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Report on President Trumps personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani. The New York Times reports giuliani is said to be under investigation for his work in ukraine. Giuliani tells nbc news hes not aware of any probe and says he has not been interviewed by the fbi, but two people familiar with the case telling the New York Times that manhattan federal prosecutor think that giuliani may have broken lobbying laws while undermining a former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine. Today the president seemed to support giuliani again. At least on twitter, claiming theres a deep state witchhunt thats now after giuliani. Nbc News National political reporter Josh Letterman is live in washington, d. C. Following this. Josh what more are we learning about the new details . Reporter were learning that federal prosecutors according to the New York Times are interested in whether Rudy Giuliani and these it two associates of his, lev parnas and igor fruman were working to try to undermine ambassador yovanovitch and get her out of that ambassadorship, inevitably she was pulled out of that role by President Trump several months ahead of schedule. We already knew that giuliani was interested in getting rid of her and also in digging up dirt about the bidens. Not only because it came up in that criminal indictment of these two associates igor fruman and lev parnas into Campaign Finance violations this week but because giuliani readily acknowledges it. The legal question here is whether there was also a violation of federal lobbying laws, because if these two men were working with giuliani on behalf of ukrainian prosecutors it try to influence the u. S. Government and the media here to try to get rid of her, then that would be something that where giuliani would have to register w with the federal government as a lobbyist, which he did not. According to giuliani, he says he wasnt doing this on behalf of the ukrainians but on behalf of President Trump. Yeah. And josh, do we have any sense of how these new developments could actually impact the impeachment inquiry into the president . Reporter certainly raises the stakes, because congress is already looking into the president s conduct with ukraine and whether there were impeachable offenses that occurred as far as his efforts to get the ukrainians to investigate his political opponents in exchange for u. S. Assistance in other measures. Now youre also going to have federal prosecutors saying, hey, there could be laws broken here by giuliani by not registering as a lobbyist. Thats going to be added fuel as democrats try to make the case here that what happened around the president was so unacceptable hes got to be impeached. Definitely an impeachment inquiry expanding by the day. Thanks to Josh Letterman in washington, d. C. Thank you. The president s legal team is looking at its options and to be frank, there are few. Following a dwev stating defeat in court over trumps taxes a federal Appeals Court rejected President Trumps bid to block the House Democrats from receiving eight years worth of his financial records. Those financial records wont be released immediately and President Trump can still ask the Supreme Court to take his appeal. Joining me now is Pulitzer Prize tax expert david k. Johnson and author of the making of donald trump. Thank you for being here. How president s tax returns . Well, in sis a big step forward in a case that we shouldnt have ever had, because theres no question that congress has the right to see this. They may, on the trump side, try further delays by trying to get an endbank, entire panel of judges in the court of appeals to hear the case, but trump will not win this case. We should be disturbed, however, that a trumpappointed judge, the judge who holds the seat that was Brett Kavanaughs invented new law or a whole theory thats nonsense. My law students would be flunked writing what she wrote suggested the courts have a rule of impeachment. They none under our constitution and suggested there are questions that are totally outside the scope of the courts interests. As the, the two other judges and their opinion made very clear. David, curious. What are the next steps . I mentioned at the top, there are few options. What do they include . Well, first of all, trump can wait until the last possible moment and then ask for the ful judges to hear the case. Enbaun enbanc. They dont have to do it. Ultimately try to persuade mazers, his Accounting Firm to not obey the law. I dont see a reason they would put their license and reputation at rick and not obey the law. Its one thing for him to say im not going to do something, but the firm he uses for his accounting and tax work, they have their own business and reputation to deal with and they have no reason to have anybody go to jail for donald. Yes. You know, youve covered President Trump and his finances over the years. Im curious, what do you think . Why is he fighting so hard to keep his personal finances quiet . Well, you know, ive covered continue to 31 years. Way back in 1990 that i revealed he was not a billionaire. Theres never been any veriable evidence hes a billionaire. Its smoke in mirrors and a fraud. His finances will show a bunch of things. Theyll show hes worth nowhere near what he says. They are likely to show he has income from people that raise serious emoluments questions. Remember the founders of our country were very concerned about foreign influence over the american president. The word emoluments is in our constitution three times. Trump said no one ever heard of emoluments. No one who ever paid attention to our government. Yeah. So he doesnt want people to know hes not as rich as he claims, doesnt want people to know hes getting money from people that violate the constitution and undermine his position and as the New York Times where i used to work showed in october of last year hes a tax cheat. Ive shown hes a tax cheat. Most dont know donald had two income tax fraud trials he lost both of them. Im sure his tax returns will show hes a tax cheat. All right. Interesting, and democrats are getting closer to finding out about his taxes. Thank you for being here. We have a lot of breaking news were following right now. First up, to new orleans and look at this. Watch the center of the screen. Even at the bottom of that street look as people run for their lives. That massive collapse at the Hard Rock Hotel construction site near the French Quarter. At least one person weird told is dead and more than a dozen injured. Several witnesses capturing the upper floors of his 18story building crashing on to the street below. Nbcs reporter is on the ground in new orleans and as i mentioned, authorities mentioned just moments ago that at least one person is dead, but they say there are several people who remain missing . Reporter yeah. Exactly right, kendis. Several people missing here and a lot of roads closed around this area. Theres actually an evacuation being done of buildings in the nearby area. And pan in and show you what you can see of the building. You can really see the floors basically collapsed on to each other and leaning off the side of the building. This building just to give you a sense where it is. Were in downtown new orleans right on top of the French Quarter and canal street one of the busiest streets. Tourists Walking Around on a day like today and you can see in the video when that partial Building Collapse happened saw a lot of dust and debris in the air. The concern now whether pieces of that building could still be falling off. We actually spoke to one of the ironworkers up there on the 18th floor. He described it as pandemonium. When it started happening it sounded like a train coming through. He was abllucky. He was able to get out. He knew where the stairs were when no longer an elevator was there to take up. Several others in the building were able to follow him out and able to get to safety, but at the same time he said members of his crew could also be in the hospital. Some of them could be among the unaccounted for. He was just as much waiting to hear if his coworkers and friends on the site were okay as much as telling us he was lucky to be alive. Quite a frightening scene for many there in new orleans. Where that massive, massive Building Collapsed. Thanks to our reporter there. I mentioned New Hampshire, because were following breaking news out of there. We actually just got an update on this moments ago. There was a shooting that took place in the town of palham. You see it there. Just southeast of manchester and the Pentecostal Ministries Church earlier today, a News Conference just wrapped up a moment ago, and police said the shooter opened fire at a wedding ceremony taking place at the church. Two people transported to the hospital with gunshot wounds, but heres the update that we got. One of those victims was one male, one female. One person dead, according to this update were getting from the press conference. The victims, other victims were transported to the hospital nearby. Obviously, a lot of people were there on the scene. Investigators from all over made their way to the town of pellum to try to figure out what has taken place there. The shooter were told is in custody. Of course, its very early to get any sense of a possible motive in this. But as i mentioned, there has been a shooting that took place at a chump right there in the town of pelham and were told it has been a deadly shooting indeed. Well keep an eye on this. A lot of updates coming up fax fast on this saturday. Turkeys military entering its fourth day of bombing border towns occupied by kurds with little signs of relenting. Turkish forces are claiming to have taken control of a key Syrian Border town. However, kurdish fighters appear to still be holding out in some areas. According to the associated press. So far there have been at least 45 civilian deaths and 85 other injuries among syrian kurds and 100,000 people displaced according to the Information Center there. Nbcs Senior International correspondent keir simmons joins me from the ground near the turkey Syrian Border. Keir, hows it looking . Reporter well, those towns are being fought over right across the border, and thats because they are crucial to both the kurds and to the Turkish Forces if they want to take control of this area. That town you mentioned, the Turkish Forces saying they took it and then the Kurdish Forces saying they pushed back. It appears the kurds, mostly kurds forces and opposition to the turks are fighting back, despite the overwhelming force that turkey has against them. That includes artillery, that includes air power. The Turkish Forces the Kurdish Forces, im sorry, are just begging for help in reports coming out today, but at the same time, saying they are also fighting over another road, a crucial road. The m4 which stretches along that Syrian Border. Again if turkey manages to take control of that, it will make the position for the kurds very, very difficult. All right. Keir simmons joining us from the border there in syria and turkey. The latest on that conflict. Thank you. Still ahead, his first personal lawyer is in prison and now his second is under federal investigation. According to the New York Times, Rudy Giuliani could be in big trouble over the ukraine scandal. Does the president s reaction sound familiar to you . I dont know what they do, but i dont know. Maybe they were clients of rudy. Youd have to ask rudy. I just dont know. Some things are too important to do yourself. Get customized security with 24 7 monitoring from xfinity home. Awarded the best professionally installed system by cnet. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Call, click or visit a store today. Well, i hope not. Gep, i dont know how he knows these people. Well, i dont know. I havent spoken to rudy. I spoke to him yesterday briefly. Hes a very good attorney and he has been my attorney, yeah, sure. Did you capture that . The president appeared to distance himself a little bit from Rudy Giuliani. The New York Times reported federal investigators are trying to figure out whether giuliani violated lobbying las. The times cites two people involved with the investigation and that inquiry is reportedly being conducted by the same u. S. Attorneys office that giuliani led before becoming mayor of new york city, and as one of my next guests puts it, the man i worked for in 1993 is not the man who now lies for donald trump. What happened to rg jg tudy giu . A question a lot of people are wondering. And ken friedman press secretary foregiuliani during the 1993 Mayoral Campaign and susan dell pressio. A storied background when it comes to the former mayor, americas mayor. Ken, start with you. You say americas mayor is trumps bumbling personal lawyer and henchman, appall jifrt and defender of the indefensible. What happened to the man you knew . I dont know. He went off the rails. I think he has a desperate need to remain relevant and rich frankly, and unfortunately pigs get slaughtered and thats happening now. You lay down with dogs and you wake up with fleas. Harsh words to talk about the man you knew. You knew giuliani in 1993 worked with him, he officiated your wedding some 25 years ago. Yes. And at what point do you think it kind of all changed . Well, i think that he he when he defended the four unfortunately defended the access Hollywood Tape is when it changed. Thats what i mean when i say defending the indefensible and a series of those since then. I wrote a piece for the daily news where i defended his defense of the client but not his tactics and strategies. And susan, get you in on this. You worked with him and andrew cuomo and a number of different people but knew Rudy Giuliani. The Rudy Giuliani of a decade ago. Is this the same person at the core . Ill go at two decades ago and the man who led new york city through one of its most difficult times and even before when elected, how he changed new york. He was inspirational. And, yes, he was having a few hiccups along in his second term, and then showed the leader he was in 9 11. Whats an interesting little fact that i dont think most people know is where people used to ask rudy to help them on a campaign after he left office. He would not do anything negative against anyones opponent. Speak very fondly of someone who was running who he supported but wouldnt go negative because he didnt want it to kind of hurt the brand for a while. It did change. For me i saw it change when he went after Hillary Clinton on the medical issue and started telling people that they should research it. Like i said, rudys a great lead fantastic mayor, never went to medical cool. How did he get to a point where he might face possible legal implications . At least if you believe the timess recording . Hard to figure how he got here except ken touched on it. The need to be relevant. Wanting to be relevant. Doing work, sucked into it, a lot of money involve ared. Maybe also after a certain amount of time with donald trump thinking that the rules dont apply to him like they apply to everyone else and seems to be the worse thing with donald trump that spreads to the people who work for him. Speaking of donald trump, he appears to be pledging support on twitter for giulianied to. Look at the tweet he says here. May seen like a little rough around the edges talking about giuliani sometimes but a great guy and a wonderful lawyer. Note, giuliani liked that tweet. Sure. Do you think theres angling for, if he is charged, indicted, for a pardon possible . Sure. Of course. Why wouldnt he expect, hope and expect that . Notice hes not representing him on the ukraine matter, because hes got his own ukraine issues to deal with. It would be hard. Especially having to testify, you know in front of the house and senate. And a lot of people, a lot of your friends, people who have known rudy over the years are still also trying to figure out how did we get here . And trying to figure out when did he change and whats changed him. I refer in my column to the death of his best frent peter powers, longtime political confidant. A sense among a lot of us that rutd rudy lost his way after that and then he entered a new economic stratosphere when he married his current wife or soon to be exwife, third exwife and you need a lot of money to maintain that lifestyle. I dont think he was discerning about the clients that he took as he should have been. Okay. You think hes in trouble . It looks like it. The other interesting thing is the fact that his two clients were arrested without his knowledge shows how disconnected he is from the southern district, something he was always tied into. As a matter of fact, even talked about it in 2016 about knowing what was happening with Hillary Clintons email. So the fact he was so caught off guard says how isolated he is from that office. All right. Leave it there, if you dont mind. Susan and ken, thank you. The details on this. And update on the breaking news out of New Hampshire right now. We told you about it. The shooting at the church pelhamm. No fatalities. Two injured when the suspect opened fire at a wedding ceremony, but nobody was killed. The shooter is in custody. Police are not releasing details on the gunman at this time. The historymaking mayor and the conservative south. Montgomery, alabama has a new black mayor. This is a really big deal. The mayor will join me next to explain. Youre watching msnbc. Chin. Head in now for applebees new pasta grill combos starting at 9. 99. Hour 36 in the stakeout. 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So shop now voters elected the first black mayor are in what was the first confederate capital, montgomery, alabama. A judge in montgomery roughly won the race there with roughly twothirds of the vote in this weeks election. The victory historic in itself but even more significant that the city considered the birthplace of the civil rights movement. Think about this a second. During the civil war there were three capitals of the confederacy. Danville, virginia, richmond, virginia amendmentment, alabama. With his election all three former capitals of the confederacy are currently governored by black men. What a scene. Joining me, the mayorelect from the city of montgomery right now. Mr. Mayorelect, congratulations on your election there. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. As you know, montgomery has a complex history when it comes to to race reses. Many of its schools and streets still bear the names of confederate war heroes. Give me a sense of the significance of your victory . Very significant for many people who probably didnt think this day would come in montgomery who fought alongside many people for the advancements of civil and human rights in this country. So it means a lot not only to montgomery and the state of alabama but for the entire nation. I think it shows a sense of progress were achieving here. Weve had a number of africanamerican elected official its across the state, but never the mayor of montgomery. So that in itself is something i take with a great deal of responsibility and humility as well. To get twothirds of the vote. Very, very few people anywhere in this country are getting twothirds of the vote but you as a black man running in the deep south achievie ining succe. What do you make of that . I think we built a broad coalition, one multiracial, multigenerational and multiculture around the message of opportunity and found that resinated early and found people were interested in their schools, everyday issues how to make our neighborhoods safer and improofb our Economic Outlook in the future. We ran more on montgomerys potential than montgomerys past. Interesting indeed. A lot of africanamerican mayors are running on the potential, the future, because taking up key positions in many, many southern states, include be the mayor north of you, the largest city in alabama, a black man as well. What are we to make of the surge right now . You see them there. Many, many black mayors, major southern cities. What are we to make of the serge in leadership there in the south . I think there are two things that are at play here. One, with understand the importance of local influence and the closer government is to you the more it impacts you and, second, seeing some population shifts in the cities allowing for maybe a new generation of leadership in these southern cities that we may not have had before. With that means we have to form coalitions and bipartisan relationships with our state legislators as well as our delegation to move the ball forward. While elections and victories are greatcomes down to the vision and implementation that all of us want to see. A lot are making a big deal about texas releasing purple. Doug jones, democratic senator there, i mentioned the mayor of birmingham is black, a black democratic man. Do you get a sense in some years that the tide might be the tide might be turning a little there in alabama . You know, the tide is probably going to turn a little bit in a couple of hours in that kickoff against texas a m. I bet they are. A lot of people hoping for that. We would love to see that happen statewide. Certainly randall, the mayor of birmingham, Phillip Morehouse college, like i am, doing good things there. Doug, our u. S. Senator here. So there is some opportunity, but i think what we have to make sure we do is, make sure that every election were competing. Were competing at the county level. A county probate judge and competing at the municipal level as well to rebuild the bench. Wiped out in 2010 we have to rebuild that to position ourselves going forward. Quicklys you have power. I mentioned, many monuments and street signs named after confederate heroes inment. Any plans to take down any of them . Thats not a top of our priority list. Were interested in systems than the symbols. We really want to focus on the issues now that are impacting the lives of people. That may be on the minds of some of my city councilmen or other officials or elected leader. For me, the big issues are education. Safer streets, and improving our Economic Outlook, mayorelect steven reed, inaugurated november 12th. Congratulations. Appreciate you being here. The president hit up his golf club earlier today and based on be his speech, impeachment seems to be top of mind. The radical democrat policies are crazy, theyre corruption and terrible and know they cant win an election day. So theyre pursuing and illegal, invalid, and unconstitutional bull [ bleep ] impeachment [ cheers ] trump at a rally, lake charles, louisiana, last night. There is nothing to support those claims by the president that the impeachment investigation is invalid. That was his Second Campaign appearance in two days. Hes hoping voters there will unseat their incumbent democratic governor in todays jungs primary at its called. He seemed preoccupied with the inquiry surrounding him. Bring in my panel now. Columnist with real clear politics and washington correspondent with the New York Times and msnbc contributor. Start with the jungle primary, guys. Two republicans who are running against incumbent democratic Governor John Bel Edwards and trump didnt endorse either urging voters instead to just vote republican. Will trumps appearance kind of persuade todays primary vote at all . Well, evidence of his impact in many races so far when he holds rallies close to the date of voting is that, it just shows that he definitely energizes turnout in all of these races, if he holds the rally close to the balloting. I think its likely to be a problem for the democrats if it energizes enough turnout for one of those republicans, and, again, its interesting when he doesnt pick one in an open primary like this, but he definitely turns it out and had a big effect in some of the losses the democrat hs s had in midterms like in indiana, a race democrats lost there and missouri as well. And meantime, before the president made his way to louisiana there and hit the stage, he announced in there is another cabinet departure. This time its the head of dhs. What are we to make of this latest departure . So thats right. The acting head of the department of Homeland Security Kevin Mcaleenan is out. There six months after the previous secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was out. Part of the continue churn at the department of Homeland Security especially in positions with a say over immigration control and enforcement. Theres really no one there Senate Confirmed, hasnt been in a while. Trump keeps using the vacancies reform act to install someone there who carries out his bidding but then doesnt often go all the way necessarily, and then arouses the wrath of stephen miller, the white house aide really the architect of trumps immigration policy. The most hardline of them all, and then theyre out. I think one of the things were seeing from the trump era is how Little Senate confirmation and the system of having senate vetting seems to matter when you have a president who just simply uses that, supposed to be Emergency Authority to temporarily put people in bothe through congress. Does it mean hell want to replace mcaleenan with somebody a little more hardline . Theres no question of that, but whats interesting about what charlie referred to is a process of Senate Confirmation. Do Senate Republicans when they return next week in the midst of the impeachment storm and all the questions they desperately dont want to answer push the president pub luckily to actually have someone in there who is not in an acting capacity . A very important arm of our government, has a lot to do with our law enforcemond and critical. It will be interesting to see if they give voice to their concerns about people coming in and out of acting roles when stephen mill sir actuer is actu running the immigration policy from the white house and therefore has a strangle hold over that position which has a lot more to do with things beyond immigration. So ill be watching for that next week. All right. Lets talk 2020 right now, because we have a big debate coming up in just a couple of days with the democrats in ohio. But lets talk about the town hall that took place this week. Theres a lot coming out of that. Including this moment from elizabeth warren. Heres a look. Supporter approaches you says, senator, im oldfashioned and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman. What is your response . Well, im going to assume its a guy who said that. And im going to say then just marry one woman. Im cool with that. Assuming you can find one. Charlie, getting a lot of praise for her reaction to that, and there are a number of nuggets that came out of that town hall earlier this week. Thats right. That was a takeaway that went viral on social media and you see pushback of conservatives or rumbling, insult to people who think this, but i think that elizabeth warrens ability to use humor with pretty impeccable timing there is not going to turn off people. Its a sign that shes not just a policy woman. And beto orourke also there and asked about the Equality Forum and says churches that oppose samesex marriage should lose their tax exempt status and a lot of people saying once again he delivered something that will be used in campaigns next year. Even if he is not the president ial nominee . Right. Beto orourke Whose Campaign faded tremendously is taking the strategy saying the more extreme thing and hoping of getting permission by, im sorry, attention, before it was, yes, we are going to take away your guns rather than quote unquote sensible gun rights, always accusing wanting to do and liberals say, no, no. Not what were trying to do and beto se, yes, what i would do. This proposal seems fairly blatantly unconstitutional, widespread consensus about than across ideological lines. You cant have the government deciding which version of christianity or any other religion is the correct one and taxing the other version. That doesnt comport with the First Amendment at all but will give a lot of conservatives on the other side of that culture war a moment of, see, see . This is what they really think. Not a lot of liberals happy with that. Thanks to both of you for being here this saturday afternoon. Fanning the flames, the wildfire situation getting worse. Southern californias winds making life difficult for hundreds of firefighters trying to contain a massive wildfire. An update on this dangerous situation. Because its the cheesiest. Kraft for the win win. Upbeat music no coverup spray here. Cheaper aerosols can cover up odors in a flowery fog. But febreze air effects eliminates odors. With a 100 natural propellent. It leaves behind a pleasant scent youll love. [ deep inhale] freshen up. Dont cover up. Febreze. Great weather, great friends. You just saved a bunch of money by switching your boat insurance to geico. It was easy. Folks, can it get any better than this . Is that what i think it is . That is an armada of tiny sushi boats. Awesome i forgot to pack lunch. You had one job. Chopsticks wasabi and soy comin in a little hot. It only gets better when you switch and save with geico. Back now with two major wildfires burning near los angeles. The largest called the saddle ridge fire already burned thousands ofic aers. As of this morning, only 19 contained. Nbc sam brock is on the ground right there in northernridge, los angeles. Sam . Reporter kendis, more resources being thrown right now at the saddle ridge fire. 1,300 firefighters on the front lines trying to make sure the fire doesnt move more than it already has. Good news talking updates. Now at 19 containment. Earlier this morning just 13 . That may not sound like a lot, but to put this in context, firefighters and those camp crews were dealing with difficult terrain overnight and low visibility. When they go around trying to dig up dirt and vegetation and clear the lines its tough to do that at night. We expect the numbers to rise moving into saturday. As far as the damage that we have seen. Im standing on porto ranch. Look at this house. One of 31 affected by flames over the course of the last couple days. This is a bad example when it comes to just widespread damage and perhaps lack of livability after the fact. The couple that lives here told me they saw flames coming from this canyon over their shoulders here. You see it totally charred from top to bottom. The flames coming thursday night, early friday morning. Skipping right along, and forced them out of their home. Within ten minutes of them leaving the patio was totally engaged with flames. There are, of the 31 homes that were affected by the fire, roughly 13 that are totally at a loss. 11 or 12 that are between 10 and 50 . So thats the home situation right now. Repopulation is a word youre going to hear a lot today. So many people, tens of thousands of people waiting to try to get back into their homes. We are told by the Los Angeles Fire Department they are creating a message to send it out and get people back in but it hasnt occurred yet. One gentleman we spoke with, melvin o. , told me he has a son with special needs and didnt have a choice, no available hotels and had to get back to his house last night. I have a special needs child. So we needed medication for him and had to come back, and i know theyve blocked off reseda. I took side streets to get to the house. Reporter you snuck in . Yeah. Reporter acreage stable by last count, 7,500 acres. The wind kicking around is the x factor. The hope, once the red flag warning expires firefighters will get a handle on the fire, but expecting gusts as high as 60 miles an hour today. See how it plays out. Back to you. Dealing with windy and dry conditions out west. Sam brock, thanks to you. An International Incident off the core of the tense relationship between the nba and china, and what the president had to say about it this morning. Thats next. Thats next. Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. 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The Brooklyn Nets and the Los Angeles Lakers faced off this morning in a closely watched preseason game in shanghai, china, but more attention is being paid to whats happening off the court. The marquee matchup blacked out for chinas basketball fans after the Chinese Government decided to pull the game from the airwaves after nba commissioner adam silvers defense of a tweet from the 450u Houston Rockets gm supporting protesters there. Former assistant secretary of state for east asia and pacific fairs christopher hill. Welcome to you both. Thank you. So the game went on this morning. The tweet happened more than a week ago. Why is this controversy still going on . Because people still arent sure how this it going to end up. Same time, you can see the tensions are, i think, slowly starting to go down a little bit. I think china recognizes that there is an nba fan base thats about 600 million and they recognize that the more this controversy goes on the more attention it actually puts on whats happening in hong kong. The nba on the other side of this, they understand that theyre in a multibillion Dollar Partnership with china and understand that they want that global relationship to continue, because that partnership is only expanding, while their market share in the United States is actually slightly contracting. Weve had other athletes who spoke out about a number of Different Things including, anth lied from turkey and about palesti palestine, other developed over the last several years referred to as woke marketing, appealing to liberal or progressive fans saying they support players free speech and right to speak out on issues. We found when the rubber met the road the nba acted much more furtively, reacttively, much more like they werent quite sure which side initially they were on. The side of squelching free speech of players on on the side of keeping the business relationship on point and flowing. Ambassador, there used to be a three t rule. Trying to do business with china. Avoid talking about tiananmen square, taiwan and tibet. Is that expanding now . Yes. I think it is. Part of the problem for the chinese is, they just dont know what to do about hong kong. This has gone on far longer than they thought it would and theyve acted with relative restraint. Havent really been sure what to do about it, and then when a coach of a very wellknown, you know, franchise in the nba speaks out, you know, you would think they would have kind of let this go for a while and see whether it was going to move along on its own, whether it would grow legs or something and instead went after them and now, of course, readed th erealized upsetting a lot of people in china. Hundreds of millions. I think the nba similarly was handcuffed and didnt know how to respond. It will calm do i believe. Players and coaches in the nba, complex. You have very, very smart people in that league, like steve kerr, and so i wouldnt say this is going to be the last such incident and the chinese will have to handle it better than they have. The president weighted in earlier on the issue today in support. Not in support of prodemocracy, folks or protesters, to take a shot, as you mentioned, of the warriors coach steve kerr whose team refused to visit the white house over the years during their many, many championships. You see it right there. Ambassador, let me get your sense of this. Because there are a lot of people go ahead. You wanted to weigh in there . I just the hypocrisy can and cowardice in one could impeach the president for that wed be wee beyond that. Criticizing steve kerr for not doing what hes not doing. Standing with the people of hong kong. Just wanted to put that out there. Well said. And all of the people who do business with china, should we are worried about what we say about that country . Ambassador . You know, yes. I think the chinese have kind of gotten themselves in a mode where when someone says something publicly about them they come right back at the person. A certain amount of deflection weve frankly seen from our own president on more than a few occasions. I think the chinese need to understand theyre a global power and have to handle these things better than they do. And last word. In a couple words, how did the nba handle this . Cplus, started furtively and didnt know what they were doing, they recovered. They are trying to recover. Thank you both for joining us. Next on this busy saturday, news the president s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani is reportedly under federal investigation. How it ties into the ukraine scandal and how the white house is reacting. And a blow to the president s efforts to keep his tax returns secret. A federal judge sides with House Democrats, but the Supreme Court may get the final say. A wealth of opportunities. Thats the clarity you get from fidelity wealth management. Straightforward advice, tailored recommendations, taxefficient investing strategies, and a dedicated advisor to help you grow and protect your wealth. Welcome back, everyone. Im Kendis Gibson at msnbc World Headquarters in new york. A busy saturday afternoon. The president blaming the deep state for an investigation into his personal lawyer. Another toplevel Trump Administration official left his job and the fight over the president s tax returns could end up before the Supreme Court. Breaking news right now from new orleans. A collapse at the Hard Rock Hotel construction site near the French Quarter sending nearly two dozen people to the hospital. It is a fatal incident. Were there live. Plus following a growing crisis in syria. Fierce fighting in the northern part of the country as Turkish Forces capture another keyboarder town. We go live to the region for an update, but we start here in the u. S. And with the president seemingly sticking by his lawyer. Trump now announces his support for Rudy Giuliani on twitter there calling him a great man and a wonderful lawyer after the New York Times reveals he could be in legal jeopardy. Giuliani says hes not aware of any investigation, but two people familiar with the case are telling the New York Times that federal prosecutors in new york city are looking to determine whether giuliani violated lobbying laws in his efforts to undermine former ambassador to ukraine. At the same time a former senior white house official is exclusively telling us that those closest to the president are worried about what trumped former top aide on russia and europe has to say about giuliani and the Eu Ambassador Gordon Sondland in an upcoming impeachment deposition. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell joins us with more. Kelly, a lot to unfold. Reporter it is, kendis. A busy time in the impeachment inquiry and lots of different pieces that may ultimatelien woven together, thats what democrats are trying to do. Look at the series of tools used through subpoena power and requests for information and scheduling of depositions, there is a lot of fact gathering they hope to do in the week ahead. So fiona hill will be a prime person with information from inside the white house that would be of use to the democrats, and thats part of why theres so much anticipation about what she may say. Up see on the screen there, some of the Different Things planned for the week ahead in terms of scheduled depositions and requests for documents that democrats want. Why fiona hill is important and she left the National Security council this summer, what she can say is, to give us an insight about some of the inner workings that may help to add to what, for example, the whistleblower complaint outlined. Fiona hill, who was in a position with expertise on russia on the National Security council would have been one of those types of officials who would have, on a regular basis, been involved in calls the president would have with world leaders. She would understand the practices inside the National Security council for things like what happens to call summaries and notes . Do they go on that code word server weve heard a lot about with respect to the ukraine call . Or handled in some other way . She may have insights about what the white house and in particular what the president may have been thinking on some of these issues, but also valuable because having served on the National Security council and inside the white house in a senior position, shed know a lot of the procedures and a lot of the atmosphere around some of these events. Whether dealing with ukraine or the president s other interests, certainly russia, of course, something that has been dominant during the years of the Trump Administration, and shed have insight on that as well. Kendis . A lot of hell looking to see what she has to say when she makes it there on capitol hill this coming week. Kelly odonnell at the white house. Thank you. President trumps stonewall response to requests for his tax returns may be showing cracks. A federal Appeals Court delivered a devastating blow by ruling that President Trumps Accounting Firm must hand over eight years of his financial records to House Democrats. However, the committee wont receive those immediately and President Trump still have an option to take his appeal to the Supreme Court. Joining me now, msnbc legal analyst and former frog prosecutor glen kushner. What are the president s Legal Options . Still has stonewalling opportunities ahead of him, kendis, because its actually not just a onestep process directly to the Supreme Court. Its a twostep process. So the first opportunity the defendant excuse me. Freudian slip. The first opportunity trump has to delay is to petition the Appellate Court for reconsideration on bonk. That means full court, and i bet his attorneyless do that. Why . Because it builds in yet another hearing that will take more time before ultimately its appealed to the. See court. An enbanc rehearing means they were take all of the judges that sit on the d. C. Federal Circuit Court of appeals and there may be as many as 14 or 15 of them and reargue the case to all of those judges to see if all of those judges agree with the two out of the three judges that voted against trump in the first instance. Assuming they go through that process that will take some time. If the entire court sitting enbaue enbanc against President Trump his lawyers will undoubtedly appeal. The. See court doesnt have to accept it for review and say we see no significant constitutional interest involved that would warrant us actually hearing this case. I predict, however, this is one of those cases of First Impression as we say. I suspect the Supreme Court would exercise its jurisdiction and, again, this whole process unless really expedited can take another several months. Several months. Then all of that said, a lot of people are wondering when would the House Democrats actually get to set eyes on his tax returns . It could still take some time depending how the Appellate Court handles this. A noteworthy name at the top of that court. Isnt there . Top of the court . Merrick garland i was trying to get to there. Yes. You know what . He was done wrong in respect is no dispute over the unfairness that visited the Merrick Garland nomination. He also is renowned for being a fair, circumspect, thoughtful jurist, and i have every confidence that he will divorce all of his experience, some might say his mistreatment from his mind. Hell saw the legal wood in front of him and decide the issue based only on the merits of the arguments. A way with words. Legal wood in front of him. The 21 decision we got a few days ago. There was a dissent from the trumpappointed judge, sole dissenter in that opinion. The judge said House Democrats exceeded their authority in issuing the subpoena. Does that hold water . You know, when i saw that i actually viewed it as irrelevant and heres why. Im fraugnot going to attack th judges legal reasoning. I dont necessarily agree. Its irrelevant i say, kendis, the judge basically said, well, look. Unless the house announces this is part of formal impeachment inquiry, she quibbled with the authority they have to actually subpoena these materials. The reason i say its irrelevant is because were already there. They havent taken that full house vote, but they have announced that this is now a formal impeachment inquiry. So i dont think that her reasoning really holds up anymore, given the way that the developments have unfolded. All right. Glen kirchner from washington, d. C. Thanks to you. Coming up, a big shakeup coming to President Trumps cabinet. Acting department of Homeland Security secretary Kevin Mcaleenan resigned pe released a statement thanking the president for his support. Joining me a reporter for the daily beast wrote about this today. Congratulations, betsy, i should mention. Your nuptials. Writing about all this. First question about this is, why now . Thats a good question. Mcaleenan has long been eyeing an exit from dhs from chatting with sources in the department over the months. Long been a view that he realized that he was not going to be appointed to be the Senate Confirmed dhs secretary. For him to be in a position like that without sort of the gravitas and authority that comes with Senate Confirmation means he was always viewed somewhat in a way as something of a lame duck. The fact hes leaving on a friday in the middle of a crazy impeachment news cycle certainly gives him a little cover and insulation from media attention. Something else folks in dhs took great notice of and that very much sent eyebrows soaring within the department was an interview he did recently just a couple days ago with the washington post. In that interview he indicated that he felt like he lost control of the messaging within dhs and didnt have the authority he needed to run the department in an effective way. All of those things kind of came together and the timing does make sense. That said, the president was cordial when announcing it yesterday on twitter saying that mcaleenan has done an outstanding job as acting secretary. Do we have any sense who hell be replaced by . Not at the moment. Increasingly over the last year or so people more closely allied with the president sort of politically have made inroads within dhs, two very senior official theres, ken kooch nellie and mark margin allied themselves with the president not just in terms of politics, also in terms of rhetoric. Mcaleenan, remember, took a Law School Class from then, from future president barack obama. Hed supported democrats in the past, and people in the white house and the president s allies viewed him as smk omething of a interloper, someone who didnt share think ideology in the way immigration needed to work armgts more hardline person . Likely. Certainly an appetite within the white house for someone who would be more fro, cut from the same cloth as ken kuccinelli. Thank you. Breaking news were following out of new orleans. A Building Collapse near the historic French Quarters. A scene this morning as parts of the massive 18story hard whote under construction collapsed on the ground below. The upper floors of the site seen crashing on to the top of each other sending dozens of people and pedestrians and construction workers running. At least one person it dead. Three others remain missing. Ali vitali joins us on the ground there. What are we hearing about this now . Reporter local officials are going to brief again but theyre making a plan for those still inside and missing. There are search and rescue teams weve seen on the ground. Both canine and drone teams. Probably get a drone up there, sort to as whats happening. The other side of the street from where we are now, firefighters, construction workers, pedestrians, bystanders basically in wait and see mode. Everyone outside praying for those who are missing and hoping that everyone injured here today is okay. As we were telling you in the last hour, just pandemonium when this partial Building Collapse happened this morning. We actually spoke to one of the ironworkers up there. He told me he was about 20 feet from when it all happened. Heard a loud noise, one man lost his balance and he fell on the concrete. Smoke started coming from everywhere and i couldnt really see where the problem started at, but the concrete starting falling. Reporter you were up on the 18th floor when that happened . 20 feet from it. Had nowhere to go. I was trapped. It was pandemonium. When the rubble stopped, the building stopped collapsing a little bit, you know . A whole lot more pandemonium to get down. I got to the ground, smoke everywhere. More people than i imagined. Never thought it would be all this. I was scared. I didnt think i was going to make it. Reporter when we spoke with him he was shaken and kept saying he felt lucky to have made it out and have spoke ton early folks on his crew, working there a few months. Some he said are in the hospital. Others also made it out. Local officials here saying theyre going to brief again in a little bit. Kendis, a sense of where we are. This is right on canal street right outside the French Quarter. A lot of tour if tourists and d debris soon as the building started to collapse. Pan pandemonium and chaos. Ali vitali there. Appreciate it. As ali was speaking, we showed you new video. Highlight it for you as we rerack it and you can take the scene. Video taken from inside of a trolley. Ever been to new orleans, plenty of trolleys down there. Watch this. Get to the back. Thats inside the trolley. You see people there running outside. For about 30 seconds they said you could not see 30 feet in front of you. What a frantic scene that must have been there in new orleans. Appreciate the report from ali vitali. Following other breaking news right now out of pelham, New Hampshire where a shooting occurred at a New England Pentecostal Church during a wedding ceremony this morning. The chief of police says the shooter was subdued by wedding attendees. Today at 10 12 a. M. The Pelham Police department received a call for an active shooter at the New England Pentecostal Church at 9 55 Bridge Street pelham, New Hampshire. Responding officers arrived within three minutes of the call. Upon arrival, a wedding was occurring at the church and the Police Officers discovered a suspected shooter detained and subdued by guests of the wedding. They placed that individual into custody and arrested him. And two people sent to the hospital with gunshot wounds. Others suffered minor injuries. No deathed reported there in New Hampshire. Still ahead, a fierce battle raging in Northern Syria. Turkishs fors on the attack season towns and taking on u. S. Allies. Plus, two massive wildfires burning in southern california. The race is on to stop them. If these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. Carbon capture is Important Technology and experts agree. Thats why were working on ways to improve it. So plants. Can be a little more. Like plants. Liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. I wish i could shake your hand. Granted. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The o. Is more horsepower. Horsepower. engines rev with dodge power dollars buy any challenger, charger, or durango and get ten bucks cash allowance for every one horsepower. Mom youve got to [ get yourself a new car. G ] i wish i could save faster. Youre making good choices. Youll get there. Were you going to tell me about this . 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Foreign correspondent matt bradley joining us from erbil, where a lot of refugees are rushing to that area. Matt . Reporter you know, rushing here but not entirely clear, kendis if theyll be able to get in. This is kurdish iraq. Solidarity between kurds and iraq and the kurds in syria but nobody knows if these refugees, supposed to be 100,000 of them will actually get in. The kurdish iraqiss beleaguered by this. Almost a decadelong war in Northern Syria. Just to update you on what were seeing. Were hearing about dozens of dead among civilians, among the kurdish population and dozens more injuries. Again, i mentioned that 100,000 people displaced. Theyre going to be headed probably to camps in, elsewhere in Northern Syria and might be headed into a regimeheld territory in syria, though thats not necessarily a great bet for them. Its unclear where this is headed especially for the displaced people. What do we hear about the americans who came under fire . Reporter there was a big stir last night when we thought some americans had been kill ed turns not to be the case. Disputed reports whether or not the turks landed some air strikes next to u. S. Bases and there are several in Northern Syria. Especially a large one near the city of ochkobani. A little west of where we are. And earlier in the week u. S. Kaing a controversy, and most americans are safe. We havent heard a lot of reports about americans fleeing, headed here, not fleeing. This border between iraq and Northern Syria has been the main supply line for americans based in Northern Syria. If theyre going to head anywhere theyll head here. A fear meantime of an isis resurgence . Reporter yes. Weve been seeing a lot of this. There were riots in the camp among family members of isis. Weve seen some footage on social media we havent been able to verify showing uprisings among prisoners held by the kurds. All of this flies in the face of what the Trump Administration was saying, trying to basically give custody of some 12,000 hardened isis fighters from the kurds over to the turks. Now, its impossible to see how it would be done. Most lly kurdish syrian democra are in the midst of fighting off the turks. How would there be a peaceful hand over 10,000 to 12,000 isis prisoners in the heat of battle . Its unclear. Seems isis fighters very savvy and battle hardened are poised to take advantage of the chaos. Chaos is ensuing. Thank you from erbil, iraq. Thanks to you. Bring in the panel now. Joining me, former u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. , and nbc news military analyst retired army fourstar general. Welcome to you both. Thank you so much. Thank you. Ambassador, start with you. Sum it up to me. Give me a big picture on all of this. Is this a disaster in the making . It is. You can clearly see it is. It was a a decision unconscionable and not coordinated with our allies. Mistake by tweet and abandoning a very close ally, the kurds, who helped us defeat isis in syria and iraq, and what youre going to see is a humanitarian disaster. Its going to increase the support in the region of iies. It helps iran and russia with their own strategic goals, and it is just unamerican to abandon them. I spent a lot of time with the kurds. In erbil a couple years ago. They will take these people on but we need to help them as women and stand up to turkey. I personally would suspend turk f from nato. On every level its wrong. The ambassador saying its wrong. General mccaffrey, we mentioned the american troops. No troops actually injured that that explosion matt bradley referred to. Do you get a sense our troops over in syria and iraq and in parts of the borders are in trouble . In danger . Well, first of all let me total lly associate myself with ambassador sew the ambassadors comments. Theres no rationale what mr. Trump has done. Its not just the fact were now going to see potentially reversal of our success against isis. 10,000, 12,000 fighter. A couple thousand of europeans that may end up back in paris and berlin and madrid. In addition were seeing arabsyrian militias armed, put back into this region. We should expect theres going to be some terrible atrocities, and turkey may well start gumping their s 3. 5 million refugees back into this socalled border zone. We should expect this to have continuing ramifications to the stability in the region. Its just an outrageous outcome and it all came out of an erdogan trump phone call. What was he doing . Why did he do this . No warning in the department of defense. Doesnt make a lot of sense. Were in trouble. Were in trouble. Words from general mccaffrey who knows this area and this sort of stuff and thats really a troubling one. Ambassador, meantime, many of our troops saying, leaving that area, it has made them ashamed to be leaving that part of the world. These are our soldiers that have been fighting sidebyside with the kurds. They lost 10,000 people. More than that, in these recent fights. So theres an affinity that the people we have with that, but i think general mccaffrey is flight asking why . A president we know through dealings with ukraine and others, what did he get out of this for, is there a quid pro quo for this, too . No one who has followed the kurds or National Security understands why the president did this. Remember, his first National Security adviser is in jail because he lied about a number of things but including not being honest about working for the turkish government. Theres another story here and i encourage congress to make sure we have a full accounting of the conversations between President Trump and erdogan and those involved in this decision. Because theres no rationale for having this disaster being unleashed by the president. And, general what does this do to the survivability of isis . Well, i think we ought to expect that by the way, look at the background of turkey. Turkey tolerated Isis Sunni Muslim insurgents kemming through turkey. Some indication they supported them, the free syrian army. We should have no expectation that erdogan thinks this prime objective is countering isis. Its not. Nor that the army will take over tens of thousands of family members and fighters, some of whom are deep into the Northern Syria zone. Its likely its plikly outcome isis will see a revival in the coming months. As we watch this terrible ethnic cleansing action against the kurds who have fought with us not just in syria but also in iraq. So, again, u. S. National security interests were jeopardized why this action. Ambassador, meantime, switch gears quickly and get your thoughts and reaction to the former ambassador to ukraine who claims that President Trump pressured the state department to actually remove her. Well i think the performance by ambassador, by the ambassador was amazing standing up to the forces of the president trying to discredit or lie about her record and she is among the Foreign Service officers who will stand up for whats right. If you step back a moment, whats unraveling here with the ukraine situation is that President Trump asked Rudy Giuliani to help dig up dirt on biden. Rudy giuliani went to two individuals who have just been arrested who were being paid by a former russian criminal boss associated with the former regime of yovanovitch who also worked with manafort and all this and been in kutouch with manafort and the circle of former russian cronies in ukraine engaged in corruption to try and dig up dirt and then the question i think thats going to come out here is, whos paying for all this . Apparently this guy under house arrest in vienna five years over trying to bribe the indians for a boeing contract in chicago. Thats who Rudy Giuliani has been relying on to dig up dirt on the bidens as well as two of his cronies. Follow that money trail. What has he been paying for, who has he paid and we learned yesterday Rudy Giuliani is himself under investigation for campaign violations. Wheres the money coming from and why . I encourage the administrations supporters, rick perry, mike pompeo, all of those, have a choice to make. Are they going to continue in this web of lies . And ruin their reputations and have to lawyer up . Or are they going to come out and say what happened and let the chips fall where they may . I strongly encourage them to do that soon. I wonder if theyll take your word . Ambassador, appreciate it. And general barry mccaffrey. My pleasure. Still ahead, a rare democratic governor in the deep south fighting to keep his job and a republican effort to force a Runoff Election in louisiana. 10 years ago, we started legacybox. 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I cant go anywhere. But youre so busy watching me tailgate that you dont see the one in front of you. And your cut rate car insurance, it might not pay for this. So get allstate and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Other headlines weve been following throughout the day. 100,000 residents under evac situation odors because of mattive wildfires. Fires fueled by high winds and extremely low humidity levels. A big shakeup at boeing. The ceo Dennis Muhlenberg stripped of his chairman role struggling to get his plaqumax. Jets cleared to takeoff again. And completing the first marathon fastest ever. Despite the achievement, it wont count as a world record. During the race, the 34yearold ran behind a pace car which goes against the official rules. Incred about achievement. Welcome to the jungle. The jungle primary that is. President trump rallied in louisiana last night in an 11th hour push to unseat the democratic governor there. The two republicans running tied themselves closely to the president even though mr. Trump did not endorse either one. For more on the Political Landscape on this saturday im joined by Bitsy Woodruff swann political politics reporter with the daily beast and Eliza Collins of the wall street journal. Talk about the jungle primary, its called. Explain for me. This means theres going to potentially be a first and then a second round of voting. In louisiana, its especially complicated state because of a history of both republicans and democrats vying for control. John bel edwards is something of an outsider within the Democratic Party one of the only prominent Democratic Leaders whose taken stances against abortion rights. Something within especially the more social conservative arm of the Republican Party generated mixed feelings. People in the Prolife Movement want democrats on their side. At the same time, they would rather, some much rather have full problem control of states like louisiana. An interesting ideological contest coming up. One a lot of people paying attention to it. John bel edwards governor there of louisiana was at the scene of that Building Collapse that took place in new orleans a little earlier. The president s rally last night. If it had gotten the tv rating, probably around the tvma or somewhat. Take a listen. They say, thank you very much. I want your money. Give you that 250,000 you work your [ bleep ] off for. Theyre pursuing an illegal, invalid an unconstitutional bull [ bleep ] impeachment. [ cheers ] seems weve been hearing that sort of stuff a lot lately, increasingly so from the president. Does this play well with his base . We heard him say it and then heard applause. This president has never been someone politically correct and has certainly cursed before. This impeachment inquiry is something hes very revved up again. He goes to these rallies hes with a friendly crowd and where he basks in what he says is the unfairness of it all reinforced by the crowds reaction. I point out the president is not the only one started swearing. We see it on the democratic side as welling. Beto orourke has been cursing a lot as well but on a completely different matter. Using it to talk about policy whereas the president uses to really go after what he wants to talk about. A lot of people cursing. Beto orourke none to use the f word and then some on the campaign trail and even on live tv. Clearly, the president is using this, betsy, do you get a sense that theres a down side to all of this . Well, its clearly not working particularly well for beto. His polls are pretty unimpressive and seems his campaign is very much facing something of an existential crisis whether or not he has a shot at being a serious contender. Theres not a lot of empirical evidence to suggest hell be competitive at all going into the early primary states, and some believe, democrats believe thats part. Reason hes taken such an unorthodox tact to the rhetoric hes using. Using the rhetoric of donald trump was not successful for other contenders in the paf. In the 20 16, marco rubio mocke trump laughed add tweets and immediately apologized because it went over poorly for him and he didnt get to be president. Fraught for contenders to try to imitate trump. Sometimes trump opponents dont like people who act like him. Maybe their success in taking on some of trumps major supporters. Did you notice the clap back that took place overnight from Kamala Harris . Donald trump jr. Tweeted as her. Why is Kamala Harris the only person that laughs at her own jokes . Harris quickly responded. Can you see it there . You wouldnt know a joke if one raised you. This was this was had her trending overnight there on twitter. Right. Exactly what the Harris Campaign wants. She sent out a fundraising email about that because harris is another candidate like mr. Orourke pulling now at this point in the, polling in the low Single Digits and really needs a moment. Her campaign has become about basically her saying shes the strongest person to take on the president. If shes engaged in a back and forth with the president s son it allows her to say look, theyre worried about me. Watching my campaign. She came out were you a fund raising ad after they think its a winning message for her. Is it a winning message to go out with a campaign email, fundraising email after something as simple as that . They always do that. Go ahead, betsy. I would say thats pretty common. I associate myself with elizas analysis. It is 100 common for these campaigns to jump on any good moment they get and try to use it to bring in a little cash. All right. See if it works. Of course, watching the big debate taking place in a couple days in ohio. Thank you Betsy Woodruff swaurn and Eliza Collins. Still ahead here, going to jail for oversleeping. A strange case of doing time over missing jury duty. Well, now there are new questions about the judge involved. Dg involved. Head in now for applebees new pasta grill combos starting at 9. 99. Work so hard give it everything you got strength of a lioness tough as a knot rocking the stage and we never gonna stop all strength, no sweat. Just in case you forgot all strength. No sweat secret. All strength. No sweat. The o. Is more horsepower. Horsepower. engines rev with dodge power dollars buy any challenger, charger, or durango and get ten bucks cash allowance for every one horsepower. Were back with an update on a story that had many scratching our heads. That of 21yearold dandre somerville sentenced to ten days behind bars after not showing up for jury durty. His Attorney Says the judge who sentenced him isnt fit to handle trials. Nbc Morgan Chesky has the story. This is not the face of someone who deserves to beut in jail. Reporter this morning a florida judge facing backlash. The attorney for dandre somerville speaking out saying the punishment didnt fit the crime his client committed. Somerville spent ten days in jail after sleeping through day one of jury duty. Made a mistake out of ignorance and nards in regards to what happened. Reporter and a formal complaint timed against the judge. Transferred out entirely. Not asking to be removed from the bench but i am saying presently hes shown hes unfit to serve or presides over jury trials near this countriy. Reporter local law makimake echoing for change. Put in handcuffs and bput behind bars unthinkable. Reporter and the judge asked about it last month. The only africanamerican on the jury representing a crosssection of the community and he decided on his own that it wasnt worth his time to come back. Reporter the judge threw our somervilles charge of contempt but only after a handwritten apology. The 21yearold says he values the newfound support. Life is good. Back to the basics, consistently helping my granddad, going to work, saving money to get back in school. Nbcs Morgan Chesky and many compare this to a similar incident snabt same judge in march sentenced other africanamerican american in jail nine day just for missing jury duty. Up next, fox news anchor Shepard Smith shocks the news world and his colleagues saying hes leaving. A congressman calling for an investigation into all of this. Well tell you why. L tell you wy kickstart my heart by motley crue truck honks wheels screeching clapping sound of can hitting bag and bowl clapping always there in crunch time. Do you recall, not long ago we would walk on the sidewalk all around the wind blows we would only hold on to let go blow a kiss into the sun we need someone to lean on blow a kiss into the sun we needed somebody to lean on all we need is someone to lean on arrested, and the president taking on the high priests, it is time for the intersection, and really weird sometimes, pop culture, and politic, joining me this week, are the hofs of the show on sirius xm, dean, and republican strategist susan, thank you for being here. Sure. So that, that noise that we heard, that jolt that we felt, across the street here at msnbc headquarters, took place around 3 59 p. M. Yesterday there at fox news, when Shepard Smith suddenly announced his departure from fox news, after 23 years. Heres his coworkers reaction to it. Then get yours. Well, im neil cavuto and like you, im a little stunned, and a little heart broken. I dont know what to say. Ive just been trying to compile my thoughts, too. Neil, i walked out here, to do the hit, and suddenly got hit by a subway train. Holy mackerel. Wow. It was a shock to everybody there i was texting with friends at the time telling them the news. They had no idea about this. But give me a little bit of a big picture on what exactly this means and his departure from fox. Well, i think it is a really interesting turn of events. First of all, Shepard Smith is known speaking truth to power, he was one of the voices at fox who was determined to provide the facts to his viewers. And he had a stellar reputation. The other thing thats interesting is that he started day one with the network, when they launched, he launched with them and i cant help but think he has been loyal to the network all these years and he realized they werent loyal to him. And of course, a blowup just a couple of weeks ago. Thats what i was referring to. So prime time anchors, apparently there is reporting that that was the last straw. But 15 million a year reported salary. To walk away from it. Challenging to say the least. Yes. You could say a lot of things about me, but 15 million a year, i would be very happy, and there is seriousness here to the whole situation. Bill barr went from washington, d. C. To Rupert Murdochs house in new york on wednesday, and we dont know why, but youre meeting with the head of fox news, or the founder of fox news, and shep is gone, is there a connection . And secondly, even if there is not a connection, why was the attorney general of the United States of america sent, because the Trump Administration, why did he go from washington, d. C. To Rupert Murdoch in new york, and at the same time, donald trump is complaining about his coverage on fox news, and to me, it could be, and im not saying it is, it could be abuse of power. If there was a congressman who was on your show, just last night, i listened to, it and he kind of picked up on that. Heres a clip. What the hell is the attorney general of the United States doing meeting with fox . With the head of fox . For what purpose could that possibly be . Especially in light of the fact that this is happening exactly at the same time the president of the United States is saying fox news isnt being kind enough to him. Congressman, is he going for an inquiry . What he is calling for . I asked is this within your purview. He is on House Oversight and he said absolutely, because we have the attorney general going to new york to see the head of fox news, what is going on . At the same time trump is on twitter complaining about fox news. And theres all this talk, is fox news staterun media, loosely, we dont mean that truly, but this interaction is troubling again, and it just feeds that narrative. Let me talk about jane fonda. Of course, she is no stranger to protests but there she was, the oscar winner getting arrested there at capitol hill, for trying to make meaningful change to climate change. Doing it looking fabulous. Sorry. I mean she looks great. And i think it is really, what is interesting, is she is willing to put herself out, there like other celebrities have, but to draw attention to the issue. And this one happened to be in climate change. And i give her a lot of credit for going out to do. That she certainly doesnt need to for any reason. She doesnt need to raise her profile. She is just doing just right. And princes estate is a little angry at the Trump Administration, and trump campaign, rather, and they have receipts, after the rally this past week. They did not, it was very clear, they did not want talking about the prince estate, did not want trump to play princes songs at the rallies and maybe Roseanne Barr or scott baio can play a song, spoken word, with john voight or something, but these performers, this is their love, their intellectual property and it is what theyre about and they dont want it process processle prosl tized and they dont want that to happen by donald trump. Lets go crazy, maybe. Cease and desist. Thank you. Appreciate it. I will be back tomorrow at 2 00 p. M. , eastern time. The news continues. Easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. New vicks vapopatch. Breathe easy. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. 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Former ambassador to ukraine, might know a thing or two about that very issue. Were digging into what she said in public nand private testimony. Are there any smoking guns there . And the days ahead. Its going to be a gangbuster lineup right there for headlining witnesses on capitol hill. The democrats impeachment inquiry picks up yet more speed. Plus, breaking news this hour. A brand new Hardrock Hotel currently under construction, partially collapsing. For now, at least one person dead. We are watching that, also this, the massive wildfires, outside of los angeles, california, you cannot see when you drive, its so smoky there, as dozens of homes are destroyed, and mandatory evacuation orders are in place. But first off, for you, if youre just tuning in, joining

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