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Here in new york, the mayor is issuing a very stark warning. He expects more than half of this city to become infected with the coronavirus. But President Trump does not appear at all concerned. He told fox news he thinks new york is overstated their need for ventilators. Watch this. New york is a bigger deal, but its going to go also. But i have a feeling that a lot of the numbers that are being said in some areas are just bigger than theyre going to be. I dont believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals sometimes, they will have two ventilators and now all of a sudden theyre saying, can we order 30,000 ventilators . The Trump Administration backed away from a contract with General Motors to produce new ventilators over concerns about the cost and that they may wind up with too many. But now the president is throwing gm under the bus, saying any delay is actually the fault of the company. He also appeared to claim without evidence that the state of new york is hiding ventilators provided by the federal government. Here are the facts, though. New york has more coronavirus cases than any other state. Medical experts warn that the Hospital System here could soon be overwhelmed, not weeks but days. The state has resorted to asking for donations from big companies, philanthropic organizations and even celebrities to meet its basic equipment needs. And some hospitals here in the city have started sharing ventilators with two patients on the same piece of equipment, not necessarily a practice that is often encouraged. As one doctor told the New York Times, quote, it is suboptimal, but the other option is death. This is the reality on the ground, according to the people on the front lines treating coronavirus patients, the ones wearing the personal protective gear, if they can get it. The president of the United States says, theyre wrong. So, mr. President , today we are asking you what are you seeing that these people are not . These people that are on the front lines. Joining me outside elmhurst hospital, ron allen. So were going to be getting to what the president is saying with regards to the overall situation on the ground and throughout the country. I want to start with you in front of elmhurst hospital, one of the areas in queens, new york, that has been the hardest hit. Bring us uptodate, ron, on what you have been seeing so far today there. Reporter we have been seeing a line of people waiting to get tested thats lasted for hours for each individual. The line is behind me now. It is sort of dwindling now as we get later in the afternoon. Yesterday they stopped testing around this time. Not sure why. Perhaps they ran out of tests or ran out of the capacity to do it. Most of the people that were talking to say that they felt they had a fever or a cough or they were near a neighbor who tested positive or a man who was very concerned about his family. He has a number of children, so he wanted to get tested. It seems to be symptoms mixed with a lot of fear, frankly. And this is what i think of as the disaster kind of moving in slow motion because these people, they space themselves out and they wait for hours and then they get tested. Further down behind me back there you can see the ambulances standing by. There has been a steady stream of patients coming in to the er, the emergency room back there. That is the part of the hospital that is overwhelmed. Thats the part of the hospital that so many other hospitals say is overwhelmed in the city. Thats where they say theyre running out of equipment, running out of the personal protection equipment. Thats where back there somewhere near the icu in this hospital is where they were demanding more ventilators. They got a shipment of about 40 more yesterday. We understand a day or so before there had been 13 deaths in 18 hours. A lot of numbers with perhaps not all the context we need. But people hearsre say they are need of much more help. They are very worried about tomorrow. And the governor continued to say that the peak of this, the apex, as he calls it, could still be 21 days away. And, so, thats why there is such a demand for equipment, for ventilators, for everything else, because a lot of people here think that this is just the quiet, if you can believe that, before the real storm, and the numbers are still going up. Theyre not going up as fast as they were, but theyre still going up. It is interesting, as you say, even though folks there or physicians there think they have the equipment they need for today, it is really about the coming weeks to come theyre worried about. The physician we spoke to yesterday said she is still using the same n95 mask all throughout the day, a practice that is not necessarily supposed to be something that physicians follow when it comes to the use of these n95 masks. They are supposed to be replacing those masks when they see a different patient at every turn. Yet, they are having to use the same mask the entire time. Go ahead. Exactly. There are a lot of rules like that that are being broken, that are being bent, i should say. Here at the hospital, i believe that some of the medical workers have said that the gear is under lock and key and it is being rationed very carefully. They cant just walk down the hall and get it as they could months ago. They are trying to build Hospital Capacity, Hospital Capacity is set at a certain level based on state regulations. Here they are trying to ease those regulations so they could put more beds in the places where people are coming desperate for help. To a certain extent they are rationing with their own health in a way. Ron allen, thank you so much. Directing me now the director of columbia and former Obama White House health director. Im going to start with you on this one, doctor. Im going to get to the president s words on this as i played at the top of the show. The president saying that he doesnt necessarily believe that new york needs as many ventilators as they say. Cuomo saying we need 30,000 ventilators in this state. The president saying, hes not so sure. Id say were running out of words to describe reactions to statements like that from the president of the United States. Its you know, when the governor, Governor Cuomo and many other big city mayors speak, they are reporting what theyre hearing from experts. Experts are telling them, these are the facts on the ground. This is what were going to need. Were trying to comply with increasing the number of icu beds, for example, in new york. Every single icu bed were asked to build in new york will require a ventilator and a team of people that can operate the ventilator, care for the patients and so on. But when the president speaks about anything to do with this crisis, this has been true since the beginning, hes operating in his own little tight universe, motivated by factors other than science, other than what his experts are saying. I think it is to accuse new york state of asking for more ventilators than it clearly is going to need is just inexplicable. Im at loss for words here in terms of how to react to that, but it should be ignored. I think Governor Cuomo andll de hit new york and know whats going to be needed. Theyre coming from the experts around them who are basically informing the political leaders of what they should be saying, what they should be asking for. It doesnt seem to be the case with the white house. And Governor Cuomo has said, send us the ventilators if there is excess and as we use them, we will forward them on to the states that will need them ultimately down the road because as we know this disease is not going to stop at the borders of new york state and its growing around the country. With that, i want to get into this graph that you sent one of our producers basically talking about your concerns that were not necessarily tracking the deaths in other cities because as were talking a lot about new york here being the epi sent center of the growth of crisis. Do we need to have a top down acknowledge from the president here in order for these other cities to also address the increasing issue, the increasing pandemic that is spreading in their cities and their states . Absolutely. I mean, we have already heard from this president that he thought this was a hoax. So we do need leadership to come from a federal direction. Unfortunately, i dont think its going to come. So now we need to actually look at the data and you have heard the mayor of new orleans say that she did not close down mardi gras simply because she did not get action from the top. But the reason so many doctors like myself are trying to illusion tratrate the effects w data. These are all places that are projected or experiencing an important point thats been made, already experiencing more cases than we had outside of Hubei Province in china. So that needs to resonate with people. And then on that shortage of equipment, just one practical fact, i mean, we had 12 deaths as they were reporting at elmhurst hospital. If we can get aggressive and get ahead of this, hopefully those deaths turn into people that stay on ventilated machines. So we need more so we can hopefully keep people alive. Let me get your strategy on this as you are naming some of these cities outside work, philly, dallas, atlanta, los angeles, areas that could see a major increase in numbers there. How do you necessarily get ahead of it so it doesnt get to the point were seeing in new york there with these numbers getting to astronomical amounts as the days and weeks tick by . You start number one, you start california has this. But you start with shelter in place, stay at home and be pretty aggressive about those distancing measures. Number two, you not only prepare for a surge in hospitals, but you really think about having an incredible Surveillance System to do that drivethrough testing. Those lines you are seeing in new york city, we know people will be scared. How can we do selftesting or promote ways to get people more access to testing. And then number three, and i cannot emphasize this enough, we have to start thinking about how to get that protective equipment to people in time. You know, the reporter was right. The previous rules of doing what we have been doing would get someone like me fired at a hospital. And so we know were sending doctors and nurses and therapists into danger, and that has to end. Can we talk about dr. Patel, a realistic time line here . The president has now put out this easter deadline as a time line in which he would like to roll back the guidelines put out by state governors here. It seems like dr. Fauci, and other members of the coronavirus team, are starting to walk that back in a way saying the president was being maybe aspirational. Is there a way to look at this thing and say heres how we could roll back some of these guidelines, if were looking at the starts that are not necessarily as hart hit as new york. We got into this yesterday, but talk about this possibility of more of a wave, as i can say, maybe as the best way of describing it, across the country if were looking at cities that are not as hard hit as new york. Yeah. And i think we have to let the data kind of lead us. So what we know from the data is that for example in china it took two months to get to where we saw a decrease or no new cases, so we need to do that. But number two, i actually do think there have been some provactive ideas like a two day workweek or having people that are tested as testing becomes more widely available to understand if we have had the infection and cleared it. Thats getting to be possible with blood based testing. But i think the idea, again, of doing this by easter is setting our economy and our American People up for failure. All right. Thank you so much. Appreciate you both. Joining me now on the phone, the chair of emergency medicine in the Brooklyn Hospital center. She has been working for weeks to care for coronavirus, and the situation in her hospital was documented by the New York Times. Doctor, thanks so much for joining us. I want to start with the basics here. In having you just describe for us what your day, even though day, has been like so far being in the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. Yes. Thank you for having me. Were seeing a large influx of patients, which is practically doubling every single day. And the acuity of the patient ranges from asymptomatic to the most critically ill who require icu admissions and ventilatory support, lifesupport. So lets talk about that lifesupport as you say, the need for ventilators. You talk about the lack of ventilators in your hospital, in that New York Times profile. The president , as i mentioned earlier now, basically saying he is not necessarily sure new york needs 30,000 to 40,000 ventilators as the governor has asked for. What is your take on that . What is your need in your hospital as of today for an increase in ventilators . As of today, were able to keep up with the demands and with the patients were preventing today. I cannot speak for tomorrow or for next week. I think we will need more ventilators. Thats just my estimate. And i we have to prepare now. You talk about in this New York Times profile that you have so many fears, that you are concerned the emergency room will be out of space by next week if many patients are desperately ill and need lifesupport. You worry about having to choose between them. This is a harrowing, intimidating prospect. It is something that we have seen happen in italy where doctors are having to choose the life of a younger patient because they feel like they have a higher likelihood of survival versus an elder patient. Do you feel as if that is in your future . And what needs to be done, doctor, to prevent that . I certainly see it coming. It has not reached that point yet, but i i see the progression. The patients who are coming in are sicker, and there will be a point where we will reach Critical Mass and we will not be able to accommodate all the patients that show up at our door. Right now we established a tent where we can treat asymptomatic patients and send them home, and we separated our Emergency Department into two separate areas, a safe room and a suspected coronavirus zone. So we continue to care for our other patients, the heart attacks and the strokes that we normally see. But its becoming increasingly challenging because the coronavirus zone has become pretty much saturated. We have reached Maximum Capacity at this point, and that is our challenge and a challenge that were facing. Were not yet at the point where we have to make choices, but we certainly have to make choices about who goes to the icu, who gets an icu bed first. Whereas those who remain in the Emergency Department. So it is something that is in our near future. The best advice i can give people at this point is to just stay home. If you are able to manage your symptoms at home, unless they run into severe respiratory distress, stay home. Thats the best advice i can give at this time. You also draw this picture for us, which is another terrifying prospect, which is basically the fact that if you are having a heart attack and you go to the hospital because there is not proper separation between these patients, i mean, if you have coronavirus at that i would i believe this is accurate, that you need to be separated from other patients. You need to be isolated in your own room. Yet, there is no possibility to do that in an Emergency Department. So if someone has a heart attack as you mentioned, they come into the emergency room, they could feasibly contract the virus. Exactly. So this is why approximately two weeks ago i separated the Emergency Department to two zones. There is still a safe zone. Obviously safe is a relative term because anyone can be a coronavirus suspect until proven otherwise. At this point we have to assume everyone is, but there are certain specific symptoms with which when you present with those symptoms you are directed to an area for suspected coronavirus cases. Were still able to separate the two the two populations that present to our Emergency Department and to keep those who do not have symptoms of coronavirus and the rest of the staff caring for them safe. At this point were still able to do this. Doctor, thank you so much for your time. I know that you are a busy woman, so we appreciate you sharing your experiences with us. Please do keep in touch as this progresses. And thank you so much for the work that you are doing every single day. Coming up, the fight for critical life saving equipment. How a lack of action from the federal government has left states competing with each other. Plus, answering the call of duty. Doctors and nursing coming out of retirement to go back to the front lines. Fist, i can talk with the Michigan Congress about the house passing a 2 trillion stimulus bill last hour. Will it be enough, though . Especially in the congressmans home state where cases of the virus are growing by the day. Well be right back. Heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. A partner who makes sure every step is clear, [female vo] restaurants are facing a crisis. And theyre counting on your takeout and delivery orders to make it through. Grubhub. Together we can help save the restaurants we love. Wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. Like way more vanities perfect for you. Nice. Way more unique fixtures and tiles. Pairing. Nice. Way more top brands in sinks and faucets. Way more ways to rule your renovation. Nice on any budget, with free shipping. Wayfair. Way more than furniture. Too many afterparties. New neutrogena® bright boost with dullnessfighting neoglucosamine. Boosts cell turnover by 10 times for instantly brighter skin. Bright boost neutrogena®. Welcome back. So were following breaking news from capitol hill this afternoon where the house just passed a 2 trillion stimulus bill. The vote capped a strange 24 hours where the actions of a single congressman forced house members to race back to washington, hop on flights to make sure they could get their vote in. Joining me now from capitol hill, garrett. Good to talk to you again today with some good news, i guess to say the least, with regards to the passage of this, of this bill. Reporter yeah, thats right. The house landed the plane. There was a lot of drama in the leadup as that one congressman from kentucky made it clear he was going to try to force a roll call vote or a quarum call meaning the house having to prove that at least half its members were here. After several hours of speeches this morning, debate that was extended in part to make sure that enough members could get back here to meet that threshold, the house passed this bill easily on a voice vote, which, you know, records as essentially unanimously, all of it taking less than a minute. This opens up the flood gates of spending once the president signs it. 2. 2 trillion going out across the country. And less you think this is all academic, the concerns among members of congress that they had to travel, all of them or as many of them as could, back to d. C. Just a short time ago, Joe Cunningham, who has been in quarantine since march 19th back home in South Carolina announced that he has tested positive for coronavirus. He said, and i think this is important to people, he noticed that he had one of the symptoms thats being newly discussed that he had lost his ability to taste or smell particularly well. That was a trigger for him that his illness might not just be an illness. He was able to get tested and then diagnosed. This is not an active concern for members of congress. They did not want to have to come back in mass to pass this bill, but now they have done so and they will all be headed home, those who can. My friend, thank you as always. Stay healthy. Joining me now from capitol hill, Michigan Democratic congressman. He traveled from his home state back to washington for this stimulus vote. Congressman, thanks for joining us. Before you get to the passage of this bill, i want to talk to you first about fellow congressman Joe Cunningham just testing positive now, revealing that with coronavirus, with covid19. What other precautions will have to be taken considering the fact that more and more members are testing positive for covid19 . Well, i think we have to actually take the advice were giving everybody else, and that is to use social distancing, separate ourselves from one another, stay in our homes if we can to the extent possible and try to practice what we preach. Thats why the stunt by dr. Masse was so frustrating because he made it necessary for i think right around 230 or 240 members to get to the capital today somehow. I drove basically overnight to get here. But we have to practice what we preach. We have to protect one another, and we do that by protecting ourselves and not either spreading the virus or getting the virus ourselves that we could potentially give to somebody else. Lets talk about your state, congressman. The president attacked your governor, who has criticized the federal government for not stepping up enough. The president said that she, in fact, is not doing enough. Give us a sense of what is happening in michigan right now in your state because as of today the numbers are growing with the fifth most cases in the United States right now in michigan. Well, what the president took as criticism is simply here standing up for the people that she works for. Shes asking the federal government to do a better job of having an all of government nationally coordinated effort, and the president has not so far done so. So what he takes as criticism is simply here trying to represent the people that we both represent, and thats the people of michigan. Its worrisome. We are seeing a really quick growth in the number of cases. It is frightening. Fortunately, a lot of michigan residents are following the guidance they need to and socially distancing, staying at home. Its been remarkable the extent to which people have been willing to do that. But its still going to be a problem and its going to get worse before it gets better. We need resources and we need the federal government to be a partner with the state in achieving that. So you have obviously heard of the challenges out of new york city, the hardest hit state so far in this country with regards to the lack of ppes, lack of ventilators, getting as much as they can get in this state. Your governor mentioning the fact that michigan will need a lot of the ventilators, a lot of those ppes theyre not necessarily getting from the federal government. What is the plan inside of your state . Are you hearing any sense of Michigan Car Companies to help start producing ventilators if, in fact, the citizens of your state need them . Well, of course, General Motors entered into a partnership to produce ventilators. It is hard to ramp up when we are so far behind on this. This is, i think, one of the criticisms that later were going to have to really explore, is how we could have gotten ahead of this earlier. I have seen a lot of Michigan Companies step up, companies that dont have anything to do with ppe. But i want everybody to be clear about that. You bring up that contract. That hasnt been cemented as of yet. We dont know where thats at at this moment because while the president has teased americans with the fact that theyre going to be producing these ventilators, we have seen nothing out of that. So we dont really know where they stand, nor whether or not the American Government has actually even commissioned ventilators from that partnership. Yeah. And thats part of the problem. I know theyre working on it, and the problem is they dont have the full force of the federal government behind them. The president seems weirdly, strangely uninterested and unwilling to use the authority that he has under the defense production act essentially to Condition Companies to produce ppe, whether its ventilators or right now we could n95 masks or even swabs in order to take the tests, gowns, face shields, all of it is lacking. The president i think is a little too busy trying to persuade himself that this problem isnt as big as it is. Im trying to be careful about being too critical because i want him to succeed. I want this president to be very successful because thats what the American People need. But we do need a much stronger, much more coordinated effort coming out of the white house. We did our part today in congress. We took a big step. But we need a whole of government response, and that means the executive branch as well. Lets hope amidst all of this, it will alleviate some of the financial concerns americans have so they can take care of their health. Congressman, thank you so much. Still ahead, the next hot spots. We will look at the cities that experts are eyeing as coronavirus spreads here in the United States. First, a free for all for life saving equipment. Now a lack of federal action has left the states battling out with each other. And sometimes, you can find yourself heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Ncan it one up spaghetti night . Cleaning power of liquid. R, it sure can. Really . Can it one up breakfast in bed . Yeah, for sure. Thanks, boys. What about that . Uhh, yep it can . Yeah, even that i would very much like to see that. Me too. Introducing new tide power pods. One up the toughest stains with 50 more cleaning power than liquid detergent. Any further questions . Uh uh nope one up the power of liquid with new tide power pods. Welcome back. One california doctor describes treating patients out proper protective gear and ventilators as being at war with no ammo. In new york, Health Care Workers are now splitting ventilators between two patients. Governors around the country are fed up with the lack of a federal plan to manage this shortage. This is not the way to do it. This is ad hoc im competing with other states. Im bidding up other states on the prices. When i call these ventilators manufacture manufacturers, in one case they told me i was competing with fema to acquire ventilators, so im competing against the federal government to get ventilators for the state of illinois. And the federal government is not distributing ventilators to the state of illinois, so im literally working against, you know, a competitor. I stand here as someone who has had confirmed orders for millions of pieces of gear evaporate in front of us, and i cant tell you how frustrating it is. You know, we now have other orders that are outstanding that are probably quote, unquote confirmed, but we have literally got to the point where our basic position is until the thing shows up here in the commonwealth of mass, it doesnt exist. Lets be clear, its basically become a bidding war for life saving materials. Joining me now, someone who knows how this is supposed to work, a former undersecretary of defense for Acquisition Technology and logistics in the obama administration, frank kendall. Thank you so much for joining us on this in this incredibly important time. I want to read for you a tweet from the hospital with regards to orders at u. S. Companies. Here is what he says. General motors just immediately open their stupidly abandoned plant in ohio or some other plant and start making ventilators now. Four, get going on ventilators, fast. As president of the United States, why not direct a company . Thats what you do as president , direct a company and use the defense production act to say make these darn ventilators because americans need them. Americans need them. He has the authority to do and he could do it. Frankly, its a mystery to me why he hasnt done it already. Do you think at this point states should be competing against each other as we just played some sound with regards to federal government having this bidding war per se . No, not at all. We have a national threat. This is not a state by state threat. It is the threats of the nation. And the president should frankly be managing it that way. The virus happens to be more prevalent in new york city right now, but its going to be other places. One of the problems with how we have dealt with this problem, i think, is that we tend to have been reactive, administrations have been reactive, but it should be proactive, thinking ahead about what the needs are going to be and acting to meet them before governors ask for them. It is reasonably understand the course of this virus, and there is no reason to be waiting for requirements to come in to start acting to do things about it. And its only going to get worse over the next few weeks, im afraid. Lets you and i be proactive here. It seems as if the federal government was not necessarily proactive in getting ahead of having this shelter in place order across the country. We know that now. With regard to testing, they were not proactive. We know that now. Lets talk about the production of these ventilators, the further production of ppes as well. What can and should be done at this moment to be proactive for what is to come in this country as we are seeing what happened here in new york city . Well, first of all, we should be managing it as if you were managing a war which the nation was engaged in. In the case of producing equipment and doing a number of other things, there could be a command and control scepter thats well staffed and set up to actually manage this fight essentially of which were in. That doesnt seem to be happening. It seems to be done much more ad hoc largely out of the white house. Fema is in a position to lead that. It is a relatively straightforward thing. The military knows how to do and i think fema knows how to do it. This is not the sort of problem we should be tackling on an ad hoc basis. At this point it seems the United States has between 160,000 and 200,000 ventilators in circulation or in storage facilities. It seems as if the need is up to a million ventilators, considering how this disease is progressing throughout the country. Could we feasibly get there . I cant really comment on that because i dont know what the capability is or the capacity is to scale up production. There are things that can be done to significantly increase production. The current vendors are doing their best to produce right now. What needs to be done is bring in other people and faciletize them to do ventilator production, manage the supply chain. Ventilators are complicated devices. Im not an expert on them, but i know they have to be certified. Theyre used to save lives, and they have to be certified for that purpose. So there is a lot of technical detailed work that has to be done, and the entire supply chain has to be considered. So that work should have started some time ago. But it can still get initiated now, and i think hopefully we can increase production as much as possible. I doubt that the kind of number you described hopefully first of all it wont be needed, but but im certain that we can do better than we are currently doing if we manage this as the National Crisis is. Frank kendall, thank you much. Still ahead, heroes emerge. Former doctors and nurses return to the front lines to fight the coronavirus. One of them is going to join me. First, the next hot spot, which city Health Experts are watching as this crisis spreads. Well be right back. Everythingk in the drawers im sorry oh, jeez. Hi. Kelly clarkson. Try wayfair oh, ok. Its going to help you, with all of. This yeah, here you go. Thank you oh, i like that one [ laugh ] thats a lot of storage perfect. Youre welcome i love it. How did you do all this . Wayfair speaking of dinner, whatre we eating, guys . Gimme two minutes. Eligible for medicare. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. Say this pizza. [mmm pizza. ] is your part b medical expenses. This much about 80 percent. Medicare will pay for. Whats left. This slice here. Well. Thats on you. And thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. This type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. 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And who let the virus spread unchecked across america. Crisis comes to every president. This one failed. Unite the country is responsible for the content of this advertising. Welcome back. While new york is the epi center of the coronavirus here in the United States, there is growing concern about other hot spots across the country. Detroit has onethird. Georgia has seen 150 increase in cases just this week. Half of those are just in atlanta. And cases in new orleans continue to rise unabated. Joining me now from new orleans, profession nar at Louisiana State universities Health Sciences center. Doctor, thank you for joining us on this. Appreciate it. There in louisiana, the outbreak is getting much worse every single day. Why do you believe that is at this point . Well, there are a couple of things here. I mean, new orleans is a place where people come, a lot of tourism. But we had an event called mardi gras which took place several weeks ago. And when you think about the way mardi gras is set up, it is people from all over the world. Theyre catching beads and interacting with each other in close areas. It harkens back to the epidemic in philadelphia. That came from philadelphia in 1918. They had a parade. When they decided to have that parade, over 200,000 came. In the next six weeks, 16,000 people died. Meanwhile, st. Louis decided to selfquarantine at that time and they had very few deaths. Thats where the flatten the curve came from. New orleans is coming philadelphia because not only do we have a 200,000 person parade, we had a million person parade. And its going to be devastating for our city and our state. So were seeing it in your city, detroit, atlanta and chicago as well just to flaname few. We had an epidemiologist who said this. Quote, density is really an enemy in a situation like this. With Large Population centers where people are interacting with more people all the time, thats where its going to spread the fastest. Doctor, is it even possible to keep this virus from spreading in such densely Populated Areas . Yes, it is. Ill tell you through my travels throughout the world, ive been to beijing. What they did was draconian measures to keep people in. But the thing that upset me, at the very beginning of this pandemic here in the United States is that we could tell because of the density of those cities in china, the cities in the United States like new orleans, like detroit, like new york, these cities that are very highly populated densely populated, rather, they are going to have the most problems because we in america are very community oriented. A lot of those areas are by and large minority communities. That also has been an issue in the United States as far as health care and the delivery of Health Care Systems and Health Care Workers. You know this is going to be a really big problem. But its easy to actually take care of it, but what has to happen is that we must stop interacting with each other. There has to be social distancing, and we may have to come to the draconian measures of shutting a lot more things done than have been shut down. We talked about the urban areas, but especially in your state as well, what about the rural areas . Is there a fear here that for those folks living in rural areas, they will just see this as an urban problem, a city problem and they wont necessarily follow the guidelines, excuse me, that they need to follow in order to keep the coronavirus from spreading . Well, one thing about the rural areas is that they may have space, but they dont have doctors. They dont have nurses. They are at very high shortage areas for health care professionals. And so they may be able to keep it, you know, at bay because of the social distancing that they have an advantage of. But when they do get sick, theyre not going to have a really big place to go. And thats a very important point when it comes to this is not going to be just an urban issue. It is going to be throughout the country because all it takes is one person in a small town, and theyre not going to take it seriously. Then once they have any type of con question gags of people, whether it be in a church or a public social setting, then everybody is going to get it. They dont have the ventilators. They dont have a lot of the high tech medical equipment that theyre going to need. So, you know, being in louisiana i was the chief medical officer of the Largest School district here in the state, and i have seen the urban areas and the rural areas and they both have a lot of issues that they have to deal with. Theyre very different. But both of them will cause a lot of problems as this pandemic starts to spread. But we must social distance. It just has to be that way. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Coming up next, answering the call. Im going to speak to one of the thousands of doctors and nurses who are returning to the front lines to fight this virus. Well be right back. Go your own way copd tries to say go this way i say ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Do not use anoro if you have asthma. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain while taking anoro. The most common side effects are sore throat, diarrhea and pain in the arms and legs. Ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro to start treating your copd. Go your own way save at anoro. Com [female vo] restaurants are facing a crisis. And theyre counting on your takeout and delivery orders to make it through. Grubhub. Together we can help save the restaurants we love. Welcome back. Thousands of retired doctors and nurses are volunteering to go back to the front lines to fight the coronavirus. More than 9,000 retired Army Medical Personnel answered a call to return to service in new york state alone, more than 52,000 doctors and nurses volunteered after a request from the governor himself. Many of these volunteers are retirees who are willing to go back to work despite the risks they face from the virus. Joining me now is the president of the new york academy of medicine, shes not practiced medicine in five years but volunteered after hearing the new York State Health department was looking for retired physicians. Thank you so much for the service that you do. Why was it so important for you to volunteer and go back the front lines to help defeat this thing . Well, when the call came out from the governor he said it was an urgent need and i thought about my skill sets, im retired from clinical practice but i run an organization, a Public Health organization and our what were doing now in my skills could be as an administrator but i felt my Clinical Skills was what was really most needed. Clinical skills are going to becoming increasingly scarce in this environment. I stepped up. So, we do know that volunteer doctors arent necessarily going to be able to show up at the hospital just ready to work, things have changed, the skills they need have changed, protocols have changed in hospitals across the country, what has been the process preparing for this for you . Well, its been a great process and i have to applaud new york state. I registered, i have a fully active new york state medical license, so im ready to practice. My skills, yes, are a little rusty and i got a call from someone in the Governors Office in albany the other day interviewing me about my specific skills, everything ranging from whether i could draw blood to take care of patients on ventilators or dialysis patients and they asked me very interestingly, yes or no, its would you be okay with a brief refresher and there were at lot of things where i was able to say, yeah, if you give me some skills, if you get me up to date i can do this. I can do a whole lot more than i can do walking into cold to a situation. Quickly here, doctor, another concern here, lot of hardhit countries in europe, what are the risks of putting people in retired doctors and nurses on the front lines, possibly people who are immunocompromised treating those patients. I wouldnt suggest that any immunocompromised go to the front line. I have no other risk factors and i have skills that are needed. My concern is, we should all be concerned, is it fear . No, because fear will paralyze us and i think we have to move forward and i can see now standing up at the javits center, with thousand new beds, its going to be an incredible need so i said to the people on the phone that im ready to go to work tomorrow. Dr. Judith saleno, thank you for your time. That does it for me today. Katy is up this week. She and here family are doing well. Shell be back next week. Dont worry. Ali will pick up our coverage after a short break. And save in more ways than one. For small prices, you can build big dreams, spend less, get way more. Shop everything home at wayfair. Com and sometimes, you can find yourself heading in a new direction. But when youre with fidelity, a partner who makes sure every step is clear, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. A partner who makes sure every step is clear, [female vo] restaurants are facing a crisis. And theyre counting on your takeout and delivery orders to make it through. Grubhub. 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Four passengers aboard a Holland America cruise ship trying to get to ft. Lauderdale have died. Four people have tested positive for the coronavirus on that ship. Approximately 300 americans are aboard that ship. Its unclear if any of them are the victims. Sam brock joins me now with the latest. Sam, what do you got. Ali, good afternoon. Right theres 1,800 people onboard that ship waiting to

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