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To a second ballot. Its a corrupt system. Youre basically buying these people. Youre basically saying, delegate, listen. Were going to send you to maralago on a boeing 757. Now the bad news for cruz, hes on a little bit of a roll right now but donald trump could be on the verge of a much bigger one. One that could wipe out all the progress cruz has made and could put trump on course to clinch the nomination. It starts tomorrow in new york. I am going to show you the numbers the Trump Campaign is salivating over in just a minute. Also ahead, does trump have a secret weapon in the next big primary to vote after new york . Well talk to a delegate from pennsylvania who has a lot more power than most delegates. Youll want to see that. Also, Bernie Sanders gets his meeting with the pope, but hell need a real hail mary to pull out a win in new york tomorrow. Those are the public polls but the bottom line is lets look at the real poll tomorrow. Generally speaking, a poll that has underestimated how we do in elections. Record crowds in brooklyn, new yorks Prospect Park over the weekend to hear sanders. Still a doubledigit gap for sanders. One day to go now until new york. That is still ahead. Rounding out our agenda, a republican establishment reality check. What our new nbc news wall street journal poll says that could puncture one of the great hopes of the stop Trump Movement. Thats our most important number of the day. What it is and what it means in a little bit. We start with our top story. Ted cruz with another win over the weekend at a convention in wyoming taking all 14 delegates up for grabs at the Republican State Convention in casper on saturday. Cruz wasting no time attacking trump there. He says compromising his values. Donald trump has been supporting liberal democratic politicians for 40 years. I have no experience with that. Donald continued, ted, when it comes to the Supreme Court and religious liberty, you have to learn to compromise and learn to cut deals with the democrats and learn to go along to get along. Let me be very clear to the men and women of wyoming. I will not compromise away your religious liberty. With big northeast contests starting with new york tomorrow and a bunch more the week after, is trump about to overshadow cruz in a big way . Lets take a look at these numbers. This is what the Trump Campaign thinks it could be getting over the next week or two. This is where the race stands right now. Cruz again with that success in wyoming, the success in colorado last week. The win in wisconsin. A little bit of a roll for cruz. Hes closed the gap. Within 200 delegates of donald trump right now. Thats the good news for cruz. Now the bad news. This is what Donald Trumps people think could happen tomorrow and then next week. They think first tomorrow, new york votes. Those 95 delegates, theres a chance donald trump could get 85 or more of them. Theres a chance he could get all 95 of them tomorrow. Thats because of the way they give out the delegates here. A big trump win, if hes breaking 50 in every Congressional District. Hes getting all 95 of those delegates. Then a week later, a week after tomorrow, polls show trump leading in pennsylvania, maryland. Polls show trump leading there. Delaware, winner take all state with 16 delegates. Rhode island, if you believe in the demographics of this race, this could be one of his best states. Between new york tomorrow and midatlantic and New England States that vote a week later. We showed you that lead cut within 200. That delegate lead for donald trump by eight days from now could be over 400. He could be sitting, donald trump could, near 950 delegates at the end of this month. And then the rest of the country to go beyond the end of this month and june 7th. If donald trump is around 950 eight days from now, he would have to get the rest of those delegates to clear 1,237. Very doable for trump. The news has been good for ted cruz but it could get very good for donald trump tomorrow and then a week from tomorrow. That is the backdrop for whats about to kick off tomorrow in new york. Speaking of this, on the same subject, Trumps Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski is optimistic about what tomorrow and the week after could bring in terms of a delegate haul for his candidate. By the end of this month and the next two weeks, donald trump will add an additional 200 delegates to his total. Lun sdewandowski has seen hie diminish in the campaign. Check this out. A trump source telling politico, quote, were trying to set expectations at 180. 180 delegates for the rest of this month and he just blew through that. Thats an amateur. Thats an unnamed source speaking about Corey Lewandowski. Katy tur is joining me from new york at trump tower. This has been hard to figure out. You had Corey Lewandowski was the face of this campaign for a long time. He had all the legal troubles. Trump brought in this Convention Manager paul manafort. The role of lewandowski right now. Whats your sense of it . Well, theres two competing groups within the campaign from what i am told by sources. As you said theres the Corey Lewandowski camp. Hes been on with donald trump since the beginning. Ive heard even before the legal matter, the criminal matter down in florida, before that was hashed and then resolved there was infighting in the campaign and a feeling among those closest to donald trump that he did not have the experience or temperament to continue with the candidate through the nomination and into a general election successfully. So theres now a contingent there now, paul manafort, rick wiley, a number of others who are more experienced operatives. People who have worked on campaigns before and have relationships with washington. And right now im told they are the ones trying to clean up this campaign. Theyre trying to not make any unnecessary mistakes from now until the convention. They want to get as many delegates as they can in new york and the states you just mentioned. Because of that, they are taking more control. They have a closer ear to the candidate. And lewandowski is becoming more of a body man, an advance man. Thats what im hearing from my sources. We will continue to see how this unfolds. So far Corey Lewandowski is back on the trail. He was in Staten Island when getting the endorsement of the new york policeman veterans. Katy tur outside trump tower in new york. Thanks for that. Want to turn to congressman Chris Collins from western new york, a donald trump supporter. He wrote an op ed called the case for trump. Steve, nice to be with you today. Thank you. Let me ask you this. Your state, you know it well. 95 delegates up for grabs tomorrow. Donald trump, barring an act of god, is probably going to win the state tomorrow. How many delegates is he going to get . Well, youve heard the campaign say 85. Quite frankly i think thats at the low end. Donald trumps popularity is truly amazing. Weve got that 50 rule. If he in a couple of Congressional Districts comes in with 48 , then someone else could get a couple more delegates, although it would likely be john kasich, not ted cruz. Its going to be a really big day tomorrow. In terms of falling short. If he falls short of getting all 95, any particular pockets, regions of the state where he may struggle . Definitely not up near buffalo or any part of upstate new york. Upstate new york really outside the five boroughs, west chester and long island is so angry about the loss of jobs, the devastation of new york over the last 30plus years that they are really turning out for a nontraditional candidate, someone like donald trump who is hitting all the right notes when it comes to jobs, china and mexico. No, its not upstate new york. I think youd have to look to a couple of Congressional Districts, perhaps long island or some of the five boroughs. But i believe donald trump could win all 95, but lets say its 85. Thats still, to use Donald Trumps term, huge victory tomorrow for donald trump. The other headline out of the weekend. Ted cruz did really well at the state convention in wyoming. Also these conventions in states around the country. Some of them states where donald trump won the primary. But then theres this whole process for picking delegates where the Cruz Campaign has been excelling. I know your candidate has been saying and your campaign has been saying how unfair you feel the process is. But these are the rules of the process and ted cruzs campaign it seems at least from afar is much better positioned organizationally to take advantage of them. Just in terms of the organizational issue is that something that concerns you . Is the Trump Campaign organized enough whether its against ted cruz now or potentially Hillary Clinton in the fall in a situation like this . Steve, no question we need to win this on the first ballot. I think most of us recognize that. Ted cruz has been at this a long time. Give him credit. When it comes to inside baseball, all of the political maneuvering behind the scenes, theres no one better than ted cruz on the inside baseball. But thats frankly what the voters are rejecting. They dont want someone that excels at the political inside baseball game. They want a true outsider that is donald trump. Yes, when it comes to the caucuses and some of the other maneuvering, ted cruz has a massive organization. Thats where he put his effort. Donald trump has tapped into the everyday grassroots support which frankly is more important when it comes to voter turnout and come general election. But we need to win this on the first ballot and thats why tomorrow, starting with 85 or more delegates, and then moving in just eight days from now to pick up another 90, 100 delegates is exactly the momentum donald trump needs to get to the 1,237. When you say ted cruz as the insider, a lot of people may say this is the guy who went on the senate floor last year and breached a corum in a way thquoy that he said mcconnell lied to him. He pushed for the Government Shutdown a few years ago. The Ted Cruz Lindsey Graham was joking about the prospective murder of ted cruz. Ted cruz to hear him described as an insider, a lot of people may say, are you sure youre talking about ted cruz . Im not calling him an establishment republican. Theres a difference between being an establishment republican versus someone who knows the ins and outs and inside way to maneuver around whether its Convention Delegates or, in fact, the rules of the senate floor. Im not suggesting ted cruz is an establishment republican, but what i am saying is he is well schooled and very good at what ma nipulating the rules to his advantage within the rules but, no, im calling that the inside baseball piece. Dont mistake that. Im not ever suggesting hes a traditional establishment republican. Thats why he really has no support whatsoever in washington. All right, Chris Collins, congressman from new york, supporter of donald trump. Thanks, steve. A little further down the calendar, new york comes tomorrow and then we get right into the midatlantic and new england contests. On progreapril 26th, that may b most important story in this race that no one is talking about. Has to do with pennsylvania. Pennsylvania will vote on april 26th. In that state you can see it on your screen. You see those two numbers in pennsylvania. There are two different kinds of delegates at stake in pennsylvania. One of them is easy. 17. Those go to whoever wins the statewide primary. Then theres the real jackpot, that bigger number, the 54. Those are unbound delegates. That means theyll be able to vote for whoever they want to vote for at the national convention. They are free agents. Many of those 54 will be chosen in that primary next week. More than 100 men and women have have their names on the primary ballot in pennsylvania. 54 of them will become unbound delegates to the national convention. They could be the difference in whether donald trump hits thats magic number of 1,237 or if the stop Trump Movement succeeds in derailing him. Joining me is one of those prospective unbound delegates from harrisburg, pennsylvania. Andrew, thanks for taking a few minutes. This is one of those elements of minutia that in any other year wouldnt matter. In a year like this, its huge. If you go to this convention as one of these 54 unbound delegates, you and that bloc from pennsylvania could be the difference for whether donald trump gets the nomination or not. How do you approach this . Do you have a candidate right now that you know youre going to support . You know, steve, you are right. This is unique for pennsylvania in one sense. Our primary hasnt been this meaningful for several decades now. Looking ahead, i got in this rai race, not for any one president ial campaign or for any party but for the voters. Ill stay committed to at least on the first ballot and likely on subsequent ballots ill vote for the candidate that wins the popular vote of the fourth Congressional District, which is the district for which im running for delegate. Thats a key point. All of the polling coming out of pennsylvania suggests donald trump is going to win the state. Likely to win the state and by a wide margin. If what you are saying holds, thats potentially a vote for donald trump. If trump wins your district by the margin were seeing now. Is this something you expect the other unbound delegates to do to honor whatever the voters say in the primary next week . Theres a good mix of candidates across the ballot. There are onethird of the candidates are pledged for senator cruz. Onethird are pledged for donald trump. I dont believe we have any pledged at this point for john kasich. And all the remaining candidates are either pledged to support the candidate who wins the popular vote of their Congressional District or we have some candidates who have pledged to support the candidate who wins the popular vote of the entire commonwealth of pennsylvania. Im just trying to think practically speaking, if a candidate, and the polls are suggesting it would be donald trump. If a candidate wins a district or the state by a wide margin, it would be tough for an unbound delegate to say, thats one thing but im going to vote for a different candidate, wouldnt it . It would be really tough. I think if you look at whats happened in some parts of the country. You were just talking about that in some different areas with the delegate games going on if you will. I think elections have to matter. Conventions matter. And the voters are absolutely engaged in this delegate Selection Process in pennsylvania. And for them to be this engaged to make their selections both for delegate and president ial nominee in eight days on april 26th, and then for a delegate to defy, if you will, the will of the voters, thats would be problematic and i dont think thats what the intention of pennsylvanias delegate process is. Ballpark figure, of the 54 unbound delegates. If this is what happens in pennsylvania and trump wins by 20, 25 points, how many of those 54 do you think he gets . I do think some of the polls ive been looking at show it a little closer, but nonetheless with trump ahead. How many does he get . Thats difficult. I havent done a full analysis of all the delegate slates statewide. I imagine if he wins statewide and knowing the areas in pennsylvania where hell perform well, i think hell clear at least twothirds of those delegates of those 54. Thats a potentially huge differencemaker. Andrew ritter, thanks for the time. Thanks, steve. Coming up Bernie Sanders seems to have a renewed confidence after what his Campaign Says was a recordshattering rally over the weekend here in new york. This while Hillary Clintons motorcade is showered with dollar bills as she attends a highdollar fundraiser at the home of actor George Clooney. I think we shouldve taken a left at the river. Tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. 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He likes his chances of pulling off an upset of Hillary Clinton in tomorrows democratic primary here in new york. Sanders is pointing to momentum and enthusiasm as evidenced by what his Campaign Says is a record turnout for his get out the vote rally in Prospect Park brooklyn here in new york city yesterday. More than 28,000 people showed up on a beautiful spring afternoon for that. The latest poll shows Hillary Clinton maintaining a doubledigit lead over sanders in new york, 53 to 43 . Clinton and sanders returned to the new York Campaign trail yesterday after brief diversions out of the state, or in sanders case, out of the country. Sanders met briefly with the pope at the vatican and attended a conference on social and economic issues. Clinton was in california where she attended some highprofile fundraisers with George Clooney who talked about it with chuck todd on meet the press. It is an obscene amount of money. The Sanders Campaign when they talk about it is right. Its ridiculous we should have this kind of money in politics. I agree completely. Also we got an update on the delegate race on the democratic side. Hillary clintons lead over Bernie Sanders right now, the key column there is the allocated or pledge delegates. The ones actually given out in primaries or caucuses. She leads by 240. Thats the column the Sanders Campaign is saying if they can get the lead, then the superdelegates where clinton has the huge advantage, the Sanders Campaign believes those superdelegates will have no choice but to flip their allegiances if sanders can get ahead in the allocated column. It looks luke 240. The state of washington where Bernie Sanders won an enormous victory still has not actually distributed its delegates. When they do, that gap is going to fall to about 200. But Bernie Sanders to close that gap will need to get wins down the stretch. That include probably new york tomorrow. Nbcs Kristen Welker is just a few blocks to our north. Shes in midtown manhattan following the Clinton Campaign. An interesting contrast over the weekend. A lot of people were asking, why is Bernie Sanders leaving new york, leaving the country a few days before the primary. He met with the pope. At the same time headlines about Hillary Clinton were this highdollar fundraiser out there in california. Any blowback for the Clinton Campaign from that fundraiser . Theres blowback to the extent theyve been explaining it all weekend. When she pulled up to that fundraiser at george and Amal Clooneys house on saturday, some sanders supporters were throwing dollar bills at her car. That trip to the vatican allowed senator sanders to underscore one of his central points which is that he is the true progressive candidate. Hes the one who is going to get money out of politics. And those optics really striking over the weekend. Its not clear, though, steve, that this is going to impact the race in new york. As you rightfully point out, secretary clinton has a doubledigit lead here in new york. Shes had a doubledigit lead. Ive been talking privately to some of her Campaign Officials who say they actually expect the race is going to get tighter heading into tomorrow. But margins matter. We keep saying that. They certainly matter tomorrow. If she wins this race by more than ten points, she could get as many as a 25delegate net gain. What would that mean . That would mean senator sanders would have to win more than 70 of all the delegates moving forward and thats going to be a really high bar to meet. Again the Clinton Campaign downplaying it expectations. They just want to win tomorrow and they dont think shed be able to put this race out of reach until may but theres no doubt what happens tomorrow is significant in this race. Steve . Kristen welker. A huge stack of delegates up for grabs here in new york if clinton gets any kind of win tomorrow thats going to make sanders math that much more difficult. Lets turn to jeff merkeley, the only sitting senator who has so far endorsed senator sanders. Your state is still to come. Were all talking about new york on the democratic side right here. Senator sanders has closed the gap. The lead awhile ago was much wider for Hillary Clinton but still its basically double digits in every poll were looking at in new york. In terms of actually becoming the democratic candidate for president , winning the nomination, this is a mustwin state, isnt it . I wont say its a mustwin but needs to be close. We have a series of New England States thats follow shortly. What happens in new york can have an influence. What we see is sanders momentum. Weve seen eight of the nine last contests hes taken. Weve seen him close a gap on the polling from 30 to roughly 10 to 12 in new york and as bernie himself pointed out, often the real poll, that is the election, has favored him far more than the polling has. So what counts is what happens tomorrow. A lot of people say that momentum isnt really momentum. Its just sort of the nature of the calendar. It dips into some states that are demographically favorable to Hillary Clinton and moves to states that are more demographically favorable to Bernie Sanders. If you look at the basic contours of this race, they havent really changed. The formula for Bernie Sanders has been, you know, he hasnt done that well with africanamerican voters. Hes done much better with white voters. Thats the basic divide in this race. Do you see that . Well, i do think that you have far greater gaps, but as people have gotten to know bernie, those gaps have narrowed and hes often taken home a victory. We have seen a fundamental change. People said if we go back six, eight months ago theres no chance bernie will be a serious contender in this race. Thats no longer the conversation. Let me ask you this. You endorsed him last week. You are the only sitting senator so far who has endorsed hum. We put that superdelegate up there. And these are senators, members of congress who are the superdelegates and Hillary Clinton has been dominating that category. Would it have made a difference if you had come out sooner . What took you so long to get behind him . The timing for me was to express my opinion as the race was coming up in oregon. Now the ballots go out in oregon. Its a mailin election. It comes out ten days from now. People will start voting and have those ballots in 2 1 2 weeks. Thats the key. Most folks decided to endorse early on where there was really only one possible candidate that people thought was viable. And that was hillary. They wanted to be on the winning side. They took the safe endorsement. But when it comes to key issues facing america, whether its on the trade agreement, whether its on global warming, whether its cash in politics, the corruption really of our political system by Citizens United and the role of money will in all three of these areas, bernie has been the leader, the voice, the progressive champion. N thats why people are rally g ing to his side. Do you expect there will be any other endorsements from senators switching sides . I think everyone cast their lot early on and rarely they dont change unless theres Something Like a john edwards blowup and nobody is anticipating that in this case. Peoples positions are pretty set. However, those who are not in elected office, the other superdelegates, they may be much more likely to switch sides. They dont have a public stance theyve taken in quite the same way. Jeff merkley, supporter of senator sanders, thanks for the time. Coming up, the most important number of the day. Just how much support is there to stop trump in the Republican Party . A perspective from a former republican president ial candidate will be here live next. We stop arthritis pain, so you dont have to stop. Because you believe in go. Onward. Todays the day. Carpe diem. Tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. The first is fast. The second lasts all day. We give you your day back. What you do with it is up to you. Tylenol®. Twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Harness the hardworking power of the peanut. Its more than tits security and flexibility. Its where great ideas and vital data are stored. With centurylink you get advanced Technology Solutions from a trusted it partner. 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The countrys security minister just announcing the death toll has climbed to 350. This follows the massive 7. 8 magnitude quake that lasted over one minute. Buildings and in some places entire towns were leveled. Thousands of people have also been injured. With areas of rubble still uncleared, the scope of the tragedy is expected to rise. Ecuadors president has declared a state of emergency mobilizing nearly 15,000 members of the armed forces to help in rescue efforts. Miguel almaguer joins me from ecuador. Reporter hi steve, good morning. This quake was the largest here in about three decades. The president said its the worst Natural Disaster in some 60 years. About 300 people have died in this earthquake, and were told that number will continue to climb. There have been more than 2,000 injuries and countless are still missing. The coastal communities near the epicenter is where most of the damage is. Ecuadors largest city is in ruins. Bridges, buildings have collapsed. Roads have been buckled. Mud slides have been triggered. Power is out in much of that community. People are living in the streets because they are afraid to go back into their homes. The rescue mission is well under way. A day and a half after this massive quake, we are told the president and Vice President is out on the street asking for people to be quiet so that they can hear the cries for help that are coming from underneath the rubble. Over the last 24 hours, we know at least two small girls have been rescued. Were hearing about more rescues every few hours. Thats certainly some good news here. Now the bad news is that because of the mud slides, because of the earthquake crumbling some of these roads, it may be difficult for help to get here. The army is sending in thousands of troops across this region to help out in this area, but certainly still a very devastating scene here all across ecuador. Miguel almaguer in ecuador. Thank you for that. Please stay safe out there. 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The Republican National committee, they better get going because ill tell you what. Youll have a rough july at that convention. Donald trump looking ahead to that possibility of an open or contested convention this summer in cleveland. Takes us to our most important number of the day. That number is 71. This has everything to do with that open contested convention scenario you hear all the time, if we get there. If we get somewhere we havent been in many of our lifetimes. Maybe it wont be trump. Maybe it wont be cruz or kasich. Maybe somebody else will emerge. Thats what happens at open conventions. 71, as in 71 in our new nbc news wall street journal poll, 71 of republicans say it is not acceptable if the party this summer nominates a candidate for president who didnt run in the primaries. This is key because you hear this a lot from the stop Trump Movement. They lot have aligned themselves with ted cruz. Ted cruz still not necessarily their preferred candidate but theyd like to get it to an open convention. Theyd like the chaos of an open convention and maybe somebody else could emerge. Paul ryan had his press conference last week. Tried to make it clear he wasnt interested in having this nomination. The chatter persists. The one sure way to keep chatter going is to deny you have any interest in it. Condoleezza rice, thats a name you also hear mentioned sometimes. Even mitt romney. That name has been floated many times. This is the key. 71 of republicans, nearly 3 out of 4 of them saying they dont want any of those other candidates emerging. They want their nominee to be either donald trump, ted cruz or john kasich. One of the candidates out there now. A bit of a reality check. Every time we go down this road of talking about the open conventon or contested one vention. I get excited. Our imaginations run wild. Im not sure if theyll go for it if it comes to that. Still a question of whether it will even come to that. Joining me to discuss a little more about that we have steve forbes, the chairman of forbes media. Also a candidate for the republican president ial nomination in 1996 and 2000. I make the journey over from the board to here. Let me ask you where this republican race stands in your mind. Theres two ways of looking at it. Ted cruz has had a good couple of weeks. Hes picking off delegates, wyoming and these other places. On the other hand, it looks like donald trump is about to have a good week. Whats the likelihood of trump surviving this and getting the first ballot nomination . He still has to be favored. Tomorrow he should get 80, 85 out of the 95 delegates in new york. Smothers p some other primaries where he should do well. He could come out with 11 ass50 1200 delegates which puts him near the nomination. So 1,237 is the line. You hear from the stop trump crowd, they are out there saying, if we stop him even one delegate short, thats it. Hes not going to get it. The trump side says theres wiggle room there we could pick off some more. How close do you think he has to get . You have five big primaries and two big ones june 7th. California and new jersey and three smaller ones. Lets say ted cruz sweeps those. Even though he wouldnt have as many delegates, the voters have looked hard at us and ive got momentum. If trump wins california or new jersey, which is winner take all, he could say, you see, people have examined me again and so hell get the momentum for it. Over 2,000 delegates. Each one wants their 15 minutes of his or her fame. Theyll want to be there for if trump gets close, somebody will want to raise his or her hand and say, i put you over. You mentioned new jersey. Are you part of the stop Trump Movement . No, i want a good nominee movement. I havent endorsed any candidates yet. But trump would be acceptable . Ill endorse the nominee. Both candidates two key candidates, cruz and trump, are starting to step up their game. Trump has not had an organization. Now thats beginning to tell on him. He should have, a couple of months ago when he won New Hampshire, he should have known these were going to go to the distance. Hes got to step up in terms of organization. Only now is he beginning to do this. And ted cruz has to realize he has to go for big issues like the flat tax. Lead with it the way reagan led with the big tax cut. More on the message and principles youre advocating. Both have to change their games if they want to go the distance. You would be okay with donald trump. Youd support him. You have voices in the stop trump crowd. Lindsey graham and others. If this party nominates donald trump, its a disaster in the general election. What do you say to that . This gets to the whole process. Usually parties dont nominee candidates they think are going to lose. Even though like Ronald Reagan was seen as a nonwinner in 1980. He demonstrated obviously he could win a general election. This is where the real test comes. Critical primaries coming up. And so how do cruz and trump get that onethird. Three parts of the party. Onethird, firm for trump. One onethird against trump. Onethird in the middle. Not really leaning towards him but could be persuaded. How do they get that onethird thats going to tip the scales . The momentum will be critical. If it looks like cruz has a game that can go against trump, he could win the nomination. If trump shows he can step up his game and start making substantive policy speeches showing he can reach out and win the waverers, then he could be formidable in the general election. Onethird in the Republican Party against trump at all costs. It certainly seems right to me. How do you ever get them on board if hes the nominee in the fall . Thats where reach out is important. Votes dont matter about emotions. Its whether you cast that ballot. Even though you may not like a particular candidate, you have to run against somebody else, Hillary Clinton doesnt excite people in the Republican Party. And so you have to show that you can reach out, that youve thought things through. You dont just say, i dont like nato. You need a substantive policy speech. You have to change your game. Trump has to step up his game. Cruz has to do his in terms of policy substance that appeal beyond his base. They have to go beyond their natural bases if they want to win this nomination. If they win the nomination, people may take a fresh look. I dont like really any of them, but who could i go with . Thats where you make your case and have to persuade. Steve forbes, former republican president ial candidate. Thanks for the time. When we come back, well go to the Supreme Court. Theyll be hearing arguments on a monumental immigration case. Jose diazbalart is going to join me next. Time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. Scott chastain was on the verge of losing all his money when his company ever fan that made capes for collegiate sports failed to take off. But he switched gears to let people make their own designs and now the company is flying high. For more watch your business sunday mornings at 7 30 on msnbc. We got another one. I have an orcogram for an owen. Thats me. You should hire stacy drew. She wants to change the world with you. She can program jet engines to talk and such. Her biggest weakness is she cares too much. Thank you. My friend really wants a job at ge. Mine too. Im a wise elf from a far off shire. And sanjay patel is who you should hire. Thank you. Seriously though, stacy went to a great school and shes really loyal. You should give her a shot. Sanjays a team player and uh. Gomery and Abigail Higgins had. A tree that bore the most rare and magical fruit. Which provided for their every financial need. And then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had given its last. T with their Raymond James financial advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. And they danced. See what a Raymond James advisor can do for you. Breaking news now from whats shaping up as a very big day at the Supreme Court. Lets bring in jose diazbalart at the Supreme Court for todays showdown on immigration. Steve, it really say big day here in washington, d. C. The Supreme Court behind me is really the epicenter of interest for so many people. Millions and millions of people that would be benefitted under the president s executive actions. The actions announced in 2014 but have been on hold since texas and another 25 states joins in opposing the immigration executive actions. It would have shielded about 5 million undocumented immigrants in this country from deportation. These would be people thats have u. S. Born children or children that are legal residents of the United States of america, and it would temporarily shield them from deportation. Its been frozen in the courts. Today the Supreme Court is listening to about 90 minutes of arguments. In favor of and against the president s executive order. Also the legal standing issue of whether texas and these other states have the legal standing to present this type of legal argument in the Supreme Court. So a lot of people, and ive been meeting people. Ive been here since yesterday, steve. There thousands of people outside the court right now, thousands of them that spent the night outside the court and in the churches nearby. People from california, from texas, from new mexico, from florida, from new york, from all over the country who are here, many of whom wouldnt probably even be accepted under the president s executive orders visavis immigration but they just want to be here, to be a witness to this, which starts today, steve. We know that the Supreme Court wont decide one way or another until june, but theyre here and they want to be here. A lot of chains of prayers are being held throughout the city here by people hoping that the Supreme Court moves their way. Jose, this is one i think probably to set the calendars for. You say the ruling late june. Right. Thats when weve come to expect these big rulings at the very end of the term, but that would be smack dab in the middle of the president ial campaign. This could shake up the race. It would indeed, if the Supreme Court says, yes, the executive orders are constitutional and are legal, then the administration is ready from that moment on to start the process of registering people. Having people come out from under the shadows and renl stri registering. If it goes the other way, its pretty much over. From june to january there may not be enough time to appeal some of the aspects of it, but it would be very difficult to see this would be put into effect if the Supreme Court says no. It looks like a beautiful spring morning in washington, d. C. It is indeed. Coming up, we will head back to the president ial race. A visit to Bernie Sanders childhood apartment. How about that . And a look at how things have changed. They have changed quite a bit since then. Thats right after this. When i was a kid growing up in flat bush, our parents would take us to Prospect Park. They still have the seals and the elephants. All right. But i was never here speaking to 20,000 people. Its more than a network and the cloud. Its reliable uptime. And multilayered security. Its how you stay connected to each other and to your customers. 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Bernie sanders talking about where he grew up in brooklyn here in new york city, holding a rally outside his old apartment building. That was earlier this month. If youre wondering, the two locations are about a half hour apart on the belt parkway, thats without traffic. Calip perry is with one of sanders closest friends from that day. Youre outside James Madison high school, Bernie Sanders alma mater. Tell us what youre finding out there. Reporter also Chuck Schumers alma mater which i didnt know until we visited this morning. Bernie Sanders High School for four years and then he went on to Brooklyn College and the university of chicago. Interesting when you talk to people in this neighborhood, they immediately talk about his economic policies, about growing up in very humble roots. Brooklyn not a lot of outdoor space. He played a lot of stick ball, thats how he got into basketball as a young jewish boy here in brooklyn and thats why they say when you talk about those big dinners that Hillary Clinton has, those big fundraisers and Bernie Sanders jumps on them, its pause he grew up in places like this, in a small apart building on the other side of these houses. Not a very long walk to school and back and thats really the mood here. People are excited for the primary. All of his friends growing up in this neighborhood are looking forward to it. They understand its an uphill climb but they tell me maybe hes got the momentum. Well see, steve. Cal, this is just coming in to me. Check this one out. Somebody is telling me that high school is also Ruth Bader Ginsburgs alma mater. So if thats true yes, yes. Two senators and a Supreme Court justice. Reporter and four nobel laureates. Ill have to get in there and find out who they are. Because the Great Depression brought so many Great Teachers here, the people in this neighborhood tell me so many great graduates. Its still no Groton High School in groton, massachusetts. Cal perry, thank you for that. Stay with me here. Coming up next, the very latest on what the candidates are doing today, now less than 24 hours away from the big primary here in new york, plus a Live Campaign event in the next hour. Bill clinton on the trail for his wife in buffalo. We will show you that, next hour. Incredible bladder protection from always discreet that lets you move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. The always discreet double your money back guarantee. Always discreet is for bladder leaks and its drier than poise. Try it. Were so confident youll love it, well give you double your money back if you dont. Incredible bladder protection. Double your money back guarantee. Thats always discreet. And intellectual propertylines about bubeing stolen. 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If we come together and unite, we will win the general election. We will beat Hillary Clinton. This primary on tuesday is really important to send a message. The senator drew over 28,000 people to brooklyns Prospect Park yesterday. Welcome to the political revolution. My opponent in the primary talks about taking on the interests. Where were you . I mean really . And we are now exactly three months from the start of the Republican Convention in cleveland and this morning donald trump is telling Party Leaders to fix their delegate system or prepare for what he calls a rough july. Over the weekend, the frontrunner again found himself flatfooted, this time at a Party Convention in wyoming. Because of that, ted cruz now takes all 14 delegates from wyoming, from that convention on saturday. Trump says he was robbed, but he insists he will still hit 1,237 before the convention and that is very possible. If you look at tomorrow in new york where donald trump is favored, he could clean up all 55 delegates in this state and then a week later donald trump could be sitting back on a delegate lead of over 400 by the end of this month. So it remains to be seen how close ted cruz can get. On the democratic side, meanwhile, Bernie Sanders says pay no attention to those polls that youve been seeing. Hes down anywhere from 10 to 17 points here in new york but is looking to pull off what would be by any measure a stunning upset against new yorks adopted daughter, Hillary Clinton. Our Political Team is here this morning. They are spread out from new york to maryland where theyre going to have a big primary next tuesday. Well start with nbcs katy tur whos outside trump tower here in new york. Katy, were talking about the path forward for the Trump Campaign. They have sort of been on defense for the last two weeks after that loss in wisconsin with all these convention losses around the country, but they have a chance starting tomorrow to go on offense in a big way. Reporter they have been on defense, but the schedule Going Forward, especially for the month of april, does look very good for donald trump. What theyre trying to do is get as many delegates as they can, starting as they always are, starting here in new york state, which has over 90 delegates. Theyre going to try and get all of them in order to bridge that gap between where they are now and where they need to be at the convention. They are doing that by hammering the idea that the rules are not fair. Theyre saying the rules are set up against an outsider and theyre painting ted cruz as the ultimate insider here, which is interesting because ted cruz himself has been trying to paint himself as an outsider, as a man who has not been liked by washington. Hes saying ted cruz is the only one who benefits when the voters dont vote. He benefits from these back room dealings and the push by the establishment to give ted cruz delegates, while donald trump is getting much more of the vote. I asked him why he doesnt want to play within that system yesterday in Staten Island. Listen to how he answered. You talk about what a deal maker you are and certainly at least in new york city where you had tremendous success in building, its a hard place to figure out the rules and find success in. Why not work within the rules because i dont want to play the rule game. I tell you what, we live in a democracy and its all about getting the bosses out. The bosses are picking now, im winning. You will say im winning by 200 delegates. Im winning more importantly in my opinion, im winning by over 2 million votes. Reporter this message is appealing directly to those in the Republican Party who feel like they have not been represented by washington, who havent been represented by their politicians. In fact a majority of republicans think that the person with the most votes come july should get the nomination, should get the nomination at the convention, and Donald Trumps team does recognize that and theyre trying to use that to their advantage. Thats why youre hearing trump hit that message every single day. At the same time, they dont want to alienate delegates and delegates are often party loyalists. That is a struggle within the Trump Campaign because there is a contingent that does get quite angry at this idea at the convention taking away the nomination, but theres a contingent saying we need to pump the brakes on these criticisms against the rnc. The rnc is going to need to be on our side if we get close to the nomination and if we do get the nomination so theres still some infighting. What youre seeing onstage is donald trump himself start to hone in on his message saying that hes the one that will represent you and trying to paint ted cruz as the dishonest one. If he can totally minimize ted cruz, he can get more and more delegates. His argument that i have the most votes will be much, much stronger when he gets to july, steve. Katy tur outside trump tower here in new york city. Thank you for that. Hallie jackson is following ted cruz. Hes already left new york where the polls dont look too good tomorrow focusing on maryland which votes next tuesday. Hallie, were talking about two things going on at the same time. Ted cruz having a big weekend again, organizationally, getting more delegates out of wyoming and a few other places. At the same time donald trump may be poised for a big week. Whats the Cruz Campaign looking at when it comes to this delegate hunt. Reporter lets take the second half of the question first. Looking ahead to whats happening in the next week, new york, theres no expectation ted cruz will win. Donald trump looks incredibly strong as youve been talking about. The best he can do is hope to peel off a few delegates here or there. So why are we in maryland and headed to philadelphia tomorrow . For the very reason that you talked about. Cruz is already looking ahead to states that will vote next week and even after that, indiana, and then in june, california. Why . Theres a sense that they can pick off delegates in pennsylvania. I had a top Campaign Aide tell me, hey, even if we come in third place in p. A. , we could still get more than half of the delegates and that is really important to their strategy moving forward. Maryland right here, 38 delegates at play, so these are areas where youll see ted cruz rally. It should be noted Donald Trump Holds very significant leads when it comes to polling. This does not look particularly favorable to cruz, but its where his campaign believes theres an opportunity before you make the turn to that may throwrd battleground state of indiana. Now, organizationally, yes, you talked about wyoming. Ted cruz picking up 14 atlarge delegates. We were out there over the weekend and i tell you, it really felt like a cruz crowd. You had large con tin enjents o people there were there and cruz obviously coming out on top. Heres what he had to say to the delegates there. Listen. Donald continued and said, ted, when it comes to the Supreme Court, when it comes to religious liberty, youve got to learn to compromise. Youve got to learn to cut deals with the democrats and go along to get along. Well, let me be very, very clear to the men and women of wyoming. I will not compromise away your religious liberty. Reporter so cruz making his pitch there and, steve, he made the pitch this morning on Good Morning America say that essential lly that his pitch at convention would be donald trump would not be able to beat Hillary Clinton in a general election. He would tell the delegates there that they shouldnt pick the loser, steve. So a lot of action in the republican race today. Yes, new york, tomorrow, just 24 hours away. But the real story is happening in places like maryland in, places like pennsylvania. As this race heads to the midwest and to the west. Nbcs Hallie Jackson in maryland, home of the Towson University tigers. There is still another republican in the race who would like to spoil Donald Trumps hopes of pulling off that sweep of all 95 delegates here in new york. That is Ohio Governor john kasich. Hes been campaigning hard in new york for the past two weeks. Kelly odonnell is with the Kasich Campaign in syracuse, home of the orange, to continue this college nickname theme. Kelly, look, donald trump the heavy favorite here in new york tomorrow. How much of a dent can john kasich put into Donald Trumps delegate haul tomorrow . Well, he is hoping there will be a way to chip away at that and were in the sort of before picture for a john kasich town hall here in syracuse. The typical setup is this, steve. Theres the debt clock here where he has that running to remind everybody second by second how much each of us owes, more than 59,000 per citizen. And this is a place where john kasich is using his town hall style to try to connect to voters so that he can peel away some of the support in places like this where he often says that he can really relate to the trump voter who is angry about the system, who is angry about job loss, because thats the sort of upbringing that john kasich had. Hes making that appeal in very personal terms. Also over the weekend, he talked about his faith coming after the death of his parents in a car accident and that depth of faith is something that he hopes will connect to voters around the state as well. And hes saying to donald trump act like a professional when it comes to things like whining in kasichs words about the delegate count that youve just been discussing, trying to send that message that kasich has executive experience, has some of the sort of temperament for the office that might be more suitable. Making that appeal to voters. But as you know, hes been running third, a distant third, and its about chipping away at delegates, keeping trump from getting to that sweep of the state. And then continuing on, he gets lots of endorsements from papers here in the northeast, no new york as well as connecticut and the states that vote next. Thats been a trend for john kasi kasich, getting the support of the newspapers. Also former republican governor of new york, George Pataki signing on with jakasich tryingo make that connection but it means getting all the way to the convention, hoping that ballot one, ballot two wont go for trump or cruz and that kasich can then be the alternative. Thats the game plan. He is sort of a joyful warrior campaigning vote by vote, taking questions from voters. In some ways much more than the other candidates at this stage. Answering their concerns, talking about his own ideas and having a few sometimes corny jokes in the mix as well. Steve. It wouldnt be a political rally without corny jokes, thats for sure. Kelly odonnell on the kasich beat. Thank you for that. Turning to the democratic side. Kristen welker is set up up the street from us in midtown manhattan. Well hear from Hillary Clinton there in a few hours. Kristen, overall the Clinton Campaign is in good shape, at least if you believe the polls in new york. We believed the polls in michigan and she got an upset loss there so that is something the sanders team is clinging to, the hope of a michigan repeat. But so much of this democratic race in new york has been dominated by the tone. The tone turning a lot harsher, a lot uglier than in other states. Hillary clinton dealing with that still the last couple days. Reporter theres no doubt about it, steve. We have seen the tone of this race get increasingly uglier in recent days. Over the weekend the issue was secretary clinton attended a number of highprice fundraisers hosted by george and amal clooney saturday at their home and you had sanders supporters throwing dollar bills at her car while she arrived. The top ticket to that into that event was 100,000 a couple, so that gives you a sense of what were talking about when we mean high priced. Senator sanders used that to underscore one of his key arguments, that he is the true progressive in this race and that hes the candidate who will get money out of politics. Secretary clinton firing back that, look, shes raising money for all democrats and she also out on the trail this weekend making her closing argument. Key to that argument is that she is the practical candidate who can get things done whos been fighting for some of these issues for years, including health care. Take a listen to what she had to say. You know, i love it when all these other folks, including my opponent in the primary, talks about taking on the interests. Where were you . I mean really. We were fighting tooth and nail trying to get universal Health Care Coverage passed. Reporter now, of course senator sanders would push back against the characterization that he is somehow late to that game. He would argue hes been fighting for universal health care for years in the senate. But tomorrow, steve, what will we be looking for . Well be looking for the margins. Secretary clinton right now leading by double digits in the polls. If she wins by double digits, she could almost put this race out of reach because senator sanders would have to net more than 70 of all of the delegates moving forward in order to come back and clinch the naup natiom. He says he still has a shot. Hes looking at upcoming states like pennsylvania, like oregon where he has a really good chance of winning and like delegaterich california. He said if he can win some of those states he can come back ft pledged delegate lead. If he cant win here tomorrow, his chances are going to be really steep. Steve. Kristen welker on the Hillary Clinton beat, thanks for that. Were going to turn to the other campaign now, Hillary Clintons opponent, Bernie Sanders. Kasie hunt is in long island city, new york. Kasie, kristen was laying out the reality of the delegate math for Bernie Sanders. Hes exceeded everybodys expectations in this campaign. There are still states to come he could do very well in, but a loss tomorrow in new york the way polls are suggesting, is this delegate race out of reach for him at that point . Reporter steve, good morning. It is certainly possible that were going to see these delegates push farther and farther to the point where it may become very quickly mathematically impossible for senator sanders to overtake Hillary Clinton in the pledged delegate race but the sanders team, of course, is still bristling at the idea that he should get out of this race or this race is anywhere close to over. I think they would point you to the 28,000 plus people that showed up for him in Prospect Park for him yesterday in brooklyn, his largest crowd to date. I also think at this point the expectations for him are pretty low in new york. Lets not forget that the expectations game is a big part of this. So if in fact hes able to keep the gap a little bit narrower than some public polling shows, that could ultimately work out well for him. But at the same time it looks as though the delegates are going to break largely for her. Senator sanders has been out there still making his case. He talked to matt and savannah on the today show earlier this morning about why he has so much appeal. We have a message that is resonating all over this country. We have enthusiasm, we have energy. People understand its too late for establishment politics and economics. They want real change in this country. They want leadership to stand up to the billionaire class. Thats what we are providing. Reporter so the challenge, of course, for Hillary Clinton coming out of this, even if she does ultimately, you know, put this away, make that pledged delegate lead insurmountable, she still has an Enthusiasm Gap with senator sanders. There are tens of thousands of particularly young people who are very drawn to his message. I think weve talked so much about how this populist energy is present on both sides of the country, is generally frustrated with the system as it stands. So i think were going to have to look to see how senator sanders proceeds through this last month of the campaign, but also how the Clinton Campaign, whether or not theyre willing to embrace him and try to embrace many of his young supporters and whether or not its possible for her to win them over. I think thats going to become a key part of the challenge Going Forward, steve. All right, kasie hunt in new york city on the Bernie Sanders beat. Thanks for that. And coming up, we have some breaking news to tell you about from iraq. The secretary of defense announcing just moments ago that more u. S. Troops are going to be sent to iraq. All of the breaking details from nbcs Jim Miklaszewski at the pentagon. We will have them for you, next. 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Would be sending 217 additional American Forces there to train, advise and assist the iraqi forces in their fight against isis. But previously and that will bring the number to about 4100. Now, 217. Again, not a large number, but most of them will be special operations forces. And for the first time they will be allowed to operate at the brigade level. Thats about as close to boots on the ground as youre going to get. They still will be advisers, but instead of being confined to the headquarters in baghdad and to training facilities, some of those americans will now be able to deploy forward along with the iraqi forces. In addition, the iraqis have now agreed to allow the u. S. To bring in apache attack helicopters to assist the iraqis, particularly in their assault on mosul, to try to drive the isis forces out of that city with 2 Million People. Now, this is significant in that it will bring that kind of firepower closer to the battle and more accurate so that they can actually engage in combat operations in direct conjunction with the iraqi forces as they eventually move forward. Now, this is not the wherewithal or solution to the problems that confront the Iraqi Military forces, but it is a start and u. S. Military officials still fear that it could take well over a year, perhaps two more years before isis can finally be driven out of mosul, steve. Jim miklaszewski at the pentagon, thank you for that. Were going to learn a lot more about this breaking news in lester holts exclusive interview with ash carter, the secretary of defense, from iraq. You can see that interview on nbc nightly news with lester holt. That will be tonight. Now to other breaking news, this is the earthquake in ecuador. The death toll from that now stands up to 350 people. This nearly 36 hours since a 7. 8 magnitude quake struck off the south american countrys northwest coast. Thousands more are injured. Emergency teams are sifting through the rubble as we speak. Ecuadors president has declared a state of emergency. Hes mobilizing the armed forces to help search for survivors. After the break, returning to president ial politics. All eyes on new york as the candidates gear up for tomorrows big primary here and for the three candidates who call the big apple home at one point or another in their lives, it is an especially important race. Well head to the hometowns of Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and donald trump to see if the voters are going to be standing with their hometown favorites right after the break. First of all, its great to be home. This is home. Its great to be home. We love new york. When your type 2 diabetes numbers arent moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. But what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar . 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With centurylink you get advanced Technology Solutions from a trusted it partner. Including cloud and hosting services all backed by an industry leading Broadband Network and people committed to helping you grow your business. You get a company thats more than just the sum of its parts. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Breaking news from what is shaping up to be a very big day at the Supreme Court. The justices there are hearing arguments on a key immigration case that could have ramifications for the race for president. Lets bring in jose diazbalart whos at the Supreme Court covering this. Jose, what can you tell us about the latest there . Reporter steve, good morning to you. There are thousands of people here both against and for the president s executive actions on immigration announced in november, 2014. These actions that were not implemented because texas and 25 other states put legal barriers essentially against the implementation of what is called dopa and doca expanded. Right now behind me thousands of people outside the Supreme Court, as you said, steve, as the arguments continue or just start to be heard right now by the eight justices. The folks that are for and against these executive orders will be heard today. Its expected to last about 90 minutes, but it could be expanded by a little bit more than that. Steve, there are people who have spent the night here outside the Supreme Court and the churches that are nearby, people that ive met from california, from texas, from new mexico, that are here that want to be here to show their support or at least their opinion one way or another about the president s executive orders. Steve, i go back to you, just a few minutes ago i was here waiting to speak with you. Antonio campos from california came by and gave me this little book that he wrote. I want to give you a little idea of what it is theyre thinking its called wetta. And he writes you call us wetbacks but we are human beings. We walk alone, sometimes surrounded by thousands of people that dont even know we exist. We will continue walking and walking, even if our soul hurts by being ignored or mistreated. We will continue walking until our time arrives and we are able to contribute. That is what the people up to 5 Million People who will be benefitting from the president s executive orders on immigration feel. Many of those are here today. But there are a lot of other people, steve, out here who disagree with the president s executive orders and say its unconstitutional or he has overstepped his authority. They are here as well. Thats what were seeing outside the Supreme Court on a Beautiful Day in washington, d. C. It sure looks like it. Jose diazbalart outside the Supreme Court, thanks for that. Coming up, will voters vote for their hometown favorites . That trip to where president ial candidates are from and where they are counting on tomorrow. Thats next. 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Yes, ge makes powerful machines. But ill be writing the code that will allow those machines to share information with each other. Ill be changing the way the world works. interrupting you cant pick it up, can you . Go ahead. He cant lift the hammer. Its okay though youre going to change the world. Its so great to be back in new york. Its so great, thank you. The future starts here in washington heights, in harlem, in new york city, in this state. New york state helped lead this country into the political revolution. Thank you all. Less than 24 hours until the polls here in new york open. Three of the five candidates have spent the last several weeks looking for votes in what basically is their own backyards or the aleast was at one point in their lives. Today we have correspondents across the state. Chris jansing in clintons adopted hometown of chappaqua, jacob soboroff. Chris, lets start with you. Youre at one of clintons favorite breakfast spots right now. Tell us where you are. Reporter yeah,were at langs. Welcome to langs. They have a lot of signature sandwiches, make their turkey fresh and bill and Hillary Clinton are prone to get things that are healthy, chicken, the turkey, egg whites. You see the clintons around town . Every now and then. Reporter you said not so much hillary now . Shes a little busy. Reporter are you fans of the clintons. We follow their career very closely. Reporter and what do you think about having another potential president in your little town . Well, the first time we met bill was in a coffee shop and i taught history so i wasnt terribly impress eed by what i heard about his ability to talk to people, and yet two seconds after i walked into the room, you could feel the electricity. Hes got that something, you think . Very few people have that ability. Did he teach you something about history . I dont think so. I taught the darn thing. But hes certainly a very important historical figure, particularly for this town. Let me thank you for interrupting your coffee and good luck with your party to your wife. So obviously this is a place that the clintons know very well. Its a small town, about an hour north of new york city. And believe it or not in spite of the fact that they come Hillary Clinton wrote a little blog post about her Favorite Places to eat new york. This is what she considered to be her favorite in her hometown now of chappaqua, her adopted hometown. So i asked the owner now that she has put you on the map and said langs is one of my favorite restaurants anywhere, should you name a sandwich after her. Lets take a listen. What would be in a Hillary Clinton special . Oh, boy. Id say a lot of meat. Soli solid. Reporter a lot of meat and solid. The clintons moved here in 1999 when she decided to run for the senate. A lot of people called them carpet baggers then. But as you heard from our history friend, they made a lot of friends here. In fact talking to folks who were coming in for breakfast, most of them are Hillary Clinton supporters. I found one who was a Bernie Sanders backer, but he said dont you can tell people i said that but dont tell them my name, this is definitely clinton country. Steve. Well, i guess salad is a good thing for a politician. Im not sure thats how i want my sandwich. Ill have to think about that one. Chris jansing in chap wpaquchap. Lets turn to cal perry. You are standing outside Bernie Sanders high school right now. Reporter yeah. One of the things that his which i had childhood friends have been telling us is that he was a track star. Today just a bunch of High School Kids peering out the window wishing they were outside. Certainly Bernie Sanders hopes that the outcome is huge and people in this neighborhood say theyre supporting him. Again, the expectations are not too high. I had a question for one of his childhood friends about how bernie became an athlete in a place where theres not a lot of outdoor space, how he was able to play basketball throughout high school. Take a listen. It seems like bernie grew up. This is city living. This is urban living. Not a lot of places to play outside. Not enough parks. There is no park in the immediate area. So what bernie would do is when he was in high school, he was the cocaptain of the track team with bob rosenbush, who lived just across the street from the school. The two of them would sneak into the Jewish Community center, which was a few blocks away, and the place was empty. They had a great gym. He and bernie would shoot baskets. And you look for places where you can play. You make do with a small space. You take the opportunities that are available. One of the moments thats become a bit of local lore was after the New Hampshire primary, steve, Bernie Sanders sort of snuck back into that gymnasium and shot those baskets and a lot of people here in the neighborhood very proud of the fact that he made a lot of those baskets, saying that hes still very athletic, still running a campaign, not a young man anymore, but still out there on the trail. Now its a question of momentum. They keep bringing up those old athletic comparisons. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Certainly the hope is that tomorrow that maybe, maybe Bernie Sanders can pull out some magic here from brooklyn, steve. Cal, we had you on last hour. That high school, you were telling us last hour, Chuck Schumer also went to that high school. We found out ruth bader ginsburg. Former u. S. Senator norm coleman went to that high school. And somebody else told me judge judy. Reporter judge judy, there you go. Steve, the high school friend, said the interesting thing about this high school, a lot of people went on to great universities, great colleges, certainly the university of chicago, no knock there. He said during the Great Depression, so many of the teachers who ended up teaching at this high school couldnt find jobs. So youre talking about people with ph. D. S, engineering degrees coming here and teaching public school. Maybe that is why the illustrious list of alumni. Cal perry at James Madison high school in brooklyn. Thanks for that. Lets go to jacob soboroff. Are you finding a lot of trump fans around there . Reporter this is a spoiler but not so much, steve. Im going to show you a little bit more about that in a second. Were at the intersection of midland parkway and hillside avenue. This subway stop, 179th street station on the f train, which incidentally is 13 stops exactly from 30 rock where you are right now is where donald trump very well may have gotten on the subway right down here when this subway station opened in the 1950s. He grew up not far away from here, down the street in jamaica estates. You can see the monument erected and his father had a role in building this place. Yesterday we showed up to mr. Trumps childhood home right on the front steps to figure out if folks around here want to vote for the guy. Take a look at what we founding. When you think of donald trump you think about giant skyscrape skyscrapers, not a house like this but it turns out trump grew up in this house when he was a kid in new york city. Thats why were out here in mr. Trumps neighborhood to see what some of the folks out here think of his bid for present. Whats your name . Joseph. You grew up around here . Yeah, i grew up in jamaica queens. So donald trump lived in this house right here. Are you going to vote for him on tuesday . No. Definitely not . Not al all. Do you know who grew up in this neighborhood . Besides myself . Let me give you a clue, hes running for president. Yeah, some would say donald trump grew up in jamaica esta s estates. How do you feel about that. He came from your neighborhood . Well, im an assemblywoman, so i am not supporting donald trump. Who are you supporting . I am supporting Hillary Clinton. Who are your constituents. A lot of first generation immigrants. Do you think hes got a shot out here on tuesday . No. Jacob from msnbc. Hi. You know donald trump grew up around the corner. Yeah, he did. Yeah, i know. Are you going to vote for donald trump . Hell no. Hell no . Hell no. If donald trump ever took the subway, this is most likely the subway he took. The f strain at 179th street station. Can i ask you a quick question. Do you live here in jamaica . Yes. Who are you going to vote for . Bernie. What about donald trump. Hes from the neighborhood . Hes a nice guy. Do you know who grew up in this neighborhood . I know that maybe nicki minaj and 50 cent, stuff like that. Nicki minaj and 50 cent, i didnt know that. Maybe there is something more important, but i knew about them. It depends if you like american politics. Donald trump . Oh, i dont like him but i didnt know that he was from here. So you like nicki minaj and 50 cent better . Yeah, i prefer nicki minaj and 50 cent better than donald trump for sure. Reporter it looks a lot different out here, steve, these days than it did when donald trump was growing up. A largely immigrant community so its obvious based on trumps message why people feel the way they do. Bayside, howard beach, all kinds of republican neighborhoods in this borough. Donald trump is expected to clean up. Back to you. Well, wait a minute, jacob, ive just got to follow up on that last guy you talked to. You know pop culture a little better than me. Who is a bigger deal overall in pop culture, 50 cent or donald trump . Reporter oh, man. Im going with 50. Ill go with that too because i have no had why. Youre the expert. Reporter me either, me either. I cant believe i just said fitty. Its a matter of public record. Cal, chris, jacob, that you all for joining us. Take a look at this, the Boston Marathon up in my home state, this is a big day up there, patriots day they call it. You get the day off from school. The Boston Marathon is running live as we speak, a 26mile run from hopkinton to boston. Temperatures reaching into the mid60s this afternoon. Excellent running conditions for the big Boston Marathon. Well be right back. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. 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Im joined by joel bennenson, a Senior Advisor with the Clinton Campaign. Do you think you get a doubledigit win tomorrow, this race is over . I think weve said for a long time we have a nearly insurmountable lead already. Were looking to win in new york. You pointed out the numbers, 20, 25 delegates added to our nearly insurmountable delegate lead is a mountain that just gets steeper and steeper because you also have increasing numbers of delegates coming off the playing field. So it just means senator sanders would have to keep winning a greater percentage of whats outstanding at numbers he hasnt been able to do in very many states at all, pile up 57 , 58 of the delegates. What do you make of this, though . I take your point on the math but if you look at the map there are states out there hes likely to win. We had jeff merkley on and hes talking about oregon. Theres some other states you can look at. A race where Hillary Clinton has the math working to her favor to this degree and democrats still seem to be saying they dont want it to end. Well, a lot of the sanders people dont want it to end and i understand that. We went through this in 2008 when it was senator obama and secretary clinton. Whether there are states out there or not, it doesnt matter. When you look at the wins senator sanders had after march 15th, he eroded our delegate lead but were Still Standing with 220 plus delegates more than he has and thats a bigger number than barack obama had at any point against Hillary Clinton. So that gives you some sense of how difficult it is to make up delegates, particularly when there are ive always said april 26th is the goal line here. Youve got five states there. Between tomorrow in new york, those states, 600 delegates will be apportioned. I think well pick up net delegates over that states and that takes 600 delegates off the map for him and it just gets harder to make up that amount. Even with california at the end its a huge amount to overcome. When you ask sanders and his campaign how theyre going to pull it off, the word you always hear is momentum. Look, weve won eight contests in a row, were coming in with a head of steam. Is momentum a real thing in politics . First of all, no, you have to keep winning delegates. The currency of the nomination is delegates. Lets put in perspective whats happened. We have won authorize 2. 3 million votes more than senator sanders. Yes, he won a lot of caucus states in this stretch, i think seven out of eight were caucus states where fewer people participate. If you look at the states where more than 7 of eligible voters have participated, Hillary Clinton has won 17 of those 22 states. And so when you go in with more than 2 million more votes than your next opponent, senator sanders in this case, winning more states and winning more pledged delegates, i think its pretty clear where the momentum has been all the way through this race and enthusiasm, frankly. You make the point about caucuses and turnout is lower, participation is lower. This is something we heard in 2008 from the Clinton Campaign. Barack obama was winning big in the caucuses. The Clinton Campaign was saying not as many people. Is this something Going Forward youd like the Democratic Party to get rid of these caucuses. Heres a big difference with senator obama. Senator obama had 17 million votes in the popular vote by the end of this process. Senator sanders has 6 million right now. President obama, then senator obama, also won some primary states, significant ones. Some of them were his home state like illinois. Michigan, wisconsin, sanders has won some primaries here. No, they certainly have. But on the total number of people who have voted, Hillary Clinton has over 9 million votes, 2. 3 million more than senator sanders. Shes won 57 of the vote. In politics thats called a landslide. So you can talk about momentum of the last seven states and theres no question he eroded our lead slightly, but we still go into tomorrow with a net of 220 delegates more than senator sanders. I think thats because shes been making a much stronger argument about which one of these two people will be a president who can get things done that can make a difference in peoples lives. All right, thanks for the time. Thank you, steve. Were going to head up to buffalo where bill clinton is scheduled to make a Campaign Stop for his wife this hour. Its also where donald trump is going to be holding his big election eve rally tonight. Msnbcs tony is up there. What are you hearing . Reporter hey, the battle for upstate. That delegate battle is really playing out here where theres a dead heat between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Im in the innovation center. This is Hillary Clintons exhibit a in her case for the vote on tuesday. She brought funding here, she brought excitement here and millions of dollars and now jobs, jobs, jobs. Buffalo is rebounding. Young people are coming back, but they dont tend to vote for her in the numbers they vote for Bernie Sanders. This is matt, the ceo of the Buffalo Niagara medical campus. Tell us what Hillary Clinton did to bring this into being. Early on when we started the medical campus, she was one of the first people to be here, invest in the campus, but the best part about it is buffalo is on the rebound, as you mentioned. Its a great place to live, its a great place to work and lots of jobs are starting to come our way for the youth but also for everybody in our community. Thank you, matt. So Hillary Clinton a key part of buffalos rebound and yet the young people who are coming here, they are not necessarily hillary voters. This is thea, a bike advocate with go bike buffalo. Although youre working in a building Hillary Clinton helped generate, youre voting for Bernie Sanders. I am. I appreciate everything Hillary Clinton has done not only for our economy but for our infrastructure here in buffalo. But at the end of the day i have to vote with my heard and ideologically i align with bernie. Thank you, thea, and thank you, matt. Unemployment is down, wages are up, home prices are up and it is a rosy picture. Thanks for that. Well be right back. Its more than a network. Its how you stay connected. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you get an industry leading Broadband Network and cloud and hosting services. Centurylink. Your link to whats next. Tamron hall is going to pick up our coverage live from brooklyn next. Ill see you back here at 5 00 p. M. 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