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Vitali who has covered the klobuchar campaign. Ali, how was this decision made . I think for a lot of people, the pressure was really mounting. We knew the 72 hours between South Carolina and super tuesday tuesday were going to be so crucial. What ended up happening is throughout these early contests, we saw joe biden having middling performances, and for a lot of the other candidates trying to compete, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, they were able to find footing in that. What happened after South Carolina is joe biden showed hes got a lot of fight left and it left a lot of these candidates who happened to be younger and could be the future of the Democratic Party wondering what to do with their president ial prospectors. For Amy Klobuchar, look to super tuesday, shes got a home state. When i talked last week, she was bullish about her chances, telling me she thought she was going to be able to win in her home state. Look at the polling, Bernie Sanders is close on her heels in minnesota. Shes someone who consistently has warned against the dangers of a Bernie Sanders nominee. It makes sense shes dropping out and endorsing joe biden. But at the same time it is a political bit surprising to see which of these candidates is doing the calcue lois of staying on the ballot or dropping out beforehand, Amy Klobuchar dropping out just a little bit ago. It seemed spontaneous, but amanda golden and myself confirming. One of the more moderates candidate regularly talking about the needfor more moderate informations on things like health care, she had a strong debate performance that catapulted her in new hampshire. The delegate and map realities were coming in hard on super tuesday. A lot of that is what fed into this decision now, i think, katy. Dont go anywhere. Ive got three more questions i want to ask you. But i do have to get to mike memoli first. Everything seems like its coming up joe biden, the win in South Carolina, all of that money raised, Pete Buttigieg now out of the race, aim klobuchar out of the race. That being said, it is such theres almost no time between now and super tuesday tomorrow. So many people have already cast their ballots, especially here in california with early voting. All of that money he was able to raise after the win in South Carolina, he didnt get it fast enough to pout it to use for the super tuesday states. That being said, what is the Biden Campaign doing right now . Well, first of all lets talk about where we were just a week ago with the Biden Campaign. We had a new poll at the time that showed South Carolina as a single dijtd race between joe bind and Bernie Sanders. And there were a lot of folks in the Biden Campaign who wonderers if theyd have a Biden Campaign at this point let alone be in the position now. We did see this rush behind him, not just with a number of congressional and Senate Endorsements coming his way today. But now obviously the former candidate dropping out of the race and in the case of Amy Klobuchar announcing her support, it really is an indication part of the strategy, as you mentioned, joe biden was not in a position to necessarily capitalize on all this momentum tomorrow because the money is coming in too late. So much of the early vote has been banked been what these announcements effectively do is allow the Biden Campaign after tomorrow to say, yes, we didnt win everywhere and Bernie Sanders is able to pick up significant delegate advantage, but we know where this race is headed at this point. They believe the map gets friendler to them and the pressure is going to continue to build on Mike Bloomberg to stay in the race or consider joining what is the rush to get behind joe biden at this point. So effectively, even if the super tuesday results arent as good for joe biden as they looked in South Carolina, it gives the Biden Campaign the ability to say, you can brush them off to some extent because were in a delegate race now with Bernie Sanders and joe biden alone. And the reason for Mike Bloomberg to get in this race was because that team and Mike Bloomberg himself did not feel like joe biden was Strong Enough to win the nomination. I wonder if that changes the strategy behind the Bloomberg Campaign after tomorrow night, because obviously theyve been on the air now for a couple months spending millions and millions and millions of dollars. It would be hard to believe they would get out before tomorrow night but Stranger Things have happened. Ali vitali, you said on twitter, id like you to expand on the air, is it safe to assume all of Amy Klobuchars voters or Pete Buttigiegs just because they are moderate like joe biden, go to joe biden . A very lawyerly question, because youre asking the question you already know the answer to, which is something i tweeted yesterday and something youve heard on the campaign trail too. Voters dont go by lanes. Theyre not going by lane logic when their consider their next choice. Across the board if you look at second choices, several polls may or may not be reliable, South Carolina changed the calculous so much yesterday, so many voters who might have had Amy Klobuchar or Pete Buttigieg, polling would show the breakdown, some of them like Elizabeth Warren, some Bernie Sanders. However surprising that is given that Bernie Sanders has very different policy proposals. But it goes to show you that just because you see one candidate dropping out doesnt mean that their support goes to the next logical person. I think if i can speak to the Elizabeth Warren logic in their campaign talking about being in nor the long haul, super tuesday has always been the strategy. They think they have a strong chance of being viable across a lot of these districts. That does not mean that theyre going to win these states outright. Even thats true in massachusetts here. Bernie sanders giving her a run for it. The Warren Campaign feels like theyre in a different position because they see polling that shows them as a consistent second choice. As they drop out, i think thats one of the realities for the Warren Campaign to be looking at, where the second choice support can go. Frankly they now have the money, over 29 million raced in february, to keep them going and keep funding their operation. So much of the conversations we have had are the will to stay in and the way to stay in. Of course so many of these candidates when you run for president for more man a year, you want to stay in, run through the tape and let people vote for you. Theres the way to stay in. Dutch the dollars and cents to keep funding this operation . I dont know what the money looks like on the backend. Well see these reports at the end of the month. But at the same time for the Warren Campaign they have the will and the way to stay in. As we watch this coalescing around joe biden, i think the thing to keep in mind is the fact that the Warren Campaign always wanted to be the third way alternative. Biden in that quote unquote bod moderate, bernie in the progressive, warren wants to go between the two. Ali vitali answering all of the questions i had in one answer. Ali and mike, thank you. Here on set, Los Angeles Mayor erik gar sete. He has endorsed joe biden. Chair of the california Democratic Party, womens caucus, christin pelosi. Her mother as you may know is House Speaker nancy pelosi. Im going to start with you, mayor, because everything is coming up biden. You endorsed him. Yep. Do you think lots of early votes have been cast. Do you think that these two candidates dropping out changes thing . It helps. Weve seen evidence that a lot of people were holding back here in california. Lower numbers than usually at this time because its been dynamic. As joe said this is about anybody thats ever been counted out, been an underdog. Thats america. Thats meshs story. We feel the money, momentum. Its an incredibly dynamic race. I completely agree people arent just in one lane or another. Joe is progressive. Were feeling here in california, i was just in texas in three cities, a lot of surge, momentum, people going back to the heart of the man that we all know, and theres nobody has a bigger heart than joe biden. What do you think about Michael Bloomberg . On saturday when he won South Carolina by a very large margin, i talked to somebody who said they were not impressed, he has not done well and they were not getting out of the race. Does that still stay the same . Super tuesday is going to be really exciting for california. 415 delegates up for grabs. A lot of my members are all over the map. We really want to vote for a woman, so i think that Elizabeth Warren will get a lot of votes. There was a lot of support for amy, kamala, of course, once our mayor here didnt run. And also for Pete Buttigieg. Youre looking at People Holding their ballots like me making a decision tomorrow coming down to bernie or joe or liz as our top three because we know them the best and theyve connected with us the best. I think what bloomberg is learning, its one thing to campaign in new york city. Its another to campaign in the national Democratic Party, where women especially of color are going to be the heartbeat of this race. Right now theyre not going to bloomberg. What is your sense of where women of color are going in california . Theyre telling us 80 of the people havent turned in their ballots so it will be something to watch over the next few days. As you know it takes two to three weeks to count the ballots in california. It will be awhile. Im going to be looking to my sisters to see where are you . Who do you still like . A lot of people liked Kamala Harris and were very upset that the financial constraints that led to her dropping out early and not being able to compete tomorrow. A lot of people really are impressed that Bernie Sanders went deep into black and brown communities this time and has really tried to do ontheground organizing. I think youre going to see three, possibly four people get delegates. Its important to note its a very long race, as the mayor said. So we shouldnt expect this to be over for several months. Harry reed has just endorsed joe biden. Mayor garcetti, Bernie Sanders has made a lot of inroads in california. God knows if the polling is right or not, Bernie Sanders is in the lead. Part of that can be attributed to what you see when you walk around the streets here in california, Homeless People living on the street in front of Million Dollars houses. Hes done a lot to address inequality. How does joe bind eat into that . Its great to see bernie folks on that. But joe biden has in his housing platform probably the most aggressive way to address inequality, to look at ways to get homeownership. Communities of color dont have to be introduce td to him for t first time. Across this country, i think this idea that ooze hehes mode ive never understood. Hes progressive. Is it just that hes moderate in comparison to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders . I think its been something thats been tacked on to him because people who are the analysts have said. He helped me raise money. His wife helped me make Community College free. He knows how to accomplish community ideals, get them done. I think thats beginning to resonate. The wind blue that umbrella away. Everyone is fine. Its the kind of day that makes you using an entire can of hair spray. Might be a good idea. One last question about downballot races. There has been talk that Bernie Sanders would not be good for that. The example is the 2018 races. Democratic candidates that ousted republican candidates were more moderate, more like joe biden than Bernie Sanders . They were like themselves. One of the things that nancy pelosi has always said your job timent and youre a great politician. This pin i have from my mom is from the white house meeting she had in 2018 after being nominated by speaker by 90 , donald trump was still taunting her. He warranted a wall. She said no. She said please dont characterize the strength i bring as the leader of the House Democrats who just had a great victory, and walked off, put on her shades. If she had 90 of the vote on who was still taunting her, rest assure donald trump is going to taunt Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, everybody. What democrats have to do is focus on the grassroots down to every blade of grass, on the fact that donald trump is try to sue and sabo taush to end the patient Affordable Care act and try to get science not stigma into this coronavirus. Thats whats going to help us win. Downballot races are not going to be affected regardless of whos at top. I imagine you say joe biden is better . He is. I was in texas, nine seats from flipping the house. They think they can make that history happen. We see that across america. Its great to see the enthusiasm brerny is bringing out. I think in some of these areas where we flip the house, win the senate, joe biden is an american we can trust. Mayor garcetti, thank you so much for joining us. Christine pelosi, good to see you and meet you. Awesome pin. Next up the latest on the coronavirus, a second death now confirmed in the united states. Well check in with our reporters covering new cases on both coasts. And ill speak to a man who was infected with coronavirus on the diamond princess cruise. What he says. There are confirmed cases here in california. Ill speak with the Lieutenant Governor about the very realistic concerns about safety and voter turnout in tomorrows primary. That is when our coverage continues from the santa monica peer right here in california. Dont go anywhere. Especially complicated. Make ice. Making ice. But youre not because you have e trade which isnt complicated. Their tools make trading quicker and simpler so you can take on the markets with confidence. Dont get mad get e trade. only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. For fast pain relief. It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. Tide pods childguard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. Align, press and unzip. Tide pods. Keep them up. Keep them closed. Keep them safe. 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A manhattan woman is under quarantine in her home after contracting the virus after a visit to iran. Governor cuomo urged caution. 80 will resolve on their own. The whom who has now tested positive, shes at home. Shes not even in a hospital. So the perspective here is important. And the facts, once you know the facts, once you know the reality swb it , it is reassuring and we should relax. Experts warn that we are going begin seeing more reported cases as testing increases and as they continue to show up in major metro paltan areas americans are concerned with one Government Official telling nbc news the virus has reached likely pandemic pro pourings. Joining me now from new york city is ron allen and from kirkland washington, nbc news correspondent gadi schwartz. I understand the fatality neighbors have changed in just the last couple of minutes. Yeah, were listening to the Conference Call with cdc and Health Officials here in kirkland. It appears as though in Washington State right now there are 14 confirmed cases, five deaths. So a little bit earlier you were saying two deaths, thats the latest numbers we had in it will just moments ago, on this conference theyve seen so far. They listed some of the same cases weve been following. Some of those patients have since passed away. But again five deaths, a total of 14 cases here in Washington State. Theyve also been talking a little bit about the preparation that they want to do and the ramping up of testing. One of the things they mentioned, there are plans to buy a property that is a motel and house people at this motel. Theyre hoping to have that finalized. They didnt have detailtz on where that would be. They were hoping to finalize within this week. By the end of the week they should have some sort of motel where people can go and be treated for the voecoronavirus. This suggests the numbers are going to increase as more testing kits come online. Only fourn cases confirmed but hundreds of people being tested. We also know that there is a possibility the coronavirus has been here spreading through two different communities for at possibly six weeks. The first known case of coronavirus was right near in Washington State. It was back in midjanuary. And then six weeks later, a High School Student tested positive, and that positive test had some of the same characteristics of the first strain. So especially deemiolgists and officials are now tying all of this together. Again, 14 confirmed cases so far. And five deaths. Katy, back to you. So 14 confirmed cases, five deaths. As youve been saying. Do we know anything about those who have passed . Did they all have Underlying Health conditions . Were they older . Fit the description, spectrum of concern weve been hearing . Or are they younger . Out of the zone of concern, gadi . Yeah. So right now the information is still developing. But we know that the majority of those five cases are elderly patients and people that had underlying medical issues. And many of them have been here at the hospital trying to recooperate. Some of them have laost that battle unfortunately. Some of them were also linked to that nursing home that is new being the center of an investigation into a possible outbreak here in king county. Again, none of them appear to be young. They all appear to be elderly people with underlying medical conditions. We should have more information on that coming up. Katy . A nursing home is the last place youd want there to be an outbreak. Ron allen, new york a first confirmed case. The woman is self quarantining. What else do we know . Shows a Health Care Worker and her husband was with her when they were traveling in iran. He is being tested and expected to be positive too. There will probably be two cases. Its unclear whether she was working in a medical capacity or just traveling there. She got to new york tuesday and filt ille, got tested, treated, now is at home. They say her case is mild. Unclear how long that will take. As a matter of caution, they are also, Health Officials here, going back and trying to contact everyone on the plane with her from iran back to the united states. And theyre also contacting the driver of the car that brought her from the airport and anyone else that she thinks that she came into contact with during the past number of days shes been here. That level of vigilance. This is just one case. You cant do that with everyone. As gadi was saying out west here, theyre trying to ramp up testing. New york has the ability to get its own test results. Thats only been the case for a day or two. The governor set a goal of being able to test one thousand People Per Day in about a week. At this point, theres no demand anywhere near that. I think the numbers are several dozens people have been tested and several hundred being monitored across the state. But thats where they want to get to to see just how bad this is and understand the problem and be prepared but not panic. Katy . Nbcs ron allen and gadi schwartz, thank you very much. Professor of epidemiology at ucla, anne remoney. Dr. Anme, there is concern that this is now out of control. That you cannot stop the spread of this virus. That people are going to get it. And there is real concern obviously about those who are particularly susceptible. Well, i think that these are good points youre making. Right now we know there is spread in certain places where testing has been able to be rolled out. I think as we see testing rolling out further throughout the country and now that several as says are knot process of being approved by fda i think were going to see a lot more cases. This is going to become bigger. We keep hearing, wash your hands. Thats the best way you can prevent this . Absolutely. This is a disease that is highly contagious and we need to be able to protect ourselves. Protection starts with things that individuals can do. Wash your hands regularly. Dont touch your face. Make sure if you are in Public Places you do these things regularly. Wash your hands. That is the the best thing that you can do. 20 seconds, make sure to get your fingernails . Exactly. Dont just run soap over your hands and rinse them off. Sing row, row, row your boat twice or happy birthday to you, twice. Thats 20 seconds. Get your hands washed well. In looking at the spread of this virus and also looking at politics, and theres a convergence because were talking about health care a lot in the 2020 election, and there are a number of people in this country who do not have health care. Here in california i think around 7 or 8 of people dont have health care. How does that affect our ability to contain a virus that is very infectious . Well it makes a very big difference. The issue is when people do not have health care, they are often less healthy and they dont know where to go when theyre sick. And so i think that this is something thats going to become a major problem and there needs to be good messaging on where people can go when they are ill or they feel they are ill and who they can ask and how the Health System is going to be triaging these people. Theres also a question of billing, people getting only tested for the flu because they wanted to be abundantly kaushts. Theyre going back home with a 3,000 medical bill. Thats the sort of thing i feel like would deter people from seeking medical help when they need it. Certainly. But as the test is now going to be widely available, this will not be at issue. People there will be more rigorous screening for people coming in. We will have Testing Available to people on a much wider scale. As time goes on, not right now. And i think that whats going to be coming up soon is theyre going to be much more telemedicine. Theres going to be availability of people to answer questions about whether or not people think theyre sick. But the bottom line is unless you are very, very ill, you dont need to go to the hospital. You dont need to go to the emergency room at this point. I think that keeping the worried well and the worried not terribly ill away from hospitals and from taking up important resources that should be dedicated to people who are very, very sick, is very important. Hospitals really, really are already at capacity in many, many places. It is the middle of flu season right now. Yeah. So i think this is where we can all do a much better job. Stay home in you can, although those who dont get paid sick days obviously harder for them to stay home when theyre choosing between their livelihood and whether they might have an Infectious Disease if they dont feel that bad. Absolutely. This is a big issue. What we tell people who cant stay home, try to distance yourself as much as you can. Let other people around you know you dont feel well. Cough into your elbow. Cover your mouth. Those i mean, we understand, but do the best that you can, if you can stay home and you dont feel well, that is the best thing you can do. Health insurance, paid sick days, all these things come into stark view on days like this. Dr. Anne remoney, thank you very much. With me now on the phone from his quarantine at the university, carl. He contracted this on the cruise ship. 700 cases have been linked to that ship. We were trying to skype with you, but unfortunately the skype fell through. Wasnt able to connect. How are you feeling . Im feeling great. I wish i was in santa monica with you, although i would have a bad hair day if i was there with that wind. So youre feeling good. You have a sense of human. Te humor. Tell me about your symptoms . I just have a dry cough that seems to get worse later in the day. You can hear my voice is still raspy. If i do a lot of exercising i do get a shortness of breath. But i ohm had the virus for one day of a high fever, which i got on the plane after leaving the diamond princess. And then that spiked, lasted about eight, nine hours. That was it. There was no antibiotics that were given to me. Ive been having a diet of gatorade and regular food. Youre still able to exercise . Yeah. Ive been downgraded. I was in a bio containment room for 12 days. There my exercise consisted of walking 10,000 steps a day. Now im in a lower bio grade con taichlt in omaha. I have a stationary bike her and i can walk 14 steps before hitting the wall. Have doctors told you why they believe it hasnt affected you more heavily . I believe, and ive seen this because two of our friends traveling with us got the virus, my wife did not. I think it for sna98 of the fo out there, its less threatening than a minor cold. I just heard your report of five deaths, up to five deaths in washington. Weve had six deaths on the diamond princess. Moist of those people were elderly and had preexisting conditions. I think for the majority of folks out there including me, its like getting a mild cold. If i wasnt right now contagious, i would be back at work at the Radio Station we own in santa collarita, california, two days after i first got the virus. Very interesting. Carl, Public Health emergency has been declared at Travis Air Force base in california. Your plane stopped at travis before you were transferred on to nebraska, thats also the site where the whistleblower said that government workers, government first responders, were not properly protected. Tell me what you saw when you went through travis. Sure. I was still on the plane at travis. There were about 150 of us all americans that had been transported from tokyo, all of us diamond princess folks on the plane. We only, other than the pilot and copilot, we only had three air force personnel and air force doctor and two medical assistants, all wearing hazmat suits. O on the plane we could have infected each other. But we were all on the diamond princess which became a floating petri dish with over 700 passengers contaminated. So the chances are we contaminated ourselves long before we got on the plane. At travis they let all the passgers off except three of us, and then our spouses stayed on and the six of us traveled to omaha. I think that you have a people at travis who had already been exposed to the virus from the diamond princess. Very interesting. Interesting that you said all the government personnel that you encountered were wearing hazmat suits. Carl goldman, thank you so much for joining us. And feel better out there. Good luck. Thank you so much. Wish you were out here as well. Still ahead, california here they come, with 415 delegates up for grabs, this state is the one to watch tomorrow. Voting in the middle of a medical crisis, will coronavirus affect turnout . Stay with us. Hot hot no no no no no, theres no space there maybe over here . Oven mitts oven mitts everythings stuck in the drawers im sorry oh, jeez. Hi. Kelly clarkson. Try wayfair oh, ok. Its going to help you, with all of. This yeah, here you go. Thank you oh, i like that one [ laugh ] thats a lot of storage perfect. Youre welcome i love it. How did you do all this . Wayfair speaking of dinner, whatre we eating, guys . And i dont count the wrinkles. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. Doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacistrecommendeding . Memory support brand. 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Vo Health Experts warn the us is underprepared. Managing a crisis is what Mike Bloomberg does. In the aftermath of 911, he steadied and rebuilt americas largest city. Oversaw Emergency Response to natural disasters. Upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. And hes funding Cutting Edge Research to contain epidemics. Tested. Ready. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. This is kind of a funny sentence to read. Bear with me. We are sitting in super tuesdays biggest prize. California is a key battleground in the 2020 democratic primary. There are 415 delegates at state at stake in this single state. If pol slg your guide, Bernie Sanders has a sizable lead. But joe biden is riding a wave of momentum curtsy of a big win in South Carolina. Amy klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg suspending their campaigns has helped biden consolidate the moderate lane. And klobuchar is expected to endorse biden later tonight. Does that change things here at all . Here, senior politics reporter, libby dinkman, and hysteria podcasts erin ryan. Thank you for joining us. Michael bloomberg is still a wild card in this state and for the rest of super tuesday. Does he pose a risk for joe biden here . I think that folks who might be watching this have probably been digging themselves out from the Michael Bloomberg mailers that have been arriving. Might have seen a Michael Bloomberg ad in the commercial break. Very likely. Polling has not indicated that he is in terms of posing a risk to the frontrunner, Bernie Sanders. Hes not there yet. He is hovering around the 15 threshold to get delegates in california. Statewide you have to hid 15 of the total vote. And then of course its the 53 congressional districts, mini races in each one of those districts. Right now, sanders appears to be the one who will take the mother lode of delegates from california. And then the question is will moderates consolidate enough around joe biden, perhaps a Michael Bloomberg, to give them that boost over the 15 . Sanders is focused so much on minority, latino voters, in particular, especially here in los angeles, where young latino voters are very enthusiastic, it seems, for Bernie Sanders. The older latino voters maybe not so much. What are you hearing and seeing . What do you expect . Im seeing i live on the east side of los angeles. Heavily latino population out there . Exactly. Im seeing the official uniform is a dodger hat and bernie sweatshirt. People are motivated to support him. People ive seen canvassing, young white, middle aged latino, c canvassing for bernie. If you take at look at his celebrity endorsements they run the gamut. You have dig van dyke, sara silverman, all them peas together. Chuck d last night, going to go to vermont on tuesday and have two members of the band fish. They are diemet reichtclo opposed no terms of taste . If i was listening to the raidsio and one came on after the other i would be like, what station . Hes hitting all the interest groups. What are the issues here that have made his candidacy so appealing . I think that, you know, you saw a pig poll coming out today from univision and the latinto Community Fund in california. And while a lot of candidates assume that immigration would be the number one issue that rises to the top for latino voters, housing is up there, health care is number one. I think Bernie Sanders has proven that consistent, longterm engagement with these communities where you have offices from the central valley, you have offices in cochela, very heavily latino areas, but you dont necessarily pander to, you know, a sound bite or two during a debate. You do that longterm investment and talk about theyre not debate watchers, people more focused on issues and the outreach a candidate might have had. What about Elizabeth Warren . Shes having a big rally today in east los angeles. I think a lot of people who support bernie despite what you might see and hear, a lot of people who are supporters of him are okay with Elizabeth Warren and vice versa. Its a little less con terns than the narrative. Ive got a friend out here whos afraid to tell her friends shes voting for Elizabeth Warren. She thinks shes going to be screamed at. We are an analytic land at that point because we dont know how this is going to pan out. I think that sanders and warren have an antiestablishment streak among their supporters. Bernie appeals to a lot of people in california because i think donald trump to a lot of democratic primary voters doesnt represent an antiestablishment president. He is the establishment on steroids. And i think bernie is actually somebody who promises to undo some of the damage President Trump did and in the most explicit way. Warren does it but is not as aggressive in her messaging with it. Out here in california it seems like bernies message is taking root more deeply. Thank you for joining us. Were on vote watch. California is doing new things around from new machines to different voting locations. Will voters be able to keep up . Ill get answers from the secretary of state when were back live from santa monica after a question quick break. We could even help you with homeowners. Oh not again oh, thanks you know automated lights are just the beginning. Pretty soon theyre gonna have eyes. Everywhere. Well goodnight. Geico. Over 75 years of savings and service. Officially hitting the us. Virus geico. Man the markets are plunging for a second straight da warn the us is underprepared. Managing a crisis is what Mike Bloomberg does. In the aftermath of 911, he steadied and rebuilt americas largest city. Oversaw Emergency Response to natural disasters. Upgraded hospital preparedness to manage health crises. And hes funding Cutting Edge Research to contain epidemics. Tested. Ready. Mike im Mike Bloomberg and i approve this message. Were on vote watch. Is changing things up. With an app thats changing the way we do money. Download robinhood now. 40 cases of voena virus have been reported so far here in california. So what does that mean for both voters and poll workers alike as thousands head to Voting Centers tomorrow . With me now from sacramento, california Lieutenant Governor lenny kuala naukis. Thank you so much for joining us. What does it mean for voters and poll workers tomorrow . Well, thank you so much for having me on your show. And i think there are a couple things that are really important for californians to know. And first is that the center for Disease Control is still rating the coronavirus risk to Public Health as low. Our own california excedepartmef Public Health is encouraging people to continue to go about their daily lives, to not cancel public events. Obviously that includes voting. And then tosk take the same kinds of precautions we should always take during flu season of washing our hands, practicing our elbow bumps, and faces to minimize the possibility of expanding through community association. Let me ask you this. We had an epidemiologist on saying that you shouldnt go to the hospital unless youre feeling very sick but those going to the hospital worried about medical bills, what do you say to them . First of all, the symptoms of coronavirus starts, i understand them from our Health Care Professionals, are respiratory. So if you have a stomach ache it is probably not that. It is probably if you have trouble breathing which, of course, you should immediately call 911 if thats the case but the other symptoms like coughs and this kind of thing. I think that thats probably good advice that we not flood our hospitals. But at the same time you really do want to make sure that you take precaution so if people are not feeling well, they should contact their Health Care Provider as the first course of action and if they are uninsured or not sure who to call, they can call the California Department of Public Health. Go on our website and they can start there. So if its not an emergency but someone is concerned thats really the first place to go. Lieutenant governor, are there discussions being had of how to cover the cost so that doesnt fall on uninsured americans or americans who cant afford a hospital viz it . I think the main conversation is how do we make sure as a state we are prepared. Being california, being such a large state with a high population, very connected to the world internationally, we have been preparing for about ten years for Something Like this happening so our department of Health Services coordinating regularly with federal agencies, with local Health Care Professionals and providers to make sure that we have the capacity to address this. So i think that thats very important and the most important thing is making sure we minimize the impact to Public Health and certainly how we cover the cost of it is also important to people but if youre not well you should call your Health Care Provider and take it from there. California Lieutenant Governor, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you. For the first time, california for the first time california is a super tuesday state. Also for the first time the state is rolling out new voting procedures and brand new electronic voting systems, the changes led to questions about Election Security and the integrity of californias primary vote. Joining me now here on set is californias secretary of state alex padillo. Thank you so much for coming on. Talk to me about how california changed voting for this primary. It is exactly for the security reasons that you mentioned. All 58 counties on track for upgraded or replace the voting systems. That meet higher, newer Security Standards because of the security concerns in the elections world right now. They also happen to facilitate more options for voters throughout the state in terms of when, where and how to cast their ballot. Voting centers . 15 counties in california moved to the voters choice act where any voter can go to any vote center in the county convenient to them over the course of 11 days. Early voting in other states, vote by mail is popular in california but in early voting for us is relatively new phenomenon. But one thats catching on quickly. Large counties that encompass half the states electorate started to vote february 22. Many people have been waiting to see what happens closer to the date. A voter voted for cast ballot and voted for Pete Buttigieg. Does she get to vote again . She cannot do it over again. You get to vote once. The good news is the down ballot votes still matter and count whether its her member of congress, legislative, local races, of course. Are Voting Machines here connected to the internet . Because when you talk to Election Security experts they say thats number one concern and number one i guess benefit is that most of the machines across the country are not centralized in one system. Right. When you talk to these voting experts an people on the hill, theyll point to california as the gold standard. We have a number of policies in place to ensure the elections for many, many years. Systems have to be tested and certified for use by any county in california and the standards are higher than the federal government recommend. No, voting systems are not connected to the internet. Prohibited by state law. To count ballots, california requires paper ballots, voting verified paper trail and even then require every county to complete postelection audit to ensure the accuracy and the integrity rye you worried of trying to meddle with the voting rolls. Those are backed up constantfully a great solution to that first is every voter to verify the registration status before going to vote, make sure everything is accurate and up to date and even then we have a catch all. Any issues showing up to vote, take avenue of sameday registration advantage at every voting place in the state and cast a provisional ballot. It will be counted. Mr. Secretary of state, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Live coverage from santa monica continues right after a very quick break. At todays best western, stay two nights and get a free night for your next stay. One night, two nights, free night. Book now at bestwestern. Com. Kelly clarkson whatre you doing on our sofa . Hey there ght. Whatre you doing on your sofa . Try wayfair. You got this woah. Yeah let me try all alright, get it blow it up thats what im talking about. Except thats my seat, so. All right, so maybe after the movie lets talk about that bedroom of yours when was she in our bedroom . Stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On with rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill can dramatically improve symptoms. Rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. And for some. Rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. Thats rinvoq relief. With ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. Rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. 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