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Controversy. Did President Trump deal with the emergency in full view of guests at maralago. Plus, the oprah effect. Im not talking free cars. How an episode of her old tv show is making the rounds in the senate. It may derail a cabinet nominee. You know who we have to start with today, the Trump White House reeling the the resignation of general mike flynn. President trumps closest confidant 24 days after being sworn in. Hes on the hunt for a successor. A move on congress to open an official investigation. We have the best team in the business to break this down. I want to go to Kristen Welker, live at the white house. Kristen, how did this go on . If you turn tv on throughout the night, it was a different story. Reporter what a day at the white house. It was a day of fast moving developments, just to reset the table. It started yesterday during the day with mounting pressure on National Security adviser flynn because of revelations that he had, in fact, spoken to russias ambassador about sanctions before President Trump was sworn into office, then had given the Vice President and other top staffers misinformation and then that bombshell last night, steph, when we learned from the Washington Post that the acting attorney general, who, by the way, the president ultimately fired because she didnt defend his travel ban, but she warned the white house flynn could be susceptible to blackmail by russian officials. Ultimately, i am told the pressure just became too much. This was a torture decision. Remember, this was someone who was very loyal to the president. Thats something that matters greatly to the president. But, ultimately, the fact that the president felt he misled the Vice President and other top officials, that was the breaking point. Lete rd you part of his resignation letter. Because of the events, i briefed the Vice President elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. I have apologized to the president and the Vice President and they have accepted my apology. Steph, moments ago, i was talking to a senior official who said there is urgency to replace mike flynn soon. I suspect it could be before the end of the week. I want to get reaction to this. I have a great panel. Carl, a former navy s. E. A. L. , author and trump supporter. And a conservative member of the british. Karla, i want to start with you. Should general flynn have been removed earlier . We heard over and over especially from Kellyanne Conway about the importance of loyalty to President Trump. Despite the white house may have known this for at least a month, what does it say to you about the timing of this. I think this is something that general flynn puts above his personal career, personal aspirations. Look, he is an honorable guy. I know him personally. I think he saw the fact that he was a distraction at this point because of the media frenzy. Let me warn the media. Just because you hammer in on one person, which they did on mike flynn, they are not going to resign like this. Zoned in on one person . One person who lied to the American People or at the very least, lied to the Vice President who then lied to the American People. Well, its not lie. He left out information, ina inadvertently as he said in his letter. Theres no proof the russians can distract him. He felt he was a distraction. He stepped down. Really clear, you dont believe he was dishonest . Vice president pence was clear to the media, there was no talk of sanctions when general flynn spoke to the Russian Ambassador. To me, it feels like a lie. No, i think what he said, inadvertently misled or left out information, i take him at his word. Hes an honorable guy. No he isnt. He lied through his teeth. There wasnt one call to the Russian Ambassador, there were five. Treasons greetings. It wasnt calling him about christmas, which the russians dont celebrate on that day. The media shouldnt focus on one person. Donald trump, himself, tweeted about this at the time. Of course general flynn wasnt acting alone. He wasnt going rogue. He was doing what his boss ordered him to do. As for the flynn investigation, its going to turn into impeachment. Malcolm, i want to stay on that, who knew what wen . We clearly dont know what President Trump knew. But the fact that when president obama, just before his term was over and added on the russian sanctions and putin said, im going to hold off, we saw that tweet from President Trump where he said great move on delay by Vladimir Putin. I always knew he was very smt. You are an antiterrorism guy. The fact that President Trump would put that out, does it make you wonder, does he know about conversations being had . Im going to put on a Counter Intelligence hat. Thats what we are talking about here, collusion in some way shape or form. Pay of a foreign power. We are sort of quibbling too much over the time line. Clearly, Michael Flynn will not do anything without the authorization of donald trump. We are talking the single largest shift in potential policy of the United States, which would allow russia to be sanctioned to seize a foreign territory, the crimea, if we lift the sanctions. More noteworthy, those of us in the Intelligence Community, when you call a foreign power on the day we are kicking out not 35 diplomats, signals intelligence collectors and human Intelligence Officers out of our country and you are going that channel to the ambassador of that nation, it doesnt just bring, you know, a hmm to our face, it brings to our mind, what are you doing . Are you in collusion with them . Are you coordinating you may reverse the kicking out of the spies . Do would you work for them . Never have those conversations . What is the question . Are you advocating we never have back channel conversations . Carl, that conversation was preinauguration. Back channel conversations are one thing if you are doing it as a representative of the United States government. We are talking the largest number of spies we have kicked out in decades. If you are going to talk to them, if you are going to be communicating with them on matters of state, giving them assurances, first off, we are monitoring you. The russians, we are monitoring all our calls. General flynn should have known that. Second off, the russians have a transcript of this conversation, too. They can use that against flynn and blackmail him and the president. We are quibbling about flynn talking strictly about this particular set of communications because it appears that there was some fabrication, lies involved with it. This goes back to the beginning of this campaign with an administration that is so moscow friendly to the point where we in the Intelligence Community, myself, i wrote a book on it. I need to know whether these people are dirty. That is the only question at hand here. Carl, hold on. Kristen welker is still with us. Given the questions, do you believe theres going to be an investigation . Reporter there certainly could be. I think the questions today, for the white house are going to hone in on everything you are talking about. When did President Trump know that his National Security adviser had had these conversations. Has he seen the transcriptions of those conversations with the Russian Ambassador and if the acting attorney general, in fact, raised alarm bells for the white house last month, why did it take until this point to actually have him tender his resignation . I think those are the questions. You have calls on capitol hill for an indepth briefing from the white house about this tick tok of events. I anticipate the calls are going to grow. Carl, i want to play for you a conversation our own matt lauer had on the today show. Take a listen. Last month, the Justice Department warned the white house that general flynn had misled them and that as a result, he was vulnerable to blackmail. At that moment, he still had the complete trust of the president . Matt, im telling you what the president said. He accepted the resignation and wishes him well. You are starting to make me think that perhaps general kelly was not freelancing during the call when he talked about or hinted, im sorry, general flynn, he wasnt freelancing during the call, he was making it on behalf of the administration or incoming administration. Would that be accurate . No, it would be a mistake to conclude that. Remember, in the end, it was misleading the Vice President that made the situation unsustainable. Which the white house knew about last month. Carl, i want to dial down this media frenzy and talk through whats happening here. Kellyanne conway i can even follow at this pointhat shes saying. She doesnt just represent the president of the United States, which she says over and over. She works for the american government, the American People and i dont understand her messaging. What is she telling us . Im not going to speak to that. Mike flynn stepped down because he believed he was a distraction. Why is our own government leaking stuff to the press and we havent seen the transcripts anyway. Maybe our government is leaking because of this confusion because possibly sally yates warning the White House Council about the risk of blackmail, possibly because you have Kellyanne Conway not speaking the truth and the story keeps having to change. Seeing that you have a history with the u. S. Government that you are a navy s. E. A. L. Yourself, could you think that maybe theres people in there who are patriots saying, i have to figure out a way to get the truth out . Or people with cross hairs on mike flynn, you dont know. We have enormous leaks coming out of the white house. This is indicative of politicos, obama leftovers, we call them the we bes, we be here when you come and we be here when you go. The loyalists. Donald trump needs to find out who is loyal, who is a political. Loyal to who . Loyal to donald trump and his agenda. Let me Say Something about that. The staff of the white house are loyal to one thing and one thing only, you and i, as former Service Members sworn our oath. The constitution of the United States. None of them should be loyal to donald trump. They should be loyal to the honor and dignity of this nation. This is not about a matter of people trying to, you know, undermine the trump administration. These are people where we have a serious Counter Intelligence problem going on. There are warrants out circulating behind this. We have a National Security adviser who may ha been cutting deals on russian spies. May. You dont know that. Carl, if there is a formal investigation which im for. If that tells us it was more than mike flynn, potentially the president knew for two, three, four weeks, then what . What should it mean for President Trump . Im not going to armchair quarterback it for something that may happen. All i know is donald trump is trying to get his agenda in order with record low of appointees, fighting a media that is hostile. Where was the media outcry when Hillary Clinton had leaks . There wasnt one. We need people loyal to trump. Donald trump is loyal to the constitution and the United States of america. Get this ship going. Its being stalled, remarkably. I want to bring in hans nichols. Mike flynn is leaving the building. Go through the list of who can replace him. There are three gentlemen being considered. They have a combined ten stars on their shoulders among them. Its an indication the transition is going to be similar and you will have a former general or admiral with the security council. If you want the safe choice or transition choice tharks is keith kellogg, the executive secretary sometimes called the chief of staff, former three star keith kellogg. That would be a smooth transition. They deal with paperwork and transition. They are supposed to be managing the process. After that, you have general david petraeus. He was close to the secretary of state job. Former head of the cia. Big guy on counterterrorism. We know he and trump got along. We also know, according to reports there was tension between petraeus and flynn. One of the stumbling blocks of petraeus coming in was flynn. Now that flynn is out, maybe it will be easier for petraeus to go in. The most recent name, bob harwood, a former number two. Close with secretary mattis. That gives mae sense you have navy representation on the National Security council. So far, its been army and marine heavy. A final note on that, of the two names mentioned, two o former threestar generals, petraeus is the only former fourstar. Stars matter to these guys, rank still always matters. We have to take a break. Before we go, carl, it has been reported that you may be up to replace sean spicer, is that true . No. I have been in loose talks with the Administration Since he was elected. Not for sean spicers position. For what position . Various within the d. O. D. Or state department, communication or spokesperson. Nothing has been confirmed, no formal interviews. Those rumors are false. Thanks for joining us. We are going to take a break. Next, should there be an investigation into general flynns russia ties . We are joined by senator and Republican Leadership, next. Plus, the senator that broke the story about the flynn blackmail and the headache for the white house. Is this the president managing a National Security crisis in full view of golf club guests . Minutes old. A babys skin is never more delicate. What do hospitals use to wash and protect it . Johnsons®. The 1 choice of hospitals. Johnsons®. For every little wonder. Unsustainable. That was how Kellyanne Conway characterized the situation with National Security adviser general mike flynn before he offered his resignation to the white house. I want to bring in a member of the Republican Leadership as well as a member of the Foreign Relations committee and chairman of the committee on environmental and public works. Senator, good morning. First, was it the right move for general flynn to resign . Yes, it was, stephanie. Thank you for having me. National security is our first respon responsibility. If they no longer have the trust of the president or Vice President , its important he would call for his resignation. Its important for president to accept it. Do you think there should be further investigation to determine, for example, whether general flynn initiated the discussion at President Trumps involvement here . I understand the fbi and department of justice are looking into that. I expect members of congress and the house and senate will look into it as well. We need to focus on the nations security. When i think of that, i want to make sure our country is safe, its strong and secure. Are you concerned that general flynn was not acting alone . Yes, general flynn is now leaving the building. The fact that the president s own Kellyanne Conway, just hours before general flynn submitted his resignation, she went on television saying he has the full support of President Trump. What is going on inside that white house . Again, i wasnt privy to those discussions and conversations. When it comes to russia, i dont trust Vladimir Putin at all. He does not have our interest at heart. His values are different than ours. There are a lot of reasons to not trust Vladimir Putin, whether its crimea, ewe yan, Cyber Attacks, his relationship with iran. We have to be very, very cautious with dealing with him. He cannot be trusted. I realize you have to walk a fine line. Does it give you pause thats not echoed by President Trump . Time and time again, hes offered the opportunity to speak about Vladimir Putin and we havent heard anything except hes a good leader and President Trump calls him smart. I can only speak for myself. The point i signed a letter to donald trump before he was inaugurated as president authorizing them for lethal weapons to use against russia. Im solid and secure and i need to make sure the country is safe, secure and strong. We havent heard much about the fullscale investigation into the hack. Tom friedman of the New York Times said the russian hacking that took place during the election was on the scale of a pearl harbor, a 9 11. Do you agree with that . Theres been so much noise, it almost seems like that investigation into the election has been sidelined. I think that overstates it. I think president obamas response was too little too late. Tough have Decisive Action against true threats, which is what happened with the hacking situation. We did not have a timely response. We did not have a forceful response. You know, it was a reply by the president but i think you need a forceful, decisive response to deter additional action in the future. We havent had that. I am supportive of sanctions, i would like to go further. If you really want to deter actions, what you do, you have capacity in the United States. You have to have a commitment to use that and communicate that commitment. I think donald trump is going to communicate our commitment and capacity to standup around the world. Is it too little too late . Maybe it was too little on the part of president obama, but is it too late . Is it too late for a fullscale investigation into that hacking because we really havent heard President Trump call for that. Theres continuing to be efforts to prevept additional attacks. In the area of cyber, its not just russia. We see it around the world, the Cyber Attacks coming into the United States. Its china. Its north korea who have been very aggressive with cyber as well as what they are doing with their nuclear testing. The world continues to be a very dangerous place. National security needs to be our number one concern. Its important we get a new National Security adviser. The three names you just had on the show, each of them would do an exceptionallyood job and i think provide confidence in the American People that we will be safe and secure. Another danger we face that we cant see, like Cyber Security are dangers around the world in terms of environment and Climate Change. Can you speak to concerns out there about scott pruitt confirmed as the e. P. A. Administrator. I think hes an excellent choice. Hes had thorough vetting in the committee, answered over 1,000 questions. His vote will be this week. He is somebody who is attorney general in oklahoma, fought to protect the environment, fought to strengthen the economy as well as stood up for states rights. The e. P. A. Really has lost its way over the last eight years, has been its time to modernize, update, strengthen and improve the e. P. A. And eliminate so many of the regulations that the last administration in its regulatory rampage put forth that hurt our economy and ability to use energy. Assuming scott pruitt is confirmed, your message to americans who are worried we will now have a Climate Change denying e. P. A. Thats not what we testified to in the senate. He testified he believed Climate Change is real and we can have a healthy, strong, economy and at the same time protect our environment so we have clean air, clean water, clean land. Thats what the American People want. Its not one or the other. We can have both. Before you can have a job, you have to have a clean planet. Thank you for joining me. I appreciate your time. Thanks. The stock market minutes from opening at a record high. Why are senators watching an old episode of oprah . The fate of one cabinet nominee may hang on that tape. Tech at safelite, we know how busy your life can be. Mom h no. Tech this mom didnt have time to wor about a cracked windshield. So she scheduled at safelite. Com and with safelites exclusive on my way text she knew exactly when id be there, so she didnt miss a single shot. I replaced her windshield giving her more time for what matters most. Tech howd ya do . Player we won tech nice thats another safelite advantage. Mom thank you so much team sing safelite repair, safelite replace. With not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. 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Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. Welcome back. Im stephanie ruhle. You are watching msnbc. It is time for your morning primer. We are going to begin in california where workers are desperately trying to repair the dam in oroville, california before another storm comes. Two more cabinet members were confirmed last night. Steve mnuchin was sworn in as the new treasury secretary after the vote. Shortly after, david was confirmed to be the new Veterans Affair secretary. The federal judge in seattle who halted President Trumps travel ban ruled monday the lawsuit challenging the order can go ahead while an Appeals Court examines the first ruling. The son of former penn state football coach, Jerry Sandusky has been charged with the sexual abuse of a child. Criminal solicitation, corruption of a minor and child pornography. This is incredible. The uconn Womens Basketball team won, are you listening to me . Their 100th consecutive game last night defeating south carolina, 5655. They have not lost a game since november, 2014. You go girls now we have to go to wall street. The markets just opened after three Straight Days of the dow closing at record highs. Ali, people hate it when i say the trump effect but it is the trump effect. If you look at the markets here, the hints that gary cohen, just a month ago, the former president of Goldman Sacks is going to roll it out. Looks like we opened a little lower, not much, but a little. In 28 minutes we are going to hear from janet yellin and one fed official about a half hour ago said he thinks Interest Rates are going to rise sooner rather than later. Three things happened Interest Rates rising is a sign of a strong economy. Right. Here, three things happened. Last week, when donald trump was meeting with airline execs, he said we are going to have a great tax plan. The markets loved that and responded. Then we had a jobs number, particularly strong, 227,000 net new jobs created in january. President s get too much credit and too much blame for jobs. Whatever, the market liked it. Apple has new records and Global Markets are doing well. Theres something going on. You talked about this, about animal spirits. Donald trump is trying to convince investors america is going to be so great for business, bring your money in and invest. There are a couple negatives, a Health Care Merger that didnt go through. Thats pouring the cold water. When janet yellin tells us Interest Rates are going up, that will have an effect. Interest rates are low. We know they are going up. They are going to go up two tor three times this year. No one should be surprised when she says the economy is okay, we can raise Interest Rates. Ill give you a third, the trump effect. The s p 500, what most invest in is up 25 over the last year. Some of it is trump, about a third. Consumer confidence is up. Yeah. Sure. Remember, markets are liquid and can turn on a dime. Ali, thanks. I want to turn to the reporter that broke to story that may have led to mike flynns resignation. 24 days into this, blackmail. Plus, do the photos show the president dealing with north Korean Missile launch in full view of maralago wedding guests . When you find something worth waiting for, well help you invest to protect it for the future. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase, so you can. We danced in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. Man. When i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasnt finding all of these germans in my tree. I decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. The big surprise was were not german at all. 52 of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com. Mobility is very important to me. Thats why i use e trade mobile. 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Speaking to Vice President pence relative to the conversation the Vice President had with general flynn and various other people about what he considers the single most important subject. Nbc news confirmed in january the Justice Department told the Trump White House early on the then acting attorney general sally yates believed National Security adviser, Michael Flynn, the retired threestar army general misled officials. Ichael flynn has resigned. Kristen welker is reporting that tonight. All the signs have been pointing to this for the last couple hours. Were you out of the loop on this . Not at all. The president is very loyal. Hes a very loyal person. Mike flynn decided it was best to resign. The Justice Department warned general flynn misled them and as a result he was vulnerable to blackmail. At that moment, he had the complete trust of the president. Hes accepted general flynns resignation and wishes him well. Loyal to whom . Joining me now, the journalist who helped break the story. Washington post bureau chief phillip and retired army general, wesley clark, the former democratic president ial candidate, a senior fellow at the ucla berkeley center. You broke this story for the Washington Post. What did you learn about the timing when President Trump learned about this . Yesterday, at 4 00 p. M. For Kellyanne Conway to say general flynn has the full confidence of the president. What happened between that and 10 30 . Was it Jared Kushner saying, dad, listen up, do you see whats happening here . I wish i knew when President Trump learned about this, thats something we dont know. It hope its something the white house will address today. What we know based on the reporting of my colleagues is the acting attorney general sally yates in late january reached out to the white house to notify them, not only that the conversations between Michael Flynn and the Russian Ambassador were serious and of a different nature he told administration officials, but he misled the administration and was vulnerable to russian blackmail. Thats a serious finding by the department of justice and relayed to the white house in january. General clark, i would like for you to weigh in here, not just mike flynns resignation, fwu point that four weeks ago, sally yates alerted the White House Council they could be susceptible to blackmail from russia. Fo weeks have passed. Yeah, its very confusing to try to untangle this. People shoving every direction. You know, if mike flynn had gone back and said hey, sorry, i made a mistake and corrected it four weeks ago, he wouldnt be vulnerable to blackmail. It is vulnerable because he said Something Different to the white house than what was said. If that was erased, if they wanted to keep mike flynn, they could have kept mike flynn. When you look at this, what you have to realize is in the white house there are no friends. This is a power struggle. This is a personality struggle. These are people trying to get their ideas and trying to get access and leverage. Thats why the leaking of hers and thats why people leave. At the beginning of an Administration Like this, thats exactly what you are going to see. Its not settled yet. A lot of questions here about mike flynn. Deeper questions, really, about the mechanism and functioning inside the white house. Does it make you wonder, is the message, it is not okay to lie to Vice President pence who was put out to the National Media and in turn shared a mistruth or misinformation, but it is okay to lie to the American People . It seems it was Vice President pence who said the buck stops here. I think thats exactly right. The issue here, the real problem that President Trump has had with flynn is the breakdown in trump with the Vice President and other administration officials. Its not so much he had this conversation with the Russian Ambassador, its about the trust and whether he lied to colleagues and whether he can be trusted going forward. He concluded he could not be. General clark, give us a history lesson. When you look back, this isnt the First Administration with a level of chaos. President reagan, himself, over eight years, he went through six or eight nsa advisers, excuse me, six. Its a very political position. You have to work with the secretary of state, secretary of defense, the top people in the white house, the white house chief of staff. Its political. Its strategic. Its military. Everything comes together. Its legal. So, personalities get short tempered. The hours are long. People wear on each other. This case, it really didnt settle in and it really wasnt locked. What you had here was a case where a person came in with strong ideas, other people had strong ideas. There was jostling around inside the white house. Theres a ton of leaks going on. Those leaks are used to communicate to the president. They are used to disadvantage rivals in the white house. Everybody in there knows they are not supposed to be talking. Theres no reason for them to talk, yet, unless its for personal advantage. Apparently, thats what was going on here. Mike flynn is, he caused it himself by his inadd vvertent, remembering, perhaps. Thats his story. It could have happened. He could have been so intense in the conversation he didnt remember. Nevertheless he didnt correct it in time and work his base. Hes out. But, the question is, what does the president , the Vice President do to make this right to the American People because, as phil was saying, really, its the American People who have to have confidence in this administration. Its not just about the administration itself. The loyalty to the American People. Thank you for joining me this morning. Phillip, gravm grampgss on great reporting. Thank you. Do these pictures sho President Trump dealing with a National Emergency at the dinner table in full view of maralago wedding guests. Or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. Find out how American Express cards and services introducing new depend silhouette active fit, with a thin design for complete comfort. They say move it or lose it and at my age, im moving more than ever. Because getting older is inevitable. But feeling older . Thats something i control. 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What we did it sounds like hes not going to take additional steps at this point. I will tell you, steph, weve also been talking to additional republicans who have been coming out of this conference in the basement of the capitol. There is openness to an investigation more than there had been in the past. We had congressman frank say he does want all of the facts out there. He wouldnt say he was calling for an independent investigation but he sounded he want taking that off the table. Similar types of word from congressman dent, he intends to press mike pence on did mike flynn lie to you. We want to hear from guys like Lindsey Graham and john mccain. If you hear from somebody like chaffetz who says were not going to double down, were not going to go deeper, can we feel confident the Intelligence Community will look into this . You can feel confident the Intelligence Community look into this but the people who will look into the stability of presidency itself, they should take responsibility for that. Which is whom . Chaffetz. If hes going to investigate a few lines of confidential information that were released in multihundred emails with Hillary Clinton for several years, you have the president just here talking about whats going to happen with north korea. He practically briefed an entire dinner party in top secret, special access program, information in public, which is essentially, you know, its the indy 500 of releasing we actually have those photos. Louise, i want to bring our audience up to speed. That was saturday night at maralago, President Trump sitting at the dinner table with his dinner guests, possibly looking at images or information at least around that north korea missile test that happened over the weekend. What is stunning to your point that President Trump just tweeted out concerns about leaks coming from washington when he himself may have been leaking information right there. People may have been taking photos. Oh, please. After the steel dossier, if i were donald trump, i would not be talking about leaks. He could not push the wikileaks line from russia hard enough during the election. Chaffetz, between him and devon nunnes, who is as far as im concerned a lackey of steve bannon, were going to have to see republicans say if the republicans are involved in this, they will prosecute. The worst thing thaapned at maralago was that dmitri im going to pronounce this long, flew into florida for the weekend. When trumps party left, he flew out. Thats the third time he was been on the tarmac we here have not confirmed that. Carl, when you see those images from saturday night, given how much you understand about the importance of privacy and National Security, john mccain himself said possibly President Trump needs a bit more training about how to handle this information. Whats your take . I would say those making the allegations that there was classified information discussed at that table, where is the proof of that . He was briefed prior to that in a skiff, in a classified area where this goes down. So until that proof comes out, i think everybody should slow down on it. Theres a picture on instagram of the guy with the Nuclear Football. Are you okay with that . You literally never, ever seem to admit that donald trump has done anything wrong. Its not okay to take a guy with the picture of the Nuclear Football you think thats in tnot a Security Risk . Do you see the 40 guys with guns around him to protect him . Any minute, paul ryan will hold a press conference. Will paul ryan be on the same page as Jason Chaffetz . Replace. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Anyone ever have occasional y constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating . She does. She does. Help defend against those digestive issues. Take Phillips Colon Health probiotic caps daily withhree types of good bacteria. 400 likes . Wow try Phillips Colon Health. Befi was a doer. Gia, i was active. Then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. My doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. She also prescribed lyrica. Fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. 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Right now more news with Hallie Jackson in d. C. Thank you very much. Right now its day one of the postflynn story. What happens next after National Security adviser Michael Flynn stepped down overnight. More questions about what the president knew and when he knew it. In this case it is the misleading to the Vice President and the inability to remember, as general flynn started to clarify his remarks and say i cant remember, cai cant recal the Justice Department raised red flags about possible blackmail possibility as early as last month. And new questions about who is going to step into this crucial National Security role. The sources telling us the decision could be on the way within the week. We are talking about a major shakeup less than one month into the trump presidency. You have Kristen Welker on capitol hill. There are a lot of developments coming from the hill in the last 20 minutes. I know youve had a chance to catch up with two key members of Congress Just in the last 20 minutes. What are they telling you . Reporter hallie, good morning. A lot of questions around what congress will do in the wake of this investigation. Both intelligence committees have already begun inquiries into russian meddling in the u. S. Election. This clearly is set to expand that. I spoke to several members of the house this morning, more conservative, more moderate members and there does seem to be more of an openness into this investigation. Previously these questions, most members didnt want to

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