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Issue. It is urgent analysis. It is not something like, can you consider moving this policy over here. It is my paper straw, given. Paper straws are great, electric cars are great, until we deal with fossil fuels none of it matters. Exactly. You had Vaughn Hillyard on earlier talking about Jeff Sessions. Donald trump has a his story of letting people back into his orbit after they left in a negative way. You know some of them. I think he will. If you ask if it is between Jeff Sessions and roy moore . No, doug jones. Or doug jones . Hes going with Jeff Sessions. It might happen. I think he is going to go with Jeff Sessions rather than lose a republican supporter in the senate. Im katie tur. It is 11 00 a. M. Out west and 2 00 p. M. In washington where despite some government officials close to the president declaring absolute immunity to avoid testifying to congress, others are painting a damning picture of what happened around ukraine. Today is day 46 of the impeachment inquiry and here is what is happening. In thousands of page thousands of pages of closeddoor testimony released by the democrats this week, eight current and former Administration Officials describe a Shadow Campaign led by Rudy Giuliani to force ukraine to investigate the president s political rivals in order to receive millions in military aid and a meeting at the white house. Former ambassador to ukraine bill taylor said by midjuly it was becoming clear to him that the meeting president zelensky wanted was conditioned on investigations of burisma and alleged ukrainian influence in the 2016 elections. George kent, the Deputy Assistant secretary who oversaw ukraine policy, said taylor told him Eu Ambassador sondland said trump wanted nothing less than president zelensky to go to the microphone and situate clinton, biden. He told a top ukrainian official they needed to start investigating burisma in order to get the military aid. Now add Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman on the july call between President Trump and zelensky. He said there was no doubt what President Trump was asking for. Investigate the bidens to get a meeting at the white house. Vindman said he went to nsa lawyers, so did fiona hill, the top russia expect on the nsc. She said the call and the president s demand were her worst nigh matyor, to basically turn a white house meeting into an asset. Behind it all according to witness testimony was grRudy Giuliani. He was mentioned 480 times alone by sondland and by former special envoy to ukraine volker. Sondland said giuliani was swirling around somewhere. Volker said he believed giuliani was interested in Vice President bidens son and that the allegations giuliani peddled were selfserving and not credible. Marie yovanovitch said she was ousted bay Smear Campaign led by giuliani in part because she believes she was getting in the way of the investigations giuliani wanted. George kent accused giuliani of running a campaign of slander against her. Mckinley said one of the reasons he hit the state department was because of the way yovanovitch was treated. That just happened this week in the testimony that was released. Joining me from capitol hill is nbc news correspondent geoff bennett, New York Times political reporter and msnbc political analyst nick com ofasori, and counsel to the United Nations hagar oshari. Hundred of pages were of testimony were released, dozens of hours of testimony to go along with it. The picture painted by the witnesses is all the same. It is the same story, Rudy Giuliani, Shadow Campaign, get ukraine to investigate the bidens, investigate 2016 and money will be released and zelensky can get a meeting at the white house. Yes. We got two more transcripts today. What did they add on . Katie, it is such a great point you make because today is a day in with President Trump earlier on the south lawn tried to refocus the countrys attention to the particulars of a specific phone call, the phone call in question on july 25th that President Trump says shows he did nothing wrong. Now President Trump said he might release the transcript of an earlier phone call. Today house investigators dropped into our laps the testimony of two more witnesses who point to what you just spelled out, that the phone calls themselves did not exist in isolation, that there was a coordinated campaign, a concerted effort led by President Trump and his outside attorney Rudy Giuliani to pressure the ukrainians to open investigations on President Trumps political rivals. But fiona hill, the top russian advisor on the nsc, had a couple of things to say about the phone call too as you mentioned. She said it confirmed her worst fears and nightmares that the president was turning the white house meeting into something of an asset. So what we learned from her testimony is that giuliani and sondland undercut the normal processes for establishing and elevating ukraine policy on the nsc, and that when she flagged it her superiors did not respond in kind. Lieutenant colonel Alexander Vindman goes a step further. He says he raised red flags not once but twice and that john eisenberg, the nsc lawyer at the time, told him not to say anything about it. Beyond that you get a picture of how republicans comported themselves during this testimony. In hills testimony you see where matt gaetz tried to storm into the room. He, of course, is not a member of the relevant committees. He had to be pushed out. In vindmans testimony you see where republicans time and time again tried to get him to mention the name of the whistleblower. Vindman says time and time again he doesnt know who the whistleblower is. The strategy, im told, by republicans is that they thought the name would show up here or at least bread crumbs would show up in the transcripts that when it became public the whistleblowers identity would be released, katie. It is the same story over and over, nick. Well, look, this is actually a game of hangman in reverse, right. The word is already spelled out, quid pro quo. The only question is on any given occasion who is going to fill in which dot and which letter and spell it out. We basically have it. It is a quid pro quo and either witness has come forward to firm up the basic narrative, which is they offered the package of aid and well, some republicans are saying that this hasnt tied yet to the president. I question that because the president released a transcript where he said these very things. So how is it not being tied to the president . I mean it is. Hes on the transcript, he was on the call, which he keeps claiming is a perfect call. A plain reading of the minimal transcript we have, which is not a full transcript, is that in fact he was part of this whole plan, he public defender it and directed it and set people on to carry it out. It is his. Hagar, i know you were part of the obama administration. You are going to disagree on policy with the Trump Administration, that is a fact, but is this an issue of policy, what was happening at the National Security council . Is this just a disagreement with those who had worked in the diplomatic field for their careers disagreeing on fundamental policy with the Trump Administration and getting angry about it and complaining . It is funny. I was actually a Civil Servant for ten years before i became a political appointee under president obama and all of us were trained with the notion that we serve at the pleasure of the president. It is a common phrase in washington, d. C. Meaning, we serve regardless of party, and thats ingrained in us. Seen though, yes, i was at the end, at the very end of my career i was politically appointed, but that doesnt mean even that i agreed with all of president obamas policies, and there have been steps in Foreign Policy of President Trumps that i have supported and steps i criticized. The issue you have now is that it is categorically wrong, regardless of whether it is led by a democrat or a republican and it is a travesty you have on the hill why do you say it is categorically wrong. Because you should be trained and thats why people like fiona hill and Lieutenant Colonel vindman and all of the ambassadors that have come in, yovanovitch, taylor, the reason theyve all seen this, the reason john bolton said giuliani is a hand grenade and he wanted hill to go to the lawyers and tell the story is because youre trained as a National Security professional, as someone that understands Foreign Policy that you cant use u. S. Funds for your own personal game. There is a separation. If it is categorically wrong why isnt john bolton going to the hill to say what he told many of his coworker, that he thought it was a drug deal, he thought giuliani was a hand grenade . If he is a National Security adviser, and he has been for some republican administrations, why is he not coming out and voluntarily saying it is not okay . Youre right. Unfortunately, we now live in an era where politics entered National Security and Foreign Policy. I dont want to be naive about it. It is not to say political elites dont normally help guide Foreign Policy, but it is so bad now and theres such a political rift in washington, you see it with Lindsey Graham saying he wont read the transcripts, right, advertising his ignorance so that the republicans can stay in power. John bolton doesnt want to go because he doesnt want to currie favor to the democrats, theres no way. Unfortunately it has become a political fight and it shouldnt be. It is so obviously something that the republicans need to inform themselves on to make the right choice. I do think that if bolton i think he said this, if he is subpoenaed he will go, but i think it is a game. I think he is saying i dont want to help you voluntarily but if i have to i will. Jeff let me go back to you for one question. Mick mulvaney decided not to show up today despite a subpoena compelling him to show up. Yes. He is one of many close to the president refusing to do so. We were just talking about john bolton. Do the democrats feel hampered at all in their ability to get answers by having so much stonewalling among those who are close to President Trump . No. Lets keep it 100 real about that subpoena, right. That subpoena was a trap. Democrats knew that Mick Mulvaney was not going to show up on the hill whether he was compelled by subpoena or otherwise. The subpoena lays a paper trail so democrats, if they choose to, can draw up another article of impeachment on obstruction. Ive lost count now of how many white house officials defied and ignored subpoenas compelling them to come testify. One of the questions i often get is why arent democrats enforcing these subpoenas. The reason is theres no time for it. They could pursue civil contempt, which would punt it to the courts for weeks, months, potentially years. If they went through an avenue of criminal contempt it goes to bill barrs office to prosecute and thats not going to happen. What theyre saying is, fine, if you dont want to abide by your oath of office, thats up to you, thats for you to live with. Theyre going to draw an adverse inference, which means they say if Mick Mulvaney had information that could clear President Trump, Mick Mulvaney would be banging down the doors of the scif and the secure area two floors beneath me here to tell what he has to tell. Because hes not doing that, they are assuming what he is withholding is damaging information. So theyre making that inference, and then theyre also drawing up his lack of appearance here, using it as potential grounds for an article of impeachment on obstruction of congress. Katie. Geoff bennett, what a week. I hope you get some sleep this weekend. Nick, always good to see you, my friend. Thank you so much for your insight and expertise. Joining me colorado democratic senator and 2020 president ial candidate michael bennet. He is a member of the intelligence and finance committees. Senator, thank you for being here. We are you are learning about what the house is doing at the same time that we are learning about it, and im sure that if you havent read all of the testimony you would be forgiven, but im sure you have read much of the headlines and excepts we have read. What is the conclusion you are coming to . I think the conclusion day after day after day is that everything that the whistleblower said in their whistleblowing complaint has been corroborated by witness after witness after witness, that President Trump asked the ukrainian president to start an investigation against his political opponent, joe biden, and he threatened to withhold aid if the ukrainians didnt do it. The facts are quite plain. If this goes to the senate, if he is impeached in the house and it goes to the senate, would you vote to remove him from office . Well, if the facts continue to align the way they have so far, i dont think we would have a choice but to vote to remove him from office. Let me ask you a president shouldnt do go ahead. Im so sorry to interrupt, but let me ask you about the conversations you might be hearing in the halls of the senate and congress. Are republicans looking at this and seeing a different set of facts than the rest of us are seeing or do they just believe those facts dont add up to an Impeachable Offense . It is different. So there are some people who have been around for a while who i think have a sense of what their constitutional obligation is. I dont know how theyll vote in the end, but theyre really worried about what President Trump has done. There are others who every single day try to change the story. I mean first the issue is the hearings are private, now trumps complaining because the hearings are public. These guys just follow him down that we need to know who the whistleblower is, got to ignore the whistleblower, now it is the corroboration. They find ways of ignoring it. It was unfortunate that he did it but not an Impeachable Offense. My goodness, this is a case where youve got a president of the United States basically extorting another foreign leader for his own political benefit. I cant think of something that would be more impeachable than that. Katie, i would also say this. You know, what is even worse about this or just as bad is you look at what the president tweeted all weekend long. If anybody else in america employed by a tv station or a law firm or a bank had tweeted that stuff, they would have faced hr on monday morning who would have said, you better start or youre going to get fired. What specifically are you talking about . Yeah, and if the response to that from the employee was, forget about it, im a stable genius or i have unmatched wisdom, you would say, okay, if you could clean out your things today that would be good. And while he was doing all of that this weekend, ron w iran w doubling the number of centrifuges theyre using to make the Nuclear Material they could use to arm a bomb. You have the chinese entering into a trade pact with other countries that represent half the gdp of the world and the u. S. Is nowhere on any of this stuff because hes spending his weekend lying to the American People on twitter. Let me ask you this. If you were elected president , youre going to be presiding over presumably a pretty divided country. I dont think our divides will be healed just after the next election. How do you convince half of the country or whatever number of the country that didnt vote for you, how do you convince people to Work Together . How do you work with republicans when it seems like the only politics, the only reward for being in Politics Today is to be tribal, is to be on the side of your party. Right. And to stop the other party at all costs . That goes for both i mean it seems it goes for all of p politics, period. Katie, you were talking about Climate Change at the top of the show. I heard you talking about it. What i was thinking about while you were talking about it is not just that we have to act urgently, which we do, but we also have to create a solution that will last for a generation. There is nothing in our current politics that will allow us to do that. In other words if you accept a world where i put my stuff in for two years, the other side rips it out, then i put my stuff in for two years, the other side rips it out, if you accept that then you need to accept an idea our democracy cant fix Climate Change because we never be able to address it two years at a time. Which is why i think the only answer, and if i am elected president , i will spend as much time in places where i will never win more than 30 of the vote as i do in places where i will win 70 of the vote doing my part to try to bring us back from the brink. Our democracy is broken right now, and it is not just donald trump. When they founded the country, they didnt do it assuming we would agree with each other. They assumed we would disagree with each other. Yes. Out of those disagreements we would create more imaginable and Enduring Solutions than any t e tyrant could come up with on their own. We have totally forgotten and lost that. It requires all of the politicians and every one of us as citizens to say, we know what happens if we go down this road, we are going down a road of catastrophe, not addressing climate, not building infrastructure, accepting a world where our kids education is reinforcing the income inequality we have rather than liberating people from it. The only way is to dig our way out of it facetoface, accepting that disagreement is part of living in a democracy but that we have an obligation to the next generation of americans to begin to create some Bipartisan Solutions that can move the country forward. Let me ask you this, because you and i have had conversations about Campaign Finance and the way that it has corrupted the system. What you are talking about right now, it seems like you are saying that the democracy we are currently living in doesnt work, it is broken, which calls for foundational change. But you are not a foundational change candidate. Why are you not a candidate calling for medicare for all like some of the other candidates . Why are you not a candidate coming out there and saying we need to fix washington, and in order to fix it we have got to change it from the ground up . Why are you still so in the moderate wing . I do no, i do believe that. I actually believe im more of a foundational candidate than the ones that are offering medicare for all. Why . Because i know thats just an empty promise. It is just an empty promise. Why can canada have it, why can the uk have it, why cant we have it . Well, it is different from what we have from what Bernie Sanders bill is to begin with, but theres an answer for that, which is we already have an existing health care system. We can decide that were going to spend the next ten years fighting a losing battle for me medicare for all or we can fiept to restore Economic Opportunity for people. We can fight on the climate front and we can lead the foundational change you are talking about. Im the only person in this race who has said that if im elected president i will go to every one of 50 states to lead an effort to pass a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens united. That is foundational change. I believe we need to end partisan gerrymandering, that is foundational change. I believe we need to do so much more to ensure that every Single Person in every single election has the right to vote. What i dont believe is that if we put out a halfbaked plan called medicare for all that is not even paid for, and that if it were paid for would cost the same amount of revenue as 70 of all of the revenue the federal government will collect over the next ten years without dealing with the foundational stuff that you are talking about, then it is an empty promise and it is just politicians trying to galvanize their base, politicians trying to create greater division, instead of in a cleareyed way looking forward to saying how are we going to dig our way out of the mess were in right now, because it is a mess. It is not just trump. He is a symptom of our problems, not the essential cause in my view. Senator. He certainly has made matters much worse. Lets sit down and have this conversation in a longer format some time. Think we could have an interesting let me come any time. Youre welcome. Michael bennet, thank you for coming on. We appreciate it. Thanks, katie. Still to come the latest on Michael Bloombergs potential 2020 run and the big question, why now. Plus the president is in atlanta reaching out to black voters. The cofounder of black voters matter is joining me. Who if anyone will betray President Trump . There are some names swirl and the white house is worried. Stay with us. Stay with us and the gastroenterologists who developed it. vo align helps to soothe your occasional digestive upsets 24 7 with a strain of bacteria you cant get anywhere else. woman you could say align puts the pro in probiotic. So where you go, the pro goes. vo go with align. The pros in digestive health. And try align gummies. With prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. And my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. Ahh no, come on. I saw you eating poop earlier. Hey my focus is on the road, and thats saving me cash with drivewise. Whos the dummy now . 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But it is also evidence that barring a plain admission of guilt by the president himself, the Republican Party will not be forsaking trump. Joining me former rnc chairman and msnbc political analyst michael steele. This is a tim alberta piece in politico and it names a few players that the president s team might be worried about, names you might find familiar, collins and romney and murkowski, but it doesnt really consider those to be the ones the white house is concerned about. Other republican senators like cory gardner and a few others, a few other House Republicans who are moderate and might not want to run again. Right. That the white house could see as a threat, not that they would vote to ultimately would cast a vote to remove him or get enough votes to remove him, but if any of them break rank it will be bad news for Donald Trumps 2020 reelection campaign. What do you think . No, i think thats the right analysis by tim. That piece that he sort of lays out, those individuals, there are these folks who are very quiet, behind the scenes, theyre not folks going to appear on msnbc or fox. You know, some would call them back benchers. They have their nose to the grind, but theyre paying attention, katie, and theyre looking very discreetly at the information thats being pulled together by the democrats. Thats the soft spot. The more credible that information is, the less partisan it is presented by nancy pelosi and the democratic committees, the more opportunity there is for these individuals to sort of move out of the silence and begin to voice publicly what they voiced privately. Youve heard it. Ive heard it. That theres a lot of damage here, that this is a problem, and that, yeah, this rises to an impeachable event. So thats what the thats what the front line of republicanism is now trying to build a wall to prevent from happening, sort of putting inward pressure on those individuals to keep their mouths shut basically and to sort of solidify for trump the strangle hold that he thinks he has right now on the impeachment process. Do they believe that the impeachment inquiry so far is Going Forward in a nonpartisan way . I mean do they read those transcripts and see them as partisan documents . Of course they do. These republicans . It is the only way they can read it. They cannot read it in any other light than that. When you have someone like a Lindsey Graham saying, im not even going to waste my time reading these transcripts, that is the signal thats already been given and baked into this process that particularly for the jurors, the senators, republican senators, that theyre going to come to this with a very jaundiced view of this evidence. In the house, certainly we saw already the wall that was created in the vote, in the initial vote to open up this process. Republicans stood strong against that. So, yes, theyre not going to take any of this credibly. Theyre going to try to paint it as wholly partisan, as a witch hunt. What about the republicans being quiet, the ones gathering the evidence and thinking to themselves, the ones we arent seeing on cable news talking about this day in and day out . Not Lindsey Graham. Right. Are they reading those transcripts and seeing them as partisan documents or are they seeing them as very serious and very damning . No, good question. And as i understand it, they thats the x factor. Those are the ones that theyre a little bit afraid of because they are reading the material, they are listening. Theyre talking to democrats who serve on those committees if they dont happen to be a member of those committees. Theyre trying to get their own independent assessment of the facts here. At the end of the day, katie, this boils down to what position, what posture do you want to be in going into 2020 and just how much are you willing to die on the hill of donald trump. Clearly the Lindsey Grahams not only committed suicide but they started cutting off their own body parts to prove their loyalty. Michael, let me ask you this. We have seen a lot in the past nearly three years of the donald Trump Presidency and no one has been willing to die on any hills. There have been some retirements but not very many people willing to come out and say maybe what they might be feeling behind the scenes. Do you actually expect it to change with this inquiry . Is it going to change or are we going to see Straight Party line votes in both the house and potentially the senate . I would bet right now youre going to see Straight Party line votes based on what we know right now. I think next week is a turning point. What more could we possibly need to know . Well, look, theres a different conversation when it is all inside the ballpark. It is a different conversation when it is inside the room. Now when it hits the street and it is public, the public is watching this. You see the Movement Among the voters out there looking at this information and taking it in themselves, not being told what to think of it by attorney general barr, not being told to ignore it by the president of the United States, but they get it firsthand live on television. Thats a different dynamic, and that brings a whole other level of conversation for those inside the caucus room, particularly those quiet members who live in those slightly purple districts, slightly blue districts, to sort of rethink their own political health. Again, going to the point, are they willing to die on the hill of donald trump to protect him. My bet is they wont, certainly not to the extent someone like a Lindsey Graham and others have done. Michael steele, always good to see you, my friend. Thank you very much. You got, katie. The 2020 field is still reacting to the news Michael Bloomberg may enter the president ial race. Welcome in the race. Michael is a solid guy. Lets see where it goes. It is not enough just to have somebody come in, anybody, and say theyre going to buy this election. Welcome to the race. We dont need anyone coming in and telling us that none of them, with all of the work people have done for our country, are good enough. His entry into the race would add a lot. He will not do very well, and if he did i would be happy. There is nobody i would rather run against than little michael. Tonight bloomberg is expected to file paperwork and signatures in alabama to qualify for the primary there. Bloomberg announced in march he would not run. He wrote at the time, i am clear eyed about the difficulty of winning the democratic nomination in such a crowded field. Why not . A bloomberg advisor says the field is not Strong Enough to take out President Trump, something bloomberg says he would be able to do. Joining me former press secretary for Rudy Giuliani, ken friedman. And ali vitali. Ken, is he going to run . Im told he will make up his mind within a week and he is leaning toward running, yes. What is going to happen within the week . He will make up his mind. He will do the math and decide if he is, you know, viable enough to win this race. Are they going to do the polling, internal polling . Have they done that polling . Im sure yes. So they have to have made some kind of quantitative decision on whether or not he should run. The reason he would run is two words, donald trump. You know, years ago when asked if he would run for president he said, you know, america will never elect a short jewish billionaire from new york, and yet america elected a tall presbyterian alleged billionaire from new york, so i think anything is possible. You have been covering senator warren and klobuchar and a few others on the campaign trial, but mostly i think you have been on warren. How is the progressive wing of the party reacting to the idea of Michael Bloomberg, moderate, selfmade billionaire, very rich man, coming in to this race and presenting competition for warren or sanders . The keyword you say there is moderate, because thats the lane that he wants to occupy. If you take the time machine back to march when he said he wasnt going to run, his decision was largely because joe biden was in this race as the centrist, as the moderate. So now that his team and him are coming out and saying that they dont think that this is the field, that anyone in the field can beat donald trump, clearly it is an indictment against how he sees joe biden faring in this field. When they say hes troubled, the question is are you more troubled youre Michael Bloomberg by how biden has been doing or warren is rising . I imagine it is a calculation of both. For him, Elizabeth Warren, he doesnt agree with her at all. She is clearly relishing the opportunity. You even saw it when he got in the race yesterday, she relishes the opportunity to draw the comparison. She believes the billionaires should pay more. Clearly bloomberg not a fan of that. Let me ask you this. I was talking to a bloomberg source last night and i asked how bloomberg is going to appeal to any number of warren or sanders voters, people who believe in their policies and ideals, are you going to ignore them . They said, no, they wouldnt ignore anyone in the democratic primary. If he were to win the nomination, how would he get the progressive wing of the Democratic Party behind him because he would need that in order to beat donald trump . Well, where are they going to go . Are they going to vote for trump . Maybe they dont vote. Maybe they sit it out, thats true. He is going to run as a centrist, all right, and that hurts joe biden. I think we all know that. I dont think he should run hard left, okay. I dont think thats where the party necessarily does he have policies that would appeal to the progressive wing . None that i can think of off the top of my head and it is very difficult, obviously, to cast himself as a man of the people. But Elizabeth Warren will have the same problem on the other side, right . Right now the concern with her is that she energizes the progressives in the base but how will she fare with people on the fence. Bloomberg has that problem in the reverse if he runs. Thank you very much. Up next, the judge has revealed the Trump Foundation for what it was, a personal piggy bank for the president and his family. Grandpa, can you tell me the story again . Every family has their own unique story. Give your family the chance to discover theirs this holiday season, with ancestry. [woman] with my shark, i deep clean messes like this, this holiday season, this, and even this. 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This comes after the president admitted to this, they had to, it was part of the deal they made, they admitted to misusing the money raised by his foundation to fund his 2016 Campaign Many joining me now executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion and political analyst timothy obrien. They admitted what they did was wrong, they were not using the funds properly, but the president is going out as he often does and trying to say blue is red and up is down. New york is a corrupt state. I love that piece of it because he has been in business in new york his entire life. So if new york is a corrupt state, where does the problem reside . Explain the ruling to me. The ruling simply said that the trump family used the charity, not just the president but his three children, ivanka, don jr. And eric, as well as sort of the personal piggy bank. They were on a board with trumps accountant, allen weisselberg, and all of them essentially cheered the money out of charitable uses into things that served the family. A painting of donald trump. Rebuilding a fountain outside of the plaza hotel, buying a painting of himself, paying prizes for Donald Trumps golf tournaments. The worst one obviously to me was the 2016 campaign. Was the campaign. He routinely said he was out there on behalf of soldiers and vets. He decides not to partake in a debate to raise money for veterans. Corey lewandowski, not part of the Trump Foundation, gets control of the funds and uses it for campaign purposes. I think it was fort dodge, iowa, he has an event for veterans. I was there. He came on stage with one of the giant novelty checks, counter programming. Right. It was because he didnt want to participate in the debate. I think it was before that actually, or im confusing my dates. Forget forgive me. They were close. Anyway, he comes out with a check supposed to be for vet van rans. He did not want to participate in the fox news debate because he was angry about meghan kelly still. Correct. All of that money was supposed to go to veterans. It is followed on up and Corey Lewendowski said it went out already. What did the Trump Foundation do with it . The Trump Foundation used it for his president ial campaign. They used it to promote Donald Trumps run for the presidency. They didnt give any of it back to veterans. Remember, when trump wrote the art of the deal which was a best seller in the late 80s, he promised the proceeds would go into his foundation to be used for charitable purposes. Theres no evidence that a dime was used for charity. He wasnt even the most generous donor to his own foundation. Jim and Linda Mcmahon were. So this is such a flagrant violation of public trust around what is for most people a relatively small amount of money if theyre a billionaire, and yet he went ahead and did this and even confronted why doesnt it negatively affect him amongst his base, people who are veterans in his base . I think he delivered to his base this notion he will make their lives better. He will give them jobs so they dont care if he cheats . I dont think a big portion of his base cares if he does anything. I think what they have to do is get hip to the fact that he actually is not delivering on the other promises he made to them specifically. Yes. Tim obrien. Thanks so much for coming in. Happy friday to you. Thanks. Tomorrow marks 30 years since fall of the berlin wallace we remember one of the defining moments of the 20th century, one leader believes the postwar consensus may be in danger. French president Emmanuel Macron told the economist that europe needs to, quote, wake up. He warned were risking the brain death of nato, his words. Joining me, Foreign Correspondent matt bradley. Matt, what a remarkable anniversary. You are there to celebrate. Why is europe so on edge though . Reporter well, you know, katie actually there was a detail you missed out that pompeo was celebrating the unveiling of a Ronald Reagan statue just over my right shoulder on top of the u. S. Embassy there. You can say that the cold war history that the u. S. Led was mixed. You know, there woere good thins and bad things the u. S. Did in retrospect in history, but Ronald Reagan and those others were now celebrating here in berlin on the anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, he was if nothing else engaged. For the older politicians in europe meeting with pompeo today who have been dealing with Trump Administration and who are celebrating this massive geopolitical moment that, by the way, katie, happened without a sing single shot being fired, without a single death or injury, all under the stew wardship of the United States, and a lot of politicians in europe must be remembering the engagement that the u. S. Led when dealing with the cold war, when ending the cold war, when tearing down the berlin wall 30 years ago tomorrow. Katie. Oh, how times have changed. Nbcs matt bradley in the most enviable of locations today. Matt, enjoy berlin. Thank you very much. Breaking news, a familiar face is in court right now. Former white house chief strategist steve bannon is testifying as part of roger stones trial. The prosecution called him to the stand today. The Associated Press reports that bannon is expected to testify about communications with stone and Paul Manafort during the 2016 campaign. We are going to keep an eye out on that and bring you any news as it develops. First though, before he was elected donald trump asked black voters to consider what the hell, what do they have to lose . And in a few minutes the president will update his outreach to black voters in atlanta. What is his message now . The cofounder of black voters matters joins me next. Help. I didnt have to get you a lift. And i didnt have to call your wife to meet you at the doctor. Because you didnt have another dvt. Not today. We discussed how having one blood clot puts you at risk of having another,. So we chose xarelto®, to help keep you protected. Xarelto®, is proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood clots from happening again. In clinical trials, almost 98 of people did not have another dvt or pe. Dont stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor,. As this may increase your risk of blood clots. 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The Campaign Says the outreach aims to recruit black voters in support of President Trump. The president is expected to highlight low black unemployment numbers during todays rally. Joining me from atlanta, msnbc correspondent trymaine lee. Trymaine, it is great to see you. What are you hearing down there . I tell you what, katie, first the president s moto cade just drove by right before i came on camera. So folks here are excited. Now, when you talk to voters, it really depends on who you are talking to. The president doesnt enjoy high numbers among black folks who think he is doing a great job, but when you talk to the mallsmr number of black republicans they find a lot to be excited about with President Trumps presidency. I spoke with a Bipartisan Group last night and they shared their thoughts. Lets take a listen. Is donald trump good for black people . On the table, plain and clear. Look at the economy. Is that good for black people . Unemployment is the lowest on record. It is off the charts. I would say thats good for black people. Look at the wage gap. It has closed between whites and blacks. I think thats great for black people. The First Step Act has released i think maybe about 3,000 prisoners. I think thats great for black people. He pulled this out of the clean air and water act, he pulled us out of the paris climate agreement. I understand economically and money wise this is all great. It is all great. But the way we look like internationally, the way we look is terrible and the things we are doing to our own country with the oil spills and everything, it doesnt give me hope. I dont want to keep proceeding like this. The president is setting the tone. Whoever the president is, and thats one of my concerns, is that the United States is losing its credibility around the world. You know, were ruining relationships with allies and, you know, there are these huge World Problems and you need support from allies. And, you know, there are these huge World Problems and you need support from everybody from various countries in order to solve them. Particularly, Climate Change. So this idea that obama didnt do anything with criminal Justice Reform is just not true. Its good that trump did sign it into law but it didnt start with him. Same with the economy. It spilled over from the obama administration. So im not exactly sure who trump is good for. You know, hes not great for me but other people are entitled to their opinions and their positions but i dont agree with his policies or the way he conducts himself and the way he represents the United States of america. Hey, katy. I spent time behind me in the Georgia World Congress center where folks were lined up early. Hundreds of folks, monthly black, who said to me that you know what . They can ignore some of the rhetoric. The accusations of racism. None of it matters as long as President Trump delivers and they believe that President Trump has delivered on the economy for black folks and another Sticking Point was the First Step Act, which reallease thousands of mostly back federal prisoners early. But there is one Interesting Group here. President trump only got 8 of the vote in 2016. But when it comes to black men, he got 13 . In talking to black men who support donald trump, they say you know what . Folks who want to take our guns away so we cant support our families. This idea that were introducing all these new genders. Theyre playing on that and hoping maybe they can get some support among more conservative, black men who may feel isolated or neglected by the Democratic Party. Its so interesting in covering the rallies in 2016 and even just looking at the rallies that hes been Holding Since he since he became president , the crowds are still mostly white. But hundreds of black voters here in atlanta. Is this i dont know is that just the cap of what he can get in this one area . Or are you expecting to see more black voters to show up for rallies across the country . You have to imagine i mean its pretty tough. When you look at different polling, only between 4 and 10 of black folks think that President Trump is doing a great job. Some of those environments, the rallies, we know there are have been circumstances where there have been accusations of racism and violence, right . A lot of things that turn black folks off. I dont expect you to see thousands of black folks coming out. But if you can just chip away in places like milwaukee, maybe in the midwest where black men have still been largely kept out of the workforce. That message might resonate. Unlike ive spoke to a republican yesterday who said black women are the base of the Democratic Party. Theyre playing a team sport. But you go into a barber shop, the spaces of black men, theyre trying to figure it out on their own. So when they hear donald trump, some could call it toxic masculinity but they hear something about his message that they connect to. So well see. Thank you very much for joining us today. Joining me now cofounder of black voters matter fund. Natasha, thanks for joining us. You were listening to all that. What do you have to say . A couple things. One, people going to a rally and having that the an example that people are going to support him, the evidence doesnt show that. The polls say that not only has he gone down in his support from black voters but black women, 97 of black women who have been polled, said theyre not voting for him. And theres been a hes lost a decrease in black men, as well. So i think there is a fundamental question not only is donald trump not good for black voters. Hes not good for america. And while we hear the we hear the constantly about the economy, you know, were not really taking in the nation. Were not really taking in the income inequalities. You know, even currently right now at the senate, if he was really serious about the economics and putting more money in the households, there is a bill for minimum wage that disproportionately impacts black communities. And actually has led to poverty in the black communities that is sitting in the senate that he has not supported. So i think we need to get beyond the rehetoric to really look at the numbers. Donald trump has increased the debt of 5 trillion. Weve got to look at his empty promises. We have to look at his promises to really destroy obama care and really be able to destroy healthcare, which is one of the top concerns for black voters in america. Black, women voters are consistently seen as the one demographic that can really sway this next election. They already did a lot to sway elections across the country. B alabama. Virginia in 2018. Who are black women looking to for 2020 . Is it joe biden . Is it Elizabeth Warren . Is it Michael Bloomberg, who just entered the race . Kamala harris . Cory booker, who are they looking to . You know, who i know theyre not looking to is donald trump. He is certainly not in the running. I you know, theres i have mixed messages on the ground. Some are supporting biden. Usually, theyre older, black women who say theyre going to support biden. When youre looking at young folks, there is a lot of energy and growing Energy Around the Elizabeth Warren campaign. Ive been meeting and talking to women about Kamala Harris as well and cory booker. I think that there are a couple things that are coming up. One, i think women really are concerned about women, the income inequality and the wage gap for women in particular. And i think there is a major issue around criminal Justice Reform, as well. And so i think were going to see candidates, were going to see black women gravitate to the candidates that actually have a solid solution around those things that we care most about. Natasha, please come back on the show more. We love to have you. I will. Great to see you. Good to see you too. Well be right back. See you. Good to see you too well be right back. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Itso chantix can help you quit slow turkey. Along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting. Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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Steve bannon testifying against him. There is a lot of news. Lot of news today. Have a good afternoon, friend. You too, buddy. See you back at 10 00 p. M. , right . I will be here at 10 00 p. M. Cant wait. It is friday november 8th. This is firsthand testimony on how the levers of government were abused to help the president politically at the cost of our National Security. That is what house intel chair adam schiff said as he released two more transcripts to the public from the deposition of two career officials. Fiona hill, Donald Trumps former top advisor on russia and europe. And Lieutenant Colonel alexander

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