Hour. Lets get started with our news respond dens over at the white house and florida. Ron lets talk about whats coming up 45 minutes from now. The president has been meeting with governors in different subcommittee groups all morning on a invitery of kopgss. The question is how President Trump is going to address the confrontation with himself and the party. Listen to what the president had to say last night about rick scott. Well be confident about parkland and the horrible event that took place last week. I want to thank governor rick scott of florida. Please stand up. Youre doing a great job. And that will be one of the subjects, and i think well make that first on our list, because we have to end our country of whats happening with respect to that subject. Halle, heres the issue within the president s own party, on Arming Teachers, he and rick scott are on different sides of the equation. Rick scotts opposed to it. President wants it. We also saw ivanka trump weighing if saying she want it to be discussed. How trump is engaging within his own parties is one thing to be discussed. Theres the political side and personal side to all of this. That is unfolding in florida where we find nbcs tammy. Were expected to hear from Matty Wilford right if. Yeah, thats right. Shes quite the amazed young woman. She has been fighting for her life since the shooting happened. Surgeons say they dont know how many times she was shot it was so many times. Her mother posted on facebook she was shot on her back and shoulder. She went through multiple surgeries. She was visited by trump and the first lady while she was in the hospital and her fellow teammates from the basketball team. On to the investigation, we now know that the state is conducting an independent investigation, this comes after allegations that at least three sheriffs deputies stays outside of the school while the shooter was inside the school. Lets listen to what was said. At this point, i have no independent knowledge from video or personal knowledge that any broward sheriffs deputy did not go in when they should have. Are you saying the video doesnt show it or you have not seen it . I have not seen any video that shows deputies or Police Officers in any area not going in. Halle, just to change gears here for one moment. If any school could use a bit of good news, it is definitely this school. On sunday, the Ice Hockey Team won the Florida State championship. They were a long shot and they pulled off the title. Halle. Tammy lightener, that is certainly good news for those kids and school. I want to bring in now to keep the conversation going lonny chen. Along with our panel, two veteran white house reporters, jenna january sten the Washington Post and jeffrey as well. Let me start off where tammy ended with the discussion about the accountability from broward cow sheriff. One of the student said something on the Network Opinion that. Watch. At the end of the day its their fault. These elected officials are the bsz of these sheriffs personal. Just like the president is the boss of fbi. Governor rick scott is the boss of israel and he should be accountable. Do you think thats going to come up about 37 minutes here at the white house . The president has already gone after this deputy many times and has called called him a coward. And also said that he didnt love and know these students. If this was a teacher that was armed that person who have loved the students and would have gone in. Lets remember, this is an active shooter situation involving an assault rifle. But theres a lot of pressure on that deputy, theres a lot of pressure on now on sheriff israel. Exactly. On the entire broward sheriffs department. Jeff. I wouldnt be surprised if the president weighed in on that. Having the sheriff say, yes, i trained him, its not my responsibility to make sure he goes into the school, i think thats mott ringing true with some people. Lets talk about the pressure, not just people in florida are facing now, but the pressure happening here in washington. It has been building with these shooter survivors and the parents coming out calling for action. This building here today fills up capitol hill. Lawmakers are expected to come back to d. C. And do something by these parents. What do you think will happen this week over on capitol hill if anything . I think theyre going to have to have a discussion around these issues. I agree, given how compress it had calendar is its difficult to see much getting done. There is low hanging fruit here right, whether enhancing the background system. Dealing with mental health. As you point out, nothing is on the agenda, at least not at this point. Although there is talking about it. You look at the polling right, americans think tighter gun control laws and background checks will prevent more massive shootings. Why the disconnect . First of all, i think they want to be able to have the discussion without the pressure of saying theyre going to have the discussion. If that you pit it on the calendar and dont get anything done, its gung to be a problem. The one interesting fact here, the sheriff issue his claim to amazing leadership. That has i think changed the debate. What it has allowed for potentially is a way out of this debate. For some republicans it may have been uncomfortable talking about gun control and gun violence issues to say look, this is a failure of leadership question. Its not a gun question but a failure of leadership question. The president is not talking about that. Hes talking about the modest proposals, but its still something he wants to do like raising the age requirements for semi automatic weapons. Lets see a bill proposals. And lets see how long the president sticks with this proposal. The nra is against it. Lawmakers are capitol hill are saying, i dont see this happening. Meanwhile, Public Opinion is behind it. There is a public push. The president now has an opportunity to be that bipartisan deal maker that he said he could be to take this public push for, what is, some people would say a pretty modest proposal, not like hes looking to ban ban all assault rifles. Yeah. Were talking about raising the age so it matches the age restriction for handguns. Theres a lot of support for that, can there be legislative support. I was in the roosevelt roam last week for the Pool Reporter wen he was talking about Arming Teachers and what he wanted to do sort of a split wtn ra. When it comes to arming teach s teachers, his Senior Adviser, who is his daughter. He asked her specifically about this. Watch. Do you believe that Arming Teachers would make children safer . To be honest, i dont know. Obviously there had have to be an incredibly High Standard for wol be able to bear arms in our school. Do you advise your dad on this . I think having a teacher who is armed who cares deeply about her students or his students, and who is capable and qualified to bear arms, is not a bad idea but its an idea that feeds to be discussed. Ivanka trumps hesitation on this, will it make any different to her father . Well its being discussed. She said it needs to be discussed and it is. I was in that day wen he met with some students. That first listening session. Emotional. Yes. And it was brought up by a parent, not a parent from the Parkland School but i believe it was from one of the other students. There are a lot of people who think thats a good idea and there are people on both sides of that. So far we seen on a partisan divide and a lot of democrats oppose it and also the governor of florida. Who is a republican. Exactly. But it is being discussed and its a controversial issue. One of the key points is that the nra supports that. Nra, by the way, under some serious fire now from gun control advocates who are calling for basically the power of pocketbook to go up against the gun rights group. Theyre calling for cutting ties with some businesses. The nra has been defiant saying the loss of a discount will neither scare nor discontract one single nra member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedom. These busies cutting ties is a display shameful of political cowardness. Is this going to make a difference that you have these folks calling on businesses to cut ties wtn ra . I think this cuts both ways with the businesses. If uniteds going to do this im going to ply american. So Corporate Social Responsibility has become the record on capitol hill. This cuts both ways. This is not a single sort of issue that proves in one direction. These companies have to be very careful about this. On the other hand, they dont have a closure. This has become so big, these companies have to get involved if some way. Its big in part because of student survivors like a young woman you are about to hear from in a couple of minutes. That High School Junior parkland who has given her first Conference Since being released. With your awaiting for Matty Wilford to come out and hear what she has to say. Well talk more about this with california governor. Talking not about just the issue of guns and why these attorney general here in washington today. Breaking news, the Supreme Court declining to hear the dreamers challenge, something particularly important to the man youre looking at right now. Next. I feel chronic, widespread pain. Fibromyalgia may be invisible to others, but my pain is real. Fibromyalgia is thought to be caused by overactive nerves. Lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. Im glad my doctor prescribed lyrica. For some, lyrica delivers effective relief for moderate to even severe fibromyalgia pain. 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What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. You are looking live right now at a News Conference, right now doctors and First Responders are speakingism so will Matty Wilford in a moment. Shes right there. Black shirt zitting between her parents. Shes a junior at manage rhie high school. Well bring that to you as soon as it happens. Were also following from washington, speefl out of the Supreme Court. Rejecting the trumps administration, a usual bid to have the justices step in and rule on the daca program. That products young undocumented immigrants from deportation. Now that the court refused to take the case, the president will have to make the argument in Supreme Court. The president wants to ends daca on may 5th. Heres the bottom line guys, this is a blow to the Trump Administration when it comes to the program that protects socalled dreamers. Californias attorney general democrat, javier bezer ra. Thank you for being with us here. I know california has been at the forefront to protect dreamers. I want to get your reaction on the Trump Administration on this . We have been at this since the beginning. Its a great victory for dreamers. A great victory for california. Wed encourage the daca citizens who are watching their programs expire we encourage them to do so. Were going to fight. Well ready and well go to court and we hope to prevail on all the merits on this case to keep the program going. How do you see this decision having an impact on whats happening in congress . Well, i hope it strengths the case of those who wants a bipartisan solution for the dreamers and wanting to hold them hostage of thing having to do with immigration form. I think this gives people leverage to get the job done and take care of dreamers as the president says he wants to do. They should focus on thark get that done, congress has the votes, take care of it. You say it strengthens the case for this and provide for leverage. I wonder if it doesnt do the opposite giving the fact that Congress Works better underdeadlines. Thats a sad statements but i cant say its if the true. Donald trump say hes for a fix for the dreamers, republicans say theyre for a fix for the dreamers and obviously many Many Democrats are for a fix. Even though congress cant get much done, theres bipartisan support to get this done theres no reason why it shouldnt, unless again the president southbound traffic telling the truth of what he wants to do about dreamers. Theres a lot of discussion on what to do with this program. Now the gun debate has taken center stage here in washington. I think thats the reason youre here in washington to do is to deliver this message to the Trump Administration when it comes to the gun debate. Youre going to be talking with several democratic attorney general later today in washington, holding a News Conference sending a m. J. To the president. What makes you think that will be received by the white house has meaningful if. Well be talking with several democrat republicans and attorney general here. Gun state of the and how we move forward will be key well. How id like to send a message to the president , not just say thing but do thing. California has been doing things. We were the first nation 100 years ago to actually require a license for people who wanted to carry a concealed weapon would do so. First of the nation require a universal background, first of the nation to ban bung stocks. Were the first of the nations who go out request try to check people from people who shouldnt own them. Were seeing Matty Wilfords father, the young victims dad speaking to news media. I want to talk a little bit now about your experience in congress. Do you believe that with survivors like mad di, other survivors like david hall coming out calling for change, this is actually beginning to be the Time Congress does something on gun control . Well feed matty and all victims who are the victims of this senseless killing and all those who doesnt want to become the victim of senseless killings out there. Everyone must step forward and say its not right for will to be saully harassed. All of us have to step ford, the most important things to not just say were going to do something, its to do something. When you look at what the president is doing today, hes talking with governors. One of the the things thats most certainly to come up he has to arm teachers. He believe that will make students safe do you . We should arm our teachers with all the knowledge they feed to be able to teach science, engineering, math. Not to possess and fire weapons, especially wen youre going up against someone whose got an assault weapon. We need to prepared to defend our kids, not by arounding teachers, but making sure we dont have a bunch of people out to do harm go into our schools. California are making sure we collect weapons from those who have lost the privilege and right to own a weapon. We think thats a borrow approach in telling teachers, by the way, after youve taken that science class go out and do a class on how to own and fire a weapon. We want to show for a minute here, Matty Wilfords moom. You saw her dad speaking, this is mattys mother. Mattys in the middle in that black tshirt. She is just getting out of the hospital. Were going to stay with this shot. As we do, i like to talk to you a little about the student movement. These kids, young people raising their voices, demanding to be heard. Participating in the town hall, coming out calling for change. Is that beginning to be the game changer . I hope it is because thing have to change. If you dont feel compelled to do something when you see someone like matty get out there and talk about this, when you hear these students who watched some of those best friends die, im not sure what drives you to take action and make a difference. If you dont, then i hope all these kids and families take action and get rid of those who dont want to do the right things. Its not that difficult. California has done some of these thing. Its no Reason Congress cant join the rest of us and try to stop this senseless violence. Before i let you go, there are critics that say they have concern about the rights been imin the meantimed the california. How do you respond to those people . Last week we announced we went into a moment of a gentleman who had been convicted of a crime. When we calm out of that house we had 28 weapons. 11 of which were assaultstyle weapons. 15 mean they were ghost guns, two machine guns which could fire 300 rounds permitted or more. And 65,000 round of ammunition to a guy who lost his right to weapon. We need to take action. Attorney general from california that you can for being with us today. Were beginning to stay with this right now because Matty Wilford, that student who was shot during a Parkland Schoolteacher is getting ready to speak. Thats her mom. Youre looking at the hospital, this is where matty has been recovering from her injuries. One of many survivors coming out getting ready to speak. I want to bring back jeff mason, Jenna Johnson for reactions from what you hear from the attorney general and what were watching right now. Yeah, any time you have an emotional moment like this, and we had one at the white house the other day wen these families are with the president. And families of other victims school shootings. Exactly. The one thing i kept hearing over and over again is do something, make a change, we want to see something happen. Theres this desire out there to see something change, to see lawmakers go something, to see the president do something. If that something, jeff end up being for example, the fix mix bill, does it require states to do anything, it requires more enforcement on a federal level that are reports when it comes to background checks. It was put in place and created after the Sutherland Springs shooting in texas, if its taken up is it beginning to satisfy people leek the victims of the parkland shootings . I dont think so. The question will be will they continue to push for it and use the energy that has come from this terrible terrible tragedy no push their leaders. I also think looking back on the last several years of these terrible tragedies, for president obama, the newtown shooting i think he strabed it of his worst in office. Were you there that day in the briefing roam . Resume . Yes, and i was there when he did a fun ral for newtown students and read out their name. Now President Trump has had that moment, whether he describe it as the worst day of his presidency owner issing in i answer. Is something i cant answer. Lets listen in for a few minutes. And all those who have reached out to us and the doctors, but mainly our friends and family, the people i grew up and went to college with, people we knew across the country and across the world, you have been an inspiration for me. And for those of moms i have not been able to visit, their children passed, i love you and item here for you. Those that are left in the hospital, i will come and visit with you. We have had so many visitors, i just have to say it helped her mentality and helped her to heal. Thank you all. Thank you for your time for coming. I think matty would like to Say Something so, i appreciate it. Thank you very much. Im madeline wilford, and id just like to say that, im so grateful to be here and it wouldnt be possible without the officers and First Responders and these amazing doctors and especially all the well wishes everyone has sent. And i was sitting on my couch just thinking about all the letters and gifts everyone has given. Just like all the love thats been passed around. I definitely wouldnt be here without it. I just want to say i appreciate it. And, like my mom said, its time like these when i know that we need to stick together and ive seen a lot of positive posts about whats been beginning on at the school. And i just of the fact that were sticking together in this and im just glad that im making a full recovery and everythings been going so smoothly. So, thats all i have to say. Okay. At this point were going to have the family and then well open it up to questions for the First Responders and physicians. You want to head out. Thank you. And thats mad di wilford and her family and mom and her dad levering that News Conference. They wont be taking questions, the doctors in that roam will be taking questions. Some reporters who have gathered. You saw mad di smiling through her tears, talking about the love and support shes seen from people across the country. Incredible emotional stuff jenna and jeff. Yeah, exactly. And, this is a student who was shoot numerous times. Doctors said that i have had difficulty pinpointing how many times it is. Shes been through so many surgeries. As shes recovering physically, shes also recovering mentally for having gone through this and her friends for having gone through this. Shes walking out into a world where theres a big political discussion going only. I found it interesting that she and her family kept very focus on. Yeah they didnt get into it. They didnt weigh in the cause for action. Theyre focus right now for getting herbert. Just imagine the strength it shows, not only going through the recovery but sitting and standing and speaking in front of reporters that showed a lot of strength. Mad di fiwill afford our parents are with her and her family. Students beginning to turn back to classes this week, half day at first of course. Were going to have more after the break. But im not standing still. And with godaddy, ive made my ideas real. I made my own way, now its time to make yours. Everything is working, just like it should when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. I just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. My Insurance Company definitely doesnt have that. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance. We have one to two fires a day and when you respond together and you put your lives on the line, you do have to surround yourself with experts. And for us the expert in gas and electric is pg e. 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He was blinded by the apparent loyalty that the president was saying or doing without thought or consideration. It was a death mail for me. Former rnc chair and former political analyst, Michael Steel responding to cpac depending remarks made at that said this about electing steel as rnc chair in 2009. We had just elected the first africanamerican president and that was a big deal. In a little bit of cynicism what do we do, this is a terrible thing. We elected mike steel because its a black guy, that was the wrong thing to do. In a tweet walters says he called steele and apologized. Joining us is Michael Singleton who worked on the campaign of mitt romney. Jenna and jeff back with me as well. Michael to you first, your reaction by walters if. Im not surprised. Surprised about which . About the comments. When you think under the age of President Trump t does not represent conservativetism. I think when you think about the exchange of ideas as you would hope would exist in both parties you do not see that in republican party. You usually go to cpac . Yeah. But i did not go there year and i probably will not go while the president is in office. It has nothing to do about my personal feelings with him more so about what conservatorism represents. You can change your political ideology and affiliation but as a minority thats something i cannot change. Theres something of change of interest to me of people who look like me. There are comments that i would obviously be offended by. And to have individuals that essentially acquiesce with president s behavior, the remarks made that support the president , even though theyre harmful to people who want to be in the party like Michael Steele. When i was in college steele was the first republicans i ever met. The admiration and respect i have for him is very very deep. Im extremely offended and appalled that there are more conservators saying this is extremely does not represent conservatortism. I want to play a bit of the exchange and what they each had to say. Dont take the worst out of what he said, you know him. I know but this is where you need to have some grace. Wait a minute. What the hell do i have to be graceful for . You have not been very graceful to the republicans and conservators in this hall and roam for a very long period of time. Ive spent 41 years in this party, 41, all right. Ive taken crap you have no idea about and ive carried this baggage. And for him to stand on that stage and den great my service to this party, and for you as a friend to sit and go well, youve been critical of the party. Theres on one word i can say and i cant say it on this air. What does that even mean, he should have some grace . Thats the most absorbed thing ive heard in my life. Again, im not surprised by this. You should be able to critique your party. How in the heck can you grow if people arent consistently challenging each other by ideas back in forth. Is that the issue here jenna and jeff that the conservator movement have trouble taking criticism . Because you heard this as well for example the rnc support of roy moore . You know, i keep thinking back to the sunday night before the election, donald trump had a late night rally in pennsylvania in an airport hanger and people had been waiting for hours. He finally arrived. There were two women sitting there, reporters. Elderly women who were standing on their feet all day tired and they couldnt see him and they were disappointed. All of these people standing near them started accusing them of being democratic plants, they couldnt question the president , shouldnt be criticizing his rally or be unhappy about the situation. I think donald trump has created this environment where youre all for him or all against him. Theres not a lot ofroom for descent. When you come to that panel about feminism they were talking about the me too museum, none of the discussing were about charges of the president of the united states. Wen she brought it up at that topic she was booed. People in the audience were beginning after her for that. You know, why is this environment where there cant be dissent or discussion . Where does cpac go from here, jeff, because were there i think . I was. What happened for the next year for the next one . I think building on what jenna said, i think donald trump said some people think i wouldnt a conservator, i think ive proved im a conservator. By saying that at cpac i think he was saying this is my party now and it is. He is basically said, you have to be with me. Michael, final thoughts to you. Im a conservator and has always been a conservator. When i think about political ideology it is how you view the world as it is and how it should be. Wen i think about the conservator state in this country it does not represent the embodiment on what conservatortism has continued to do. When you think about responsibility, ethics and morale, those things are void. How can anyone in good faith say this is conservatortism. Michael singleton well leave it there. That and jeff hang out longer. Well talk about more coming up about students heading back to school. Could they be walking into school where their teachers, some of them are carrying guns . Thats what donald trump said he wants to do. You heard ivanka trump say this is something that should be discussed. We want to bring that up with arnie duncan. Were getting into it in a couple minutes. So, new this morning, President Trumps Senior Adviser and daughter, ivanka trump whose in south korea more the olympics game is raising eye brows for this interview she conducted with pete alexander. Heres what she had to say when pete asked about the accusers of her father. I think its a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter if she believes. The kiezers of her father when he has affirmatively stated that theres no truth to it. I dont think thats a question that you would ask many other daughters. These are so there hadnt been accusations that volume this number. There would be sar parallel and i think you would be asking the same question of those women. Ivanka trump there going on to say she is behind her father. A reminder ivanka trump saying shes a daughter and shouldnt be answering questions like that. Shes a Senior Adviser inside the west wing. More on that. We also know that ivanka truman. As we shoed you earlier in the show was asked about her fathers proposals to arm certain teachers. He has some supporters, he had some detractors as well as you might expect. Some of those detractors are going to be sitting with him inside the state dining room 6 minutes from now. Kristen welker is out on the white house lawn. I know theres been break out sessions with the governor who has been meeting with the president. Discussion on safety is a big priority. Its happening right now behind you. Reporter its going to be a big focus, that meeting set to get underway momentarily if it hadnt already started. That controversial proposal that you referenced, President Trump saying he believes some teachers who are very well trained should be allowed to be armed in schools. He is putting that forward as one way to deal with the crisis of school massacres. Now, of course as you point out he has some supporter. The nra supports that idea. But the detractors include governor rick scott from florida. He want to see other options cannot necessarily Arming Teachers. When it comes to the president s proposals thats not something hes putting on the table, he also want to increase age limits to buy assault rifles. That is something the nra disagrees with, halle. Kristen weller thank you for that. I want to bring in arnie duncan. Along with john flannery, jenna and jeff are tell here. Secretary duncan thanks for being with here. Where do you stand on arming some properly armed teachers as President Trump suggested . I think its a crazy idea and someone whose owned by the nra would propose Something Like that. Halle, in america over 15,000 people were shot and killed by guns. 99. 7 of them were not in school. This is not a School Problem, this is a society problem. This is a happens in america problems. It happens in malls, movie theaters and churches. So we either take this on as a country and decide we value our kids lives or continue to have heart breaking stories of tragedy week after week after week. That has to end. Your echoing something you tweeted over the weekend, sir, with you talked about how this is not a School Problem in america. You say its a manmade only in america problem. Something has to be incumbent on schools, no . Dont schools have some part to play in this puzzle here . We all have a role to play, but whats the common denominator here . Whether its in schools, shopping malls, movie theaters, baseballweapons. Assault weapons. These young people in florida will help lead the country where we need to go. We need a ban on assault weapons. We need to make our country safer not just our schools but our nation. You called for a ban on assault weapons. Thats something echoed by your fellow democrats. A republican has recently come out on this. When you look at the political calculus that seems very unlikely. Should democrats be focused not on a blanket ban on assault weapons but other smaller fixes. Small are things are not fixes. If you poll the american people, 60 , 70 , 80 americans left, right, conservatives, gun owners, nongun owners vast majority of the public are behind these measures. We have to keep our nation safe and its a simple choice. This is not complicated. This is not rocket science. We just let the political will we as adults valued our guns more than our children and our children, our teens are saying thats not good enough any more and they will lead this change. They are leading this change. Part of the conversation around the gun debate has been around the political rhetoric being used. You talk about people who value guns over kids. Do you really believe people in congress value guns over our children. We are obsessed with guns and we allowed a body count of children and adults day over day, year after year, decade after decade doesnt happen in england, australia, japan, canada. So i absolutely believe weve been obsessed with guns to the point were willing to have theres an acceptable body count each year in america thats not acceptable in other nations. Yes, i absolutely believe that and facts bear it out. Do you believe we just listened to maddy a survivor of the Parkland School shooting, the love and support shes received. Do you believe that will be a game changer. Do you think political momentum has changed enough that Congress Might do something . Its absolutely changed philanthropy gun massacre happened that was 12 days ago. It hasnt even been two weeks and the whole world is changing very, very quickly because these young people said they had enough. They had enough. Secretary areduncan, thank y. You worked on Gun Legislation when columbine happened. You said the house came up with an unsatisfactory package. Dingell killed gunning reform and should be on his tomb stone. Currently looking at what happened and jeff youre from littleton, california and where all this. Has momentum changed enough now. Every important thing thats happened in American History has happened because the people did it not because of the legislature. They are so concerned like mel brooks said of their phone phon baloney jobs they are run. These kids will bring a change and doing it in a Midterm Election year. People will bet their jobs on doing the right thing. Yates said that its an irish curse to believe things the world has never seen. These kids dont just believe it they will see it. They will ban these damn weapons. Well be right back with more. Thank you so much. Thank you so were a go . Yes we got a yes what does that mean for purchasing . Purchase. Lets do this. Got it. Book the flights hai si si ya ya ya what does that mean for us . We can get stuff. Whats it mean for shipping . Ship the goods. Youre a go you got the green light. That means go oh, yeah. Start saying yes to your companys best ideas. Were gonna hit our launch date scream thank you goodbye we help all types of businesses with money, tools and knowhow to get business done. American express open. With a 500,000 Life Insurance policy. How much do you think it cost him . 100 a month . 75 . 50 . Actually,duncan got his 500,000 for under 28 a month. Less than a dollar a day. His secret . Selectquote. 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State lawmakers passed a bill to stop teens from running but it doesnt apply to this election. Reporter of all the starter jobs in politics most people dont think about being governor as one of them. But in kansas where no one of bothered to write a law specifying who could or could not run for the states top job, a group of six teenagers are putting their names forward, running for that top position trying to make a difference. Sandwiched between engineering class and his after school job at a frozen yogurt job, dominic makes his campaign pitch. Big john roberts part of my platform is transparency in our state. Reporter hes one of six kansas teenagers currently running for governor. The job so appealing hes not the only republican candidate at his school. This 16yearold, joseph, also seeks the gop nomination. Were here to try reinvigorate the party to get the younger people involved. Were the future of the party. Reporter turns out the teens can get involved by running for governor because until now no one here in kansas ever wrote a law saying who cant. Right now what are the requirements to run for governor in kansas . Zero. Nothing . Exactly. Would you think in the 150 years roughly that kansas has been around we would have addressed this by now but we havent. Reporter the bill would require an age requirement, 18 and require teens to live in kansas. The house passed it overwhelmingly this week. It doesnt go into effect until after novembers election. Thats good news for their and earnest running on a platform of fiscal responsibility and improving Public Schools like his. When it comes down to it i think i can win this election without getting elected. If my message after the primary, after the general election we need to get young people involved, we need to care about public education. Reporter teens we acknowledged the impossible odds they face against better funds, better known candidates and the current governor. But they say this son lie their First Campaign of many. Were here and we have our ideas and we will be in the next 20, 30 years, we are going to be the leaders of this country and were going the people that have to solve the problems that were creating today. Reporter these teenagers, three republicans, a democrat, an independent and libertarian arent getting any help from narrow national parties. The parties want to be focused on their primary candidates. But these teens are doing it on their own raising the 2,000 they need or getting the 10,000 signatures they need to get on the ballot. Its a full time job but teens we spoke to are committed took on that ballot. The next generation of political activists on both sides of the aisle. That does it for this hour of msnbc live. Im headed over to the white house. Stephanie ruhle and ill see you tonight. How about those teenagers taking action . Extraordinary. All right. Good morning, everybody. Im stephanie ruhle. My partner ali velshi is off today. Its monday, february 26th. Lets get started. I dont think theres a man or woman in this county who can keep brow waard county safer thi

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