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The most powerful members of congress. What you should know about alexandria cortez, how she won, how it affects the house map come november. And we wille hear the first live reaction from nancy pelosi, any moment she will be speaking right there. And well also hear from senator hirono who will be with me live. Well talk with her about the immigration developments. And on the hill, not just immigration developments, but also one of the most controversial fbi agents. Were talking about peter strzok. And well talk about that as the house gets ready to take a vote that looks likely to tank by the way. It is the last day of the term for the Supreme Court, a big decision expected on labor unions. And maybe, just maybe, a decision to call it quits. Were on retirement watch for this guy, the swing vote on so many cases. Anthy kennedy. Might he be ready to hang up his robe . We have our team here and ready to go to cover all of this. We have a decision actually from the Supreme Court on this labor union case. So lets start there. Williams, live outside t court for us. Reporter the Supreme Court has dealt a big blow to Public Sector unions in the u. S. Overruling an earlier decision so it will have a big consequence for Public Sector unions. And remember over half of the union might bes in america are Public Employees. Here was the issue. The Supreme Court has long said if you dont want to join a union, you dont have to pay the dues, except you do have to pay a portion of the dues that covers the cost of collective bargaining. The Supreme Court in the past has said this would prevent free riders, people who get the benefits without having to pay thinking. But for the last five or six years, various people have challenged this saying that it still violates their free speech rights because sometimes the union takes positions that they dont agree with. And that having to pay any fees at all to the union violates their free speech rights. And today by a vote of 54, the Supreme Court agreed. You now, i have to tell you, this is no surprise and here is why. Two years ago the side cal question was before the Supreme Court on. It was argued and then after Justice Salia died. So it was decided when just eight justices were here. And in a 44 tie, they failed to decide the case. But we knew where the other eight justices stood. And then you add neil gorsuch, and that would give you the fifth vote. So we expected this decision, but it will still be a big blow to unions and here is why are. These are unions that represent firefighters, nurses, police, teachers, other Public Employees. It was actuallht by a Public Employee in illinois who is a social worker. And the unions have said and there have been studies shown that if they dont have to pay these fees, it will be a big financial hit to unions. It may be a membership loss for qu unions. And that will reduce probably theirargaining clout and undoubtedly their political clout. So a big blow to Public Sector unions. Pete, while i have you, i know there had been some discussion, speculation for weeks actually, about Justice Kennedy. He has not said anything yet about his future on the court yet . Reporter no, speculation for at least a year as a matter of fact. Sometimes justices announce their retirements the last day. Sometimes they wait. Most of the time in recent years they would have announced their to give the process time to get a new nominee confirmed and on the bench by the time the court term starts. But, you know, it is the Supreme Court. They do what they want. Well be listening. Sure will. Pete williams, thank you for everything. Its been a busy couple of days. The Dnc Tom Perez will be air of joining me, well be asking him reaction to this Supreme Court ruling as pete said, not surprising, not unexpected especially, but still significant. So well have him on in a minute. The political earthquake this morning, the big story of the day, alexandria cortez, the self described socialist and Bernie Sanders backer hes talking s s day. This is a look at when she found out she won. Watch. In our community, we needed a very clear voice. I think we deserve representation that rejected lobbyist funds and put our voters in our community first. And i felt like we could really deliver a mess a think for the bronx, for queens. And for the working class people of the United States. I felt like our party could be better, our message could be better. And that we could be better as a country. Kasie hunt is with us now. She was in utah covering another big primary race, the one involving mitt romney, who seems safe to sale on. But this cortez situation, big, big news. Reporter thats right. The defining upset really so far of 2018. And what is going to happen in the midterm elections. She is so many of the things that we have been talking about. She is a woman. She is a person of color. She is somebody who rejected as you her heard talk about the idea of big money in politics. I spent a lot of time on the road with Bernie Sanders and that was something that we heard over and over and over again and somebody that people really kind of grabbed on to. And of course this is a situation where crowley hadnt had a primary since cortez was 14. She was not eligible to vote the last time he faced a primary challenge. And so he and some of his colleagues in the house, jim clyburn, saying that look, he didnt pay enough attention to his constituents. And there is definitely some of that going on as well. But it really i think sends a signal to democrats across the board that the fissures that we saw in the party in 2016 between Bernie Sanders, hillary clinton, are very real. And that those who feel comfortable in their seats of power should perhaps look out and be a little bit concerned and make sure that they are watching what is going on out in the rest of the country. So the challenge of course will be what does it mean for them trying to take back the house overall in 2018. There are 23 seats that they will need mostly in these swing districts. We may get some surprises in districts we dont think are swing districts, but a lot of the heartland for example where the policies that core says is talking about are not going to fly. People dont necessarily want to abolish i. C. E. Which is what she ran on. Some republicans are saying this means that were going to do better, that those candidates will have a harderi think the j much out that point. But it is a challenge for leadership. Nancy pelosi, she and her Leadership Team have been entrenched through a number of midterm losses, also facing some very real questions about what they should do going forward. Kasie hunt, thank me bring i Campaign Manager for sanders president ial campaign. As we take a look by the way at nancy pelosi getting ready to speak live. And also on the set, our two white house reporters. So poll gapologies in advance iy does talk about this upset victory. Jeff, this is a him would,hi wo organizing. Yes, it was a tremendous evening last night for nothing sieves. You had benealous in maryland who came from behind. He was a maj surrogate in our g campaign. So all across the country progressives are winning. We were reading reports maybe some even on this network just a few weeks ago about the Progressive Movement was dead in america, but i think last night what you saw it is alive and well and people are responding. So not dead, but do you think youre overstating it given that we have seen establishment democrats win in other primaries . When you are outspent heavily, you will have a lot of losses. But the message that is going out to the American People that we need medicare for all, that we need to raise the minimum wage, that we need free tuition, we need to deal with Immigration Reform, the issues facing the africanamerican community, those issues are resonating and dh candidates are wing against t n the odds. And there was a massive spending difference. And i feel like im seeing reflection of what happened in the Republican Party to an extent years ago where they want this desire for a new voice, change. Wanting to get rid of the esent. And our point, we have seen molishment figures win in certain markets, but we are seeing this Progressive Movement swell up in other areas. So yeah, i think the Democratic Party is definitely searching for its voice and identity and well continue to see this desire for change, for new voices to come out. Certainly means that the democratic establishment candidates can face the same upheaval that others in the Republican Party have faced. And it raises a question which maybe nancy pelosi will address about the leadership of the Democratic Party in the house. So lets talk about that. Joe krocrowley was considered t heir apparent and he is now out. And we were joking before the show maybe cortez will run. Probably wont. But lets talk about the names that who would maybe take on nancy pelosi. Obviously if the democrats recapture control ofhouse, nancy pelosi will want to take a lot of credit for that. Huge fundraising prowess that she has helping candidates across the country. And the fact that she has been what she keeps saying over and over she is a woman in the room with 3President Trump and wants to continue doing that. And nancy pelosi will be talking health care in this press conference that shes about to have, so we will dip in if she does begin to speak about the results of last nights race in new york. Jeff, have you talked to given that cortez talks about being in the mold of Bernie Sanders, have you talked with senator sanders since the win . I certainly have. We were on the phone quite a bit last night. I have to tell you, among the progressive world, hethere quite a bit of celebration in my world. Was it gloating . Absolutely not. Look, this is a movement to uplift working people across this country. And when that happens, that is a cause for celebration. And i want to ask you to stick around because i do want to bring in tom perez, chairman of the National Committee joining us again. Chairman perez, thank you very much for being on. Lets start with reaction to the win last night. Cortez beating out joe crowley in what is considered an upset. She ran a fantastic campai and i think at the end of 2018 when you see remarkable results for democrats across the country, the role of women leading the charge will be a big part of the story of 2018. She was a fire brand. She talked about the issues that mattered most in their districts and i have Great Respect for joe crowley as well. He was one of the original supporters of medicare for all among the leadership in the Democratic Party. And she came forward in a remarkable fashion. And another example of the energy that we see across america. I think this is an exciting time for the movement and we see this all over the country. Lets talk about that energy and what it means for the par as a whole. Because im wondering if this victory signals to you a frustration with where democratic leadership is right now, whether this is a sign coming from progressives, some democrats that nancy pelosi and chuck 1450uschumer need to let w blood. Time will tell, but i think what weve seen in elections across the country are candidates who won by focusing on the issues that were keeping their constituents up at night. Alexandria focused on so many issues that were front and center in her diverse community. Conor lamb was focusing on the right to form a union, pension security, things of that nature. And he wasssing it in the sense that the Supreme Court this morning is making it harder for Public Sector labor unions to organization. So what im seeing in the candidates that weve been out there working with and observing is that theyre really focused like a laser on how to improve the lives of people. They want to make sure they are making lives better for folks. And a couple more quick questions for you. You said time will tell when it comes to the future of the leadership in congress. Name names. Who would you like to see potentially step into a democratic leadership role if not nancy pelosi . Ill leave that to other people. Why not you . My focus is making sure we are winning in november. Because again, it is important to understand that the Playing Field in so many of these congressional races is not level because of the partisan gerrymandering. And the racial if some cases like texas. So were focused like a laser on helping to win these races, making sure we are leading with our values, were organizing early, were organizing everywhere. And im proud of the work weve been able to do at the dnc over the last 17 months. Given that, is this is signal to perhaps have the dnc put their finger on the scale for the more progressive candidates where areas where you think they can be more successful . Im proud of the people that weve been supporting across the board. We were out a Spirited Campaign in the eighth Congressional District of arizona. And she came up just short, but she is running again in november. And well continue to work with her because shes a spectacular candidate. So well continue to be supporting candidates. And the platform of the Democratic Party, were about fighting for good jobs, about fighting for health care, for womens economic empowerment, and frankly were about fighting for our democracy. So very quickly before i move on, given that you talk about the endorsements of the dnc, somebody that you endorsed that created a lot of consternation was andrew cuomo in the new york governors race. Cynthia nixon of course has embraced almost literally alexandria cortez, perhaps cuomo g up more nervous this morninabout his race. Do you still think cuomo is the best representative of new york given this decisive victory for this fresh female face . As ive said a number of times, ive known both of the governor and Lieutenant Governor for over 20 years. My brother lived down the street in buffalo. And when you have a friendship of that long, those things matter for me. And so it was a personal endorsement. But i havent been involved in the campaign and the voters will choose. Im thrilled for the energy that is out there. Both last night that we saw and throughout america. Democrats, the enthusiasm is on our side. And the ideas are on our side. Were fighting for ing foing f for health care, for the right to on organize a union, for womens empowerment. On the union front, big blow to Public Sector unions coming down from the Supreme Court. What can you do, what can democrats do from here . We have to elect more democrats. What we have seen is this a mobilizing issue . Absolutely. This is a blow to the middle class. And it is part of an unmistakable pattern from this administration to make it harder for working people to organize. And this decision you look at this decision, you look at the jerry thman dering decision, th voter purge case, you looked at the case on womens repro productive health. What we know is is that the stolen fifth seat has reeked havoc on basic values. We saw yesterday with the muslim bhan as w ban as well. We do not have a check and balance in the Supreme Court right now, in the Republican Leadership in the house or senate. The party of lincoln is dead replaced by the party of trump. And so what we have do the most important thing we can do is elect democrats this november and thats what were doing. We need a check and balance. This is the most dangerous president in american history. It is harder to make ends meet, harder to get health care, harder for women to get access toreproductive health. And you know what, that is wrong and well fight because this is an assault on our fundamental democracy. Chairman, i have to clarify because i didnt hear a clear issue. Should nancy pelosi lead the party into the future . That is up for the democratic leadership to decide. I have Great Respect for nancy pelosi. She has done great work for the Affordable Care act, it exists because of nancy pelosi. Important to remember that. And she has done a lot of work to make sure that these excesses of the Trump Administration are held in check. Chairman, thank you for coming on the show. Come back soon. And speaking of nancy pelosi, she is speaking over on the capitol talking about health care. We imagine at any point you can see her there to the left of the screen. She may if she takes questions from reporters certainly be asked about this newark case, the upset of joe crowley. House republicans on the other side of the capitol brace for an immigration vote today. Well be talking about that and what it means for a divided party and the odds of theop ever getting a compromise through. And senator horona will join my live next be. That knows the weather down to the square block. This is a diamond tracked on a blockchain protected against fraud, theft and trafficking. This is a financial Transaction Secure from hacks and threats others cant see. 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And now, Xfinity Mobile is included. You can get up to five lines. You can save 400 bucks or more a year, which you can spend on a funktastic music video. Dance party boom. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Come see how you can save 400 or more a year with Xfinity Mobile. Plus, ask how to keep your current phone. Visit your local xfinity store today. Aso immigration advocates ae celebrating the news that a j g judge in california ordered that kids under 5 have to be returned to their parents in two weeks and others in 30 days. They are set to vote today on what is considered a compromise. And the president is now calling the bill strong but fair. Garrett haake is here with the latest. Does that matter . Because it seems like from all indications this bill is headed for failure. Reporter it might have mattered if it had come maybe a week and a half ago and if it had been a more consistent message. The president has been back and forth on this bill several times both supporting it and saying it is not necessary. Even in this tweet where he encourages them to pass it, he said but by the way wenow the senate wont take it up. So probably not enough to help this bill. There are other signs that the republican leadersexpect the vote will fail. One is that then delayed it last week, there was a discussion about adding more conservative provisions. They thought they might be close enough to get the build over the line and if they added a few more things that conservatives wanted to see, namely an everify system for employers, maybe that could lure more conservative there is to supporting the bill. But as of yesterday when the republican Leadership Team had counted the votes, they found it didnt add enough team to make it worth putting in. So i think what you are seeing here, the decision not include that provision, is a sign that republican moderates who wanted to see something pass the but also wanted to get a vote will be satisfied or at least will have to be satisfied with getting a vote that they know probably just doesnt have the horses to actually pass. Garrett haake there on chi. Capitol hill. Thanks. I want t bring in senator from hawaii. Thank you very much for being on the show. So you might not have known it, but yesterday we carried some of your remarks live reacting to news of the Supreme Court ruling on that travel ban. You had some scathing things to say about that decision. So let me ask you this. Make the case why the Supreme Court should not allow the president to have broad discretion over the countrys borders over National Security. Well, particularly with this president who i think will use this decision to do all kinds of other executive orders that will probably target other minority groups. I think the Supreme Court was wrong in this decision. I certainly look to the dissent that was written by justice sotomayor, she said they should have looked at all the comments that were made by the president. He made it obvious that this was a muslim ban. And i have to say that the fifth vote on this decision was provided by neil gorsuch and this has baeen the purpose for lot of conservatives including Mitch Mcconnell who wanted to put neil gorsuch on the Supreme Court not only for yesterdays decision, but to provide the fifth vote for todays decision that impacts Public Sector unions in a very negative way. Something we just talked with tom perez about. Let me ask you about the overnight news on this injunction to force families to be reunited, the ones who have been separated under the valentine po zero tolerance policy. Is that next . Probably the administration will appeal that, but the judge made it clear that this was a day on the tick ichaotic situaty the president. He made it very clear. And this was a judge that was appointed by george bush. Let me ask you about other big news in addition to immigration. And the victory as we have been talking this morning of alexandria cortez who is a 28yearold woman out of new york beating joe crowley. A couple things on that. She ran on abolishing i. C. E. I dont know that ive seen public reaction from you on this issue. Do you think i. C. E. Should be abolished, should democrats push that . Ive been a strong supporter of comprehensive Immigration Reform. We have laws that need to be changed. We also have enforcement of the immigration laws that includes i. C. E. And the customs and Border Patrol people. Those processes also need to be reviewed and changed as appropriate. So it should be in the context of comprehensive Immigration Reform that i have been a long time advocate of. So it sounds like youre saying change i. C. E. , dont get rid of it. Is that fair . I think we should look at what kind of enforcement processes i. C. E. Uses. And whether it is appropriate and as i said, that should be part of a comprehensive Immigration Reform process. You have been one of the biggest voices in the senate on immigratioreform. You also are inside the Democratic Party led by Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. Do victory signal to you that it is time for schumer and pe step aside, that there is frustration brewing inside the Democratic Party against establishment leadership . The Democratic Party is a really big town. We have a lot of people who are much more conservative. Ive been a progressive. And we used to be called liberals back then. And so the people who win are the ones that in our party who are inch with their constituents and who their constituents know will fight for them. And i think alexandria was very clear on the things that were important to her constituents and they heard her message. And so do you think that message will reflect or should reflect in the halls of congress when it comes to the current makeup of democratic leadership . Does that need to change . To me the lesson learns that all of us should be very in touch with our statistic consti that they need to know that were fighting for them. This is not a one size fits all. Our candidates have to know their districts and they need to understand what the concerns are of their own conuencyonstituenc. That is not the same across the country. So the ones who win are the ones who understand and who are in touch. And what is the mood this morning there inside the caucus, the democratic lawmakers there on the hill . I know that were very focused on making sure that we do everything we can to make sure that we are in a position to take back the senate and take back the house. Were very focused on the 2018 elections as we should be. Senator, thank you so much for coming on the show. We want to get back to the breaking news that you heard referenced there, the Supreme Court dealing out that blow to Public Sector unions on its final day of the session. Ruling that State Government workers who choose not to join a union cannot be forced to pay union dues. That was the last big decision that we were waiting on. But there is Something Else that might have National Implications also, not a ruling, but possibly a retirement. Joining me now is harry lippman, somebody who also clerked for Justice Anthony kennedy. Thank you for being with you. Let me start with your reaction first this union decision, this ruling by the Supreme Court again not a surprise. What do you make of it . It wasnt a surprise, but it was a 54 decision by the socalled conservative block and it overruled a liberal landmark decision. So it showed the court kind of flexing its muscle and unafraid to overrule cases notwithstanding the express respect for starry sigh s. And it generated as we speak justin kagan is still reading fromer dissent. As tom perez says, i think that it will have a very tough effect on Public Sector unions, but i think it showed the sort of emergence not emergence, but consolidation of a muscular five person conservative majority unafraid to overrule precedence. When you talk about Justice Kennedy, it has been written that the separate concurrence in the travel ban case felt to me like a kennedy mic drop. Hes done all that he can to fix the problems in america society. Now it is up to those in power and those who put them there. So what do you think, was that a mic drop, will he be announcing he is rolling out this summer . We may know in about five minutes, but it is a sort of glass half empty Glass Half Full point. I think it is theopposite my sense is that it is a bit of a warning. Yes, in this case we have to defer to the executive, that is the law. But take heed, President Trump. You can be violating your expressions of extreme executive power are wrong and moreover there is something very important and deeply grievous about what youre saying about liberty in this country. We want to project and outward view to the world and still be the beacon of hope. You are ung that. And when the time comes, we five, and i include me Justice Kennedy, stand ready to rebuke you. Do you think that his legacy is already written, he has been the critical swing vote on a number of cases. Yes, and i think it underscores that this is already a sort of center right court. His 54 decisions are more often with the conservative block. But i think his main legacy will be the ones where he actually went to the other side. People will talk about gay rights in particular. You heard tom perez on this program say this ruling by the Supreme Court on unions and the travel ban a sign democrats need to get out and vote. Midterms are really important. Based on 2016 exit polls, more than half of voters for donald trump said Supreme Court appointments was the number one factor in their vote. So how do republicans clearly fired up about this, how do democrats get the same enthusiasm . Mitch mcconnell even tweeted out a picture of him shaking hands with gorsuch. So maybe it starts to get real when they start seeing the rulings not only not going their way, but even things undone. And if the democrats play it well, playing on the outrage over the fact that they lost the Supreme Court, a seat they feel they should have gotten when president obama nominated his nominee. All right. More to come. Harry lippman, thank you. And that was a heck of a tease in five minutes. We may in fact know more about the future of Justice Kennedy. And well also watch what is happening on the hill. Peter strzok called to the capitol by lawmakers who are upset about some of his antitrump Text Messages. Well tell you about what is going on behind closed doors right now. Begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. Learning from him is great. When i can keep up anncr thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. Dads got all the answers. Anncr prevagen is now the numberoneselling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. She outsmarts me every single time. Checkmate you wanna play again . Anncr prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. But how do i know if im im getting a good deal . I tellecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if im getting a great price. This is how car buying was always meant to be. This is truecar. Theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. 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Youll be able to choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Whether youre on medicare now or turning 65 soon, its a good time to get your ducks in a row. Duck quack call to request your free decision guide now. Because the time to think about tomorrow is today. While you were grabbing coffee, we learned that the Supreme Court term has now ended with no retirements announced. Just to update you on that. There had been speculation for a year and change that Justice Kennedy might announce that he is stepping down. Didnt happen today. Also happening today, over in russia, National Security adviser john bolton is in moscow meeting with vladimir putin. And this comes as a cekremlin ae confirms that tomorrow there is expected to be an announcement of a meeting between President Trump and putin. Big stuff. Both of your organizations have been reporting out about this meeting, this would not oneonn President Trump and president putin. The speculation had been that it would be in a coupl months when he isre no nato and the london visit. We knew it was something President Trump wanted to do. And ive also been told that in National Security advisers to him have told him it is not a good idea. And when you look at the timing, july, we may have some reports or findings or even indictments coming out of the Mueller Investigation in the august smber time frame. So i guess if you were going to do it, might as well do it in july before more investigation can come out. And keep in mind the interNational Implications. During a time when the president is meeting with nato allies after a very tricky relationship between the trump whouts aite h and european allies. So meeting with putin on that same trip is a bit of a punch in the gut to them. Sort of like north korea. Having a contentious meeting with our allies and then having a chummy meeting there. And secretary Steven Mnuchin was getting hounded in the driveway of the north lawn. And he was asked about whether european allies should be concerned. He said no, of course they shouldnt be worried. Do you agree, disagree . I disagree vehemently. I think now is not the time for a trump putin summit meeting. President trump has weakened our relationship with the european allies. That united front is required in order to keep sanctions in place which of course is mnuchins responsibility on the u. S. Side. And the pressure is required so that russia stops occupying ukraine as well as georgia, so that russia stops poisoning people in other countries. And, you know, basically ceases all of the offensive behavior and that is a mild word that they have been conducting. And i will also note in syria today there is an uptick in fighting. I wouldnt even call it fighting. The Syrian Government is bhom barr bomb boarding civilians including medical workers and that runs counter to the agreement that the president and putin when they sat down, they had these two agreements, one was on like a counterterrorism cyber. Cyb cyber. And everybody said you cant cooperate. But then this other agreement kind of held which was in southern syria that the syrians would not bombard the area, there will be a ceasefire. That was something israel and jordan wanted. And now it appears it has broken down and the russians are doing nothing. And when you have john bolton meeting with president putin, obviously a significant moment, the two of them talked a little this morning about what they want to potentially get out of this. Listen. To hope again that we can discuss terms to be taken by both sides based on mutual respect. It is great to be back in moscow. And very much look forward to discussing with you as ive had the opportunity to do with your colleagues how to improve russian u. S. Relations. Improving relations. Are we headed in the right direction on that one . That is a great idea, but, no, because if the idea is that lets see, but if the idea is that well 2rtry to cha them into doing what we want, that wont work. So we have to be really clear about what our leverage is and very firm about what we expect russia to do and to not do. And in that very last press believing tillerson gave on the plane before he was fired, he said ive spent a year trying to improve relations with russia. It is not happening. And the democrats will also be tching. Will the Trump Administration stand up for what they believe are u. S. Values. And that comes down to russia taking over crimea, is that something that the President Trump of United States will continue to object to. All right. Evelyn, always a pleasure to have you on live. I believe from aspen. Nice backdrop there. I want to go now to the fbi agent who sent antitrump Text Messages to a colleague. He is on capitol hill telling his side of the story. But it is behindlosed doors. So we wont actually see peter strzok get questioned. President trump would have preferred it live on the air. So he tweeted earlier this week. Intelligence and National Security reporter is with us. Ken, i know we havent heard much yet because the meeting is still happening. What do we expect to come out of this as we get word that senator grae graham is asking for more information about strzok . That depends on what strzok is allowed to say. Remember, he is a suspended employee, but he still works for the fbi and he has a lot of secrets in his head. He was a lead agent on the clinton email investigation and then he was also involved in the beginnings of the russia investigation and worked for Robert Mueller until he was essentially fired. And so he can answer some of the key questions. One of which is why was the fbi treating the Trump Campaign as a target of an investigation rather than as a victim for a russian counterintelligence plot. Was it because as some republicans were sexting that pete strzok and his colleagues were biased against trump or was there significant evidence of collusion that we have not seen publicly, evidence that the fbi to be aggressively begin to investigate, put trump aides under surveillance, that is what strzok has in his head. The question is whether he can answer those questions before congress while the investigation is still pending. And his team seems to want to mount to vigorous defense of strzok. Hes hired these lawyers, that is their job. What is interesting to me, a pr team talking about here are the different points of why strzok is not as controversial as everybody says he is. Remember, he was sending antitrump Text Messages to a colleague with whom he was having an affair with at the time. From a pr perspective, do you think strzok could be effective today . Im told that he is a very self possessed and confident guy. You can see him smiling as he walk in there. He will go in with guns blazing defending his own conduct. But fbi agents are of Many Political persuasions. Former officials told me that his conduct was indefensible, has embarrassed the bureau and really cannot be defended. But he will argue that the animus he may have shown was not the result of political bias, was the result of the fact that he thought trump was comomised by russia or the Trump Campaign was and if you pulled any texts from fbi agents,ight see negative comments about that target, but it doesnt suggest political bias. That will be his story. Interesting stuff. I know youll check back in once we start to hear more about that closed door meeting. We know the president might have an opportunity to talk about any and all of this a couple of times today. He has an event at the white house just after noon eastern. And then another what we call pool spray later on in the afternoon before he heads up to north dakota for a Campaign Style rally. We will be there with him. For now he is still at the white house which is where we find hans nichols. So the president was tweeting about the new york race, that stunning upset. He was tweeting about joe crowley and a lot of stuff including the immigration bill. And were also hearing now more about somebody who is in his irn s inner circle, Sarah Huckabee sanders. She will be Getting Secret Service protection at her house. Right . Reporter yeah, and we heard cla clarity from her husband not her husband, her dad. Eporter excuse me, my mistake. Thanks for the quick correction. And heres what he had to say on fox business. It is not so much related to the red hen as it is to other the threats. She has three small children and there have been nasty things. Peter fonda tweeted out to millions that somebody out to break into her house and kidnap her children. That is crime. Peter fonda needs to be in jail. Reporter number one, there are multiple threats according to Mike Huckabee her father. And we also have an indication that huckabee is trying to further inflame this entire situation. Trying to clearly blame peter fonda. Any idea that from this podium or from the president that you will see a tamping down of rhetoric, anyone try to cool things down, heal the country, it doesnt appear that that is going to happen. And there has been a discussion here the last 24, 48 hours, there are more and more heated and personal conflicts between members of this admin and the public. And ill be curious to see how the president responds to that throughout the day. Yeah, look at the transportation secretary defending her husband in that video weve been seeing. All right, ill see you there in like 25 minutes. Coming up next, more than a third of u. S. States are slapping the Trump Administration with a lawsuit over the family separation policy. And a democratic congressman is pushing a bill to abolish be i. C. E. We will have somebody who used to lead that agency about all of it next. And well go to nancy pelosi who i believe is speaking now. Lets listen in. She was asked about joe crowley. [ inaudible question ] joe crowley is a very valued member of congress, a great gentleman, as you saw in dignity of his concession last night. He is, again, a valued member. Well miss him, but he has extraordinary talent, and we may see him in the Public Sector again. Its interesting to me as involved in plit arena for a long time. Everyone has their analysis within hours of the election taking place. Im very proud of the fact that in my very diverse district, i got 140,000 votes. The highest vote in california in this election even though as i said, my district is everchanging, becomin more beautiful, i always say the beauty is in the mix. So, again, we have to analyze how this people say its because of this or that. Its because of the because of a number of things. Within 24 hours, we dont have that analysis. Members will choose o leaders as they do people are elected in the caucus. Its not about me setting somebody up just as i was chosen just breaking ranks and running. Others will. And thats the beauty of it all. Reporter republicans say one of the things this district shows is that democrats no. Theyre not. Its ascending in that district, perhaps, but i dont accept any characterization of our Party Presented by the republicans. So let me reject that right now. Right . You can join in any time. Our party is a big tent. Our districts are very different one from the other, as i said, i am viewed and spend tens of millions of dollars they do, character riizing me as a left g person. In my district they call me a corporate pawn because my district is so ogreive. It isnt about that. Its about representation. Each of our members is elected to be the independent representative of their district. Their Job Description and their job title are one in the same, representative. So nobodys district is representative of somebody elses district. Its just a sign of vitality of our party, not a rubber stamp. Again, as i said to chad, were calling each other by first names here, the beauty is in the mix. Reporter the Democratic Party is increasingly younger, more female, more diverse, more progressive. Should the Democratic House leadership look that way . Im progressive. Whats your problem . Two out of three aint bad. They made a choice in one district. Lets not get yourself carried away as an expert on demographics and the rest of that. Within the caucus were outside the caucus. We are, again, we have an array of genders, generations, geography, and there is opinion in our caucus, and were proud of that. The fact that in a very progressive district in new york, it went more progressive than joe crowley is a progressive, but more is about that district. It is not to be viewed as something that stands for anything else. Are we excited about another generation of people coming into the commons . I am particularly excited that so many women are running across the country, because when i came to congress usually people raise their families or done Something Else before they came. The men were an average ten years younger when they came. Now we have women stepping up earlier, weighing home and work in a way thats going to benefit all the American People. Thank you all very much. You have been watching nancy pelosi speaking with reporters after a health care event. She was questioned about that stunning upset victory. We keep an eye on that screen there. Nancy pelosi saying her goodbyes in the room. After alexandria ocasiocortez beat out house leadership member joe crowley in that incredible win, the upset weve been talking about. A couple interesting points here. She praised joe crowley. Called him a valued of the Leadership Team. An extraordinary gentleman. She pushed back on the republican criticism of the Democratic Party. Nancy pelosi said im not letting the gop define us. Thats not the case. She also talked at length about herself and her loeadership of the party amidsst questions of whether it looks like progressives want it to look like. Saying whats your problem . Im female. Im progressive. Two out of three. I may not be young. What do you make of what we saw here . I think its interesting shes trying to minimize the impact of that election. She said democratic socia ght be in that district, but that doesnt give the reporter we cant draw conclusions. The ability to draw broader conclusions. When you look across the map and youve seen establishment democrats continuing to win. Were talking about queens. New york. I think there is some truth to this fact that all districts are different and we cant put a label on all of them. But there does seem to be an overaveraging theme in the Democratic Party of wanting new, fresh faces, fresh ideas and people feeling like this party isnt representative. Based on your reporting, bubl leadership, democratic leadership in the house and senate have grappled with the idea that theres a clear schism inside the Democratic Party. There are different elements moving upward that are ascendant . I think theres frustration that theyre dealing with that at a time when theyd like a clear message against donald trump. The fact that its not just republicans facing different pressures within the party but democrats as well is a frustration. And they need a clear message 2020. The campaign has begun. Trump is at the rallies. Weve been at them. Hes raising millions of dollars. Hes out of the gate and charging. The democrats dont even seem to be at the gate. They need to get going. When we dipped in, i believe that was the first question to nancy pelosi, i think. Im being told it was. What i didnt here in the series of questions was much praise for alexandria ocasiocortez. You had joe crowley playing on his guitar playing born to run in honor of this 28yearold who took his seat. Should democrats be embracing her more . Will we see that or no . What leader pelosi was saying was its too early to draw conclusions. She didnt come right out and praise her. She said, however, mention theres diversity of gender, of generation and of geography. That seemed to be heralking points in respons what was an upset for traditionalists like her and the party. The last line she said resonate the most, younger women getting out and running. Its about time to have younger women representing this party in congress. And the wave of women is something weve talked about. We didnt get a chance to hit on it in our discussion earlier with tom perez. We pulled numbers. There are women running and winning and losing also in greater numbers than weve seen, and alexaa ocasiocortez is becoming one of the faces of that movement. And could say to other young women, hey, i could actually run for office. I dont have a lot of money. This is a woman who was tending bar as of a year ago. 120,000 she raised. It coulday to a lot of people, maybe i could do thattoo. I think its also saying that nancy pelosi as somebody who entered politics, at least representing her district after she raised her family is saying look, women are doing this earlier now. And thats not a bad thing. Jeff and shannon, pleasure to have you on for what always turns into a busy morning here on this show. Thank you. Ill have you back soon. A quick programming note. We are hoping to have tomorrow joining us cia director john brennan. Thats an interview confirmed. Well see you back here tomorrow. Before we turn it over, we have to end with todays big picture. Were talking about young women. Heres a young woman. A girl. Shes five. Youre looking at adele la lewis. Shes on a playground in her princess costume. Playing with a shovel. Shes at a playground called adventure in new york city. Theres saws, hammers, nails. And no parents. Parents are not allowed inside. Maybe you think doesnt that seem kind of dangerous . New studies find that risky play as its called, builds social skills, encouraging creativity. Some psychologists are calling for the end of helicopter parenting. Heck of a scene. A photographer here andrea kadaki from nbc news. Ill see you tonight on nbc news. Right now more news with ali velshi and stephanie ruhle. Would you like your kids play in the answe to that would be no. I was raised in a junk yard. Really . I would love it. No. I spend my life armed with neosporin and bandaids as it is. I dont need to send them to a junk yard of saws. I wonder if i was in another life as Stephanie Ruhles child. Some people say thats kind of how it is these days. Ill let you take it from here. It would be like living in a circus. Its a dream come true. Ali velshi, i missed you. It was like our viewers thought we got a divorce and finally they were saying are you guys fighting . We werent fighting. Off at different times

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