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Comprehensive. And i have to admit it is a revolutionary plan. If you want to go and get a Higher Education in this country, you will be able to do that not only with free tuition at public colleges and universities. It will be debt free. And for beto orourke, its pitching a war tax to help care for veterans after they return from battle. To me the most interesting idea was the concept of a war tax. That will turn heads when people hear that phrase. What did was that mean to you . I want to make sure before we go into the next war that we set aside a Veterans Trust fund that will pay for the care of those who have bourn the battle in those wars. It ensures we fulfill commitments and two it might make america pause before we enter the next war because well realize the cost of waging those wars. Even with the spotlight burning brighter on some candidates than others, debates often serve as the stress test for any president ial campaign. Who will shine this week . The candidate with the ideas . Or is it all about that big break out viral moment . Who will fall victim to their vulnerabilities, and who will overcome them . Our big question today is whats the best strategy for 2020 democrats looking to stand out on that debate stage . Joining me now is msnbc correspondent Garrett Haake in tampa, Jennifer Palmer ri, and former aide to jeb bush and mitt romney. Were going to start with you on the road. Youre with the Orourke Campaign today. What are they up to . How are they preparing for the big debate this week . Reporter jeff, orourke is rolling out his plan to help veterans. This is from during his time when he served on the Veterans Affairs committee. The plan talks about setting up a trust fund to make sure we are spreading out the cost of going to war. We spoke about decisions he would make as commander in chief, how to take america into war. He said he would only do so with congressional authorization. He wants all u. S. Troops out of afghanistan by the end of his fouryear term. And as for preparing for the debates, for orourke and his campaign, that is essentially the same thing as what he is doing. He held a town hall style event here today with veterans, let them pepper him with questions, listening to their ideas. Thats how he formulates his plans and thats how hes preparing to take on the debate stage. Heres what told he about wednesdays nights debate. How are you preparing . Im listening to people. Im Holding Town Hall meetings, asking folks whats on their mind, how they would meet the greatest set of challenges that weve ever faced and then incorporating that and hopefully reflecting that in what i say on the trail and what you sea me saying on the debate stage, that we are a courageous, confidence, and ambitious people. We will not be known by our fears or divisions or differences as President Trump would have us be known. Instead, well define ourselves by the big work that well do against the big challenges that we face. This country is up for it. We just need to be brought together. Reporter jeff, orourke has more practice recently than some of these other candidates in debating, of course facing off one on one with ted cruz whos a very good debater himself in that texas senate race. But of course being on stage with nine other democrats in which many of the other issues theyre talking about, theres broad agreement, a whole different operation. You had an oped out today with the headline i helped president ial candidates prepare for debates. Heres what i would advise this years contenders. It was hard not to click on a headline like that. Whats the take away . This is just one night in june and that really the best thing that they could do with this debate is use it as an organizing principle, use the whole series as an organizing principle for their campaign. I think you see a lot of them doing that, right . Theyre taking the advent of the campaign to do a campaign reset. Vice President Biden put out immigration policy, senator sanders had his policy on college tuition, and beto orourke with the intriguing idea about the war tax. I think ultimately these candidates are going to speak less than ten minutes on stage. So, even if you have a viral moment, theyre called moments for a reason. They come and go. I dont think its going to reshape the field as people may expect it to. But it does give you a way to organize your campaign. So, you figure out what issue do i want to hit . Im going to set it up the night before the debate. Ill talk about it in the debate. Thats what im going to have my campaign be about from now until the next debate. I think it does it puts a tent on the the circus of this race whereas before the front runner, in particular biden and sanders, they could play their own game. They could maybe not answer a lot of questions from the press as they want to. Now it puts everyone on the same stage. Theres something we all relate to within the debate. We know a month later theres another one and a way to organize the campaign. A tent on the circus. I like that. Yes. Are these policies a good way to get attention on the stage, particularly since its split over two nights. Bernie sanders puts out a plan this week, beto orourke does the same thing. You could have candidates on the other night talking about the plan they introduced. Jen makes a good point, you want to introduce something you want to talk about on the stage. In 2016, however, you remember the first debate. It was relatively calm. There werent a lot of fireworks. There were some. But it was mostly the candidates introducing themselves, working through their nerves. I think this is going to be like a knife fight in a phone booth. You have so many candidates on stage, you need attention. You need break through. You need to organize your campaign a little bit. Create buzz, get fundraising help. And i think thats why joe biden is going to have a pretty big target on his back here. Hes an able debater as we saw in 2008, he won almost every debate he was in. He knows how to go on the attack as we saw in 2012 against paul ryan. And in 2008 he knows how to pull punches when he needs to. I think hes going to do a pretty good job. He needs to realize hes going to have people coming after him. Jennifer, you address this in your column, talking about what happened when Hillary Clinton ran. If a tax on him, speaking of joe biden, or his report arent elevated, they will make the attacker look desperate. 2016 democratic contender lincoln chafey learned questioning Hillary Clintons judgment in the first debate. Run through the costs and benefits of the lower tier candidates punching above their weight. Some of them will do it. Bill de blasio has been attacking biden every day. Hes one of the few doing that now. I think some of the folks that arent doing that as well may think thats their own chance. But its a risky proposition because what normally happens is you end up helping a third person, not yourself, right . The first time the American People see youre attacking someone and by nature, if youre attacking a front runner, that means that person is popular, right . Right, attacking for a reason. Youre attacking someone they think they already like, so their impression of you is negative. And so normally what ends up happening is that you end up helping one of your one of the other candidates who maybe is in competition with biden. A great example of this is in the 2004 democratic primary, howard dean was doing really well and gepheart started going after him and it dragged dean down but to the benefit of john carey. I dont think youll see as much of this this time. Its not going to be seen as brave attacking joe biden. Youre going to be seen as piling on. Final question to you. Its a safer bet that the candidates are going to spend time attacking donald trump, right . I think so. Its a unifies principle among all of them. I think jen makes a good point. If youre bill de blasio, you need to break out. You need to get buzz. I think biden is a very good target to do this, not just from the last couple weeks hes had but the record over the last 40 years whether its crime, anita hill, banking. Elizabeth warren was attacking biden in 2002 as a harvard professor on banking. Some of these people, maybe not warren, but lower tier candidates need to take risks if they want to take the second, third, fourth debate. Thanks to you. Jennifer youre sticking with us a few minutes. 2020 contender Pete Buttigieg is heading to the debates despite a tragedy that embroiled his city. South bend, indiana has been enthralled in race and picketing. The 37yearold mayor has struggled to meet the moment. A quickly arranged town hall meeting yesterday, that quickly got heated. Were here first and foremost because this city is hurting, because the city is in pain, because someone among our number died at the hands of another person. Do you understand . Get the people that are racist off the streets reorganize your department i am raising a 7yearold grandson. When he sees the police, he is afraid that is not whats supposed to happen in america and indiana all this has raised new questions about whether the man known for being unflap able can effectively confront issues back at home. Joining me from south bend, indiana is nbc news political reporter josh. The mayor plans to go to miami for the debates. Hes leaving behind the situation back home for a few days. Whats his thinking here. How is he trying to juggle carrying out the job he was elected to do while campaigning for the job he wants . Reporter yeah theres a bit of a delay. Reporter this has been a difficult few days. He knows hes under a microscope as far as what he does to respond to the situation in that the worse thing that could happen would be for Pete Buttigieg to be seen as missing in action as his city is dealing with this crisis. Thats why after this town hall yesterday that was pretty brutal, jeff, Pete Buttigieg said even though it was so rough it was important for him to be here even if just to be absorbing a lot of the anger the community is feeling. Lets listen. Im glad we did this. Its a strange thing to say because this was not pretty, but its better than not doing this. I dont know if its strategic or not. But its my city. Reporter and jeff, just a few minutes ago, Pete Buttigieg sent out an email to his list of supporters following up on the town hall last night and saying, quote, my heart is broken, and that he feels that if the United States does not address racism head on, it could underimmune the entire project of america. Jeff. Nbcs jeff letterman. Stick with us for every moment of the debates. You can catch them on msnbc, nbc, and telemundo. Breaking news of reports on conditions on Detention Camp holding imMigrant Children near el paso, texas. The u. S. Government has removed more than 300 of them, some of them that were caring for each other. Joining me from washington is julia ainsley. Whats the latest on this . Reporter jeff, we can confirm that yes these children have been moved from this facility. This obviously is in response to the pressure that has been mounting about how terrible those conditions there were, in part because of overcrowding but also because of the neglect of some of the Border Agents who arent caring for these children properly, werent providing them with blankets, a place to sleep, or soap, or a tooth brush. Now we can add to that. We now know where these children have been moved, jeff. This could be another source of controversy. Theyve been moved to a soft sided facility. That is essentially a tent camp. Its what we saw in texas in that same sector of el paso last year when they had an overwhelming number of children after they started p separating them from their parents. These are tents that touch the b graund. Its not like camping outside. Theyre air conditioned. But theyre not built for large amounts of time. These are soft sided structures. Its also not clear theyll get better care because they are still under the custody of Border Patrol and still in that same sector with the same chief making decisions about their livelyhood. Julia, our White House Team caught up with hhs secretary just a few moments ago. Lets get a look at that and talk about it on the other side. Like to have zero kids in our care. Its quite expensive. Probably you asked about the date. It depends on the spending rate, but at some point in early july were going to be out of money. Thats why congress has got to act now. Weve got to get the house and senate to pass a unified package as soon as possible. This is not political. This is not about immigration policy. This is about getting kids cared for, getting it funded, and moving on. Ive got to run. A question about this. Earlier this morning we saw kellyanne conway, the white house counselor, in that same position and she said nothing would happen unless congress acted. There had to be changed to the flores settlement, changes in funding, yet the government moved the children. What happened . I think it shows it wasnt just a matter of funding and it wasnt just a matter of congress. They did have other resources that they could use. So, theyve decided to put these into place now. Now, what the secretary there is talking about is that they need more funding for hhs and that remains the case. The until these children are moved out of Border Patrol custody, they arent cared for as they should be. They arent necessarily having their own beds. They arent having a caseworker look after them or getting the kind of care they need. They also are a step back from being reunited with family or a sponsor in the United States. Thats the secretajob of a secr azar agency. Its clear here there was a solution in front of their face, and now theyve at least taken that step. Well keep our fingers crossed and hope these children are in better conditions now. Absolutely. Julia ainsley has been covering this story from the beginning. Thanks. Up next, joe biden shows vulnerabilities, but can fellow contenders exploit them or should they . Plus President Trump hits iran with new sanctions. Presid iran with new sanctions. Chantix is proven to help you quit. With chantix you can keep smoking at first and ease into quitting so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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The question is will his democratic opponents exploit his vulnerabilities. If this weekend is any indication, maybe not. The former vp is walking away from South Carolina relatively unscathed. The other democrats running against him, only delivered glancing blows. Nbc news put it this way. In the end it was biden himself who only seemed to extend the segregationist controversy as the weekend came to a close defending his past comments and insisting they had been taken out of context. It hurts when you talk about boy. I agree. It means Something Different to us. It does. It hurts when you call a racist like you normalize. Thats not the biden i got to know. Dont you understand . I do understand. Thats not what i said. They didnt print the whole deal. The context was totally different. Back with me is Jennifer Paul mary and a. B. Stod dard. We talked about this earlier this hour. Lets unpack this. Why are the other democrats easing up on joe biden right now. Clearly its a political calculation on their end. Yeah, because he is the front runner. He is popular. If you attack him, you are going to you are going to take on a lot incoming yourself and its likely to damage you. And it may not hurt him. I think that the last week, a number of the candidates spoke out against his comments like cory Booker Kamala harris, a lot of folks did. Booker did a bunch of Television Interviews around them. They went very well for him. Cory booker at his best, nobody does it better than him. But if you continue to do this, it damages the people that attack him. So, i think you see them laying off. It doesnt mean hes out of the woods by any means. People could go after him. I think more likely is the problem for him is he had the Hyde Amendment one week. He had the segregationist comments a week or so later. If he continues to have moments like this, hes not going to look like a steady bet against donald trump. And that, right now, is his biggest benefit. A. B. , i want to talk to turn to you. First were seeing prominent africanamerican lawmakers defend him like john lewis. Take a look at this. I dont think the remarks were offensive. In the height of the Civil Rights Movement we worked with people and got to know people that was members of the klan, people who opposed us, even people who beat us. And look, as political cover goes, biden cant ask for anything better than having john lewis vouching for him on an issue like that. Whats your take a. B. . Absolutely . I think jennifer is right. There was some kind of initial protest and faux outrage not faux, but overdone criticism coming from the other candidates until they realize the strength of the defense coming from the members of the black caucus, particularly jim clyburn, the top house leader who held this event, the famous fish fry for all the candidates in South Carolina. Where they saw john lewis then also make the comments that you just played and realized this is not a good bet to keep going after this on day three and four and five. And its not going to pay dividends. Its going to bring some of my own political pain. So, i think that they didnt expect that kind of cover. I was actually surprised by it myself. But it shows the depth of the support right now. And again, that could change within the strongest member of the coalition. The voters you need the most to become the nominee on the democratic side are the support of africanamericans. And right now joe biden just has them at 50 in a 23person field. Its extraordinary. That could change. But i think as long as people look at him as someone who is a good man, who always thought he had to work with everybody, who was at the u. S. Senate at a time where it was civil and you had to be that way and that he has an explanation for this, if hes not defiant or defensive at the debates, this is likely to blow over. Jennifers right, he cant continue to have miscalculations and make mistakes, but its going to be a tough thing to be attacking him on, i think, at the debates this week. Yeah, theres a topic here i would like to have you both weigh in on if time permits. Thats the asymmetry at play. Jennifer, you know this to be true. The same week that joe biden made the comments about the segregationist senators, donald trump refused to apologize for saying the central park five or exonerated five should face the death penalty. That registered as a blip on the trump scale. Weve been talking about joe biden. This kind of thing works for donald trump because they vote skate from scandal to scandal to scandal. Republican voters are very much different than the democratic voters. Democratic voters are expected to behave better and we expect better of our candidates than donald trump. Its go to hurt you more here. But the it was very much to joe bidens benefit that he went to South Carolina this weekend because thats where he has the most support. And i think it is there is john lewis and jim clyburn are two leaders who have known joe biden and respected him for a very long time and have enormous credibility. Voters in South Carolina want a winner. They want somebody who can beat donald trump. At this moment, its still early, that person appears to be joe biden. But it is i dont think that this will be i dont know that this will be something that hangs around him as a problem. But he cant continue to have problems like this. And a. B. , jennifer says democrats are held to a higher standard. But what does that get democrats politically because donald trump uses shamelessness as a Political Tool and it seems to work for him politically, setting aside the substance of it. If you refuse to weigh dignity and shame and all these other factors and you just go on the offense attacking people every day, people do tend to gloss over it and supporters cant defend you and say this isnt why i support him. I support him for other reasons. The democratic contest is weighing two tensions now. It seems that electability is beating everything else, but Many Democrats want wholesale change. They want to change the way much of our society is structured right now. They want to attack racism. They want to do radical things for the climate. This is the tension that joe biden seems to be on the winning end of right now. Great insights. Appreciate that. Thanks to you both. Next the president hits iran with new sanctions in retaliation for the downing of an american drone. We go live to the white house and pentagon next. We go live to the white house and pentagon next. Fidelity is redefining value for investors. Introducing zero account fees for brokerage accounts. And zero minimums to open an account. We have Fidelity Mutual funds with zero minimum investment. And now only fidelity offers four zero Expense Ratio index funds directly to investors. Because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. So maybe ill win saved by zero so maybe ill win at panera, our salads with peakseason berries. Creamy avocado. And a dressing fit for a goddess. Come taste what a salad should be. And order online for delivery right to you. Panera. Food as it should be. Woman on phone discover. Hi. Do you have a travel card . Yep. Our miles card. Earn unlimited 1. 5 miles and well match it at the end of your first year. Nice im thinking about a scuba diving trip. Woman ooh gasp or not. You okay . Yeah, no, im good. Earn miles. Well match em at the end of your first year. The recommendations have just come in from the Governors Charter School policy task force, confirming the need for increased accountability over how Charter School dollars are spent. And giving local School Districts more control in the authorization and review of Charter Schools. All reforms wisely included in bills being considered by lawmakers right now. So join parents, teachers and educators in supporting ab 1505 and ab 1507. Please call your state senator today. The u. N. Security counsel is meeting this hour to talk about the escalating tension with iran. Earlier President Trump introduced new sanctions on iran. They target the countrys most senior officials denying them access to certain financial resources. The Supreme Leader of iran is one who ultimately is responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime. Hes presiderespected within hi country. His office overseas the regimes most brutal instruments including the Islamic Revolutionary guard core. These measures are provocative actions. We will continue to increase pressure on tehran until the regime abandons its dangerous activities and its aspirations including the pursuit of nuclear weapons. The move follows the downing of a u. S. Drone last week and what the u. S. Claims in above international weathers and reports the u. S. Launched Cyber Attacks against an Iranian Intelligence group that they believe planned last weeks attacks on oil tankers. Joining me from the white house hans nichols and from the pentagon, nbc kourtney queue by. I saw you earlier in the Briefing Room with steve mnuchin. In any other universe a treasuye secretary would say i talked with my counterparts in germany and uk and france before levying these sanctions. But that didnt happen. The u. S. Is going it alone. Even know we know what the u. S. Is trying achieve here, help us understand. It has to do with speed. Theres always calculation whether or not youre going to go multilateral whether thats military action, or embargo or do it unilaterally. They chose to do it unilaterally because they wanted to do it quickly. Friday the president announced they proposed new sanctions. Today he signed the executive order bringing him into rhetorical step where his position was on friday. Its different with financial sanctions as opposed to other sorts of things you can do because the Global Banking system is connected. Unilateral sanctions from the u. S. Effectively serve as multilateral sanctions, not always. Thats what you saw in 2015, 2014, the urgency to force iran to the negotiating table, those were multilateral sanctions. The europeans were getty wary m and that put pressure on the americans to cut a deal. You can lose effectiveness when you go it alone and thats the calculation the administration made. The Trump White House is rolling the dice that ratcheted up the sanctions, that that will be the thing to bring them to the table. But the iranians have already said theyre done talking with this president since hes the one that ripped up the iran deal, scrapped the jcpoa. Is this entire thing symbolic or more than that . Its an attempt by the administration to increase pressure. Thats one of the challenges and tensions both with north korea and iran. When you say youre in a maximum pressure campaign, it doesnt give you a lot of running room to increase pressure. Now, that said, behind me is the treasury department. You have a lot of smart accountants and lawyers always thinking of new ways to sanction and to hurt enemies in the same way the pentagon is always presenting options. It might be rhetorically intention that you have maximum pressure technique but reserve the right to increase pressure more. They do have options. Whether or not this will have effect on largely clerical religious leadership that isnt overly concerned with Bank Accounts is a different question. Kourtney to you, u. S. Allies are working hard. How are the same allies reacting to this news right now . Thats right, jeff. The one place where this has been multilateral so far is in u. S. Allies condemnation of the downing of the drone last week. When it comes to the sanctions, the u. S. Is going it alone. We have not heard whether any other allies are going to get on board with this. As hans was saying there are second and third order effects. They have impact on other allies by these sanctions that end up hitting some of the allies in the pocketbook as well. You know, we have an important deadline coming up this week, june 27th. Iran announced last week that on that date that they would hit their uranium enrichment would hit the max amount that it was allowed to reach prior to jcpoa, prior to the deal. And that was really the announcement that was really to put pressure on european allies to force them to try to talk the United States into somehow coming to some kind of an agreement here and to bring them back to the table to some kind of negotiation. And kourtney, what more do we know about these cyber ak at thats . Very little. Very little officially. U. S. Officials its not a surprise. You have Something Like this that happens. The United States is going to it would common for them to react in the cyber realm. Its also common, of course, for iran to react in the cyber realm. So, look at the attack here. It was an iranian surface to air missile against a u. S. Drone. The most common one thing we would expect is some sort of reaction in the cyber world that would take out the iranian potential to take this kind of action in the future, whether it would be somehow striking that surface to air Missile Launch site, potentially going after the radars that would be used. So, its not surprising if the United States did in fact react here. Its also not surprising theyre going to go on the record and say theyve done that because of course it would not only reveal sources and methods, but cyber is one of the areas that is sacrosanct against talking about it in the public because they dont want to reveal what they could do in the future. They rarely want fingerprints on cyber activity. My colleagues keeping watch at the white house. Thanks to the both of you. The president S National Security adviser was back in court this afternoon. It was Michael Flynns first appearance since replacing his lawyers earlier this month with sidney powell. Hes an outspoken critic of the mueller investigation. Flynn stands accused about lying to the investigation while trump was taking office. Youre luking at live pictures of flynn right there walking somewhere in washington, d. C. , i imagine walking away from or to the courtroom. A judge gave him to the end of august to file a status report even though powell asked for 90 days to catch up. Might it be time to get flynn a pardon for trump . Joining me now is former u. S. Attorney general harry litman. What do you make of Michael Flynns situation right here . Its a little hard to read. I mean, today it was a quiet affair, just a motion for a little bit of a delay. But he was previously roughed up pretty good by judge sullivan for even suggesting that he had been framed for stepping away from the plea. And in powell, hes hired a lawyer who sells tshirts saying creeps on a mission has accused mueller of obstructing justice and destroying evidence is a ring leader for the whole kind of antimueller crowd. So, that would teem to suggest a possible change of plea. But judge sullivan, you would think, would want no part of it. And any inconsistency on flynns part, judge sullivan stands ready to hammer him on. So powell today was very low key and made it seem like were just staying the course. And that would be sensible. But why you would do it with this lawyer of all lawyers is a real puzzle. Thats a good point. A question about the house intel. They subpoenaed flynn and the Campaign Aide rick gates about a week ago. In a letter that came along with that subpoena, you had adam schiff, the chairman of the committee, quoting flynns own defense back to him. He said this, your cooperation with the committees investigation provides an opportunity to demonstrate to the court that you have met the High Standard of cooperation that you represented to the court that you have set for yourself. It would underscore your sentencing that youve done erg you can do for the United States of america not just the justice department. So, powell said today that flynns cooperation is ongoing, so what exactly does that mean . When powell says its ongoing, she just means that flynn continues to cooperate under the agreement with mueller with the department of justice. Schiff is trying to expand it even though it doesnt encompass formally with congress, flynn says show what a good guy you were before the judge was slapping you around before you have an incentive to do this. Well see whether flynn agrees. Not say hell be able to resist at the end of the road, but i think he may fight and try to make them go to court as has been the case with every other witness so far. As you mentioned flynns new attorney has the trump stamp of approval. Weve got this tweet, general michael flynn, the 33 year war hero who served with distinction has not retained a good lawyer. He has retained a great lawyer. Sidney powell, best wishes and good luck to them both. Whats the kind of risk there . If the president did choose to pardon flynn, lets say it doesnt come to the end of term, 2020, and by then flynn may have served his sentence. Or close to it. A pardon is always desirable even if you have served removing the sort of Scarlet Letter and sanction of a criminal conviction. So, he still wants to be playing in that direction. But again, its a dangerous move for him so long as he is in front of sullivan which he will be for at least several more months. Sullivan wants him to play it straight and show that he is in fact contrite about the sentence. A play to trump is almost the exact opposite. Harry litman, thanks for your time. I appreciate it. Breaking news on the action the Trump Administration is taking right now after reports of poor conditions in the Detention Camp holding imMigrant Children. Holding imMigrant Children corey is living with metastatic Breast Cancer, which is Breast Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. 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Breaking news who are now being moved. The move was made after disturbing reports emerged from a Border Patrol facility in texas. A team of attorneys witnessed flu and lice outbreaks last week, children sleeping on concrete floors and kids watch over toddlers. Giving basic supplies to those children is debatable, the court replied. Its within everybodys common understanding that if you dont have a tooth brush, if you dont have soap, if you dont have a bank lanket, its not sa and sanitary. Wouldnt everybody agree to that . Do you agree to that . Well, i think theres fair reason to find that those things may be part of not maybe. Are a part. Meantime, President Trump announced a twoweek delay of Mass Immigration raids that were supposed to start yesterday. He says the decision was made, quote, at the request of democrats so congress has more time to hammer out an immigration compromise. Two department of Homeland Security officials told nbc news that the raids were called off because plans were leaked to the media. Joining me from byebye nbc news correspondent cal perry and Washington Post National Security reporter. Cal, youre outside a center for Migrant Children in california. What have you seen there and how have those disturbing reports out of texas affected the detention process for children there and across the country do you think . You know, look, i think unfortunately when you look at the facility to me, this is the homestead facility for unaccompanied minors, it wont change anything. This is a privately owned forprofit detention facility. It is the only kind in the country. And it is something that advocates are, as you can see behind me, very upset about. Now, its possible that some of those children from that site in texas could end up here. They will probably be scattered around the country. When you look at whats happening across america, when it comes to the immigrant community, you talk about those i. C. E. Raids, this on again, off again rhetoric by the president , its something that we continue to hear is putting fear into the community. We spoke yesterday to activists who will tell you that your entire life can be unravelled by one i. C. E. Raid. Take a listen. Ive been getting calls from our members, from people directly impacted fearful about whats going to happen to them t, if theyre going to get a knock on their door by an i. C. E. Agent thats going to uproot their whole lives, thats going to have them separated from their u. S. Citizen kids, thats going to split their families apart. Thats how people think of as i. C. E. , as an agency thats destroying and wreaking havoc in our communities. Reporter one of the other things about the raids and the detention facilities we dont talk enough about is how the administration is driving a wedge between the federal government and the local governances. When it comes to the raids, we heard mayors and Police Chiefs in cities like houston and miami and los angeles saying were not going to take part in these raids. Thats not who we are. You hear the same thing from facilities like behind me. Later today youll see president ial candidates arriving here and theyll be denied access. Youve been covering planned deportations, i read your report over the weekend. You write that despite the delay of the i. C. E. Raids, immigrant communities are mobilizing for round up. Help us understand how theyre getting ready for this. Reporter well, were in an exterord extraordinary situation where the president of the United States has tweeted these round ups are coming. He wants to deport millions of people. He wants to put everybody who is facing deportation, he put everyone on notice. That sense of alarm has spread across the country to many of the cities. As you can imagine, advocacy groups and immigrant Rights Groups are also mobilizing in preparation for this. So, really the whole country is spun up about what may be coming. The House Speaker nancy pelosi, she spoke about the deportations and the conditions in these centers earlier today. Kelly odonnell was there. Lets take a look at this and talk about it after. When i saw that the president was going to have these raids it was so appalling, its outside the circle of Human Behavior to be kicking down doors, splitting up families, and the rest of that in addition to the injustices that are happening at the border. When i spoke to the president , i said im a mom. I have five kids. Nine grand children and children are scared. Youre scaring the children of america. Not just in those families but their neighbors and communities. Youre scaring the children. Nick, the president says that congress has two weeks to get its act together. We should make clear that does not take an act of congress to give a child in one of these facilities a toothbrush or a bar of soap but setting that aside, theres nothing to suggest that congress is going to be able to solve in two weeks what they havent been able to do in two years of this administration and perhaps decades before that. Where does this whole thing lead next, do you think . Well, i think that we know that ice is very determined to go forward with this plan. Its been in the works for several months. They believe it will send a message to migrants who may be consideri considering a journey with a child. Believing its a way to get a free pass into the United States. We know that theres sdtill a lt of momentum build up toward carrying out this operation. It will be a question of when they do it and in what form. The way the president has telegraphed its coming forced every one to take a step back and think about whether or not thats really operationally the best way to do it. Last question to you out there in homestead, florida. An hhs facility said i cost more to keep Migrant Children in tent cities than to keep them with their parents. Here is the line. Trump Administration Tent cities cost more than keeping migrant kids with parents. Thats the headline. Thats with the conditions we have been hearing about. What will it take to keep these Families Together . Reporter 775 per child per day in a facility and look, i visited these facilities and looked over the fence of this one. Here is how the government defended this facility. You have 20 days to hold minors. Most of these kids are held for much longer than that. The government said this is an emergency and temporary influx city. Thats all good but its been reopened since march of 2018. It becomes clear the Trump Administration is using this as a continuation of its fear tactics. Thanks to the both you have. As the Supreme Court approaches the end of its term, were waiting for the justices to rule on some of the biggest cases of the year. One will determine whether or not the Trump Administration can add a question about citizenship. It could lead to an inaccurate population count. An undercount of hispanics and other immigrants. Another one could affect which Party Controls the white house. The justices will decide to uphold or strike down Congressional District maps that were drawn for partisan gains. The maps are declared unconstitutional, it would have implications in other states around the country. Joining me now is nbc news justice correspondent pete williams. Talk us through the cases that came down today. The one of interest is a decision by the Supreme Court to strike down part of federal trade mark law. This involves a man who wanted to market a subversive line of street wear and he wanted to call it fuct. He was denied that. Youre look at him now. You can see it on his hat. They cited a provision of trademark law that makes it illegal to give trademarks that are scandalous or immoral. The Supreme Court said thats viewpoint discrimination. It means the trade mark office would only support trademarks if the view was consistent with societys view of what is right and proper or moral and thats viewpoint discrimination. On that basis, the maker of that clothing line can now get trademark sfrprotection for his name. Interesting line up of justices. She wrote the opinion. She was joined by ruth ginsberg. I was going to ask you about that. When should we expect the other Big Decisions the come down . We know well get decisions on wednesday. Eight cases remain to be decided. Its highly unlike we would get all eight on wednesday. Two more decision days this week. Wednesday and thursday. Thursday date is yet to be announced. If i had to guess, and doini do have to. The partisan jergerrymandering e will come first. Those were argued first. That would mean wednesday and the census case thursday. All right. Thanks for your time. Appreciate it. Coming up, we have 2,000 reasons why you may want to pick zeroes next time you buy a lotto ticket. One more thing is coming up next. Ticket one more thing is coming up next i didnt have to run for help. I didnt have to call 911. And i didnt have to come get you. Because you didnt have another heart attack. Not today. You took our conversation about your chronic coronary Artery Disease to heart. Even with a stent procedure, your condition can get worse over time and keep you at risk of blood clots. So you added xarelto® to help keep you protected. 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The president is warning we will continue to increase pressure on tehran. He signed an executive order to impose hard hitting sanctions against several of the regime os top leaders including the Supreme Leader. The Administration Says this ortor order will cut off access to resources. President trump says these sanctions represent proportionate responses. The Supreme Leader of iran is one who ultimately is responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime. His office will not be spared from the sanctions

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