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Provocations. These pose a serious threat to regional and International Peace and stability. I shared with President Trump what singapore has done to pressure and isolate the dprk, going beyond u. N. Security council resolutions. B but theres no quick and easy solution, pressure is necessary but so is dialogue. The u. S. Will need to work with others, including china and south korea and japan and russia, to resolve the issue. President trump will be visiting china in a few weeks time as part of his first visit to asia. Singapore like many other countries watch your relations with china very closely. Its a most important bilateral relationship in the world. China is a u. S. Third largest export market for goods and services and for agricultural exports its the second largest. Buy soybeans and grains and cotton and farming machinery. Im quite sure as incomes go up, theyll buy more and more Good American beef. I express my hope that the u. S. Will be able to maintain a stable and constructive relationship with china. And engaging each other at the highest levels, Building Trust establishing institutional mechanisms. Good u. S. China relations will benefit the region and the world. It will enable countries in the ayaz pacific including america and china themselves to enjoy regional stability, peace and prosperity. Finally, i look forward to seeing President Trump again in vietnam in philippines next month to attend the apeck and asean and east asia summit meetings. His presence in asia will mean a lot to america, to americas many friends and allies in the region. An it will open doors and develop markets for u. S. Exporters and investors. Although the president is not visiting singapore this time around, i invited him to visit the earliest opportunity and im very glad he has accepted. Singapore will be the asean chair next year and we hope to strengthen our ties aseans ties with the United States and further asean u. S. Cooperation. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, everybody. Can you tell the public what happened in niger . You can hear the shouted questions about the ambush in niger that resulted in the death of four americans but the president very decidedly ignoring those questions, leaving with the Prime Minister. It was interesting, he had a shout out for new balance and shout out for boeing and to the surprise of a lot of people, this is the second largest asian investor that the u. S. Has. Is there any headline or news out of this . What did you notice as you watched these two men . I didnt hear any big news, you heard talk of dialogue with north korea and that i think is an important theme throughout asia right now and one well be hearing a lot more about as President Trump travels to asia in early november. Singapore like many of north koreas neighbors is very eager to see this stand offbetween the United States and north korea end in a peaceful fashion. And so although trump is himself not emphasizing dialogue right now and emphasizing you know, an American Power and the retribution that north korea will face potentially if it acts aggressively, many of its neighbors are really hoping there will be a diplomatic solution to this crisis and that was what i focused on on those comments from the Prime Minister. And Peter Alexander, we were talking as we were going into this that the white house said, you never know essential there there wasnt plans for questions. It was clear the way the president turned quickly, he was not going to answer questions. Do you have any sense from within the white house, is there a procedure . Do they go to the president and say do you think youre going to answer any questions and he says no probably not. They say probably not. How does this come to be . There generally would be a procedure. There certainly has been in past white houses but with this one most procedures like that are thrown out the window as evidented by an official that hes not supposed to take questions but you never know. The bottom line if anything, he gets a couple of points for discipline on three separate occasions hes been tossed by questions and now here as he met with us in the rose garden and he ignore the those questions in spite of the tweet early this morning that obviously reignited this entire bitter back and forth between himself and Myesha Johnson, the widow, the gold star wife to sergeant la David Johnson. But the president when presented another opportunity on this recognized at this point he probably ought to let it go for the moment. We wait and see if this is the end of it or another opportunity to press him on this topic. Thank you. I appreciate that as well. Again, peter mentioned this earlier but if you werent here, there will be no briefing today. So that was probably our last opportunity to get an official statement from the white house, what we just saw with the president about this back and forth and among the other questions that the widow of la David Johnson has is what happened to her husband and why wasnt his body found for two days. No briefing again by sara sanders today. Thats going to wrap this up hour of msnbc live, my colleague kasie hunt takes over right now. If youre just joining us, we were just watching a News Conference with President Trump and Prime Minister of singapore. The president took no questions. Despite shouts from the reporters who were gathered there in the rose garden, you can see it. The shouts were about the news that we have been talking about all day, those lingering questions surrounding the deaths of these four soldiers. Many of the details about that october 4th fire fight in niger remain a mystery. Why were troops deployed there . Why doesnt congress seem to know about it . And why did it take two days for u. S. Officials to locate the body of sergeant la David Johnson . All of this as a dispute over differing accounts of a condolence call continues to play out in public. This morning the widow of sergeant la David Johnson broke her silence, giving her own account of the conversation that she had with President Trump. I need to see my husband. I havent seen him since he came home. I heard him stumbling on and that will hurt me the most it made me cry even worse. Whatever ms. Wilson said was not fabricated. What she said was 100 correct. Moments after that emotional interview, the president was firing back at the gold star widow. He posted on twitter, i had a very respectful conversation with the widow of sergeant la David Johnson and spoke his name from the beginning without hesitation. Lets get right to it with our team of reporters, nbcs Peter Alexander is back with us at the white house. And hans nichols at the pentagon, joining me from the Washington Post National Political reporter michael sharer and in the newsroom, wall street journal reporting eli stokeles. Thanks for being here. Peter, i want to start with you, the president leaving that rose garden appearance without taking any questions. That seems to be a little bit of a different tact than hes used in the past week or two. What in your mind explains how he handled that . To be clear, this is a different circumstance than for example when we saw him out here with an american ally in Mitch Mcconnell where the president did go for 40 minutes taking questions. There are agreements made between the white house and the foreign country, the advice tors here to the white house. Its not that the president starts taking question. I suspect on this day they would be making joint statements and expectation is there would not be any questions presented. Theres nothing to stop him from answering if they were tossed out as they were on thoccasion. The white house realizes this is not a topic they want to be focused on. More urgently the issue of tax reform. He likes to refer to it as tax cuts, and tomorrow hell go to the hill to meet with senator republicans to talk about this a little more broadly. And the bottom line, thats where they would like the emphasis to be, not about the back and forth that existed between himself and the gold star widow, the widow of sergeant la David Johnson. Kasie . Thanks so much. I know you have a busy day there. Well let you go. I do want to show everybody a little bit more of that conversation that Myesha Johnson had this morning where she talked about exactly how she felt about President Trump and what she would say to him. Take a look. I dont know how he got killed, where he got killed or anything. I dont know that part. They never told me. Thats what ive been trying to find out since day one, since october 4th. Congresswoman wilson reported that and you explained she was in the car with you. Yes. Shes been close to your family for a long time. Yes. The president said that the congresswoman was lying about the phone call. Whatever ms. Wilson said was not fabricated. What she said was 100 correct. The phone was on speaker phone. Why would we fabricate Something Like that. Your little girl is going to be born in january. January 29th. What are you going to tell her about her dad . Im going to tell her how awesome her dad was and how a great father he was. And how he died as a hero. Very emotional interview there from Myesha Johnson. I want to start with what she was talking about at the beginning and hans nichols, theres so many questions about what exactly happened here. Were told that she was not able to view her husbands body, that she does not have any information about what happened. Is it normal for the military to approach this in this kind of a fashion or does this raise more questions . It is the military ultimately makes those decisions on return of the remains so that isnt necessarily abnormal. There are a lot of questions here. Kasie we just learned the peg will host a press briefing by the chairman of the joint chief of staff joe dun ford. This is significant we rarely hear from dunford, once before during the Trump Administration, at least in this press conference format. They have to clear up the what, just what happened in niger but also the broader question of why. You started to hear that on friday from Lindsey Graham. Youve been down on capitol hill as well. The overall role, the theory of the case why u. S. Forces are spread out all across africa and is there enough congressional oversight, pentagon gathering information all week, i was in touch with sources trying to figure out the facts to present to congress as well as the American People and were going to get quite a bit more detail in just about two hours from general dunford. Hans, ive sort of been trying to sort through this myself in my own reporting. There are a couple of members, chuck schumer, Lindsey Graham who went on sunday shows and said we didnt actually know this was going on. Is that because they didnt have access to the information because the pentagon wasnt telling them or simply because were so spread out that most members of Congress Even at a senior level dont necessarily go looking for this kind of information . There are pro forma notifications to congress when they are doing this. The Trump Administration has done that previously. Obama administration had done that. They informed congressmen and sometimes need funds when they say building a new drone base as they are in niger, also building one in cameroon, a little bit to the south. Its very clear there has been congressional authorization. It hasnt risen to a level where its on everyones radar screen where they say, hey, we have 800 troops in niger, 350 in mali and overall Lake Chad Basin close to 1400, 1500, whatever the number is. That sort of conversation isnt part of the back and forth in part because bad things havent happened there. Most of the missions there are about advising and building drone bases. We do hear a fair amount when theres a strike against say isis in libya and where that drain might have taken off from and what sort of asset they use but in terms of the overall footprint all across west africa, it isnt like this is greatly discussed. Its discussed in somalia and lots of back and forth in Amazon Mission there. But all of that said, there have been notifications sent to congress. The pentagon has informed them but they havent shouted about it. Not necessarily authorization but notification. Eli, lets talk a little bit about the politics of this and you heard that gold star widow talk a little bit about her phone call with the president , essentially coming down on the side of congressman frederica wilson. Whats going to be the next turn here. Is john kelly coming under pressure to apologize . The cbc has called for him to do that. Any signs in your reporting that thats something that might happen . I would be surprised if he comes out they may issue a statement, may address this tomorrow at the white house briefing. But when he came out on thursday, and really tried to lend his experience and Memorial Authority he has as a general and gold star father himself to this president to explain the process, not just the process of bringing a body home but the process in the white house of what he said to the president and how that call came about, there was nothing from him acknowledging that what the mother of the soldier Sergeant Johnson had already said, which is that they were upset, they felt disrespected. There was just a defensive posture and attack on the congresswoman. You do get the sense from the white house, the administration Sara Huckabee sanders followed up the next day saying if you didnt understand the phrase empty barrel, i can say all hat no cattle. Theres been an eagerness to go after this africanamerican congresswoman and tangle with this family. You saw the president himself after the widow was on tv acknowledging and putting her name out there and talking about this very painful situation, he couldnt say, maybe i got the tone wrong. It was nope, this is my version. I did it correctly. And everybody in this administration has to take their cues from this president who cant apologize. Michael, how does the white house move on from this . It seems the posture they are taking, the president tweeted this morning but were not going to get a white house briefing. Is that the sfrtrategy, try and stop talking and hope the president doesnt keep tweeting about it . No doubt thats the strategy, whether thats what they do is up to the president and what hes thinking when hes back at twitter. The president likes these fights generally, likes picking fights with individuals and using them to attract the nations attention and rally his base around different causes. He wanted this fight though to be against representative wilson, not the widow and thats the problem they have this morning. Last week they tried to frame it around the congresswoman. This weekend the president tried to frame it around the congresswoman. Then the widowically endorsing and the president taking the bait in a tweet changes it somewhat. If you remember what general kelly said at the briefing on thursday, it was about respecting the families of these Fallen Soldiers and so just is not consistent to have a war of words with a mourning pregnant widow. Thank you both so much for taking the time to talk to us about this today. I want to get to richard haas joining me from new york city. President of the council on Foreign Relations and msnbc contributor and the author of a world in disarray. I highly recommend it if you hadnt already picked it up. Thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate you taking the time. Thanks, kasie. I want to start with the conversation about the discourse weve been having and i think we have a little sound from senator john mccain, who has been out talking kind of more freely than weve maybe seen before about all of this. He seems to have the New York Times said it was mccain in twilight, that was something that his twitter account retweeted so something clearly that hes embracing but lets look at what he had to say this morning and well talk about it. We should not be fighting about abrave american who lost his life serving his country. That should not be the topic of discussion in america today. Yes. Whoopi is right in that americans should know whats going on in niger. Yeah. Should know what caused the deaths of four brave Young Americans and should know what kind of operations were engaged in. And one of the fights im having right now with the administration is that Armed Services committee is not getting enough information. And they deserve it because we represent their families too. I mentioned that i had faced greater challenges. But the point is that weve got to i hate to keep going back to the big picture, weve got to lift the national dialogue. Lets stop insulting each other and start respecting each other. Yeah. Mccain clearly playing a critical role, in part trying to get information about the pentagon on this raid . Sure, its not just tactical questions why the soldiers went whether they did, whether they were properly ordered and adequate intelligence. What the senator is talking about is the strategic mission. Exactly why do we have somewhere between 750 and 1,000 american troops there. Why are they taking offensive raids of this nature . Doesnt that risk being whack a mole. Their principled purpose i always thought was to support local troops rather than take their place. Why are we doing this . Do we need to do this in as many countries as we are. Were seeing a lot of this throughout africa as well as the middle east. So i think these are legitimate questions. Theres also the question of congressional oversight. So actually i think its a real moment for congress to have some hearings about American Foreign policy, about American Defense policy to use the classroom, if you will that a congressional hearing has historically been to have administration witnesses and outsiders testify because what were debating, not just here but everywhere else, fu fundamental questions far more fundamental than i would say weve seen in decades. Whether we should stay in nafta. What about the question of american alliances. Should we use military force vis avis on north korea. How do we manage the rise of china and how do we deal with a difficult russia. If there was ever a case for a set of big hearings on Foreign Policy, it is now. Richard, one of the things that struck me over the weekend watching sunday shows, general David Petraeus on abc and said that the biggest Foreign Policy threat, one of the biggest Foreign Policy threats that we as a nation face is parochialism at home. He described sort of the ongoing debate were having in this country as something that could fundamentally threaten our security. Do you agree with that . How would you frame that kind of conversation . Short answer is i agree 100 . If you think about it, we talk about Foreign Policy and domestic policy as those they were distinct. If you think of them both as national security, two sides of a single coin, then i think the integration of the two becomes para mount. If were distracted at home and divided at home and not making ourselves competitive. If the debt is allowed to grow, all of these issues will affect americas both its focus on the world and how about bandwidth we have and as well as the resources we can bring and vulnerability to what goes on in the world. I actually think its important to break down the barriers because a lot doesnt stop at the border in either direction. Certainly the russians seem to think that when they were attempting to meddle in the u. S. Election in part by inciting Political Division here at home. Richard haass, msnbc contributor, thanks. Also the author of a world in disarray. Coming up, we have the jfk files in just three days, thousands of documents on his assassination will be released for first time. Im going to talk with my colleague and jfk expert, resident here at msnbc, hardball host Chris Matthews. In fighting in the gop, well break down the latest on President Trump and the establishment. Well be right back. Everyone deserves attention, whether youve saved a lot or just a little. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Ask your doctor about victoza®. We drafted the lowest income level of america and highest income level found a doctor that would s would say that they had a bone spur. That is wrong. That is wrong. If its a new week, its a snu wipe at President Trump from john mccain. He may not have mentioned the president by name but the comments not too far to figure out. President trump received a draft deferment for bone spurs in his heels. Steve bannon is continuing his war against the republican establishment, who is going to be his next targtd . We may find out this afternoon. Speaking at an event in washington today. The his attacks are not limited to those already in office. President bush to me embarrassed himself. Speechwriter wrote a high if a loouting speech. There has not been a more destructive presidency than george bushs. Further evidence that the Republican Party is far from united. Will anything change as President Trump heads to the hill and tries to get a win on the board with tax reform . Joining me here in the newsroom to talk about all of this is michael steele, former rnc chairman and political analyst and bill cristal, the weekly standard. Two of my favorite republicans in twilight in the Trump Administration. I reject that. Its dawn. Twilight and dawn look similar. Fair. Talk to me about what you heard from steve bannon, calling bushs presidency the most destructive. Speaking to the california Republican Party, i mean the Republican Party this is a drawback in the past few decades but also a strength is a pretty loyal party. They sort of like their respect the people who ran for office before, whether its bob dole, won or loss, bush or dole or mccain. Theres been a traditional deference. Yeah. You follow the tea party insurgent, thrp assimilated into the party. A story about bannon personal y personality, its a genuine attempt to destroy the current Republican Party and replace it with something else. The only question if our adult lifetime, you werent born at this point, early 60s, hated Lyndon Johnson more than they hated republicans. He hates george bush more than he hates the democrats. And i think thats what bannon has in mind. On that point, Mitch Mcconnell has become something of a very unexpected and well known boogie man, the reporters who have gone down to alabama, a lot of the reporting was, yeah, people knew Mitch Mcconnells name which was unusual. I think that we have a little bit of what Mitch Mcconnell said on sunday about that if we can take a look. To make policy, youve got to win elections and some of these folks that youve been quoting as i said are specialists and nominating at people who lose. That isnt going to help President Trump achieve his agenda. So whos right here . Mitch mcconnell or steve bannon . Who is the president listening to . I think the president is probably listening to more steve bannon because they are sim bee yotic mind with respect to how the president wants to go about deconstructing the administrative state, that includes Mitch Mcconnell. Mcconnell is ultimately right, you dont get too do policy unless you win elections. He might have five more republican senators to work with if they listened in 2010 and 2012 . Absolutely right. All of this talk about replacing mcconnell with whom . To do what . What are they going to do differently than Mitch Mcconnell is already doing or not doing to sort of save the space that hes in . And understanding that aspects of what it means to be majority leader takes finess and little bit of cunning and mcconnell will not go out as you know start laying down the nails and talk about what hes going to do. He just doesnt. I respect Mitch Mcconnell but this argument does not work with voters, the argument that youve got to nominate someone who can win. We dont know whos going to win ahead of time. Crist made it against rubio, et cetera. Secondly, voters would like to vote for someone they believe in or has policies that will help them. This only being foit by the bannon side and they are hunkered down in the feetal position. You have to fight ban on issues, do you want protectionist republicans or those who accept the 21st century or want to roll everything back 60 or 70 years or believes in americas role in the world or not. They have to make a substantive case and not say its too risky. If moore wins, what was sacrificed . They look at the races lost where they nominated but to your point, it doesnt change. There does seem to be a difference between somebody who is on the same page as steve bannon on things like big issues tpp trade than a Christine Odonnell in delaware, people who have said thing that are unpal atable. That may be the disconnect . But it may also be the link that makes bannon work better than what we saw play in 2010. Those candidates arent gad flies spoutding out witch craft crazy, they are talking about the substance of policy. Youre right, the Counter Measures what is mcconnell and leadership prepared to do, particularly after the two failures on health care and the seemingly to get around an idea on tax reform. Lets talk about tax reform for a second. This is a thing where i think Congressional Republicans seem to feel theres a little momentum going forward, the message that hey, if you dont pass this bill, you are probably going to lose in 2018, seems to have been received. But there seems to be a lot of nervousness how the president will react at any given moment to the details. What happened with 401 k s is a good example, no how, no way. He seems to want a middle class tax cut. Republicans in Congress Want something else. I think donald trump, the moment any revenue raise or tax increase will be put on the table, and thats an unpopular reaction. Donald trump is going to walk away with it. Theyll end up with a massive tax cut and no revenue and blowing more of a hole in the federal deficit and debt. Thats an issue for some republicans. Again, think they need to make the argument for the bill. Youre absolutely right, the strongest thing going for this bill weve got to pass this or were really in trouble in november. Thats an argument that could motivate members not one you can make publicly to voters, i voted for the tax bill and it looks lopsidedly prowealthy and stale ideas but i voted because they told me i couldnt win reelection unless i voted for it. They need to make an argument on the merits for this bill and there theyve made less progress. The president has a very good sense where they are and who they are looking for. Thank you both so much for taking the time today. Great conversation. Up next, a new twist in the bill oreilly Sexual Harassment scandal. The claims the former fox news host played a 32 million settlement to one of his accusers. It would be one of the biggest settlement in his time ever. Well talk with one of the reporters who broke the interview. Ter. So fresh from the farm. Delicious. Perfect. Only one egg with more great nutrition now with 5 times more vitamin d, 10 times more vitamin e, and 25 less saturated fat. Only one egg good enough for my family. 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By hill oreilly is back ine news, he struck a 32 million settlement with former Network Legal analyst wiehl back in january, that would be the largest settlement to date. Accused him of repeated Sexual Harassment and nonconsensual sexual relationship and fox new about the settlement before they resigned to a an extension worth 25 million a year. Nbc news has not verified New York Times reporting and released a statement. Once again they maliciously smeared bill oreilly failing to prince a sworn affidavit from his former lawyer lis weihl, and relied on unsubstantiated allegations and Anonymous Sources and incomplete or stolen documents. The Parent Company of fox issued this statement, thinks new contract made at the time typical for renewals of multiyear talent contracts added protections for the company, specifically aim at has asments, including he could be dismissed if the company was made aware of other allegations or if additional relevant information was obtained in a company investigation. The company subsequently acted based on the terms of this contract. This morning on the today show, megyn kelly raised concerns about her former colleagues behavior to the president s of fox. Oreillys suggestion that no one complained about his behavior is false. I know because i complained. I did something that day ive never done before, i wrote an email to the copresident s of fox news, big shine and jack abernathy, an email i never made public but sharing now because it speaks volumes about powerful men and the roadblocks one can face in taking them on. I wrote in part, perhaps he didnt realize the kind of message his criticism sends to young women across this country about how men continue to view the issue of speaking out about Sexual Harassment. Joining me now is michael schmit, one of the reporters behind that New York Times story and Msnbc National Security contributor. Theres so much to talk about here. You sat down with bill oreilly on wednesday, we should point out before your story over the weekend. Heres what he had to say and ill have to have you explain it all. We have physical proof that is this is [ bleep ] [ bleep ] okay . Its on if you want to destroy my children further. Its all crap. Ive been in the broadcast journalism business 43 years. Ive never had one complaint filed against me by a coworker in any Human Resources department in 43 years, that encompasses 12 different companies. So all of a sudden, all of this stuff happens and the pain it brings to my children is indescribable. Indescribable. Michael, can you walk through what was he talking about there when he used im not going to repeat the words he used. Was he talking about the entirety of your story, specific things inside it . Can you explain exactly what you were talking to him about there. He was talking about all of our reporting dating back to april where we first reported that he had five deals that he had reached during his two decades at the network. He was trying to make the case to us that he had been the victim here in the aftermath of roger ailes leaving, he was someone easily targeted my people for money, fox would make deals with them. He was he had been taken advantage of and it was he had really suffered because of that and his family suffered because of that. That was his argument to us. We heard him out. It was about an hour long interview. It was an unusual interview. There wasnt much of a discussion. It was a lot of sort of us asking very pointed questions and him giving us either no answer or very animated angry answers. Michael, can you give us a little back story why he decided to talk to you . Was he trying to get you not to write the story . I dont think he thought he could get us to not write the story but maybe he thought that he could bully us into not doing it or get us push us into not doing it. It certainly wasnt the type of interview where he tried to charm us. It was clear from the beginning that this would be unlike any other interview i had been in, where he was going to push as hard as he could to make the case that this was this was not fair and that we werent really following the facts. And we spent a lot of time there just asking him questions to try to learn as much as possible about his side and about why these things may have happened to hear him out so we could incorporate that into our story. It seems to me based on what we just heard, that piece of your interview, that he made some claims about his own background, the lack of complaints to Human Resources departments or other things and heard from megy n kelly refuting that. Did you feel he was lying to you straight out . Was that a consistent theme throughout your interview . He has taken this argument for more than a year with us, in which he said theres never any complaints against him at all. We found that sort of curious because he actually today he himself acknowledged on the air he had settled himself three cases during his time at fox news. Theres three others that we know about. So i dont know how he can make the argument that these deals were reached. Certainly the fox news legal department, Human Resources department knew about some of them. And but what he takes the perspective of, theres never been a formal complaint filed against him. It seems to me a distinction without a difference and thats his response and ill have to leave that at that. We do have some new information as well, bill oreilly tell beingiing glenn b this coming in the last couple of minutes, if he had to do it all over again, i never would have settled and says he settled to protect his kids. He also responded to megyn kelly, was played the clip you all just saw where kelly said she complained about his behavior. He has straight out, number one, she didnt file a complaint, not that i know of, never brought to our attention of that megyn kelly did anything. Bill oreilly continuing what Michael Schmidt you have just described it a pug nashs set of interviews on the topic. You know, hes out there saying this stuff and trying to just make his case and i get that. We published we had this podcast that went up today that had his side and i think if you listen to it, you can hear why he feels the way he did and why he did the things he did and his sort of explanations for that. I think he deserves to be able to make that case. But as we saw yesterday in and after the story came out on saturday, his side put out a statement. They didnt raise any factual issues about the story. And they said we hadnt been fair to them and other things but there was no factual questions about the story. At the end of the day thats the most important thing. Michael schmidt of the New York Times, thanks for taking the time today. I appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Up next, the jfk files, thousands of classified documents set to be released to the public on thursday. Hardball host and jfk author Chris Matthews joins me next for a preview of what we might learn. Right now, ivanka trump is speak ting at the town hall in bucks county, pennsylvania, and promised that 401 k s wont be touched. Were keeping an eye on it. Youre watching msnbc. The uncertainties of hep c. Wondering, what if . I let go of all those feelings. Because i am cured with harvoni. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. And is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. Tell your doctor if youve ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. In less than 27 hours, never before seen government files on the assassination of president john f. Kennedy will be released to the public. A ruling all documents could be released in 25 years unless the president deemed it a danger to intelligence or national security. The bulk of the records come from the cia and the fbi, and President Trump made his decision public on twitter on saturday. Subject to the receipt of further information, i will be allowing as president the long locked and classified jfk files to be opened. The National Archives has until this thursday to release the files, unless the president changes his mind. Joining me here in washington is Chris Matthews, host of hardball here on msnbc and also author and expert on several kennedy books, including jack kennedy an illusive hero, and Bobby Kennedy available on preorder, im excited about it, chris. Explain for a lot of people watching who have different memories of this. Jfks assassination came up on the campaign trail, this president bringing up theories exactly what happened. What do you think well find out we dont already know . When it happened i was at college and it changed everything. Like the movie tape had broken. Like something changed in history. Kennedys dead . How can he be dead . The way we were brought up to think of drama, must have been somebody big who did it, not somebody like lee harvey oswald. Didnt make sense. Seemed too important in our lives, every remembers it. Everybody remembers it. Never satisfied with documentation. Get a lot of paper this week. My hunch is, maybe there was somebody i thought 1992, interesting year. President of the United States, former head of the fbi Herbert Walker bush. Something happens when somebody commits a horrible assassination, crime, shooting, why didnt we know . Or watching for that in advance . Right. Also president johnson afraid knowing how hot the war was, soviets had anything to do or the communists, i dont think it was a conspiracy, i think it was oswa oswald. The parade route wasnt set until the day before. No way anybody would have known that until the day before. How could anybody know . It happened a crime are opportunity for oswald who already tried to shoot general walker, president nixon. And going to the soviet and Cuban Embassy in september before the assassination, why were no records kept of those meetings . A sweaty guy, been a procommunist, still in fafatua with castro. Dangerous and i see why they kept that quiet. Your new book is about Bobby Kennedy. What were the theories . First off, that afternoon, horrible news from j. Edgar hoover, talked to an impressive newspaperman and so much bitterness. Thought it would be me. He thought it was all about desegregation. How kennedy was so unpopular down in dallas. First instinct. Then head of the cia said, was it you . Was it you . Both very Roman Catholic and religious and got him to swear basically on his soul it wasnt them. He believed them. Of course, the mob, bobby had been fighting with the mob since 57. Jian kage giancano, quit his relationship with sinatra, all of these guys might be after my brother. First answer was, thought it would be me. Thought he had more enemies than his brother. Amazing story. Why has all of this been kept secret so long . Were going to find out. Wont we . People love to keep secrets. Alger his, a hiss, a spy, came t with decryptions, he was a spy for moscow, but they kept it secret for years. Why . You know . Secret keeping is a problem. And uttering Conspiracy Theory after theory for decades. Makes it easy. Easy for olver stone. I said a minute ago people wanted bigger answers. A great filmmaker, olver stone, jim garrison in texas and a gay guy, Tommy Lee Jones playing in the movie. All of this stuff, historical stuff and people say, sounds right, because we dont know enough. Until we get all the papers people will remain unsatisfied. Might be a bombshell or just the kennedy brothers are more fascinating than anything because of what they stirred in this country. The excitement and hope that they stirred in the country. Absolutely agree. Author of jack kennedy illusive hero and bobby kenny a raging spirit. A book coming out next week. Looked forward to it. Thank you. There is a new call to impeeve President Trump. This time not coming from a lawmaker. Obstructed justice at the fbi and in direct violation of the constitution taken money from foreign governments and threaten to shut down news organizations that report the truth. If that isnt a case for impreemping and removing a dangerous government, then what has our government become . A mega launched an Impeach Campaign including an eight figure tv ad and seven digit buy all out of his pockets. Joining me, tom stier, president and founder of next gen america. Thanks for being with us today. Sir, i have beenterior interesting in following this closely and take it upon myself to start asking a variety of democratic lawmakers about your ad, your push. I talked to democratic senator al franken. Listen to what he had that say and then well chat about it. I think we have to wait until what bob mueller comes up with. We have a process in place. I think tom stier is a great guy but i dont agree with him on this one. That answer is similar to others, who seem to be uncomfortable and on the spot when i ask whether or not the president should be impreached. At what grounds do you believe there are high crimes and misdemeanors and arent you causing a lot of problems for elected democrats right now . Well, the president met the standard for historical impeachment already and clearly has done so. The standard of all previous impeachments has been a violation and trust of the constitution and with the American People and obstruction of justice by firing mr. Comey, trying to stop the russia investigati investigation, the president already violated the constitution and obstructed just is. Elected officials are hiding behind the Mueller Investigation to try to come up with something that is already evert and clear and that the American People want to see happen. Do you think that democratic donors should withhold Campaign Money from democrats who are not willing to say that the president should be impeached now . What our organization does, kasie, is to organize grass roots conversations around the United States, citizen to citizen conversations about the biggest issues of the day. And we believe anytime those conversations are held, people will move to a more progressive approach. So the fact of the matter is that isnt a question we really ask ourselves. What we ask ourselves is, how do we get a broader, more just society . How do we get a more broad, more complete democracy, and that is something well never give up on and dont see that is in anyway conflict with the call were making now to impeach this president. On the need to impeach site you have taken Dianne Feinstein who at one point said the president could potentially be a good president , what are your future plans here . Are you planning to challenge her or rather be governor of california . Ive said repeatedly, i am willing to do anything that will push us forward, because i believe were in a political crisis. Where could you best do that . I havent made a decision. I dont know, kasie. Maybe youd like to give me that answer. The fact of the matter we do right now that this president has got to go. Hes met the standard for impeachment. Hes a clear and present danger to american citizens. Their health and their safety. Its very clear right now regardless what i do personally, this guys got to go. The American People know it. They need to tell their elected representatives because they are [ inaudible ]. We just lost democratic donor tom steyr and want to thank him for joining us. Setting up a difficult test for those running in 2018. That wraps up things for me. Rauch the Rachel Maddow show for her interview with attorney general eric holder. For now, ali velshi from new york. Good afternoon. Im ali velshi. This hour the president presents the medal of honor to an army medic served during vietnam and saved numerous lives. This as the white house faces

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