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And on thursday, john bolton is last. And i want to go back to scheduled to testify. Substance. What they will be hearing in the witnesses say that he xashed the Pressure Campaign to a, quote, potentially public hearings, drug deal and called rudy john bolton, John Eisenburg will giuliani a hand grenade. Be testifying next week, both this week lawmakers heard from within i guess the closer two members of the National Security council, both described confines of the white house. The july phone call and the president s effort to get ukraine to begin investigations. Ukrai what do you want to hear them ukraine expert Alexander Vindman answer, what questions do you contradicted the president s have and what are you looking claiming that the call was perfect and word for word. Out for. Im interested to hear what he testified that there were eisenburg and Michael Ellis who blank spots in the readout and is also Deputy National legal that he unsuccessfully tried to adviser have to say about what action they may have taken after fill them in, including a mention of joe biden. The a. P. Reports that Vindman Vindman came to them with a report of possible wrongdoing. I want to know did they write a said trump told zelensky that memo, did they take notes of there were recording of joe that discussion, did they go out biden discussing corruption in and reach out to white house ukraine. And tim morrison testified that counsel because they have a dual report to both the national the 400 million in ukraine aid security adviser and the white House Counsel. Was linked to President Trumps and if they did reach out to the desire for an investigation into white House Counsel, what did the white House Counsel say, did the bidens but he said that he he take any action. And keep in mind that national did not think the call was illegal. Security counsel lawyers were all told congress has heard testimony from 13 witnesses who have provided roughly 100 hours also involved in some discussion around the whistleblower originally. Of testimony behind closed and what about john bolton . Doors. Still a new poll shows american ill be honest, i think that it will be surprising if he voters firmly in their political actually even shows up. But i dont know what to expect lanes over whether mr. Trump from john bolton. Should be impeached and removed i think that john is very much from office. About self preservation in most 82 of democrats favor impeachment and 82 of instances. Republicans are against it. He is shrewd, a lawyer himself. And i think that it is clear that he felt there was wrongdoing. He is the one that allegedly joining me, garrett haake, anna said, you know, tell the nsc lawyers about the call. So it is clear to me that we have already established a palmer, New York Times pretty strong fact pattern across both career and Political Correspondent Michael Crowley and also from the center of american progress, kelly am point appointees that the president did ask the Foreign Government to interfere in our election magsamen. Garrett, nancy pelosi held a process. Thank you guys very much. Coming up, well update you on vote yesterday in the house to the California Wildfires open this inquiry. Including one that expanded overnight near los angeles. It was along party lines except for justin amash and two and we ask, is this californias democrats who voted with the republicans. My question is, what happens if new normal. There is a full impeachment and everyone has been asking today Elizabeth Warren has an vote, a vote to impeach the answer. First up though, the president president . Has his own plan to fight are we going to see those same impeachment, a plan that could numbers . I know first read wondered out include a crackling fire and a loud today whether republicans transcript of his, quote, who might be interested in this beautiful call with ukraine. Ful. Or open to it would waste the Political Capital by voting to open the investigation and not along with support, chantix is proven to help you quit. Just save is it for later. Reporter there is so much to be decided between now and then. With chantix you can keep smoking it is hard to speculate. At first and ease into quitting. But i suppose if you want to work backwards on it, i think chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, first read is correct. If you are a republican who has youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. Concerns about the president s behavior on these call, if you consider yourself someone who when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, might be open to voting for impeachment, you dont need to you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Vote yes on that procedural vote yesterday. All that would come is subject stop chantix and get help right away you to a month or more of just if you have changes in behavior or thinking, getting pounded on by president aggression, hostility, depressed mood, trump and his supporters as a suicidal thoughts or actions, wayward falls republican. Seizures, new or worse heart i think what you have to look or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, at, what is the strength of the or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Evidence that gets presented in public and what does that do to decrease alcohol use. Public opinion. Use caution driving or operating machinery. So far Public Opinion in fafrp of impeachment has been tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. Generally speaking a very narrow the most common side effect is nausea. Majority or high plurality. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Upper 40s, low 50s in percentage of americans who would like to see this president impeached. That numberi probably has to moe fairly significantly for more House Republicans to get on i have moderate to severe pnow, theres skyrizi. Things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free board. I think on one side you probably to bare my skin yeah thats all me. Have not especially trumpy and nothing and me go hand in hand the other side you have nothing on my skin retiring. So in the middle maybe something thats my new plan. Nothing is everything. Like will hurd, a pretty serious keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. Guy who maybe could be convinced 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months. To vote for impeachment, but so of those, nearly 9 out of 10 much will depend on the strength sustained it through 1 year. Of the evidence presented. And skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. You make an interesting point when you talk about those who i see nothing in a different way are retiring. Will hurd is one. Francis rooney is another. And its my moment so i just gotta say a florida congressman. Nothing is everything he said that he was open to skyrizi may increase your risk of infections learning more about impeachment. And lower your ability to fight them. And anna, the Washington Post before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection went down to his constituency or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, and talked to voters and they chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. Hammered him for being open to this idea. One one said she told him you be nothing is everything twraed your count e ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Twratrayed your country and your constituents. I said get out. And another said it is unpr unprecedented and probably illegal. And another voter accuses the president of facing david versus goliath, he is doing such a phenomenal job and look what he has to fight every day. So does that mean that someone like rooney is definitely not going to vote for impeachment or because he is retiring does that mean that he has more leverage . And how do you expect that to play out, anna, in your conversations and your reporting . Clearly when a member retire, they often feel free to make decisions that are a lot less based on their next election in terms of making sure that people like those that you quoted there are willing to vote for them. But i do think that it just und underscores how absolutely the kind of electorate is either for or against the president. It will be very difficult i do think for a lot of republicans to vote for impeachment when and if we get there. So were looking at the numbers when it comes to impeachment. And michael, there are it is an even split among who thinks the president should be impea impeached and who thinks he should not be. But when you look at republicans and more closely, in july that number was 87 should not be impeached and now the number is 74 . That means that 18 of republicans say congress should impeach trump and remove him from the presidency. John harwood pointed it out. Is the white house looking at a number like that and are they thinking, gosh, we need to start President Trump is going to hammering the defense of trump harder, is that why they are out stump for jim hood in with ads during the world series mississippi. The speech is almost certainly and why the president is considering reading the going to continue to the transcript of the call or his president s aggressive new push version of the transcript of the against house democrats. Call in a fireside chat . That pitch also includes a 7 figure ad buy across four states yeah, i think so. I think the white house is and washington baug. A pretty confident that as a washington, d. C. And a proposal practical matter certainly the for a fireside chat in which President Trump reads directly president is likely to survive from the transcript, his transcript at least, of the impeachment and not be removed. Ukraine phone call. But, you know, they will be watching these numbers and any joining me, Jonathan Lemire and movement particularly with that also sam nunberg. Are not base will be very john, first to you. Is he actually going to read concerning t to them. That readout of that call in a so part of what we may be fireside chat . Seeing, foints in tr instance i reporter that would be quite a scene if he did. I mean, lets say that there are a number of white house advisers suggestion of the fireside chat who are opposed to the idea of in which the president would him releasing that transcript or read the transcript of his call version of a transcript in the with president zelensky, they are testing out ideas, kind of first place. So i suspect that they would fight this as well. Getting ready for the you know, the president has not possibility that those numbers start to move, things get worse, decided but he did float the what will we do if this does get idea in an interview raising worse. But for the moment, the core, comparisons to fdr of the 1930s. But no question that he will be the strategy seems to be number making his antiimpeachment one deny that anything sub is push. And also i think the killing of the isis leader baghdadi a major substantive was done wrong and then kind of reframe it as, you piece of his rally speech. Know, in the white house as sort he has three in the next few days. Mississippi tonight, kentucky of an i willegitimate effort to and then louisiana next week. And this will be part of 9 undue the election and stage some kind of a coup against the attempt to aggressively define the upcoming year. As a president in their believe president. And that is the primary who is doing things, who is response. Killing terrorist leaders, and michael, what about this, growing the economy, trying to get trade deals done, versus brad tweeted that the impeachment has been great for democrats who are just consumed the trump Campaigns Fund by impeachment. Raising numbers. And that was a thrust of his 3 million raised online in one National Television ad the other day. 19 million in october online alone. Is it reliable to look at these night, extraordinarily early for numbers, these fundraising numbers and to say to the a president more than a year president you dont have out. Anything to worry about . Strategists suggest that it is premature, they think that that no, i dont think so. Money would be better spent in because i think that this could some of the battleground states or early voting states, that get this could get worse. This is not something that is the public stage of the really necessarily that one ad wont change any minds. Impeachment process could certainly change Public Opinion but for the trump campaign, it and continue to move those republican numbers that you is throwing down the gauntlet, talked about. Saying we have an extraordinary i think that will be a really amount of money raised, we have big question. Right now, this story could be a the resources, it is a swaggering statement of intent. Lets take a look at that ad, little bit condition fusifusing a portion of it. Trump is changing washington. Americans trying to lead their lives and not following the ins creating 6 million new jobs, aed outs of washington. 500,000 new manufacturing jobs, cutting illegal immigration in but who once you have the witnesses on half. Camera and it is not secondhand obliterating isis, their account, that might grab public caliphate destroyed, their terrorist leader dead. Attention and start to move but the democrats would rather things. But at the same time, i do think focus on impeachment and phony that there is a way in which this process is probably investigations. Oh, boy, sam. Would this be an ad that you energizing the hardest core of would have run if you were still involved in the trump campaign. The president s base. So i do think that there is some yeah, i think it was of that happening but it is not fantastic. Enough for the white house to first of all, the idea that you rest on its laurels. Are obliterating isis . And garrett, we touched on with the ax, that was great this yesterday about money and too for the optic. But the idea that you are able how much money the trump to show to 23 Million People campaign is givinging to vulnerable senators in vulnerable seats. Watching game seven actively at and the question was raised how the world series an ad the day before you will be impeached and you have these kinds of assets . Those senators would feel that he has unlimited funds. They needed to respond to getting all that money for their weve never seen this even campaigns. Does it mean that they felt like compared to barack obama in they needed to stand in line 2012. He can raise up to 1. 5 with the president no matter billion what . How much is money, just money, is money an issue . These ads are Important Campaign money, playi into the because of the underlying decision on whether or not to impeach or potentially removefa. Message where he said you need a donald trump. We talk about his Approval Rating which is always 40, 42, 43 nationally. But his big problem is his likability in the suburban s likability in the suburban ubur about right leaning independents and with married women. And Something Like this is an argument which i really give a lot of credit to Jared Kushner to get him to accept that he will have to make an argument like he said in New Hampshire even if you dont like me, you need me. Is that an ad that appeals to the suburban women . The economy and immigration, yes. Also, National Security. It is something where he is reminding the day before you have this historic opening sal stroe to impeachme value stroe to impeachment, he is reminding of his accomplishments. And if he does read that fireside chat, my question to you and i dont know if you can answer this, maybe somebody has spoken about it, is he going to read or tell us what were in those blank spots . One is i would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation in ukraine, they say crowd strike dot dot dot. That is one. I guess one of your wealthy people dot dot dot, that is another. Buy biden bragged that he stopped the prosecution, so if you can look into it dot dot dot. And i know that your paper is reporting that trump talks about a recording of biden talking to the prosecutor about corruption. Does the white house know what is in those dot dot dots, what would if sound like to have the president read that and then say dot dot dot . There are people who would know what are in those dots, but i dont think that we should anticipate hearing him reading them. But this is whether he actually reads the letter or not, and mind you the president has also asked about tshirts, about printing up the campaign tshirts that say read the transcript or Something Like that, this goes to show you how the defense is shifting somewhat. To his point the white house and republicans have fought the impeachment inquiry on process which is a lot harder now that the vote has been taken, that they were about to shift into open hearings that takes away some of their arguments. Instead they are trying to fight on the substance. That is it has is hard to come. Right now the president is focused on the transcript and he wants to get it out to as many as he can thinking that he can convince the American Public that he didnt do anything wrong. He wouldnt be surprised if he read the transcript at the rallies coming up. Jonathan, sam, thank you very much. And for decades, he has been something of a new york caricature, loud, rich and arrow gat, arrogant. A man who grew up in queens. But now he says that he is moving on down to florida. Donald and Melania Trump have officially changed their primary residence from trump tower in manhattan to maralago in palm beach, which means as my friend ben jacobs pointed out florida president. Trump says he is heaving because new york leaders are mean and he insinuated that mithey will mis his tax revenue. But the governor says good riddance. And they are all there, in iowa for one big event. The last one ahead of the caucus. And to be a fly on the wall back stage as a new poll shows four of them locked in a very tight race for that state. Plus shes now got a plan for that. Today is a big day in iowa, 13 of the democratic president ial candidates are in des moines for the legendary fundraiser that gives the k contenders the final opportunity to pitch their platform to tens of thousands of voters. There will be block party, march, concerts. There will be people dressed up as i dont know what. Dancing in overalls. And presumably grumbles back stage about a new poll that shows four of the democratic contenders locked in a tight race. Joining me from des moines, Vaughn Hillyard and at the big board here in new york, steve kornacki. Steve, were they dressed up as minions . What are those . Im not sure. All right. Well leave that aside. Steve, focus on what you know. Tell me the numbers. How are the polls shaking out for those four candidates . Brand new poll. Four in dunouble digits. Is this this is a college poll that tells you the picture of an unsettled race especially in iowa here. Warren is in first, you see sanders, remember a couple weeks ago they were talking about that he had the health issue, oldest candidate in the field, was his support going to slide away. And this poll looks like a pretty strong rebuttal to that notion. Buttigieg much stronger in iowa than we see nationally in some of the other early states. Biden fourth place now bunched tightly, so four candidates right near the top. It speaks to on the unsettled nature of the race. I tell you, you think of iowa caucus races in the past. Unsettled races have had unpredictable finishes. 2004, candidate in Single Digits and zipped up at the end. So all four have something to be happy about, all four have something to be concerned about. But the possibility cant be dismissed that somebody else could emerge in iowa. And those are five of the candidates. 14 are there in iowa today. How are the people that are not polling as well as those five, how are people like Kamala Harris doing out there and how are they trying to recapture the attention of iowa voters . Reporter this is really their opportunity to grasp for their relevance. I just want to set you where we are. We are in downtown des moines. And essentially you have campaign organizer, volunteers for most of the campaigns lining the streets because those other candidates that are grasping for on relevance along with the top four will be speaking here at the wells fargo arena. 13,000 tickets have been sold for this event in downtown des moines. You know, it is not just the folks that will be coming to the event either. You have folks that are driving down these roads and there is a Convention Center right next to us. And this is shelly who i just met. You are here for a completely different event. Yes. You are from jefferson about an hour and a half north from here. Are a rechblg sistgisteredt but you are considering participating in the Democratic Caucus. I like pete. I think that he is the only one that has the ability to bring both sides together. And his mannerisms, the way he handles himself, he doesnt lash out and criticize other candidates. He just simply states his position. And i think that that is what they all need to do. Instead of talking over each other in debates and being rude and having all these negative campaign ads, he is the only one that stands out to me. Reporter appreciate it. And when you are looking at those polls, there is still a lot of movement that can take place. Shelly is currently a registered independent. She said that sometimes she takes part in the republican caucus. But she could take part in the Democratic Caucus and boost somebodys numbers like that of pete buttigieg. Clearly needed here in des moines. So sorry, i had when four more questions for you, but it sounds like you are under water. You are a deep sea diver or something. I want to know who those people are behind you and why they are dressed up as minions or potentially like workers from an ikea. I want to know why they are wearing that outfit. I wish you could have told me. But lets try your mic one more time. Is it okay now . Nah, it is not. Sorry, vaughn. Steve kornacki, i dont think that they are minions and the movie is despicable me. I havent seen it. Sorry. I saw the boss a few years ago. Boss baby. It was called the boston. I think that was the last one i saw. 3 1 2 years ago. Steve kornacki, love you to death. Vaughn hillyard, thank you very much. After taking heat for not having a plan, Elizabeth Warren just released her plan to pay for medicare for all. Shenando she sz there wouays there would taxes and cut defense spending. Warren claims that she could achieve universal Health Care Without taxes on the middle class, in contrast with Bernie Sanders payment plan. Joining us from iowa, although not where vaughn was, ali vitali. We all wondered why Elizabeth Warren wouldnt just say yes, it raises taxes, but dont worry, the premiums would come cost down. But it sounds like the answer is no, she wont raise taxes on the middle class. Reporter right. That is pretty central to this proposal. I know vaughn kind of sounded like he was under water and i feel like were getting under water with all the rain around be us. But we have a lot of volunteers out here getting ready for the liberty and justice here tonight. And that is the backdrop in which elizabethplan. Opponents have been hitting her on what it will do to middle class taxes. You mentioned this key highlight that she says it will not raise taxes on the middle class by a penny she says. And that is upon the because i want to broaden out here and the plan is like 60 plus pages, but it contends with the cost of med dare is for all and also on the cost front, they came out with a price tag of around 25. 5 trillion. And that is important because it is basically they are going at Bernie Sanders medicare for all plan and making some pretty deliberate policy decisions in it. Like aggressively going after the cost of prescription drugs and loerlg twering the cost of l care. And how do they come up with it . They are basically putting it on to the wealthy and big corporations which shouldnt exactly be surprising when you consider how Elizabeth Warren has been talking this entire campaign. That is where she comes down on not having to raise taxes on the middle class. And then of course there is the politics of all of this, her opponents have all been talking about where this plan is, now it is finally here. Joe biden has been saying it is mathematical gymnastics. And she was asked about it and she was pretty fiery. Listen. If anyone wants to defend keeping those high profits for Insurance Companies and the high profits for drug companies, and not making the top 1 pay a fair share in taxes and not making corporations pay a fair share in tax, then i think that they are running in the wrong president ial primary. Reporter yeah, so clearly Elizabeth Warren ready to go on off offense now that she has this plan out there, challenging the field to show their work as well. Im curious how she will convince a majority of americans or those americans who maybe dont love the plan they where on, dont love private Health Care Insurance but are scared of the alternative. I know that could potentially be an uphill battle among some democratic voters. Certainly general election voters. Ali vitali, thank you very much. And it came as news to new, but the equal rights act was never ratified so women are not actually equal in the constitution. And now after 100 years of fighting, one state could finally fix that. But first, what is happening to california . Cologuard colon Cancer Screening for people 50 and older at average risk. I took your advice and asked my doctor to order cologuard, that noninvasive colon Cancer Screening test. The delivery guy just dropped it off. Our doctor says it uses advanced science. Its actually stool Dna Technology that finds 92 percent of colon cancers. No prep, and private. Colon Cancer Screening thats as easy as get, go, gone. Ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. Covered by medicare and most major insurers. If you have moderate or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. 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At the season of audi sales event. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, hmm. Exactly. So you only pay for what you need. Nice. But, uh. Whats up with your. Partner . Not again. Limu thats your reflection. Only pay for what you need. Liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty as a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance. I recommend topical pain relievers first. Like salonpas patch large. Its powerful, fdaapproved to relieve moderate pain, yet nonaddictive and gentle on the body. Salonpas. Its good medicine. Hisamitsu. Another fire broke out in california. The maria fire has now burned through more than 8,000 acres of rural land north of los angeles. About 7500 have been forced to evacuate. California is burning in what now seems like a never ending inferno. Fire officials want to do away with the term fire season because it is no longer just a season. This years santa ana winds went from gusty breezes to hurricane force. Fire lines burned so relentle relentlessly it seems like the only safe place left is the ocean. And it is hot. Unseasonably hot. The california of my youth is gone, writes patty davis Ronald Reagans daughter. We used to have winters when it would rain for days and days. We had a version of a weeks in june when fog drifted in from the ocean to blanket los angeles. Neither of these are dependable patterns now. As a california native myself, her words hit me hard. The fires were a big part of my life. Every fall my parents spent hours in the air over malibu watching what felt like the same hillside burn over and over. When i was a kid the burning brush smelled like toasting tortillas. But i dont recognize california any longer. It is not a big one a year, it is five big ones a year. It is not the fall, it the winter, spring, summer too. And the story isnt just the fires or the power lines or the accidental or purposeful arson, it is Climate Change and were not talking about it enough. Joining me jake levine and David Wallace wells, author of the uninhabitable earth, life after warming. So i know there are multiple factors going into the fires that are definite advocacy devastating california, but how is Climate Change making it boars . Advocacy devastating california, but how is Climate Change making it boars . Fires are five times worse than 1972 mostly because of effects from Climate Change that makes the brush drier, there is more to burn every year and there is some thinking that it may be affected wind patterns as well. But science is sort of early and premature. But because there is drier conditions over more of the year, it means that were not just worried about the santa ana winds in october which used to be the case, were worried about wind and fire conditions stretching from may through december. And that makes it even harder for an organization like are cal fire which is incredibly well capitalized and well run to deal with all the threats. Were seeing similar problem with the power shutoffs. Pg e 20 years ago didnt have to worry about cutting power because very rarely conditions would produce dramatic fires. Now those conditions are a few times every year so there is a real risk Going Forward that we could see major blackouts several times a year. And in one of the wealthiest states, which is quite alarming, the kind of conditions that it is uncomfortable to say but we are used to seeing in parts of the developing world, long standing power outages. And here in california, it is really striking. Scientists expect that wildfires will at least double in severity and maybe quadruple and after that, they dont know how to model it because by 2050, so much of the state will have burned. We dont know what plant life will grow back or how flammable it will be. So after 2050, the mathematical models say that we could have 64 times as much fire as we have today, which would mean three quarters of the state burning every year, but scientists sand we cant know because it is a total black box. So what kind of policies can mitigate it . And i want to highlight one of the pieces of this which i dont think gets enough coverage which is that we talk about Climate Change as an environmental issue and it is a Public Health issue in california. Wildfires contribute to it all sorts of increased and exacerbated particulate matter pollution which leads to thousands more hospital visits, missed school day, even premature deaths. So when talking about the policy solutions, we have to bring in Climate Solutions and Mitigation Solutions that marry the solutions. And california was the first state that gavin monitoring handinhand the carbon and Green House Gas pollution together. And while california is working to develop these types of policies that could help reduce both Public Health impacts and climate rktsd we, were dealing with a federal government and Trump Administration which i from the Trump Administration was to sue california to son the state from inch plimemplementin and trade program which would begin reducing the pollutants and addressing the Public Health issues. And why dont more people see it as a bona fide hair on fire, sorry for the pun, emergency . I think in california they are beginning to. One of the interesting features of this fire season, there has been a much more dramatic response. Many opeds writing whether it will be habitable, whether it will be dangerous to live there, and 50 of californians now live in wildfire risk areas. But is ththis season has only 1 the fire damage from last year. So the population is breaking do you know under the pressure of repeated catastrophic fire seasons. And california is a rail will i be really liberal place and a lot of measures can be taken on the state level. Why arent more things being done, why is urban sprawl still a major issue, why arent there are zoning fights across california right now because they dont want multifamily housing and a lot of places where there is Single Family housing. So instead of building up, you are building out and going to places that traditionally burn much more often and you are potentially having problems where people are accidentally starting more fires in places that are dir dryer. You are right to point to issues like housing and economics and transportation as sort of integral to 24 problthim and one of the many ways that Climate Change touches all issues. It takes people because they cannot afford to live close to their work in los angeles or San Francisco or other big cities, people commute for hours and they end up living many, many dozens of miles away from where they work and that contributes to sprawl and it contributes to contributions at the urban wild land interface where were seeing the fires. And i think that it is important that the state and policymakers start moving toward solutions that can address both housing, transportation and Climate Change. And you say that they drive a dozen miles, and it doesnt sound like a lot, but you when it takes two hours to go four miles, that is quite a distance. Thank you guys very much. I hope that you will talk to us more about Climate Change. Not just in california. Next up, on the basis of sex, why the fate of amending the constitution to ban sex is in the hands of the legislation chur. X is in the hands of the legislation chur the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. 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Congress pass the equal rights amendment back in 1972 and it still has not been ratified decades later. But that could all change next week. The future of the United States constitution falls on the Virginia State legislative elections. It takes support from 38 states to ratify a constitutional amendment. Right now, the era has support from 37. Although, there are a few caveats there. Should control of the state house change in virginia, it could pave the way for that state to become the crucial number 38. Joining me now, human rights attorney, kate kelly. Kate, you have an era pin on your lapel right there. On your shoulder. Tell me what needs to happen in the state legislature for this to get passed. So virginia in virginia, the equal rights amendment is a huge issue. Its actually passed already six times in the virginia senate. But has never been voted on in the house of delegates. So the leadership of the house of delegates has been blocking even a vote on the equal rights amendment. So equality candidates of both parties really need to get elected and a leadership change just in order to get a vote because there is support for the equal rights amendment. 84 of virginians support it. So there is a lot of movement and momentum to get it passed. Why do they and i was reading that virginia strikes it down every year. Its kind of just they they take it up and they strike it down. Why do they continue to strike it down . Whats the argument against the equal rights amendment . Well it originally passed in 1972. So a lot of folks arent even aware that its needed. That women arent fully protected in the constitution. And also, there was an issue of a deadline. So the original passage in congress attached a deadline to the amendment. And so some folks are concerned maybe the deadline will keep it from actually being integrated into the constitution so maybe whats the point . But like i said, theres tons of support for it. Even in virginia, its become an issue. When i go to richmond, you know, the bell hop asks me about the ra. The lyft driver asks me about the era. Because youre wearing a pin presumably. Yeah. Im wearing a pin. Everyone is really engaged. Women dont have equal rights in the constitution but we have we have title nine. We have you cant discriminate on the basis of gender. All this stuff that Ruth Bader Ginsberg fought for. What is the equal rights amendment going to do to make it better than it already is . Well, we have piecemeal legislation that protects us. Like you mentioned, title 9, title 7. All these different things. But as we have seen asf late, a lot of these things are under attack. If you have a piece of legislation, that can change. That can flip. Any change in the legislature and they can reverse these bills. So a permanent protection in the federal constitution is something that cannot be taken away and its sort of a Foundation Upon which we can build permanent protections for women. Is part of the reason why there is pushback from some for this equal rights amendment is that it would have an impact on reproductive rights . A lot of the arguments against the equal rights amendment in the 1970s have all theyre all moot now. So they were afraid of gay marriage. That happened. They were afraid of women participating in the military. Women already do. So really, the only argument they have left against the equal rights amendment and what they bring up again and again is repuktive rights. And it would make it potentially harder to outlaw abortion. I mean, we have the right to access abortion. Thats already a constitutional right under the 14th amendment, under the equal protection clause, under privacy. And so really, what will prevent the antichoice movement from doing is taking away rights that we already have. Date kellkate kelly. Thanks so much for your time. I was not aware of it. Absolutely. And order. Order. One more thing. Next. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Thats a lot of words. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Hey allergy muddlers. Achoo . Do your sneezes turn heads . Try zyrtec. It starts working hard at hour one. And works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. Zyrtec muddle no more. Annoepidemic fueled by juul use with their kidfriendly flavors. San francisco voters stopped the sale of flavored ecigarettes. But then juul, backed by big tobacco, wrote prop c to weaken ecigarette protections. The San Francisco chronicle reports prop c is an audacious overreach, threatening to overturn the ban on flavored products approved by voters. Prop c means more kids vaping. Thats a dangerous idea. Vote no on juul. No on big tobacco. No on prop c. One more thing before we go. No more order in the house of commons. Order. Order. Sound like hes saying who are hors doeuvres. For the greater part of a decade, his flamboyant style of keeping parliament, well, in order, has made him a star. He had a massive influence as the arbiter of parliamentary rules at a time when the government had no majority in the house of commons and celebrated him yesterday as he presided over his last session. He was jabbed by all, including Prime Minister boris johnson. But we thought we would end today by by showing you what burcau did best. Some 14 there,000 times. Order, please. Order. Order. Order. Order. Order. Order. People shouting. There will be an opportunity for other points of order but the Prime Minister must and will be heard. Order. Order. The gentleman has got to learn the art of patience. And if he is patient, if he deploys zen, he will find that it is ultimately to everybodys advantage. So well leave it there and we come now, im not oh, very well. Order ali velshi, can i apply for that job . Its amazing. So we know you know enough about this and parliaments are just fun. Right . Yeah. And the British Parliament is the most fun of all those jobs. And the speakers are remarkable job because he or she comes from a Political Party but once they take that job, theyre the boss of the house. Yeah. And and they tend to let their politics go and develop. Some of them develop remarkable personalities because they kind of become bipartisan but theyve got to be big enough to keep control in a place like British Parliament. Do you think if i put together a reel of me saying, order, order. Yes. People listen to you. People listen to you. Order. Order. See . Im quiet. Then i can maybe get the job. I would support you. You know, you need to get elected to the post by your i think ill make that reel and ill send it off by parcel to ill back you up. Well do it on social media, too. Nice to see you, friend. You too. Are you done . Can you go home . I am so done. Have a great weekend. Well, im almost done. But im done on television. Good. All right. Well, you have yourself a great weekend. See you next week. You too, my friend. All right. You were a turtle. Do we have a picture . We do not have a picture unfortunately. Next year. It is friday november 1st, the day after halloween, which is why katy refers to the turtle. We need plans, not slogans. This is from massachusetts

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