds of residents in Northern California are evacuating their homes again amid swift floods rising. Crews rescued more than 200 people by boat. A newly released video shows harrison fords Close Encounter with a jetliner with the airport, and ford mistaken lelanded on a taxi way instead of a runway. The Los Angeles Lakers have a new man in charge of basketball operations. Lakers legend, the one and only magic johnson. He will be charged with rebuilding a team that is currently the third worst in the league. Its tough to be kobe bryant. The markets moments ago opened hot off the heels of another record high close, and at the same time President Trumps is sharpening his token on the economy, and he will have a meeting with a group of ceos, and he met them with the first monday he was in office and tasked them to return in 30 days with a series of actions to help stimulate the American Manufacturing system, and during the first gathering, he outlined several key goals. We think we can cut regulations by 75 . When you want to expand your plant, you will have your approvals really fast. We are going to be opposing a major border tax. We want to start making our products again. Joining me now is brian sullivan, and alvi velshi. We look at President Trumps 30 days, and we talk about mike flynn, and this faux pas, and this issue, and steven miller, and people say it has been disastrous, and the markets dont get offended and have no feelings and are simply based on what the policy promises can, man, they are ripping. They are ripping, because people are going to say things are disastrous in this day and age, and every 30 minutes theres a n crisis, and i hearsomebody say i live through hundreds of crisis and none of them happened. The market is a monster, and its on monster to the upside, and we are hoping for tax reform and things that will stimulate the economy, and the economy was doing fairly well, so a lot bingo. Right. So the idea there will less regulation and the idea theres more growth is helping, particularly in some sections, and its not all sectors, and some parts are hurting. The headwinds we have to watch is the dollar is still strong, which is going hurt manufacturing. The fed will still raise interest rates, and we were all sitting around with people saying, we dodged the business cycle, and we learned the hard way that recessions do come around. We need to underscore President Trump keeps saying president obama handed him a mess. He did not hand him a mess in terms of the economy. President obama was delivered a mess. One of his first executives orders was a rescue package, and he delivered steady, slow, economic growth, much of which is the cause of the regulation and this slow growth, so maybe its time to dial it back a little bit. Its not fair to say, god, i was handed a mess. And you can put regulation which is a dirty word, and some love it and some hate it and some dont have an opinion about it, and regulations like building a home added 5 to 8 according to analyst to building a home, and 5 to 8 of the price you pay is just regulation. They are not trying to destroy this or that, but they are trying to make things more cost competitive so they can build more. Thats the why. Will it work . I dont know. A lot of the regulation that we are facing, some of it is not federal regulation a lot of it is state. A lot comes from lawsuits and things like that. We have to look at regulation and see what is Holding Business from hiring people and expanding. I want to talk about possibly working together. In the last eight years there was criticism, when Elizabeth Warren was in a more powerful position, there was not businesses for grow or thrive, and nobody liked the corporate fat cat, and tomorrows meeting that President Trump is having with the ceos, and now they have had this project for the last four weeks and they are going sit down and they are going to talk regulation, taxation, infrastructure, and something we have not heard from President Trump yet, the workforce of the future thats the problem we have got, and the one thing we know, while we talk about a manufacturing crisis in this country, manufacturing increased throughout the entire recession, and its the people employed to manufacture things that is not increasing, and one of the things trump tasked these ceo with doing is how they can goose their growth and profitability and jobs, and they have not been on the front end of creating jobs. I was saying it last time i was on, and only say new things. Ali is great. Never met him. If we lose 1 million retail jobs, and there are retailers who are experimenting with stores that have zero employees in the store. Thats 1 Million People. So its great to add, 30, 40, 50,000 manufacturing jobs and i hope we do, and the fact that oil and gas have come back on, and those are jobs. But you cant ignore the big thing of automation. Who is fixing that . Thats why we need the ceo meeting to be an actual working session, not just a photo opportunity. Why do we believe the people at the front of this, and i buy all my stuff online, but why the president and the ceos, neither of whom have done deep wiv ceos dont like people. Thats not true. I am not knocking that ceos dont like human beings they dont like paying people. Labor is the biggest cost of any company. Okay . Ceos who fiduciary duty is to maximize share holder skwral, and thats it. You need people, but at the same point, if you could have a whole robot you mean cheap people. I am ready to replace these two with a couple robots. They would be more efficient. Smarter. Would not take breaks or fall down. Done with those two. Next, the white house issues new guidelines on immigrant enforcement. The former mayor of los angeles will be joining me. Nosy neighbor with a keen sense of smell. Glad bag, full of trash. What happens next . Nothing. Only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. Guaranteed. Even the most perceptive noses wont notice the trash. Be happy. Its glad. Knows how it feels to seees your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana®. Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. 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I am joined with former los angeles mayor, and hes also a democratic candidate for californias gubernatorial race. Thank you for joining me this morning. I have to get your response to sean spicer. Donald trump has been very outspoken about being the president of law and order, so if somebody enters this country illegally, and is sean spicer right that the government has a right to have that person removed . They may have a legal right. That is a question of debate. The question is, do they have a moral right . The question is, should they deport 11 Million People . No country has ever done that. According to the National Academy of silences, immigrants, including mexican immigrants by the way, which they seem to focus on inproportionately, and the fact of the matter is most of these are working and creating wealth and contributing to the economy, and here in los angeles, the reason i am as outspoken as i am, and i see these people starting their businesses and having children here and going to school mayor, and heres the one thing i dont get. If legally the government would have a right to deport them, but not morally, are the laws that we put in place immoral to begin with . Well, thats a good question. I can tell you this. Its immoral to divide mothers from their children in the way they are beginning to do now. Theres been a lot of issue about whether or not this is consistent with what president obama or bush did. Yes, both deported a lot of people. They focused primarily, though not always, on serious criminals. They have expanded the definition of a criminal offense to include crossing the border multiple times to come back to your family, to include using fake documents so when you are stopped at you are not deported, to include using driving without a drivers license when you couldnt get a drivers license. Look, why dont we fix this broken immigration system, stephanie, both democrats and republicans agree its broken, and instead of terrorizing families, and dividing them in the way they are doing here today and across the country. Much of President Trumps face, many who voted them, what do you say to the americans that say that mother originally illegally brought her children to this country, or to what President Trump wants to go after, those who paid smugglers to bring their children here . Yes, they came to pursue the American Dream and give their children a better life, but what is the response to those americans that say i am an american citizen and i want a better life . First of all, hes dividing one american against the other. The fact is, as you said, these mothers are coming here to give their children a better life. The fact is, their children are going to school here and working here. They are not committing crimes in the way that donald trump would suggest. Washington post, the National Academy of sciences have had an exhaustive study proving that, and he continues to argue that somehow they are disproportionately committing crimes in our country, and its not true. And its not true they are disproportionately taking jobs. The fact of the matter is, a long study, two decades worth indicated they are not taking jobs from most americans, that only other immigrants are impacted by them, and only to a certain extent. I think what we say to them, lets fix the broken immigration system instead of going into the communities the way they are doing in los angeles and across the state and the nation, and lets Work Together to make sure we are securing our borders, and we are certainly deportable serious criminals who commit violent crime, but not people who have done very little except to break our laws, except to cross the border. Mayor, thank you so much for joining me this morning and sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Next, after a week of questions, President Trumps condemns antisemitic acts in an exclusive interview with our own craig melvin. Thats next. Or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. Find out how American Express cards and Services Best cracked pepper sauce barbeque trophies most ribs eaten while calf roping. Yep. Greatness deserves recognition. You got any trophies, cowboy . Uh, yea, well, uh. Well, theres this one. Best insurance mobile app . Yep, three years in a row. Well ill be does that thing just follow you around . Like a little puppy. The awardwinning geico app. Download it today. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Welcome back. Im stephanie ruhle. We are talking President Trump. Jewish organizations are saying that the president s remarks against antisemitic acts are too little, too late. The Anne Frank Center published a scathing statement saying that trumps words are a bandaid on a cancer of antisemitism. But according to trump and his team, the president is denouncing antisemitism every chance he gets. Will you denounce antisemitism once and for all . Well, i do all the time. I do all the time. I think its terrible. I think its horrible. Antisemitism is horrible and its going to stop, and it has to stop. Its ironic no matter how many times he talks about this that its never good enough. Msnbcs craig melvin conducted that exclusive interview yesterday. He joins me along with my panel Charlie Sykes and heather mcphee. President trump did denounce antisemitism yesterday. Immediately after, sean spicer, hes done it. Hes done it every chance he can get. Thats not true. No, its not true. We didnt get into it with the president there at the africanAmerican History museum. Thats why theres been a sfons what he said. Folks following this know that thats not something thats true. He has not forcefully denounced it. It did seem as if he was prepared for the question yesterday. His daughter ivanka flanked him yesterday. Ivanka tweeted about it the night before that interview. Hillary clinton tweeted about it yesterday morning. We know how much time this president spends on social media. He was, i gathered, based on his response, prepared for the question. But, no, this is not something that had been denounced forcefully on a number of occasions. Charlie, also you dont have to be jewish to have an issue with antisemitism. So the argument, heres my daughter ivanka who is standing next to me. She has converted to judaism. Has nothing to do with how you should treat fellow humans. No, its like saying im married to a woman, therefore, i cant be sexist or Something Like that. And the reality is we know thats not true. For more than a year, donald trump has looked away, given the wink and nod to the altright. We wouldnt be talking this week about milo, known for his antisemitic rants occasionally. We wouldnt be talking about these guys unless donald trump had enabled and empowered these folks for years. Why are we seeing this outburst . Im not saying donald trump is himself an antisemite but he has clearly used and he has enabled these folks, and then theres a connection. His silence for all of this time has contributed to this and hes been feeding the beast, looking the other way and that one statement does not wipe it away. In january, there were 60 bomb threats called in to Jewish Community Centers Across the country. Absolutely unprecedented. During the election, 800 different journalist s being th target of antisetic tweets from steve banns altright. He could have not issued a Holocaust Remembrance Day statement that did not mention the 6 million jews who were killed in the holocaust. That is a trope of the far right neonazi ideology about what the holocaust really was. He could fire steve bannon who is a White Nationalist who has given a platform to the White Nationalist altright. He can say that the way hes defining who an american is in this extremely narrow way is, in fact, feeding into antimuslim hate, antisemitic hate, antiimmigrant hate. This is a real test of character. I think weve seen what the character is of this white house. Will someone go visit that vandali vandalized place to see who did it . Yes, President Trump did denounce antisemitism yesterday but this message were hearing, too little, too late. Id be surprised. I would be surprised if this but wouldnt that be what would solve it, to call attention to it . By not calling attention to it, silence the issue. If that is what you wanted to do. I dont think the president is antisemitic. Doesnt matter what he has in his heart. Its what he has in his white house. The people he has in the white house and the policies hes chosen to pursue. Its a wink, wink, nod, nod oftentimes. Weve all covered politics long enough to know there are groups of people who responded and sometimes to fire up those folks, there are things you can say. Sometimes to fire up those folks its the things you do not say. And there are people in the game that are quite adept at that. I dont like any of it. Were going to take a brk. You know what youre going to do tonight . Youre going to watch msnbc at 10 00 p. M. Because Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow will be there examining the first 30 days of the trump presidency. You do not want to miss trump, the first month. Thats right here only on msnbc at 10 00 perform m. Ahh, sir . You the law . Weve had some complaints of. Is that a fire . Theres your payoff, deputy. Git velveeta shells cheese. Theres gold in them thar shells. Ive been blind since birth. I go through periods where its hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. Learn about non24 by calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. I really enjoyed this hour. Why . Because i have a terrific panel. Thank you both so, so much. Thank you for joining us. Ill see you tomorrow at 9 00 a. M. And all day long on twitter. Right now, my colleague, my friend hallie jackson, has more. Hi, steph. Thank you much. Right now, we are talking about power to the people. You hear it there. Fired up voters filling up town halls coast to coast. Gop lawmakers on break getting anything but. If you could answer any of that, ill sit down and shut up like Elizabeth Warren. And now more protests all across the country with millions at risk for deportation after President Trumps tough new guidelines on immigration. The white house says its just enforcing the law. All of it as the Administration Sends south two of the president s closest advisers. Their mission in mexico . Defrost that icy relationship. Why a we are talking about all of this. Peter alexander and Kristen Welker at the white house. Kerry sanders in mexico city. Well talk about whats been a rough and tumble past few days for congressional lawmakers. They are getting quite the welcome, you could call it, from their constituents back home. Demanding answers on health care to National Security and more. Watch. Last i heard, these coal jobs are not coming back and now these people dont have the insurance they

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