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So the congressman citing the president s racist tweets a the president himself refuses to back down. Another title for the socalled squad hes been attacking. The four horse women of the apocalypse. Maybe a better word is apoplectic as the four progress ifs fireback in a new interview out this morning. We have our team covering all of these developments and a whole lot more this hour. Kelly odonnell is on capitol hill. Hans nichols at the white house. Kelly, to you first. Al green, the congressman, said the house will vote or take up in some way the impeachment articles he has introduced. Theres option says on the table, though, for Speaker Pelosi. Walk us through them. Reporter yes, hallie. Congressman green has attempted this before. Yeah. Reporter but this is the first time he is doing so with democrats in power. So that is a change of dynamic. Obviously its in a new context with the events of the post mueller report, period and all of the kopbt verse related to the president s tweets and so forth. What this means, its the type of resolution that requires action within a limited time. So we know it will happen this afternoon. A couple of options. One to move to table it which would basically throw it in the recycling bin. Another would be to send it to the Judiciary Committee, which would then begin its own process. And the third would be to begin an actual impeachment inquiry. Lets step back and look at this. The ultimate decision is from nancy pelosi. She has been clear again and again her preference is to go through the six relevant committees to do the legislative work and investigative work and oversight work to build a larger case. Based on that, and the bazillion times we have asked her about impeachment, it would seem unlikely they would move to actually consider this. And sending it to the Judiciary Committee is an option that could make some sense. But then it also puts another layer of work on them when they are doing other aspects of this. So the most likely, in my judgment based on covering this place nor a long time, would be that they could move to table it. Again, i dont want to get ahead of the facts and what plays out today. But the significance here is that congressman green is trying to build pressure points. And by compelling action it forces members to consider where do they stand today and whats the next strategy. So these incremental moves have value even if they dont get across the finish line of a members intention. He clearly wants to see the president impeached. There are north of 80 members who have said they would like to begin an inquiry. And where are we now . Is this going to be a critical moment where the mood shifts more in that direction, or will it not . Thats what we will watch playing out today. Its significant. There are options. But people shouldnt have the expectation that this is when impeachment begins. Were just taking steps towards that. And today is an important one. Right. It doesnt mean folks wake up tomorrow and donald trump has been impeached. That is good news for the white house. Theres more to talk to you about. Stick around. Hans, impeachment is an issue. Lets put this into context where the president ed the. Hes at the white house. He is going to rally in North Carolina later tonight. A rally being a place where he has talked about how democrats want to impeach him, positioning himself as the underdog and using it in his favor as a political strategy. You have to imagine that the activities on the hill today could play into that. And the president tends to react to what has been put in front of him. When he is in front of crowds, you know this as well as anybody, the president goes off the cuff. Now, we are all basically assuming the president s tweets were part of carefully calibrated political strategy, the tweets on sunday morning. But its possible the president didnt know how offensive hes being. He didnt mean to make this charge in the way that he did. And i hedge this subtly, perhaps hes trying to clean it up just a little bit. When you look at the president s rhetoric, it is still offensive, still over the top, still aggressive. He is also trying to sanitize it by acknowledging these four lawmakers are americans. Its the first time we have heard the president Say Something that explicit. Take a look at the tweet up here. He said theyre entitled to their opinion. Theyre americans. And i just think theyre left wing cranks. It is a subtle shift. Before he was saying go back to your own country, go back home, essentially. Now, we really saw the beginnings of the strategy, hallie, on friday morning when he had that south lawn departure. Its at that point the president first suggested these four lawmakers were calling pelosi a racist. Of course they didnt use that term. You are seeing it be amplified. Listen to eric trump earlier. The squad called pelosi a racist. All of a sudden they ask my father is pelosi a arrestist. Of course hes not a racist. Its just a term they like to use every day. This is whats happening to the party. It is totally feeding into our hand. And i hope they keep on doing it. Because theyre not getting anything done. Reporter lets be clear. None of the four lawmakers called nancy pelosi racist. They did suggest she was being disrespectful to women of color. They are trying glom on to this and now we are seeing it with his son. Former House Speaker to paul ryan, brendan. You make the point, congressman green has tried this before many, many times. Not in a moment like this. Republicans have their own strategies how they could sort of play this moment. Sure. This is what tphoepnancy pelosid to avoid. It is not about impeachment related to collusion or obstruction of justice. It relates to donald trump is a lousy guy. Things he has done that are racist and all of these other things. But there is a lot of pent up frustration among democrats frustrated nancy pelosi hasnt moved faster. I think he got 66 votes the last time that he did it. I want to interrupt you so we can listen in. In my view the question of president ial accountability should in the first substaninst consistent with the committees Constitutional Responsibilities. You would like the vote to be to send it to the Judiciary Committee . Some my view, this is going to have to be by the first Judiciary Committee. Okay. Can you talk to us about the contempt vote as well and what message you think that is going to send . Well, the house is a separate and co equal branch of government. We dont work for donald trump. We work for the American People. And we have a constitutional responsibility to serve as check and balance on an out of control administration. This administration is totally out of control. Including, but not limited to, the attorney general and the commerce secretary and the treasury secretary. And so we are going to make clear that no one in america is above the law. Not the president. Not the administration. And not his cronies. Thats why it is important for us to move forward with the context citation. From the house counsel, what is kind of the legal strategy that has been laid out there . Because democrats have talked about nobody is above the law. Having gone to court with many cases here at this point. We will continue to do three things. Were going to legislate with a focus on our for the people agenda, driving down Health Care Costs for the American People with emphasis on Prescription Drug pricing, were going to work on a Real Infrastructure plan to create 16 million good paying jobs, fix our crumbling bridges, roads and tunnels and legislate first and foremost. Oversight with our Constitutional Responsibilities and, as necessary, litigate. Because at the end of the day in this republic, when theres a dispute between congress and the president , the constitutional formula is for the article 3 federal courts to resolve it. So far they have ruled in our favor. We believe the courts will continue to rule in favor of the house. Do you have any concern that having the vote could impact the mueller statement next week . No. Thank you. Congressman jeffries, chair of the House Democratic caucus, a member of leadership. For that reason, very significant we have now heard from him. And he seemed to be, as you talked about those three options, kelly, he seemed to lean towards kick this over to house judiciary. We will see how it plays out. Well, one argument for that would be they have tabled or tossed in the recycle bin before. Is this a political moment where they need to do something more and by sending it to judiciary, which would be the appropriate venue for anything in the impeachment basket, is that a way to move it without rocking the boat of the pelosi strategy and more methodical approach. Yeah. Reporter perhaps thats a signal we will watch for carefully today. A beginning of full procedure seems highly unlikely. Yeah. Reporter so is it the medium choice . That was a strong signal. Because hes leadership, perhaps that has the benefit of conversations hes already had with the speaker. So its a space to watch today. That is for sure. Congressman jeffries talked about something else, that contempt vote that is going to happen against two members of President Trumps cabinet. Bill barr and commerce secretary wilbur ross. This does have the potential to be fairly significant, at least symbolically to hold these men in criminal contempt. Reporter it is one of the things we have been watching. The tools of a Democratic Congress to try to hold to account members of the administration who have rebuffed the oversight and the constitutional powers that this congress has. And the real question is, is there a Chilling Effect on members . We have seen subpoenas effectively ignored. Even if they have a legal basis for trying to do it. Will this change the behavior . It is certainly kind of a bad mark on the reputation and career of william barr and a wilbur ross to be cited in this way if it comes to pass as we would expect. But will it change their behavior . That is an unclear sort of part of this. But it is significant. And with all of the hyper partisan environment, its important to remember that these institutions use these tools to try to send a message. And it may not make a whole lot of difference in the 24hour sort of political partisan news cycle. But it is an important statement and one that becomes a part of the historical record and will that have an impact on the administration . Big question. Is it a sign that democrats in congress are exerting their authority and saying that there are lines that cannot or should not be crossed . That is certainly in that category. Brendan, as we collect this developing news on capitol hill, our team ran into senator john kennedy. Congressman al green is working towards these to some kind of action today. Watch. What is your reaction to this . What else are you going to do. If the issue came up in the senate i wouldnt vote for it. I dont think the president is a racist. I dont think his original tweet was racist. I think it was a poor choice of words. Yeah. Well, first of all, i think democrats are not going to have such an easy time disposing of this. I know jeffries would like to kick it over to the Judiciary Committee. To do that, he will have to have help from republicans. I dont think they will. I dont think this will get over to the senate where the senators need to worry about it at all. To get anything off the floor, if al green is not cooperative and 66 members on the democratic side are not going to help either, its not necessarily clear how they will be able to dispose of this. They will find a way to do it. But it will be ugly on the floor today. I about the way, you have this contempt vote that will happen as well. Sure. I know hans nichols is watching that too. One of the things you can see a little bit of frustration on jeffriess face. So much is distracting from the legislative agenda they want to talk about. One of the big bills they want to highlight is minimum wage. They will not get any attention for it because all of this is happening. Just as democrats were finally finding a way to get unified after a week of fighting with each other, al green comes by and throws this grenade into the situation. Now they are going to have to be fighting with each other again and they will be divided on the house floor and see another day of chaos. Republicans again will have to deal with this as well. This is also, as you saw with the resolution four republicans voted to condemn the president s racist attacks. One independent. Justin amash. That was a move to get republicans on the record about this. Put them on the spot and in a position to vote on that. This is a situation where both sides things the politics works for them. Democrats think that by highlighting these statements that the president made, they are the president will get reelected. The president as we heard thinks this is good to rile up his bias, elevate probably the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party and the house, make them the face of the party. Its something that i think youre going to continue to see from him. Both sides thinks theyre right. We dont know who will ultimately win. They are both dug in and there is no reason to back off the path theyre going down now. We heard from the four women progressive lawmakers out in an exclusive interview on cbs. I want to play a bit of that for you. This is a person that really wants to vilify, demonize not only immigrants but communities of color. This is not bottom to the barrel of vitt jol that will be used and weaponized to stifle those who want to advance rights for all people in the United States. We are a destruction to the business as usual. Thats been washington. There is no insurgency and nothing sconspirital. We are four lawmakers who happen to land in the same place on the same issue time and time again. Hans nichols, this is something that is not going away. We are on day four of this discussion over the president s racist attack. You get the sense the president is always looking for foil to run against, to sharpen his stipulatidistinctions. If you have to run because someone is on the hill. Our colleague on the hill has developing news in from House Speaker pelosi. Kelly, whats up . Reporter our team caught up with Speaker Pelosi. This is not on camera. But they asked her her reaction, does she support the resolution from congressman al green. And the answer was, no, i dont. And then, in a very Speaker Pelosi way, she said, does that surprise you . Again, going back to lets look at her history, look at her leadership on this and her plan for dealing with anything in impeachment. So the key thing is that she opposes this al green congressman al green of texas resolution. And that will set a tone for how things proceed today. Thats just moments ago from our team here in the cavernous capitol as Speaker Pelosi was walking down the hall. Keep your phone charged and your sneakers on. We will come back to you later in the show. Thank you to brendan buck for your perspective. Breaking news this time from new york. Al chapo has now been charged in International Drug trafficking. Outside federal court in brooklyn, ron, what do we know . Whats the sentence . Reporter it was a mandatory sentence, life in prison, plus 30 years for firearms violations. But this was a mandatory sentence. The judge had no discretion to impose the sentence. It was a very dramatic scene in the courtroom that is now winded down. It started at 9 22 this morning. The highlight of it all of course was el chapo addressing the court. The first time we have heard him speak. He rose to his feet, spoke to the court. He complained about the conditions of his confinement, said it was inhumane. He complained that he could not speak to his family, his wife, his twin 8yearold daughters who have been present in the court from time to time, at least his wife was. He said he will challenge extradition to the United States, which is one of the issues we expect his attorneys to bring up on appeal. The bottom line is this is the end of this chapter, a bizarre trial that revealed an extensive criminal enterprise that lasted for several decades. We have heard all kinds of bizarre stories about heinous murders, torture, alleged sex with underaged girls, massive amounts of drugs that were being smuggled into the United States. The state, the government, estimates his fortune was worth 12. 6 billion, money that has not been recovered but the United States hopes to seize in some ways by seizing assets that belonged to guzman. So this is not over. But that seems difficult to do. He will be sent, we believe, to a super max prison in florence, colorado, which is one of the tough e69 prisest prisons in th states where the worst of the worst are held. Unabomber ted kaczynski, shoe bomber, Oklahoma City bomber. They are all there in florence, colorado. Again, the process here is now winding down. The sentence is now winding down. We will never see guzman. In account tpa, this may be the last time that he is seen in public by anyone here as this case winds down. The sentence mandatory, life in prison, plus 30 years for firearms violations, something that the prosecution wanted to add to his sentence. Effectively, this is the end of el chapo. He will be sent to this prison. Best chances are we will never, ever see him again. Hallie . It is a remarkable end to an almost unbelievable story. Real quickly, any notables in court . Anybody who came in that we should know about . Reporter his wife was president , his 29yearold wife. His defense team. No. The courtroom was packed. There were lines out here early this morning. Wow. Reporter the security in the area is completely enormous amount of security. There has been a routine where he came over from his Prison Holding cell in manhattan. They closed down this entire part of brooklyn and Lower Manhattan at 4 00, 5 00 in the morning during the weeks and months this trial has been taking place. Just an incredible scene to see in the courtroom. The bottom line is we may never see him again. Ron allen reporting from new york. We will look for more reporting here and on nbc nightly news. Thank you. We have so much more to get to. Including political deja vu for Bernie Sanders. We are also bringing you an nbc news exclusive. New video find by nbc of President Trump with Jeffrey Epstein decades ago. You wont want to miss it. Thats next. Nt want to miss it. Thats next. Johnson johnson is a baby company. 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They give an explanation about why, why he had that expired foreign passport inside a safe in his manhattan mansion. Steph any goanie gosk is here wt footage. Reporter the footage is from 1992 rat maralago. And its a party. And you can see Jeffrey Epstein there speaking with donald trump and he has his arm around him at one point. Let melee out their relationship and what the president said most recently. That was last week after Jeffrey Epstein pleaded not guilty to sex trafficking charges. The president said he knew them back then. They ran in the same palm beach crowd, that he socialized with him but he was quote, not a finish of him and he hasnt spoken to him in 15 years and it would be well before he was charged with sexrelated charges in florida and served those 13 months in jail in florida. In the past, however, donald trump has said in 2002, for instance, in a new York Magazine article, that Jeffrey Epstein was a risk guy and that they knew each other well. Hallie . Stephanie gosk, talk through this passport issue and what lawyers have to say on that front. Reporter so this is interesting. This is one of the things that came out of the bail hearing on monday that made everyone raise their eyebrows. This passport that the fbi found in a safe in Jeffrey Epsteins mansion here in manhattan. And it was an expired passport from the 80s. It had a picture of epstein and a different name. It listed a residence in saudi arabia. They asked for an explanation from epsteins defense team. They replied in a filing to the court to say that epstein had acquired this passport from austria because he had a fear of traveling to the middle east as a wealthy practicing jew and that he was worried about kidnappers and terrorists. Hallie . Stephanie gosk live in new york. Steph, thank you. Much more to get to this hour, including political deja vu from Bernie Sanders. What about now . Are they burned out . Plus, boeing facing another day of tough truths. This time on capitol hill. Lawmakers handing the mic, giving them voice to what they call as boeings faulty fleet. We will take you there live. We will take you there live. Tt that needs to get done today. Small things. Big things. Too hard to do alone things. Day after day, you need to get it all done. And here to listen and help you through it all is bank of america. With the expertise and knowhow you need to reach that blissful state of doneness. So lets get after it. Everything is all right what would you like the power to do . ® all right and my side super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. So, can it help us fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Will it help me keep up with him . Yup. So, ill wake up ready for anything . 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Especially timely today as the president is pushing his own strategy to go after democrats, including a plan for a meritbased system. They are suing the administration over controversial asylum moves. Joining me is president and ceo of voter latino. And gabby orr and terini party covering all things political. Thank you all for being here. Let me start with you. What do you expect or hope to come out of this hearing today . Hopefully we will get to the root of the problem and demonstrate there were pieces that the Obama Administration actually put together after, you recall in 2014, after an influx of migrants. He has swraoered out a lot of items. Under the obama then station, in order to protect Young Children he allowed for them to present themselves at em bears in guatemala, honduras and el salvador. This administration zeroed that out. Now the children have to go back and make the treacherous journey. They are pitching this new immigration plan now when there is an uproar at the border. It is a weird time to go all in. This is something Jared Kushner did yesterday. He gave a powerpoint to the president s cabinet. Essentially trying to get them to buy into this new immigration plan that would deal with Border Security and meritbased Legal Immigration system. One of the officials who has worked closely with this worked closely with kushner, they feel they have significant republican buyin. Yet i spoke to a lot of Senate Republican offices, who if they have seen the full text of this legislation said they dont feel like this is going to go anywhere. Theyre a bit concerned that after criminal justice reform, Jared Kushner seems to be operating under the belief that one legislative victory means he can easily get another. And thats simply not the case on capitol hill what would be the benefit to jump on board . There doesnt seem to be any at this point. From a 2020 perspective, this is clearly a messaging document for republicans to point to and say theyre doing something on immigration as this border crisis continues. And democrats are releasing their own proposals. So they dont feel like they have any buyin at all or any incentive to work with Jared Kushner on this. And President Trump doesnt like to stick to talking points when he is at rallies. You dont say . Its not like he will be pointing to this immigration proposal as much. Even republicans might feel like they shouldnt sign on to Something Like this. Particularly because focuses on ilLegal Immigration. Do you believe the crisis will get worse before it gets better . Sadly, i think it is. This whole fear that he is spreading in the Latino Community is very real. I have american citizens that are Walking Around with their passport simply pause of the color of their skin and they have an act sent. That is fear. When you go into smaller areas, you are not seeing the Latino Community come out in full force. I was having this conversation in my hometown. There is also a presentation of the latinoness in. They scratched it from the program because people are that afraid. We are talking americans as well. This is a place where he in cites. We have to have the conversations now so we can recognize this is something that we can actually stop. The fact that only four republicans actually stood tall and said we will condemn the language of the president , one person was retiring and the other three are up for reelection. This is not whether or not this should be an election issue. This is identifying who is american or who is not. This is the root of who our country is. I appreciate your perspective and you being here with us. More from you later in the show. Stick around. I want to get to the other hearing we are following. You are looking live. Boeing 737 max still grounded. A canadian man who lost his wife, three kids, miss motherinlaw back in march. He will Tell Congress the plane should be scrapped. And that boeing executives should be held criminally liable. In prepared testimony, paul, you can see his family there, said he thinks about his familys last six minutes alive. Adding they should have known to have triple redundancy could cause crashes and death. They recklessly left boeing to police itself. Tom, you had a chance to talk with paul immediate of the hearing. What did he tell you and what do you expect today . Hes devastated. Literally, he seems just emotionally and mentally completely drained. He tells me he doesnt even know how he gets out of bed every morning. And he struggles with purpose in his life. He lost his entire family. His youngest child 9 months old. His wife he loved dealer and his motherinlaw. They were going to kenya before they were to permanently move into a new home in toronto. He is a kenyan who became a naturalized canadian. He is now in front of Congress Talking about this horrific loss. And last night he talked to me in the airport here in washington about what he has experienced and what his concerns are as it relates to boeing and the faas culpability. They took my life away. Because without my family, i dont have a life. My family died because of the greed, the arrogance, the hubris, the management dysfunction, the lack of oversight between boeing and the faa. Boeing released a statement this morning. Heres what boeing says to nbc news. We truly regret the loss of lives in both of these accidents, talking about both indonesia and ethiopia. And we are deeply sorry for the impact to the families and loved ones of those on board. Boeing also today announcing 50 million will go to the families and communities of those affected. The timing not lost on anybody. Its happening just as we have another hearing about the role that boeing and the faa played in this traoepblg, these series of tragedies and to what extent faas oversight in which it allows boeing to police itself, whether that played a role in all of this. We have multiple investigations. The plane is grounded. It may remain grounded through the end of the year. Once the plane is approved for flight later in the year, the airlines have to retrain pilots. So we may not see this plane back in american skies at least until the end of the year, maybe next year. Hallie . Nbcs tom kogs tello who covers aviation for us. Thanks for that. Up next, the divide that is about to get even deeper. Will it fire up the base like it did in 2016 or have we already been there, done that, bought the tshirt. , done that, bought the tshirt. The easiest decisio. I switched to geico and saved hundreds. Thats a win. But its not the only reason i switched. Geicos a company i can trust, with over 75 years of great savings and service. Now thats a winwin. Switch to geico. Its a winwin. Switch to geico. What is that . Uh mine, why . Its just that its. Lavender. Yes it is, its for men but i like the smell of it laughs but how do i know if im im getting a good deal . I tell truecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if im getting a great price. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. I like joe, and i hope we will have this debate. You know. But when joe says something to the effect that medicare for seniors, what did he say, will end . That is just an obviously absurd situation. That is senator Bernie Sanders talking about one of the most important issues to democrats and one of the most divisive, health care specifically medicare for all versus something that is not phd care for all. We know where senator Bernie Sanders stands on that. Today he is pitching his entirely funded plan. He will pledge today to reject Campaign Donations from Health Insurance and pharmaceutical industry executives. Joining me now, somebody who knows this well. Jeff weaver. Good to have you on the show. Great to be here. His plan is ambitious. It is obviously very expensive. It costs 40 trillion the next 10 years. It would raise peoples taxes. Is that your pitch to voters . Our pitch is were going to spend that money on health care one way or the other. The question is do you want your premium dollars going into exorbitant compensation packages nor executives, for overpriced medications . We will lower the cost of health care. Even conservative groups say it will lower the cost of health care. We will cover everybody. Joe biden has a plan he is touting as the Gold Standard but we will leave out 11 Million People without any coverage whatsoever. Somebody else is talking about a plan, senator kamala harris. She is not going to raise taxes. She was out in iowa. She is not prepared to have a middleclass tax hike. She wants wall street basically paying more. Would senator sanders consider that instead . Wall street will be paying more. The healthier will pay more in taxes. Lets be clear. People pay for it in premiums, co payments, deductibles and in lower wages because your employers pay a lot of expense for you. When thats gone, you will be asked to pay in a different way but less. Is there a way, as senator harris thinks there is, to do this without people who are middleclass americans, paying them pay more. Magic, unicorns. Health care is not free. Theres nurse, hospitals people have to pay for it. People will pay less than they are now, and thats the point. You think senator harriss plans isnt realistic because unicorns dont exist. You have to pay for it. New hampshire, new england showing senator Elizabeth Warren ahead of your candidate, ahead of Bernie Sanders. Hes also behind senator warren when it comes to money raised. Is she in your lane. Our lane is not the same as Elizabeth Warren. Fairly similar. Is that fair . No, actually its not. If you look at the race, Bernie Sanders base is diverse, more working class. He is still winning with young people. I dont know. The base is not the same. Youre not worried when you see this where Bernie Sanders did very well in 2016 and now hes not . Look, we had the long game in mind. Polls show a lot of things. Private polls show other things. All im saying is we have a long way to go. Voters are looking at all the candidates, which they should, kicking the tires. You have seen mayor pete was going to be the nominee. Beto orourke was going to be the nominee. Elizabeth warren was going to be the nonominee. Kaeu kamala harris. Theres a long way to go. Are you changing your Campaign Debate prep. We understand it was nontraditional. He wasnt doing mock debates. No. He didnt do the standups. Doing that with 24 people is a little bit difficult, or 10 people is a little bit difficult. He has done president ial debates unlike most people on the stage. Biden has but nobody else has. He focuses on policy research as part of his debate prep, bore down on his record and other things. I want to ask you, too, about another issue making headlines just this morning. You were in the greenroom. You probably have been watching some of the articles of impeachment that al green is pushing on the house side. Let me ask broadly. The senator has been clear that he would support an impeachment inquiry. His strategy is to defeat the president come 2020. Thats where he wants to put his marbles, if you will. Yes. For Bernie Sanders, has the president s comments the last 72 hours, his racist attacks against the four freshman lawmakers, changed his thinking . Well, look, you know, he strongly condemned the remarks. Every other decent person in this world. And what he has said this should be ran inquiry if there are Impeachable Offenses found, it should go forward. But we have to be clear, the best way to get rid of trump and trumpism so we not only get rid of this president and eye deism is to defeat him at the ballot box. Does he think it is an Impeachable Offense . I have not spoken with him on that. I was in the greenroom, as you noted. By the way, somebody who might be able to answer that question is senator Bernie Sanders himself. He is going to be on this network in just a couple of hours talking with ali about his Health Care Plan and much, much more 1 00 eastern on nbc plus, protests getting louder and stronger in puerto rico as the island faces a crisis. Misogynistic, homophobic messages. A story you wont want to miss, next. 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New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is announcing the lawsuit just in the last couple of minutes. It came down just before the commercial break. Its filed against the ishs whiirs, the governor saying it was put in place solely in the name of receipt contribution. Were following that story and another out in puerto rico. It is getting incredibly tense. Protesters pouring into the streets. Those activists want the governor out from a growing scandal between messages from a private chat that have been leaked. Heres Gabe Gutierrez with the latest. Reporter this morning there are growing calls for puerto ricos governor to resign. At the protest in miami, d. C. , and new york. A demonstration in san juan monday through thousands. It ended with police in riot gear firing tear gas to break up the crowd. Royal caribbean now canceling one of the empress of the sea stops and reroute together British Virgin islands in light of the current unrest in san juan. We spoke with one disappointed passenger. It was right there. We were come so close. I was posting pictures saying hey, were about to dock and then we get further away. The governor has been under fire since nearly 900 pages of a private group chat were leaked and published this weekend by the center for Investigative Journalism in puerto rico. Nbc news has not independently verified the chat. The messages between him and several close aides contain vulgar jokes about female politicians, journalist, and even a blind cabinet secretary. They also include an antigay slur directed at pop starykh i can martin. Now he and other celebrities like bad bonnie and lynn manual miranda are urging him to step down. Im not proud of what i did. He insists he wont resign. I need move forward and continue on the work that were doing for puerto rico. Reporter he has faced criticism in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria which ravaged puerto rico in 2017 killing an estimated 3,000 people. Political pressure has intensified after authorities arrested several local officials last week, including two of the governors top aides accusing them of corruption and involving millions of dollars in federal contracts. Gabe gutierrez reporting there. We should note the white house has given us a statement saying the unfortunate events in the past week prove the president s concerns about mismanagement, politicization and corruption have been valid. The white house adding that they continue to be committed to puerto ricos recovery. Thats a story well watch unfold throughout the day. Were also watching unfold on capitol hill those calls to impeach the president. Congressman al green forcing leadership to try to address the issue even with Speaker Pelosis opposition. Heres what senator Lindsey Graham had to say in the last couple of minutes when asked if he believes his friend the president is racist. In the past youve said President Trump was [ inaudible ] zine phobic. How is telling someone to go back to their country not fall into that description . What im trying to say is during the campaign i hit him as hard as i could hit him. I lott. I want him to be successful and ive come to know the guy. I really do believe that if youre a somali refugee hes not going to say go back to somali. A racist says go back to somali because youre muslim or whatever. Thats just the way he is. More narcissism than anything. That was senator Lindsey Graham there. Gaby is back with us here. Listen, this is obviously turning into a thing here. And you know that the president ands a allies are watching as Lindsey Graham is and democrats are watching as well. They are. Its very careful how Lindsey Graham chooses his words when he talks about the president , but specifically when hes been asked about this and racism. Hes criticized the president a little bit. He says, you know, the president should aim higher. Right. But then hes used pretty Strong Language in talk about the squad himself. He called them unamerican. You know, he criticized their policies pretty strongly. So hes trying to balk the president as one of his closest friends on capitol hill while also telling him to back off a little bit. I just think that the evolution that has happened over the last 48 hours of how republicans have tried to spin this has been so fascinating. Because it really started out of the Trump Campaign. They saw an opportunity where the president said something that was very unpalatable to a lot of members of congress and probably to some people in his base as well. And they took that and sort of changed it into this message that focuses on these four progressive congresswomen. And now youve seen republican lawmaker after republican lawmaker echo those same sentiments. And by the way, heres a little bit more of what those four law make hers to say in theyre really only oncamera interview with all four of them on cbs. An extension of a movement in our dhaunt wants medicare for all, that wants us to end mass incarceration, that nwants us t push back on attacks of communities of color. Were a destruction to business as usual thats been washington. We were elected for that purpose. I mean, you have an interview with all four of them. This is exactly what the Trump Campaign and the white house want at this point. And you can argue that some democrats like this as well, but essentially what brendon was saying earlier, President Trump has now successfully elevated those four women to be the face of the Democratic Party and that fits perfectly into his narrative heading into 2020. That fits perfectly into what were going to talk about next cl is what our sources are talking about. Gaby, youre talking about the president s rallies and campaign moving forward. What are you hearing . Hes got a rally in greenville tonight. Im told we can expect a lot more of President Trump coming out of his august vacation. Hes going to be heading to bedminster, new jersey, on friday. Well spend about 21 2 weeks up there. Not starting on friday. No, later in august. Yes. During the august recess. But i was told by a Campaign Official yesterday that we can expect to see him on the campaign trail as many as two times a week for the next 17 months with the only exception being when hes traveling abroad. Wow, thats a lot. Big test of stamina. Thats for sure. Trina, what are you working on . This morning we saw the first 2020 cycle numbers from act blue which is a small dollar fundraising platform. They say theyve raised 246 billion so far. We were talking about the squad earlier and the feud with these four Democratic Congresswomen. What im hearing from sources, republican sources are even more worried that progressives and democrats are going to be able to raise much more money now that the president has elevated these women. Its energizing progressives, its energizing smalldollar donors. The president might think that elvaigt these women works for him, but also it energy guys the Democratic Base and its translating to money and were already seeing that. Such a pleasure to have both of you that. Does it for us now. Im heading over to the white house, but craig melvin youre picking it up in new york. Hey, pal. Good to see you, hallie jackson. Craig melvin here, msnbc med quarters new york city. Were following breaking news involving President Trump and the word that washington has really danced around for months, the i word, impeachment. Its a fastmoving story. Democrats now expect to vote on an impeachment resolution today. But that vote is happening without the support of the speaker of the house. Well dig into that. Also, relishing the fight as President Trump hits the road for that rally in greenville tonight. He is continuing his attacks on the four Democratic Congresswomen of color as part of what his aides describe as a 2020 strategy. And the possible 2020 gop challenger, former republican governor, South Carolina governor and congressman mark sanford will join me live to talk about why he is considering a

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