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Vaccine is approved this month or even next, it wont be widely available until the middle of next year. Here was assistant secretary of Health Admiral bret giroir this morning. The cdc director was correct that widespread use of a vaccine, hundreds of millions of people will probably not happen until midnext year, so both are correct. If we had a vaccine even a few million in november, it could make an enormous impact on the health of the country, but it is also true that everyone who wants a vaccine may not be able to get it until mid next year. If the president takes questions, he might also be asked about new reporting the white house canceled plans for the Postal Service to mail out 650 Million Masks to American Families across the country back in april that move would have saved lives. But it was not in line with the president s own strategy, one that he detailed in his own words, to play down the pandemic for political reasons. A strategy he is still pushing as he ignores social distancing guidelines, pushes false hope on a vaccine timeline, and undercuts masks. And one that is prompting the resignation of even more Administration Officials yesterday, Vice President pences lead staffer on the covid19 response explained why she left and why she is now supporting joe biden in a Campaign Video by republicans against trump. Towards the middle of february, we knew it wasnt a matter of ifcovid would become a big pandemic here in the United States. It was a matter of when, but the president didnt want to hear that because his biggest concern was we were in an Election Year and how was this going to affect what he considered his to be his record of success. It was shocking to see the president saying the virus was a hoax, saying everything is okay when we anyhow that its not the truth is, he doesnt actually care about anyone else but himself. The white house is calling olivia troye a disgruntled employee let us begin at the white house, and with the president , as we wait for this news conference. Joining us today is White House Bureau chief of the washington post, and msnbc political analyst phil rucker. Former Obama White House Health Policy director, dr. Kavita patel, and chief Political Correspondent for politico, tim alberta. Phil, i was going to ask you if theres anyone at the white house thats concerned about this politicization of vaccines, but i guess the question i really want to ask is, is the politicization of vaccines a political move in itself for the white house . It is a political move, katy. The president wants to try to change the psychology around the coronavirus pandemic in this country. He wants to give people hope, he wants americans believing that the cure, as he puts it, is just around the corner. And so, you know, irrespective of whether a vaccine actually passes all the trials and is authorized to begin distribution by november 3rd, the date of the election, the president cares more than he convinced the American People that progress is being made and that the vaccine will be able to reach everybody in short order and to answer your first question about politicization at the white house, that has been a concern, and actually there has been a Communications Strategy in place that we have reported on a few weeks ago where the president would actually take a back seat to some of the medical and scientific professionals in touting the vaccine, the belief, the calculation there being that a lot of the amoern people are not going to trust what the president says about a vaccine but would have much more faith in what medical professionals say. That said, the president is coming out today, so hes not exactly following that game plan yeah, we can put up some polling. Nbc survey monkey polling about who trusts the vaccine would you get a government approved covid19 vaccine . 39 say yes. Thats not a high number 23 say no 36 say unsure those arent good numbers if you want to get herd immunity from the country. Dr. Kavita patel, he has continued to say that once a vaccine is available or imply that once a vaccine is available, that everyone is going to be able to get it pretty quickly his Health Officials are pushing back on that and saying, hey, listen, maybe well start by being able to get to the most important, ie, the most Vulnerable People first. But a widespread vaccine is q2, q3 of next year. Before the president starts speaking, just put the Vaccine Distribution and the logistics behind it into some context for our viewers so they have that once the president starts talking. Yeah, thats right, katy. Absolutely its not as easy, and i would say q2, q3 is optimistic, by the way, but very briefly, the vaxepe is at least a twodose regimen. Lets talk about that. Its not just doses. Its a regimen of two injections, ate least 21 to 28 days apart, and the two more promising candidates have incredibly complicated kind of cold storage issues. They need to be stored at negative 70 degrees celsius. Thats uncharacteristic of any vaccine that we have currently so you need freezer supply, and then the transport, not to mention just the same things, katy, that plagued us with shortages of nasal swabs and little syringes and reagents its not easy to just produce billions of doses. Remember, theres a worldwide demand for this, even though the United States has prepaid for some doses its not easy to produce billion of these doses because youre using another virus to try to give the vaccine in some regards. So creating all of this is why you have people like dr. Fauci and others saying, you know, for this year, probably about 25 million regimens for about 25 Million People might be realistic, but do the math, thats not the whole country that doesnt mean we wont have a moment where someone gets an injection in an arm on television to satisfy kind of the president s political needs before november 3rd. You know, tim, you wrote about the politicizing of the virus for politico i want to ask you about something that a former pence aide who is now coming out against the president said sue albrink nodded omberly, it feels like we cant trust anything anymore we cant trust any of our politicians. We cant trust the government itself were lifelong catholics and we cant even trust the church, said jims wife, a retired Administration Assistant none of these institutions that we grew up with, that we leaned on, none of them are trustworthy anymore. What are you hearing from voters im sorry, this is from your piece. It was mislabeled in my notes. Beyond that, what are you hearing from voters about what this lack of trust means for how theyre going to decide in november you know, katy, i actually think that phil, with his very chic sport coat, i might add, hit the nail on the head a little while ago, talking about the psychology of this the one constant that you notice over the last six or seven months, katy, talking with voters across the political spectrum, across the socioeconomic spectrum, the one constant is there is a crisis of confidence and people, its palpable. Its visceral. You can pick it up in conversations with people. They dont have confidence that this country is sort of on firm footing. And its not just the raw politics of it even supporters of the president , maybe they have confidence in him, but they dont have confidence in the government writ large and its ability to get its arm around these interconnected crises right now. I think phil is exactly right. The challenge facing the president is to sort of bolster the psychology of a lot of these voters and give them the of that confidence the problem is, from everything we see in the data and all of the public polling and anecdotally in a lot of conversations ill have with voters who are either on the fence or voting against trump, he is not the one to give them that confidence. Those poll numbers you cited a minute ago about the likelihood of respondents to actually take a vaccine, katy, when you have nearly a plurality of respondents saying theyre not sure whether theyll take the vaccine, thats really troubling. And you have to imagine that the only way that the confidence of those people is really going to be restored is a message to them not from the president but from the scientific community, from the medical community, stressing, emphasizing, reassuring to them that its okay that we have tested this, that this is not a political experiment, that this is real solid science and that you can trust this in my view from all the reporting i have done, that have where the confidence is going to come from. Its not going to come from the white house. Do people want to see the president move aside and just hear from the Health Experts and not hear from the president on these things boy, look, if i had a dime for every time i have heard a voter say that, including some trump voters, i would add, say listen, i dont want to hear from this guy anymore, because look, i remember having this conversation at a sams club a few months ago, and i wrote about this with a gentleman right outside of the pharmacy. He voted for trump un2016. He said, look, i dont want to get my briefings from him on this subject matter. I just dont i dont. Im not interested in what he has to say about the science and the medical conclusions behind this thing i want to hear from the people who have ph. D. S, i want to hear from the people in the white lab coats. That is actually pretty representative of a lot of conversations we have had with Trump Supporters who, its not that theyre necessarily down on his performance, but they dont really think that he has the necessary grasp on the subject i guess that raises a question, though, tim. Why are they going to vote for him again if theyre tired of hearing from him and they dont believe like hes Building Trust on such an important issue like a pandemic, like a vaccine the 64,000 question. Look, i think you could probably start it at the lowest common denomitator, which is abortion for a lot of voters. A lot of conservative voters, including some that i wrote about in this last piece i published yesterday. Look, you hang around a culturally conservative area on a random afternoon, and you talk to 25 or 30 voters, and probably two thirds of them are trump voters, and of those two thirds, more than half of them are really reluctant trump voters, and theyll tell you they have serious heartburn about the idea of supporting the guy again, but when it boils down to, they worry a lot about abortion, about Supreme Court appointments, the antipolice sentiment they hear from the left, and they see some of the caricatures of the Democratic Party as the party of socialists, as presented to them on fox news every night, and it all adds up to at least enough of a doubt in their mind about whether they can pull the lever for joe biden. I mean, its honestly not much more complicated than that at least in much of the reporting i have done, katy. Do not doubt the power of the fox news echo chamber. I was talking to voter yesterday, trump voters, and you hear the talking points word for word about everything having to do with trump and having to do with the election and biden and socialism and hes a puppet, et cetera dr. Kavita patel, when were looking at where we will be if masks are disregarded or undercut, if social distancing is not adhered to, as strictly as it has been, as we head into the fall, as we hope for a vaccine, there have been estimations by the university of washington that if all of those requirements or those restrictions we have been living under are, you know, kind of disregarded or not taken as seriously, we could have more than 400,000 deaths by january are you concerned about this happy talk about a vaccine that people will start to not be so careful in their regular day, their regular lives because they think that a cure or a vaccine is right around the corner yeah, thats not only the kind of concern about a vaccine potentially being a panacea or a cureall, but combine that with the pressure, i think, that there is around the country to have Football Games and stadiums and were going into a colder season, and many parts of the country, were seeing very low temperatures being able to gather outdoors even safely is going to be incredibly limited thats why i think youre seeing some of these very conservative estimates even that we could double our deaths by the end of the year, because just simply because of like you mentioned, kind of a wish or a hope, especially if a vaccine does get an emergency authorization, and the public does think it can get hundreds of millions of doses this year, which is simply not true theres not enough to go around this year, and then finally, your point about masks, i do worry that were continuing to have these conversations and something the public doesnt realize is we have actually have been doing less testing. Over the last week, our testing numbers have gone down by about 8 when you put those two things together, katy, that doesnt spell for great prevention and control. So i keep stressing the same things we can prevent this. Its a combination, mask wearing, distance, and hand hygiene. Its honestly the analogy is simple, like getting into your car. You put a seat belt on even if you have airbags you look both ways even if you have electronic monitoring, sophisticated on your car. Thats what were going to have to do as individuals and thats what we hope we can do through the winter so we dont get those numbers. The cdc director said the just the other day, hey, listen, you dont know how effective the vaccine is going to be for any individual, and it might be that wearing a mask is more effective for certain individuals. The briefing has been delayed to 2 30 phil, i dont have time, but im going to ask one more question my producers are going to yell at me. This 400,000 number by january out of the university of washington, are you hearing anybody at the white house talk about that not really, katy. You know, thats such a grim reality to be thinking about because that would be effectively doubling our death total in a matter of months here a real travesty for this country. Its not something that the white house is talking openly about. Theyre opious lopobviously hopo have a vaccine, and the president has been declaring publicly that we have rounded the table, although all of the data we see with our own eyes tell a different story good phil rucker, thank you. Dr. Kavita patel, thank you, and tim alberta, thank you well see who can stick around and talk to us once he is done if hes done in this hour. Now on to new reporting from vanity fair which explains why there were so many ppe l logjammed. The president s soninlaw resisted taking federal action to alleviate shortages in new york Jared Kushner reportedly rejected a desperate plea for help from governor andrew cuomo, saying, quote, free markets will solve this that is not the role of government after some pushback from one of the attendees, kushner reportedly took sharper aim at cuomo, saying he didnt pound the phones hard enough to get ppe for his state. His people are going to suffer, and thats their problem joining me now, nbc news political reporter monica alba, and vanity fair contributing editor catherine even. What was this meeting . Who was involved this was a meeting of entrepreneurs, Major Business executives, and venture capitalists. And they had canvassed the private sector for two weeks they had mapped out the shortages. They had sort of come up with a plan to present to the white house to work with them to try to alleviate these shortages they had gotten pledges from major corporations, including general motors, ford motor company, everybody was ready to jump in. So they went on a saturday evening to the white house and Jared Kushner chaired the meeting. And they essentially urged him to have trump invoke whats called the defense production act. Which would have unleashed the power of the federal government. And they were just flabbergasted by the response that they got back it was confrontational right out of the gate. He said the federal government is not going to lead this response this is going to be up to the states to figure out the free market will solve this. He believed that, and you know, there were top Business People in this room, and none of them thought that that could happen given the finite supply of equipment and masks. And they urged him to reconsider and they cited cuomo as an example of, you know, a state desperate for supplies and his response, which stunned them, was basically its his fault. And if his people dont have enough ppe, thats their problem. And theyre going to suffer. This reminds me, and im sure it reminds many of our viewers of something the president said the other day when he got out that map and he said, if you dont count the blue states, were doing really well. Did the attendees you spoke to feel as if this was a version of kushner saying the same thing . You dont count the blue states, were focused on the red states . They absolutely did one attendee said to me that they felt kushner was not particularly interested in this problem because it was primarily effecting the blue states, and another attendee said, you know, he looks back on that meeting when he thinks about it, he thinks because cuomo was the governor of a blue state, kushners attitude was, too bad. And just didnt care and as one attendee said to me, you know, i had an out of body experience i was like, where am i and where is america was this before or after Jared Kushner was talking about the stockpiles and calling them his stockpiles, our stockpiles, not the american stockpile so this meeting was even earlier than that. I think that meeting took place in april, if im not incorrect this was a very early meeting, march 21st there were images of nurses in the icu wearing garbage bags for protection i mean, it was a handsondeck crisis, and a number of the people i interviewed for this story said they had no doubt that lives were likely lost because of these delays, which could have been solved had trump invoked the defense production act much earlier and kushner had supported that what does the white house say about your reporting i think they said that it was a disgusting partisan hit job. Catherine egan, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate all of your time and still to come, the president has a new mailin voting target. Hes singling out michigan secretary of state claiming she sabotaged ballots sent out to voters secretary Jocelyn Benson will be here to respond. Plus, Top Democrats want the dojs watchdog to investigate whether attorney general bill barr is attempting to influence the election unduly and illegally but first, early voting begins in minnesota, which means, of course, that both campaigns are in minnesota today. We are there next. You can go your own way go your own way your wireless. Your rules. Only Xfinity Mobile lets you choose shared data, unlimited or a mix of each. And switch anytime so you only pay for the data you need. Switch and save up to 400 a year on your wireless bill. With the carrier rated 1 in customer satisfaction. Call, click, or visit your local xfinity store today. Early inperson voting is now under way in seven states, including minnesota, which the Trump Campaign and Biden Campaign both see as key to the general election and a victory there. Both candidates are Holding Events there today joining me now from minnesota in hermantown is nbc news correspondent mike memoli, and from a polling place in stillwater, nbc news political reporter shaquille brewster. Hermantown might be my favorite new name for a town. I wonder if it was named after a guy who was named herman i think you have to find that out for me, mike, and let me know later back to the issue at hand, joe biden is going to be there later. What sort of voters is he targeting out there . Yeah, katy, this is a state that stayed blue even in the reagan reelection landslide of 1984 if you want to know why the Biden Campaign might have some concerns about whether it will stay blue in this election, you might see a little bit of it in the scene behind me. This is not an event that the Biden Campaign advertised publicly it is not an open to the public event, as all of bidens events have been in this pandemic era but the Trump Campaign sure found out where the event was going to be, and the Trump Supporters have lined up and down the highway here. If you hear some of the honking, thats what thats all about they want to make their presence known as biden has just landed nearby at the duluth airport but this county in particular, st. Louis county, in minnesota, this used to be a democratic stronghold barack obama in his reelection in 2012 won 63 of the vote in this county. Hillary clinton barely carried it by 51 . So that gap, those voters between the obama reelection and hillarys carrying the state, yes, but only narrowly, those are the voters joe biden is trying to win back with a message very squarely on the economy. This issue he presented last night for the first time as being about scranton versus park avenue, katy mike memoli listen to me. I will win scranton. If we were losing scranton and lackawanna, so i got put on the ticket this is home i know these people. And that was biden last night after that town hall, speaking to the effect that he thinks as a democrat he has unique appeal that maybe others in the party wouldnt have had if they were in his position as the democratic nominee right now all right, shaq, so there is early voting going on in minnesota. Tell me what youre seeing how many people have you seen show up today . Is it unlike past election cycles katy, its been a consistent trickle of voters. When we arrived this morning, polls arrived at 8 00 a. M. , and there was a line of about ten people outside, all saying they were excited to go one person saying he wanted to come and vote against donald trump as quickly as he can another lady saying she was just stressed out about the whole election, so she was ready to pass it off. And have other people, in her words, deal with it. Thats what you have been seeing here at this location. As mike was saying, you had Vice President biden just land here in minnesota President Trump will be here later today, while their messages will likely be very different, the one thing youll likely hear from both of them is an encouragement for their supporters to come out and vote in person. Because thats what you can start doing now. Listen to some of my conversations with voters about why theyre doing it so early, 46 days away from the election why day one because im so stressed about it, i just want to get it over and done with so i can kind of get back to feeling normal explain that. What has been so stressful about this oh, my gosh watching the tv and, you know, of the negative ads and the lies and especially tv ads. All of this happening with the backdrop of this ongoing pandemic Election Officials are hoping that at least half of the voters will either vote early in person or vote early by mail. That way it will alleviate some of that pressure on election day. The november 3rd election day. Katy you know, you gotta feel for all of those voters in onteste states right now who cannot watch a single thing on Television Without being bombarded by political ads it can be painful in these last few weeks before the election. Mike memoli, thank you so much shaq brewster, thank you as well and coming up next, michigans secretary of state joins us to respond to the president s allegation that she sabotaged ballots. Plus, its been a news breaking week. None of it really good for the president. But has any of it changed the state of the race . I had shingles. Horrible. A young thing like me . [camera man] actually anyone 50 or over is at increased risk for shingles. The pain, the burning my husband had to do everything for weeks. And the thing is, theres nothing you can do about it [camera man] well, shingles can be prevented. Shingles can be whaaat . [camera man] prevented. You can get vaccinated. Frank they have shingles vaccines whaaat . Thats what i said. Were taking you to the doctor. Not going through that again. [camera man] you can also get it from your pharmacist talk to your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist that life of the party look walk it off look one more mile look reply all look own your look. With fewer lines. Theres only one botox® cosmetic. Its the only one. Fda approved. To temporarily make frown lines. Crows feet. And forehead lines. Look better. The effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. 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And always check your claims statements for errors. Report fraudulent charges to 1800medicare. Guard your card. Learn more at medicare. Gov fraud. Once again, we are waiting on a White House Briefing. The president was supposed to speak, excuse me, at 2 00 p. M. Got a little tongue tied thats been pushing back to 2 30 it looks like its going to get pushed back a little further when it starts, well bring it to you hes expected to talk about vaccines the president also, though, is still attacking mailin votes. His latest target is michigan secretary of state, Jocelyn Benson on twitter, he accused her of sabotaging ballots after some absentee ballots isnt to military officials left Vice President pence off the ticket the president claimed it was intentional. Michigan said it was accidental. A computer error thats already been fixed joining me now is michigan secretary of state Jocelyn Benson madam secretary, thank you very much for joining us. Just explain what happened here. Yeah, and basically, its been explained the incident was a result of a programming error, led clerks to download about 400 times ballots that had an error in the Vice President ial column. Once we found that error, we fixed it, and we notified the clerk of it. Its not clear how many ballots were sent of those that were downloaded, but we instructed every ballot sent to be followed up immediately with an accurate ballot so we can insure every voter gets accurateballots asa military spouse, as someon who spent a lot of time on military bases its particularly personal and critical to get this right thats why we are going overboard to address and correct and insure that everyone gets a correct ballot and that those votes will count how many incorrect ballots were sent out . It could be as little as two or three it could be as many as a dozen all we know is that there were 400 downloads by clerks to the website, and the downloads then through the printers the first time anyone would see there was a mismatch, and then again, we corrected our Computer Programming as soon as we learned about it we let the clerk know about it, and tinstructed them to follow p with anyone they did send a ballot to with a correct ballot and the correct information on how to insure their votes are counted. Youre saying no more than a dozen, a quig question on the ballot if it doesnt list Vice President mike pence, does that mean youre not able to vote for the top of the ticket . No, the vote for the president , for President Trump will still count as a vote for President Trump. Were giving any voter impacted by the glitch to opportunity to receive and return a correct ballot, and we anticipate the vast majority will do that, if not all, and then on top of that, we have insured that all ballots, even the incorrect ballot will still count as a vote for the president if that is the box that is checked so it doesnt sound like anything would change with the voting process nothing will change, yeah correct. The president is obviously using any in he can find in order to attack the mailin voting system. Hes called it rigged. He said the democrats are going to use it to steal the election. Hes using this as a way in to attack the system in your state. What are you hearing from voters there . Are you hearing more concern about this about this mailin system as we very quickly approach election day because of all this well, on this particular incident, no we are not, because voters are receiving the correct ballot, and voters are going to vote the correct ballots. That issue has been rectified, remedied, and in some ways our response has insured that. Im quite proud of that. On the second hand t is impacting voters faith in the overall process to have so much misinformation consistently flow into our state, questioning the security and sanctity of our elections and the ability for citizens to vote by mail were going to continue to work day and night with our partners all across the country to confirm that the truth and facts and the data in response to that misinformation, we have signature checks in process to insure that the process is secure, and we have a ballot tracking mechanism for voters to track their ballots and insure theyre counted. We also have set up a website, michigan. Gov electionsecurity, for voters to get answers to all their information from a trusted source about the security of their vote and our elections madam secretary, because of the president s attacks on mailin voting, do you have any concern, any information that you have received or any quote unquote intelligence about what could potentially happen on election day at polling sites or are you concerned about any risk toward those who are counting ballots . Have you heard about anything like that . All of the above. Yes. I am concerned about what will be increasing attacks on our system, both to spread misinformation, to intimidate voters we have seen robocalls already impacting residents in the city of detroit to confuse them about what happens if they vote by mail, so yes, were anticipating and planning for a significant increase in misinformation and efforts to suppress and intimidate voters, and make the system more challenging to operate smoothly but were doing at every turn absolutely everything in our disposal to guard our voters, all voters, by the way, regardless of who they vote for or how they vote and making sure at the end of the day, citizens can trust the results of our election in michigan what an absolutely unbelievable year it has been, and it only stands to get more unbelievable michigan secretary of state, Jocelyn Benson thank you so much for joining us we appreciate all of your time and at the end of another long week, were getting a look at where things stand in the president ial race. With less than two months until election day, now we can Start Talking in weeks National Polling suggests the race may be could be tightening, but lets get a fact check on that with Steve Kornacki with me now from the big board is that gentleman, Steve Kornacki so where are we with the race . Are the polls tightening or you tell me ill leave to you. Thats why i love doing this at the end of every week here. We take the averages and compare them week to week, so lets start here this is the National Polling average a week ago trumps Approval Rating nationally was 44 a week later, it is up a tick, 44. 8 . So an increase there on average of just under a pointfor the president in his Approval Rating we have been saying the target for trump to really have a shot in this thing, its probably 47 , 48 , somewhere in there its an art, not a science here. So he ticks up a little bit. But what we have seen with him is getting it higher than that has been a challenge hes going to need to if he wants to have a shot theres also the National Horse race here. 7 1 2point lead a week ago for joe biden. The polls that came out this week actually now show that ticking down a bit you can see there, just under 6 points, the biden lead a week later. You can see the trend there in a week but thats where you get into it, the question here, how Many National polls did we have this week we didnt have a ton of National Polls this week. This was one of those weeks where we got more polls from battleground states. Thats the other piece of this if you take a look at the averages in the battleground states, we were getting polls in just about all of these states we didnt get much from pennsylvania but a ton from wisconsin this week. We got several from arizona, from north carolina, these are six states that donald trump won in 2016. They are six states if you look at the polling average right now to different degrees, joe biden is ahead, and again, i would draw everyones attention to wisconsin, because i think this is for the week, this probably wins the prize of the most polled place for the week. We have a bunch of polls out of wisconsin. The average there of all those different polls is biden by seven points and the significance there, obviously, katy, we have talked so much on this show, the Trump Campaign saying the law and order message, the events on the ground in kenosha. Wisconsin is going to be where you see a reaction from voters in trumps favor, and again, as i say, we have gotten a lot of polls out of wisconsin recently. And you are not seeing that movement to trump in them. In fact, youre seeing of these six states, the biggest biden advantage is in wisconsin. Wow Steve Kornacki, steve, thank yo the entire country were going to take you to london but first, is our countrys top Law Enforcement officer working for americans or just for donald trump at leaf blowers. You should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. And you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. Make ice. Making ice. But youre not mad because you have e trade which isnt complicated. Their tools make trading quicker and simpler so you can take on the markets with confidence. Dont get mad get e trade and start Trading Commission free today. Donand now your copilot. And start trading still a father. But now a friend. Still an electric car. Just more electrifying. Still a night out. But everything fits in. Still hard work. Just a little easier. Still a legend. Just more legendary. Chevrolet. Making lifes journey, just better. I felt i couldnt be at my. Best for my family. In only 8 weeks with mavyret. I was cured. 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If you cant afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. Another bundle in the books. Got to hand it to you, jamie. Your knowledge of victorian architecture really paid off this time. Nah, just got lucky. So did the thompsons. That faulty wiring couldve cost them a lot more than the mudroom. Thankfully they bundled their motorcycle with their home and auto. Theyre protected 24 7. Mm. What do you say . One more game of backgammon . [ chuckles ] not on your life. [ laughs ] when the lights go down eve going faster than a closerollercoaster love like yours will surely come my way ahey, aheyhey [music playing] love like yours will surely come my way trump has long been looking for what hes called a protector at the doj now, after recent remarks, its pretty clear he found it with attorney general bill barr in the face of leftwing anarchy and mayhem in minneapolis, chicago, and other cities, joe bidens campaign did not condemn it increasingly, the message of the democrats appears to be biden or no peace. This election will decide whether we save the American Dream or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny. I think we were getting into a position where we were going to find ourselves irrevocably committed to a socialist path. With me now, politicos senior writer, jake sherman, and former u. S. Attorney and university of alabama law professor joyce vance. I know a House Committee wants to look into barr, jake. What exactly are they asking to get, and what are they accusing him of well, theyre talking about the durham investigation as one thing the house of representatives is very hot on this is the investigation into the origins of the crossfire hurricane, kind of the trump probes i want to say this about bill barr, and im curious what joyce thinks because joyce is the real expert here on the department of justice. But the thing that is so surprising to me personally, i dont know bill barr, but he is somebody who has been involved in government going back decades. So when he first took this position, a lot of people involved on capitol hill thought, well, this is somebody who understands government and understands the machinations of government so he wont just do what trump wants because why spend a career in and out of government and then become so tied to a partisan, not making criticism, but a partisan figure of somebody who is so closely associated with a party . And thats why im personally surprised at this turn and its not how attorneys general in the past have acted. But this administration sees the traditional strictures of government as not applying or not useful to it, so i think that helps explain the culture but again, its surprising to a lot of people who knew bill barr on capitol hill, going back decades. Joyce, jake saved me a question why dont you answer that . Well, its, i think, something thats really puzzling to people. You have someone who has previously been an attorney general, who professed himself to be an institutionalist, who has been anything but that, because your most important job as the attorney general really is to stay out of politics and so you can try to imagine eric holder, you know, doing what barr is doing, campaigning for the president out of the white house. And it certainly would have earned him at a minimum, a trip over to capitol hill, but likely, it would have been shut down very quickly. Not so with bill barr. Can katy, i know youll recall as we went through barrs confirmation process, i was one of the people who actually wrote against it i was deeply concerned about this memo that he had circulated where he had sort of pinky promised in advance that trump couldnt be prosecuted for obstruction or anything else i found that to be disturbing and thought it might destroy the appearance of propriety of justice, that it might look like he was coopted, whether he was or not the problem with barr is that he is fully out of bounds, fully engaging in political misconduct not the appearance of impropriety but actual impropriety. Thats what separates him from really any other attorney general that we have had in the last couple decades. He had a broad view of executive authority, even before he waw confirmed, as confirmed by that letter that youre talking about, joyce jake, i wanted to ask you about whether or not youre hearing from any republican senators about some of the attorney generals comments, because i imagine if we had said eric holder said this instead of attorney general barr, you might be hearing some screams there on capitol hill defended trumps false voter fraud claims, misleadingly summarized the mueller report, initiated the durham probe into the russia investigation intervened on the septemberancing of roger stone, moved to drop charges against michael flynn, cleared protesters for a photo op, and the comments this week comparing his prosecutors to montessori students, saying black lives matter really dont care about black lives. Theyre just using the deaths as props. Its not even fair to say eric holder because eric holder i dont think would be doing any of these things if past is precedent from his career, but are you hearing anything from any republican senators about republicans or the hill, period, about these actions . The senate, were in an empty capitol now, the senate is out for the week, so theyre spared some of the crossexamination we would be giving them i have two important thoughts that i think we should be considering. Number one, republican senators, heres what they will say. We shouldnt pretend that attorneys general are not partisan we shouldnt pretend that they dont have views im not endorsing this, just telling you what i think theyll say. That we shouldnt pretend like these are people who are divorced from the political maelstrom in washington and on capitol hill and in government what hes doing is just expressing it out loud, where most attorneys general were dishonest about it again, i dont think thats the case, but i think thats what republicans will say i would be very i would not be surprised, katy, in the next couple weeks to see a movement in the house of representatives to censure him or to hold him in c contempt if he doesnt toiestif or behavior, very upset about what he said joyce, i think i heard a sigh from you well, i just want to respond to jakes offer to what the republican senators say and make this distinction attorney generals are involved in political spheres when it compos policies, when it comes to criminal cases, individual cases they dont get to play politics thats what Banana Republic dictators do i dont like that response at all. I dont think it would serve republican senators as well. He think thats what republican senators would say. What jake sherman would say. Understood. Sometimes youre relaying the information that you get, and i did ask him the question about what the republicans would think. Thank you very much. And joyce vance, thank you very much. Covid cases across the uk are spiking. What a second lockdown there, if it happens, could mean for us here in the United States as we approach the fall and we start reopening things like schools. From prom dresses. To soccer practices. And new adventures. You hope the more you give the less theyll miss. But even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past. They may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. Lets help protect them together. Because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. Ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. Ask your doctor if your teen when you drink or eat something thats acidic everyone is at risk for enamel loss. 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Dont let another morning go by without asking your doctor about the pill first prescribed for ra more than seven years ago. Xeljanz. Coronavirus infections have begun to rise again in europe the sevenday average for new cases by the way, this is the White House Briefing room, lets get back to what we were talking about, the coronavirus cases in uk which are creeping up back to the levels that we have been seeing here in the United States over there in the uk, for some that means new restrictions and in end, nearly 2 million are under a new lockdown today trying to get a new spike in cases under control. Joining me now from london is villa marks. Is happening in london, what are they attributing the spike to . Reporter well, there are a number of potential causes here and theyre not entirely sure how its happening in the northeast, is a need, a concerning need as they described it the government here, to introduce these kind of restrictions, pubs, restaurants, bars theyll be closed from 10 00 p. M. Members from two different households are allowed to meet together even outdoors, sports prohibited nonessential businesses to care homes, these kind of measures being reintroduced for the first time in months theyre going to introduce some fresh restrictions trying to really hit these localized spikes on the head as it were. The entire experience has been incredibly stressful. I think in parts wholly unnecessary, and ultimately the government, the buck stops with the government its not our health services, our education systems, the buck stops with the government, and the government are completely incompetent as far as i can tell on this entire journey reporter that was a very unhappy mother we spoke to rece recently, she was describing the experience of having to drive 200 miles to get a test for her 9yearold who experienced symptoms theyve seen this massive surge in demand because kids have gone back to school Boris Johnson has urged people to go back to their offices and their places of work so people are concerned that their kids have sniffles or a cold, theyre asking for tests the government acknowledging this afternoon they need to perform 500,000. Sounds like whats happening here minus the government acknowledgment willem, thank you for joining us today. Joe biden has just landed in h hermantown once he starts speaking. Were still waiting for the president , those two dueling appearances. A quick programming note before i go on monday, join me and my husband as we on cohost the 41st annual news and documentary emmy awards from our kitchen. The show begins at 8 00 p. M. Eastern and i promise we wont look like these weird moving cutouts that you see on screen where weve been air brushed, we have wrinkles, we have children. For more information on the live stream, go to emmys. Tv hopefully ted wont cry through it if youre going outside wear a mask if youre staying inside, Ayman Mohyeldin picks up our coverage after a quick break. Tech before we arrive, just leave your keys on the dash. Well replace your windshield with safe, nocontact service. Upbeat music tech and thats service you can trust when you need it the most. Upbeat music tech schedule at safelite. Com. Upbeat music singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Were all finding ways to keep moving. But how do we make sure the direction were headed is forward . At fidelity, youll get the planning and advice to prepare you for the future, without sacrificing the things that are important to you today. Well help you plan for healthcare costs, taxes and any other uncertainties along the way. Because with fidelity, you can feel confident that the only direction youre moving is forward. Good friday afternoon. A lot of news developing this hour today, both president ial candidates will be in the same state, minnesota, which hasnt voted for a republican president since 1972, joe biden is expected to deliver remarks later this hour near duluth. While President Trump is heading for a town of 15,000, where no

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