Barbara. We have a lot of show to pack in but our team is here and strd go to go for us. I want to start at the white house with kristen welker. Youve got this public show of friendship between president s trump and macron with everything weve been watching unfold over the last hour or so. The military welcome for macron. Inside the white house theres going to be disagreements and difficult issues that these two will have to talk about. Reporter theres no doubt about that, hallie. The welcome ceremony was filled with pomp and pageantry, all five branches of the military represented. You saw President Trump, president macron do a review of the troops. But now theyve got to get down to business, as you say. And at the top of that list, the Iran Nuclear Deal, President Trump signaling he wants to pull out of the deal. No surprise there, hallie. Of course we know hes been talking about hans is the days back on the campaign trail. But hes increasingly getting serious about it, increasingly surrounding himself by people who support that move. So this is a challenge for macron. His argument to the president is going to be the iran noouth nuclear deal is the best chance we have of keeping iran in check and also, hallie, hes going to raise the issue of north korea expected to make the case that pulling out of the iran deal would undermine the president s credibility in any talks that he may have with kim jongun. And of course we know that the president increasingly getting serious about those potential talks as well. But its not just iran and north korea, its also syria, president macron expected to press President Trump to commit to syria in a longer way than he has done so publicly. And that comes in the wake of the two countries joining the uk and launching those strikes in syria. And then of course the thorny issue of trade. President macron is going to try to get the president to roll back punishing tariff dollars. Tariffs. Theres going to be a joint press conference. Well there, well be asking the tough questions. And then a state dinner tonight, 130 guests. A chance for the first lady to really show off her style an sensibility there, hallie. Well be talking about that later in the show. Thank you much. Ill see you at the white house in just a bit my friend. I want to bring in the former assistant secretary of defense pund president obama. Now executive Vice President of the german marshal fund. And we have anna palm her, politic politico reporter. The president and Emmanuel Macron are in the white house right now. They are doing a pool stray, meaning cameras will go in, the two of them will do the handshake. So were going to be interrupt agent some point to bring you that pit dont know when thats going to be but i want to give full disclosure to you guys that i might have to be rude for a minute. Derek, lets start with you. What are the points of disagreement between these two men, and you heard President Trump talk about that hes was welcoming macron on the White House South Lawn just within the last half hour. Watch. Along with our british friends, the United States, and france recently took Decisive Action in response to the syrian regimes use of chemical weapons. I want to personally thank president macron, the French Military and the french people for their steadfast partnership. They were absolutely incredible. Thank you very much, mr. President. Derek, what is going to be the Biggest Issue that these two men will have to grapple with . Its iran. This summit is going to have plenty of sizzle. We saw some of it this morning, well see more of it tonight. The question is whether its going to have any steak. What do you mean by that . The substance, whether its iran, the paris Climate Change agreement, whether its syria, trade, there are some really tough issues that macron has got on the agenda for President Trump. The question is whether is he going to be able to deliver. Theres High Expectations on president macron because he seems to be the only european hes his boy. Right. Who has any influence with trump. They see eye to eye on a lot of pageantry. The question is with whether he can convert any of that into substantive wins. Thats what everybodys going to be looking for. But he as a knack for making President Trump look good and that seems to be something thats going to be beneficial to that relationship, guys. Certainly that is what President Trump cares about, its the brand, its the show. The stage craft of it. How they look, how the dinner tonight goes versus the actual substance. I cant imagine thooes hes going to make massive changes on the climate act. But is go ahead, ken. Its sort of eironic, these two firsttime politicians who came in from the private sector talking about the need to shakeup government and do away with some of these trappings an the pomp and the circumstance and they both really seem to love it. Lets not forget it was trumps visit to france where he saw the military parade and got the idea in his head. Thats what he wanted back home, started planning one that we will have. Come november well all be there. But, you know, to the substantive points its difficult to for anyone to really pin down donald trump. He tells people what they want to hear, they dont necessarily come away with any kind of firm takeaways from any given meeting and they then can he reverse him receive at a homes notice. Iran and syria, when you look ahead to the summit later on this week, the potential sit down between trump and kim jongun that we have been talking so much. If the president does change his mind, because all occasions based on our reporting is hes getting out of the ian nuclear deal, if he changes his mind if he doesnt change his mind and gets out of iran, what diplomatic signal does that send to kim jongun . The signal it sends is dont take his word because he may say one thing but then hes going to pull out the next when the political winds change. I think thats probably one of the arguments that ma krop smaking to him is that this will enhance his position visavis north korea. And then on syria, because thats another instance in which macron has been making his voice heard loudly. Right. Has he already succeeded . The president stopped talking about withdrawing troops for the moment. The white house made it clear last week the president s position had not changed on syria. The pentagon successfully got the president to give them six more months of keeping our forces on the ground ton fight isis and i think theyll relitigate that decision in six months. I think i agree with you. I think the big question is going to be for this, the outcome of this meeting for the north korea talks is can he be able to make some shifts and changes and still keep credibility around the world . When you look at their personal relationship, they clearly have one. In a way that we dont always see with foreign leaders, right in the ones that come to the white house and the president greets. Is personal diplomacy enough to build bridges here . Maybe. I mean, certainly it was an inauspicious start with that handshake that you alluded to. The death grip. The bull grip. Thats how i greet you in the mornings. Yeah, so im used to it it. My hand is still hurting. But anyway, President Trump does has built some, you know, alliances that didnt really seem like had he the potential do. That he was so standoffish and confrontational coming in with some of our key allies. And so its important. Its important for domestic audience as well as geopolitically. I think to the question about whether macron has gained anything vis a vis syria with trump, he has gained something. He got to be on an even standing with donald trump as the u. S. And france launched these air strikes. That makes him look good domestically. Hes got a lot of challenges domestically, so does trump in the is about show and they can both win something coming out of this. But approval the United States and france has plummeted in the last 15 months. Its down 50 from where it was at the end of the 2016. So macrons got to deliver because the french people see hes got to come back with something. Hes investing in this. They get what hes trying to do, but if he doesnt deliver this is going to blow back on him at home. Whats the chances well see any kind of deliver of this . Its coming sort of after their first meeting but theres still much more . Im holding any low expectations for any breakthroughs. There could be some nice words said and were going to agree to talk about things down the road but i do not expect big breakthroughs here. Thank you for coming on and giving your perspective. We want to talk much more in the world of politics in just a minute including the latest with Ronnie Jackson as were getting new developments from our hill team. We want to go to texas first. Former president george h. W. Bush is in intensive care at a houston hospital. His office is saying hes being treatedtor an infection in is blood. Peter alexander is joining us now from outside houston methodist. How is the former president s spirits . Hows he doing . Reporter we know at least from what we heard from the president s Office Overnight suggesting that he is responding to treatments. They say that he appears to be recovering are. Recognize that president george h. W. Bush is celebrated among president s as the last of the greatest generation. Hes a tough and courageous man but right now hes fighting a new balt here at houston methodist hospital. He was admitted on sunday a matter of hours after burying his wife of 73 years, barbara bush. We heard from the president this morning sending his best wishes hoping for a very speedy recovery for bush 41. Melania trump expressing her thoughts overnight on twitter as well. This has been obviously a very tough time for the bush family. These two president bush and his wife of 73 years, barbara bush, they had the longest president ial marriage in history. President bush himself is the longest living president. He turns 94 this june, but certainly right now all thoughts are directed toward him again. He is suffering from this blood infection that we are now told has spread to become a complication known as sepsis, which can be life threat pengt theres some real concerns about his health at this time. Were certainly sending our best wishes to him the were told we will get updates as events warrant. Of course well keep you posted. Peter alexander live for us there in houston. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Coming up next, we want to talk bay green light for one nominee, trouble for another as the Trump Administration tries to fill two different cabinet position ps the well go over the new concerns about Ronnie Jacksons background that could keep him from leading the va. And we have word in just from our Capitol Hill Team about when we might see that rescheduled hearing. Spoiler, we kind of still dont know. Thats after the break. It took guts to start my business. But as it grew bigger and bigger, it took a whole lot more. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. And that 2 cash back adds up to thousands of dollars each year. So i can keep growing my business in big leaps whats in your wallet . But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. You know whats not awesome . Gigspeed internet. When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Developing news now. Our garrett hake is speaking with senator tester, Ranking Member of the Veterans Affairs committee as speculation swirls about the fate of Ronnie Jackson. Lets listen . In. About a week ago. Any idea when this hearing might remember scheduled or just when you have answers . Its going to be at the call of the chair. Ill be talking with johnny as the process goes forth, but its going to depend if we find theyre there. It was a hostile Work Environment, alcohol abuse overprescription abuse . I cant confirm it at this point in time. Those are the things youre looking into. Their lot of things were looking into. Do you think is this is the kind of thing the white house should have discovered about br it came to your desk . I dont know what process they go through on the vetting. But we its our job to thoroughly vet these candidates, we are doing that. Once we come to the conclusion, whether hes fit to serve or not, then well move forward with the hearing. All right. Thank you, senator. Is this happening with the full cooperation of all members including the majority working with you . Yeah, i think everybodys everybodys on board with what were doing. I cant speak for everybody, but the folks that ive had passion conversations with have been fine. Thank you, senator. Yeah. Hallie, i know you guys jumped in in the middle of that, but the headline there from jon tester was as we reported last night. Hearing for Ronnie Jackson that was scheduled for wednesday will be postponed. He said it will be postponed sukt subject to the call of the chair. Thats senate ease for indefinitely. Senators are going to take their time going through these allegations against admiral jackson or these concerns that have come up recent. I let me time you out for one second to back up a little because we came in right in the middle of that conversation. Ronnie jackson is the president s pick to be next secretary of Veterans Affairs, to take over the va basically. He was nominated by the president. Since the nomination, now the hearing was set to be, i believe, wednesday, right . Tomorrow, garrett . . Reporter thats right. It was supposed to be tomorrow. You and i reported out and you can look at that time on nbc. Com that that was postponed because of concerns about jack sooens background. This is coming from sources both inside the administration and on the hillside as well. You can see our piece right there, garrett. So with that as the backdrop here, the big question is going to be what is going on . What are these allegations . And jon tester avoided that question, we heard, and then when is jackson going to come before this committee for his hearing . And it sounds like those are still two questions we dont know the answer to. Gee, that reporter yeah. Forgive me for coming in hot. Thats fine thats your job. Its good. Reporter heres what we know and what weve been able to report is that these concerns about jacksons background, including how he has handled his tenure as the whus physician started to bubble up over the last couple days and became an issue particularly over the weekend. The ranking democrat, jon tester who we were just speaking to and johnny isaacson, the chair on this committee worked together very closely and they had been work to the and had been having these conversations about what do about this. Because jackson has been up here on the hill meeting with members and hes mostly given a favorable impression. But something in the severity of these accusations, these concerns that have arisen over the last couple days caused them in conversation with the white house to press pause on this. And even senators on the committee are trying to get significantly more information as late as a few minutes ago. I talked to mike rounds whos the republican senator on this Committee Just before we came on the air. Heres what he had to say. He had some good responses to some of the concerns that we had with regard to never having really much management experience. Most recently there have been unsubstantiated allegations that have surfaced. Well do our due diligence, the chairman of the committee has the opportunity to decide whether or not we move forward with a meeting or if we hold off and get more information. And well find out today whether or not we get more information or if we move forward. And so hallie bringing this full circle we have again the conversation has happened between the chairman and the Ranking Member, the decision to hold off for now on this hearing. The question is, will they get the information they need and feel comfortable Going Forward on the hearing sore this nomination essentially irrevocably stalled. Garrett, you can stand by for a second . I want to bring in politicos reporter and we asked about some of the New York Times reporting there regarding Ronnie Jackson. What i heard overnight seemed to be and i occasion of hey, does Ronnie Jackson want to go through this with after all of this. It seems like right now he does, thats as of this minute, right . And who knows how things will change. But im curious as to what youre hearing from folks on this. The New York Times, my colleague reported that the concerns that theres sort of alluding to in some of these interviews have to do with the overprescription of prescription drugs as well as a hostile Work Environment gnat can mean any number of things. But it sort of gets into this idea whether you have someone who is coming through government, you know, there are ways that you can vet them including going back to the people who work with them. By also remember the day that the president announced that shulkin was out and ronnie jack conwas going to be the replacement. Wasnt it on twitter . It was one of those twitter announcements and everyone was like we just saw Ronnie Jackson in the Briefing Room talking about the president s health and how he might live to be 200 if he ate better. One of the things we need to do is set the broader context which is this is the problem at the moment for Ronnie Jackson. But the bigger problem is there was a lot of concerns by both republicans and democrats before whether he was actually the right guy for the choice to run this massive, massive bureaucracy that he has no experience doing. So this is just kind of the latest hitch and this could be the thing that derails his entire confirmation process. But even more broadly than that, its not just is it about Ronnie Jackson, so it about the processes in place at the white house when it comes to people who are going to serve in the president s cabinet . Think its the lat pert weve seen a number of pexs of folks who were put forth for confirmation who were not properly vetted. Oftentimes they came from outside of government and maybe its a little hard, heer. Its different for people to come through other agencies and be able to vet them in a way that you have access to all thooes this information, and that clearly wasnt done here. So this is a story that well be following today for sure. Well be reporting that out on msnbc and nightly news. Theres good news in the form of mike pompeo because yesterday afternoon right as we were getting ready to go to air from nightly things changed. Rand paul switched his vote, decided to give mooith miike po favorable vote out of committee. Garrett hake youre following that one too and i think rand paul was out this morning talking about why he made the decision that he made to essentially help mike pompeo avoid what would have been an embarrassment. It wouldnt have changed the end game. Hes on his way to become the next secretary of state, that wouldnt are changed, its whether or not he would have done it in a way that the white house wanted or not . Reporter thats right. If rand paul had withheld his vote from pom payio, he would be on his way to being a historical footnote as sbhon got an unfavorable vote out of committee but would have passed on the floor about the we knew he had just enough democratic support to get over the hump once his vote came to the floor. Yesterday, just minutes before the vote was scheduled to be take rern rand paul came out way series of tweets essentially walking back his opposition saying that he had spoken to the president , had he spoken to pompeo and that he was now comfortable with pompeos views on afghanistan, essentially that u. S. Should get out. That pompeo had said to him that the iraq war was a mistake, something that rand paul said he wanted to hear and that was good enough for him then to change his unfavorable view to a favorable one and vote yes. On television this morning paul went a little bit further and suggest ed might have gotten Something Else out of the deal. Heres hae told morning joe this morning. Ive been very concerned that the fbis allowed to look at americans information without a warrant and ive had some discussions with him over whether or not we could actually have an executive order from the president that simply says from now on were going to obait Fourth Amendment and the fbi agents will have to get a twoornt lo warrant to look at these foreign databases. I said deal there but paul tried very hard that he didnt get any promises from the white house that these are just conversations. But he wants to see these issues addressed. And that continues to be a relationship worth watching in the senate because even when paul and the president disagree, thats did in this case on pompeo, theres a very active wha back channel and a lot of communication that goes on between these two. And as the president predicted, rand paul did not let him down on this vote. I appreciate you rapping the hallway for us this morning. Ill let you chase down senator isaacson and bring us more on Rooney Jackson when you know it. Remember scott pruitt . He may be having the best two weeks ever because all of his headlines have ended up under the radar. Youve written some of those stories, yet at that point what i heard from mark short on this show 24 hours ago was hes doing a good job. Sure rewe acknowledge we could do more draining the swamp but pruitts in place right now. What do you make of that . I think theyre saying that publicly because thats what we have to do. But privately theyre selling republicans dont get too far out in front of your skis defending this guy. There werent a whole lot of republicans outside the white house who were defending him nip ways. A lot of them found it appalling because it gets at this idea of fiscal conservatism and stewardship of money. But the white house is not rallying defense. We want to mention whats on your screen which are the first ladies of the u. S. And france taking a walk here in washington. Theyre look at some artwork and doing a little sightseeing at washington museums here. Youre looking live at that as we head to break. When we come back, much more. Stick around. So, whats new . We just switched to geico and got more. More . Theyve been saving folks money for over 75 years. A company you can trust. Geico even helped us with homeowners insurance. More sounds great. Gotta love more. Right, honey . Yeah geico. Expect great savings and a whole lot more. I want some more of it. I try so hard, i cant rise above it dont know what it is bout that little gals lovin. Applebees new bigger bolder grill combos. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. We are back with a look at your mornss headlines and senator john mccain is out of the hospital, his wife tweeting we are home in our beloved Hidden Valley inn enjoying a glorious arizona sunset. He had been recovering from a surgery for intestinal infection and has been battling a deadly form of brain kanser. Right now in pennsylvania, closing arguments in the bill cosby retrial. Here is he walking in court this morning. He will not be taking the stand today same as last years trial. The defense he rested hits case monday. He was accused of sexually molesting Andrea Constand in his home in 2004. Hes charged with three counts of aggravated indecent assault and if convicted could face up to ten years if prison for each count. He has repeatedly denied the allegations and said the ebb counteder was consensual. The jury is set to deliberate once closing arguments are wrapped up. Right now a Toronto Canadian media is reporting the suspect of that deadly van attack is in courted. Earlier investigators were seen carrying pink evidence bags away from the crash scene. Thats where ten people were killed, another 15 hurt. This morning Prime Minister trudeau offered condolences to the families of the victims in a statement. He also gave his latest assessment of the investigation. Listen. At this time, we have no reason to suspect that there is any National Security element to this attack, but obviously the investigation will continue. Wee live in toronto right near the scene where this happened. Ron, what do we know about the suspect and charges and motive here . Reporter were just learning from ctv, our partner up near canada that the suspects been charged with ten counts of first degree murder, 13 counts of attempted murder, as you mentioned 15 people in all have been injured in this about the but i want to point your attention to the scene behind me. You can see a line of police officers, probably 15 or 16 of them. Theyve lined out in a Straight Line across the road ant sidewalks perhaps looking for more evidence in this case. We dont believe theyre looking for shell casings. Weve not heard any word about the suspect firing on people put might recall seeing that dramatic takedown by the arresting officer after the suspect was seen pointing a black object repeatedly at this officer who was given some credit last night by authorities for the restraint that he showed for not opening fire on the suspect. The suspects 25 years old from a Community Called Richmond Hill just north of the crime scene here north of toronto. We can tell thank you crime scene, the area that theyve cordoned off is an extensive area. It goes a full kilometer down yonge street which is one of the busiest thoroughfares in toronto. It started at finch and yonge street. Wits report seeing this driver of this white rental van driving along the sidewalks and Police Believe this was a deliberate act because not only he was driving on the sidewalks, he was breaking and he also was seen driving down the northbound lanes going south looking for people to hit in the words of witnesses. As you mentioned, ten people were killed. One was publicly identified the at this point. We are not identifying that victims name at this point because nbc news has not independently confirmed that persons name and we do know that overnight officials were working to identify all the deceased people in this horrible incident yesterday. Again, the death toll initially reported at nine grew to ten. Police chief saying last night he was a bit worried that this death toll could climb even higher. So were looking to see exactly what we can learn more about this suspect later this Afternoon Police have tentatively scheduled a media briefing. We dont have a time on when thats to start, but a lot of information to get out to the public about all of this. Hally. Well look for an update from you later on this afternoon. I appreciate coming on. Thank you. After the break, democrats are bet opening a long shot today hoping to flip an open Arizona House seat seat its. A district republicans have all dominated. Were breaking down the numbers and what even a close race in arizona means for this yearss midterms. Thats next. Hi, steve. Whoooo. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. So we told you earlier in the show that there would be a statement on the nomination of Ronnie Jackson to lead the va. This nomination that is now held up, well, we now have the statement so here it is as promised coming from the Top Republican and democrat, by the way, on the senate Veterans Affairs committee. It reads the Senate Committee on the Veterans Affairs is postponing the hearing to consider the nominee to be secretary of the u. S. Department of Veterans Affairs in light of new information presented to the committee. Does not specify what that new information is. Continuing on, we take very seriously our constitutional duty to thoroughly and carefully vet each nominee sent to the senate for confirmation. We will continue looking at these serious allegations and have requested Additional Information from the white house to enable the committee to conduct a fuel investigation. We will keep you updated as soon as we hear anything more. Also, since its tuesday its special election day in the grand canyon state. Right now have you voters in arizonas eighth Congressional District picking their next congresswoman. Two women running to replace frafrpgs. Franks resigned early in december after allegedly offering money to a staffer to carry his baby. The president won this place by just about 21 points in 2016. So, no surprise that the republican in todays case, debbie lesko is the favorite to win there today. She served in State Government since 2009 calling herself the conservative choice for the district. The democrat has never run for Public Office before. She is an emergency room dubt and Public Health advocate. Both candidates are now making their final pitches to voters. President trump, of course, may be watching this, this is now the eighth special election in his administration. The president is currently at the white house, though. He has been meeting with french president Emmanuel Macron and were getting our look at the two of them in the oval office. He want to listen. Mr. President , theyre all saying what a great relationship we have and theyre actually correct. Its not fake news. Finally, its not fake news. So its a great honor, great honor that youre here. But we do have a very special relationship. In fact ill get that little piece of dan druf off we have to make him perfect. He is perfect. So it is really it is really great to be with you and youre a special friend. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Thank you very much, mr. President. I want to thank President Trump and your country, your people for this very warm welcome, this wonderful surrounding. In deed both of us just reminded how great our common history is and that each time we Work Together in order to protect liberty and freedom and now peace. And we have a lot of challenges ahead of us regarding our two countries. Terrorism, security, and a lot of other issues we will discuss. So we have a lot of work to be done together. Right. But im very, very honored and very pleased because whatever the context could be this relationship is stronger and on top of it we have an excellent personal relationship. Thats true. I want to thank you for that. Thank you. President , what would you like to say about iran during your talks with the president . Well be talking about iran and well be talking about many things, terrorism generally. But we will be discussion the iran deal. I know the president wants to speak to me about that. Well be discussing probably the paris accord and various other things. So were going to have we have not much time to do a lot of discussing, but a lot of things well work at. We have got a very special relationship. I dont imagine its ever been closer in the history of our two countries, and thats a long and beautiful history. So we will be talking about a lot of different subjects, but the iran deal will be one of them. [ inaudible question ] well be talking about and it well see if the was a terrible deal, it should have never ever been made. We could have made a goo goode deal or a reasonable deal. The a roon deal is a terrible deal. We gave 1. 8 billion in cash, thats barrels of cash. Its insane, ridiculous, it should never about v been made, but we will be talking about it. Thank you very much. Stupid question. Go ahead, anybody else, please . What would you tell the president about the Iran Nuclear Deal . [ speaking Foreign Language ] what i just said that iran deal is an important issue, we will discuss about that. But we have to take it as a part of a broader picture. Sure. Which is security in the region. And we have the syrian situation were we have a common relation in iraq. We have to stability to preserve for our allies in the region. And we want to contain the iranian presence in the region and its part of this broader picture. It just seems to that matter where you go, especially in the middle east, ivan behind it. Wherever theres trouble, yemen, syria, no matter where you have it, iran is behind if the and now unfortunately russia is getting more and more involved. But iran seems to be behind everything where theres a problem. And you just have to take a look. You look at whats happening, you look at the fighters, iran is always there and were not going to allow certain things to happen that are happening. And the iran deal is a disaster. Theyre testing missiles, what is that all about . You look at the Ballistic Missile that theyre going and testing. What kind of a deal is it where youre allowed to test missiles all over the place . What kind of a deal is it when you dont talk about yemen and you dont talk about all of the other problems that thwe have wh ras tros iran . Look at what theyre doing in iraq. You just look at whats happening in virtually any place in the middle east, iran is behind it. So what kind of a deal is this where it wasnt even discussed . And i know john kerry made the statement that he didnt want to discuss other things while he was make the deal despite all of the money that we gave them he didnt want to discuss it because it was too complicated. Thats not the way do it because it was too complicated spot we made this terrible deal but well be discussing it. Iran gets to restart their Nuclear Program . Well find out. Youll find out about that. Wont be so easy nor them to restart. Theyre not going to be restarting anything. They restart it theyre going to have big problems, bigger than theyve ever had before. And you can mark it down. They restart their Nuclear Program, they will have bigger problems than they have ever had before. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Thank you. You have been watching President Trump as we listen in for one more moment. Excuse me . Youll find out. My White House Press conference in there. Hes lucky to have them also. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. And thats it for the tape since it froze and went away. Lots of news, i think coming out of that. Lets start with the comments in iran in that what sounded to me like an angry threat from the president saying that iran will have bigger problems if they try to restart their Nuclear Program. Thats some real tough talk from donald trump sitting in the oval office next to Emmanuel Macron. Quite a contrast with the way these two leaders addressed it. Macron is talking about the geopolitics and the nuances and trump is talking about its a disaster, we gave them barrels of cash. You dont really see a whole lot of room for finding middle ground there. But what does that mean . Iran is going to have bigger problems than they ever had before . This is shades to me of his comments on north korea . To me its another echo of the donald trump strong man presidency where hes often having this harsh rhetoric, very tough rhetoric. And then the question remains how does he follow through with that . What is he actually saying and what does he mean by that . Well spend all day today trying to translate the Donald Trumpisms of that press conference interest. One thing we did not need to translate was his displeasure regarding a question we got. We saw we were listening here and for folks at home he pointed at one of the reporters in the room and goes, stupid question. What was the question . It was about whether the president would consider part donning Michael Cohen his longtime lawyer who is now caught up under criminal investigation with the Southern District of new york. Geoff bennett is at the white house. Jeff, walk through what stood out to you what we just saw over the last six minutes or so. Reporter to annas point, you saw the president doubling down on this tough talk in this case for iran. I can tell you base on some conati conversations with white house officials they say the thing thats made the difference as they try to reapproach north korea is the sustained Pressure Campaign that was launched, they say in large part by the president tough approach. We see him apparently taking that same sort of using that same sort of heated retder rick with iran. The question that you point ow, which say great one, is to what end. What does that mean . Jeff, on the other side of the screen here we are watching President Trump, president macron, thats sara sanders but you will be seeing the two leaders walking down and go into the oval office. Not a lot of news out of that walk, the president stopped and said some complimeementary thin about macron. This is a leader he talks to frequently. Hes on the phone quite often. You seattle two leaders walking there. This was a couple minutes ago, both president s macron and trump. Ken and anna, as we watch this here, talk a little bit about the personal relationship between these men, because theyre spending a lot of time together today. I think one of the interesting things and maybe where trump doesnt get enough interest y is the hospitality background, the salesmanship that he brings to this, whether or not you have, you know, kind of a lot of policy areas of agreement. What you do have is trump being able to kind of build these relationships. You saw that recently as last week. Thats my prediction. Its only a prediction. Thank you. Thank you very much. Guys, you can see it in their body language, the hand grasping, the dandruff off the suit jacket move, the president feels very comfortable with him. Thats probably the first time a president has brushed the shoulder of another president. Its great to see them have this relationship. It is an area where trump does not get enough credit. I think he has after sort of a rocky start on the diplomatic front forged key relationships with some of our key allies and we see it paying deaf dends in the form of this case a cooperative approach with the air strikes in syria at least. And he is focus thong trip on this vis frit Emmanuel Macron even as hes still frustrate and angry about the Robert Mueller investigation, the special investigation, the raid on Michael Cohen and you saw that flash of anger when he knocked down that question bay pardon for cohen. He gets very agitated on twitter sbr sometimes he wants to talk about Michael Cohen. Sometimes he wants to vent a little bit about how frustrated. He usually on twitter and sometimes with questions from the press corps. But right now i think he wants to focus on the visit with macron and what they can get accomplished. Thank you much. Were going to come back after the break and get back to the story we first started talking about, whats going on you in arizona sf arizona . Well bring you a life report from out west in just a sec. Theres nothing more important than your health. So if youre on medicare or will be soon, you may want more than parts a and b heres why. Medicare only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. You might want to consider an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like any Medicare Supplement insurance plan, these help pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. 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Is election day. Democrats hoping to pick off another Republican House seat but its going to be an uphill battle. Both candidates are making their pitches to voters. Listen. We have got to win, because we cannot let this radical left with their radical agenda take over this country. If we talk to people on every part of that political spectrum, thats the only way well get there is if we get there together. We are out watching this race. In pier talking with accounts and voters, fill us in on what youre hearing, vaughn. Reporter this is the district where republicans should be concerned this is a conversation. They put almost 1 million into this race. This is a place mitt romney won by 25 points. Donald trump won it by 21 points. The people feel hiral tipirneni, a mother of three, a former e. R. Physician. When you look at the numbers, 49 of the early ballots have been from republicans. 23 for independents. As we learned from alabama in 2018, numbers dont mean everything. These are two republicans weve talked to just this morning. I voted for the democratic candidate. Usually vote democrat . No. I registered republican. Lesko seemed more of a trump supporter than one who wanted to get things down in congress. Reporter who did you vote for and why . Debbie. Overall, im very much a republican. Have been a republican my whole life, essentially. Believe in all the principles theyre putting in place and believe debbie supports all that. Reporter that first woman you heard from, jerry nelson, a longtime republican. Shes like a lot of others weve talked to in this district. In the background of this election this week is a teacher walkout thats going to be taking place on thursday. Lesko is well known to be a sponsor of legislation for the vouchers which would take Public Education money for students to be able to go to private schools and a lot of these individuals like nelson, republicans said theyre frustrated and backed the teachers on thursday. How many of the republicans and how many of the 23 of independents are willing to vote for a democrat . Its a big hurdle for tipirneni. Were going to be throughout the day looking at this to see whether tipirneni is able to pull off Something Like 70 of independents to win this election. Vaughn there for us live in arizona. Its a more to see you. Have fun. Good luck today. Anna palmer and ken vogel are back with me. Ken, you were teeing up the arizona segment, you said can i talk . I have something to say. So actually, vaughn stole my thunder a little bit. But its important. Its a key point. The rnc and the nrcc have spent 1 million combined on the race. Thats unheard of to be having to spend that much money, hard dollars. We call it hard dollars because these are limited contributions that are rnc can only accept so much from an individual donor per cycle and theyre using this valuable money to defend against this seat they should be able to win easily. Thats money that they wont be able to spend in other targeted races come the actual midterms. I agree with everything youre saying. I think the big question is is that reason voter. You have a republican that says shes a long republican voter and voting for a democrat. The thing that democrats and republicans dont know about the Midterm Election is what drag will donald trump be across the country. Donald trump doesnt think hes a drag in a lot of places. He likes to get on the road. Do you think donald trump will be campaigning for folks some summer . The Vice President said hes going to be out. Hes out vaquite a bit. Different than donald trump. It is. I think youll see them deploy donald trump in certain areas. Theres certain areas trump will try to drum up activity and enthusiasm. Theres a lot of areas and a lot of House Republicans who are saying thanks but no thanks. And its also we see him take it deep cannily personally when he goes out and endorses a candidate like what happened in alabama with the senate race. Donald trump takes that personally. And he looks for people to blame other than himself for putting him in these positions. Its always pleasure to have you both on. Power house panel. Press conference in about 47 minute from now. If you had a question, whats the one question you would Ask Donald Trump about . Id ask about the mueller probe. We saw the way that this has gotten under his skin to the point where he cant focus necessarily on the type of stuff he wants to. And really enjoy this moment that otherwise is all about pomp and circumstance and making him look strong on the international stage. Anna . I would want to know whats happening with iran. Have they come together on anything . Well see. Well see how it goes. Youll watch it near on msnbc live in a little bit. Ill race over to the white house. Before i do, thank you to you, and we also have to hit the big picture. Down to alabama, a bronze statue called rise up. Its part of a new mee seuseum montgomery. Peace and justice. It honors victims of lynchings. More than 4,000 people. Its a look through the history of slavery through the criminal Justice System of today. The founder says he expects some people will be uncomfortable, but thats the point. He wanted to create a space for people to confront and deal honestly with the history. Bryn anderson for the a. P. Is the photographer here. Wed love to here your thoughts. Ill see you later tonight. Ill be reporting out all of the headlines of the day. Right now more news with ali velshi and Stephanie Ruhle back in new york. Good morning to you. Good morning everyone. Im ali velshi. And im Stephanie Ruhle. Its tuesday, april 24th. Lets get started. Its down to Business Today for President Trump and emanuel macron ahead of a state dinner later tonight. Its how they overcome their differences that could dominate this visit. Trade, syria, and the thorniest issue, the Iran Nuclear Deal. The president has signalled he wants to get out, but ma roan will push the president to stay put. Let the United States and france stand forever in solidarity for the noble cause of liberty and peace. Translato translator long live the United States. Long live france. Thank you. The events that took place yesterday in toronto were a senseless attack and a horrific tragedy. The death toll rising to at least tepe

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