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They targeted vulnerable girls who were shy alone and she witnessed efforts to get the girls into a side bedroom so they could be gang raped by a train of numerous boys. Swetnick said it happened to her. In approximately 1982 i became a victim of one of these train or gang rapes. I shared what had transpired with two other people. During the incident, i was incapacitated without my consent and unable to fight off the boys raping me. I believe i was drugged using quaaludes or something in what i was drinking. Kavanaugh caused the accusations ridiculous or from the twilight light zone. He said i dont know who this is and it never happened. They have a vote for friday and still plan to go forward with tomorrows hearing. The white house has released prepared testimony for that hearing. In it he talks about his High School Years. Quote, i was not perfect in those days just as im not perfect today. I drank beer with my friends. Usually on weekends. Sometimes i had too many. In retrospect, i said and did things in high school that make me cringe now. Thats not why we are here today. I never did anything remotely resembling what dr. Ford describes. Still, he denies any and all Sexual Misconduct but now that there are three women making extremely serious allegations, our big question today is if a hearing does take place tomorrow, is a hearing with just one of his accusers enough . Joining me nbc kate snow, garrett, nancy erica smith. You have jeff trying to file a suit to stop this confirmation process. Chuck schumer wants this nomination to be withdrawn. You also have Lindsey Graham coming out and defending Brett Kavanaugh after these third allegations and a moment ago jeff flake was on the floor urging everybody to treat everybody involved as a human being. Where do things stand . Yeah, its hard to follow the bouncing ball up here but lets set the tone here. Theres this hearing thats going to happen tomorrow morning and the opportunity for a Committee Vote that could happen as soon as friday. Remember, conservatives have said they want to get kennedys replacement, judge kavanaugh seated on the court when the session opens october 1st. That would be monday. Thats the time line were up against here. Republicans are trying force this to stay on that time line im sorry. Donald trump is talking right now. Were going to go right to him. I think youre going to see it in the midterms. I think people are wise to it. Its a con game. Hes a high quality person. Theyre bringing people out of woods. They can do that to anybody. They can do it to anybody other than perhaps Prime Minister abe because least hes so pure. Its really, really sad. If you look at this lawyer that just came out, hes a low life. He represented democrats. Nobody talks about that. Hes a democrat lawyer. Not a very good one but hes a democrat lawyer. Its a horrible con game. I think the people are finding it out. Hopefully, over the next couple of days it will be settled up and solved and well have a Supreme Court justice who will go down as one of our greatest ever. Hopefully hell be there for a long time. Hes a young man. Hell be there for a long time. Ill be proud of him just as im proud of justice gorsich. I think people are see whing wha disgrace the Democratic Senators when they dont talk about it and after the hearings are completely over they come out with what they come out with. Its a disgrace whats going on. The good news is, the public is very smart and they get it. Do you think all three women are lying . Whats your next question . Do you explain why you have much needed appearance take a look at it. You have statements made that they will hit or farmers who will my voters. Im taking care of farmers. Im opening up markets like nobodys ever opened markets before. Right now we have closed markets whether its european were going to continue our conversation about Brett Kavanaugh. Garrett, the president continually called these allegations a con game set by the democrats. He calls it a disgrace. He was asked a moment if all three women are lying. He notably chose not to answer that question. Said next question. My question to you is, is that how all republicans feel that this is one democratic con game . I know Lindsey Graham has come out with vocal support of Brett Kavanaugh, so has mitch mcconnell. Are there any republicans that were not hearing from are feeling a little more uneasy with this than the president is . Absolutely there are. Its very clear will are two distinct camps. Those who see this entire last week or so of these allegations against kavanaugh as purely political. Thought to be designed to bring him down. Lindsey graham said if someone like this can be destroyed without evidence, 30 years later, theres no chance for anybody else up here to survive. Its purely the politics of personal destruction. Theres a quiet minority of republican senators who are deeply concerned about this. Folks like susan collins, lisa murkowski, jeff flake. Theres a larger universe of folk who is do not go on television, who go out of their way to avoid being part of this conversation who will be watching very closely tomorrow to see if dr. Ford is credible. Most of these folks, the ones not on the Judiciary Committee, all they know about dr. Ford is whats been in the Washington Post and what we have discussed. They have not seen all the documents, interviews. They will be put on the spot come as early as tuesday to make a decision about this. Theres larger universe of republicans who are with Holding Judgment until they see what happens on thursday. Frankly, how many more accusations we might be facing against judge kavanaugh by tuesday. This all developed so fast. Its impossible to siay what th scene will look like tuesday morning. Is there anyone pushing the Republican Party to add more women, more of these accusers to the hearing tomorrow so its not just dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh . Reporter i think thats unlikely. Ive not heard that done in public. Ive heard some rumblings that are interested in hearing from the other women but from a logistical standpoint, the opportunity to get anyone here at the table will not happen. I think theres push back here from Republican Leadership who see every new accuser as a drip, drip, drip. Chance to delay this even further and kill this nomination by a thousands cuts. They want to stick to this timeline because thats one way they is stop this from getting any worse. The sooner they vote, the sooner it will be behind them. Thanks so much for joining us. I know you have a lot of reporting to do. Kate snow, the president over this as he does with everything. I know there was a push early onto hole hd him back, to not tweet. Thats gone by the wayside. Now what he is doing and what other republicans are doing are seizing on the person representing the latest accuser who does have his own political aspirations, who has been a lightning rod and a thorn in the president s siede. Avenatti is a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations like he did on me and doing on judge brett kavr gn Brett Kavanaugh. He doesnt want people to look at his past relationships. A low life. Theyre trying to shift the focus from the accuser to the man representing them. I think its important to separate theese two things. Yes, Michael Avenatti has a political past. I think its worth noting that but thats separate and apart from this declaration that we have from his Client Julie Swetnick has a detailed description of heinous crimes. So brutal its difficult to read some of this without feeling something. Shes talking about gang rape. Shes talking about really brutal treatment of women. That in itself is something that normally, typically, would if someone came forward with a declaration like this, draw the attention of Law Enforcement if she went to police. We dont know if shes submitted this to any kind of Law Enforcement agency. Maryland, i dont know what the statute is. For some Violent Crimes its more forgiving. Wed have to look state by state. There is no Michael Avenatti exception to calling a witness before the senate if she has Meaningful Evidence for what the senate has to do which is simple, determine whether judge kavanaugh has the character and fitness to go to the Supreme Court of the United States. Thats really it. Really different than a criminal case where a judge would be conservative about allowing prior bad acts, evidence of events that happened that are different than the veevent at issue. This should be a larger look at everything relevant when judge kavanaugh will say before the senate and im quoting from a statement. Ive always promoted the equality and dignity of women. Its really time for the Senate Judiciary committee to examine that statement in its full effect. I know you want to jump in. Im for judge kavanaugkavana. Hes portrayed hi eed himself a choir boy and virgin. Putting that aside, we have his yearbo yearbook, his sexism, his brink drink drinking. We have mark judge writing his book. We have his yale roommate saying he was drunk all the time. Yale students saying we want to take back our support. We have yale students saying we were groomed as women to be his clerks to look like model. Because he was a heavy drinker does that mean you can say hes a sexual criminal. That he behaved inappropriately with him. Theres a difference between i was a heavy drinker and i tried to rape girls. What he said under oath is he was a choir boy. He sold 4i78s himself as i went church, i went to service and i was athletic. He didnt sell himself until recently, i did some things im ashamed of. He belonged to an all male Organization Called tit and clit. That was a nickname. That was a yale secret society. No means yes and yes means anal. Read another portion for the declaration. Talking about how detailed it was. It have a 14point declaration. You can read it in its entirety. She describes Brett Kavanaugh and his friend as being present for a lot of these scenarios. She does not say and her language is very specific that Brett Kavanaugh was the one who inappropriately tu lly touched Brett Kavanaugh raped her. Here is what she talks about when talking about Brett Kavanaugh directly. I observed him drink excessively at many of these parties and grinding against girls and attempting to remove or shift their clothing to basic pose private body parts. I observed him to be verbally abusive towards girls by making crude comments toward girls. I often witnessed him speak in a demeaning manner about girls in general as well as specific girls by name. I also witnessed Brett Kavanaugh behave as a mean drunk on many occasions at these parties. I guess when youre talking about specific girls by name, some back up to that sort of allegation is what was in the yearbo yearbook. It goes much farther than that. After what you just read, she goes onto describe in the years 1981, 82, she became aware of Brett Kavanaugh and mark judge spiking the punch at house parties and she goes onto describe what we mentioned before. Gang rape of women and girls in a side room or bedroom by a train of numerous boys and she describes a very specific incident that happened in 1982. She said they were present for this but shes not saying Brett Kavanaugh we can probably show that on the screen. Its the one that begins in approximately 1982 i became the victim of one of these gang rapes with mark judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present. Craig melvin asked Michael Avenatti about that. Does that mean he didnt do these things and michaels answer was very legal but he said no. Youre incorrect. Shes not saying he never did these things. Interesting. Were going the take a quick break. Thank you. Beth willwinson joins me next. I cant believe it. That everything sticks to stefon diggss hands . No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Cool, huh . Yeah. He plays football, huh . Yeah. Believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Tech dont wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. With safelites exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. 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Thank you for joining us. Sure. These are latest rounds are extraordinarily serious. Your client says he doesnt know miss swetnick. He calls the allegations ridiculous and from the twilight light zone. Is your client 100 confident hes never met her . He doesnt know her. Hes never met her. We had people calling our office saying they dont know her. Theyve never seen her at the parties that they attended with him. When you think about the allegations, they are alleging that for years there were gang rapes going on with multiple men, multiple women being victims. Thats such a frightening allegation. I dont understand how her lawyer didnt go immediately to the police and back then why people wouldnt have sate something. We understand why women dont generally report Sexual Assault and they often dont talk about it for a long time but this a quantum leap different. This is a frighteni ining allegn that there were groups of boys with girls over two years involved in drinking, drugs and gang rape and no one ever went to the police. No one has gone to the police to this day to report those allegations. Its outrageous. Are you calling her a liar . Im not calling her a liar. I think she has known about this for a while and so has mr. Avenatti. He waved this on some of your programs since last weekend and he never went to the police. As an attorney, i know what my obligation is. Its to my client. If i had represented her, it would have been my duty to go to the police immediately and report this. If this is true, it is a horrible thing. Theres nothing that could have stopped mr. Avenatti from going to the fbi or the police to stoo start an investigation. As far as i can tell, that wasnt done. All the women who have accused your client of misconduct have one similar thing in common. They all say he drank to excess. There are other folks out there from his High School Years and from his College Years who say the same thing, he drank to excess. Your client also admits he did at some times have a few too many beers. If thats the case and if theres a potential out there for him being black out drunk or very drunk, how is he confident of his memories . That first of all, almost every high school and College Student could be accused of the same thing or have done, had drinks, had too many drinks. Thats not the same as being black out drunk and not remembering this. He knows that he didnt know this woman. Shes not saying its once. Shes saying its over two years. This wasnt a one time thing. Thats the same with the other two women. All the people who are supposedly there in those instances have said it didnt happen or they dont have any recollection. Theres not one person who is saying they were there. In each of the incidents theres groups of people that were identified as present. Thats not typical in these allegations. Normally its one man and one woman and its hard to determine. Here, especially in the most recent outrageous allegation, theres scores of people involved in years. Theres scores of people over the years, why is your client not demanding an fbi investigation to get to the bottom of this . He didnt know about this until it came out today. Mr. Avenatti has had this information. Is me now demanding an fbi investigation . He knows he didnt do it. Why doesnt he want an fbi investigation and theres multiple people who can go on the record or go under oath or be interviewed by the fbi, why would he not want the fbi to get involved . Thankfully our system doesnt work the way youre suggesting. The burden gets put on something. This is a job interview. Its two different things. Its out here in the Public Opinion and what youre doing is a perfect example. Youre claiming because he was drinking, he must have done it. I asked you dont put words in my mouth. Thats all i asked. I heard your last session and you were saying theres so much detail. Theres no detail in here. Theres no place. Theres one or two years generally. Theres no other people. Theres dates. Theres no times. Theres no information here other than there are multiple people supposedly involved with years, not just her. She saw other women being gang raped and its never been reported. I dont know what the lawyer did and i feel sorry for her for getting dragged into this and any other woman getting dragged into it but that doesnt accusa. This is a horrible commentary on our process this is what were putting people through who wants to be in public service. Its important to treat everybody in the process with dignity and giving them the presumption of innocence whether youre inside a courtroom or outside. Let me read you something the president said about this this morning. You dont find people like this. Hes outstanding. Hes a gem and hes being treated unfairly by the democratdemocrat who is are playing a con game. They laugh at what they are getting away with. Does your client believe what the president is alleging that this is a con game by the democrats . That these women are part of a con by the democrats and that the democrats are laughing in a back room about what they are able to pull off . My client knows that he didnt do this. Hes not speculating about all those things. What he knows is all of his friends arnnd family all say th isnt like him. Nobody corroborates one of these allegations that they saw this happen or were in the room. Even the young lady knows dr. Blasey and friendly with her and was in the same party says shes never met judge kavanaugh. Hes not speculating about the politics. What hes telling you is what he knows. He did not do this. Does your client believe any of the accusers against the president . Does he what . Does he believe any of the women who came out and accused the president of Sexual Misconduct . I dont know what that has to do with this. Ive never discussed that with him. Were talking about whats happening here. I came today to be on your program to tell you what he believes and what we know. Thats it. Im not here to make political arguments and comment on what the president said or didnt say. The point is someone is making these outrageous allegations about him with no detail over multiple years with multiple people and hes telling you he did none of it. He doesnt know her. Ive had people call me and email me saying they know him. Theyve never met her. Theyve never seen her and never heard of any of these allegations. Ive got to believe if this was hap happening over two years someone else would have heard about it and reported it. Not the day before the hearing. Hes had an entire hearing, a background investigation, none of these people, including mr. Avenatti never came forward until the day before the hearing. Does he believe dr. Ford is lying . He doesnt believe anyone is lying or not lying. All he can say is what he knows. He did not do this. Hes never engaged in that behavi behavior. He was a normal kid. He played sports. He was a good student. He drank beers and sometimes he said things he kregrets and cringes at, like al l of us. Thank you very mump fch for joining us. Thank you. Joining me is nbc chief White House Correspondent hallie jackson. What do you make of all that . Its a preview of what well hear from Brett Kavanaugh tomorrow. Vigorous denials that he had anything to do with it. Ill tell you based on my reporting and talking with sources in and around the white house, i had somebody say to me before coming onto sit with you, we dont back Brett Kavanaugh 100 . We bad him 100,000 . A couple of sources said theres no back up plan. This is our guy. The critical piece of context here, its a president who could change his mind on a dime. Hell be watching the hearings tomorrow. Its unprecedented and significant moment in this process. What he sees as it happens before could determine where he goes next. The other piece, its not up to President Trump whether he pulls the nomination or not. Ultimately he does have to pull the trigger. Its up to susan kcollins and jeff flake and lisa murkowski. To sort of put, we say theres a lot riding on tomorrow. There really is. Why doesnt the president , why doesnt the white house, why dont they want to get to the bottom of this . Why dont they reopen the fbi background check to try to flush out these accusations and try to get more people who may have been at these parties, to get their side of what happened . Why is there sump a rushch a ru white house part . He thinks they are illlegitimate. He would have gone ahead with a vote two and a half weeks ago so the allegations were never heard at all. Theres no percentage in having an fbi investigation and the republicans look at that as a delaying tactic to push this nomination further away as the midterm elections are approaching in november. As the allegations pile up, as more of them come forward as the latest one has, it does raise more questions a and you hear democrats but i think even some republicans wondering whether the fbi might get involved. Lisa murkowski said that was answer a lot of these questions if they did. One possibly result of tomorrows hearing if not an up or down vote might be pressure on the part of those swing republicans that hallie just mentioned to say, wait a second, slow down. Were not going to vote until we get more information. Maybe the fbi should get involved. Thats one possible scenario if they come across as krecredible. Whats Kelly Anne Conway saying today. She was measured at first. After miss ramirez came out, she called it a vast left wing conspiracy. Now that these allegations are coming out, have we heard from her . The last statement she had was this is where youre starting to see some people in the conservative side circle around and call it, this is a democratic ploy. This is a partisan political thing now. No longer is an instance of an accusation. There is some concern Michael Avenatti being a part of this is not necessarily cooli ining thi down. They represents stormi daniels. He has his on political aspirations. In 2020 against donald trump. Theres a sense that avenatti is partisan political player. Im in the saying thats right or wrong but thats the thinking of where this is going now. Is the strategy that if the president comes out and calls this a con game and victimizes the whole scenario, victimizes himself saying they want to stop me, one of my picks that what hell do is galvanize his base and republicans out there in the same way he did in 2016 by saying everybody is out to get me. Theyre all trying to stop me. Is that the intended effect they want to have by saying the democrats are laughing in a back room about this . I think he genuinely seeing almost everything that happens through the lens of what it means for him and what people are saying about him or trying to do to him. I think its a genuine reflection of his outlook on the world. Hes played very successful with politics of grievance in 2016 and since. The politics that they are out to get us. They are trying to unfairly sabotage us. This is a smear campaign. Its in keeping with his position about the fbi, about the deep state, about the russia investigation. A lot of the supporters are sympathetic to that viewpoint. Hes providing a rationale to his supporters something other than believing what they are saying. That wouldnt play well for the president. Peter baker and hallie jackson. What could the fbi do about this latest allegation against kavanaugh . Every day, people are fighting type 2 diabetes with food, family and farxiga, the pill that starts with f. Farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower aic in adults with type 2 diabetes, its one pill a day. And although its not a weightloss drug, it may help you lose weight. Do not take if allergic to farxiga. If you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. 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Despite a third accuser, a vote could happen as early as friday. Joining me former u. S. Attorney and senior fbi official chuck rosenburg. Hes also an msnbc contributor. Its always good to see you. Lets talk about an fbi investigation. Why dont you think Brett Kavanaugh is calling for the white house to reopen the background check. Why would someone like Brett Kavanaugh not want that to happen . I imagine he would. In fact, i would imagine anybody who cares about getting as close to the truth as we could would want the fbi to continue its investigation. I think this is important. Were talking about background investigations, the fbi submits reports and the white house has to request it to be reopen. The Senate Judiciary committee is all men. They have now hired a female attorney, a female prosecutor from arizona to cross examine dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. Do you think thats a good way to go about a herring like this . Yes and no. Yes because having observed members of congress ask questions for many years, including of me, theyre not very good at it. The questions are written and they are read. Theres very few follow up questions. It really doesnt strike me as something thats designed to get to the truth as much as it is often designed to make a political point. If they have a real prosecutor and i hear that they do, shes going to come in and ask serious questions and draw on a wealth of experience prosecuting sex crimes i think thats a good thing. I think its unfortunate that the senators cant do it themselves but thats where we find ourselves. In looking at this, in looking at the way things have been addressed, in terms of Sexual Misconduct, theres a real difference between what happens in the courts, what happens in criminal trials and civil trials and what happens on capitol hill in congressional testimony, theres a process in place for taking this to the courts. Theres still not a process in place for taking this to capitol hill, for taking it to congress. Anita hill happened in 1991. Its 2018. They havent come up with guidelines. Do you think that if there were guidelines, that this would help this sort of process and if so, what would the guidelines be. What do you think the guidelines should be . If there were good linuideli they add hered adhered, then th. Trials are designed to get to the truth. You have all sorts of rights that attend the trial. The right to call witnesses, the right to confront your accuser. The right that the jury be you n unanimous. This is not a trial. This is a political process. The other important thing is holding a job on the Supreme Court, being a justice of the United States Supreme Court is not a right. Its a privilege. I think of this mump likech lik b interview. I think the senate has performed poorly. I wonder if they would hire somebody for a job in their own officer with these open questions. The answer is probably not. That doesnt mean he did it. That doesnt mean he didnt do it. It does mean theres a way, using the fbis vast resources, to get answers to some of these questions and to either confirm or refute the allegations against judge kavanaugh. It puzzles me why they wont do that. The fbi would need the white house to request it because its a background check. Theres a lots of people who keep saying that the fbi has no reason to do this and that they have no place to do it and this is not things that they do do. Can you give us a little bit more context and clarity about what the fbi does and does not do. This is things that they do do. This is all the time. Background investigations are done for any man or woman going to hold a senior position in the u. S. Government. We want to know there are good character. We want to know their background. This happens all the time. What also happens all the time is that after the fbi thinks it has completed a report and turns that over to the white house, more information comes in. They simply reopen it. By the way, ive also heard the following that this happened so many years ago theres no way the fbi even if asked could do it. Remember, the fbi is remarkably good at investigating old cases. Think about all the civil rights cases, all the atrocities against civil rights workers and freedom riders in the south. In some instances the cases were brought decades later based op t on the fbi making old interviews and digging up forensics. Dr. Fords lawyers have released the results of her polygraph test. They show its not indicative of deception which is that dr. Ford was telling the truth. How significant is a polygraph and how reliable is it . We could spend a whole show on this. Polygraph results are not admissible in court. Were not in court so it has some persuasive value. We looked at it as an investigative tool. We didnt rely on the results so much. We relied on the statements that someone made during the polygraph. I cant tell you that im swayed one way or the other by a pass or a fail. Its interesting that she chose to take one. I think that is telling but i dont think its determinativde. A polygrapher. I dont think i knew the name. The probability of deception on that particular test with dr. Ford was less than. 02 . If i may, id be careful there. Results are not admissible in court because they have not met the basic evidentiary standard. I would be careful about relying too heavily on the results. Thank you always for your expertise. We do appreciate it. Next, what a majority of americans think about Brett Kavanaugh becoming a Supreme Court justice. Sooner or later, we all sign up for medicare. And like my dad, you might want Medicare Supplement insurance, too. Uh oh, more research. No big thing. Not with this website. 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The stakes could not be higher tomorrow as Brett Kavanaugh and one of his accuser testify. A new poll shows 58 of americans will be paying attention to the hearing. How will that color their vote though 41 days from now when they go to the polls. Is the Supreme Court at the top of their list of concerns . In montana, we asked a trump supporter and mother of two about the accusations about kavana kavanaugh. Groping a woman. How many guys you know think that is no big deal. Its not a big deal. It doesnt take away from his character and his job to do what he needs to do as a Supreme Court nominee. If he was proabortion, they wouldnt be fighting this hard. Were sick and tired the kavana thing because its not supported by any facts or evidence whatsoever. Joining me now live from boseman, montana nbc news political reporter ali vitale and Jacob Soberoff who is back from speaking to voters in texas. Welcome. Ali, the woman you spoke with there was diminishing the allegations, calling it just groping. The allegations have been more serious than that. Is that generally what voters have been saying and is it just voters outside the trump event or have you been talking to people more broadly . Reporter i think thats true, the location is important. We were at a donald trump jr. Event for the republican in the senate race, matt rosen dale. Theyre saying based on what theyve seen, heard, read, theyre not buying these allegations. There were only two, of course the third set of allegations have come out today but many of them saying that the timing and the fact that democrats might have sat on this for so long, to them that makes them not credible allegations. We asked several of the women, are you incline today believe the women on the basis that youre believing another woman and the answer was really no. To me it harken you back when we heard after the access Hollywood Tape in 2016, we heard at these rallies, boys will be boys, its locker room talk. In this instance, it was, hey, we all drank when we were 18, did things that werent necessarily great in behavior but not any of them thought this was disqualifying behavior. From a political perspective, if youre looking at are voters paying attention, the answer is they certainly are. Theyre following this, reading up on it and in this case Republican Voters here were telling us theyre not buying it. Its only making them dig in their heels. I know there was this perception among many people in cities, among people here back in new york, people in d. C. That the access Hollywood Tape, after that aired with donald trump in 2016 that that was going to be a game changer, was going to end his campaign, the accusers, it would end his campaign, women were going to be so angry about this. Ali, i know you had the same experience but when i talked to women on the road and not just women at trumps rallies but women taxi drivers, women on airplanes, i got a lot of answers that were, hey listen, its not that big of a deal or i dont believe it. Jacob, when you look at the polling numbers for Brett Kavanaughs nomination, the numbers arent great for him. 38 of people overall support Brett Kavanaughs nomination. 43 overall oppose. They break down more significantly in terms of party obviously. Republicans 83 support, democrats 77 opposed. You were town in texas talking to voters down there and you were at an event that looks like with congressman will herd, correct . Yeah, thats right. Lets play some of the sound that you got down there. Whats your question . Were one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, i think you know that. My concern is the streets. Potholes. The problem is education for our kids. Why didnt anybody bring up whats going on with the Supreme Court this week or nobody brought up russia . I think that the issues that are being brought up are not only important issues but they affect us immediately here. The things that we know are going to make a difference tomorrow. I want to leave you eating ice cream. In case you were wondering, that was dairy queen, the chocolate dipped what do you think . Are voters, is it on their minds . Yeah, let me add to the categories that ali said and you guys were talking about. Voters that condone that type of behavior, voters that dont care about it. Theres another group of voters that oftentimes my experience is when youre not at a trump rally and talking to a woman whose daughter is wearing a donald trump tshirt like ali did, people will say its not that people dont care about it, its not the first issue that voters will ever bring up, the big National Conversations that we have every day here, whether its russia or the Supreme Court. The third category is sort of theyre going to get away with it anyway so why dont i focus on the daily issues that affect my life. People were talking literally there about potholes which the federal government has nothing to do with or education. This is another border town down there and another one that you dont hear first from people in places like texas. The border, the big National Issue that we obsess over, again, including the Supreme Court, may not be the issues that decide these swing districts. Voting for the midterm elections is much different than voting for a president ial election. We know a lot of times that republicans that didnt like trump so much, were uneasy about him, unsure about him, they use the Supreme Court as their justification. Are you finding that theres a disconnect between voting for a president ial cycle and voting for a midterm cycle and whether or not the Supreme Court is a big factor . Reporter its interesting. Thats true that conservative voters who might not have been the most protrump but they really didnt like hillary in 2016, they definitely use the Supreme Court as a way to kind of get to yes with President Trump. I think ive met some of those voters as ive traveled throughout the country and theyre still there. They still like what theyre seeing. A man actually brought this up to me last night. He said i voted for trump and like what hes doing but in 2016 we had to choose between the lesser of two evils, we didnt have two great candidates. Now in the midterms you see republicans trying to nationalize, go with President Trump as much as they can in a lot of these trump states where he won in 2016 but at the same time democrats are playing on local issues. When you dont have someone whos like a Hillary Clinton figure where its easy to unite and mobilize against her, thats part of why you see republicans trying to tie democrats to nancy pelosi. In a lot of these states the local issues i think jacobs right its whats hitting them in their daily lives that theyre going to be hitting on. When you look at the polls around 60 of the people are invested in saying theyre going to watch this very closely tomorrow, 60 of the people are not going to vote in the midterm elections. Its going to be a far smaller number than that and including in texas. Its one of the smallest, lowest voter turnouts in the country. Nobody votes in the midterms and thats part of the problem. Maybe its because we vote on tuesday. Why tuesday . Well get into that at some other point. Were back after another quick break. If you have psoriasis,. Little things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with. An increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have  a history of depression or suicidal thoughts,. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Billions of problems. Morning breath . Garlic breath . Stinky breath . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy. Theres therabreath at walmart. That will do it for me this hour. Ali velshi picks things up right now. I will be back at 5 00 doing meet the press daily and Donald Trumps News Conference should be interesting. It doesnt matter. We should work all day. Thats what it feels like. This news cycle is crazy. See you at 5 00. Good afternoon. Im ali velshi. We have lit a match, my colleagues. Republican senator jeff flake who is a member of the Judiciary Committee condemning the rapidly escalating tensions over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. I need to warn you as ive been doing a lot these days that what youre

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